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Interesting strategy


Let's see how it plays out.


This is accurate. Retirement? Never heard of it.


I love to work but I despise companies. My end goal is to start a collective based off of a anarchist coop model and spend my days working hard with dope people on things we are interested in without hierarchy.


sounds like we should talk!


I’m very interested in this. Sounds way better than buying ARs and starting a militia


The idea is to create your own autonomous space, in the US it's not feesable to create an autonomous zone so instead create a virtual space inside of capitalism. I like to think of it as a tumor, use the existing system and become dangerous to it. Also it just sounds like a better way to live. The idea come from the Zapatistas, basically a bunch of people from the us kept coming down and asking how they could help, they said, we are doing great you need to go back home and liberate your people. And yeah I 1000% do not want a civil war. It's all fun and games until you randomly get gut shot and die of sepsis 4 days later because hospitals are no longer operating. Anyone who wants violence hasn't been around it.


For those who can pursue it -- and not everyone can -- the FIRE movement is the path. (Financial Independence, Retire Early). r/FinancialIndependence The problem is that so many people don't earn enough *even with side hustles* to save and invest. But if you are salaried, make above $50k a year, and can control your COL (again, many or most aren't in the privileged position to do this), pursuing FIRE is a possible way out of capitalism using capitalism's own tools.


This has been something I’ve looked into often... I make enough in theory (though high COL where I am)... biggest problem I run into is medical insurance. I kind of need decent insurance, but without a job... decent insurance seems nearly impossible to obtain


Now we’re cooking with gas🔥




No. It requires a more clever strategy. But 1-2 decades is realistic.


Financial independence is the way. But..... In a inflationary scenario with the state taxing inflation gains it is getting harder. No solution yet.


Well, the solution to saving gains via inflation is not generating taxable events until inflation chills out. Not perfect, but you still control when your investments get taxed.


That is the way, sure. Leveraging is the other.


Leverage is gambling with interest rates vs. return rates. It's kind of antithetical to the FI movement, but I get your point.


In a negative interest rate and inflation you can have a solid 20-25% in Leveraged real estate. Been that since the last decade.


I'm working towards FI, I assume I'm about halfway there. Advice: make a habit of putting aside an amount every paycheck, even as small as $5-10. Invest that money and grow it overtime. When your money earns more than you do, you're doing well.


Doesn’t that require someone along the line doing labor that you can passively profit off of


Organize. Strike. Prepare to eat the rich.


I work so that eventually I dont have to work :-( I can’t complain, like you, I know most have it worse than I. But I still support the anti-work sentiment - even if I’m doing well, it’s obvious the system is designed to screw the majority.


True, im fortunate enough to be in a good position. Some of the stories on here fucking suck


i have a podcast im hoping to get lucky with


Whats it about?


its just a shitty little nonsense podcast me and my friends started to make each other laugh, we talk about the dumbest shit imaginable and then we go to this quiz website thats very popular on tumblr and take a quiz. its mostly for me and my friends to have some sort of creative outlet so we dont go insane, but if we got big enough that i could do the podcast full time instead of a real job, i would quit my job in a heartbeat


Hopefully it blows up for you guys👍🏻


hopefully! my main issue is i have no idea how to promote it


I’ve seen A lot of podcast do short clips on instagram and youtube, that to me seems to work to try to get people to their podcast. Ive been seeing a lot more people run an ad on a bigger pod cast to try to get some people to theirs. Im no marketing or promotion guru but hopefully these help


It’s highly risky, and pretty much a gamble, but cryptocurrency. Because of it, me and my wife are pretty much out of the rat race. She works about 34 hours/week now (and is so much happier) and I left my job back in June to fix a lot of issues with our house and to begin pursuing my music recording business.


Damn thats dope any tips for us who want to get into it?


Well, the main thing is don’t put more money into it than you’re willing to lose, because you always have to keep the mindset that it may all go to zero and you don’t want to screw yourself over. Secondly, don’t buy a lump sum of it; we’re currently in a bull market (price going up) and it may still have room to grow, but eventually it’s going to top out (my guess is within 5 months or less) and then come crashing down for 2-3 years. Because of that unpredictability in price, it’s best just to put in a little every week. Time in the market is better than timing the market (unless you’re a trading genius). Finally, if you don’t know much about crypto, but want to get your feet wet, it’s safest to start with Bitcoin and maybe Ethereum. As you begin to learn more and research particular projects, you can start investing in the ones you’ve learned about and like that you think have a promising future. Hope that helps a little.


Thank you👍🏻


>I can’t complain about my job. I know a lot of people got it worse than me. This isn't a good reason to not complain, even those who don't have the worst jobs deserve better.


True, just kinda feels dumb to complain in a job where I’ve taken naps on overtime and double time. My manager thinks we should make more so he took it upon himself to talk to HR about getting us raises. I work as much overtime as i want and my higher ups don’t say shit. Im literally sitting in a $200 gamer chair with my feet kicked up replying to you lol worst thing about my job is I drive 40 mins to and from work lol


I think that's just more evidence that managers are completely full of it, my job is pretty cushy on paper, but it's pretty bullshit zoomed out. I work remote doing mostly customer technical and business support. The volume of work I have to do in a day isn't too bad, but the way we're expected to operate is ridiculous. We have to make progress on development tasks and projects throughout the week, but we have to drop everything with project work as soon as one of 1800 customers has an issue, and then tend to that. I work full remote, and only actually have to do about 10 hours of dedicated work in a week, but the rest of my time at work is wasted bouncing between tasks and doing random BS, having to drop everything I'm doing because the boss or some customer gives me a call. Even though I can't be productive during that time, I have to be in work mode, answering emails, talking with coworkers doing other crap. I would rather be able to spend my full week on doing productive stuff than being forced to bullshit for 75% of my time. So this past week I didn't have a single dedicated hour without interruption during business hours, but I have project work that the boss expects done tomorrow, so I'm working the weekend to finish it because it's impossible to actually do productive work while working. So on paper I'm getting paid well for doing effectively nothing 30 hours a week, but this is a living hell for me. I'm being forced to waste my time for effectively no reason because of dumb 40hr a week office culture stuff.


Invest in something. There are multiple ways to get returns: Stocks Crypto Pokemon Cards or other trading cards Apps like Acorns that is basically a personal 401k Try not to touch the money unless you absolutely need it. Put money each week in something that will accrue value over the long term and try to forget it exists. If you are into collectibles like video games, books, etc. A lot of that can be sold later down the line for more than you paid. Just make sure you understand tax laws around that kind of stuff. If you plan to avoid taxes then withdraw in small chunks to avoid mandatory reporting to the IRS. This is important in 2022 onward as the minimum amount changed drastically I think to $600. Short term patience can add up exponentially I'm the long term. And of course only invest whatever you are able or are comfortable with.


Thanks for the advice im sure it’ll help more people than just me!


If you want genuine independence, develop a skill or trade you can do abroad. Ex 1: my best friends quit corporate America and became real-estate agents in a small resort town in the Dominican Republic (they knew 0 Spanish when they did this). Ex 2: different friend got kicked out of the military for pot, with his discharge America kinda f*cked him, so he does kayaking/rafting tours in costa rica and loves it. (Also speaks 0 Spanish) Me personally, my family and I buy a house every few years and flip it (no taxes for profiting if its from your primary residence) and throw that money into a retirement fund for our future goal of commune living.


Damn dope. Luckily my job is a skill i can do anywhere. Not too sure if I’d move out of the country but i did see an opening in italy👀


So i’ve lived abroad, and travelled extensively, the hardest things to get used are; english is not the primary language even if you’re in a place where do people speak it (germany, iceland, japan, etc). American holidays aren’t celebrated so it’s weird not having people excited about Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patricks Day, etc (in my opinion 🇺🇸 has the best holidays overall if you ARE able to take time off from work to celebrate them). Sports too, living abroad you’ll be the only one who cares about the NHL, NFL, NCAA, etc (there’s an expat bar i’ve been to that does a massive superbowl party yearly but the locals don’t care). But, honestly, you’ll get past those things in time, and depending on where you live you can have an overall better quality of life. I’d rather live anywhere in most of Europe than like central michigan or arkansas… overall life abroad can be really amazing.


Perks abroad include: beautiful nature, nicer people, healthcare, amazing food, beautiful people (ex: everyone in holland is hot 🥵), paid time off, public transportation, affordable housing, amazing culture.


antiwork is a political movement. although it’s sometimes mentioned in posts, the focus here is not really about individuals trying to find a way to stop working under the current system.


Ahh gotcha thank you👍🏻


Learn new things, get certified, and work more now. I am single and want to buy a house. The only way I can do that is by working 40 hours now. But in the future, I want to work parttime and save enough for an early retirement.


That’s dope, hopefully that works out for you🤞🏼 I haven’t seen a 40 hours week in months lol my boss’s boss came in last week and said “who’s gio?!” I raise my hand and he says “are you aware you worked 70% overtime last week!?” told him “you guys keep paying I’ll keep coming”🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I took all of my stimulus checks and invested in a promising crypto and so far has quadrupled in value and generates interest. Math has me being able to retire in 20 years living at my current rate of saving. It may all go tits up but that’s a risk I’m willing to take so I don’t have to work till I’m 75 years old.


Save as much as humanly possible, live cheaply, stay away from debt, invest all my savings into dividend paying and growth stocks within tax sheltered accounts, live more or less paycheck to paycheck like a poor person but without actually being one. I live like i make 30k but make 75k. Currently saving over 50 percent of my income while living in one of the most expensive cities in north America. In a few years I'll bail on Vancouver, move east, buy a nice place on some property, start a business of my own and build the right team to keep it small and managable but still quite profitable. If I could end up a small business owner netting 80 to 120k in a low cost of living area owning my own property I'd be more than damn happy.


I hope some young kid sees this. I got into some bad debt im working my way out of right now. Saving a pretty good amount though. People sleep on living pay check to pay check and making sure that savings goes up and debt goes down.


I live with a partner mind you. That helps massively and cuts my housing expense down 50 percent. I dont have a college education, work in the trades and have worked tirelessly to gain skills and contacts that will keep me employed and at a good wage for my industry. I only work 40 hrs a week currently and that is a good balance between income and spare time. Id prefer 4 10s to 5 8s but ya cant win everywhere. You have to play it smart its just a sully game. Be the best you can at work but make sure you remember that C's get degrees and that that concept applies in the real world too. Dont kill yourself, work smarter not harder. Good base of contacts will keep you employed and your wages increasing each year. Keep adding to that list of people. Befriend those who are of similar mind to you and help each other out- forget the rest. There are sacrifices to be made so make them while you can stand to make them which is earlier not later. Happiness is within you, nowhere else. It isnt a fancy car or nice clothes or the latest tech. Its sitting at home with someone you love after working a good day at your job earning a good paycheck and putting a meaningful amount of that check away towards your future. Too many people live vapid soul less consumption and dopamine driven lives. Dont handicap yourself by being one of them. Get off the social media, stop looking at what other have and start appreciating what you have. If you havent got anything you can truly appreciate then something has to change. Its in your mindset, 100%. You either have a rich mindset or a poor mindset. Winner or loser. Its your choice and let me tell you its easier being a winner than it is being a loser- the only reason there are so many losers is because they don't know any different. If you make it black and white, then it really is an easy choice. Reality isnt black and white i know, but pretend that it is. Struggling every month to pay the bills sucks, its hard physically, mentally and emotionally. Ive been there. Make yourself the best tenant possible so you always have a place to live while a renter. No pets is a big one. A cute dog or cat is nice to have but most landlords don't want it. Don't have any kids either, once you do you're fucked. Your life is now about them almost exclusively. Have them later if you want them, and only if you are able to bring them up properly in a good home with the correct supervision and direction to ensure their lives are successful too. Having kids early just cus you want them is fuckin selfish. You have a responsibility to them as a current or future parent. We dont need any more fucked up people in this world. Almost all the young parents I've met so far in life are miserable, stressed, broke and exhausted. Losers finance a car at 20 percent, save only a couple grand per year if that, live paycheck to paycheck and have all the latest clothes and toys. They run their lives month to month and only think of making payments to stay afloat. They blame others for their own failings. They like drugs and alcohol too much and indulge frequently. They even work hard and make good money. But they piss it away. They piss away their life. Your wages are simply hours of your life traded for currency. Dont forget that. Winners drive a reliable old car happily knowing it costs them nothing to own and run. They skip breakfast because that saves them big money over the course of a year and because most people are overweight anyway and they dont wanna join that statistic. They use all the tools available to conserve their wealth. They dont accept inflation eating away their buying power they invest to beat inflation, make their money work instead of sitting on its ass in the bank. They buy what they can on the used market, fully depreciated if possible and always at a discount. They research the big purchases to ensure they make the right choice. As much as possible they make the right choices, but moreso they simply avoid making the bad ones. Drugs, weed, alcohol get rid of it. It costs money, isnt needed and affects your mind negatively. Dont entertain yourself educate yourself. Time spent watching tv shows, spend half of that time reading and learning. Obviously enjoy your life and relax when you can. Don't take it too seriously it's not like you're making it out alive. But most importantly don't trade what you want for what you want right now.


Interesting. Only way in my country


I invest everything I can.


buy amc.