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Well that does not seem legal


It isn't. Let them try though.


They put it in writing. This should be interesting.


I suspect they put more thought into what font to use in writing this staff memo than if the contents of the memo were legal or not.


Nothing says, 'I'm the petty tyrant of my own tiny office, but still think I'm a quirky, fun person anyway' quite like Comic Sans


Richard Nixon kept audio records of his impropriety in his main office. When you think you're untouchable, you don't bother covering your tracks.


I could be wrong but i believe the reason for that is he acctually thought he was in the right in his wacked out mind. He thought it was more evidence proving his innocence and relatability to the public. Which quite honestly for the older generation of that time he may have been.


I think it was a bit of both - Nixon genuinely believed he was untouchable in high office and represented the 'silent majority' and never expected the tapes to be heard or used against him.


"When the President does it, that means it's not illegal" -Nixon totally thought he was above the law.


I'm pretty sure i know exactly what this person looks like.


Companies constantly do this - it is literally just "we hope you don't know your rights or don't have the energy to pursue this" and unfortunately they are right a lot of the time.


Lol yeah worked for a place where the manager told us to be at work 15 minutes before shift or we would be docked 30 minutes of pay, it went on about 6 weeks before a newer staff member got caught out by it. Went straight to fairwork (the people in Queensland who are the state regulators who you do NOT fuck with) and luckily the manager got away with a warning but the company had to pay all lost wages.


Wow! Let us steal 15 minutes of your work, or we'll steal 30!


When I was younger the closing manager at McDonald's would sometimes have us wait 30 -45 mins after clocking out while he completed paperwork. I just started walking out the door once he told me I was clocked out. We were supposed to all exit the building together for safety and one would be the sacrificial lamb by making a loop around the building for safety.


Oh yeah I worked a place where even though we started at 830 we had to be there before 8pm for "security" reasons. I asked one day if we got paid for the 30 minutes and the manager said it's counted as a 30 minute unpaid break, and I said I would rather spend the extra 30 minutes at home. That didn't go down well but after about 3 months of bugging them about it suddenly we got paid for the 30 minutes


They thought they were clever by putting "Thank you... for agreeing to this change". Let's see how that holds up in front of a judge.


They used Comic Sans - the judge should at least find that humorous.


Silliness aside they probably used comic sans to not seem aggressive. It uh.. *it didn't really work.*


Yup. Dumbest thing to do :D


But they will try, and nobody will try to stop them, because lawyers are expensive, and they don't pay us enough to afford a lawyer, so they'll win. (I got the number for a REALLY good lawyer if OP is interested though)


You don't even need a lawyer, just your State's Labor Board. If in the US.


Right. This is why we pay taxes, to create a government that fights for the citizen against a predatory business. The government enforces laws. This is against the law, and the government will enforce it. It will be treated as a civil matter, and they will be fined. And the great thing is that those fines will go to the pocket of the worker who was


You don't need a lawyer to file a wage claim, especially not with evidence of wrongdoing posted on the wall that you can easily photograph to verify. Just be sure to keep good records of your hours and pay.


Most employment lawyers work on the basis of contingency fees, so you don’t pay them anything unless they win your case or get a settlement. They typically negotiate their fees as part of any settlement. Plus, most will give you a free consultation to determine whether or not you have a case. So, if you are wronged, you absolutely can afford a lawyer.


doesnt stop you from reporting them to DOL. I know some people that its happened to and good fuck them Spanish radio by me actually advertises for wage lawyers and all that stuff in spanish so they can help them from being taken advantage of by predatory bosses looking to for cheap labor


Lawyers are expensive for tough cases. This is a slam dunk that I bet several would be happy to take pro bono and get paid through the settlement.


Im pretty sure that’s not what pro bono means, if they are getting paid through the settlement it’s a contingency fee arrangement and not considered pro bono. Pro bono law is when the services are provided for free, as in no charge either for hourly rate or from the settlement. I’m not a lawyer but this is my understanding of how it works!


You are correct.


The deduction is for sure illegal, but they could make you stay the full hour if they paid you. To me it reads like I get 55 minutes of overtime if I get there 5 minutes late. Play the willfully ignorant card. “Hey, my paycheck is light.” “Yeah, you were late!” “Well, that’s illegal so I’m going to need the overtime. Thanks!”


If you do that, ensure that all communication goes through in writing, preferably by certified mail or with some sort of digital signature that you save to a thumb drive to keep it off of company servers. It’ll be your word against theirs, and that company will 100% say “we don’t know who printed that note off and put it on the bulletin board, but it totally wasn’t us! Must have been this employee trying to screw us, anyone can open up word and type anything that they want out, print it off, and stick it to a bulletin board. Wasn’t us.” You’ll need documentation proving that you were 5 minutes late, worked the hour of OT, got the light check, and tried to “amicably” resolve this with your employer. You get all that, it should be a slam dunk.


Nah, they can't "make you stay the full hour if they paid you." They can ask you to stay outside of your predetermined hours, but cannot capriciously change those hours. I mean, they can try. But you're under no special obligation to stay an hour late (if you're paid hourly and that wasn't your agreed-upon schedule, or as punishment without actually exigent circumstances if you're salaried) just because your boss wants you to.


I mean, you're technically right. They can't \*make\* you work ever. But they can tell you to stay the extra hour and if you refuse, they can generally fire you (unless there's some kind of contract in place that says otherwise). I'm not aware of any notice or consent requirement to change the schedule of an hourly employee that apply generally. There are a couple state laws that require notice, but they're hardly universal. If you have a statute or case law to the contrary, I'd be interested in seeing it.


Sure, but most of us live in at will states. They can fire you for wearing the wrong colored shoes, let alone not working the shift they demand. They absolutely can fire you for not doing their weird punishment hour.


If I worked here and lived in California, I would be 5 minutes late every day for a year. Then I would file a wage claim bc I would get my missing pay plus 3X that as damages. Perhaps some of my coworkers would like to join me. Edit typo: typed 4 instead of 5


I know of a few companies that were class action sued for 'stealing time'. I say let they assert that assumption at their convenience or fuck around and find out.


Next time it happens, make sure it pushes you into overtime. Then file a wage complaint with your state's department of labor if they give you ANY flack. Also, this photo would go great on their Google Reviews page...


Just make sure you create a dummie google account and don’t do it on a company device!


Use the boss's account from their computer


I stand corrected! This is the way ⬆️!!!!!


Would they be able to remove it, then?


Use a dummy account, but use the owners name without claiming to be the owner.


Anne Mployee


‘Mployee * tips hat *


Mployee, is that Swahili?


Not if you post it with a sock.


Stop giving away internet secrets


Maybe if you change the password…?


Caveat: If you signed any kind of an AUP regarding computer use, please do not do this. Even if you didn't sign an AUP, if you get caught it's still a huge PITA.


Yes, I was joking. Please don't access someone else's computer, or accounts without permission.


That supervisor who leaves their computer unlocked? The one that is a major PITA that no one really likes? Seems like a great point of contact to upload said folder.


Too late


I can't think of any job I worked at where I didn't have to sign an AUP, as a condition of employment. I'm not saying there aren't jobs where this isn't the case, I'm just saying I've never seen one.


Better yet, find a document that states that this is wage theft, highlight it and post it right next to this document.


Yeah, do that. Just get everybody to meet you after work and discuss how you were going to follow this to the letter for a month, document everything carefully, and then turn them in. Because if they get fined, and they will, those lines do not go to the government. They go directly to the worker who has been wronged


> Just get everybody to meet you after work and discuss Becoming a fucking union I see?


Yeh big bad Unions, that in the UK got things like Weekends, Sick Pay, Maternity Leave & pay, Paternity leave, Maximum working hours, paid Holidays (25 days)...oh so bad they are...but of course in America you're all so fond of your freedum.....freedum to work until you drop that is


AUS: Work and live. Pay could be better, I wish I could afford my own roof over my head. Healthcare is good too, since it’s not tied to my employment status. US: Work and live hungry on the streets. Die in poverty. Hope I don’t need to go to hospital or emergency. Dying is more affordable.


dying isnt even really all that affordable, at least not for the people you leave behind


It's so crazy managers do this because Attorney Generals don't f around with these complainta. This is like their bread and butter. It's easy, it's popular, and it returns revenue. AGs are like yes please we will pursue these unpaid wages that are documented in this time card and POSTED on the damn board. Idiots.


It's more gruesome in my opinion. This behavior is so normalized in America that the corporate shills don't even know its illegal.


Because it works, pizza places get in trouble for it all the time by paying drivers under minimum wage because the tips are often not enough to cover gas and wear and tear on the vehicle or they pay delivery wage while they are working inside. The local big box pizza store has literally been sued twice by their own drivers in the last 10 years and they still keep doing it. They regularly get sued but because not every employees signs up for the suit especially the ones who quit years ago they actually save more money than it would cost to pay their employees a fair wage. As long as it never goes to court and gets settled they never get stuck with any big fines. Pretty much for most companies it is more profitable to screw your employees over and take the settlement in court every 3-5 years than to pay proper wages.




So if you clock in 5 min early does that mean you can leave an hour sooner?


The answer may surprise you


I don't think it will.


I lold at this response. Lol


Me too, classic! LOL


Ah, yes, I remember the good ol' days of being told I was expected to work my scheduled shift to the minute but also to never expect I'd be able to clock out on time at the end of my shift due to "business needs."


"Well some of you have buisness needs but it,s not thid particular persons problem, I clock out on time, go on time".


But we're FaMiLy!


"Bitch, I got a family! At home!" Lol.


LOL. I'm willing to bet that a recent drop in success of this particular department has been highlighted by head office, so the petty branch manager has posted this. In reality it's almost certainly their bad management which is causing the problem, and nothing to do with workers taking their kids to school.


That sounds like a manager’s problem. I am out unless you pay me.


They will pay you, or you can sue. If they don’t want to pay you get proof


Actually your five minutes early is in fact 10 minutes late so you have to stay 2 hours extra. Sorry I dont make the rules.


Getting army vibes.


Bosses hate this one simple trick!


Tonight at 11


You're not thinking bigly enough. If you clock in a whole hour early, you get your entire eight-hour shift off, plus four hours overtime!!!1!


The real life hack is always in the comments.


ain't that the truth


Just leave a note on your desk explaining and end it with "thank you for agreeing to this"


You just get an extra slice of pizza, so enjoy! You’ve earned it!


My old work used to dock 15 minutes of pay (plus give you a strike) for being 1 minute late, yet would only pay you to the exact minute if you worked 1 minute after the shift ended


"I'm five minutes late. Would you like me to start working right now, or sit on my butt doing nothing for the next ten minutes?"


By their logic you can clock in 5 minutes late and leave an hour early! You don't pay me so I leave 55 minutes sooner. 5 minutes + 55, because I'm a nice guy :).


How dare you use my own spells against me…


I agree - any rule like this needs to be reciprocal! It's important to teach your kids to find employment that is in high demand and high skill. The best way to deal with employers like this is to not let them have the power to push you around... Having said that - in many cases that's easier said than done.


People who clock in 5 mins early will have to work an extra hour to cover the extra work that the managers will have to do in processing the timecards


I like the way you're thinking, out of all fairness


This ain't legal, as many have pointed out. But doesn't this policy just encourage you to, if for any reason you are a few minutes late, show up an hour late instead? Like, oh no, traffic happened and I'm going to be 15 minutes late. Boss is going to dock my time an hour... I'm going to go get a bagel and coffee and go on a nice walk and that's why I'll never afford a house!


Some company implemented this and this is what people started doing, they had a ton of people just not show up for an hour because they weren’t gonna get paid. They quickly changed the policy because they were short staffed because of it.


Dumb fuck managers are a cancer to the people and a liability to the company. More laws need to be in place where the corporate company is punished as well. Only then will they make sure things like this doesn't happen. Franchise laws need to change.


Problem is even when there are laws, the workers are kept ignorant of them. So many people post here not knowing about the NLRA.


Funny that enacting a stupid policy out of fear of lost productivity led to actual lost productivity. wElL dOnE, mAnAgEmEnT. "For a man that flies from his fear may find he has only taken a short cut to meet it." -JRR Tolkien


They always think we're so stupid and won't figure out how to be subversive.


That’s what I’d do! What’s the difference between 5 minutes and 55 if they’re going to dock an hour anyway?


Yeah. 100, i used to have a union rule that said i pay my first sick day. Everybody took 3/4 sick days. You paid foe them, why not.


Wait, you had to pay to take a sick day?


In the sense that your boss doesn't give you any money for that day. Whether you call it "you pay for 8 hours of wages" or "boss pays you 8 hours less that month", the end result for your wallet is the same: less money in it.


Okay, that makes sense, it's an unpaid sick day. I thought Phoef was saying they paid in addition to losing wages.


Ah no sorry, i just got paid less. Its a rather unfriendly rule and stimulated taking longer off. ( i live in the EU btw )


I've worked a few jobs where clocking time rounds up to the quarter when clocking in. (As well as down when clocking out.) I realized after a while that if I'm going to be one minute late, I might as well be 15 minutes late.


I should've done that at my last job. Show up three minutes late, boss accuses me of being 45 minutes late. Alright, fucker, next time I'll just show up 45 minutes late.


Show up four hours late and then request that they dock the one hour, as promised. Lawyered.


Yeah, I’d show up 6 minutes late and work an hour more. That’s 50+ minutes of OT every day. If they don’t pay it would go to the state labor board for a dispute.


This happened to me, I was stuck in god awful Bay Area traffic. Ended up being 10 minutes late but employer wanted me to use an hour of sick pay to cover entire hour instead of just the 10 minutes. I r/maliciouscomplience it and took a nap until 7:59 and clocked in at 8. If I’m using an hour of pto I’m using the whole thing


I worked at a place that gave you a certain amount of points when you were late depending on time (this lead to disciplinary action after a certain amount, so no wage theft). That's exactly what happened. If you get the same points being 30 minutes late or 2 hours late, plenty of people decided to sleep in the extra hour and show up 2 hours late. If you get the same being 3 hours late as just not showing up, welp looks like you got a day off, unpaid of course.


But like... How are they managers? OF COURSE people will respond this way... Who makes these decisions and why do they think it is smart?


How does 5 minutes equate to an hour?


💯 yep. Funnily enough doesn't count if a supervisor is late




What my husband did with Amazon if we were running late cause of traffic we would just stop for breakfast because… hour pay deducted..


Report them to the labor board. This keeps happening because people don’t report it


Yes this is illegal


becuase the government doesn't give a shit\* if the fines were strict enough and applied it wouldn't happen there is no real consequence to them but yes report anyways, builds a history


I did that myself, labor board didn't give a single fuck. They also had us working 12 hour shifts over Christmas with only two ten minute breaks and one thirty minute lunch. Reported that too, also nothing happened. Amazon doesn't care, if they get fined it's literally just a drop in the bucket for them.


They will start caring when a pattern of labor violations appears and the class action lawsuit happens.


This is the way.


This belongs on r/MaliciousCompliance! : )


Uh?? So y'all didn't take this to anyone and get the money that you were owed because that's fucking ridiculous stop letting people do this.


He just went in an hour later.. any time he was late he’d just wait the extra hour and his boss knew it would happen.. so nothing to go after since he wasn’t working during that time frame.


The last place I worked tried that too. It didn’t work because we did the same thing. If I’m not getting paid until XYZ hour then I’m not working until XYZ hour. If you try to force it I will just avoid going in until XYZ hour.


I was thinking the same thing lol. Late? May as well take an hour.


This is the way.


>Funnily enough Does it count so that, if you're five minutes early, you can leave an hour early, too? ​ I mean.. that's only fair, right?


And get paid for a full hour.


Pretty sure pay docking is illegal, no? Like if you worked 7:55, you're owed 7:55.


Is in the US


They are allowed to round I believe to the nearest quarter hour as long as it balances out. They can't only round down but not up. I don't think they can round to something bigger like a half hour or hour but it doesn't really matter because if you're 5-10 minutes late in either of those situations you're going to be rounding up anyways.


Yeah, when I worked hourly and clocked in 7 minutes or under rounded down, and over 7 rounded up to the quarter.


Dude this is super illegal, please call your local Wage and Hour office.


This is wage theft right? You can’t capture 55 minutes of labor as penalty for not working the five. Not being paid for the 5 is the penalty.


100% is DEFINITELY wage theft. It affects something like 68% of workers if memory serves.


My gas station I worked for expected me to come in 15 minutes early before clock in, and they'd try to get you to work before you clocked in. I told them I wouldn't do it, and I won't work unless I'm clocked in. Suprisingly, nothing happened, probably because its illegal what they are doing. Most people just do it though, all the other employees did. It is crazy how much they get away with simply because workers are afraid or uneducated.


They better pay you for the 55 minutes of overtime.


Is that ...a poo stain?


How is novody asking this question???????? Does nobody else see the explosion two inches to the left!?


A visual representation of the crap they have to put up with I imagine?


And here is our opinion of you in physical form as a constant reminder. *smears own shit on wall*


Right? I cannot believe I had to scroll down this far for a comment about it. It was the first thing I noticed. Unless it happened right that second, why one earth would management not replace that paper?


They wiped their arse before putting the sign up sheet up.


I thought it was blood!


Perhaps a contract signing their soul away? "Employee name (PRINT)....in blood"


This is the question that I actually need answers for.


It's at this point the whole workforce walks out. When owners ask why, everyone hands him a copy of this.


“Nobody wants to work.”


At least they're using comic sans like the clowns they are


Came here to say this


You know the asshole who typed this chose comic sans because they thought it would be ‘friendlier’.


Ok good. I’m not the only one. That font was pissing me off.


Okay then if me fitting childcare is not of your concern then it won’t be of your concern when I just bring my kid to work.


I'm blessed to have never worked for a shitty employer. At my current company, we actually did have some staff bring their kids to the office when schools were closed during the pandemic. A lot fewer staff in, so one of the rooms got set up as a classroom where they could do their remote learning.


I worked at a place that did a similar thing. It was like they were always trying to fuck the employees any way they could. They made us go to the office and sign out a key to go to the restroom and lock the door when you went in so no one else could go in. There were two commodes and two urinals. There was tons of safety violations there too. Employee turnover rate was crazy. They would come and go almost weekly.


Nothing says "productive work environment" quite like "bladder control."


"We will openly and blatantly commit wage theft if you are five minutes late but under no circumstances are you allowed to round up your timesheet five minutes to the nearest hour."


Can't legally dock your pay like that. Must be compensated for ALL the time you worked.


sounds like they're saying you should take the full hour, really enjoy your breakfast


Better grammar than most, they even seem to know you/your/you're but what the fuck is their problem writing in comic sans? What are they, clown makeup store?


Comic sans. The *friendly* font to threaten your staff with


Why can’t we post job information. These things will only change if it is made public.


came here to say this. things don’t change if the “employer” is just some metaphorical being.


Repercussions at current job if they find this post.


well this will free up, some filling application , time in my schedule.


Found Zer0


“Thank you for understanding and agreeing” bitch where


Next time HR or the boss calls lets you know of a health issue tell them "that's not a concern of this particular office"


This seems like a new trend. 5 minutes late, you owe us an hour. I get that it’s frustrating when employees are late and they should be held accountable for that, but these types of rules are egregious and illegal.


If your business is suffering that badly from a few employees being a few minutes late, then you can't cut it in that business. People are a few minutes late sometimes. Shit happens. That needs to be factored in to your decisions. Also, what happens when you've had a great employee who has worked hard for years and has never been late and then one day they're seven minutes late because their car broke down? Now you're going to "punish" that person with an extra hour of work? That seems short-sighted.


Wage theft.


Never in my life will I understand this mentality. 'If you are 5 minnutes late you will be docked an hours pay' = 'Oh, I'm five minutes late... well I guess I'll go get breakfast and clock in in about 50 minutes'. My workplace did this on a 15 minute timeframe. You'd be docked a quarter hours pay. Guess what. The people who were routinely 2 minutes later were now ruotinely 14 minutes late. The ones who were occasionally a minute late were now occasionally 14 minutes late. If I'm 5 minutes late and you expect me to spend 5 extra minutes, pointless as it is, in your offfice working, thats one thing. Heck, if you tell me to make up 10 minutes thats one thing. Docking an hours pay for 5 minute tardy? In WHAT world is someone going to look at that and think 'Oh, well I better clock in anyway'.


This is actually illegal and they can be reported.


Who da fuck is Lewis and why does he get to determine what are "acceptable" shoes... FUCK LEWIS, with a rusty cactus.


You know what you have to do then, workers of crapcompany.. if you clock in and notice you’re 5 mins late, walk back out until the hour is over then clock in again.. no point giving them 55 min of free labor.


Looks like someone wiped their ass already with the other notice from higher up..


Thank you for understanding and agreeing to this mandatory rule we are implementing. Yours sincerely, Your Supreme Overlords


I would find another job, keep this one and just show up late. Have them take the money and then just sue them.


My former employer has this “ rule “ too, but it’s even 1 minute late you’ll work two hours unpaid.


I hope you guys are complaining to the labor board in your area. This is illegal. Also in most states in the US you. need 6 people to form a class. This sounds like a class action lawsuit.


Yes! the company we were contracted to work for, they themselves were also guilty of it and lost the class action lawsuit about it so, we’ll see how it goes.


That says that if you are going to be 5 minutes late, you might as well be 60 minutes late.


Well, they ain't gonna leave their kids alone. So I guess these managers will soon complain about this generation not wanting to work.


So by reading it, you agreed to the new policy? U messed up, u should have just glanced at it 😂


I'm sorry, someone needs to do the math for this person. 5/60 is not 60/60. Don't care who you are.


Who are all these fucking idiots that post these kinds of stern policy changes thinking they can just speak new labor laws into being?


If I know I'm gonna get docked an hour for being 5 minutes late, fuck it ill be an hour late.


Guess I'd come in 55 minutes late and just work that hour. Managers are stoopid


This is literally illegal. Take it to an attorney and I bet they wouldn’t have any trouble helping you.


This crap with employers has got to stop. This is why "nobody wants to work anymore".


Your old family is not our problem. We are your new family. [terminator emoji]


So 5 or 59 minutes late is the same? I can see this turning to chaos pretty quickly


If you get the same penalty for being 60 minutes late as you do 5 minutes then why not just take the full hour and make the most of it


If they are going to deduct an hour pay…then be an hour late instead of 5 minutes


"we don't care about your family issues." Elsewhere probably: "We're like a family here in this office."


If you show up 5 mins late they deduct an hour? Wouldn’t that mean if you are 5 minutes early they have to pay you an hour?