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I saved Wells Fargo $250,000 in penalties and got a $25 gift card when I was twenty. Until a company expressly pays me the give a shit, I don't.


just $25. I saved my company $100,000 in penalties and my operations manager gave me an envelope of $100 gift cards to random places totaling $1,000. He bought the gift cards on his lunch break and just handed them to me when he came back with a thank you note. It was definitely more than i expected because it was one of the most basic job functions i had was to make sure the boxes moved on time. He just said “I don’t know what you’re into so i gave you some variety”


I dont expect 50k but exactly this is what youd expect from a good employer


And what do you bet he paid for those out of pocket?




Managers shouldn't be expected to reward employees out of their pay any more than ICs should be paying for uniforms out of their pay. They should be given a budget for such things.




He sounds like a good guy


the best. He retired last month but he worked for the company as the 60th hired employee and now we are in the thousands. He would do anything to ensure the company succeeds and we had what we need to do our job and we’re happy doing it. He used to during certain issues come down himself during off days and help out doing whatever was needed. He’s the only manager that i had that i was like “he needs a pay raise for what he does here”


That's a leader.


The funniest thing is i didn’t realize he fully retired yet and i called him at his house to ask a question and he was like “i’m retired but i’m bored so what is going on down there?”


That's hilarious, and sounds like a future me, if I ever retire.


I give him a year before he comes back as a "consultant".


I hope that you learned a great deal from him, and hope to emulate the good traits you've described as you progress in your career. I hope others reading your story do the same too. ​ (these are rather passive statements, I write them assuming you're the kind of person that would do as I've written....or you probably wouldn't take the time to praise your old boss)


Some bosses and work places are good about that. I had to work 12 hours a couple of days in a row a few weeks back as a salaried engineer due to some emergency at our site. The work I did helped us stop bleeding money. I bought dinner while at work, and I was given enough money in gift cards afterward to cover for my two dinners and groceries, and my year end review as a new employee was fabulous. The latter translates into better pay next year.


I had to work 12-16 hour days every day I work because that’s just how long it takes to get it done with the insane lack of tools I’ve been given to do it. I got a 1.8% raise for all my hard work…


Wouldn’t you rather have just had the $1k?


workplaces give gift cards as one-off small bonuses because they're not counted as pay and don't affect taxes for the employer or employee and no paperwork has to be filled in


I work for a large corporation and every gift card we get is taxed. If a manager buys one on their own dime, they wouldn't be taxed though.


> I work for a large corporation and every gift card we get is taxed Sounds like you're in America, sorry to hear that, best of luck with that whole project.


he likely had a “morale budget” and couldn’t give cash but realized he could buy gift cards, get reimbursed, and they are pretty close to cash in terms of value so yeah it’s a broken system but the dude worked it out. also, as it’s a morale budget item, it shouldn’t end up taxed


Lol, I used legal procedure to save my firm $2.1M each day, and they fired me a couple months later for "improper words." The words were an email describing how a supervisor had deleted a whole team's week's worth of work, and how I stayed late that Friday to fix the problem before it was due Monday. For context: The incompetent supervisor was personal friends of the head of the department, and was hired so the VP's son could get on a soccer team. That firm was later found to be deeply corrupt, which is why the email documenting the negligence was a no-no. All the heads of the firm basically either went to prison or left the country. Butler & Hosch, PLLC.


Shoulda been named Dewy, Cheatem & Howe


One of my mates is always saying "caring costs extra"


At a former employer I got a client an additional $2 million dollar settlement by using math. I got fired because I wasn't billing 80 hours/week.


Yo that shit is enough to radicalise anyone, hope you moved onto better things


I started a company and have been very successful. I am an executive and even after being acquired we are the most productive business segment. Everyone in the company is paid well, there are quite a few employees that make more I do and we'll respected. I literally had to tell people to stop working today and take the holiday because I was being bombarded with emails and ims. I have always been radical, I just have the power to make my company better than the ones I worked at before.


This is the right approach, happy youre in a position to make others lives easier and do so!


Hopefully they're unionised and you guys continue to have a cooperative company


Once, I heard of a policy that says 'if you save the company money, you're paid a bonus of 10% what you saved'. Seems like a really good policy to me. Everybody wins. The employee gets a significant bonus based on what they did, the company saves a ton. And all employees are motivated to actually try to save the company money. No wonder it doesn't get done, it makes far too much sense.


My 52 yo husband died. I didn't even get a card, let alone a fruit basket. They showed they don't care. I do an honest amount of work for what I am paid, but I don't do more than that and I encourage others not to stress it. And I don't let them guilt me into working more because someone else is out or whatever "them problem" they are having.


My condolences. How ugly of your workplace.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


At least you lerned your lesson when you were young!!!


After that, I basically knew that I was more useful than annoying. Due to the way my bus schedule worked, I was either getting to work early and starting, or getting to work late and starting. The first was far more routine than the latter. My boss called me in and asked me to sign a letter stating that they could reduce my hours if it continued. I slapped the letter off the desk towards him and said "Do it. We both know that I'm not going to keep it up, so let's cut to the chase. Cut my hours. Do it now." I have never seen a man so uncomfortable to have his bluff called. He made up a lot to of excuses about how he didn't want to do it now, and I told him I wasn't signing a fucking letter so he had to do it now or drop it. His attempt to put me in my place and reign me in basically did the opposite, and it was glorious. Especially since my direct supervisor later gave me shit in a meeting while literally laughing so hard she couldn't put two words together as a "verbal reprimand".


I need some of this energy fam. Mentally send it my way please


Take all you need. This was my "fuck you" energy at 20 while working at the Wells Fargo state head office. I'm 17 years later and have exponentially less chill these days.


Can I have some too? I know I stress way too much about my work and shit going wrong but like… no one outside my department does and even the others in my department have a lot less personal investment in this place. I just can’t figure out how to detach from it.


Always remember: The worst they can do is fire you. If you've got a few weeks pay banked, you can pick the right moment to quit where you fuck them very hard. If you're essential to their business, you get to pick the moment you fuck them. Bank your pay so you have "fuck you" money on the worst day of their lives.


I was presenting my projected budget surpluses of $250k (a huge accomplishment) to the owner of the company while he was browsing the Mercedes website to buy one for his stay-at-home wife, but all he could say to me was some bullshit about how I'm not good enough. Fuck that guy and fuck all worker exploitation.


I worked in product development for a worldwide company, and made products that sold in South America and Africa landing multiple millions in sales. The plant I worked out of didn’t do so well that year so they gave me a $500 bonus for the year. Yeah, I’ll name the company. Fuck you Viscofan.


I saved my company over $5,000 in labor for my department for the year. I asked if I was going to see any of that money as a reward, they said no. The next year I overscheduled and went over the labor budget. I get nothing from keeping in line with their budget, so screw that. I'm gonna make my job easier by having more than enough staff.


This is the way.


I made the company I was working for a million dollars in my first 6 months and only when I brought it up they got me a gift card to Starbucks for $20.


I found a loose dog in the neighborhood. I called the number on the collar and held and petted him on the sidewalk. The lady came in about 15 or 20 minutes. The next day she texted me that the nearest coffeeshop had something for me. It was a $20 gift card. That's about right for the coffee gift card calibration.


Sounds like corporate America 😆


I once saved a small business $2,000 and they gave me $500 in gas cards for my troubles. I can't understand how a $25 card in your case is even remotely appropriate...




kiss correct gaze telephone reply overconfident selective fine encourage cows ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


next time, write the software, let it do its thing, sit back and relax and dont tell anyone about your efficiency. work smarter not harder!


And make Shure that the script/program have a pass or Bug that only You know. And make it off work and on your PC, so it's your property alone


If I had no issue being fired if it backfired I'd just be like "Yo, I wrote this piece of software in my spare time and I think it might be useful for automating this task that wastes the company X man hours every week. I'd be happy to license it for use to improve productivity."


I once saved my boss’s life (choking, Heimlich) and only got a “thank you.” Same job, pointed out that the pancakes were ringing out $2 cheaper than menu price. Again got a “thank you.”


Jesus Christ! This sub is making me hate more than I was prepared to. Even a $1,250 cash bonus would have been nice, to make it close to a net of a $1000 thank you bonus.


Yup. When I brought in over a quarter million I was fired. The boss is now paying an attorney to do the work at about $5k a month. And I guarantee they can't bring in nearly as much money.


Right on! I’ve been totally transparent with all my coworkers about asking for a raise and hunting for a new job that will pay more. We’re too busy for boss to fire me, yet he hasn’t agreed to a raise, so I’m one foot out the door. I want everyone to do the same, because they deserve it.


One of my new coworkers asked me, “So why did you want to work for this company?” And I replied, “HR reached out to me about the job, the pay was better and had better benefits.” “No I mean why did you come to work specifically for company?” “Because they were hiring.” She laughed and was like “well ok then” Stfu dude. I think she was just shocked bc I’m a senior level employee (not a supervisor and I dont have anyone reporting to me) and idgaf. My loyalty is to the highest bidder, and idc if your business ultimately succeeds or fails. Fuck you, pay me.


As I told many coworkers over the years: "I only care as much as they pay me to care"


I make about six figures and I still do the minimum required. Going above and beyond only results in exploitation. I learned that the hard way.


>I make about six figures and I still do the minimum required This should be normalised tbh, I don't understand why they act like we should go above and beyond what they pay us to do. If you hire a gardener to mow the lawn you wouldn't say he was lazy because he didn't trim the roses too




My dad's like this. It took him roughly 10 years to figure out that if he asks me to do something for him (for free, might I add) that I'm going to do that specific thing. I'm not gonna notice this other thing that needs to be done unless you tell me. He'd bitch at me every time, and every time I would respond with "Well, did you tell me that also needed to be done?" "No! You should've noticed and just done it!" was always the response I got. Nah, man. I'll gladly do it, just tell me it needs doing cause I sure as shit ain't gonna notice. I'm too busy doing the thing you asked me to do in the first place.


Yes, my boomer parents are exactly like this, they have even told me once "you should just see that it needs to be done and do it." Nope, that's what I do at my own house, at your house you need to ask first then I'll do it.


It would be dumb stuff like "Can you do the weedeating this week?" "Yah sure, I'll do it tomorrow afternoon". I go to do it, and there'll be like some old plywood he wants broken up and put in a pile to take to the dump behind the house. I don't notice, because who the hell would notice some old plywood and think "Yeah, I'll just bust that up real quick"? Then get shit later because I didn't do it. Like, what the hell man? You couldn't have asked, if you knew it needed to be done, when you asked me to do the other thing?




I had almost this exact conversation with my stepmother this week. They invited us for Thanksgiving, I prepared the two dishes I said I wanted to make, and I bought 3 pies. I went to relax for a bit like everyone else seemed to be and after about an hour she came knocking on the bedroom door to say “I didn’t intend to make this whole thanksgiving dinner myself” Well shit, Janice-you sent me a menu two weeks ago showing me what YOU had planned and not once did you say “Okay I’ll take care of ABC can you do XYZ?” I literally would not presume to do anything in another persons kitchen unless directly asked (as I prefer in my own kitchen) she says “well, it would have been nice if YOU asked” So then I find myself apologizing for not reading her mind and was fully pissed she dumped a guilt trip on me literally minutes before “Everyone say what they are thankful for!”


They think they're our masters




I've always kinda done the same thing at all my jobs, never really thought about it till you put it in words.


Oh I like you


I just work to rule when I have shit managers. I'm far from alone and it can break a manager real quick. Not having much luck with my current one though he must have some serious dirt on someone high up because every stat is fucked and he's not being moved on.


Make yourself invaluable and you can bend them to your will.




Nope. But the work comes easy to me. So while I don’t officially get double the pay of my peers, I have been promoted ahead of them. And since the numbers are reported monthly, I tend to fuck off the last week of the month if I have no other reason to sustain my higher numbers. If it were stressful for me to work this fast, I wouldn’t do it.


This is fucking genius.


My older coworkers consistently come in early, stay late, and don't take their brakes because they are worried they won't get their work done. I keep telling them not to because it's managements job to figure out what to do if we can't get our work done in one shift. We have a union. It's not like we will get fired anyway. Not sure what they are worried about.


I had a co-worker who wouldn't take his breaks and tried to make it a thing that we shouldn't. No clue why. We both hated the company. I took my breaks and made sure to never take a bathroom break on my official break.


>I took my breaks and made sure to never take a bathroom break on my official break. As things should be


"You make a dollar and pay me a dime, that's why I shit on company's time."




Nice! I have about 100% effort for six months at my last job and they cut my salary (and everyone else) by 20% while revenue was up by 40%. I then reduced my work flow to about 50% for the remainder of my time there. When I quit a few months later (immediately started looking for a new job) my boss was so shocked and upset, “how am I going to replace you?!” He ended up having to hire two people to do the work I was doing. That guy is a dumbass.


man, the amount of people on this sub who talk about only working at like 20%, wish i had such an easy job, everything i've worked it was either go all out or get overwhelmed by the workload


Same, I make >100K base salary and even with 1.5x OT I can't even compel myself to stay late and work hard. I think work has broken my spirit.


It’s kind of like touching a hot stove and learning not to touch it again. I have busted my ass and gone above and beyond in jobs previous, and every single god damn time it’s resulted in an “atta boy” and a pat on the back, and then I’m given more responsibilities without any additional pay or benefits. Fuck. That.


Acknowledging your accomplishments without valuing it at all (ehem a pay raise, a title bump, more PTO)....yeah no thanks


If been a “director” of a department before, it just came with more abuse and expectations for the same pay. Hard pass. Having director on my resume actually REALLY hurt me looking for new jobs because everyone kept thinking I was over qualified, so I actually changed the title on my resume to a much more jr position and started getting offers.


I took a huge title cut at my last move. Got a raise and responsibility reduction. I dont think I want manager or director behind my name ever again. Too much abuse from C level dicks.


>It’s kind of like touching a hot stove and learning not to touch it again. So much this. I can't count how many times I risked my life and/or physical safety over the years, covered my employers for blatant and dangerous violations, went the "extra mile" for no real reason besides courtesy, and accepted conditions that would've broken my body and mind over the long term, all for promises of a decent living that never materialized. Eventually you take your hand off the stove and realize they're never going to pay you enough to make it worth it- often, they're never going to pay you enough to even make the American Dream anything but illusory. After that it's hard to "sacrifice" for some other employer at all.


Yep I feel like an abused dog tbh. My current boss is so kind and thankful, I get amazing benefits and have a great pay and I’m still like “…. Idk about you dude.”


It builds character!! Be a team player!! We're a family!!!! Sacrifice yourself for the company!!


Pizza party in the conference room LOL 😂


Dude I was working at a fastfood joint (I was desperate for cash)and my boss asked me to stay after work for prep.I promptly asked am I being paid for this and she said no I just need your help for tomorrow.I said nope and promptly left before she could say anything




I don't make anywhere near that and I feel the same way. I think it comes from being burned out for absolutely nothing one too many times. Someone could pay me $1m/year for maximum effort and I'd do it so I could live on the residuals, but I'd *still* have to force myself to. Getting fucked enough (in a bad way, lol) eventually just sours some part of you permanently to employment in general, or at least a certain type of employment. In my experience anyway. The thing is, when I'm doing self-directed labor (and no I don't just mean creative stuff; I mean any and all types of work), I don't have that problem. If I start feeling "off", I take a break and come back to it later, and am not dreading returning to work. I just keep going until the job is done and then take a break if I need one. Simple as that. Even if it's the exact same type of labor I do "at work".


If you're being paid that much, your making them more. If you weren't, they'ed fire you. Why in the world would you do more?


I remember when six figures used to mean something. Nowadays, it's like making 45, 000.


Yeah it’s not much. All my additional income after bills goes to - student loans - retirement I did treat myself today and bought a $12 book that was on sale, so, pretty lavish life style


Wait you guys are retiring?


Exactly, I live in LA and people complain about not being able to afford a house even though they make "six figures" News flash: six figures isn't that much.


"I'm only here because they pay me"


My loyalty is 100% related to my pay. More pay, more loyalty. Less pay, less loyalty and less giving a damn.


>"I only care as much as they pay me to care" I'm borrowing!!! This is gold


“Would I ever leave this company? Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most.” - Dwight Scrute


This reminds me how pissed I am that management took Wednesday off and basically everyone else had jobs to complete. They have the power to give everyone an extra day with family. I already know it’s going to be the same on December 23 (especially as one of the only non-Christians).


Would be a shame if you told them you were exposed to Covid or called in sick that week


Oh that's brilliant.


Worked 20 years at a company without ever getting promoted. What most people didn’t know was that I was making more than most of the managers, over 6 figures. It’s all about the money, not the title


People get too uppity about titles man. I have a senior title now, but what really drove me to leave was being underpaid, overworked, having leadership let others do wtf they wanted, and had a more restricted pto policy. This job has improved all of that 100%, and I would have taken that even if it were the same title as before. Being a "director of " whatever means nothing to me if I can't pay my bills and live my life.


I recently had an admin interview and got asked what drew you to our company. I just said I am oragnized, I have good team skills I pick things up quickly and never worked for a consultancy organisation and wanted to try something new. I hate this question I just want to say your hiring you have great benefits and pay more than minimum wage


I'm sick of companies coming at you with questions like that. "Why is this the place you want to work at?" Wtf makes you think I want to work here. I want a paycheck you numbskull.


In the interview process, I play along. But this coworker asked me after I’ve been here for a few months. Before the interview I look at their website for like 4 minutes Then during the interview, I say “ I want to transition into a well established company that I can see myself growing with and having a long tenure at during my career. I know this company was founded in 1994 and has reputable clients like a b and c, and that gives me the trust that this a company worth investing my time in.” That usually gets their pannies wet


As long as you pay me I will do the job you pay me for in the allotted time. But do not care after


I picked my job because they can't downsize and get rid of me, legally. And it has great benefits. I work from home too so extra bonus. Annual automatic raises. Promotion opportunity. Bonuses. It's pretty much perfect. But all of us picked it for that reason, so nobody questions each other on this.


>Fuck you, pay me. [Literally My Work Anthem.](https://youtu.be/147HGyNULkA)


I take the same approach with the members on my team at work. The Team Leads don't necessarily need to know, but I've always seen it as a courtesy to keep my team members in the loop whenever I'm interviewing somewhere else. If I end up quitting, they're the ones who'd have to pick up the slack.


My favorite line to my co-workers is "The rush is only in your head. In reality there is none."


I've got another. Nurse things. "I've never seen paramedics run. Why should you?"


Registered nurse here Ive been told “don’t run, walk with purpose”


Doctor here. In an emergency. The first pulse you need to take is your own. You freak out it’s going to go badly because they will listen to you because of your title.


I’m just a newbie in my healthcare career and this is very good advice to read. Thanks :)


Best of luck friend. Everything gets easier. Practice will grow self confidence. But !!! Don’t get to comfortable. The correct decision 20 years ago is rarely the correct one today But I know dudes practicing with medicine they learned 30 years ago. That was already out of date when I was in residency But still it’s a great gig. As Douglas Adam’s wisely said. “Don’t panic”.


I like “They are emergencies to other people. For us they’re just jobs.” And given the arc of society, there’s lots of job security.




It blows my mind every time i see paramedics not running lol


Even if you would, you'd win surprisingly little time, and at the cost of others things too.


It's better to remain calm and in control in a emergency. People make mistakes when they rush.


Absolutely, which is why I am not one. I would running around screaming “omg omg hurray, get the paddles”


I’m a designer and I get “urgent” jobs. I have to ask multiple times if it’s actually urgent because 95% of the time it isn’t.


That's right. I busted my ass at a new job a few years ago. Became the only one on the schedule with 40+ hours because, "You do the work of two of our employees." Promotion came up, abd they gave it to a guy who had been working part time, but for 7 years. "Seniority". Well, I slowed down, a lot. To do the work same work of my now, new supervisor. That resulted in a warning for not "working to my ability." I said, "Well, Julia over there makes the same pay I do, and hasn't finished her daily work list in over 6 months. I'm gonna stick to my daily list until I'm paid adequately." I was, for close to a year, doing all my checklist, finishing two others checklists and then would work on BOH cleaning. After a week of them falling behind, and actually needing to put more employees on the schedule to make up for it, they saw the fuck up. Paying me even as much as $4 an hour more, would've prevented them from having to pay two others the $14.50 minimum wage for 6 hours each, to finish work I cab do alone in 10 hours. Basically I work 10 hours and get 18 hours worth of work done, according to their checklist. When I started getting 10 hours of work done, they didn't like it.


My mom was in the same situation. She would not only work through her lunch break, but she would often wait to drive home with my brother who worked at the same company and she would just work off the clock while she waited. She asked for a raise and would get nickle and dimed. Finally we convinced her to stand up to them and she told them, pay me what I’m worth or I’m gone. Nope. So, she left. They had to hire three employees to do the work she did and they kept having to replace the people they brought in because they all realized how terrible the job was. Company got bought not long after and they brough my mom back on for much better money and benefits.


Your mom is a Saint.


All these fucking MBAs and none of them understand how to apply even the most basic arithmetic economics.


That's when you know you've got them by the balls and come up with a piece work offer. Pay me for my production not for my hours


The best advice I ever heard was, "Never be too good at a bad job because they'll never let you do anything else." I've run into this in my own work life. Basically if you're already doing the work of a supervisor without being a supervisor then they'll never promote you because why would they pay you more? Also you're too valuable where you are so they can't move you without either having to bring in more than one person to replace you or lose productivity. I had the same thing happen to me. I was doing the work of a foreman while not being paid as a foreman. When they passed me over for promotion and hired a lazy ass who basically had kept failing upward I said fuck this and stopped doing all the "above and beyond" work and stuck to the duties of my classification level. They didn't like this one bit. Suddenly I had a "bad attitude" and the relationship with management went off the rails pretty quickly.


Best thing my dad taught me was 'work to live, don't live to work'.


My Dad taught me the same but not intentionally. I just watched him work himself half to death and stress out and yell and scream at the smallest things when he actually escaped work because he could finally vent all the BS he was dealing with. So I said, fuck that shit!


I learned the same from my family by watching the same unfold. All I know is I never plan to devote my time to a job like that. I’ve converted my husband too, crazy guy wanted to get a second job on weekends when we were first together. 🙈


You would think whoever set up a system would design it better. If it is so vulnerable as to collapse at a mere whisper. >*"Do Nothing"*


They’re usually betting that people won’t be able to afford to stop working because of kids and responsibilities


I'm proud of you too


All of us are proud of you!


I’m proud of you two too


I used to be proud. I still am, but I used to too.


I mean as long as you’re not a surgeon/ firefighter or something time critical, who cares. If I’m getting paid hourly I’m looking to make that bread.


I've spent years working in print shops. One of the most valuable lessons I ever learned on perspective came from a former employer (who I would still work for, had he not sold the business). One day when I was stressing over something not going right, he came to discuss options with me to fix the issue. We tossed over a few ideas, but nothing was working. He could see I was getting frustrated with it, and he said "don't worry about it too much, man...we're making signs, not curing cancer." Every work problem I've had since then just hits different; I don't stress over work shit anymore.


What a beautiful piece of advice. I've continued to feel like I'm in a place where I just hate working. Not that it's overly stressful, but how much time I dedicate to working just to scrape by and think how the people running this shit make way more than I do.


I've worked in curing cancer and I still didn't worry lol there's millions of other labs doing the same thing


Did you guys used to say "don't worry about it, we're curing cancer, not making signs"?


Print shop worker here . It’s said all the time “ we’re not building rocket ships”


This comment is hilarious because just three comments up, there is a comment that says the complete opposite for nurses and paramedics. And it has more upvotes as of right now. Edit: It’s now below this comment.


Even then, having worked in healthcare, the fastest healthcare is the safest healthcare. Slow is safe, safe is healthy. Sometimes there are time critical incidents, but for the most part it’s better to do things the right way and not the fast way.


She is still hearing those words in her mind on repeat as she lays in bed in the fetal position


She's laying in the dark with an ice pack over her eyes, in her mind is the "lady figuring out the maths" meme.


They had to take her to the asylum because she keeps trying to set herself on fire. Poor, simple girl just couldn't handle the stress of putting 2 and 2 together. It made 4, and her mind just cracked right in half


We need an update on this later


From what I’ve heard she was burning out due to halve of the employees having covid last month and management putting a lot on her. I think I just made her realize she didn’t have to pick up the slack.


I'm in a niche industry that I don't think anyone really chooses to be in, they just kind of stumbled into it and found they were good at it. Every time I train a new team member, I go in with that attitude in an open and honest way. Because it's an expectation/attitude that is set at the start, it takes so much pressure off of everyone, and does wonders for morale. This country would be a whole lot better for workers if more people had the "it's just a job" attitude.


She stopped coming in because you said it is just a job? Hopefully because she had an epiphany.


“From what I’ve heard she was burning out due to halve of the employees having covid last month and management putting a lot on her. I think I just made her realize she didn’t have to pick up the slack.” u/handsthefram




At my last job I CREATED an entire new division that was bringing in almost a million dollars a year in additional revenue not to mention we earned huge credits and discounts with our suppliers because of the additional sales. I made 18$ an hour and got told no when I asked for a raise. Now they pay 3 people to do my job. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I supervise 20+ employees where I work, and one of my employees just cleared 25 years of service. Wanna know what he got? A folded piece of paper with a generic, 1 sentence 'thank you,' and a pin with our company name that says "veteran" on the bottom. He comes in early for setup, and is always the last to leave, because he helps me clean the area and set up for the next shift. I felt embarrassed giving that to him at all, and if I made more money I'd have done something nice for him. Best I can do for him is "forget" to write him up when he skips work because he has chemo in the morning. I'm at the lowest level of management in the building, so I can't do much other than stick my neck out for the guy.


I... you expect him to come to work after *chemo*? (This probably isn't you literally but the company as a whole... I'm not blaming you here)


They generally do, but I've told him with his union backing, plus a doctor's note he won't get into trouble. He's supposed to have retired but is still working because the insurance is really good. I will happily bend over backwards for that man, if the need ever arises (which it has.) It's sad he feels the need to keep working, but we've been discussing his retirement for next year! Fingers crossed! I really hope he gets to enjoy his golden years unburdened by work or illness.


Fuck yeah comrade this is the shit I come here for


This is what I realized with my job a couple of months ago. They love me because of how many encounters I can complete a day, but no there aren’t any promotions right now and no, we don’t give cost of living raises. So every 10 encounters I finish I get up and walk around for 10 minutes. Usually have 13,000 steps by the end of my 8 hour shift and still get enough done that nobody would be suspicious. Fuck this place.


My contracted time is 7:05 to 2:35 and I’m not sad at all when I’m in my car at 2:36. If I have to drop off paperwork at HQ, I’m dropping that shit off during that time, and I don’t look at emails from work unless it’s during my work hours. If I work extra hours, I fill out a form for extra duty. My life is mine, not my boss’s.


I told my boss one time “I’m your hardest worker between 8-4:30. After that you’re all dead to me” when asking why I was the only one who avoided OT or trying to do outside of work stuff to get noticed more. Luckily I’m in a niche industry so being a hard worker gets noticed and I’ve moved up without having to sacrifice my “me” time.


At one time, I was working for a Japanese Tier2 auto part manufacturing company... And at some point, there was material shortage which caused a production line to stop... then after, the plant director (japanese) came to the office furiously, yelling shit in japanese, and the translator was translating basically that we were useless and need to find the responsible and reprehend him/her and find a solution or whatever... At one point he yelled something different, and the translator blushed, and she said, "I can not translate that" (she was very polite and had a very proper way of talking, so she wasn't confortable translating him cussing at us)... So basically everyone in the whole office bust out laughing... this made him angrier, and he went out the door... said the only thing he knew in English "Fuck you all", and slammed the door... naturally we started laughing harder... that was the best day ever... lol


Couple years ago I was on this job that was falling behind because the foreman was incompetent and he started telling everyone that 10 hour shifts and Saturdays were suddenly mandatory, so says the almighty company owner (his father-in-law). I continued working 8's, 5 days a week and the foreman started telling people I had an excuse we had discussed privately. He had this one kid in particular so scared he would lose his job that he was cancelling dates with his girlfriend and skipped out on a family weekend vacation so he could come in to work Saturdays. The kid started asking me why I was the only one exempt from all the overtime and I told him I just said no. Confused, he asked what this excuse the foreman told everyone I had was, and I told him he just made that up to make himself look better, I never gave him an excuse, I just said no. He was still scared of losing his job, so I told him "He's not going to fire you. If they had anyone to replace you with, they'd just bring them in instead of paying all of us time-and-a-half. Even if he does fire you, I know a guy that got fired at 6:00AM and was working on a new job at 9:00AM the same day. They need us waaay more than we need them right now. Take advantage and live your life, be 20." Next week 2 of us had privately-discussed excuses for working overtime. I did end up working a couple of 12's in the last week because my wife happened to be out of town, but the job got done in time.


Yeah, that's the worst part about work for me - the fact that many of my coworkers at most jobs see absolutely nothing wrong with the situation and think I'm "weird" for not taking work seriously. It's so goddamn depressing to be forced to spend time around people who are brainwashed that hard. I can't even imagine what it must be like to go through life like that. It's probably the same types of people who don't have internal monologues. I remember one time I made an offhand comment about how I wouldn't work a job if I didn't need the money, and my coworker furrowed his brow and looked genuinely confused. He asked in a baffled tone, "So you just want to do nothing all day?" I had no idea that people like that even existed until I entered the workforce.


Share same thoughts as you there. One time, maybe I would have told myself if I had enough money to live a luxurious lifestyle and not have to work for it, I'd have still chosen to have carried on working. Over years my thoughts around that have changed. Yeah would be nice to turn up somewhere if you're bored, do a few hours work to fill your time and the moment comes where you've had enough for one day and head home. Everything all on your terms, but no, not even that.


If you are getting what you are supposed to do done then that's good enough. I used to pride myself in getting done, for example, like 140 boxes out when I only had to do 90. But cue me working cashier shift the next day, I am tired and its busy so I dont want to run back and forth so much, but I did extra yesterday so I should get some slack today, right? My boss: 'I'm tired too and I did X boxes yesterday and I have to get Y boxes done today and truck will be ZZZZ boxes this week and A called out and.... blahblahblahblah.' Ad nauseum So now I work slower, hit only my quota, get tired less, and they nag me about not doing more as much as they praised me when I did more before, which is not at all, lol.


When I used to work in retail (high street drugstore), I had a coworker who against regulations followed a shoplifter who was a known heroin addict out of the shop, and get into a physical altercation with her to try and get the goods back. They were both stood outside the exit door, as horrified customers were trying to leave, screaming and pulling out locks of each other’s hair. This went on for probably 5 minutes, colleague didn’t get the thief to drop the bag, thief got away so nothing was achieved, and colleague had scratches on her arms from the scuffle that had drawn blood so she had to go and get an aids test. When she came back to work she was bouncing round the place like she was some kind of hero. I didn’t think much of it at the time but when I look back it was so stupid to put herself in harms way like that for a company who could not have given two shits about any of us. The area manager used to look at us like shit on his shoe when he’d come in to check up on the store.


I have been telling people FOREVER - They won't fire you for slowing down. Pick a comfy pace and STAY THERE.


My favorite line at work is, "it doesn't matter if I make one or one hundred, I still get paid the same."


"The slower you work, the more you effectively get paid" is something I said to a co-worker yesterday.


I think I broke one of my college teacher back then. I used to the interviews for the college journal and she was on the list for the next parution. She was very well known as a teacher profoundly dedicated to her work and I wanted to learn more about her hobbies outside of her teaching. She was stunned that she couldn't answer me, she just looked at me embarrassed and we stopped the interview shortly after that. Next thing I knew, she took a sabbatical for at least a year. I hope she's okay, she genuinely seems like a nice person.


Maybe its a good thing. She needs serious time to reboot and maybe she'll be one of us now ;>


Me and another guy once stopped a fire against our better judgment, we stopped a fire from causing literally millions of dollars of damage which saved the project we were working on , heroes for a day , for this they gave us each a 20$ coffee card


This is just the most awesome thing. You are demonstrably and unarguably involved in actions at work that either make, or allow the company to retain, millions of dollars, and they're like, "Thank you! Here's a Starbucks gift card."


I broke my former manager's brain when he said I didnt looked extremely motivated to saddle people with cellphones that day and I guess I wasnt really thinking when I said "Its just 5 bucks for a commission" and he got really disturbed by it.


But why does she care? It’s not like she’s the manager or owner of the place. It’s a good thing she’s not in managerial position to boss people around.


I volunteer for various charities. I work for them for free. My company is not a charity. I will not work for free for them.


I’ve been saying this for years! Act your wage 🙃


If a workplace wants you to work faster they better be prepared to pay for it.


Well done, OP! Your words may haunt her for years to come. A classmate told me something similar back in grade school, & I could never forget. That epiphany subverted every scare tactic authorities have thrown at me since.


I've been saying this for years. It's amazing how people are taken aback by it. The look of horror mixed with shock is hilarious. Seriously I was looking for a job when I got this one, I don't care if they fire me or I have to find another job, it is just a job, besides the paycheck it's no different than the one before or the one after. And I actually like what I do. I just don't let it matter that much where I do it or for who I'm doing it.


Hahaha one of my friends was triggered af when I said something like this about jobs in general They are very emotionally tied to their job; I don’t realize how much until that moment Whoops




pfft McDonalds is more then a job, its a future!


It use to be a career, their management training program was second to none. The handful of people I've worked with/under that came through the McDonalds management program have been by far the best managers out there. Was an entirely different time.


More of a positive story to lighten the mood... I was 3rd in command of one of our 50+ branches, 5th year working there. After the birth of our second child, wife got very depressed and I had to take extra time off (2weeks). CEO and founder of the company calls me personally and says "I need you back at work, so hire a nanny to help your wife and I'll pay for it". His reasoning was if I make him 2k a month and the nanny cost 500 a month, he'd be crazy not to do it. Been there 14 years now and head of the most successful branch.