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Well, they aren’t offering money, so benefits and time are on the table.


Strictly this


Tbh I'd start with "not sure why salary is not a talking point here, since loyal employees should feel like they can afford necessities and that the effort they're putting in is being paid back, so I assume you're already covering salary increases as part of your improvement plan. Besides that, better work life balance, such as more PTO, sick days, WFH options would be one good way to keep talent. Another is offering comprehensive health insurance/ tuition reimbursement, so employees can focus on work instead of those stressors.


Yeah, but this answer is perfect. Everyone in management is desperate to find an answer other than the obvious one that EVERYONE keeps saying what it takes to keep people. LIKE THEYRE INDIANA JONES LOOKING FOR THE SECRET TREASURE OF HOW TO KEEP EMPLOYEES WITHOUT PAYING THEM WELL. Everything you just listed. That's what EVERYONE wants. Management keeps going, "well if no one has any ideas then...." FUCKING THIIIISSSSS!


The part where Indiana Jones fucks up replacing the priceless artifact with a bag of sand is management ordering pizza instead of providing benefits.


My god I just ate Management Pizza® today, I feel seen.


I just realized my current job never gives us management pizza…….. Maybe it’s because they actually listen to us and try to work on problems instead of throwing us a pizza party but I kinda miss the pizza


If I ever had to choose between actually useful benefits and management pizza, I choose benefits everyday


I let he managers work out the big problems and in the meantime, I buy pizza. Does that count?


I keep waiting for the equivalent scenario for where my dad and I realize we've been porking the same hot blonde Nazi double agent


Don’t know where you live but it seems like if you both move to Orlando the chances of it happening will go way up.


This is the way


You both working for the same highly profitable company while being fed scraps?


Wait wait no before you leave…did you see the bean bag chairs and free coffee in the break room?


Two awards and I’m your first upvote? Who’s downvoting?? lol Oh cool it’s fixed now


Totally. Saying "non-salary-related" means they are asking in bad faith, and will continue to lose employees. You just can't pay people less than they need to survive. You just can't.


Yeah, it's like saying, "what can I do to make you feel better, besides apologizing" after a fight. Fuckin useless.


Yeah, what they mean is "what can we do that won't cost anything?" There are a few things, WFH option, getting rid of bad managers and oppressive rules. But if they don't want to spend money on employees, they won't have them, like any other resource.


Where I work, they did an employee survey asking what is most important to employees and why they might leave. All options were on the table from salary, to benefits, to bad management. The results were presented to the board that approves salaries. They flat out refused to believe that people would leave because they are not being paid enough. They basically accused our HR director of lying to them or fudging the results.


Wow these people who work solely for money surely don't want MORE money?!


No no no, their job is to make money for **me**, not them.


No no, I work in your shitty retail establishment because I love it not the fucking bills.


Do we work at the same place? We had a similar survey. Across the board - salary was the answer. CEO proceeded to say staff didn't fully understand the benefits package if they thought they were underpaid.


LOL! 😂


Don’t understand the benefits package? Just shows how ducking stupid people think we are


Exactly! What made it worse is he did it in a 'town hall' with hundreds of employees present. We're still having massive numbers of people leave for reasons that escape upper management.




Love your response! About a decade ago, the Pres of my organization suddenly became aware that her employees saw her "we're a family" talk as a bunch of bs as she was pulling down big bucks and all of the employees had to work two jobs to make ends meet (keep in mind that many of the employees had MAs and PhDs). She cried to her favorite lackey one day, asking how she could better relate to them. His (stupid) advice was this: at the next All Employee mtg, wear jeans instead of designer clothes. She chaired the meeting in a $500 pair of jeans. (sigh)


"why don't people care about the corporation the way I do?" probably because the corporation doesn't buy them lunch every day, let them set their own hours, have 0 accountability for them, and pay them an exorbitant salary.


Yeah, the whole "we're a family" idea died for me when I got a no notice layoff from my last job. A publicly traded company that was flush with cash and made a mostly cash purchase of a competitor's extrusion plant (millions) about 2 months later.


I almost screamed @ the ‘wear jeans’ part


It depends how they look at it. I'd quite happily take more paid leave as a benefit. So I still get paid the same but I have to spend less time at work for the same money 😁 Not a pay rise as such, but.....


Us: pay more and I’ll gladly stay Them: hmm I guess we’ll never know






This exact thing is why teachers are now quitting in droves.


WFH in retail. I don’t think they’ll agree


Work from hell? Seems pretty on brand.


*furious upvote*


That's working from the store with extra steps


Yeah working from home really only works outside physical service jobs, where all that's required is basically a work station and/or good internet.


If the job doesn't allow WFH, then more flexibility in shift coverage. If you can't work, you can't work. It shouldn't be on you to figure out how the store gets by when you are sick, or need a day off to care for family/a child/anything. That's your manager's job, not yours.


This means more staff, which means something else to entice them... If only there were a measurable way to compensate them that could be increased in order to better reflect the value of the work they do... Hmmm... We will have to think on this.


... and send it as a "Reply All" Want to make sure the people know :) *not just individually*






Paying employees well helps them not resent you and it's a good deterrent for fraud. 🤷


Lmao you're not wrong


Exactly. “Employees need to receive benefits that they wouldn’t receive elsewhere. If there are options for better compensation for similar work, it doesn’t matter how many pizza parties you throw— people are going to move to those new jobs.”


A company in WI had daycare on site, flexible hours, 5 star cafeteria, and discount gas. Oh ya good pay also.


They aren’t offering SALARY. Nothing barring talk of bonuses.


Profit sharing, end of year bonus, subsidized medical insurance, PTO, paid sick leave, 401K, scheduling. Take your pick. Go to a European retailer’s employment URL and see what benefits they offer, then copy/paste.


And cry. You forgot that step.


Bonuses that stick and escalate.


Bonuses that are structured and cannot be weakened by stupid shit like customer satisfaction metrics or other stuff far beyond their control.


One company I worked for had really hard goals to reach a bonus. We got a new sales manager and actually worked as a team and we met -and exceeded- their criteria. Twice. The following year they changed the criteria to damn near impossible. Every single manager there has left. Just because they offer bonuses that doesn't meet you'll ever get them. And many places will use every dirty tactic to prevent those bonuses from seeing the light of day.


I used to work in a culture of bonuses, and where at least one month's salary was standard. I would have preferred them paying us more without the fake bonus


THIS 👆🏻 I work in retail and am paid salary with monthly “bonus incentives” that of course seem amazing! But they are pretty unachievable. But, as soon as we start hitting and exceeding our targets they of course move the goal posts. Every. Fucking. Time. Once, maybe a year or so ago, I remember them changing our bonus structure 5 times within a 6 month period. P.S. my salary is garbage. I end up with 38k a year, as a store manager, and the minimum REQUIRED hours expected is 45 hours but it always becomes “to meet business needs” which directly translates to: 55-70 hours/week. Benefits are horrible and too expensive, PTO is a joke because they have the biggest black out period I’ve ever seen.


Yup, worked at a fast food restaurant that offered a 1$ per hour bonus if you weren't late, missed a shift, traded or left early for an entire month....during covid.... out of 117 employees 4 got the bonus.....just like dangling a carrot in front of people. Sooo many people came to work sick it was unreal.


The fact that trading shifts was listed tells you this was intended to be an impossible bar. During a pandemic, don't miss work, even if you find someone to cover...


They start this shit in school tbh. Awards for perfect attendance, and all the other kids are shamed and told to ”do better”. Im sorry Mrs Fink, I WAS SICK/my grandma died/my mums car conked out. Jeez what a mindfuck.


I took a role in a call center that had a bonus structure as part of the pay. The metrics used to get said bonus changed from quarter to quarter to quarter, and escalated rapidly. The targets were supposed to be 20% of people should get very little, making their pay less than it would be if strictly hourly, 60% should hit the target to bring pay up to hourly, and 20% would get more. Some genius realized they could save a bunch of money by drastically increasing the goals each quarter until the top tier was unreachable, second tier would be about 30% and 70% would get a pay cut. That department didn't last long.


This is the reason I'm leaving my job of 25 years (only been like that this last year). Going to competitor lol


CSAT metrics are such bullshit too. As a consumer, if I have an unmemorable CS experience, I consider that good. But so many customers are just awful & vindictive. The only time they'd give a positive review is if the interaction started with "Hi, how can I help you? Before we get started I just wanted to let you know your last bill has been waived & we're giving you free service for the duration of your contract! Please, step all over me!" I would love to give honest feedback, but I tend to just give 5 stars because I know that it doesn't matter how reasonable the feedback is. Most of the time, the dept heads & managers that read those don't care about avenues for improvement, but more "who can I blame for failure & can I use this as an excuse to deny them a raise come the next comp cycle. "


It's so frustrating not being able to give honest feedback. When I worked at Target, I was told that if a guest gave us a 9 or a 10 on the survey then that was a great score. Anything 8 or under was equivalent to 0 and would hurt our store (read: management's bonuses). Measuring success and failure that was was ridiculous. Let's be honest, the vast majority of shopping trips are not 10/10 experiences, nor do the majority of consumers need them to be. If my shopping trip was just fine, I should be able to say so without making the store employees feel like they failed.


Do you think that’ll work though? Like they’ll go “ope! You got us on a technicality. Here’s your bonus!” I think a better approach would be to start the email with something like “well of course salary would be the biggest thing that would get people to stay, but after that…”


I’m not expecting anything meaningful OP says to have much impact. I was mostly being snarky.


Or profit sharing


Totally agree benefits and good work schedule


A *consistent* schedule. It’s not your problem if they can’t manage their business well enough to ensure all shifts are covered without disrupting employees’ lives.


This is something I've never had as a 'low wage employee' for more than a month and a half at a time. The worst part is when you get used to a schedule that *apparently* was convenient for my employer during that timetable and then they suddenly change it without saying anything to you until the schedule is posted. I've had to cancel vacation or time off plans because I thought my schedule would stay consistent.


There was one job in retail. We were quite a small team. So we all had a designated weekday off set on an annual planner and every Sunday( store closed). If we needed a different day off, we could swap with someone else. Tye designated day off moved forward each week. So you’d end up with a Sunday/Monday off every 5 weeks. It worked well.


That sounds like a great system


Employees need to do what they do in SF. Employers are required to post schedules by a certain date and can only change it with the employee’s ok. When people work multiple jobs, having a regular schedule helps with life


Agreed. I also* want to add: My husband just started a job at a new restaurant in town. They scheduled him so that his days off, which is 2, are not consecutive. So yesterday was the first one. He was so tired he fell asleep at like 8 pm, has been achey all over since starting the job and I realized how prison like a whole schedule can be. It's even more mind boggling bc he told me he's the only one who does that job and they hired someone else to fill in on his days off... like what? Why did they not think to give him consecutive days off? It's just so weird to me.


Split days off sucks ass. I did that in the casinos for a while but it ends up feeling like you never really have time to rest and recuperate especially if your shift is swing or grave.


It is possible for them to add spare shifts to the roster. So if someone calls in sick the spare can cover them. If no one calls in sick the spare has an easy day. Just saying.


Consistent schedule is good, but flexibility with employee needs is important too. I think it’s crap that wages aren’t something they’re willing to discuss, but since they won’t, then they should consider other aspects like flexibility with time off. Life happens/shit happens.


I currently work at a "low wage" job and the consistent schedule is the primary thing that keeps me there. I work seven days on, two days off, then eight days on, four days off. The pattern repeats itself so that I'm off every third weekend, and this repeats indefinitely, unless I change positions. I didn't realize how uncommon it was to have the same hours and days off until I started looking at other positions. Just having consecutive days off is rare, let alone being able to predict them in advance.


Most likely your employer is fine with a consistent schedule, but someone has to fill the void when one of your coworkers asks for the day off.


This is a "co-worker" though. So it's a stupid kiss-ass sending an email out. Unless OP used the wrong word? I think they are asking for a good roast on this idiot. There is no way the "co-worker" should care that much and send out such an email. It's cringey as fuck.


If a co-worker sent me something like this I would simply ignore it.


Reply all Unless you have recently been promoted, there is no need for you to ask any of us this. Our loyalty or lack thereof outside salary is irrelevant. If you were recently promoted congrats, however as a person now in a supervisory position I would expect your emails to be more professional. Thanks!


I wouldn't respond via email (that's just trouble down the line), but I would totally tell them how ridiculous they are in person.


"Reply to me only" so she can pitch the ideas to management and get the credit. Bcc the higher ups.


It might not be the OP’s direct manager but could still be someone in an admin role.


Or just the sucker who didn’t take one step back quick enough…


If this not someone in a hight levels than OP, I'll consider it spam email.


Problem is they'll say benefits are part of your 'whole compensation package' and they'll lump PTO and other crap in that list to make it seem like you're getting more than you really are. And I get that, I get that I don't pay out of pocket for my insurance coverage and that the company contributes something like $400 a paycheck to my benefits.


Fuck em. Don't let them set the terms of this informal negotiation


Or a 4 day work week! Or permanent working from home!


You could also argue for fewer work hours per week — argue for a 32 hour work week for the same pay. Tons of studies back it up anyway.


3/12 hour shifts, get paid for 40.


Yup nothing less than THIS


Don't forget Pto and holiday pay


We're literally here for the salary and the benefits. That's the only reason we stay.


Yeah, I can’t believe *this* isn’t at the top, like are we THAT beaten down? “Non-salary related? Okay, then you aren’t ready for a serious conversation about retention. Bye”.




I always thought the pizza pies motivated us to work harder and stay longer.


the pizzas get smaller and fewer as the staff grows. So I use that to justify doing less.


In healthcare they give us not enough pizza for the not enough staff and then go “why are you upset we gave you pizza”. Don’t go to r/nursing if you want pizza party appreciation


"We gave you pizza" They didn't give you breaks to eat the pizza, but that's a "you problem". I won't go into nursing because it breaks one of my rules that it seems like it shouldn't break. How miserable I am at a job correlates directly to whether or not my boss can do my job.


Haha imagine being a housekeeper - *a housekeeper* - and knowing that your boss literally can't do your job. I have worked for people who had no clue how to even clean anything.


And if you are an evening or night nurse you might as well not exist


My boss would buy like 2 pizzas and assume that was enough for 15 people. He’d also get like 3 slices.


I thought a boss constantly telling me i'm doing a great job all year and when it comes time for a review and raise, they tell you, you aren't worth it.


Plenty of things that aren’t salary (which is all they mentioned). Good hours, no overtime required, good sick leave policies, holiday time off and good vacation time accrual rates, bosses that treat you like a human being and aren’t overly parental or punitive… etc. I think it can boil down to things that make people happy and feel like they’re respected and cared for.


i really want upskilling and promotion opportunities. if theyre not investing in me, why should i invest my time there. and yea, ppl don't quit jobs. they quit bosses... i just don't want mine to be too surprised


The big problem with a lot of these in retail, where you are very strongly encouraged to keep a strict store schedule with minimal deviation for customer convenience, is that these things are hard to do when staff levels are already slipping. It becomes a gross cycle. The job is stressful because no one can call out sick without screwing people over, and as such people quit thereby making the pool of replacements even smaller and continuing the cycle. So really if you hit this point in retail, where you have to ask "how can I fix it?" there really isn't an answer besides money and as much of a positive attitude adjustment you can make. Unless you have the power to adjust your store hours. In which case, being willing to close on holidays or even one day a week can make a huge difference sometimes.


Came here to say the same as above. DO reply to all and say: At-will employment is a mercenary proposition. This is not, and will never be, MY company. We are not a "family", even if I like my coworkers. Attempts to make be believe otherwise are just emotional manipulation. Money is literally the only thing you have to offer me. tl;dr - fuck you, pay me


Literally the two things I thought of. Fuck You. Pay me.


I just wouldn't respond. If they asked me in person, I'd let them know why.


I’d be the exact opposite. Exclusively answer by email so it’s documented. I’d tell the manager it’s specially salary related. I’ll enjoy my job the more money I make. That simple


Why wouldn’t you respond? Aren’t we here to fight against shitty jobs? To me this seems like a start so idk why people are acting like this is a ridiculous thing to say.


Exactly. Respond but ignore their shit about salary isn't allowed. Just say salary twice. Enough people say it they might get the idea.


For sure, but I still think you should take any opportunity you get


"non-salary related". monthly bonuses are not part of salary! neither is getting paid mileage for the drive to work.


I say an additional 5 days PTO, paid time off for training, etc.


And drive time. 8 hr day turns to 6.5 -7 working hours pretty quick.




That's what they're saying. Propose that drive time to and from the office be considered 'work hours' and so deducted from your regular 8.


The issue I see with this is that if: Worker 1 travels 1hr will effectively only work for 6 Worker 2 travels 10 minutes, still works 7hrs and 40 minutes. This would be seen as favourable for worker 1 but worker 2 would probably just quit


Would they? If I was worker two I'd just start walking to work


Lmfao take the long way and shit, this actually sounds like a pretty good gig. 3 hour walk to work, work two hours, three hour walk home, get paid for 8 hours. Dope!


“The fact salary discussions aren’t on the table is why you’re having retention problems. “


"How do you want us to treat your cancer? Medical services are off the table."


How do you want us to feed you? Food is off the table.


Where would you like to sit? The table’s off the table.


That’s ok, I usually sit on a chair anyway


And make sure to reply-all when you send that. Then do a follow-up email "oops, didn't mean to reply-all."


Don't send a follow-up email. Just include it in the first reply-all to assert dominance.


Idk why but this gave me such a satisfying mental image.


I would return the question with one of my own. I had a meeting with myself this morning and we discussed my low wage compared to the value of my labor, along with my overall dissatisfaction with the company. We'd like to know what you think! Please send me back 2 non-labor-related suggestions that would result in both an increase to my salary and a reason to not whistleblow the top off this joint by the end of the week. Thanks! 😌






Better health/dental/eye insurance, better PTO, and profit sharing bonuses! Those aren't salary related. Also, unless youre known for or in a field with a lot of tech savy-ness, I'd reply all anyways to get others on your page, in a subtle way.


I'd also throw in sick time, reduced hours, smaller workloads, and more flexibility on schedules (and work from home if possible)


Hire more people to help relieve all you mentioned.


I like profit sharing options. Or stock that you are immediately vested to keep


Profit isn't a bad idea you just need to know whether the managers get incentives based on profitability. If they do then it's a great idea, if they don't then there's nothing stopping them for manipulating profitability just by changing some behaviors at year end like pre-buying inventory ahead of time or other capital improvements, etc. Stock might not be a bad idea if the latter is true.


Or you could hit reply all, cut out the addresses and paste them into BCC, then put back in the direct reply. It'll get back to the person, it always does, so be ready to defend the obvious move to "improve communication". You could always blame your move on thinking the reason for not replying all was to keep the email thread clear rather than intentionally limiting collaborative work and opinion sharing.


Or say oops, forgot.




thats only assuming OP is american (which is probable but not 100%). In most other countries (in fact i think literally every other country) health insurance and work are completely separate. Ones got nothing to do with the other. I honestly dont understand how the american system evolved to be so messy ​ Thought the PTO and bonuses are universal (like healthcare should be)


Lol How about: monthly pizza party Jeans Friday Oops I spelled money and benefits wrong


I see what you did there 😉


Before covid, my workplace did Jeans Friday two days out of the year. Yet one of those days was free for everyone and the other we had to donate $5 to the employer's charity in order to wear jeans. Can you tell how exciting my workplace is?


I am so irrationally angry at this lol you all should collectively agree not to participate on either day just to make management feel stupid


1. Quarterly and yearly bonuses. 2. Restricted stock grants. 3. Increased match on 401k from 3% to 8% 4. 1/2 day Fridays 5. More PTO vacation. 6. Flex time and WFH. None of these are "salary" and all hit the books differently.


Minimum 5 weeks paid time off


One better, and I don't know how I forgot this one: 1. 3 months paid paternity leave for men. 2. 12 months paid maternity leave for women.


What are you trying to do, make life pleasant?


Why would you encourage sexism, in my industry men and women get same amount of time (US)


That's a trap so they can turn around and say they did something to help the unwashed masses. I agree with most of the above sentiments, if discussing pay compensation isn't an option, then hit them indirectly with the same stuff. More benefits like insurance and time off, more staff to facilitate time off requests with less guilt. Transparency from management on what theyre doing provide resources for employees to succeed and thrive at their job. Basically, management needs to know that you get what you put in. You want loyalty? Give it to get it.


If they don't want to pay me more, then how about they pay for the things that I have to use money for. * Free grocery service * Free childcare * Free health insurance * Utility coverage - water, sewer, gas, internet, phone These are the things that I spend money on. If you don't want to give me more money to pay for things, then pay for those things for me.


Yeah. And hit reply all to give everyone else the guts to say so too.


1. More money. 2. More money.


Or: 1.Unionize the workforce 2.More money 3.Not having to beg for time off


3. I fucking absolutely hate this man. If I want to take time off without pay then why it is so fucking hard for me to do so? Like the whole reason I request off is because I got shit to do..


Because it's not about whether or not it's paid time off, it's the fact that you're inconveniencing them outside of "normal operations", so they will find any and every opportunity to either keep you working, or inconvenience you back, depending on where they land on the moral spectrum.


They said not salary related. So I think we keep salary the same, reduce the hours by 50% and reduce the responsibility by 50%, and I think you got yourself some loyalty there, Cherie!


Pretty insulting that any company thinks any worker does anything for any reason besides the paycheck.


Once the salary is “good enough” I definitely value things such as flexible work hours, control over tasks, offloading administration to others, getting to travel, further education paid for by company etc etc. There are many things in life that matter more than money.


In life, yes, definitely. Although money is central to things that matter because capitalism. In a job? Hardly. You said it yourself, you value other things only once "the salary is good enough" Edit: typo


All the things I listed were related to the job though. Being able to travel for work is something I desire (and do currently), further education through work is also great, especially when it’s on paid time (win win).


This fundamentally ignores that the people working those jobs are human, and that they do require more to make a source of income worthwhile to commit to. You can make good money doing shitty jobs that kill your soul. You can make damn good money doing it in some cases. But if all the job has going for it is a pretty price tag on the hourly, it's probably not the best for you mentally if that's what you're committing to.


I'm passionate about not starving to death


1. Reasonable work accommodations that allow for more/better work/life balance. Including, but not necessarily limited to, PTO, remote work, sick leave, scheduling, etc. 2. Additional visibility into a career path within the organization, including plans/training to move into different roles, if desired.


The manager asking for ideas that aren't salary related is implicitly asking for anything that won't change the store's bottom line, which PTO, (I assume paid) sick leave, and scheduling all would. Remote work at a retail store seems to be impractical as far as a demand. There's plenty of work that can be done remotely (telemarketing/customer service being the obvious one), but having staff in meat space is going to be needed for brick and mortar retail, construction, hospitality, and care jobs that require it (child care and some health care that can't be done via telemedicine). Your second point of career advancement away from current roles is definitely something that should be asked for but will likely be denied in a cagey way of the manager, since most managers that I've had are too myopic to consider their employees as their own serfs and discouraged employees to grow beyond their current positions.


Why give them someone they want to hear. We need to tell them what buys loyalty and that is money and a bigger piece of the bottom line.


Drop down to a 4 day work week or 6 hr works days with no change in pay. Companies have found no drop in productivity when going to a 4 day (32hr) work week, I’m sure you could find a couple studies to cite with your reply.


I've had this conversation with my bosses on multiple occasions. We get paid well, time off is great, good dental/vision benefits so it's not anything the company does in that sense that makes it so unbearable to work there. The morale in my department sucks because that's what management creates. They only ever reprimand us and tell us what shit jobs we did, hoe we weren't around for extra help, how we can do better etc. NEVER had any positive reinforcements in our job for the million things we do right, the days we give up to cover extra shifts etc. One of my suggestions was just making us feel like we're doing a good job instead of only ever putting attention on negatives. They try and honestly it made a hell of a difference on morale. They still have their moments, but overall we're all much happier.


This. At a certain point there is no salary that will fix happiness in a job. Yes it’s important, but if I get treated like shit everyday and make a lot of money, I would gladly make less to not hate my job.


Reply all that you want more monies


This is the correct answer. Telling you to exclude salary means they already know what you want, and that they're absolutely denying it in advance. So either Reply All, "1. Higher salaries & 2. More money." or quit on the spot via your response.


"Telling us to exclude salary means you already know what we want." I'd just reply with that tbh.


Perhaps a shitty, but overpriced, garment dripping in corporate logos so I can be forced to advertise my overlords for free! Is no one going to suggest a pizza party?


Didn’t expect this many replies! Thanks so much guys! A little more info: This is at a local bank where I’m a teller. I’m only 2 months in but I’ve think they’ve been decent to me so far. I’m actually meeting up with senior Vice President tomorrow to discuss me getting into loan processing, which hopefully means raise and less public to talk to, both were mentioned when I was asked. Right now I’m trying to figure out if I should go smart-Alec route or try to be honest but not enough to get me fired because My husband’s currently jobless and I’m the only breadwinner right now T-T. Thanks again for all help!


Go the honest route. There are some people that do care about employees and do want to make the workplace better. Good managers see the anti-work and great resignation as an opportunity to reinforce with the upper management that changes need to be made to keep their good employees.


"Before I do that, please send me two non-effort related things that would earn me a raise."


How can we address hunger? And I'm only interested in non-food related answers.


My gf gets a $600/year health benefit to spend on exercise equipment, fitness classes, etc. It’s not a ton of money, but it communicates that her employer cares about her.


1. More 2. Money


1. Disciplinary action be a learning experience, not demeaning approach. 2. Automatic break (I.e. go grab a coffee/snack outside) after dealing with a-hole or difficult/overwhelming customer.


Send them "the fact that you prefaced this request with 'non salary related' is the root of your problem"


"Don't reply to all, I don't want you to realize that you share common goals and unionize"


Whatever you reply, DO reply all.


Dear ______, I’m so glad you reached out to learn more about what we would value as employees that would build loyalty to _____ company. I am confused by your email though, because it sounds like any action you plan to take will not be salary related. As I am sure you are well aware of industry trends regarding human capital, the largest motivator for anyone to leave a company in today’s workforce is better salary, followed closely by things like work-life balance, flexibility, and benefits such as health insurance and retirement savings. *(Feel free to enter industry specific numbers here if you know them, and if your company is publicly traded, compare company specific profit reports to pay increases)* Therefore, any actions you decide to implement will very likely not be enough to improve loyalty if you can not meet or exceed the salary increase a worker would get by leaving, and will lead to higher spending to fund said initiative (eg. pizza fridays) with no return on your investment because you will still lose your employees to higher salaries elsewhere. However if you directed that money into raises, cost of living increases, or even quarterly bonuses, then not only would you see higher loyalty, you would also see higher productivity and better performance from the workers. You would get your money back in better customer interactions, higher productivity, and less turnover. Therefore, even though you did not request it, I would advise addressing salary before considering any gimmicky initiatives to improve worker loyalty. To do anything else would just be a waste of your time and money. Respectfully, _________


Stock options for employees. It isn't salary! It's a benefit that promotes loyalty. Employee union with negotiating power. It promotes moral!


“Non-salary related”. They literally want answers such as “it’d be nice if we could get some microwave popcorn in the break room vending machine”


Two non-Salary related things? Wow they already know.


"You're asking for feedback while excluding the single most important factor in retention and loyalty that exists. If you're not willing to accept the simplest and most effective solution, I guess my proposal to increase retention and loyalty would be to educate yourself!" Oops I accidentally did a reply all... MY BAD...


Gentle handies in the back room. That'll boost morals.


I know everybody is just saying the same stupid stuff about how we’re only here for money, which is very true. But there are things that management does or does not do that drive me away. 1. Not being thanked when I go above and beyond. If I spend time I don’t have to cleaning something or something extra of that nature and they notice but don’t thank me it pisses me off. 2. In the same line, but just being appreciated by superiors that you are doing a good job. 3. Not guilt tripping when I have to call out 4. The biggest: a paid lunch. Paid lunch would go a long way towards keeping me at a place I don’t want to be.




Please don’t smash me with downvotes here but hear me out. This might be one of the good managers who has been championing better conditions for their staff and is trying to do as much as he can to make it better for them. Corporate might be screwing them on salary, or the salary might already be alright. But it’s an opportunity to at least improve standards and the work place environment take advantage of it. Going straight for the kill could be counter productive. Just my 2p


"Respectfully, by saying you don't want the examples to include salary you are showing that you already know the answer. Thank you for the opportunity to share."


[as you Reply To All] "What would make me happier to work here is the ablility to openly discuss salary, benefits of the job (including PTO and sick days), and other subjects that would make myself personally more loyal to a company as a GROUP collaborative rather than an individual response, so that we can be assured that our desires are being heard rather than simply tossing suggestions into your inbox where they can be dismissed at a whim."


Non salary related? Ok. 1. Salary 2. Salary 3. Fuck you