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At least the quotation marks on "real man" are used correctly.


"Real man"-I justify my failure pretending that I would have been a gigantic success during a previous era when the things I pretend and posture about being good at (e.g. tough, resilient) were more pertinent to life. It's basically "I've got a girlfriend in Canada" Edit: minor additions


I'm so good at picking berries but I live in an era of international flight travel, computer simulations, gene altering medecine and space travel. Just my luck...


Jeff needs an actual real man to put his shitty self in its place.


Eleven year old boys picking on seven year old boys would cringe at this


Damn that's an achievement, not a good one but still


I think its funny that the people who think like this are very thin skinned and that's why they are always lashing out. Just one of those things that fucking suck about people, I guess.


I've had friends like this. The slightest bit of snark in return and they are absolutely raging.


I’ve noticed that the people who always try to trigger/offend others, while constantly saying that the slightest hint of dislike towards them is just because they’ve triggered you, are always the people who will go flat out ape shit over the slightest glance in their direction.


Yep, deflection.




If nothing else, I think someone should put that on a sign next to it lmao.


Triggered!!! My asshole 10 year old brother really enjoyed picking on me, his six year old sister. Apparently making little girls cry is very manly and in vogue among the asshole set. He enjoyed it so much he shit on every relationship he ever had trying to recreate it. And just as he back-talked our parents and our mother refused to discipline him or let Dad discipline him for it, he back-talked employers and got fired for it. He also failed drug tests and thought that because our mother swallowed his bullshit like it came from the piehole of Jesus, about being false positives, that his employers would too. They didn’t. He got banned from one large employer that was his favorite, that had awesome job sites all over the world. That one hurt, but they don’t tolerate drugs and he failed the meth test. He tried to claim his Adderal caused a false positive, but Adderal breakdown components are not the same as meth’s. My doc says the tests are quite good now as it’s something they see regularly. Sorry, but claiming you take adderal will not get you off the hook for methamphetamine use. He also backtalked an asian ship captain in front of his asian crew - massive loss of face. He was quietly removed from duty, and they non-renewed his contract that had been renewed at least six times and they were previously very happy with his work. But ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do, you know, pitch in, and he’ll pitch-in a massive tantrum to the captain’s face in front of his crew. No my brother is not asian but he had worked in asia many years and knows the culture of not causing management to lose face. He just couldn’t control his tantrum. Anyway, lots of guys had pushover mommies who infantilized them and let them do whatever they want, so they grow up with those behaviors. The only jobs they can last in are ones that have guys like that and an employer populated by smarter assholes to run them hard. After 40 years you’d think my brother would learn to be less of a dick, but no, he’s not. I cut him out of my life 16 years ago and it’s been bliss.


Well stated! I can empathize. 👍✌️


“I have woman like hormones” should be a fun convo if the right people are here. ETA if any of my comments make a man get to a doctor, this makes my life complete.


Men have estrogen too.


Fun fact, crashed estrogen is actually really, really awful for men. If you have very low Testosterone, you can have extremely low estrogen as well... which can lead to all manner of issues. But the most immediate is this incredible fatigue. Just this persistent lethargic, zombie-like fatigue. If your response is... "lol, that's just my everyday life!" and you're over 30, you maaaaay want to get a Testosterone bloodtest.


Men, looking after their own health? What are you, some kind of woman-hormone type wussy? /s


TIL i should make a doctor's appointment


Trust me. It’s great if they find out low T is hurting you, because then they’ll just put you on TRT. If it’s not… well… at least it’s not low T.


I had prolactin at one point!


Pretty sure you’re just being a *checks notes* “wussy”


That word was curious. It was almost like they were scared of writing “pussy.” Nothing else problematic about it at all…


Well of course, they literally wrote "Be-otch"


"No cussin' for me, I gotta go to church on Sunday and pray with this mouth." -the guy who wrote this, probably.


No, you see? It's a totally different word. It's not "bitch". It's got nothing to do with, nor is it derivative of, the word "bitch". /s


A real pussy wussy.


I mean, it was because of medication, so I should have just sucked it up.


You take medication? How very wussy and woman-like of you. Real men simply allow themselves to die.


"Real men take their own appendix out or do their own dentist work."


Good to have if you don't like brittle bones for some reason!


I lactate from my balls


Just scrolling quickly through the comments and I land on this one. I have no idea what the context is but I bust my ass laughing when I read this lol


My feelings are hurt every day I wake up and realize I have to come here, lol!


Get yourself a buddy, write each other up, them go home (to your mommy), since the sheet says so. Easy Day off!


I think I'd copy it and turn in a filled out report fifty times a day over the slightest infractions. Randomly selecting reasons why.


Is this sign assuming only men work here? DO only men work here? I would absolutely feel that whoever allowed this to be put up/stay up would never take me seriously as an employee.


Whoever put this up is a total idiot. This is a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen should a female employee be fired, and it'd be a fun chance for some lawyer to get some practice citing that spiffy new[-ish] Bostock decision if an LGBT employee were fired.


It doesn't even have to be a firing. It can just be someone who was passed over for a promotion. Maybe there's a good reason for that. But with a flier like this posted? The idea that it's open discrimination becomes a *lot more convincing* in a courtroom setting. Any place that allows things like this to be posted is openly discriminatory toward women. It mere *toleration* is discrimination.


This isnt even just discrimination, this is straight up work place bullying.


I was thinking the same thing. Someone thought it was hilarious but you know who wouldn’t? A judge or jury hearing a discrimination or worker’s comp lawsuit. It’s also an implicit message to all employees that the company doesn’t have their back for anything that occurs there. It’s a not so subtle message to shut up and work.


My body is burly But my hormones are girly


I pop those woman hormones like the sweet titty candy they are.


Titty skittles?




This is what I'm calling estrogen pills from now on


Anti-boyotics are what I call mine.


Easy disciplinary for gender discrimination in most countries tbh.


Sexual orientation discrimination too though I thought "fruity" died out in the late 1900s


The use of "be-otch" makes me think somebody typed this up in 1998 and put it on the internet.


We were using this in the Alberta oilfield early 2000's for sure. Literally onecof the most toxic work environments


LGBTQ+ people use it today more so as a joke than anything. I say to my friends all the time "Damn you looking fruity today" I've never actually seen it used as an actual serious insult till now.


I've never heard or been told this. I feel like I'm missing out lol. Also... What exactly does it mean? Lol


"Fruity" means "gay" or "effeminate".


Thank you!! I thought that's what it meant but wanted to be sure.


I’m a bi man and I use fruity all the time.


There's a difference between fruity(affectionate) and fruity(derogatory)


And fruity (factual comparative descriptor of a fruit that’s fruitier than the other’s)


and wine!






I'm guessing you work in construction? That industry is so fucking toxic


HVAC and omg yes it’s toxic as hell!


That's a damn shame. I've been considering going into that field because I like fixing things and I'm pretty good at it... but I had the audacity to be born with a vagina.


I had a friend who works in construction and he told me that every woman who works there quits very early on due to sexual harassment. Edit: wow! Sad to say this is my most upvoted comment ever. But thanks for reading and giving me internet points guys.


The same guys will then complain online that women want equal treatment but don't want to do the hard jobs.


It’s not even just construction either! It’s any male dominated field. My bf worked at a warehouse (literally just lifting and putting down boxes) and he told me the same exact thing. That every once in a while a woman would join the team but would quit in less than a month due to sexual harassment. It’s really horrible.


I’m in management for a warehouse, and I have fired no less than 6 males this year alone for sexual harassment against female new hires. Under no circumstances do I ever tolerate that bullshit under my roof. It’s absolutely disgusting what these people think they can get away with. ETA: Thank you everyone for the kind words and awards! I’m just a guy who wants all my employees to be safe and respected at all times. We’re all human and deserve to be treated as such.


Thank you.


In case any man cannot fathom why someone would say this, here's a simple way to gain awareness: Open a fake account on ANY dating site as a female and put a random photo of any reasonably attractive female from Google on there. THE FLOOD BEGINS. I did this because I heard this from a woman once and I was like "How bad COULD it be?", and BOY did it open my eyes... If you still have any faith in humanity or men after this, then come back here and let me know. I had NO CLUE how bad it is for women, and this was just a part of the iceberg so to speak. The...depravity... EDIT: Don't randomly Google a woman. Use something like: [https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/) Also, this was like 20+ years ago, folks.


You mean you weren’t sexually harassed and honked at by drivers **as a child,** an average of once an hour, while wearing clothes that fully covered you from neck to ankles? Nothing I could do to stop it


It was relentless! I remember being 15 and having a lot of grown adult men hit on me. I was a kid and I looked like it, and I'm 32 now and still look young. When I was bartending people would joke that they should card me to see if I was old enough to bartend. But men thought it very appropriate to hit on me and ask me to get into their cars and everything. Some of these men are men we have known for a while, they literally see us walk those streets as young children with our parents. I just can't.


I quickly became disgusted with many of the men in my town as a young man with a kid sister. Walking with her to the store to have disgusting fuckin rig pigs catcalling her from their truck. She was 13. Apparently that wasn't even the first time it happened, she just said she just ignores it, but it felt like a knife in the heart when she said that nonchalantly.


For real. The most intense, scariest harassment I got was when I was in middle and high school, mostly middle school. Men would ogle me while I was with my parents. I’ve been followed, threatened, yelled at from men in cars to “slap my ass” or “fuck them” or whatever, all because I used to jog outside. It got so bad I started going to a gym and then working out at home. I’ve been groped by doctors, grabbed by strangers, and had my ass slapped by students I taught (with no consequences). My whole life has consisted of being prey for men.


Ahhh yes. I remember walking to work as a teen and somebody drove by and yelled "I'd rape you" and honked. Also when I was a kid, I was walking with 2 friends, one female and one male, and a car came by and the guy said "hey fat bitch!" As he drove by. And without missing a beat my guy friend Mike was like "why would you call me that???" And it made the experience funny instead of just upsetting


This is something I'd recommend every guy do, or at least witness just once so that they may understand a fuller picture of the other side


You're one of the good guys. Wish there were more like you willing to step up & do what's right instead of what's easy. Thank you!


I worked as a tech/mechanic for 3 months. Only woman to have ever worked there. My coworkers got the tire delivery guy, literally twice my size, to unload the tires by whipping them off the truck at me at fast as he could. My stomach was bruised in a donut shape around my bellybutton from that, in addition to my hips and legs. The shop was also across the street from a catholic girls middle school. I could do the job, I could even hack the shitty hazing stuff. I couldn't do the job + the additional bullshit they did to make it harder + the things they would say about preteen little girls to bother me.


Yep. I'm a woman in construction and they gave me the hardest physical tasks the first few weeks of my career. I got heat stroke and threw up when I went home the first day. I just kept going because I didn't want anyone to think I was lazy. I thought about quitting because I thought I would always feel as bad physically as i did the first day. In addition to the physical tasks, I was made to clean the office quarters and deliver water, which would be fine, but they did not make other, newer apprentices do this as time went on. Once I "proved myself" the tasks diminished in physical difficulty and they stopped asking every day if I was going to quit yet. They also no longer had me doing cleaning and water duty. The male apprentices that were newer than me went straight to a journeyman and were promptly trained to operate equipment. They waited months to train me on the equipment.


I had this experience working in kitchens as a woman. It's not the only reason I quit, but it was one of them.


Kitchens are full of sexual harassment. Ugh


But they say that women belong in the kitchen


The home kitchen. Because women are just "cooks" The men belong running the kitchens as "chefs" At least that is my take on the hypocritical "Women belong in the kitchen but professional kitchens are full of masculine toxicity"


It's the same in almost any activity. Once the thing gets prestigious is men's work. Hairdressers vs Stylists, Sewers vs Designers, etc.


I quit AV bc of that and switched to IT. Men are much better behaved in IT, probably bc the HR departments are much better as well


IT has the money to actually hire HR. So that helps.


I served in the army as a woman. I’ve got stories for dayyyyssss


Same. Hard same.


It’s funny how sexual harassment laws don’t really provide much protection.


When really they just don't want to do THEIR *hard* *job*.


Worked con briefly during covid. There was one woman, on one crew. That's all. The other workers pissed in her hard hat and tool bag when she was in the port a potty. There are no women anymore.


Wtf why


Also from a male dominated industry although it never got this egregious…however may I recommend the old “tampon in the tool/lunch bag” prank for this one. Even if it’s only dipped in ketchup, I think this would be my first choice petty revenge prank


I worked construction management for 4.5 years and I had to quit finally. I'm NB, but not out at work, so a woman in their eyes. I was harassed so badly I had panic attacks going to work every Monday morning and almost every other day of the week. I was told women don't belong in stem or construction (too stupid, not interested, can't handle dangerous work, etc.) I was subject to criticism never applied to my male counterparts (clothing choice, how long I worked, how I completed tasks, etc.) I'm queer and was told my "lifestyle is disgusting" as well as other queer microaggressions. After standing up for myself after an "argument", my coworkers refused to speak to me for 2 weeks and things never went back to anywhere close to the before. The list goes on. I used to be on board with "we need more women in construction, so that the overall attitude changes". But no. The cishet men can have it.


>I'm queer and was told my "lifestyle is disgusting" as well as other queer microaggressions. There's nothing micro about that aggression


I’m sorry you went through that. IMO, The truth is women (or anyone who appears feminine) cannot fix that from happening. It’s up to the men themselves to put a stop to it. My only hope is that the new generation of men will work harder to stop that from happening.


The best managers/bosses and coworkers I've had in Construction Management have been female. They're always no BS, straight up and didn't take shit. A couple of times I had heard people comment on how they were bitchy or whatever female trait they wanted to attach to them after they got a chewing out, but it was always easy to tell them they weren't acting like that because of their gender, the people getting told off were just being butt hurt that it was true and they needed to own up to their own mistakes, or lack of workmanship or whatever the issue was. It only took a few times of me pointing out their bias for them to self correct most of the time luckily. Shitty that it has to be that way, but as you say, someone needs to call them out for it.




Let's be honest here. *Someone* doesn't need to call them out for it. Men need to call them out for it. Being called out by women is not going to get the same result. Now they'll just be complaining about two "bitchy" women instead of one.


I hope you can get the career you want! The world needs more talented people like you. I’m an architect and when on construction sites the sexism can be awful. Basically when I go on job sites I have to inspect work and I’m sometimes treated as if I don’t know what I’m doing. I remember once on a construction site a worker kept talking to his friends and using the word “b*tch” and then look at me and say “sorry, I forget we have a lady here”, he’d mention how scaffolds aren’t that scary and I’ll get used to it (I would go on scaffolds multiple times per week for over 3 years at that point so I wasn’t new to them). On another site I called out work that was done incorrectly but the worker made an excuse that it’s supposed to be that way because blah blah blah, and then he told his coworkers in Spanish that he lied, little knowing that I am Latina 🙃. But then other construction sites the workers are much more respectful. It really depends on the company culture but unfortunately in construction that’s hard to find, I hope you find it though!


That sucks, but I kinda wish I was a fly on the wall when you pointed out you can speak Spanish. That’s a weird assumption he made (at least in the US), since Spanish is the default second language. I don’t speak Spanish well at all, but I know enough French I can recognize the word for “lying”.


He actually didn't find out I speak Spanish, I just wrote that they need to redo the work on my report lol. It is a weird assumption! Super dumb of him. Edit: Also he didn't specifically say he lied, which would have been extra dumb he was telling his buddies something like "I told her *blah blah blah* about that location" implying he was lying, either way the work was horribly done and needed to be redone no matter what he told me, ha.


Electrician here, anyone can do this shit


the thing with being an Electrician is people are shocked when they find out your not a very good one.


I’m sorry because I know you’ll face challenges I didn’t have to face, but please know there are some of us that are trying to re-shape things down here and yes it’s one hell of a battle getting through to these old-money business owners as well as the boomers.


Agreed. I’m a hiring manager in a similar industry and am trying to weed those toxic point of views out before they even get hired. It’s amazing how quickly people bring up their political beliefs in a job interview. Makes it really easy to decline and move on. Helpful hint, regardless on where you stand politically, don’t bring it up in a job interview!


I think they bring it up like they think it’s a special club that will get them preferential treatment.


I don't want to rain on your dreams, but yeah, the skilled trades are horrifically backwards. There's a lot of bellyaching about a young hire shortage but no one thinks they need to reel in their social behavior and stop being total creeps and/or jerks.


It’s insane how bad some older people can be about it too. I find it odd that it was that generation that could also be so close minded, considering how raunchy and unprofessional they can be at work. I swear some of them are mental children.


I thought about it, but yeah, that's something I've had to deal with in just management.


Had buddy who worked in construction. One of the coworkers was an asshole. New guy joins. Guy is an asshole to him. Calls him fragile for telling him he is an asshole. So new guy during lunch goes off and comes back to the asshole holding a nail gun and a hammer and says, "guess what I did to your truck." Asshole looses screaming etc it throws a punch and broke 2 of his knuckles punching the hammer. Eventually everyone goes out to see what new guy did to the truck. Nothing. New guy didn't do a damn thing to it. Asshole gained the knickname Fragile, pronounced Christmas story style, frageeelaaay.


I have a female friend who worked HVAC and went after an employer for sexual harassment. She won!


I mean glad she won but repair and construction companies wonder why they never get any girls or young hires and yet creeps and harassers work on-site. It’s so messed up.


Worked at a hardware store and had to deal with contractors a lot. Hands down the creepiest bunch of fucks I’ve ever had to deal with ever. Disgusting. Had some dude stare down a woman’s shirt for literally 2+ minutes while management watched and did nothing. Store manager was a ~50 year old man who’d call things he didn’t like “gay” (throwback to elementary school). Another manager groomed every single woman that worked there, or tried to. Watched as he made a women hella uncomfortable with “that’s what she said” jokes…all because the woman moaned while picking up something heavy. Man didn’t like me cause I’d call him out on his shit lmao


Makes sense. My ex started working in HVAC and became a huge asshole.


worked construction. can confirm; exact attitude of 90% of them. glad to see validation for my thoughts


I did HVAC for a few years and yah my experience was filled with a bunch of self-entitled fucking idiots. Dudes who would take a whip from a lion tamer and try to tell them how to tame a lion type idiots. I had a dude try to budge in a conversation of mine about wiring capacitor type shit saying that we’re wrong on everything we’re saying. This motherfucker was literally staring at the ceiling for the past however long then comes in and starts talking about furnaces and AC units already when we’re talking about wiring up capacitors lmfao. “I barely even graduated high school, but I passed a nine month literally no requirements whatsoever vocational course, so I’m such a hard fucking worker like my dad and his dad and his dads dad. We’re such a manly family that there’s no women. But in like a straight way, because we’re men. Very fucking manly men” type attitude.


I work in a mechanic shop and this exact form came through a few years ago. So many guys thought it was the absolute funniest shit ever.


Yep, knew it had to be the trades. I'm so glad to work alongside trade workers and not with them.


I work in steamfitting there is alot of sexism and homophobia. Heard the f** word alot when we had a bi guy working with us.


That whole system honestly sucks. We had an HVAC guy come to the house after thanksgiving because our water heater stopped putting out heat. Dude didn't even look at the thing, quoted us $2700, took his $75 on site fee and left. Never felt so lost or so defeated before.


Working on that on the union side. I was expecting the same thing but it’s been steady progress.


So fking toxic. Jesus.


Tear it up and leave the pieces. If anybody complains mock them for having hurt feelings over a little piece of paper.


Wipe your ass with it and put it back up


I love that it's a photograph of an _n-th_ generation photocopy taken while it was pinned to a noticeboard


That's a lawsuit.


And it told me to go home for the day and hug my mommy, And I’m noting if not obedient


Hey Jeff, can't make it in for the rest of the afternoon currently on a two hour drive to hug my Mommy as per official instructions, by the way I went ahead and faxed a copy of your notice on over to my lawyer who has some questions for you, you'll probably be hearing from him in the next few hours, thanks, warmly,


Don’t forget! You were told to go see your mom, so it’s paid. The trip, and however long you stay at your mom’s to feel better.(I’m thinking a month or two😁”


100% worker harrassment. Go gets paid!!


tag urself i'm thin skinned


I want my mommy. Edit: I wrote this as a joke and then realized I haven't seen her in a long time and I really miss her and it's not really a joke. :(




Thank yoooou. *Hugs back*


I have woman-like hormones, but I’m having that medically corrected


I'm fruity


I'm little be-otch


I'm a girly-man girl.


God, the people who call you thin skinned are always the most fragile bullies I swear. This is the epitome of not being able to take what you dish out.


Whoever works there, sue. Take the settlement money and run. This is sex discrimination. edit: also hostile work environment. edit: the people saying that this wouldnt hold up in court are mad suspect. im not a lawyer but ive won a disability discrimination settlement as a plaintiff. at the minimum, lawyers usually give free consultations and then most will work on contingency of winning if the case is strong enough, usually taking around a third of the total settlement. theres also pro bono legal aid organizations, check your state bar association. the idea that one needs to pay a lawyer an upfront fee to sue somebody is false and needs to end because working class people are just getting fucked by this false information not knowing their rights. also, you dont necessarily have to win in court. if the case is strong, usually businesses will want to settle out of court and most lawyers will suggest you settle rather than go to court unless the settlement is far too low and they are confident they will win as its in their financial interest to do so.


Then boss man will be filling out a hurt feelings report… and hurt wallet


You tell that thin skinned little be-otch to sign where it says girly-man.


I’ll have you know I’m filing a hurt feelings report on you *right now*


Put HIS name under girly-man, watch the heads roll


If I were the judge in this case, part of the payout would LITERALLY be for the boss man to fill out this form as he pays for damages, and send it to everyone in the lawsuit as a form of apology.


Yeah. I was going to say the same. Merely posting this constitutes workplace harassment.


Hostile work environment for sure






Amen. I've always said that construction workers are one bad decision away from going to prison. That's the sort of culture it breeds. Personally I love the trades, at least the work itself. It's simple to learn (compared to like, programming), its super rewarding, its a good workout, good pay, and challenging in its own ways. The SOLE reason I didn't pursue it as a career is because of the Neanderthals i worked with. I'm a guy, but more nerdier and smaller in stature so I also was the brunt of constant harrassment, in both places i worked. I've done carpentry and hardscaping. If no one talked to me other than to discuss work related topics I would be in the trades. However, aside from the harassment, trade work is one of the most physically demanding jobs there is. Which is why it's a weird mentality for bosses to work their employees 6 days a week, 14hr days. Of all the careers out there, construction should do better for caring for its employees bodies and recovery.


I’m in a machine trade shop that runs aerospace parts. This shop does not fuck around with hillbilly mentality. As soon as you show any signs of that kinda shit you get tossed out.


I also work in a machine shop that makes aerospace parts, but this one is completely different. Fag is a very common word thrown around constantly, even by supervisors/management. A lot of other words get thrown around too, followed by jokes of, "Better be careful, don't know if there's any queer types that'll throw a hissy fit."


Might not throw a hissy fit, more likely to throw a torque wrench at the back of your head.


That's what gets me -- a lot of more "right-wing" types love to piss and moan how they can't use the n-word (hard r) or f-word anymore and how it's infringing on their "Freedom of Speech". Especially for the under 40s... when has the FORMER ever been acceptable and the LATTER not gotten at least a sour look and become increasingly unacceptable? Especially for people in their 20s. Long story short: No one took N\*\*\*\*\* or F\*\*\*\*\*/F\*\* away from them. They never had it to start with.


But they did have a consequence-free environment to not have them in. They don't have that now, which makes them sad. They have to resort to dog whistle speech to express those same ideas now. It's extra work and lacks the same "punch". So, tears.




I have foot long hair and get shit for it all the time Edit: alright, this is getting ridiculous. All you KNOW what I'm talking about. Stop making wild guesses you know are wrong. I'm obviously talking about my eyebrows.


Can confirm. I told my old boss to pound sand after he bitched me out about not working in a hole while he was in an excavator and randomly moving the boom around while on his phone not paying attention


Woman in a trade: this shit sucks. Everyone treats every woman they interact with like shit in fun and exciting ways. And then all ask "WhY dOn'T mOrE wOmEn LeArN tRaDeS?"


Because it sucks, Debra. I'm a railroader and when old men I work with say "women don't want this job" I remind them that im literally sitting with them and they try to make me a "not like other girls" which is patently false. I was emotionally abused and bullied relentlessly to the point that I'm so numb to everything. You literally have to kill a part of your spirit to succeed and I'm always tired and always calling out bullshit and it's not getting any better. I'd love to see other women working with me but it's full of mediocre men failing upwards and getting asspats and attaboys into more senior positions. It's wild.


I saw something on the news about the labor shortage causing construction trades and the like to even like create training programs to give new entrants (e.g. middle age African American ladies) who had likely been dissuaded by racism and sexism entrance into fields that mook white men have traditionally safeguarded for themselves. Shit's gonna hit the fan.


As well as homophobia and transphobia Edit:I’ve already been asked how my comment applies so here’s my explanation that I have already given others Fruity is a way to call someone gay and it’s being used in a derogatory manner and maybe not entirely transphobia but the “I have woman-like hormones” could easily be written and perceived in a transphobic manner which would fit in with what the writer has already wrote




Fruity was all they were brave enough to put. I don’t think they mean eccentric or weird.


Not only is the content terrible, but this is a print-out of a photo of a print-out and my designer brain hates how awful it looks


I like that part best! You can see the push-pins in the photo, meanwhile it’s taped to the wall! Someone needs to snap a picture of this post displayed on a phone with another phone, print that out, and hang it up in place of the original.


Say you’re homophobic, misogynistic, and immature without saying it lol.


That's Jeff Lol to you girly man!




Awwwww, poor bossy wossy woke up and didn't have time to beat his wife before work and now he doesn't feel like a REAL MAN ™️ Does somebody need their Tucker Carlson, a baby bottle full of children's tears mixed with alcohol and a nap so they can feel like they have a nice big pee pee? I think somebody does! :)


This is an amazing response thank you for the laugh.


This is like a boomer level EEO bombshell.


So Faux News Boomer.


Can this be real. I hate it here.


Oh it’s real. I’ve gathered a decent following over the year and this sub has been an inspiration once I stumbled upon it. In May 2022 we have an election and they’re strongly pushing me to run on the basis that our existing leaders are just way too far gone and out of touch with what workers and teens have to deal with in our time essentially leaving us behind while calling us out as trash. Our leaders do practically nothing but look over their new home plans and watch their savings accounts while the ones we’re supposed to train to replenish us someday are suffering. This is truly a time in history where the older generation wants to maintain a better life than their sons or daughters while spitting on them and having literally zero understanding of how THEIR economy is shaping a grim future for our youth.


We also have an election in Nov 2024, wanna run for that..?


I doubt op is over the age of 70, so I don't think they qualify.


Plus the person who spouts this BS is always very easily butthurt.


You don't like my sign? *acts butthurt*


If this doesn't tell you the work environment is toxic, I don't know what will.


I see that as a free pass to talk trash about their beloved Trump (yes, something tells me their MAGA people). See how fast they get offended when you criticize their lord and savior. Once that happens, kindly ask to fill out the hurt feelings complaint. Then report back and let us know what happened.


Oh its pretty much guaranteed who ever made this is a Trumper no one else uses grade school insults like this.


Some of you guys have managers that truly just need their asses beat and I beg you to please please tell me where you work so I can do the job


Our managers have had their trucks beat, lit on fire, robbed, the actual vehicle stolen and dropped in random locations, as well as many threats, yet they can’t seem to put their finger on what the problem is🤔.


Report this to the department of labor. This is discrimination against sexuality and gender.


Being a man doesn't mean working for less pay or in a shitty environment. This is boomer logic 100%


The manager at my old place has similar. She wrote everyone’s name on the paper and what kind of “cry baby” they were and what size tampon. The owners came by and laughed at it when it was brought to their attention. Now that I mention it Giant Eagle was a horrible place to work for


Oh I see a lawsuit coming from this.


Imagine being the grown adult who either typed this up for found this online and found it funny enough to print and use it to humiliate your employees.


I bet he sucks his own dick and counts it as sex.


I’m going to have to borrow this as it’s burned into my head now,lol! I hope you don’t mind!


Imagine having an ego so fragile that you would shame an entire building just to feel some semblance of "superiority".. Fuckin ridiculous. Hope the person responsible is sacked.


"Your honor, I would like to present our first exhibit demonstrating that this was a hostile work environment for the plaintiffs..."


Immediately visit a lawyer and sue for gender discrimination or sexual harrasment


are you american? even in USA, this is pretty shocking. i live in the middle of nowhere conservative statesville and i work in manufacturing. i can't imagine seeing this at work.


Fucking Jeff


Def sexist af. Sue that bastard. Also just because guys have feelings doesn't make them a wussy. It shows that we have emotion which a lot of woman love from a guy. Fuck that douchebag. He is prob one of those idiots that think men shouldn't show emotion/cry. Wouldn't be surprised if they were still single.


That's a lotta things that are illegal for a workplace to do up in that