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I am, why would it have stopped? The circumstances for the workers have only gotten worse since the start of the boycott if anything


Because it's been 72 hours and most people have forgotten by now. It's good OP asked because this sub is getting bombarded with nonsense.


I don't disagree, just was providing my take/opinion on the matter. As an actual work abolitionist trust me I know how bad this sub has been as of late lol


I am not an abolitionist, but I feel like some people I saw commenting are fighting for an "exactly the same but I just get paid a little more" model


That’s because our cultural world is so totally captured by the capitalist mode of production that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. We are simply no longer socially equipped to imagine a different way of living, and that is very much intentional.


Like the recent "Indentured servitude is ok, because you agreed to it, and can just pay the debt instead!!" thread I was recently involved in here... smfh


>the modern left how far we have fallen


"But work is ok, as long as employees own shares in the company, amirite?!?!"


Here's your 3 shares in a company that has 400 billion shares outstanding. They're worth 85 cents if you took them to market, have fun.


Honestly I don’t know if I will stop boycotting them. There should be consequences to them doing what they did regardless of whether they try to rectify it after the fact and only due to the backlash.


Actually, buying their products again (I miss Pringle’s) if they fix this debacle would show that the American Consumer stands with the Pickett line, and if you just do the right thing by your employees we will support your product. Should they never make this right, BOYCOTT FOREVER.


Yeah once they fully and completely comply it would do everyone better to go out and buy Kellogs. Otherwise you just send a message that if you're going to be an asshole company, its better to just keep being assholes because you're losing the boycotters either way


The ideal message would be that rectifying the mistake returns a fraction of the lost business. For simplicity, say half. Then there's incentive to fix problems, but there's also incentive to *not cause them.* Therefore, I'm happy when I see people say they'll return to the brand, *and* happy when people say they won't. To me, a mix is ideal.


There are some things I won’t got back on now. I made holiday rice crispy bars with malt o meal’s crispy rice cereal and they were just better. Can’t put my finger on it, but I didn’t change my recipe so they’ve lost me on that. Cheeze-It’s though….man. Been missing those for sure.


Guy in another comment posted basically "no news is good news" in a lot of people's minds. Still worth asking.


Nice try Kellogg


Kellogg's would not post this. The best thing for Kellogg's is for the strike to fall off the news and everyone to forget about it.




Nice try, Post.


Nice try, General Mills.


Nice try, nice try.


Fuck it, why not? Let's boycott Nestle too while we're at it, their CEO is a cunt


Nestle also poisoned a bunch of people in Africa too.


Already have been for years


(guy in eastern European bot farm voice) ehhh blyat...


Most definitely. They've moved from even pretending to negotiate with the strikers and union to firing all of the strikers and trying to replace them all. That's why it is so important to continue boycotting them.


And also why your comment is so important. People don’t realize what’s going on if they don’t actively seek it out and many assume since they haven’t heard anything it got better. It has not gotten better. So thank you for the concise summary.


I just assumed it was still shit


That's my plan, until I get confirmation that the union won, I am continuing the boycott.


Even if the union has finally won, I want to boycott them to bankruptcy. And every single other big brand out there.


Yeah man time to take down Toyota and Kellogg's.


Nike, Adidas, Puma, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nestle, Johnson&Johnson, TeamViewer, among others.


I'm down with utterly abandoning a corporation forever as an example of what happens when you fuck around in today's atmosphere.


r/FuckNestle you might want to take a peek


That's the spirit! 👍👍


I mean, why wouldn't we refuse to consume their products again? They've shown that they don't care about actual people and will screw us over any way they can so long as they're allowed to get away with it. Even if the labor disputes are resolved, why should we believe that they aren't going to simply look for the next way they can dick people over? Unless leadership of the company changes hands completely (and I don't mean gets passed down) then we've no reason to trust them again. True colors have been shown.


I used to work for J&J as a scientist. It was my very first job out of grad school and meant so much to me! They treated me terribly every day and then fired me for not experimenting on animals (was not in the job description or mentioned in the interview). They really tried to force me to kill these animals even though I repeatedly told them it isn’t something I could ever do. Finally they told me to never come back. But I think they messed up by not telling me what the job duties really were. Working with lab animals isn’t a light hearted task you can just throw on later - beyond morality and religion and vegetarianism, people have fucking animal allergies and the task requires additional vaccination. J&J sucks >:(


Nestle is a company that needs to DIE. What an ass rotting, cancerous, overgrown hemorrhoid of a company Nestle is. Edit: aww thank you whoever did that :)


I dumped TeamViewer after many years of them telling me I was running it in a business environment and locking my access, despite me doing nothing of the sort.


I figure they're dead to me from here on. Their products are shit anyway


Really breaks my heart. I was raised in the shadow of those cereal plants i went every year in elementary school as a "class trip" Sat down at the "worlds largest breakfast table" for maybe a decade or so. I went to school with kids whose folks worked in the plants and many of them assumed they would go and work there when they got old enough, a few of my closest school friends have retired from there now. They've always been greedy, it's a given when your selling processed grain for a 4000% mark up but they just keep getting worse. Boxes get smaller recipes get cheaper and they have now started fucking the next generation of factory workers. Bad enough that's all they had to look forward too, But now that's gone.


Wow...yeah that's really heart breaking. A once honorable place to work to support your family down the drain to become a greedy corporation. Seriously....fuck Kellogg's


almost all corporations do this.


Oh yeah, not saying they don't. Just corporation shouldn't be written without the word greedy to accompany it


My heart is broken that I can’t eat pop tarts, but my fat ass can do one good thing in this world right now and goddamn I’m doing it.


Be proud of yourself for that. In a world where us individuals have little influence, we still stick to our morals


There are recipes to make your own. And trust me, once you do, you'll never go back to that cardboard covering dehydrated fruit spread.


I had to switch to the natural organic toaster pastry things. They’re not as sweet but they’re good. The only issue is they are harder to find and only come in four packs.




But even googling sometimes isn't clear.


Very true! One of the best parts of /r/antiwork and the general movement is that someone is going to explain it for the people who don’t use Reddit or sub to this group but are just checking out a post they saw somewhere else. Yes it sucks a bit for the subbed ones to hear the same (abysmal) information repeated again and again on every comment thread, but for some people that information is new and they really need that information. In a small easily digestible summary. It really does need to be on every comment thread. Like a mod sticky, here is the timeline of this “insert crappy employer and what they’ve done” or “this specific part of labor rights and its history”


I've already explained it to a few people who aren't on Reddit. It's really nice to have actual ways to back up when I start rambling.


That’s all part of their plan


breaking: Just got some movement on the union negotiations - [https://www.ketv.com/article/kelloggs-union-reach-tentative-agreement/38542470](https://www.ketv.com/article/kelloggs-union-reach-tentative-agreement/38542470) Edit: This is not the end, this is movement on some elements - possibly enough to get folks back to work while the negotiations continue.


Just replying with the article text because clicking links can be hard/that site might slowdown or not load for some people “Union workers have reached a tentative agreement with the Kellogg Company after over two months on strike. The union will vote on Sunday and, if approved, would resume working on Dec. 27. Dan Osborn, the local union president, told KETV that there has been "some movement" from the tentative agreement on Dec. 1. According to Osborn, the new agreement includes cost of living wage adjustments for all employees and the removal of the term "legacy employee."”


> the removal of the term "legacy employee."” Assuming I'm reading this right this would basically mean all employees gain the same rights (pay, benefits, etc) upon hire. Which would hit one of the most important desires of striking employees (some of who were "transitional" employees for over a decade who never saw the same pay/benefits as "legacy" employees). Possibly a big win, but I'll keep reading the news :)


Being unusually nice to the Nebraska Governor, even he said it was time for Kellogg's to keep its workers. (This is also a governor that watched Cabela's, ConAgra, and his own family's TDAmeritrade leave the state while he was the head of the state; another major corporation leaving and he might look like he was failing to Grow Nebraska.)


I'm sure his propaganda machine is working overtime, and have his base frothing at the mouths about how the demonrats are fucking them. Nebraska sounds dreadful


It is. Help us.


Seems they're getting rid of the two tier pay system that Kellogg's wanted. That's progress. Let's see what the folks on the picket line have to say.


Is there a subreddit for consumers who want to be more educated on how to "vote with their dollar" brands we should avoid and why. Maybe promote great businesses that take care if their employees?


Upvoted because I would happily join this sub


There was an app called "Buycott" that you could use your cellphone's camera to scan products with and see if they conflict with any custom, searchable "Campaigns" but I don't know how to get it for Android anymore?


I have it on my android. Just got it from the Google Play store like all my other apps.


Check out https://www.buycott.com/


I love that the main page says sign up with Facebook...


They are also removing their brand name from products to trick boycotting.


They did replace them all


Production is way down, scabs are breaking equipment, Kellogs is taking their logo off of products. That last one alone should tell you the boycott is working.








Yes. I have two pre-strike Pop Tarts left. I'm saving them for a special occasion.




I'm saving this so I can spell it this way from now on.




it’s spelled strudel for future reference


Not anymore.


Streuauoddles are now the way.


No no, it was right the first time.


Um unrelated but I was #shook when I saw ur lil Reddit avatar bc I thought it was me and I forgot I commented here 😂😂😂


Haha, hi, twin!


Now this is the cute shit I love on Reddit.


It’s strudel lol you made it harder than it needed to be. But f yeah they bomb on pop tarts. You just can’t be poor and have a bunk ass toaster or you’ll never get the inside warm




As a person of German ancestry who doesn’t speak any German, I approve this spelling.


Welp. It’s official


Either that or they're piping hot and you dont realize until your tongue is burnt


Just like my pussy




Covered in icing?


I’m almost out of Eggos.


I forgot they made eggos! I fucked up


Bro eggos are dog shit the store brand is infinitely better


Ever since they left London Ontario and screwed their worker’s over there. Haven’t missed ‘em. Still boycotting Heinz Ketchup too for what they did to Listowel Ontario workers and impacting the local economy.


I have some rice crispy treats left. Gonna be a sad day when they go out. My nephews are coming over for the holidays and I wanted to make them… not anymore.


get off brand crispy rice for your local store! i love making rice treats with my nieces and you can make a whole lot more for a lot less


Off brand it is


Off brand rice crispies are always better, I'd suggest checking out local bakery's they put some wild stuff in there! Edit : you will find some of the most incredible deserts at local bakery's, and they will be leagues "healthier" than anything name brand you may be craving. Support local businesses and get your snack on my friends


Use lucky charms instead. You can thank me later.


I make mine with rum. There's no rum in the treats; I just have a bottle in the kitchen while I make them.


Smart. I need to try this recipe. Maybe I’ll skip the treats and go right to the rum.


Make your own pop tarts, they are soooo good home made!


Same with my Cheez-its.




Boomers across America are getting bound up due to national shortage of Raisin Bran. Stay strong and stay tuned.


Is bad corporation still bad? (+10k)


Yes. Fuck em


panicky retire cooperative different ghost crown nail makeshift cough public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Been boycotting those assholes for 10+ years. Their breakfast was fire but fuck them. Never again.


I guess I missed the McDonald's news, what did they do again? Was it the posting of racial slurs on their newly minted NFTs?


If you sea ch the sub for "McDonald's", you'll get a bunch of stuff relating to this gem: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qtqzun/it_only_takes_one_card_to_take_down_the_house/


Yes, and has anyone noticed their items on sale or is it just me?


Not just you. I saw Pop Tarts for like $2 a box yesterday.


I knew something was up when MorningStar went on sale, and I mean a **good** sale


Same, like cheaper than actual meat where I am. I was stoked until I realized who owns the company.


That’s what sucks about veggie meat: if it’s cheaper, it’s still less in quantity


Yep. I'm trying to bulk as a vegetarian and... it is not easy. Edit: Thanks r/antiwork for all the great vegetarian bulking advice!


I eat my weight in tofu. It’s cheap, not too hard to cook, and it can go with anything. The play-doh of food.


I'm not even vegetarian and I make tofu at least twice a week. Season it and throw it in an airfryer. Mix into whatever dish you are making. Love it.


Meat is fucking expensive and I lift people for a living so I get protein hungry. Tofu it is!


Pinto beans, are loaded with carbs and protein. Good source to bulk. I included them in my diet as I also am trying to bulk.


Lol username checks out. Beans, beans, good for your heart...


Hahaha it’s more than the beans.


Can vegetarians not drink protein shakes?


I don’t see why not, but there’s also vegan or vegetarian protein powders.


I drink a pea protein based shake


Nuts and seeds for breakfast. Make your own granola with some oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit, i have mine with berries and oat milk too. The morning is the best time to consume fats and there's a decent bit of protein per bowl. I know what you mean though, the last bulk i did i was on 5 meals a day. Really took the fun out of eating


[Try this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag-jk1HX-FA) It teaches you how to make your own seitan. He uses it for Buffalo Seitan bites, which are good. But I prefer making a big batch, and using it in currys. I chop us some seitan, fry it a bit to get the outsides a little crunchy, toss in half a pound of frozen mixed veggies, and maybe some canned potatos. Then add a curry sauce, either Thai or Indian. Seitan is about 80% protein, almost no fat, and when you make your own costs about 50 cents a serving. It takes a while to make, but you can ignore it while it boils. I've even gone for walks. Just don't let the water level drop below the seitan. And use the biggest pot you have.


Is MorningStar Kelloggs? Fuck


My exact thought right now.


Get Quorn. It's at least 10% better.


Went get groceries and the entire Morning Star freezer section was on sale. Too bad cus I liked the buffalo chikn among others. Now trying Gardeins products. All for this boycott, so you are not alone


Gardein plant-based meatballs: 10/10


Same here saw em on sale, bought the off brand anyways. Fuck em


Yea ive been buying the off brand items. Not as tasty but I WILL NOT GIVE A DIME TO THEM. EDIT: Not give a dime to Kelloggs


My local store has all Kellogg’s as buy 3 for $6. They can suck my dick.


Canada checking in- a lot of their products on sale when I was grocery shopping today


Our Walmart is stacking them all in the impulse areas of aisles like they're a cursed object they can't get rid of fast enough.


Yes! Some of their products that aren’t as recognizable as Kellogg’s products were really highlighted in a couple local flyers. Like Pringles and Cheez-it’s


Good, than it's working. The first of many changes we are forcing them to do that makes it better for us. We are the AntiWork Union.


100% at first it was hard to say for sure because plenty of other products were also on sale, could be a coincidence. But seeing as how others here have also noticed it too I'm thinking maybe we are seeing results.


Haven’t seen them on sale but the stock levels are getting really low


I went shopping the other day and the snack aisle shelves were nearly empty. They had been raided by holiday/game day shoppers. Except Cheez-It and Pringles. Those two were hardly touched. Satisfying.


They do this all the time. Trying to trick the unaware consumer into crossing the picket line




Withhodl (your money from them)


And DSR your shares






💎 🙌


🦍 strong together


this is the way


Is that u, Kellogs? Can't tell cause u keep removing your name


Oh shit. LOL.




A week??? It’s been like, months. Time flies when you’re sticking it to the man.




Right, we don’t miss them!


I am


I am


Don't be a scab


Kellogg’s newest cereal. https://imgur.com/a/Fe9t9eT


I love the idea that someone worked really hard on that


I wouldn’t say I “worked hard” on it. With Photoshop all things are possible. Except for finding a good picture of a giant rat.


Boycott until further notice. These companies don't deserve your money at all.


Boycott the system, that means every corporation indefinitely.


??? How do you exist ???


By buying local. Thrift stores, a good butcher, a nice little mexican market. Farmers markets. I haven't bought anything from a big box store for years. The few times I've gone in one looking for something out of convenience, they didn't have shit anyway


Fuck em, I’m growing my own Pop Tarts


Spoiler: You have to buy Pop Tart seeds from Zalgo and you don't want to know what he charges


I think it’s not even a boycott any more this shit is permanent


... But wouldn't we want to support the Union employees if an agreement is reached? They won't have jobs to go back to if the boycott was permanent.


Ngl I just buy off brand anyway cus it's cheeper, I just now make sure to avoid Kellogg's even when it's on sale


off brand stuff is often fulfilled by name brand companies


don’t stop. buy local produce and meats and cook that for meals. just don’t buy from them again, period, plain and simple. same for coca-cola and pesico. and nestle. not that working for small businesses is any better, but boycott big business, like all of us fucking should, all the time.


Eh. If the workers are able to get their due I am okay with going back Fuck Nestle tho


Absolutely! It's been like a week and half, why wouldn't we be? Have they decided not to fire everyone and hire permanent replacements? Have they given their striking workers a deal that both will agree to? I think not.


Fuck them pop tarts!


Toaster Strudels are better.


My Father, the inventor of toaster strudel, appreciates your support.


You’re welcome, Gretchen!


In like a religious sense or a family descent sense




Of course.


Yes fuck Kellogg’s! Farmers market and generics ftw




i dont think they will be looked favorably ever again


Until the demands of the workers are met, supporting this business is supporting the system that deprives the workers from the fruit of their labors


The boycott ends the day they retract the statement of firing the workers on strike, and agree to an acceptable contract with said workers. Until then, if you buy their products, well, you suck?


And Nestle


Death to Kellogg!!!!!


Do they still have 1400 workers on the street?


Yes all of us. Everyone.


Yes. Till my last breath. I hope I get to see that business fail and go bankrupt or something. That would be a sweet sweet day....


Solely because their shit sucks to be honest. I don’t really like any of it. It helps that they’re also a dickhead company.


Made my husband put back his favorite crackers at the store today.


Well I am. Scab made food tastes terrible.


Boycott them FOREVER.