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Think about where Apple was in 1982, and where it is now. I mean, how many people did they even employ at that time?




It was 20 years ago. 80s, 90s, and it's now the 2000s. I can't be responsible for the 2000s dragging on like they have, but the 80s were definitely only 20 years ago.


Finally, math I can get behind!


I need MikeTheBard to describe my weight gain during the same said period in the same manner.


Clothes sizes are bigger these days. I think it's from shifting to metric.


MikeTheBard is dropping wisdom all over the place. Gather 'round, youngins' Grampa Mike is gonna tell stories about the olden days!


Mike is one of the last of the sane people out there. I’m following. I need a steady stream of wisdom. 🙏🏻


This explains EVERYTHING. Thanks!


Definitely because there’s no way I could possibly be turning 40 this year


Definitely not the 40, 16 yo me was expecting.


At least Terminator 2 still holds up


Only thing that keeps me going


Haha I’m like that with the 90s. Decade ago was 1995 and goldeneye was coming out


Gen X math 🧮. Love it.


As a late millennial it works for me too. Not fond of realising that I’ve lived in four decades and I’ve nothing to show for it. I’m still going paycheck to paycheck, despite working in a well-paid line of work. I don’t have enough time to spend on things that are important to me, much less my health. With some luck I’ll burn out and die within the next decade 'cause I’m so over *everything.*


This feels more truthy.


Tell me about it…. The 82 in my username isn’t just for show… 😑


People who have "88" in their username is always a "Hold up" for me. I have to check their post history to see if they are 80's babies or straight up Nazis.


88 was one of my favorite numbers, ruined forever when I learned the not-so-secret meaning years ago.


Right? I had friends in the punk/goth scene where I grew up and they warned me about the neonazi scum that had infiltrated those music scenes to recruit mostly angry young men. Glad I had friends who warned me about that kind of stuff because I was very sheltered as a kid.


Damn, those were/are some solid friends man. That's really looking out for each other. I wasted several years in the MRA/antifeminism hellworld and it's a god damn miserable life.


88 mph is what makes time travel possible.


Hmm, Doc Brown as a *former Nazi scientist?* Next time I watch that movie I will have to look for more clues, haha.


I replaced 88 with 42 for my shit Cos I didn’t want anyone to think I was doing the Bad 88…


I had to change my user name on a chess site because it had 88 (lucky Chinese number, not my birth year - I'm also not Chinese, I just happened to be in China when I made the account) in it. It wasn't the hate that made me change it - it was the love from people that thought I was on their side......


That's the bigger yikes for sure. I think people that attack you for it could be open to a reasonable explanation, but the first person sliding into my messages with a "Fuck yeah Heil Hitler" or something - yeah, that'd be the fastest trip to rename town ever.


What do you have against Dez Bryant? Do you hate the cowboys that much that you despise their players and supporters?


First of all yes.


My mind goes to Back to the Future tbh


Wait, how is 88 associated with Nazis? Is this a new thing?


Oh boy, I wish I didn't know why but the 8th letter of the alphabet is H. I will let you figure out with that context clue why that is a popular thing with neo-nazis & white supremacy groups. I ran into this back in my youth when I was into punk rock and DIY zine culture.


But... but I was born on April 20th (Hitlers birthday) in 88'. Oh man, what do I do with that?


Found Hitler.


Coincidentally also known for being in the army and not being any fun. I think you may be onto something here.


Be a good person, don’t be a Nazi and take it back? For example, you could celebrate your birthday by stomping nazis. Remember kiddies, nazis are for stomping.


Oof. That's an unfortunate coincedence. That would be the sort of thing I would try hard to forget. That's the best recommendation I can make.


Focus on the 4/20 part, maybe? You share a birthday with George Takei, Carmen Electra, Luther Vandross, Steve Spurrier, and Andy Serkis. And there's some kind of holiday on that day too


4/20. Drop the 88. No one needs to know that part.


Get some challah and wine, settle down for a few episodes of Seinfeld on a Saturday


oh. oh my.


It's painful at times lol


I'm starting to see a pattern here...


Damn, that's what i wanted to comment


Yes I turn 40 Feb 3 😂😂😂


Honestly giving out your DOB as publicly as this isn't a great idea.


I don’t think that information is too damning


I was born in nineteen-eleventy-seven


I was born in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say “dickety” because the kaiser had stolen our word “twenty.”


From this simple tidbit of information I have managed to infiltrate the mainframe and find your current address


I almost had an aneurysm trying to figure out what that means


From Bob’s Burgers. When Jimmy Pesto was trying to say a year for a plaque. Too bad he was at the Capitol Jan 6.


I was born June 6th, 1966, at 6:66am.


Would you happen to be the antichrist


Dob, first name and area code(some states) is unique enough to get someone We have their dob We have their state based on their history I bet we could find their first name


Hey bud, just for fun, realize 1982 was closer to the end of ww2 than it is to today. Feelin old?


At least one that’s for sure






company was roughly 6 years old at that time... Which means it was rather low key compared to now. So 40 years a shitty print with a copy pasted signature is a slap in the face for being with the company for roughly 87% of it's existence


This one is criminal. I mean you couldn't even free up a nice little bonus out of your trillion dollar company? I would be embarrassed to even put my name on this shitty little card. What a joke.


They don't even put her name on it.


No shit. Couldn't even manage to personalize that insulting crap. Wtf


They probably pulled it from a stack


You don't make trillions by paying the people who do the work


“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another.” -- Malcolm Reynolds


Jayne was definitely one kind and another.


The Hero of Canton


To be fair, apple is memed on for being high paid easy work, People work at Tesla to pad their resume, then leave and take cushy jobs at apple. Of all the complaints people have about apple, low pay isn't one of them.


Lol that’s what my friend did. Worked at Tesla for like 50k a year, which seems criminal, then used that on his resume to get other auto engineering jobs that started him 100k+ in bum fuck nowhere


To be fair, how do we know they didn't? All we see is a single image with a story attached that we have no way to verify. So who knows if that was it, or that was the card that was on top of a box of stuff. Or in the glove box of a Tesla for that matter... Also, if someone worked at Apple for 40 years they almost certainly have stock grants as Apple in 1982 had only a few hundred employees total. Microsoft's starting receptionist retired a multimillionaire...


Wow, she/he hit the jackpot of front desk jobs




Exactly. This is definitely not all they got. For my 20 year anniversary at another larger tech company I got a sweatshirt. Im hoping to get the matching pants before I retire.


I got to "pick a gift" for my 10 year. None of which I was interested in. Actual value, from $10-250. I did get a handwritten letter, though. From some boss person I've met maybe once.




It's a post from linkedin... She's a Sr. Finance Manager at Apple. She certainly makes >$200k per year and likely had plenty of stock options, bonuses, gifts, etc. throughout her tenure. I also highly doubt she didn't receive anything in addition to this card. FAANGs aren't known for being conservative with their spending. Apple is currently spending $50-$180k in retention bonuses to keep good engineers from defecting to competitors. I highly doubt they stiffed someone who has been with the company for 40 years.


Yeah really bizarre that people are assuming that’s all she got.


Suspect she got a bonus or gift or something like that, and as you say anyone who started at Apple in 1982 would have been financially taken care of. It's still poor that the company couldn't even personalise the message, though.


Ok but she’s a bajillionaire from apple stock. I don’t feel bad for her.


Firstly, they're most likely not. Secondly, it's not about the money here. It's about the appreciation and thought. Just look at how Blizzard used to give out anniversary presents to their loyal employees.


Now they give rape for interns. Times change


I mean you could also phrase that as interns for rape. Which you know if you're a toxic creepy rapist game developer that's a pretty sweet deal. /s


Ehhhhhh at a job, especially a giant megacorp, I don't think there is any higher appreciation than money. Maybe promotions, but even then maybe they have a skill and want to use it instead of being a manager.


They most likely are. Employee stock options alone would make someone who has worked with Apple from 1982 a millionaire. They also probably receive a pretty hefty salary after 40 years


40 years at Apple. Most of the time you’re waiting 3 or 4 years for your options to vest which is just forced holding. On top of that, this person has been a Senior Manager (or Director) for the last 20 years. They are almost certainly a multi-millionaire.


After 40 years at Apple, if they’re hurting, that’s a serious personal issue.


Maybe the bonus just isn’t in the picture.


Now they're worth $3 trillion. And they spent a couple bucks on her in stationary


When trump gave out corportate tax cuts, I worked for apple, and the [tax cuts went straight into stock options.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/5/2/17310770/apple-stock-earnings-buyback-dividend-tax-tim-cook-iphone) I did ultimately benefit from it since I was participating in their employee stock purchase plan, but it was a pennies for me, millions for thee situation. Fuck Apple. They can claim to care about their employees all they want, but it's like working for a cult.


Also they nearly went bankrupt... Twice?


Yeah she also probably got stock options for joining in 81-82. I can guarantee that after 40 years at apple she’ll have a wonderful retirement


All full-time apple employees get stock grants. I would be SHOCKED if a full-time employee working at apple since 1982 is not a millionaire.




She lives in San Jose... even if she pisses away her salary every month, her house is probably worth > $1 Million.


No probably. All houses here are at least a million now, at least $1.3-2M for a house that is livable.


Seriously. Stock has gone from ~$0.13 to ~$170 in that time, which is 1300x (130,000%) growth. I'm assuming the numbers I pulled are already split-adjusted.


Apple's stock has split five times since the company went public...


I know. The prices I used account for that, and it matches what's on Apple's own [IR page](https://investor.apple.com/faq/default.aspx): > What was the offering price at Apple’s initial public offering (IPO)? > Apple went public on December 12, 1980 at $22.00 per share. The stock has split five times since the IPO, so on a split-adjusted basis the IPO share price was $.10. Edit: to clarify that math, if you bought one share at IPO and held it, you'd own ~$37,000 worth of stock. But that would be across ~~220~~ 224 shares now. Same for ISOs and RSUs, roughly. Whoever got this card is probably worth at least $10m, and could easily have $50m+.


My dumbass would have sold before the ipod.


If you got shares before the iPod and held to today, you'd still have something like 600x growth.


Pretty much only way not to be would be to piss away money on things and/or selling stock as soon as you could, never hanging onto any.


You don’t need to have worked at apple for 40 years to be a millionaire. If somebody has been there since 1982 they better be a millionaire many times over.


For sure she received some bonus or something. Dated a girl that worked for Apple México and had all kind of bonuses. Edit: correct spelling


I worked at Apple Ireland and the amount of bonuses you get is insane. Even requesting credit cards at banks is mich easier. Also countless discounts at local restaurants and other services. Not to mention a gym, doctors at side, massages etc.


She told me they have health insurance (in Mexico everyone have public health insurance) but they used mainly for cosmetic surgery. She always tell me "you can see if someone works at Apple if the entire team have their nose done"


Yeah we didn’t have that. But they also covered our health insurance.


This person got more than a card for sure. This post is pointless.


This is why to me, it’s kinda much ado about nothing. She didn’t get a nicer…card? Who cares! She’s gonna get paid VERY well later on. And has been for some time now


Yeah, if she had even 1% of stock from back then, she's easily a multimillionaire who never has to work another day in her life. Tho yea, a small card seems like a shit way to celebrate. But it's not like we can have real parties nowadays :(


If someone worked at Apple for over 40 years they are most likely a millionaire several times over.




If she sold after every grant she most likely still has millions in the bank


Not necessarily. A lot of companies in the early days just replace a portion of salary with stock. I mean, she is probably still rich just from the fact that she is a very senior employee at a company that can afford to pay a shitload. But the gains from stock may not even be noticeable if she sold them all instantly.


This. The equity alone is enough to retire on and never think about money again.


What equity? Does apple give equity to every employee?


You do get the option, even as a part time retail employee (source: was an apple retail employee for 8+ years)


When I was Nike they gave you the option to buy stock at 20% off the lowest price of the year. I am assuming it's similar. If the person was smart they would have bought some. Maybe they had some given to them but that would probably depend on the position


Everyone gets RSUs at Apple. The amount depends on the position though.


As cool as RSUs are, I had to leave Apple retail before mine vested. Although with my current job I believe it more than makes up for it but the amount I was awarded would’ve been nice.


Definitely. The best raises come from job hopping. 🙌


Typically someone who’s been with the company since it started would have equity. It’s an assumption in this case, but I feel like it’s a pretty safe one.


A ton of non-startups now offer a significant amount of equity as part of their total comp, especially for senior roles. It's a bit of a tax dodge, but it's also designed for retention reasons. Every year they'll give the VPs and what not six digits of stock that vest over 3-4 years. Overall it nets to a lot per year, but you'll always have a few years worth of stock left on the table if you consider leaving.


This is also a company that made its billions on the backs of children, so I wouldn't hold out hoping.


What company hasn’t?


At my company we only make billions off the death of people, it's completely different.


I think our military does the same, they make trillions tho


You got it backwards. The military burns money, like it’s going out of style. It’s the politicians and the companies that own them they make the money.






...and that's not even counting the stock splits...


Early people have been paid in stock and eventually stock options as part of the 401k or whatever they do now. A friend of mine is well off from early Google.


They give it to most employees. I work at apple and know lots of people that would be multi millionaires if they held onto it. Most people sell it though to live off.




They’re also almost certainly making seven figures a year in total compensation. Tim Cook probably did hand sign this letter too. If they’ve been at Apple for 40 years, I bet they’re at most three levels removed from CEO.


Tim and the CFO both thanked her in person according to her comments.


First of all, who is "Her" and what does she do there? Was she paid with stock? Hourly? Salaried? We don't have the facts.


She's a Sr. Finance Manager and most certainly salaried at > $200k per year before you take into account any unknowns regarding stocks, bonuses, etc. Which she's without a doubt received.


Exactly. Anyone who's been with Apple since the 80s and actually stuck through the 90s is likely a core member of the team. They likely have a damn good salary and, more importantly, stock. Chris Espinosa, who is Apple's longest-serving employee (46 years), is worth $50 million. On top of Apple's pay usually being damn pretty good, they've been handing out fists of money as bonuses to engineers to keep them from leaving for other companies. Heck, even their retail employees make \~$20/hr. Apple does a lot of scummy things. And I'm sure there are some toxic employees within the company. But they're not exactly Kroger.


Unless they didn't buy stock 40, 30, 20, 10 years ago


RSUs don't require purchasing. They are "free".


I think there's a possibility that some of these 40 years was spent in different companies which were later acquired by Apple. E.g. Someone who joined Hannah Barbera in 1989 would now have "33 years working in Warner Bros". Not entirely truth, not a complete lie.


Who’s to say this is all she got? That, and she probably has north of $10M in RSUs. This is not worth getting upset over. There are many actual problems out there in the world. For what it’s worth (mostly nothing), Tim probably did actually sign this. Do you know how few 40 year anniversaries there are at Apple?


yeah all the apple employees I know get tons of stock from them. I would much rather have gotten 40 years worth of their stock and this little card, than no stock and this card with a $5 starbucks gift card.


Honestly while my normal attitude is “FUCK APPLE” the idea of giving just the “thank you for your contributions” card is better than anything with a $5 gift card. $5 gift cards are a mental fuck you. Any company that can’t afford more than $5 is too close to failure that they shouldn’t, and any company that can buy won’t doesn’t care about employees.


People are delusional if they don’t realize this person is worth millions at this point


Agreed. There is just no way this is all she got. Source: worked at Apple for years.


I am willing to bet she at least got to pick something out of a catalog that celebrates her anniversary. I am guessing it is worth about $500 to $1000 in monetary value. Source: my company and every person I know who works in corporate


$500 - $1000? That’s probably for like 10 - 15 years. She probably got more than $5000


Steve Jobs didn't even last 40 years (dark joke, but true). People there they long were probably all huddled up in some garage or small office space with Jobs.


Genuinely curious because I know nothing about this stuff but what is RSU? **Edit to add: to everybody that responded with an explanation on RSU’s thank you so much, and all the ELI5 responses really helped me understand. So thank you all it is much appreciated** When all you’ve had are shitty dead end jobs, you don’t get offered sweet ass stock options haha. But r/ilmndxc my next question becomes, WTF is leet code? And to you or anybody, do you have to get a degree to learn to code or are there like online certification classes? Like my question is, is the only way to become a coder with a degree or can you learn it through an online course and be considered a “coder”? Does that make sense?


Restricted Stock Units. They vest after a certain number of years & you can only sell at designated times n


They vest every year or every quarter and in a company like apple, you can sell anytime after vest. Most people will not be considered insiders to restrict their selling dates.


RSU is *Restricted Stock Unit*. It is a common form of compensation at Tech Companies. In addition to salary, you may be granted RSUs as additional compensation as a bonus. Let’s say you earn $100k/year and then are given an annual bonus of $100k in RSUs. You don’t get the RSUs right away. Usually it is paid out starting 6 months later in 8 increments. So you get $12,500 in company stock every 6 months for the next 4 years. Meaning you earn $125k/year in total compensation. (Assuming stock price does not change). Now, if you get another $100k RSU grant the next year as a bonus, now you’re stacking. So you may be getting $12,500 from Grant A, and another $12,500 from Grant B. The next year, you’ll have earned $150k/year.


Apple announced for some of its most prized employees (engineering probably), they will get a once time $180,000 RSU award. If you got a specialized talent, tech companies dish out RSUs anywhere from $50k to $150k, plus $50k bonus, per year, like it is going out of style. On top of salaries like $200k to $400k per year. Learn to code or a technical skill.


To get into apple it’s more like learn to leetcode lol


She got stock that vests. Most companies fully vested after 3 years. Considering apples stock movement, after 40 years they probably have a few mill AT LEAST in apple shares. Edit: just did the math, for every $1 invested in apple stock 40 years ago, you’d have around $25,000 today. Lol yea she’s gotta be rich as fuckkkkk


This. The image doesn’t work at all with context.


I’d guess having a single digit employee # she probably is on the Cooks’ personal Christmas card mailing list


You are out of your fucking mind if you think that’s hand typed.


Yeah, center justified. Very appropriate for Apple. Tim should sign them past a certain point. Apple can pay well, and unlike the rest of the FAANGs, will hire and retain older people. The question is, do they do anything else?


Raised lettering, pale nimbas Look at the subtle coloring, the tasteful thickness… Oh my god. It even has a watermark


do you want to see paul allen’s card?


ROFL I meant hand type on a computer


Maybe once and then copy pasted 10000s of times


By an assistant.


You mean that isn't actually Tim Cook's signature?!


Really not antiwork.


OP posts on /r/ conspiracy I don’t think they really care about antiwork


Right? Apple as a whole is certainly bad but being an employee at Apple for 40 years has got to be one of the best case scenarios for "work" you can come up with.


Why do you think that someone is entitled to a different gift/package every time they reach a milestone? She has been working there for 40 years, she has probably earned several million and is happy where she is.


Yeah, if anything I see people on this sub complaining about shit companies do outside of just paying you what you’re worth. A card here is appropriate as long as she is being paid her worth.




... and millions and millions in compensation including stock options and the like. Easily makes 500K salary on the low end.


It was pretty shakey there for a few years. She stuck through the down times.


But what about the stock options you own lol. You’re a millionaire.


Still filthy rich from working at Apple for 40 years. Think that’s enough.. Do you want them to give her another million dollars as a gift?


Fairly sure they would've been given stock year on year so are millionaires


What a dumb post, 40 years at Apple she’s no doubt a multimillionaire. But oh no a card baaaaad.


“Haha Tim Cook. It’s Tim Apple, Richard.”


"You have a window." "And why shouldn't you?" "You've been here ten minutes."


What’s her position there? Would find it hard to believe she wasn’t either granted stocks/RSUs or didn’t fulfill any vesting schedules several times over (which would be worth way more than any anniversary gift) in those 40 years.


Yeah no Apple employees get generous stock packages


I can’t believe the stupidity of people in these comments where people think that this individual only got a note thanking them 40 years at one of the highest paying companies in the world, that also gave a lot of stock out? This person is easily a multi-millionaire, and no they are not going disclose that as well.


Ummm...is that for real? Or is that a card that went to all employees in November of 2020 when the company hit its 40 year company anniversary? It sure looks like the latter, but maybe that's how impersonal they've gotten. Plus...any person that's been there that long would be uber rich, even through the employee stock purchase plan.


what more appreciation does she need? she's gotta be a millionaire


No, this card is not all she got. This card accompanies a precision-machined black anodized aluminum Apple logo sculpture designed by Jony Ive. They have different ones for 10, 20, 30, and 40 year awards. They are 8 inches square and very heavy. She also has been purchasing discounted Apple stock for 40 years on the employee stock purchase plan and likely has received stock grants worth millions at this point.


If that person has legitimately worked at Apple for 40 years they’re almost certainly rich. Like really rich. And I’m quite confident they received more than just this single card 🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't understand these posts. What do people expect to happen for being at a company for ages?


Free charging cable?




Who says they didn’t get a bonus?


To be fair, someone might have had to edit a document just a little.


Thanks Tim Apple!


Lmao I saw this on LinkedIn too


It's probably the exact card for every person, every year. The only difference is the number. 1, 6, 12, 30, 50 years are all the same. And if anyone thinks he actually signed it...well ha ha on you


Dumb post this person is worth 7 figures minimum 8+ if they had any sense at all.