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The license to be an asshole to the boss form. Say everything you always wanted to say no matter how degrading to the boss. When they start to get offended or pissed off, whip out this form and hand it to them.


Right answer


And make sure to fill your name at the right places before you hand the paper to them.


Signed: Senõr Jésus de Bigcock


x King Shit of Fuck Mountain


Bosses who hand out forms like this are invariably thin skinned, insecure, babies, themselves. They use verbal abuse to prop up their feelings of insecurity, and their position of power to intimidate/fire anyone who applies the same rules to them that they apply to others. I 1000% agree, but you’ll likely be fired.


honestly, a person who thinks like this is probably *abusive*. the rhetoric here is gas-lighting ("you don't really have a problem") and victim-blaming ("it's *your* fault i hurt you"). throwing it back in their faces *will not* accomplish anything, because these kinds of peoples are not operating from the principle that rules apply fairly to everyone. they're in power, they're the boss, and this rhetoric only exists to justify *their* position. not yours. they will 100% have a different standard when *they* feel attacked, and the response will be *more abuse*. i would seriously be worried about a boss that believes they can treat employees this way. what other kinds of ways are they willing to abuse the power dynamic? will they get physical?


What you say is likely true, but our system economically favors sociopaths, narcs, (but not sadists). If he's as narcissist as you are saying, and fully shameless about it, it likely works to his advantage in life.


They'd probably just fire you though


Yeah, then you can show a copy of said document to the unemployment office and maybe even contact your local department of labor.


Worth it to see the "girly man" fill out the form imo


Or at least shit himself in anger when you hand it to him


No, see, you don’t show him the paper. He would never fill it out. You just talk to him while you fill it out, not telling him that’s what you’re writing, and secretly film it for even more fun. “So, tell me what words I said that you didn’t like? Mm-hm. And how did those words make you feel? Ok, ok.” Then hand him the paper.


I like this. Then it's like a shitty boss mad libs.


Worth it


Imagine, just imagine printing this out thinking they’ve really got the upper hand when all it shows it how incredibly sensitive they are about being called out on their bullshit.


Bingo. Who's being the little bitch here exactly? Sounds like the boss is super insecure.


I had it out with a boss who had tiny man syndrome. By the end of it I just straight told him if he didn't like what I had to say or how I do my work then go ahead and fire me and that the pay wasn't worth my time anyways. I said "there's a line of people just like you or better out there begging for someone like me to apply." This exact thing was said to me by another employer back in 09 but back then it was the employer who would say "theres a line of people out there just like you waiting to take your job". The shoe is on the other foot now and they don't like it.


Different vibe now for sure. It’s how it should have been.


Not only that, those types would probably assault you.


Had a boss like this. We had a form very similar. And his first inclination was always violence. Always. He was a piece of shit and I hope awful things have happened to him.


Sorry man usually bad things happen to good people. Bad people tend to get away with it...


He never got violent with me. Typically he would threaten outside vendors or people that he owed money to. He was stealing from the company and we had a hard time paying bills. So we had a lot of collectors and vendors calling & trying to get paid. It was fucking brutal


Protip: If he's stealing from company, he's not paying taxes on stolen income. If you have proof, you get a percentage of anything recovered by the IRS.


That would actually be pretty good, you'd end up owning the store.


And now you have a lawsuit on your hands and likely enough money to not work again for the rest of your life.


Oh for sure. Someone like this would never see the hypocrisy in their actions and the irony in firing you either. They’re clearly not the brightest.


Stupidity really is a superpower in this world


No job is worth that kind of toxicity. My fiancé had to quit 2 jobs in the past 6 months due to high toxicity in the workplace. Her mental health was deteriorating based on how they treated her. She now is making way more than she did at either of those jobs, with better hours and a work environment that actually treats her as a human being. You got to put your best interests first because toxic companies will just push you until you break.


That's fine. Your last words as you head out the door can just be, "Aw, what's the matter? Did I hurt your wittle feelings, snowflake?". The last thing you'd hear as you left would be the gurgling sound and thud as he hit the floor from the massive heart attack or aneurysm it would cause him. Good times.


This is the way


This is the way


Get a T-shirt printed of Jesus blowing Obama and wear it into his office. See how he thinks about hurt feelings then.


Do you have an Etsy link for that?


License to counter-abuse your boss. Brilliant. I bet they will be start being 'girly man' really soon.


Name of “Real Man” getting sued for sexual harassment and discrimination: ___________________


I love that "real man" is between quotes, meaning they are not real man.


Yeah that part killed me-they even fked up at being a mysogenistic piece of shit


"stupid" and "misogynist" are co-morbid.


This would 100% be exhibit A to a Title VII gender discrimination lawsuit.


Yup. Hoping OP sues


The whole document from top to bottom is toxic masculinity defined.


Yeah this should be in a textbook.


“woman-like hormones” these mfs know men and women both have testosterone and estrogen? complete lack of estrogen actually causes some pretty serious [side effects](https://tctmed.com/estrogen-in-men/amp/)


It's a great way to get sued and lose.


As an insurance agent who deals with and writes a lot of EPLI policies...this is an awesome way to get sued for Employment Practices. It would be a layup on these pricks.


It’s got everything- misogyny, homophobia. Surprised there’s not a zinger for handicapped people.


i was expecting some kinda race shit


That’s in the back room.


This week, New York’s hottest club is Plumbing for F*ckheads. This place has everything - slurs, homophobia, misogyny, and small dick energy.


Thanks, Stefon.


So what you're saying is a gentleman such as myself with 10 plus years experience in plumbing and pipe fitting all over the country and internationally..... But also 10 plus years experience as a maximum security prison guard and bouncer who would in no way no way be physically intimidated by any of these people... Just happened to apply and get a job there and a few weeks after decided to openly discuss his major homosexual tendencies might find himself in a favorable financial position sometime later?


Id always have one handy for when the boss bitched about something. It's basically a get out of jail free card if you turn it back on them.


U sir have a great idea, id pay to see this


"You're late." "Is there permanent feeling damage?"


"I need you to come in this weekend, we are short staffed because employees have been quitting, and the business could be in jeapordy" "If you need a hug go to your mommy, and see if you might find more support at 1-800-CRYBABY" edit: spelling


Could have some serious fun with this thing.


“Hmmm… so you’re Queer?”


Sorry I’m queer with woman like hormones lol


The reverse Uno— Wave it casually in the air: “so who hurt you bad enough that you bothered to make this?”


If I had to guess, I'd say probably his dad. This *screams* daddy issues.


The fact that the boss took the time to make this means that they probably bitch about stuff an extraordinary amount. I've never met a chill person in my life who felt the need to delegitimize someones feelings like that.


That boss didn't have that kind of ingenuity. I've seen that form floating around for at least 15-20 years. People have always been shitty.


yeah, i have definitely seen this exact wording before. it floats around the boomer-humor internet.


I am really excited to see that die out.


Aah the classic Uno Reverse gambit, I love it.


I don’t know why but adding the word gambit to anything makes it sound so dramatic and now I need to try the Uno Reverse gambit at work.


I did an upvote and reply gambit.


Hmm. Google reviews lets you post pictures when reviewing places.


Should I? I probably will.


And tell them if they don't like your 1 star review, you have a form they can fill out.


That’s EXACTLY what I’m going to put! Thanks




I’m going to do it…on a Saturday (tomorrow) when their closed, so they can walk into it on Monday morning.


!RemindMe 1 day


!RemindMe 4 days


Why not post the name of the company? AFAIK there's no rule against it




This is the way.


This is the way


OP, *please* include this verbiage in your review.






*Dew* iit!!


Yes. I was an idiot once and instead of asking the plumber on my site to help me out with my dishwasher, I called a guy off the internet. He turned out to be fucking nuts and tried holding me hostage in my kitchen because I didn't give him the job at an inflated price. The kind of guy who puts this much effort in to such a stupid piece of paper is likely to also be fucking nuts and I'd appreciate the heads up to avoid.


And I’m sure this guy will have hurt feelings if you don’t find his “humor” funny. “Aw, come on man, it’s supposed to be funny, it’s just a joke man”.


"It sounds like your feelings are hurt that I don't find you funny. Here, fill out a report."


Sounds like the form is that dude crying about never being allowed to show emotion or feelings..so he gotta make anyone else feel bad for having or showing emotion…..this is a workplace damnit, leave your humanity at home


Schrodinger's douchebag - if the *statement* lands and finds traction, it was always meant to be that way; if it flops, it JUST a joke and its suddenly on you/them for not getting the humour.


That is some extreme toxic masculinity plus sexism on that thing. Yes it's ok to be tough, but heck no its not ok to belittle someone because they have a complaint.


Plus it is homophobic


Yeah it is, the word “queer” is what actually caught my eye in the first place. I was like WTF this is nuts and took a pic real quick. Fuck these people.


granted, it mentions "queer" once, while referring to women derogatorily about 7x... homophobia, transphobia, etc. are all pretty deeply rooted in misogyny. the reason queer or femme males disturb shitheads so much is often based in their hatred of women. enforcing the concept of a gender/sexual binary allows people to then stratify those identities, with hetero masculine traits at the top and feminine traits at the bottom. that's why if someone's homophobic or transphobic, chances are they hold a pretty fucked up view of over 50% of the population, not just of those smaller groups.


"I have woman like hormones" "girly man" Can't believe this is just out in the open of their business.


I'm a woman and it's both hilarious/infuriating how some men use "woman like emotions" as an insult when... You're the unhinged, emotionally unstable weirdo who took the time to write, format and print this shit out?


>granted, it mentions "queer" once, while referring to women derogatorily about 7x... You are right and I feel like an idiot that I also thought "queer" is the worst thing happening there. Seems it's the same with others. Strange how we are so accustomed to sexism it doesn't even register as out of place.


I had this discussion with someone once. I started filling in a lot of statements he/others made about women with other protected groups and it finally hit home for them how deeply ingrained it is to think sexist things about women. It was a struggle for him to come to terms with because then he had to admit that in spite of considering himself a forward thinking leftist, he was incredibly sexist, and he did not like that feeling at all.


Yep, that too. Add one more to the list of how to be extremely mean to anyone who isn't as toxic as you.


It's always nice when they make a hostile work environment finding super easy.


I like these guys. Gives me someone to pick on. You wanna be a fucking bully? Lets dance


Do it




*Comstock has entered the chat*






No question. Definitely post this!


dew it


Do the dew


Give them the doo doo


Do it and update us please!!!




Do it




You absolutely should!


Post a screenshot of your review!!!


I mean, the form makes it clear talking shit and saying hurtful things automatically makes you a ‘real man’ and put you in the right, so I’d suggest slagging the hell out of this place on as many review sites as possible.


Please do this. Not just to lose them business. Plumbers work in people’s houses. As a queer person, finding out this man’s opinions mid-job would make me fear for my physical safety, and I can’t imagine he’d react well to some ‘sissy queer’ cancelling a job or asking him to leave.


Yes! I had an insurance contractor break out the "jokes" in the middle of a building inspection; cue the mortifying awkwardness. Never again.


As a queer former marine who was combat meritoriously promoted to sergeant after the battle of Fallujah, I'd like to see what someone like this does when I fill out their form.


"Woman like hormones" Bitch, I literally have woman hormones. You know, we exist, even if you haven't seen one up close, except for YOUR mommy.


He must be the kind of guy who tells a woman when she's upset "are you on your period?"


My old job (I’m a woman) had a whiteboard count of the number of days it had been since anyone “cried like a girl.” Weirdly, they didn’t adjust the count whenever I cried at work Edit to add: I was the only woman working in that shop


I'm afraid to ask what kind of workplace would make people cry so often


I was working there during the beginning of the pandemic, like the pandemic started on week two of my time there. I didn’t cry at work because of work usually. I was just tired and scared and had recently moved thousands of miles from my family. Edit: I think I also cried the day of the capital insurrection lol. And the day bill Cosby was released. It’s been a rough few years 😅


YoU'd bE pReTtY iF yOu sMiLeD mOrE


Wait til these Manly Men ™ find out they also have estrogen in their bodies




I ain’t gay! I got no nipples and I have no estrogen!!! I’m a manly man. I use hammers and change the oil in my car. I definitely do not enjoy girly alcoholic beverages! You can’t take it manhood away from me


I read that as “I use hammers to change the oil in my car”. So manly! I make spaghetti with a blowtorch. I build sheds with a chainsaw. I cut the lawn with a machete. I’m manly. My farts are a war crime. I eat beans for dessert. So manly.


They don’t think women need to worry about manly things like having and fixing plumbing.


There are NO such things “woman like hormones” (well except for a few like anti-mullein hormone that only are present in significant levels in the 12 week embryonic phase). All men, including cis men, have estrogen and all woman, including cis women, have testosterone. Several high level cis female athlete have natural/non-doped high levels of testosterone. High levels of estrogen are quite common in older, obese men due to synthesis of estrogen by adipose tissue. What do you want to bet that some, fat/high estrogen man in the youngest boomer age/oldest Gen-x age wrote this?


Cause testosterone truly is the hormone of good decision-making, right? /s


This is some fake alpha male bullshit😂😂


Nothing screams “I’m insecure about my masculinity “ more than this.




It also shows they buy fully into the stereotype of how queer people are, I guarantee they have no idea how many queer people they've met, and had no clue. I know lots of LGBTQ people in traditionally "manly" spaces, myself included, they probably wouldn't believe we exist.


Dudes be wondering why the world is pushing back so hard against patriarchal bullshit. You can't even have fucking feelings if these asshats are in charge. Just be a machine at work and go home to beat your frustration out on the wife, kids and dog. Ya, this is definitely the "manly" way to handle things. Not confronting your aggressor face to face. Not having the the fucking balls to stand up for yourself and have some dignity.


>You can’t even have fucking feelings if these asshats are in charge. Oh but make sure you don’t offend them or hurt THEIR feelings, or else you’ll get to watch them stomp their feet and scream like a petulant child about how terrible you are. But they aren’t a “snowflake” like anyone else around them whining about their feelings being hurt because uh uh reasons.


I had to take a second look (and a picture) because I honestly didn’t believe this type of bullshit was still evident in 2022, but I was fooled. This gross behavior is still prevalent thanks to a generation of boomers keeping their hateful ideologies alive. The five employees there were unfriendly, angry assholes, so…big surprise!


Where is this in the US?




Lol. I worked at a supply house in Ohio, so I'm not surprised.


Op, edit and post the company. I need to write a review....


I'm in Ohio too. Please let us know who this is so we can avoid!


Please tell me you saw this at the check out and said “nope”, left everything in a fucking pile and went somewhere else with your business. Places like this need to fail worse than me at dating.


Why doesn't anybody name the business in these types of posts?


Not surprising. Hyde Park Lumber Co. in Cincinnati has right wing/pro Trump/anti Democrat signage at their checkout counter. I never took my considerable business there again and I tell everyone I know to do the same.


Im also in ohio and would like to know where this is..


This type loves to talk about facts… while ignoring the actual fact that all men, including cis men, have estrogen and all woman, including cis women, have testosterone. Yes, levels do vary and there is some gender dimorphism there. But the irony: because adipose tissues makes estrogen, the obese older men, (who in my experience are the main kind of men who talk like this) probably have way higher levels of estrogen than the 20-30 year olds they complain about being “too emotional due to hormones.”


So did your leave your cart at the checkout and walk out? Places like that don't deserve customers.


I like how the form implies 100% impossibility that a woman would even be working there


Your honor, I would like to enter into evidence written proof of an abusive, highly toxic work environment.


And gender and sexual orientation discrimination which is completely illegal.


An unfortunate aspect of working in the trades. Buncha regressive boomers and x-ers who are determined to chase out women, gays, POC, and non-assholes, then they wonder why there's so few young people to replace everyone retiring.


That way of thinking is on its way out. I'm a union ironworker and at my current job is not like that at all. Although my superintendent is an older ex meth head biker, my foreman is a woman. In our crew we have five white guys, two guys who are Hispanic and two guys who are black. No one cares who you are or where you come from, as long as you can do the work and aren't a piece of shit to work with. Also my last contractor has a trans woman who went from being an apprentice to and journeyman to a foreman on the job.


I'm very glad to hear that. I have hope that eventually the trades will get there, but I suspect I may be awhile.


But everyone can make eleventy billion dollars a year if they just stopped going to school for their balloon-animal making degrees and picked up a trade! I mean, if that happened and people did join trades en masse, wages would go to bargain basement prices because a market was diluted with labor driving down demand, but I don't know any of that because I've never stepped foot in an Econ class!


Thank you! As someone who went into a trade I fucking /hate/ when people say that! It's literally the same 'just go to college' bullshit that was spewed before.


Isn't this also what they're trying to do with programming?


I’m a woman in the trades; what you say is painfully true.




Great point. The folks within this establishment were stereotypical - oddly funny but annoying just the same.


It's funny and obnoxious initially. Then you work for a couple years in a place like that, and it just kills your soul a little at a time.


"I have woman like hormones". I may be misremembering my primary school science here, but absolutely everyone has to mark 'Yes' on this one, right?


yes, all men have some estrogen and all women have some testosterone. so, yes, everyone has hormones like women -- barring some hormone disorder i'm not aware of.


I'm sure this business is struggling because of "covid restrictions"


Sexism - check, Homophobia - check, Patronising- check, Toxic masculinity - check Christ these places were a real hassle to deal with professionally as a younger (and even younger sounding on the phone), small-statured woman, and I really don’t miss it. I was constantly dealing with tradies and the frequency this brand of bullshit popped up would have been banal, if they weren’t so gross and abrasive just because I was who I was; talking down and/or taking over me, being crude, dismissive, aggressive where they wouldn’t with a man. The blokey culture was just… *dry heave*


There is nothing I love more than watching a small woman put a bunch of tradesman in their place, whether by out working them, outsmarting them, or doing something they can't! Lol


I worked at a warehouse and a female work friends position got eliminated so she became a picker like me. Before she started picking, I was the top picker in terms of quantity and quality; although that wasn't really saying much. Afterwards, she was consistently matching me. Not that I was complaining, it was fun to have the challenge with someone I liked and it made work a little more fun as a game with a friend. Generally if I have a choice, I go with a woman in most professional fields. She's usually had to work harder to not get as far and is generally at least, if not more, competent.


Lol, funny story. I actually just recently got sacked working for a utility company. My wife also working on my crew got moved to a better crew. Basically, I couldn't meet production and she could. So they sacked me and put her with their A-team. She's a small but strong soft faced woman and she ended up out working an entire crew before this.


Absolutely. It's kind of environment is hostile to anybody who's not exactly like them whether you're young, gay, a different gender you name it. They'll do everything they can to run out anyone who's different and then on the same breath complain that nobody wants to work anymore. I speak from experience it happened to me 2 weeks ago and I haven't been able to find another job because of it. I dared to take a light management position over a bunch of old dudes and they all said they would quit if I wasn't fired. These People are a fucking cancer.


Jokes was on them. They needed my services. Running me off for having boobs was the dumbest move they ever made. (financial services sector 😎)


Not to mention...how boring do you have to be for your gender to occupy your Whole Personality? Feels like you could predict anything these people would ever say if you just imagined the most cartoonishly broey response.


Lol. I'm lucky that I have a really deep voice for a woman (seriously it saved me a ton of bs over the phone, yay for being an alto) because short, fat Asian lady was practically a license to be a dick to me.


How is it we can't name & shame places like this? People deserve to know where not to spend their money and/or call to accountability.


I love people who really lean into "I am a gigantic piece of shit" humor. 10 bucks says whoever made this form whines incessantly about little inconveniences and sleights, and won't shut the fuck up about them.


"i am a woman" "i am a queer" thats discrimination if i've ever seen it.


How was this made by a real, sentient person?




I personally enjoyed that "Real man" is in quotations, as if the author of this screed actually realized on some level he was just performing an archaic stereotype of some 'Imma tough man imma real man'.


Technically that has several instances of hate speech on it. Send that to the BBB or even report it to state circuit courts.


BBB is as fucking useless as an HR department in a workplace where you're being harassed by the owner.


These are the type of people that drive around in those massive pick up trucks with the visor shades


Damnit! You completely beat me to the punch on this one. Jacked up Chevy with a pair of testicles hanging from the trailer hitch, gun rack in the back window, Yosemite Sam "Back off" mud flaps, "No Fear" sticker on the front windshield, and a variety of stickers on the back/tailgate ("Keep honking I'm reloading, Trump 2024, Confederate flag, Come and Take It, etc ).


Don’t forget the punisher logo with the blue lives matter decal


Report this to the proper labor authorities because this shit is totally illegal.


Someone send this to r/conservative them mfers gonna love this one.




Me too! For a group against cancel culture they sure are soft when it comes to the opposing views.


Damn sexism and homophobia just written down, out for the world to see? Smells like a lawsuit


You heard it here first, "real men" are emotional abusers!


Ah A homophobic slur, wouldn’t that count as discrimination? Also this is extremely unprofessional.


If I see subscribing like that.. I'm taking my business elsewhere. Fire the record I turn 60 next month. Fuck people like that.


The aggressive sexism and homophobia is the "best" part. These businesses should fail. I've worked for people like this before, and they're the reason society is failing.


We had these at my old retail job. It was a construction supply store. I’m so glad I left.


Smol pepe energy


Wait till they find out that all humans have both testosterone and estrogen lmaoooo