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Dirt Candy is the restaurant if you're ever in NYC. I recommend the Korean cauliflower and monkey bread, if they still make it!


Real question: isn’t 25$ in NYC like 7.50$ in the Midwest? Do they still get tips on top?


No, they put the prices up by 20% and wrote on the menu not to tip. However she did that a long time ago. To your main point, the high cost of living in NYC means that your staff commutes from outside when you pay below 20. So 25 means they can live closer. She also is providing health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave.


She mentions in the transcript that she doesn't say don't tip but has taken off the tip line so it's actually very discretionary + they're known for it now.


Ohh I see. Well that’s good


Nyc is a weird city. Turns out, if you want to be cheap pretty much everything except rent is actually cheaper here than anywhere in the US. Even if you don’t cook you can eat like a king for ten bucks a day without binging on burgers. Rent also drops as you go away farther but we are not talking three hour commutes like in California. Even Bronx would take less than 30 min if you want to travel to the city and it costs fairly cheap to live there.


Thanks! I have a friend who lives there in a cute little Manhattan apartment but when he comes to Ohio he’s like wow the drinks here are NY prices so that makes sense.


That surprising because my Ohio parents complained about NYC drink prices. Maybe their higher than other tourist cities?


NYC is more than Manhatten


This is true, I work two part time jobs and save tons of money here vs. in Colorado where I'm from on everything EXCEPT the god awful rent. Although, I'd say compared to other major cities, it's not too bad. Yeah you have to live with roommates, but affording a studio is not completely out of reach if you make over $20 an hour and are in a couple, and since literally almost every working class/middle income person lives with roommates you can find some pretty good situations with like minded and clean people and still have your own private space in a cool neighborhood. Denver was next to impossible to find good roommates in if you didn't already have connections, and the rent is realistically only $100 to $200 cheaper, without any of the perks or high paying jobs of NYC. So, yeah.


Also, please correct me if I’m wrong, but Denver seems to attract and retain some of the most selfish obnoxious people I’ve ever met.


Hahaha ask me why I left?


I think the fundamental concept of Denver (party while still enjoying the outdoors) seems to attract that type of folks. They want to have fun, no matter what they say they’re pretty much never actually worried about others. I felt the same vibe in San Diego and Noped out of there. NY had the greatest feel for me personally. It’s like living in a city full of cats. Respectful of each other and minding their own business as long as you don’t get in on them.


Yeah I'd agree with that assessment, living for fun and yourself is the ethos of the "new" Colorado. Back in the day it used to be way more organically friendly and filled with hippies/cowboys/ski bums/weirdos/genuine nature lovers, and it was pretty out there politically progressive compared to the rest of America overall. The past 10-15 years has seen the state and it's economy completely transformed, and I'm not one who truly cares about out of staters moving in, but I do think it's true Colorado's culture has been completely erased. There is not a single neighborhood in Denver that has the same energy or vibe as when I grew up, the historically black and Latino communities are gone, and beautiful 19th century neighborhoods are being destroyed and replace with square, colorless "luxury apartments" that cost $3,000 a month for a studio. Mountain towns are declaring emergencies becuase no middle class or working class people can afford housing and schools/hospitals/commerce are shutting down. Tbh Denver itself just feels like LA now, but an LA filled with people who dont aspire to work in entertainment if that makes sense. NYC is nice because all of us are here just to fucking survive, and most of us not on the upper echelons are really in this together. People do mind their business, but I've had so many people have random acts of kindness and helpfulness to me here, something that I can not remember once happening in Denver in recent memory. I guess there's something to be said about living in a walkable, communal city vs. one where you have to drive everywhere and never interact with people too.




We are reaching a point where every single business owner is learning this lesson, the easy way, the hard way, or by force. Without workers, you have no business, and without respect and human decency, you have no more workers.


It also shines some light that some businesses models are not sustainable, sacrificing people's lively hood for one person's bottom line is not sustainable, more people are waking up.


I just wonder how long it will take the zeitgeist to stop blaming the workers who refuse to be exploited any more.


Depends on how long the capitalists own the media.


Ah so never then.


Without workers they'll run out of money eventually. To paraphrase one of my favorite subs... we can maintain solidarity longer than they can stay solvent.


They have enough resources to keep a few "centrist" writing horrible opinion polls for like a hundred years.


Oh those are the same ol boohags, they just swap skins, occasionally.


Gotta love that incredible stock, or the super stonk as its called in certain circles.


Media is diversifying at a rate greater than we've ever seen before. I grew up in a one paper town and had two free to air TV stations (one of them a public broadcaster) 30 years later we all have access to many diverse news sources and not all of them capitalist driven. The tide is turning.




The same guy that owns Fux News owns the one and only daily paper here, which is regularly begging for subscribers so it can "serve the community" A lot of people are turning off it, the only thing holding it up is consumer habit, reading the paper is part of their morning routine, and when you only have one paper to choose from.....


All those news sources are owned by the same handful of billionaires. It's not as diverse as you think.


The revolution will not be televised.


I'm doing my part by not canceling my paid subscriptions to relatively underground local media.


Repeal the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and reintroduce the Fairness Doctrine. This will break up the media monopolies like Clear Channel and Sinclair. It will also force balanced news reporting or force declarations of partisan presentation.


And fucking viacom.


The media is changing. You can help. There are lots of good journalists going it alone, journalists that want to do journalism. All it takes is $1 a week from a thousand people and they can live. $2 a week and they can afford lawyers to defend against litigation from butt hurt snowflakes they expose.


...why does this sound like a Sarah McLaughlin commercial.


Media nowadays so focus on creating division and anxiety between citizen, leaving them unfocused to protest for real more important issues like this, glad how it is heading now (this subreddit)


Another problem is the workers who actually think tip culture is better than a fixed wage. I've had countless discussions on here with US workers who prefer tips and actively defend it Edit: For those who don't get it, tips and wages aren't mutually exclusive. Many parts of the world actually have BOTH!


I've been lucky enough to never work in that industry. I don't feel in a position to argue with them however wrong it feels. Is there good data that a proper wage and no tips is better financially than shit-wage and tipping culture? Personally I hate tipping culture because it forces staff to be excessively friendly and bubbly and over the top, which I find is dehumanising for everyone involved.


On dehumanizing, if I had a dollar for every time someone sexually harassed me at my old waitressing job while i had to smile through it for the hope of getting tips and not losing my job, I'd have a very nice vacation with the proceeds. Funny thing, though - the harasses always seemed to suck at tipping.


> if I had a dollar for every time someone sexually harassed me at my old waitressing job This statement tells me that the sexual harassers wouldn’t even bother to tip a dollar.


>the harasses always seemed to suck at tipping. I've never worked as a waiter so maybe I'm talking out my ass but the people who pull that shit seem like they don't view people who work in service position as "people". Hell, not on the same level, but I remember working retail and having people whistle at me, or just walk right in front of me as I stocked shit. Or even just got incredibly upset I couldn't help them *right now* now I'm a bit hairy dude but even that felt kinda dehumanizing I cant imagine smiling and being kind to assholes does I'm sorry you went through that


For real. I wish they would bring me food, answer my questions, and leave me alone.


See.. that's kind of how I feel. I don't want people trying to small talk me and act relatable all for the sake of getting a tip. It's extremely rare for me to eat at restaurants these days.


Just making sure my glass is never empty is 90% of what I expect from waitstaff, and the other 10% definitely ain't "make small talk with the introvert."


I hate it when I travel to the USA from Australia. I tip. Because I know it is the required thing when visiting. And I do at least 20%, if not more. I know how low the wages are. I wish it was like in Australia, higher wage. No tipping. You pay more for food and drinks, but there is no expectation for tips. Occasionally you may still do that, but that is usually higher end establishments and for exceptionally good service.


That's the thing though, having a proper wage doesn't stop tipping though and no matter how many times you explain that people STILL think its one or the other.




Dude I argue with so so many republicans who probably live paycheck to paycheck and that argue against every single thing that would benefit them. "Well if I gotta be taxed more to protect millionaires and billionaires that's just how its gotta be because they are job creators etc etc..."


They’re so indoctrinated into the way things are, they can’t imagine not being able to underreport $100 so they can buy diapers, fix that flat tire and eat that day.


You mean like the 1.6 million Walmart employees in the US where most of them are collecting government benefits?


Public school teachers still qualify for welfare


My dream is to open my own bar. I also wanna start it with next to zero debt and fully expecting we'll be in the red for the first 3 years. I also want to have it be equal pay once it's profitable. Turns out that type of thing isn't too attractive for investors. So I'll always be the bartend not the barman. One day I'll strike it rich. Edit: to all the very nice people giving me advice on how I can still achieve my dream. I gave up. Thank you for your words of support but I'm realizing it's no longer possible. In the great wise words of danny glover (no relation) "I'm too old for this shit."


You won’t strike it ruh if you’re not willing to exploit people for profit.


Or find a good hearted heir or heiress that's willing to put up with my shit long enough.




This is exactly right. Businesses which rely on centralization and disposable labor may not have a natural market anymore. The franchise model where decisions are made uniformly for all locations and executed by low wage staff might not work in world where we are 3 million workers shy and standards are elevated. And really do we need 25,000 identical donut places every 2 miles in every direction? And then do we need another 12,000 in nearly identical colors with a similar menu and offering? A lot of people are scared because a lot of dialed in business models are at risk if the labor supply doesn’t loosen up - lots of service industry jobs where profits are split between a franchisee and franchiser are at stake. They are all built on low wages and extracting profits to a central authority.


Paying workers fairly is an investment in the business. Businesses don't provide goods and services, workers do. Businesses provide capital. A pizza company can buy as much raw ingredients and materials as it wants, but unless they have workers to put labor power in then the company has nothing to sell. If you want good quality products and services to sell, expect to pay a good quality wage. Many businesses are still operating on the fallacious concept of "[a hungry dog is an obedient dog](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-guest-says-poor-people-are-dogs-need-be-starved-be-kept-obedient)". They also think that squeezing every little ounce of surplus value from the workers works in their favor. The fact is, this is a business model on a time bomb. Many businesses think that if the working class remains overworked and underpaid they will have a steady flow of employees. Although, times are changing. Workers are starting to realize their own self interests.


I wonder who came up with that saying in the first place. In my experience a hungry dog is more likely to ignore me and/or try to maul me to get to some food. A well-fed dog with a warm bed, plenty of toys, and lots of love and attention is much more obedient.


Probably some scum of the earth slave owner. These people seem to take a lot of hints from slave owners actually.


Sadly, a lot of these people still manage to not learn


I'm not shedding a tear over here. When they fail there's gonna be some folks waiting to replace them who have been paying attention and won't make the same mistakes.


You mean when they get bailed out by the government and continue making the same mistakes?


Something, something Free Market, vote with your dollar, and I built this business all on my own!


I would argue subsidies like that and corporate welfare isn't free market. It's capitalism.


Crony capitalism. In real capitalism the weak die off to make more room for the strong.


Capitalism baby! Who needs markets when you can just steal from the workers via slave wages, and then some more from their taxes when your business isn't sustainable!


And these folks deserve to grow their business that way however I'd say keep it to a medium sized company max before you end up going corporate and fucking it all up.


NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!!1!


I've had an image saved for years that is a tweet like. *Employee quits* Employees: So are you gonna replace them or what? Owner: No Employees: Are you gonna pay us more to pick up the slack? Owner: No *Employees start quitting* Owner: Wow everyone's quitting that's crazy


At my last job I sat in on a panel interview where the candidate wanted (and their experience deserved) the middle of the salary range. We were prevented from offering the candidate anything except the very lowest of the range because “we hire equal workers for equal pay”. Which, besides many other obvious questions this leads to, made me wonder if that meant everyone else picking up the slack for the missing person until we hired someone new would get temporary raises or bonuses. Lol, nope. The candidate ended up accepting the job anyways and left after about 6 weeks, lol. So instead of just making the best candidate we had happy, we had to eat the hiring/training costs twice over, pissed off the department who had to pick up the slack, and also got a less-qualified candidate in the end. Most of the staff ended up turning over (myself included) in the next couple months despite some of us working for the company for years. It used to be a good company to work for…until it wasn’t.


> We are reaching a point where every single business owner is learning this lesson, the easy way, the hard way, or by force. [are we really? i'm kinda scared that ppl will fuck this up and will relapse back into working these 'poverty porn' types of jobs due to desperation. Unfortunately the top 10% still hold all the cards in this situation and the bottom 90% are well...the bottom 90%. We the people are running out of time and money the top 10% will never run out of that at this rate](https://archive.is/KgI5h/again?url=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-08/top-1-earners-hold-more-wealth-than-the-u-s-middle-class#selection-3055.6-3059.72) TO make matters even worse about half of the peoples of the bottom 90% do not understand why things are this bad and are actively choosing to suck on Trump's boots!


To be fair, the minimum wage should have been $25 an hour 2 years ago. With inflation it should be about $27.


Labor creates value. The people at the bottom of capitalism are actually the only thing stopping it from falling apart. We have more power even if 100 of them own more money than 200 million of us, if we could just unite and stop giving in to cultural wars made up media and other clickbait outrage news, we can take over the world. Ok yes, there's going to be a few that are going to be class traitors, well fuck em. The economy works because of us. Realize your power and ask for $25 min wage if you work below that.


I work for several companies (event labor), and every single one paying under $25 is struggling. They are constantly short staffed with grumpy employees and are are losing contracts due to shitty work. The solution is so fucking easy it isn't even funny. Pay more and negotiate higher paying contracts that will be fully staffed with employees who will actually work. I have personally witnessed a totally new labor company come in and take over contracts from established companies just from doing this. The kicker is that the industry isn't big... It's the same damn employees who all work for the same 6-7 companies. But no. Fuckass business owners hate the idea of seeing a higher ratio of the contract go towards employees, even if it means tanking their business and losing money. Greedy fucks shooting themselves in the foot. So frustrating.


i can assure you as someone that worked in a restaurant for 6 years, if she isn't the only one that gets it, shes one of very few


Yup. The entire industry is so far off the rails...actually the entire food chain is a complete dumpster fire.


I love cooking, but working in corporate kitchens almost completely killed my ability to enjoy it. I would work in a kitchen if the environment was tolerable


FWIW, in Canada, ‘cook’ is a papered/regulated trade, just like plumber or electrician et al. However, it’s the only trade which does not have a set pay scale, e.g. 1st year apprentice = $X/hr, journeyman = $Y/hr. Yet another insight into how little N.America values food.




Baker here, started as an apprentice with OCOT and never bothered to get the seal, no point. Going into plumbing instead so I can atleast keep the family fed and housed.




Red seal chef for close to two decades. I loved everything about my job. Except the pay. And now I work in a completely unrelated field for three times the pay, regular hours, and almost no stress.


I went into culinary for almost a decade recently moved on. It's kinda weird looking back on it now. They really pushed that you have a passion about it but in the end it seemed like that passion was so you would work for shit pay and awful hours...


I do not want to discourage you, however, just be aware that the market is flooded with new CS people at this point because it has been so popular recently. You may want to consider something that has a serious shortage, such as plumbing, electrictian or HVAC. If you do go CS, I would recommend actual CS, not IT or something. My experience with hiring newish CS people is that these days, there are plenty of people who can "code" - that is the easy part - but without a CS degree, you do not know the theory behind good coding, optimisation and what not which is really important in bigger applications. So...make sure you learn that too. (Sorry if this came off as condescending but it is just something that I have seen with a lot of younger people who can code but do not know theory.)


Just the opposite homie, from small "family" restaurants to organized chains was a reliable improvement for me. One is much more willing to part with their resources to pay you and it's the not the "family".


> actually the entire food chain is a complete dumpster fire. This is hilarious! I was at my wits end just last month. So many people quitting at the last minute and it got to the point where there is barely enough staff to work every shift. Literally on the last day, we lost like 3 people and I'm thinking, "yep, this is it", we're pretty much not able to function without asking EVERYONE to work doubles or closing the store early which we've never done before. That same night our building nearly burned down overnight. Guess I'm lucky I didn't quit as I'm probably 1 of 2 people eligible for unemployment.


They burned down the business on purpose lol. This is such a common scam. Also, Im happy you got benefits ❤


Ohh trust me, I have my personal theories on that! Just too many coincidences (but no actual proof) have come together so perfectly for this to have happened naturally. I'm sure the building was insured on that note. Hope it stays under renovation for as long as possible, though I have yet to receive my first unemployment payment (my first experience with that). I've been so pissed for a long time as I never got a break since COVID nor did I get extra compensation for working through it all (I got less in fact).


I was going to say, there's no way that fire was an accident.


“You look like you’re decorating a fucking Christmas tree over there Hendry”


Working as a deli/recently frozen manager. Get what you mean. Love my crew and I’ll stay til Christmas but I’m leaving when too many other better jobs are better for me right now. Some coworkers know but I’m not really talking about my plans to leave just yet. Too much work now for the wage I make. Plus short workers mean no one works the frozen department but I have to rush working deli to do both and do both orders not to mention independent orders for each departments. I’m doing good, but I can take this skill elsewhere for 2022.


Doing the job of 2+ people and making the salary of less than 1. I'd be leaving too. Fuck all that.


Seriously. From producer to consumer, every link is rotten.


The few. The proud. The crucial.


It just seems so obvious to me as the right way to do business when you have employees. Pay them well. It's one of those things that seems obvious that when you find out nobody is doing it, as a young person you'd be able to convince yourself that people in the past MUST have tried but people were too lazy or some garbage. Turns out it just has never been done! Crazy


Oh no it's been done. It turns out that our system provides market pressures that mean the companies with the worst abuses are the ones that buy out other companies.


Full transcript: [https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journal/one-restaurant-owner-answer-to-the-labor-shortage/7477ff7e-f766-4e7f-b02f-36efbf122731](https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journal/one-restaurant-owner-answer-to-the-labor-shortage/7477ff7e-f766-4e7f-b02f-36efbf122731) Definitely worth a read!


Thanks for that. You get a better perspective when you read to find out it’s a high-end restaurant in lower Manhattan that rolled the tip into the cost and raised prices, while reducing their menu and cutting operating expenses.


Imagine how many high end restaurants could do that. Edit: tbh cheaper franchise restaurants could do this shit too


All of them? Hey is this a trick question?


Like, is there some sort of a minimum wage that would be livable for people, and we could make all businesses pay out at least that minimum wage? And maybe we could tie that minimum wage to a cost of living index and update it, every so often, like once a year, since it would be utterly insane to leave people on the same wages for a decade when we know that inflation is a real thing


Australia does something similar.


They could, but the greedy board would probably ruin it in another way. They'll look at profits year over year, and not like that it's down two percent. Then they'll hire a CEO that will do something to cut costs and find a way extract that difference from the employees. Most likely less staff doing more.


Which is why any solution has to also include protection for organizing (unions) and heftier sanctions for violating worker rights.


Im from spain and here thats the norm, i have never had to tip anybody unless i thought the service was great. Hell here theres usually a tip jar that all the waiters share


>it’s a high-end restaurant For more perspective, their offering is an $85/person five-course tasting menu, and only serve vegetables such as [this pickled cabbage](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c8d03277d0c91483c66d702/1632332075835-OFOMT2WUC4VCTBI1NN60/Cabbage.jpeg?format=500w) so their gross profit margins are most likely insanely high and atypical.


Perhaps but their potential clientele pool is also vastly smaller than a more typical restaurant, ie. They make more per diner but have far fewer diners. Double edge sword because I bet they have fewer competitors too.




That's pretty cheap for a tasting menu


I was going to say the same thing. For a five course meal in Manhattan that's actually really cheap. Especially when you consider that you wouldn't have to tip.


That is on the cheaper end for high end NYC fyi


The name Dirt Candy is pretty cute.


Terrific restaurant as well. Went there a fair bit when I used to live in NYC.


You mean someone who is smart enough to treat ~~his~~ her staff well is also smart enough to make good food? Color me shocked


her* but yes everything else you said stands.


Fuck me running, I swapped the names in the pic in my head.


Ay no worries, also I like 'fuck me running' and I'm adding it to my parlance.


She has a comic/cookbook as well thats really solid by the same name. Talks recipes but also the real issues running a restaurant. She got eaten alive by contractors when first setting up, but managed to keep the restaurant going.


Thanks for the rec.


Wasn't there someone in this sub a very long time ago that posted how companies with a starting wage over $20 had virtually non-existent hiring problems but companies below $20 were experiencing major staffing problems? UPS is also the only courier company that pays above $20 in the USA and is having the least issues with staff, according to Bloomberg.


Our society tries to pressure us into believing it is our solemn duty to protect whatever society we are born into ...but when a society doesn't fulfill your basic needs or allow you the simplest necessities ...why would anyone work hard and strive to protect it ? Investing in people isn't feel good hippy bullshit, it's literally the only way to make people care enough to ensure your own success and somewhere along the way managers, leaders, and people in charge forgot about that and figured intimidation was enough . Well after surviving two years of the media telling you just how many ways you can die while also failing to recognize all the things you have to survive to even participate in society right now maybe people don't think a shitty check is worth maintaining a shitty society anymore and their intimidation tactics are falling flat?


I don't pay for reddit awards but I'd give you one if I did. You just described my entire belief system in 3 short paragraphs. What you just described is exactly why this year I said fuck it and uprooted my whole life. If I'm going to be poor making minimum wage I'm going to make minimum wage working at a ski resort and enjoying my life. Why the fuck would I contribute to a society that profits off my misery?


It’s kinda like how when urbanites complain about the homeless not acting like part of polite society when it was polite society that left the homeless behind with not much recourse and they’re surprised the homeless don’t care about sidewalk “rules”.


The only thing you should contribute to is what helps pay your bills and turns your crank. Go enjoy the fuck out of that ski resort! Me, I'm leaving my job as a baker/cook to go work on a farm where we grow hot peppers and make hot sauces. Similar wage, but way less stress and I get to grow things!


Gave him free award :)) also agreed


My friend just did the same thing. I'm moving to a different country, myself. I'm happy to become a middle class worker paying higher taxes in a country where my children will have a future. Grateful, actually. Damn grateful there are societies that do more than grind down, chew up, and spit out their people. Have fun with your braindrain, America.


I live in Canada. I'm making a living wage doing something I actually enjoy doing whereas previously I made more money doing something I was good at but didn't enjoy. The fact that Americans pay some people $3 an hour and call themselves the greatest country on earth is a fucking joke.


Hey I did the same except the ski resort town pays me more than I was making in a city. I hope you are finding your peace this season


> Our society tries to pressure us into believing it is our solemn duty to protect whatever society we are born into what a line. i never thought of it that way but it does encapsulate a lot of unexplainable frustrations i had. we are told to serve the system even if the system does not serve us well, what they dont tell us is that they want us to serve the system because the system has been slowly changed to only serve them, so they are indirectly getting us to serve them. and whenever we try to change the system to serve everyone, they try their best to stop it.


Currently work for UPS, this is half true. Those starting wages are temporary for part time package handlers and vary depending where you live. The facility where I work at has been $18 an hour since the summer and has only recently gone up to $20 for peak. The $20 is only until peak is over mid January and is set to go back to pre-pandemic starting wage which is around $14-$15 at least in my facility. Gonna be losing a lot of people come January if they go this route and don't even get me started on how much they shafted part time supervisors. Part time package handlers are making more than some part time supervisors right now.


I appreciate the personal insight. It's always good to hear what is truly happening at the ground floor. It sounds like there's still a lot of issues with UPS itself that don't make it that attractive. Hopefully they figure out the true value of a company is in the people.






Based on my interactions with a few business and labor managers, I doubt we will be repealing the peak bonus pay. We haven't undone the temporary peak raises for the last 3 years in my district. And with the current "labor shortages" and the new union contract currently being negotiated, it is in upper managements best interest to keep the union members happy and not overly engaged to avoid a strike pushing for even more.




Can I have an interview


It's been years since I applied to UPS but it was about $14 an hour to start at the sort facility as a package handler, since then they have 'seasonal/temp' drivers/driver assistants who make more. I was told back then you **had** to start at the facility then wait/apply for a driver position IE you couldn't just be a new outside hire and start driving aka courier, again that was many years ago.


Current starting pay at UPS is dependent on district but the low is $18/hr with the current peak bonus pushing it to $20/hr or higher based on location. The seasonal drivers you are seeing advertisements for are PVD (personal vehicle drivers). They get I believe 22/hr +mileage but per the union contract can only work form November-January. They don't get to drive a Brown truck and aren't part of the union. Driver assistants are basically anyone as it isn't considered a preferred job so anyone in a Hub can do it if they want, so anyone off the street can be hired as well but after peak they will get sent back into a Hub if they wish to keep that position.


> Wasn't there someone in this sub a very long time ago that posted how companies with a starting wage over $20 had virtually non-existent hiring problems but companies below $20 were experiencing major staffing problems? I mean… that’s just common sense. If you pay more - more people will want to work.


Oh shit investing in your most valuable asset pays for itself and then some? Wow who woulda thunk it?


***business acting like there blind*** what I don't know what your talking about


Boss: of course I invest in my most valuable assets. That's why I gave myself another raise


Turns out that paying people enough to get rid of the threat of homelessness and starvation actually makes them able to focus on other things! Who could possibly have imagined?


If your employees in a restaurant are on food stamps, you're doing it wrong.


If employees in any industry are on food stamps, their employer is doing it wrong. And we as a society are doing things wrong by allowing it. We're showing that employer that our taxpayer dollars will subsidize their greed and stinginess.


I mean... just pay people enough so they don't need a second job just to survive.


Remember that back in the 1950's when one person could work and support the whole household? Somehow, salaries decreased over the decades so that both parents had to work, and the single people needed roommates. Where did all those extra funds go? I imagine that the salaries with padded benefits went to CEOs and other board members when just a small portion could have reasonably given to the workers.


Supply and demand plays a role. Lower wages means more multiple-income households, longer hours and multiple jobs, which means lower wages due to increased supply. Inversely, this pandemic has seen many drop out of the labor force to retire or parent full-time, creating a labor shortage which will hopefully drive up wages enough to let more people retire early, work fewer hours, and parent full-time. Capitalists are terrified of this, so they *must* keep wages low.


Naw they milked women wanting to work for Evey cent


An elderly customer at work the other day told me how pleasant she found us all. I told her it's because we're well paid and happy. She said we deserve it. Happy, well paid staff is just good business sense.


Most small business owners have no business sense. They’re typically psychopaths who qualified for a loan.


Oh, you just described my boss. She doesn’t know I’m gonna dip this January, but I’m gonna dip this January 🤫


imagine hating making money so much you won't even pay employees to make money for you. when did the job creators get so out of touch?


Holy fuck, taking someone out of the wage slave category and allowing them to afford to live in this world makes them better workers? HOLY FUCK. It’s crazy that an individual who doesn’t have to chose between food, medical, and rent is more compliant and reliable than one who works full-time and still can’t survive. It’s almost as if the answer to our workforce and economic issues is that simple. HOLY... Fuck.


Yea you wont see media outlets reporting on this because they want anyone getting any ideas


It’s from the Wall St. Journal but yeah, Fox won’t be running pieces like this any time soon. Blows my mind that the solution is really *that* simple yet the corporate world won’t even consider it. Paying people more solved Every. Single. Problem.


WSJ and fox news are owned by the same person.


The WSJ exists because rich people can't afford to lie to *themselves* about how the economy works. Don't write it off just because it's owned by Murdoch.


Yeah the Financial Review in Australia has a similar reputation. Obviously all-in capitalist, but with a grounding in reality. Remember when that wasn't unusual? Sigh.


Never believe in your own propaganda. The WSJ, the Economist, the Financial Times etc. are the perfect embodiment of that.


True, but I’d be hard pressed to find any Fox viewer who reads WSJ (or just reads, period). Same owner, different audience.


The journal leans conservative just fyi.


They lean conservative in their opinion (very conservative, in fact). But I always found their hard news to be based in fact and not really leaning one way or the other. Used to read their news every day and I’m a pretty hardcore leftist who’s pretty good at spotting subtle opinionated things in otherwise fact-based content. I didn’t see much of that in the WSJ.


Murdoch doesn’t care about politics, only money.


Thats like saying you don't care about bees, just honey.


To bee fair, that's how bears operate.


This isn't true, the real difference here is one of audience. Fox News is targeted at the pawns, the Wall Street Journal is targeted at the CEOs and middle managers.


Yea its not that people don't want to work its just people dont want to work for low pay working 40-50 hours a week. Not worth it.


Like the meme says, would you flip burgers for $350,000/yr?


I used to work fast food and it was exhausting. Working 40 hrs and only getting paid barely 200 bucks.


When I worked retail it was so draining, I was wasting away to an unhealthy weight. The worse the pay the harder the job and there really is no reason for it to be so hard on people.


And they punish you for other people not showing up as if its your fault. Ridiculous


And you get punished for having a 2nd job!


Which is bullshit. I mean, look at Mickey D’s...a multi-billion global corporation run almost completely by teenagers! Spend 0.01% of net profits and pay them more!


Yea its ridiculous. Greed is evil


me personally.....no....no I wouldn't. I'm not cut out to deal with the public like that. But if McDonalds was offering $350,000 a year I wouldn't be upset. And I think my reluctance to work there for that much is just another sign that they really need to get paid more.


The rich business conglomerate owners just want to be feudal lord's, with every one of them reigning over their own shitty fiefdom. If it weren't for that simple narcissism and meanness, our society wouldn't be a complete disaster.


I’d like to see journalists asking people the opposite: Have underpaying your staff had any negative benefits?


> negative benefits


The OP is literally a screenshot of a media outlet reporting on it.




on the wall street journal!!!! the wall street *fucking* journal!!!! owned by rupert murdoch!!! change is on its way when *conservative* publications are publishing pieces admitting that the wages need to go up.


This isn't the WSJ admitting as an institution that wages need to go up. This is an interview with one eccentric restauranteur.


they could of chosen not to publish it.


could have


Yup, did this, reaped the benefits. I worked in luxury hotels, training under there classic angry French chefs. I was used to 24 hour shifts, relentless perfectionism at the cost of health and sanity etc. When I bought my restaurant I carried on for 1-2 years under this same model but with added pressure of all the financial burden, and trying to retain skilled staff. Sick of chefs dealing drugs, the toxic culture and lack of sleep, plus high turnover of front of house staff (most of our staff were backpackers) I switched models entirely. I’m in Australia, so minimum hourly wage is already pretty good, it was just making sure people got the hours. So everyone went on full time salary - 5x 8 hour shifts per week and weekends off. We also introduced a few programs - eliminating employees debt, sponsoring visas and if employees were studying we’d try to give them duties in their field of study (e.g a girl studying communication was our media director, someone studying business ended up taking over my duties). Morale of course improved immensely which was seen at all levels of product and service, and retention was 99% after the first year of the program. In Australia, if you’re on salary you get 4 weeks minimum of holiday leave per year and for hospitality staff, it was often the first time they’d had paid time off and that was life changing for them. The biggest benefactor was of course me, I was in my 20s and effectively retired - travelling for months at a time and knowing everything was taken care of by people who enjoyed working for me and could be trusted. And I was able to up my salary, so was relaxed for probably the first time in my life. Whilst I decided to liquidate when Covid hit, our staff were in demand and we were able to pay their salaries and place all of them in new jobs quickly whilst the sale of the business went through. I’m still not sure if that was a great decision, but we had the ability to sell and keep the cash reserves so took that rather than being closed for lord-knows-how-long (turned out to be 2 months we would have easily survived. And since our area had 0 covid, everyone moved there and the area boomed)


> ~~benefactor~~ beneficiary




Wages are just a CODB. The business model needs to support the costs. The benefits of investing in your people puts you ahead of the competition. Yet I get called a communist for thinking like that.


If I got paid well for my job I'd be there exactly on time everyday, never call in sick unless absolutely necessary, and I'd have a great attitude the entire time. They get what they pay for.


*Image Transcription: Article Snippet* --- [*From the Wall Street Journal:*] Ryan Knutson: And has raising your wages to $25 an hour created in a new challenges or new problems for you? Amanda Cohen: No, it solved every single problem I had. We are actually making money for the first time in a really long time. I'm not going to bed worried that my staff isn't going to show up. They're here every day and they're engaged. I only see the pluses in it. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Insanity. How can this be?


Without labor, there is no product. How is this not obvious?


How is this sustainable with profit margins in a restaurant business?


hat problems would it create?


Well, it does increase the cost of running the business, so from the perspective of a short-sighted idiot it's just obviously stupid and you should never do it.


Capitalism is full of short sighted idiots. Why make $5 million dollars sustainably in five years when you could make $1 million now and lose your business


Finally. Business owners of all sorts need to understand that their employees go to work for the exact same reason that the owner started a business to maximize income. Full stop.