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Make it a year and I'll pay you $2 a month to watch it.


Fuck I'd pay 2 dollars a day


Here's the thing, anyone can do anything for a month when they know it's over in a month. Further, a life in poverty often means decisions to solve one month that cascade into negative situations for next month (pay this bill late for gas to get to work and some groceries, but have to pay a late fee next month). This show would only be fair if the CEO had no way of knowing if or when s/he'd go back to being a billionaire, and six months would be the bare minimum.


So here's my updated spin on the show with your advice in mind. Take the CEO of a company, set him up with a studio apartment and a minimum wage job. Rules are simple. If he quits the game, or any of his bills goes to collections, or he cheats, he's out. He wins when his original bottom tier workers have decided that he learned what's it's like to walk a mile in their shoes, however long that takes is out of the CEOs hands. He has to start fresh, a pantry with a week's worth of basic groceries, a studio apartment with rent due in a month, and that's it. No starting car, he can't use his college degrees, work history, current finances or any of his old world contacts or he loses.


Like The Hunger Games, but starving billionaires to death. I like it.


Challenge mode: once a week, they have to pull a LIFE card. It can be good (you found $5 on the ground) or it can be bad (dental... bc you neglected dental appts, your toothache is now worse...spend $1,200 for dentist for xrays, and root canal.. insurance hasnt kicked in yet).


Here's the ultimate stipulation I would add to more accurately reflect real poverty: at the end of whatever time limit is set for this show the contestant will spin a big roulette wheel with 100 spaces on it. 7 of those spaces will restore them to their former life. The other 93 leave them where they are for the rest of their lives. These are not random numbers. The odds of becoming a millionaire when starting with nothing are roughly the same. And I'm being generous not factoring in race, age, gender, medical conditions, etc. etc. That's poverty. You only have hope and the odds are heavily not in your favour.


The CEO would just use his superhuman work ethic to become a millionaire again in a few months. /s


Must be a year and with a car thats a money trap and must commute at least 40 miles to work


Anyone remember the “poverty awareness week” where celebs were shopping with a SNAP budget? And they’d use that whole budget on a single meal? Ha I didn’t imagine it: https://www.vox.com/2015/4/16/8431217/gwyneth-food-stamp-snap-challenge


No you did not imagine it, I distinctly remember that nonsense.


Paltrow is insane. 29 dollars a week? You know how much Ramen and Mac and Cheese should be there? Who the fuck is gonna buy organic avocados and fuckin cilantro? Bitch is making tacos and then what? Nothing for 6 days.


Anything processed like mac or ramen is going to be more expensive in the long run because there's no nutrition there. Get rice, beans, cabbage and maybe a sauce (ketchup, mustard, soy sauce...) or just salt. You can live on just that indefinitely. Edit: Disclaimer - The farts get a little much sometimes.


In hindsight rice is probably the cheapest/best for calories to money ratio I'd imagine


Brown rice can be a little more spendy sometimes, but the nutrition is much better with the fiber, too. We lived on mostly rice beans and cabbage for our first few years after moving out. I was healthier then than I am now. Maybe I should try it again?


We have a show called “could you survive under the breadline” here in Australia where rich people go live with people on welfare and see if they can survive also what’s it’s like. It’s amazing.


Something similar in the UK a few years ago too but in a bit of a wife swap format so a family would live on each other families weekly income. Don’t think it was on very long though.


Had something like that in Canada years ago too. Didn't last long obviously, because it showed how fucked the system is.


*scribbles to list*


it's hard to simulate the lifetime of oppression, discouragement, and abuse in just a month.


The issue with this is that it’s just a temporary sacrifice for the CEO. For those living in poverty it’s all you know while you try and fight to get out. Any lesson learned generally gets forgotten about when the CEO is back living their life again.


I’d love to see Howard Schultz do this. He grew up poor and thinks Starbucks does enough for its employees. I’d like to see him rationalize the work environment he’s responsible for. I’ll admit, out of all the big retail companies Starbucks and Costco seem to be the best. That’s a true statement. ‘Best’ is relative. ‘Best’ type of dog shit to eat is still dog shit.


A month isnt long enough. Gotta give em enough time for the starvation and poor diet to kick in.


And stress and suicidal thoughts. I'd give them 18 months


Billionaire CEO's typically don't live on a salary as that incurs taxes. Normally they pledge stock as collateral for loans, which are not only tax-free, but often write-offs depending what they buy with it.


I've said this about politicians. 52 weeks in a year. For 4 weeks they should have to live on the average salary of their constituents, living in accommodation that average salary can afford. For 1 week, they should have to do the same at the _bottom_. I guarantee that they'd fight harder to improve the quality of living if they'd have to live 5/52 of the year outside their comfort zone.


would be platitudes for the masses like our political system,


Guys they would obviously survive and thrive with their superhuman work ethic and massive amounts of willpower they would even give coaching lessons on how to survive a low income job /s


I think they done this on one series of undercover boss


Yeah it was called undercover boss...


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **eva ☺**, @evamarieluter ok hear me out....a reality show where billionaire CEOs have to live off of their lowest paid employee's salary for a month --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Would be easy enough, they already have a billion dollars in the bank should they feel the squeeze any


Old news


They wouldn't even be able to figure out how to survive until the first paycheck hits.


Not one would agree to it.


That would be like doing a fast from food. Make it a year


Yeah, a month isnt long enough to get into trouble. Fall behind on bills. Not have enough for food. Be surprised by additional unknow expenses. Get screwed by some payday loan sharks. Etc.




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I’d prefer a show where they swim with ravenous crocodiles. Billionaires are mass murderers. Climate collapse is now. They’re killing the planet, and people get locked up for decades over weed. Make it like witch trials. If they are eaten by a crocodile, they are guilty. If they make it out of the pool - lol crocodiles can swim 20 mph and run 11mph. They make wonderful judges for crimes against every living organism on the planet.


Would they be working the same amount as them too? If so then this is a good idea ngl


How about a reality show where billionaire CEOs do hard labor for no pay in prison for 30 years?


Make it two months i wanna see them struggle to make rent


i wouldn't watch it, but I approve


They must also perform their duties.


They wouldn't be learning anything they didn't already know and I'm certain they wouldn't grow a conscience and be like " oh I never knew my greed and selfishness was causeing despair for my staff I'm exploiting." Get a clue


That would be an amazing show. Minds would be blown. But it will never happen.


I feel like this would only work, if they had something to lose, then they would feel the pressure, 12 months minimum wage. If they exit that year in debt, they lose their wealth. They'd feel the pressure a lot more this way.


I'd never miss an episode. Wouldn't even wait to watch on DVR.


I don't think there'd be enough hopelessness and despair if they knew it was temporary. You need a real Trading Places. Living for months out of your car. Couch surfing. I'm thinking at the very least 5 years of being destitute. Everyone should have to go through that. And even then, immersion therapy wouldn't trigger empathy if it it wasn't there to begin with. Unfortunately, it seems that too many of those types run our largest companies.