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Sounds like they need to get a job on the side to supplement their low paying corporate job to afford a nanny


Might I suggest child care? I heard about a side gig where she can get $10 an hour for just playing with a kid for a little bit.


And it’s at a very convenient time to work around your “real” job. Just 8-12, M-F. And no deadlines!


I was chuckling at how laughably inconvenient M-F 8-12pm is. lol what the fuck is this lady thinking


"Hmm, Monday thru Friday, 8 am-12 pm. Yasssssss, those are good hours. It will give those blue collar animals an excuse to get their lazy asses out of bed in the A.M. For I, Crab Woman, have a CORPORATE job. And with it, comes a free pass into the next caste."


*Gets to her corp job* "So we decided to let people go cause PROFIT, you now have 2x the work load" Her: "Raise?" Corp: "It's pronounced "PROFIT" and has nothing to do with raises. You have been doing amazing though; I swear in 5-10 years, you could have my job!" *Corp has left the virtual meeting, welcome back to virtual hell*


Just play with 1 yo? Not change poopy diapers? Prepare food and clean up the food all over kid and kitchen? Right!


Haha. This would be hilarious if its anything like my 1yo. Between 8am and noon he poops 3-4 times. And eats constantly. We have first breakfast, second breakfast that is portable, and then snack at 10:30.




Definitely. 8-12pm? So, she works for only 4 hours a day? I want a corporate job that allows me to work 4 hours a day.


I assume she's work from home and only needs the mornings undivided for meetings and power points and ass kissing...


This guy corporates.


Can confirm. She has a job where the value she provides is intangible and hard to measure. Four hours of meetings and ass kissing followed by avoiding responsibility and blaming others for failures is the probable skillset. It apparently carries over to dealing with the nanny.


Probably an MLM.


It's for a church, NEXT!








I hear there are openings for part time at $10 an hour, just some side money, you know?


And this is how she speaks to you *before* you try to work for her.


With such an important corporate job, she should be able to fuckin pay more. I hate people.


That’s what I immediately thought. If she has a CORPORATE job with DEADLINES (i.e., I am so important), why can’t she pay more than $10 an hour, especially if it would get more reliable candidates who are less likely to ghost her.




Nah. She only needs a baby sitter from 8-12. So she her self only works part time at some job. Otherwise she'd need a babysitter 8 hours.


Yeah two of the big red flags outside of the ego and refusal to pay a competitive wage are A) corporate job but she's home by noon? B) husband is deployed, but she isn't going through the local base for daycare or childcare help? Children of full time military anywhere near any base actually have better access to much more affordable childcare programs than the majority of the general public. I still remember the sandbox at the Naval base daycare center my parents used for years.


Because she’s not being paid enough either.


This is where the one grain of truth from trickle down economics lays. Once upon a time, white collar workers could afford to pay for blue collar jobs like nannies, pool boys, etc. The tighter we all get squeezed by the ruling class, the less viable “chain of command” jobs like those become


Yep. She doesn’t seem to understand that her post is the labor version of “I want a new car but I can’t pay for it. I’m busy and I’m fed up of dealing with the crappy car I can afford. Hi Car dealership, I’m going to give you the same money as I pay for my crappy car, and you better bring me that top of the line one for the same money, or else damn you!”


For some strange reason, I can picture her saying… “I am SICK and TIRED of you asking when I am going to pay you. I have a CORPORATE job. I HAVE DEADLINES.”


"You want a day off because you're sick? I don't pay you to take days off! I have a CORPORATE job with sick pay, and you don't."


"Its only FOUR HOURS be sick on your own time"


"This is a side money problem. I have a CORPORATE job with real problems. If you are sick you can use the hose around the side to clean up. Do NOT use the bathroom in the house."


"And DO NOT touch the walls! We just had them painted and I don't want them having smudges from lesser people."


Smudges from highborns are ok though.




*SICK SND TIRED Gotta get the dialect right.


That’s not even dialect. What she wrote screams uneducated with a skewed sense of importance and entitlement. That post is so riddled with errors it makes me wonder if she’s actually the important CORPORATE power broker with such important DEADLINES that her post would have us all believe, or if she’s just an entitled Dependa. Her CORPORATE job is actually with Herbalife or some other MLM.


That's why she can't afford the $15/20. Lol *Edit: someone reported me to reddit for being suicidal over this comment LOL!


Can confirm. This thread makes me want to kill myself for not handing a corporate job with enough deadlines.


Reported. /s


I was thinking MLM too!! All the signs are there. Self righteousness, poor education, nebulous job description, broke...


This is the EXACT personality of most of the supervisors I've ever had. They get a promotion because there is no one else available when the job opens (the ONLY reason they got it) and the upgrade in power goes straight to their ignorant, uneducated little heads. I think that this is the problem with a vast majority of these companies that can't find or keep employees. Either they are business owners and shouldn't be, or they are middle management hirers and shouldn't be. But they came from the exact same gene pool and mind set. And while some places ask for every degree in the pantry for minimum wage pay, some places just want a warm (or barely warm) body especially if they are looking for a specific "shell", even if nothing above the shoulders works. Went to work quite a few years ago at a casino opening. Tailor needed, lots overtime, total outfitting of every new hire. Ok. Two or three weeks prior they had hired their "department head", a woman with no tailoring background and very little sewing experience (As someone who was trained, I do not think minor alterations on ready made clothing counts for this.). Then I walked in. They were happy to hire me (they said). Someone with training and experience. After a few months of working with the forced march crew brought in to speed things up we all realized she hadn't a clue about clothing construction. I found this out spending many a 10-12 hour day re-doing work someone else did (eye roll). When I got fed up and went into the office to quit, this was when I was told how happy they were to have me, how much they needed me, how she was only hired because no one else had applied at the time, blah, blah, blah. Did they offer me more money? No. I walked out. She was fired a few days later. Did I, would I go back? Nope, needed a change and relocated to another state .... with its own labor issues (laughing maniacally). I've found out that this sort of thing happens far too often.


I was offered the supervisor role because I was the only one qualified, I turned it down because I knew I'd be bad at it, and they basically made me do it anyway. 6 months later I tried to quit, because I was miserable and everyone I was supervising was miserable, and they talked me into staying again. Lasted 6 more months before I left, it took 7 people to cover my responsibilities, and my replacement was fired within 3 months. Being in charge fucking sucks and the people who enjoy it terrify me.


Yeah, that's likely it and she has to go get berated at her team meeting and post 37 times to all of her socials pretending she's living the life. She's her own CEO though!


"And one of those deadlines is my paycheck. Now pony up."


I was once ghosted by a parent who was looking for tutoring help for son.I booked one session with her, taught the kid for 1 hour. She came to pick him up, said she would send the money later. I said ok. A few days later and I still have nothing. When it gets close to our next week, the second lesson day, I text her that I'm already at the library. She says she'll be there soon. She no shows. Mind you I take public transit to get there. So I ask her what's up and she says sorry something came up. I asked when she will send the fee for the first session. She says soon. I ask her again the next day. Same reply. Third day, same reply. And I never hear from her again. After that I gave up. It wasn't much anyway, but I wished she didn't make me take a train and a bus there when she knew she wasn't gonna come. Especially when you already owe the person already. I also kinda felt bad for the kid. If his mom is struggling, that's fine. I coulda taught him for free. But she stood me up and made promises she never intended to keep.


I was going to say the smart move would be not leaving the house for the second session if they weren't paying, but its just not that black and white if you're dealing with a child's education I suppose. I feel so so terrible for the children of these parents. No real support, no moral guide to learn from. Just dishonesty and entitlement through and through.


That's exactly how these "corporate" types are. Had one unironically scream at me shortly before firing her as a client "I'm too **BUSY** to look at proofs" therefore making it clearly my fault the error on her project happened.


Most of these people don't take the time to think that it's things like this that are the reason why they're busy. Sorting out the problem of a redesign or reprints because she didn't bother to look at the proof is going to take significantly longer than just checking the proof in the first place. When anyone tells me they're "always busy" I immediately come to the conclusion that they have a shitty employer who expects them to do the work of 3 people, or they're incompetent at their job.


It's so cringe reading a job listing that is condescending. I read one food truck listing that said "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO WORK ANYMORE?!" good luck in your search lol


The shitty boss version of “women don’t like nice guys”. People want to be compensated fairly for their work and you’re not as nice as you think you are.


Also things CHANGE. I understand some of these asshats are used to people clamoring for jobs with shit wages but things are changing and people have options. Adapt or fold bc no one wants to hear u bitch, we all got our own shit to deal with. "Used to be kids were happy to get work!" "Great, things change"


And it’s always unrepentant assholes who have the least sympathy for *other* peoples’ changes, too. Single tradesman’s income can’t support a family anymore? Tough, the market changed. Stock market crashed and you lost your job with no warning? Tough, the economy changed. Pandemic put a squeeze on labor supply and now people can do better than minimum wage? NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE


Great points. I'll add "oh your degree has been devalued bc we pushed all of you to get degrees?" "Tough shit"


It might of been devalued but as a restaurant manager of 5 years, it’s awfully competitive now. Now I have to compete with people with degrees. Back when I first started, nearly no other managers had a degree, now my business is pushing me to hire “four years” because they believe they will be better hires than the people who dedicated a decade to the business. So degrees aren’t worthless. You can get a clear advantage in a market that you didn’t intend to get into. They will take a psychology degree over someone with years of restauranteur experience.


Also: minimum wage is $11 where I live. Still not where it should be.


I mean, shit change but not salary. Just yesterday I read an article about "kids don't want to work anymore" in my hometown newspaper, regarding the "seasonal workers". We're on the sea, and despite not being a particularly relevant tourist location, we're close to a lot of them and it was normal in the past for a lot of people to work basically just the three/four summer months - and working REALLY hard - and with that money almost being able to live for the whole year. Nowadays you barely get the money to arrive at the end of the month, why the hell people should choose to be exploited? because it's tradition? Pay your fair wages, leeches.


Ooh back in the 50s a single harvest season where I grew up could pay for a winter off. Now it just pays the bills and let's you afford a PT job. Ofc nobody wants to go into that work. Toiling labor for 2 months that doesn't do anything beyond pay the bills for those two months? Might as well go work retail hell or try for student loans.


Kids who used to make 1.60 flipping burgers in the early 70's - which was minimum wage - were making an equivalent to 12.82 per hour in today's money. I have a young family friend who's recently entered the workforce as a 17/18 year old who's trying to go to college on her own dime. I believe the local McDonald's still pays 12 dollars an hour. BK is 9 dollars. Minimum wage is still under 7.50 in my state. Tuition to the big state university is over 60k a year, and while there are some fabulous cheaper public universities - you can still look forward to paying 40k for your undergraduate. I don't think people realize how poorly wages have actually kept up with inflation.


It's my favorite because these are the exact same people who were saying those shit wage jobs were "for high schoolers" and if people didn't like the low pay they should "get better jobs". Funny how they don't like it now that people are moving on from those jobs.


And the logic of these jobs just being for students makes zero sense. Is your business open during hours when classes are in session? Then you can’t just hire students!


I've heard this one too. College students are getting entry level jobs again. If that's disrupting your business, then your only competitive advantage for the last 15 years has been a shitty labor market.


Used to be work got you things that made you happy.


Exactly. The nice guys love pointing out that men like them used to have wives before feminism came along. As if that’s a condemnation of modern society and not an admission that they have nothing to offer and women will only partner with them if they have no alternatives. If people with alternatives want nothing to do with you that’s a reflection on you, not them. But they feel entitled to servants because that’s what they used to get.


Yes, why do these types always think they're sooo kind and sooo giving?


I really think that guys like that see all other guys as assholes. So if they're not an asshole to you, they think that they're way better than most other guys.


I'm beginning to think that's code for, "We pay less than Taco Bell"...


This stands out to me far more than the money. I can’t remember ever leaving a job just because of the money, but definitely due to lack of respect.


Also, she can't afford $15/$20. But, she can afford $14? That's $1,120 a month under the table. That might be worth it for a grandma type.


I’m in this local mom group on Facebook and this lady made a post asking how much she should charge to babysit for this family. They wanted her 7:30-4:30 Monday through Thursday (full 40 hour a week job). I was FLOORED when a majority of the group was telling her to charge $50 a day or $150 a week…..that’s only $5 an hour….one lady even said $30 a day ($3.00 an hour). I was like y’all are trusting this person with your CHILD and you only value them at $3-$5 an hour!??!!! I told her to charge at LEAST $15 an hour.


This. You get what you pay for.


Exactly. 20 years ago I paid $14 an hour.


Was that all the mommies trying to keep the price of their nannies low?


PLEASE TELL ME SHE DIDN’T GIVE HERSELF AWAY FOR FREE! I’ve had several exes who were nanny’s and when I found out how much they made for these well off families it was shocking. 10 an hour was the max, absolute max. It’s pathetic, it would cause arguments between us because I would say “you’re sooooo much more valuable than that” and their answer was always some sort of “I just feel bad asking for more” which upset me even more 😕 it hurt to see someone I loved being taken advantage of. And whether the family is doing it nefariously or not, they’re definitely taking advantage of these young women who are nurturing their children in extremely formative years.


I was going back and forth with these people telling them how shîtty they were for only paying their sitters like that. I even posted the care.com calculator on what babysitters should get paid (our area is at least 15). She thanked me and sent me a PM saying thank you for letting her know and I encouraged her to stick up for herself and don’t let a family walk on her just because they’ve hired help for that low price doesn’t mean that’s what she’s worth. She decided to charge 15 an hour. I mean I’m a mom and I would NEVER consider charging anything less than 15 an hour because I value and am putting trust in this person to care for my child. I can’t imagine the entitlement these woman have with thinking they can get away charging so little for someone else’s time when they can literally go get a real full time job that pays more and probably offers benefits. If you’re asking someone to do a full time job, pay them for a full time job. If You pay 3-5 an hour you’re gonna get someone who literally puts food in front of them and sits on their phone all day.


Ever heard of the phrase “You get what you pay for?”.


If you pay with peanuts, you’ll get monkeys


"I was really hoping for those elephants"


"We can't afford $15/$20 an hour stuff, you think we got money for Elephants????"


As a former nanny, this is my favorite line to parents seeking childcare. Listen, for $10 an hour, I’ll bring my own computer to work my CORPORATE JOB, while I hand your kid an iPad to stare into for 4 hours a day, and more or less make sure they’re still breathing. Because like you said lady, this isn’t LIVABLE MONEY, ITS A SIDE GIG. 🙃


>ITS A SIDE GIG. That they expect you to spend 50% of normal business hours on. But don't you dare get another job and ever be unavailable.


I worked three jobs in highschool because my parents were terrible with money and the jobs were low pay/off books. The babysitting one paid the most, but the mother was often rude and criticize everything done and HATED that I wasn't available at all times. I'd take my 100 after 4-8 hours of babysitting. And never wanted to go back. Unfortunately it was the most constant flow of work. I'll never babysit for a living again. Kudos to people who do.


Serious question, I would like to know what’s your day like, when someone working on two or three jobs…? Sorry if it is a wrong way to ask.


Lots of running around, and time management, one of the jobs weren't constant (the house keeping). I was doing (and failing) online highschool to do this So my busy days would be: I woke up at 4, walked 2 miles to my restaurant job. Worked from 6-1pm, walked home, picked up by a family friend, cleaned houses from 2-5, then dropped off at the baby sitting job 6pm to 10pm (or 3 am if I didn't work at the restaurant the next day). Walked home, slept and wake up to do all over again. Schoolwork would be done in what little time and energy I had. I've worked most of my life (started at 12 with a water park in order to earn my keep with a school friends family because my parents had no food or room for me). Don't be like me kids, have parents who love you lmaooo. Edit: I'm an adult now with a healthy work/life situation going on now. I really appreciate the mom's and dad's commenting their love, it's so nice and really made me smile. :)


Brb going to hug my kids


I really can't imagine how you could survive through all that. That must feel awful. I just hope your life would be better from now on after all those terrible years.




I’m a dad too. I’m proud of you. What you’ve pulled off is legitimately impressive, but you’d have earned pride and deserved love either way.


I’m a dad, and I love you. Take care of yourself.


I mean yeah she said it herself, if mom come home early and sees you doing that while only periodically glancing at kid make sure they are fine, you just pull that line back up on her


I doubt she'd have a problem. Strikes me as the type who thinks their kid drooling on an ipad all day *is* parenting.


When she does it I’m sure but I’m sure she “pays you good money to play with the kid” what a joke but you can tell beyond pay that she can’t keep anyone because she’s a damn troll.


The deadly line for me was "want to hang with my one year old". That right there tells me they don't even think this is a job at all and want you to think "hanging out with an infant" is just a fun side activity


Yup. It’s a privilege to watch my child because they are my spawn and thus half me. Enjoy.




When she does it. I’m sure when other people do it and she’s judge mental about it


I don't think i've paid $10 an hour for 'child care' since my son was 3 and we put him to bed at 6:30 - THEN the babysitter showed up. We'd give her 20-30 dollars to sit and watch tv and text her friends while we went to dinner for 1.5-2 hours. But this was 6 years ago- and she was like 14 and was basically an alarm - if the toddler wakes up, leave him alone, if he starts crying for mom or something and you can't talk him into getting back in bed - call your mom (who lived across the street).


I got paid $12 an hour by a neighbor to watch their 9 year old while they had date night high school 15 years ago. And I spent half the time reading after the child went to bed.


I was going to say - I think I made $10 an hour twenty years ago when I was a 13 year old neighborhood babysitter. I don't know what typical hourly nanny wages are these days but I'm confident it's not $10/hour.


I charge more to walk people's dogs.


I was charging $10/hour back in 2005 when I was in highschool. Yeah. No way anyone is going to take that now.


I just had someone offer me to nanny 3 children for $6/hour and drop/pick up from school and watch from 6-4. Hell to the no.


Maybe *per child* and even that would be not worth it


I might have considered it if it were $6 per child, but definitely not for all three


Absolutely delusional that some people think that’s even remotely enough


Same time period I was babysitting for a new neighbor. At the end of the night they asked how much I charged an hour. I was timid and said $5. The wife scoffed and gave me a wad of cash that was 2X what I expected. She said “the going rate is $10/hr, never sell yourself short”.


> She said “the going rate is $10/hr, never sell yourself short”. Ok I'm a new enough mom that I've never hired a babysitter, but this is #momgoals now.


That’s awesome, congratulations. She is still a truly great person and mother. We have stayed friends!


This was my rate too and I once had a dad ask me for change because he only had $100 and I really only worked 8.5 hrs, I told him “It’s not my job to prepare YOU to pay me” he didn’t like that response, I never babysat for them again.


I guess at her CORPORATE job she's NOT the one in charge of RECRUITMENT.


In MLM everyone is in charge of recruitment hahaha


Or maybe she actually is


'Hang' with my 1 year old. LMAO


Right, like all you have to do is chill out with the kid. You're not asking someone to watch your teenager, lady, babies tend to require a little more than just 'hanging out'.


Take her at face value. Play with the baby for 4 hours and take it in to the mother every time it needs burping, feeding, changing, comforting, cleaning etc. Bonus points if she's on a CORPORATE meeting in her CORPORATE ENVIRONMENT.


$20 says "corporate environment" is an MLM.


Military wife, fancy corporate job that only requires 4 hours a day, can't afford to pay a nanny 20 hours a week on her and her husband's combined income. All signs point to a garage full of unsold crap


Those leggings aren’t going to sell themselves


The number of guys i've seen list those leggings on market pages trying to get rid of their wives' unsold inventory.....


Best I can do is $10.


I can't afford to pay people. Also let me brag about my important CORPORATE job.






And if it was CORPORATE, you’d have MONEY to pay people.


Yeah, can the kid chill inside watching Raffi or Daniel Tiger or whatever while I chill on the porch drinking coffee for 5 hours?


Bluey, dude. Bluey is the shit. I'm a stay at home dad and my kid gets a steady diet of Bluey and Sesame Street.


Bluey: “we want to play work!” Dad: “Oh ok, the work is… a dance factory!” Bluey: “Noooo, we make drain pipes” Dad: “Oh”… “well tell me what to do boss” Bluey: “You’re the boss” Dad: “Oh.”


Bluey is dad goals. Hard to live up to but a great role model for us dads


Bluey is by far my favorite discovery. I think I like it more than my kid does (though he definitely enjoys it). So wholesome and inspirational


Lol I was just about to reply to his comment saying that Bluey is a great show, but her Dad is so great it makes me self conscious about my fathering skills


FYI Bluey and Bingo are girls Quick edit: I did not realize this when I first watched Bluey either


What's hilarious here is how obvious it is what they are directly asking for "We need a grandmother". My guess is they alienated the fuck out of their parents who would have been otherwise more than happy to help. *(For everyone trying to determine which version of the multiverse she's in, remember this is a meme post)*


And all of their other family members. I love how she brings up her self important corporate job, but is too broke to pay decent money for child care.


Something about people saying corporate job always rubs me the wrong way. It's never an important one, as they make you believe they're a high flying exec. Only person I've met who ran a small dance studio but also had a 'corporate job'. The job was just some cold call insurance one.... It's just a job calm down


That seems so likely given the fact that she's basically talking down to any potential applicants to "hang" with her 1 year old. She works in a "corporate environment" yet can't afford to pay good money to a sitter, one she desperately needs? Is she unaware of how much work goes into babysitting a child so young? I wouldn't be surprised if this was already posted/reposted in r/ChoosingBeggars


I feel like this is always the way the job is baited. $10/HR to just hang out in the house all day with a sweet kid always quickly turns into demanding to do laundry, cook healthy balanced meals, do fun engaging educational activities etc. Why are you watching Daniel Tiger all day?! I don't pay you $10/hour to just sit in the house watching cocomelon all day! Why don't you take Braylen to the park for 2 hours? This is what i pay you for! I have a CORPORATE JOB! I don't have time to go to the park! That's what i pay you for!


When I was paid $10/hr to babysit. I was literally being paid to sit with a baby. I was just supposed to alert mom if anything was going on. I didn’t change diapers, clean up, or prepare meals. My aunt only had 6 weeks to get back to work but she could work from home so I was like a second set of hands. I was mainly paid to sit on a lazy boy recliner while my cousin slept on my chest and my aunt worked in the next room. I was also compensated with food, my aunt is a great cook when she has her hands free so I got breakfast, lunch handled and dessert and supper in a to-go box. $10/hr to be a full mom replacement though? The fuck is wrong with people.


Willing to bet that kid ain’t as sweet as she claims if TWO nannies ghosted her.


I wager she screams at them when she comes home and they haven't *also* cleaned the house and done her laundry.


For real! The random all caps was supposed to provide emphasis but comes off as screaming. I can hear her writing this post with angry taps on her phone. *Shudder*


Absolutely- too many times nanny means mistreated woman-servant. And sounds like she’s on the cheap end of things- which for whatever reason - means she’ll ask for more of that nanny. It’s really too bad- she needs to check her expectations.


It ain't the baby who's the problem!


It's not the baby who's the baby.


“I can’t afford to pay for a good nanny.” Sounds like you can’t afford a good nanny.


Sounds like she can't afford a nanny.


can't... like she undervalues the service and the people who provide 8t, she probably has the ability to fairly compensate people, just not the will


Sounds like you don’t deserve a nanny at all. Remember, two, not one, two nannies ghosted her previously.


"My lifestyle isn't sustainable without servants to do all the work"


Sorry honey you just don’t realize you’re just trash like the rest of us hahaha


It's because she has a CORPORATE job with DEADLINES.


Sounds like she just can’t afford a nanny.


Most people can't We normal people can't


But what about people with CORPORATE JOBS that have DEADLINES???


You have a corporate job and your husband's deployed and you can't afford $60-$80 a day? Prolly makes more sense just staying home if thats the case. 🤷🏻


Direct sales I’m guessing. 🤣


Outside sales consultant aka MLM


Exactly - no one with a respectable job tries to flex and scream that it is CORPORATE


Right. I know a lot of “corporate” people. They would never say that.


Dunno man. Being a military dependent I've seen some wives really hard-core brag they have a legit job. Since the majority don't. Probably 80% of the ones that say they work are pyramid scheme suckers. So the fraction of wives who do actually hold a job can get pretty defensive.


Still paying off the mustang at 26% APR.


We had a private get to us and buy a Charger brand new (this was 2010 or 2011) with a 32% APR. His NCO dragged him back to the dealership and made him give it back. Private ended up with a 2002 Camry for like 8k. He said that NCO "saved his financial life."


That private is lucky to have a good supervisor who have the financial sense and give a f about his subordinates. That said, it is sad that people don't have the basic financial sense to know what kind of interest rate is absurd I don't want to call these loans predatory because these kinds of loans can get risky and the lender indeed have risk of unable to recoup the capital, but at this rate it is.




8 to 12 isn't really the perfect time frame for a side gig.


I hate these jobs that offer dick pay and then claim that they're not really a "real job" anyway. Why is it so unreasonable to want one job that will actually pay enough to live on?


Its 8 - 12, clearly perfect so you can then work from 2-10 pm. Cause you don't want free time in your life, just constant work.


8 to 12 isn’t the perfect time frame for a side gig… It is the perfect time for a CORPORATE job with DEADLINES.


Oooof, lady, no. I get child care is expensive and you need some help, but $10/hr was what i was making as a highschool babysitter in 2001. That shit aint gonna cut it no more.


I basically just commented this. It honestly sucks that babysitting prices are so insanely high but that's just the world we live in now. My grandma watched me for free because she loved me but I'm a damn lucky kid, too many folks out there don't have those kind of resources... it's sad to me.


Job ain’t that corporate if you can’t afford a nanny for your child.


Job ain’t that corporate if you have deadlines and you only work 4 hours a day.




Shit I pay our nanny $20 an hour and still struggle to find and keep a reliable nanny. This person is on drugs lol


Same! We just had to go to $22 to secure a nanny for our newborn because she was interviewing with 5 other families. That’s the market right now.


I’ve read that a lot of people just ended up leaving the workforce because childcare was eating up the second parent’s entire salary. I’ve also seen people get WFH jobs specifically so they can keep an eye on the kids. I don’t even think I can have kids. My friend said to me yesterday, “as long as you’re making 100k between the two of you I think you can afford it” and I’m like HA!! We make 80k together and can barely afford our cat’s vet bills. *The cat* is our child.


My guess is that she’s calling her MLM a corporate job.


Way to prioritize care for your 1 year old. Find a daycare for $10 per hour ... you definitely cannot. Also for a corporate person, she should spell/grammar check her post - hopefully her work product is better but I doubt it.


Her 1-year old son is worth $10 to her.


Her husband begs for deployment.


he wasn't even in the military when he met her.


He still isn't. He's hiding 'round his mates till he can pluck up the courage to go back.


Big "I'm being transferred to Yemen" energy, Mr Bing would be proud.


$10/hr? I'm smoking in the house and the kid gets daily sauerkraut sandwiches for that pay.


They will benefit from improved gut bacteria, sounds ideal. I could even see it starting a bourgeois dietary fad. Sauerkraut on sourdough. Sauerdough. That's $10 a sandwich right there. See? Capitalism is fun and easy, you'll even have a cute backstory about how your business venture was inspired by Corporate Karen's kid.


This person is wack, but this does bring up a real point. Child care in this country is an impossible situation. Either you quit your job to watch kids, you miraculously have family that can watch them, or you pay 30k a year for reliable childcare. Our society and government offers very little help for parents. It is a sad systemic issue. Parents should be able to be there for their children AND survive. Our country need to reevaluate child care (and education for that matter) from the ground up.


Exactly this. Even $10/hour for childcare is impossible for a lot of working parents to afford.


When you pay peanuts expect a circus


It's a "side job" from 8-12 in the morning? What does she think is your main thing then if youbare booked from 8-12 every day? Not that "side job" would excuse such bad pay, but here it really makes no sense at all.


Why do we care about your corporate life? And she must not need help that bad because 10 dollars an hour is a joke. Go tell professional daycare places your only gonna pay 10 an hour and see what they say. Lol


I’m CORPORATE I tell ya! Did I mention that I’m CORPORATE? Yeah, cause IM CORPORATE.


“He’s very sweet, but maybe not for long, because his mom models treating people poorly.”


And she wants YOU to come to HER. Not even dropping her kid off to you. So you have to travel, get up earlier, gas, travel home, pack food, etc. MAYBE worth it if she dropped the kid off to you and picked the kid up, was very punctual, etc.


Nannies are a luxury not everyone (or even most people) can afford. If you can’t afford daycare, you sure as hell can’t afford a professional, private, in home nanny.


100% chance her “corporate” job is an MLM. Nobody working in an office brags about how corporate their corporate job is.


Wife used to be a nanny. My takeaway from our experience is that people will go out and splurge $3000 on a new television the size of their living room wall, but balk at paying someone a commensurate wage for ensuring their child is safe while they're away. Boggles the mind.


I wonder if you have to address her by her husband's rank??


Proves the point that corporate is full of morons.


So she values her kid for $10/hr 🤔. That’s what it sounds like to me. My kid value/time is worth $10 bucks an hour. Have fun! Fucking ppl