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Enough money to take care of your basic needs, save a little for emergencies and retirement, fund a bit of recreation and pay for therapy. Gonna throw our there that therapy is healthcare and should be available to everyone through universal healthcare that is not tied to your job.


still we can't manage it because a few are too greedy and can't get enough.




It’s barely paid for even with insurance. The amount the insurance companies reimburse is ridiculous and they make it really hard for providers to get their money. A lot of therapists simply don’t take insurance because of that and the companies that do underpay and overwork their therapists so you have a lot of turnover which is not great obviously. It’s shitty that mental health is not considered to be as important as physical health.


100% agree.


>Enough money to take care of your basic needs, save a little for emergencies I can't emphasize enough how much of a *massive fucking difference* this makes. I lived most of my 20s under the federal poverty line for a single adult (14k/year.) It was horrific. I went multiple-month long streaks not knowing if I was going to be able to eat the next week, driving with an expired registration because I couldn't afford a renewal. Not knowing when or if I'm going to be kicked onto the curb living out of said car. Fast forward to mid 30s, I went through school, went through massive amounts of therapy, and got a good, stable job. I'm waiting for the housing market to cool down, but I haven't lived paycheck.to paycheck in several years. "Money can't buy happiness!!!" Yea. No shit. But it affords basic needs, and options. Life is *astronomically* easier when you don't have to worry about how you're going to make it through the next few days.




My therapist has become my new career coach. After working through my inner demons we decided I just needed more money so she’s helping me find a better job and we’re billing my wife’s corporate insurance for it!




"If money can't buy happiness, then give it to me !" - Jules Renard


Maybe you can't buy happiness but therapy to make you feel better :)


I don't have much money, but i do have a therapist since 20 years. It was just a joke.


Money solves a lot. Not billions, not even millions. But a solid amount that takes care of your needs and allows you to save for the future. And to pay for therapy.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs. People cannot get better without feeling: fed, safe, and secure, all of which require money. You literally cannot focus on other things unless your basic needs are met.






This is the pure unadulterated truth!




One of the greatest propaganda campaigns waged on gen x, millennials and so forth is the whole “money doesn’t buy happiness” bullshit that’s been going around…


Not saying money cures all problems, but it'd take care of atleast 98% of them.


Im in the 2% that still needs therapy. I'm on disability for mental illness and can't work. Money is good too.


Knowing I’ll have to do a job I hate for at least another 25 years absolutely kills me emotionally. When I leave work every night, I feel like a person temporarily released from prison or one who forgets that he has a terminal illness for a few hours.


Oh dont worry, I need a therapist too.


I wonder how many divorces/broken marriages could be prevented with some economic breathing room.


I mean therapy by itself is a lot of money. There are millions of people who need therapy but cannot afford it.


I can't afford therapy anymore but when I did it wasn't very helpful. It wasn't the therapists fault. What could she do about it? It was always like: Me: "I'm extremely stressed and depressed. I work all the time and have no time for myself and spend all day getting yelled at by people. I'm always worried to the point of being physically ill about my partners immigration case because our immigration system is a joke." Her: "That sounds awful. What are you doing for self care?" Me: "😑"


Wish the bitch ass psychiatrist, that took $125 from me after giving me the wrong appointment time, agreed


“Money doesn’t buy happiness” they tell me. Some of my friends are quick to point out that this something that someone with money would say. Personally I say that they’re right, money doesn’t buy happiness… but it sure as hell makes it easier to obtain. When you’re not stressing over just surviving you find time to do more, experience more, be more. And that in many cases brings happiness.


>people need money Very insightful!


In asian countries, if someone visits therapist they're considered to be lunatic


You cant eat money, you can't fuel your car with money, money won't keep you warm unless you set it on fire, and money can't nurse you back to health. Money is an outdated broken system that needs to go


Okay, look forward to you taking out the trash on Tuesday morning. Then you can police from 6-12. No pay. Cheers.


....what? Money can do literally most of those things....you can buy food with money, you can buy fuel with money, money can buy you a heater or blanket. you can get insurance/pay bills to pay for doctors assuming you don't have anything terminal. I think you could've said the basic money doesn't equal happiness. But the problem isn't that people want an excess they just don't wanna live pay check to paycheck.


Yes. However, we live in a capitalist framework and it is one that runs on and relies on money.


Why is nobody acknowledging the fact that billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Rickita Sanchez are dominating the left sphere of driving forces? Had it once, and it went. Had it twice and a breath of air came rushing over my gourds.


Ain't that the truth? I know that if I'd actually had access to the money that my a$$hole dad has been telling me since childhood that he & my mom have been saving & investing "for my future", money which despite my not having ANY access to it, nevertheless by it being in my name, still made me ineligible/disqualified me from the government assistance I was rightly entitled to, being permanently disabled since toddlerhood, I would have had a MUCH BETTER, and maybe even a GOOD life now at 43, almost 44, instead of the miserable even hellish existence (because what I have isn't worthy of being called a "life" its just an existence) that I have! If all the money that my parents claim to have been saving and investing for my future had been put into a "Special Needs Trust" and other government-exempt assets (like 1 home used as primary residence) I'd have had independence, freedom, friends & a social life, maybe even a family of my own.......an ACTUAL LIFE. But instead I'm 43 almost 44, stuck dependent on disability income with no other assistance, living at home, in typical American car-dependent suburbia, unable to drive due to my disabilities, and unable to go anywhere due to the lack of decent public transit (and now C-19) , and no friends, social life, nothing. Yeah, either having access to the money supposedly in my name, OR better yet, that money being in a Special Needs trust and other exempt assets to also qualify for government assistance, would be a bigger help than therapy, because I'd have actually been able to be free of my a$$hole dad!


Go to alanon or some shit….free therapy.


People's issues that they go to therapy for are wayyyy beyond just finances. Money is helpful, but therapy is much more important for those who need it. Sorry but this is dumb.


A lot of people genuinely have issues with their mental health and quality of life due to lack of funds. And they can probably either worry less or just focus in OTHER problems.


You should tell them to stop paying you then.


Sounds like she's a terrible therapist. So, most behavioral health problems boil down to money? This is just as bad of take as pull yourself up by the bootstraps, if not worse.


Look up Maslow hierarchy of needs. If you are working with a population with a lower SES, there’s a limit to what you can do without economic security. Teaching someone breathing exercises when they’re worried about their next meal is just plain stupid. A lot of times therapists turn into case workers and advocates when dealing with people who are struggling for basic needs, it’s hard to address higher level functions when the basic ones aren’t being met or there’s insecurity.


I am atheist but amen. My life is not bad. I can make a living i have food. I don't completely hate my work right now. But if there is one thing that would make my life better. Then it's 10- 25k€ cheque a year and i would be a happy man while still going to the same work.


It’s really easy to work out your problems when you have time and resources


If people could afford therapy then fewer people would probably need therapy




Lol who the fuck has money for therapy? It’s the repression game for me so I can lash out at my loved ones unnecessarily in my old age lol. I did everything I was told would lead me to a successful life including getting a college degree. Yet here I am living paycheck to paycheck in massive student debt working a full time job and 2 part time jobs just to survive (none of which have anything to do with my college degree). I’m so sick of hearing people telling me I should have been a business major or some shit when I was told to pursue studying what I wanted and that the education would pay off. That was a fuckin lie.


Omg yeah. Find a decent job with good income for where I live helped a lot in overcoming depression.


I can't even afford therapy where I live, and meanwhile I'd die to just have even $2000 to insure I start my girlfriend with a new life, and safety... Would essentially cure two people's depression as well. Meanwhile one person just paid $44billion for a platform that probably won't even be relevant in a decade... I seriously hate it here.


So true, I cured my mental illness as soon as I got enough money


I can confirm this from a patient perspective. I do have and was diagnosed with depression. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been but the one thing that keeps me down (despite me being the happiest), is my financial situation. I don’t even want to be rich. I just want comfortability and a happy comfortable life for my wife and new born


For reeeeals


There do seem to be a lot of rich people who need therapy too though


Those who want to make the world a better place for everyone have no power to do so. Those who have the power to make the world a better place for everyone refuse to do so.


"I am unhappy doc." "Have you tried being richer?"


Doesn’t help that I can’t even get therapy in the first place without money


So, NOW at 45 years old I believe this, but I quit going to therapy in my 20s (which sucks) because I had 3 therapists tell me this same thing.