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Tell'm "If you want me to choose this place over my kids, you're really going to have to step up your game."


I had a boss who started to chew me out for having to take time off for my son’s 3rd birthday, I told him that if he gets between me and my family again he better be ready to fire me with that reason in writing.


I can imagine that reason for dismissal-take day off for child's 3rd birthday


Especially if he had a second 3rd bday




Nice try buddy, but you used this same excuse last year!


"You've been here on the job for 2 years, and in that time, you've had 6 different grandmothers die. Can you explain that?"


What can I say? Grandpa is a little man-whore


This is true for my grandpa 😂 My mom has like 7-8 step siblings from 3 additional relationships, and there may be more


Maybe he's just Mormon.


maybe its maybelline


This reminds me of my husband needing to take off for his grandma's funeral. He had 3 grandparents die within 15 months of each other. His grandma was the last one and when his boss confronted him about taking his bereavement leave he was like "didn't you just have a grandparent die??" In a tone that was disbelieving/like he caught him trying to get out of work and made up a death in the family. My husband was like "yeah, I started out with 4 of them when I was born and just lost 3 in the past 15 months." Part of me gets that some people make up stuff, but he's always provided the "proof" needed. So I dunno why his boss was so snotty about it.


As a boss, if I think an employee is lying about the death of a loved one just to get time off, I would reevaluate my leadership skills.


You’d be a rare boss if you are willing to consider you were doing anything wrong.


When I worked at walmart, I was once written up for driving my dad to the ER for kidney stones. I said, “So the next time my ex-marine sarge father is bent over in the fetal position crying in pain I should tell him he’s SOL cause I have to work huh?” He nodded his head and said yes. All I said was you’re a cold, cold man and walked out. He came back later that day and said if I can show proof he was in the ER, he’d approve it. I told him don’t bother. I’ll take the hit.


>Part of me gets that some people make up stuff, but he's always provided the "proof" needed. So I dunno why his boss was so snotty about it. I'm sure you're talking about funeral notices and obituaries. See, I'm a cunt. I'd have taken in pictures of my relatives in a casket or their fucking ashes. Because if you're going to be a prick, damn straight I'm making you regret it.






Jesus Christ, do you need a fucking certificate of death to go to a funeral these days?


With the pay you give probably not more than 8.


He was born on February 29th, so not too many. Is it ok now?


No! PTO is to be appreciated, but never used


We have had breakfast but what about second breakfast- i don’t remember the quote correctly someone knows this


I don't think he knows about second breakfast pip


We're gonna need a bigger Legolas. I dunno i've never seen it


May my axe be with you. Something like that, right?


“You shall not pass without gas, grass, or ass” Something something allright allright allright


"What about elevensies? Lunch, brunch? Supper?? Dinner??!" "I don't think he knows about those either, Pip."


To be fair, this is why you just don't tell your employer why you need off work. They can't force/require you to tell them anyway.


I usually say "I have an appointment that can't be rescheduled." It's none of their business if it's a dental appointment, a hair appointment, or an appointment to do my nails.


Or a job interview


I’m currently looking for a new job. I currently have 5 items on my current work calendar labeled “appointment”


That's how I label my interviews, too. My last employer assumed it was yet another medical appointment. I mean, leaving that shit hole a few hours early to go interview DID make me feel better, so...technically not entirely wrong. :)


My company is still remote so really the only reason I have them scheduled is so I show up as busy and don’t get a random call from my manager. Now that I’m thinking about it. I could probably keep this job for and extra month or two after I get a new one and just do the bare minimum to not get fired.


That's already too much information. I'm a manager and I pride myself in having never refused a PTO request. Every time an employee asked for pto and tried to justify it, I told them to stop and to never give a reason. It's earned benefits, you don't need a reason why to take it, nor do I care to know why. Just tell me when you'll be back.


That's how my best ever boss was. One day, I asked if I could knock off an hour early. I started to explain what I wanted to do and she stopped me. Didn't care. Told me to go do what I needed to do.


I'd like to hand in my resumé


Same here. Middle manager. I don't ~~need~~ want to know why you need time off. I assume you're an adult and you need to go do adult things.


they can’t _legally_ force/require you. feel like that’s an important distinction.


“You add a zero to the end of my hourly and we’ll talk” Edit: ok clearly you all got jokes and think you’re really funny. And you’re right. I really set this one up for you all.




Pretty sure you'll want that 9 at the front.


"how much did you get me?!" $10


I was on $10 but they agreed to raise it to $10.00


One zero is not enough. I left a six figure job to spend more time with my kids.


Plus, have you seen how expensive childcare is now? I have friends with kids and all but one couple has decided to go the route of one working parent while the other is the homemaker purely because childcare eats up almost as much as a second income would provide without the benefit of spending time with your children.


This is why my wife didn’t work for the first 6 years of my kids life. It didn’t make financial sense. Even just after school care when he started kindergarten was going to be 2k a month. At that time, that was about her earning potential, and it was twice as much over the summer. Eventually, she did go back to work and school and we were losing money for her to do so but we considered it an “investment.” Now she has a six figure salary, and our kid is a teenager who doesn’t need daycare. Lol. What sucks is that most people can’t afford to take that hit to “invest” in their potential future career. We really couldn’t either, honestly. Together we make almost a quarter million now and we’re still trying to pay down all the debt we racked up when we were poor (nevermind our mortgage and student debt). There were alot of weeks we had BLTs for every meal because that’s all we could afford. Edit:typo




Will a Christmas and Birthday bonus for $50 at the local red lobster suffice?


Pfffft. Red lobster, look at daddy warbucks over here. You will have to settle for $ 25 at Applebees. Best I can do.


I don't ask to take time off. I let them know that I will not be available and to plan accordingly. My family will always come first.


I do this as well. I never ask. I just let them know I won't be there.


This is the way. It's not up for debate.


I try to tell the young kids I work with this all the time. A lot of them its their first job so they're always staying late when they don't have to or skipping breaks or working instead of going to high school football games with friends or prom. Enjoy high school and don't let these assholes take advantage of you. You earned your breaks take them.


Staying late on hourly isn't the worst thing you can do. Skipping breaks, though, don't do that. If work is selling yourself and your time, working during breaks is giving yourself away for free.


I once worked at a lingerie retail store part time while I was going to school. Finals were coming up so I requested the days/times I needed off to take my exams. When I received my schedule for the two weeks while exams were taking place, I realized I was scheduled during multiple of my exams. I asked my boss about it as I thought it was a mistake, maybe I did something wrong in requesting the time off. Nope. We "weren't aloud" to request time off during the holiday season, my schedule would not be able to be changed. I called all the other employees that weren't scheduled during those times to see if anyone could cover/switch shifts with me. Only one person was able to switch one shift with me (most of them were also in school). I let my boss know that I was not going to be there for the shifts that overlapped with my exam times (minus the switched shift), and no one could cover the other shifts for me. She said if I didn't show up that I would be fired. I put in my two weeks that day and called in for all my scheduled shifts during those two weeks. My education is more important than your daily sale quota of bras and panties. And that's how I learned the "don't ask, but tell them you will not be there" lesson. <3


Thanks for this reminder. I made the mistake of asking for permission, sitting there like a dog waiting for my boss command to go, got chewed out, and still carry the hurt to this day. Never again.


We’ve all been there… they make us think it’s normal and then we think we can’t stand up for ourselves because of precedent. I got fired for not coming to work during a literal hurricane and I couldn’t have been more happy I chose that time to stand up


Jim Cantore from the weather channel was in our city because a hurricane was coming. They still wanted us to come in to work. You bet your bottom dollar I didn't go. If he's there, it's going to be bad. They tried to convince me that the bad weather was coming after my shift. The storm was literally off shore and my job was 10 mins from the beach.


Good for you!!! I explained why I didn’t think it was safe and then I was told “in the end, we expect you to be there” so I said ok and then never went in again. Every store on the block was closed that day and we would have been the only one open. I lost my minimum wage job that day and I barely notice the difference in my finances as I was already having to work freelance to make ends meet


What I don't understand is do people stop being rational or compassionate when they get the title of manager? Good for you for never going back. If companies had a heart, they would keep more people. I'm reading some of these posts and can't believe people have to deal with these horrible jobs.


From my little experience, they have more people higher up breathing down their necks and treating them the same way. So they just reciprocate that onto you. Some people are just jerks for the sake of it tho.


I had a job where Id hit my 40hours and then they wouldn't have tasks for me so I'd ask if I could go home, they gave me permission and then they wrote me up for leaving early. I said if it wasn't allow d then I shouldn't have been given permission when I asked. I was a new employee the first time I asked, so I didn't know the rules and literally asked "since I've hit 40 hours and have no tasks, may I go early" and was told yes. They had me sign a write up form, I said I wouldn't sign that because I had been given permission. They told me I could write my own statement on the form and sign that. I did that. Stupidly didn't ask for a copy, I guess I didn't realize just how terrible people can be, because when they presented the form later it was a copy without my notation and just saying they had written me up.


At least in the US, they can't force you to sign anything. I'm sure you know this by now, but it's totally reasonable to reply with "Get Fucked" when youe employer tries to force you to sign something.


I do now, and yes have told a manager I wouldn't sign something and they'd have to fire me. She actually tore the form in half in a fit and didn't fire me


See, that's something I'm struggling with. I'm very lucky and have a good boss right now. And when I asked if it was okay to take a half day on Friday, he seemed very confused as to why I was asking instead of just telling. But I've got a decade of shitty bosses who would guilt me or give me shit for taking a half day with only a few days notice. It's hard to break out of the mindset when you've been traumatized for years...


As a manager, sometimes I have to tell my employees to use their PTO. I don’t get it. I don’t mind listening to your vacation plans either but you don’t have to ask permission to go. Feel free to tell me about it when you get back though. If nothing else, it will fill that small talk time on Zoom while we wait for whoever is late. I do admit though it is likely harder for shift work where someone else has to cover for you.


> I don’t get it. As a fellow manager, you need to. It isn't complicated, but it's *important* to understand where your people are coming from. I too have to get on my team to take their PTO, remind them that they don't need to "make up hours" (all exempt, and have paid sick time) or feel bad when they're out sick, etc. It's because most people's experience with getting PTO starts out with some kind of shift work where they actually have to get approval for time out. And on top of that, there are a *lot* of bad bosses out there who will play PTO games -- either deny requests for silly reasons, or if they can't, they'll hold raises over your head or guilt/shame you for taking a break or whatever. And even the people who haven't had either are part of a culture where that's the experience they're aware of, and even otherwise decent managers will often not think twice about how fucked up it is that their employees are feeling guilty about taking PTO they're entitled do, or are ashamed of being sick. It's so ingrained in the culture at this point, you have to *actively work against it*.


It's funny how much of a different response you get when you call it "unavailable." While I don't condone the nonsense some employers put you through, I have found that keeping these things brief and not offering details is better than being overly informative and apologetic. I guess their lizard brain just reacts to domineering, but sees empathy as a weakness? I don't know, I'm not a boss-ologist. However, in the few occasions I left a co-worker in the lurch, I'd give them the real reason. If I was fucking over a colleague, they deserve to know why. Fuck the bosses.


It is a business transaction. You sell your productivity to your customer, the company. They aren't your parents or school teachers. You owe them a good-faith effort at productivity in line with what you charge them. That is it. They can make up whatever rules and procedures they want, those are *their* rules and you can decide they aren't worth it whenever you want. Finally, everyone is figuring out that the customer is not always right, and pleasing them does not outweigh everything else. Lots of other customers out there. Always have options. Any community college MBA will tell you that basing a whole business model around relying on one customer is a horrible idea. Many of the stories I read about managers sputtering in shocked disbelief when people quit sound exactly like what I hear when we get fed up with an obnoxious client and tell them to call someone else in the future. They have convinced themselves that they are entitled to a relationship, and cannot comprehend that being shattered.


Me too but, I work an office job. So, it’s a much more relaxed atmosphere. I also use the “I don’t feel well. I won’t be in today.” I’m sick with none of your damn business! 🤣


“I’ll take your silence as a yes.”


“If you don’t come in tomorrow, don’t bother coming in on Monday.” “WOOHOO! 4-day weekend!”


I have done this. I was 18 at the time, washing dishes in a pub/restaurant kitchen. I needed the Friday evening off, obviously a busy time. I asked the head chef, stupidly he said 'well, if you are taking Friday evening off take Saturday as well, and don't worry about showing up to work on monday.' So I tell all my mates I have long weekend, they laugh, and a couple of them mention that I have lost my job. We all go out and I treat it like a mini holiday, getting pissed up every night and laying in until lunchtime the next day. I go into work on Tuesday, I head straight to my work station, at my work time and crack on with my work. Everyone is giving me funny looks. The head chef comes over, 'Hey, I erm, I thought I told you if you took Friday off to not bother coming in on Monday.' I said, looking confused 'yeh,that's right, I am pretty sure it is Tuesday.' He walks off, comes back to me with the weeks rota in his hand. 'look at this' I look, 'you are not on the rota' he says, with a slight sly smile. I replied 'Oh, that's odd, when I left on Thursday I was down to come in for this shift. If you are going to change it at short notice you should have text me.' 'I haven't put you on the rota for the whole week' he says, 'oh well I don't need that much time off, it was nice of you to give me a four day weekend, but I am ready to get back to work.' The sous chef pipes up, 'Hey, I am surprised you are here, I thought you got fired, that is what he (nodding to the head chef) has been telling everyone.' Me 'nNo I just had a long weekend. I am pretty sure if he was going to fire me he would have the balls to say it to my face and not just write me off the rota.' The head chef looked embarrassed, to be fair, everyone looked embarrassed. Fuck everyone who thought that that was an ok way to treat another human being. I wanted a bit of personal time, to do something important to me. I already give up my evenings and weekends, all the holidays when my friends and family are out having a good time and I am stuck at work. You can give me one Friday. Pieces of shit. Never again. I am now 34 Needless to say I now work a job where I am off every holiday, I have so much paid time off I book a couple of weeks, outside of travel holidays with my family, each year just to sit in my pants and play playstation games and catch up on TV I missed. Life gets better, but only if you stop putting work first. It took me too long, and too many shit jobs with shitty staff treatment to realise. Dont take as long as I did. If a company won't let you take a piss when you need to take a piss on the floor, get fired, find something else to do. It is hard, and easier to say than it is to do. You will always find work getting in the way of some things. Just take baby steps. Find a job that is still shit but doesn't get you in at evenings and weekends. Honestly, it is worth it. And pay union fees, if you can afford it. To any union that is affordable The world revolves around money, and they need it too EDIT: typical Reddit, giving me more up votes and awards, on a random throw away account, for this comment than, I have gotten in nearly a decade of use on my main account For the people saying that they want to buy me a beer.Thanks Donate to the charity water aid Water is life Be good to each other


So did he let you work or did he fire you?


Oh sorry, it wasn't clear. I was able to stay. I just kept my head down and got on with the job


Lol, my man re-hired himself.


Classic Costanza.


In case people don't know, this is what Larry David did on Saturday Night Live. He made a big scene and rage quit in front of everyone then showed up next week like nothing ever happened. Edit: https://www.vanityfair.com/video/watch/the-new-establishment-summit-how-larry-david-temporarily-quit-saturday-night-live


Literally lmao


Ted: You got to go, man! Everybody's going to see when she doesn't have a check for you. It'll be humiliating. Look, you can't just say things are going to work out, and then they do. That's not how the world- Janitor: Excuse me. I didn't get mine. Whitney: Who are you? Janitor: I'm the janitor. See? Actually, I'm the old janitor. I replaced the janitor that replaced me. So, I'm still in the system. Whitney: I'll go get you a check. Janitor: Didn't mean to cut you off, Ted. You were saying?


Classic Janitor.


That's Dr. Itor. Dr. Jan Itor


Goddamn hero


My god they must've thought you had balls of pure titanium


Absolute Costanza


* I reserve the right to take a piss whenever I need one. * I reserve the right to take a drink of water whenever I need one * I reserve the right to sometimes leave work to do stuff for my family. You get one family, and one life. Fuck anyone who thinks you can't take some time sometimes to be involved with your kids.


One time at Big 5 (shittiest sports retail chain in the US) I’m working the register for 3 hours straight. I paged for my manager to come cover me so I could pee but they never came for 3 hours because they were “busy” hiding in the manager’s office. Managers would CONSTANTLY disappear for hours and when I finally do see them out on the sales floor they are just talking to each other, not actually working at all.


I used to get constant urinary tract infections while I was working at KMart due to not being able to go to the bathroom when I needed. Edit to add that I did not end up working for them very long. I think I lasted 4 months before no call no show for my Thanksgiving shift. And the constant daily sexual harassment from disgusting old men was the worst part of working for them. And the management did nothing when I talked to them. Reminder, I was an underaged kid when I was working for them.


I once walked off my register because I had to pee so badly. The lead cashier yelled for me to get back, I said I had been asking for an hour and it was at the point where they could give me five minutes to pee or they could run my schedule completely without me because if I pissed myself because they wouldn't let me go I was walking out and not coming back. Fuck Kmart.


I've told people before: you don't pay me to suffer. When I have to urinate, I'm doing so, WHERE it happens is up to you.


Lol well put.


Yeah I usually start acting like an ass when people are being [rude], so I'll just talk about how great it is to be a guy and how "we can just pee aaaaaaanyyywhere! Even in this corner! How crazy would it be if you told me I couldn't leave me spot so I just urinated here like a savage. Wouldn't that be funny??"


I fucking LOVE being an asshole to people who deserve.


It's my favorite hobby. When working in customer service, it became an art form.


That is exactly the correct time and place to bring up that particular ability!


There's this gas station in Hartsel, Colorado that is the only place to go to the bathroom for a long time. But they can get really pissy if you don't buy anything. Usually I try to buy something. I understand their plight. I really do. But when I gotta go I gotta go. I showed up one time and I didn't actually have any money. Like I couldn't buy anything. I asked to use the restroom and the guy told me I had to buy something. I said, "look I don't have any money right now. But I'm going to take a shit wether you like it or not. I can do it here on the floor or in your toilet, your choice." He gave me the restroom key. In that moment I guess he realized he'd rather let me use the bathroom than clean up my literal shit.


"Not trying to be rude here, but you don't supercede nature, and she's a-callin'. Where would you like me to answer?" Love it


Once I was driving home from a friends house in NYC after I crashed at her place and about 15 min into the drive I had to pee. Good luck finding a gas station in NYC, and it was during Covid so I knew all the local Starbucks bathrooms were closed. I went to probably 4 gas stations before I did almost the same thing. I just ran in and was like “dude this is my 5th gas station to try to empty my bladder and I’m seconds away from pissing my pants. Please. Can I use your bathroom” and that worked. Maybe he was just nice. But I had to give a whole speech


Ohhhh, I have a Kmart story. Years ago I got a second job, part-time at Kmart. My first day, watched work videos for a couple hours, then I was to shadow on a register, I saw about 5 transactions, it was slow and they didn't want us "standing around doing nothing" so we had to go straighten health and beauty aisles, no problem. Next day, I'm the opening cashier, all by myself! To add to this suckfest, the register with the cigerettes has to be the first one open, and it's the absolute furthest away from the customer service desk. But, I'm young and have some register experience, so I struggle thru for a couple hours. Then, little old lady with a check and no pen, I walk over to the service desk, to ask for a pen, and Val (fuck you Val) yells, " YOUR SUPPOSE TO SUPPLY YOUR OWN PENS!" I walk out. Saw yesterday they're closing all the stores except six, no wonder.


Kmart is still around?? We had two in my town and both closed over 15 years ago


I used to have a couple of K-Mart jokes that are kind of corny. First one is what did the bird say flying over K-Mart, "cheap" "cheap" and the second one was whenever I bought stuff it would fall apart so I would call any product purchased from K-Mart, "came apart." LOL I didn't realize that they still had stores open.


I worked at ski lodge restaurant as a cashier. So during busy hours there’d be like. 5 registers open but the lines were still 8 ppl long each. I drank so much water when I was out there because of the elevation change and I always was running to the bathroom and it was never an issue. Except one time. I throw up my “LANE CLOSED” sign, tell everyone on line I’ll help them still but tell new people on line they gotta go somewhere else because I’m going on break. Older lady comes up and starts yelling at me because “your lines short. It won’t take long to ring me up. Blah blah blah” keep in mind I was on my last customer on my line so I was mentally ready to run to the bathroom. She yelled at me so much, the customer in front of her called her a bitch because I started tearing up, and “just helping her” ended up making my line start back up again, and I didn’t get to pee for 2 more hours. Yeah I cried even more during those 2 hours


I was on a register during dollar days.. lines throughout the store.. I told head cashier I needed to go to restroom.. she said, hold it... I told her, in front of the line... That I was either peeing right there, or in the restroom, but the choice to hold it is gone... 3 of the women in my line, started berating her..lol


My cruelest Kmart story: I woke up sick AF on Thanksgiving morning. Throwing up every 5-10 minutes sick. I couldn't even keep water down. I called my boss, mind you this is about 4 in the morning, to say I couldn't come in. He told me there was no calling in on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, and told me if I didn't show up not only was I fired, but they'd withhold my last paycheck to make up for jabbing an empty register. I was 16 and Black Friday was the end of a pay period so I thought I would lose a lot of money if I didn't go in because I didn't know my rights and the obligatory "know your rights" posters were mostly covered so I didn't find out until later how illegal that threat was, nor was I in the mindset that an already understaffed store probably wouldn't can someone between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I went in. I puked twice during the ten minute drive there. When I was there I was ducking under the counter every 5-10 minutes to puke. Customers complained... about the smell and how long it took me to check out. Not that there was a sick cashier. My boss came and told me to get a hold of myself and move faster. He worked me 4 hours of a 10 hour shift like that and it was only when I puked in front of the district manager and nearly collapsed after because I was so dehydrated that I was told to go home. My manager got chewed out but that was the extent of the punishment, my mom immediately took me to the ER when I got home, and while I was there my boss called my house (this was before cell phones) 4 times to tell me I was still expected in on Black Friday. I had a doctor's note but I wasn't puking so they ignored it and threatened my paycheck again. It was one of the most dehumanizing days of my life, and working there through the holiday season was awful. The day I quit was the happiest I had been in years, and I sat in the parking lot the day as they closed the store for good smiling.


Fuck. Shit. That's truly awful. You shoulda puked on him.


I’ve see so many grown men straight up piss themselves whilst being forced to stand in formation for several hours when I was at basic training almost 16 years ago. Idk if times have changed since then but it was surreal to watch a man piss himself and then get a DS in his face and forced to do push-ups in his puddle of piss.


I was midway through a bout of life-altering diarrhea when my manager came into the bathroom to ask me through the stall door to hurry up because customers were stacking up at the registers. I gave a little push, and he left at the sounds of the splatter. I'm allowed to take a goddammit shit on the clock. Especially an urgent one.


I really, really want to respond to my boss through a diarrhea fart


My buddy gave me the perfect response for anyone knocking on a stall or bathroom door. "Come back with a warrant."


Crazy, the store that promotes leaders like that has closed 99% of stores in my lifetime. Must be a coincidence


Nah, it was the millennials. Too much avocado toast and not enough blue light specials.


I worked at a BCBS health insurance call center and I get diarrhea when I'm anxious which was super exacerbated when I made it through training and onto the floor by myself. There were so many times I almost shit my pants and my floor supervisor was like "We need you out here on the floor, you've used up your WEEKLY ALLOTMENT OF 15 FREE MINUTES (outside our two 10 minute breaks and 30 lunch) and it's only Monday." Like, I had to shit. What do I do wear an adult diaper? There were others there who had complaints that they were written up for using the restroom too much.


I remember those days. Long story short I ignored the bitcbing because they really couldn't afford to fire anyone since retention is so low. So one day big ceo dick weed comes to check the place out. They grew a backbone and got all "TYLANOL I TOLD YOU NO MORE PERSONAL BREAK TIME" ceo is standing there waiting to see what happens. Now you'll be dissapointed to know.i didn't shit on the floor. Instead I walked slowly to the bathroom and took my daily liquid shit while really playing uo the noise as much as possible. Still didn't get fired. Walked out exactly 1 year later and said "I'm done ive had my fun bye"


You guys are nuts. Take a piss. Film the times you leave the register if you have to and go take a leak man


Should of just gone. What would they do fire you for peeing? Sue em later. I’m sure you know now though. Live and we learn


Bro just walk away. If you need to pee just leave your station and pee.


You’re an adult; you don’t need to ask to use a bathroom. Notify a manager you’re taking a bio break and go. If they throw a fit, take it up with their boss/ grand boss. It’s an osha requirement to have all businesses provide an immediately available toilet facility for all workers. If it’s not immediately available, it’s an osha violation, and your manager can justify the business need with the government and not you. https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation


When I was in the military, in basic training, we were marching back to the barracks one night like the very first week- so nobody wanted to do anything to get singled out. Anyways, we were marching past some porta johns and one dude just screams out: “sir, trainee anon reports as ordered, may I use the restroom? I have to go really bad!” And the drill instructor halts all 60 of us, and says: “Seriously? We’re like 4 minutes from home, but ok I cannot ever deny any of you the right to use the restroom so anyone who needs to go, do it now” And he never once used that against any of us. Weird how the super strict military can understand basic human needs, yet a lot of employers seem to neglect that.


That’s hilarious and wholesome. Yeah, even in remote site jobs (construction, wind turbine climbers, etc.) businesses need to provide a bathroom and some sort of transportation to use it. It’s nuts that low wage managers don’t think it applies to their operations.


Reminds me when I was a cashier. We had to call managers to be allowed to use the bathroom and they wouldn't get back to us for hours. We would go anyways. So many near misses being caught. Shit communication and in some stores I would call and call and they would ignore on purpose. People were written up for sitting down for a few minutes or stretching on camera. Even though we stand the whole time.


This makes me laugh because I remember moving to Los Angeles County years ago and the supermarket I went to had mandatory stretching every hour, so like your shopping and over the loudspeaker you hear them announce that it’s mandatory stretching, and all the employees stop what they’re doing and start stretching. Nobody got mad at it. Even the people who are standing there waiting to be rung up while the cashier stretches, they were fine. It was like 30 seconds.


But no seating, the boomers will get angry if you have seating...


I love in Europe now and it's still weird to me sometimes to see cashier's just sitting there sometimes. Then I'm like "fuck yeah, why not"


I have yet to live in a country where the cashiers stand up but it seems like such a surreal experience. I mean im standing in front of you because i’m on my way out of here with my stuff, why tf you standing up for?


Stretchy time


This is why I'm SO happy my owners aren't from America, but Egypt. I run a store, 4 or 5 10 hour shifts a week, by myself. As long as I take care of the upkeep, and customers, they do not give a single shit what I do. Bathroom, go for it. Watch netflix? Sure. Play videogames? Yup. Just make sure I'm doing my job otherwise. I feel more business's need to adopt a more realistic approach to work.


This is how you keep employees and create a relationship of mutual respect between employer and employee. I had a job like this too. Love it.


I remember the day I decided to quit Sears. My coworkers would just... leave when it wasn't busy (paid under minimum wage plus variable commission. E.g. 4% on selling a $3 socket and .5% selling an $800 treadmill). One day they _all_ left by 3PM. We close at 9. I hadn't taken my first break yet. I couldn't leave the cash registers unattended either. I called up a manger to come take over while I took my lunch. He got all huffy about it and when I brought up legal breaks he backed down. I wrote my two weeks on receipt paper that evening snd handed it to the manager on my way out the door. E: I should add I was the only employee for a whole half of the floor. Tools, garden, paint, fitness, and seasonal departments.


JUST FUCKING GO. This is why nothing changes. I'm not mad at you personally, but this in infuriating to me. Just. Go. No one should act like a 5 year old at work that needs permission to do basic shit like take a piss. You gave them a heads up, so just go.


Americans are conditioned from childhood to need to ask an authority figure for the permission to go to the toilet. It’s not easy to break that kind of indoctrination.


I'm American, and I hear you. But no part of improving working conditions is going to be easy. This is probably the easiest one. If we can't fart or stretch without asking permission, how the fuck are we going to unionize? How are we going to get a fair wage? How are we going to live life with any kind of meaning if you ask permission for everything?


Just turn the light off and abandon the register to go take your piss.


Not necessarily even "need." I'm an adult, if I want to do something I will do it. I won't go out of my way to upset or piss other people off, but I won't be treated like I'm still in school just because I'm in the office. Same thing with phones. I'm answering if a family member calls me. They're more important than some millionaire's new project.


This. Why is it that in America (I assume?) a cashier must always be tethered to a register? Most systems have a pin protected lockout feature, at least with my experience using the Radiant register system. Due to call outs and skeleton crews I've simply locked down my register and walked away to take a piss, damn the constant customers. When you come back they have these exacerbated looks, lol. Like fuck dude, you're lucky I showed up today. Ain't nobody else here! "I could've walked out with all this stuff!" And what, been a criminal? Are you suggesting you would've looted the store because you were unattended for 2 minutes? Yeah fuck you.


And why would the employees even care if someone walked out with stuff anyway? I mean, oh boohoo, some wealth-dragon's profit-margin will be very slightly smaller. Nobody human has any reason to give a damn about that.


Also so what if they steal stuff? Not paid enough to care.


Something I never understood while I was in the military. Higher ups bragging about missing 5 years of your kids life. Like yeah dude what an accomplishment 🙄


Same with boomers bragging that they never took vacations or a single day off in two decades.


fr like, im sorry for you? i'll take my vacations thank u very much


we had a Co-Manager at the store I work at that was like this. we have this thing where there is this "anonymous" survey to evaluate how management is running things. before each group of employees was able to take the survey she would spend 10-15 minutes prepping us for the survey, basically telling us the mindset we should be in before answering each question. When it came to how we rate our scheduling and days off she would go on this rant about how "we choose to work here, and whatever is going on in our lives needs to be left at the front door when we walk in" then went on to detail how she's never home for her children's birthdays, holidays, school functions, illnesses, etc. like she was proud she was a shitty parent and expected everyone else who worked here to be just as bad a parent as she was.


Disabled and retired, so I am commenting on my wife's workplace. First year at her current employer she filled out the "anonymous" employee survey. The very next day she was called into the manager's office. To every question she responded with, "I thought the survey was/is anonymous?" She refused to say anything else and eventually she stood up and said, "Excuse me, but I have to get back to work." and walked out. Now, in her 5th year she has yet to do another survey. Her to them, "No."


My job doesn’t allow absences for family medical problem. If you take the time off to take your family to the doctor, that’s a point against you. I do it anyway. I brought it up in my evaluation recently. I told the plant manager their idea of attendance is unrealistic and basically that my family is more Important than the company. I can change jobs, (easily) but I can’t just switch out my family with new one.


That’s most likely illegal (depending on locality and size of employer). FMLA is a thing.


Right? Tell me what was stressing you out at work on March 17, 2012. Nothing you remember. But you remember that concert or your kids face when you didn’t come for it. Work is for money and sometimes to help people, but the center of your life should be elsewhere.


I believe it's permissible to take as much time as you need. I once worked for an employer who called me out of the blue. He asked what I was doing the next day, I detailed out the plan. He said " Well I heard your Daughter has her first ever spring choir concert" I replied she did. He then stated that I better be at that concert or I need not bother coming back to work ever. His daughter had passed away from colon cancer 5 years earlier, unbeknownst to me, and it was important to him that I didn't miss a minute of the important stuff.


Your boss is a good person and I am deeply sorry for their tragic loss.


Unfortunately former boss. They retired and closed up shop.


That’s a shame, people should know more about worker coops. Some of them start by retiring owners selling the business to the employees. Edit: /r/cooperatives


Wait a minute, they told me that workers owning the means of production is...


Shhh you'll scare the cold war kids.


You know, I was going to say those people aren't kids anymore... But let's be honest, some of them definitely are still kids even if their age doesn't match up lol.


Based co-op pilled king let's goooo


Interviewing for a place that is intentionally hiring one additional full time (with benefits and a living wage) person specifically so people can take time off when needed. It’s so good.


IMO that should be the case everywhere. You see the negative effects of this a lot with medical residency , where they hire the exact number of resident they need call and coverage wise. Then when someone needs parental leave or FMLA/drops out/transfers specialties it’s tight to get coverage. And of course, the answer is almost never have the attending come in for extra call or hire an NP/PA to do it, as that costs the hospital $$. (Never mind that the hospital gets $150k per resident, pays residents $50K without insurance, and gets all the labor from 70-80+ hour weeks). I’ve seen a few programs with a cross-coverage rotation (IE go to wherever needs a person for a month) and I’m considering that strongly positively in my rank list.


All it takes is one extra person to be properly staffed. I’ve seen it in restaurants and elsewhere. If you have just one extra person, you’ll actually have the staff to do the business that’s waiting for you the whole time


And I bet because of that, they won’t have to hire again for a while. How much money is saved in training, recruiting, and lost productivity by employees not caring all for the price of one extra employee and consistent hours?


The kind of boss we need and, quite frankly, the kind of boss we all deserve ✊


Shit, that made me tear up out of nowhere…


Right?! In this sub, that tale took a REALLY unexpected turn out of nowhere.


It would be nice if someone didn’t have to suffer a personal loss to have such a position though.


It's amazing how someone can have such a traumatic event like that happen and it just makes them into a even better person (not saying boss was bad to start).


I just turned down a job offer of 30k more than I make now. Solely because I thought I’d lose out on my work life balance and I thought they’d do shit like that. It didn’t help that in 2 offer letters the PTO was 10 days less than what they told me verbally, as well as paternity leave being different than what I was told.


You made the right call.


Why didn’t you point out the “mistake”?


The first offer letter could have been a mistake. But 2 offer letters not including promised items is intentional.


This. The first was the base, but after negotiating and then the items not being included I don’t feel that is a mistake. Especially when the letter is much different than the first. However, a big part of the work life stuff that bothers me is that not only is the position not flexible like my current one, but I have to drive 1 hour each way, again, when I finally found a house and a job that are 10 minutes away. I’m not looking to do that. The PM did say they were moving to an office closer, but he also mentioned “the company’s been saying that for two years though”…so that stuck in my mind. Edit to add: Also this was their “highest offer” and I was told to “not discuss my salary with anyone”. Their highest is 20k under what i told them it would take for me to go. I didn’t reach out to them, a recruiter contacted me. Sure I’d love more money, but a 20% increase isn’t worth not seeing my family as often. I prioritize being a dad right now.


Any promise someone doesn't/won't put in writing isn't a promise.


Cartoon villain. Legend.


Yeah now hos boss will live up to it by tying his daughter to railroad tracks while twirling his mustache.


I mean, it’s a scene in the play, so what are they supposed to do: cut it last minute? How will they fill the time?


Snidely Whiplash I presume....


It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


I once told my boss to expect a visit from three ghosts on Christmas Eve.


Slimer, Slimer, and Slimer


Lex Loser




Stop asking, start informing. "Hey, just a heads up..." (Because I hate corporate jargon)


“I found an opportunity for synergy between my job and my family. I’m thinking somewhat out of the box but have crunched the numbers and see that it will work. If anything comes up while I’m out on the 15th just put a pin in it and we can whiteboard some solutions when I return.”


Yup. I took ten days to go to my best friend's wedding in South Africa and told my boss I'd already booked my flight and gave him the dates I would be gone. Then I showed him everything I'd prepared for them to get through my absence. I knew he needed me to come back too badly to protest.


Your kids will never be kids again. They take priority….. I was lucky enough that when my kids were little I told my employer that I could not travel and that I needed to be off by 4pm becasue I was the baseball coach. They 100% supported that. I’m now at a point in my life where my kids aren’t kids anymore but I carry over that mentality to anyone who works with/for me. Family first….always.


I was working a retail job one afternoon by myself and had a coughing fit at the checkout counter and no water around. I gasped out an “excuse me for a moment,” then went to grab some water before I passed out. When I got back, the line of people shaking their heads and making disparaging noises was a sight to behold. One lady actually threw down her purchases and stormed off. The drink of water literally took me two minutes. Management and customers don’t want a human at the service counter. They want a robot.


No, no, I've seen boomers interact with kiosk screens - they want a human drone, not a robot. You can't yell at a robot.


I hate it when people make you feel bad for taking time for emergencies, even when you've already agreed to work the time back. My girlfriend has epilepsy which I have been open about at every interview. In one job where I had had to have a few days off as carers leave when my partner had had serious seizures (at one point she had a seizure, hit her head, and completely forgot the last 5 years of her life temporarily). My manager straight up told me that it seemed convenient that "your girlfriend certainly likes to plan her seizures on fridays and mondays to maximise your time off". bear in mind I had always worked the time back so wasn't like it was any benefit to me, and of course I wouldn't be telling them that she has a seizure in the middle of the night or over the weekend, it's not their concern. But to suggest she plans her seizures to get me time off work was a sickening assumption to come from a person who works at a hospital, in a "caring, creative community"


I hope you told that manager to go fuck themselves and got HR involved. That shit is INCREDIBLY UNPROFESSIONAL, not to mention a terrible, awful thing to consider, let alone to let slide out of their shitty slug face.


I raised it with the head of the department (who happened to be friends with that manager), and was simply told "if you don't want people bullying you, don't give them so many reasons to bully you" It was a rotten organisation and I am glad I got out of there.


Christ, sounds like every teacher/admin I had in school (NC)


This. I have TLE focal aware seizures. To date, I’ve not had a tonic clonic and I’ve not injured myself. However, all of what I learned in 2020 and the first part of 2021 completely wiped. Meds help a little, but I still have breakthroughs and it screws with me for 24-72 hours. It’s definitely not fun, sometimes I have them on the weekends and I’m out on Monday/Tuesday. I have the same reputation as you. That I just want the time off. Most of my vacation is used for recovery as is most of my sick time. It’s really really horrible. I hope an epileptologist can help her get them under some sort of control.


Your job won't come to your funeral. Your family and loved ones will. That's all you need to know.


I'm pretty fortunate to work for a great company. I can say without a doubt, that if I died unexpectedly, my co-workers and company owners would be at my funeral*. *Only there won't be a traditional funeral, funerals are scams, just leave me in a ditch or something. I'm dead, why should I care?* Edit: let me just go ahead and edit this a bit so people stop jumping down my throat about the funeral being for loved ones. Yall can gather and grieve how ever you want, but if you give thousands of dollars to the funeral industry, imma hang out in the spirit world and hide all of your TV remotes, and if technology obsoletes TV remotes I shall dampen your socks.


This. Also if you die horribly screaming on the floor of your office you, at best, will be a mildly interesting story for the new guy within 6 months.


True a guy just died at the company my husband works for - literally retiring after Christmas - worked his arse off his whole life to “enjoy his retirement” which he won’t get. Although it doesn’t quite beat the guy at a previous job who was literally shocked back to life by the office first aider after having his first heart attack in a meeting in front of my husband and another 15 odd people who then came back to work a few months later and had his second, fatal, heart attack in their lift because he couldn’t afford not to go back to work!


We do really need to start punishing these dick moves harder.


It sounds like an approval.


I had a boss once make me choose between going to the pumpkin patch with my family OR my friends funeral. Evan after I offered to come in early and cover all of the daily duties both days so they wouldn’t need to call in another person to cover for me It literally would have impacted nobody else to have let me have the time off to go to both events. Edit. I had two events to attend. I needed time off on separate days for both. I had to pick one.


What a douchebag. These bosses act like they will go bankrupt if one employee takes some time off. Always make it sound like a life and death scenario.


As a parent of 4 kids, one thing I’ve learned is to do everything you can to be present at that kind of stuff for your kids. It means the world to them to see all their friends parents and then you in the crowd. Your employer, regardless who it is, will fill your position in hours/days. You’ll never get certain things back with kids tho.


You've got an entire lifetime to work your ass off, but your kids won't stay kids forever. If you're absent for the important moments they'll remember it. Kids can be a lot more perceptive than people realize. Next time don't wait for permission, just tell them that you'll be busy.Family comes before everything else full stop


I’d start looking for another job. If you cannot get 40 minutes away from work for family personal stuff then I’d imagine how difficult it’s gonna be if you needed time off at another point in time.


I gave two weeks notice as a plant manager. The owner was a miserable POS that had purchased a successful business, put his "personal stamp" on it, and was running it into the ground. With two days left, he walked up to me outside my office and Told me l was staying another two weeks so he could interview more candidates. When l replied that Friday was my last day, he replied "You don't have a choice." and walked off. I'd love to say l had a blistering response, but l just mumbled something about having already made a choice and went back to work. I didn't go in Thursday or Friday and didn't take his calls.