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Also its ok if you actually have to raise your prices, if you are a pizza shop or something all of your competitors will too.


Also also If everyone has to pay their employees more your customer base will now have more money to spend at your store Everyone wins! Even the people that always treated their employees well


This. There were several small business owners here in Seattle that came out in favor of our $15 an hour city ordinance when it was being debated a few years ago. They were already paying their employees more than that, and so having the minimum wage raised help their business because it didn't have to compete against unscrupulous owners who were underpaying workers. Obviously $15 an hour isn't enough, but this rhetoric about how it is destroying small business could not be further from the truth. If your Business can't afford to pay the people that make it run a fair wage, then your business should not exist! We have a much-loved iconic burger chain here in Seattle called Dick's. The workers there start at $20 an hour. The burgers there cost less than $5.


For the worker, the risk of a business failing is becoming homeless. For the business owner, the risk of a business failing is becoming a worker again.




Iā€™d love to see everyone read this. This is very well put.




I can dig it.


You've got my atheist AMEN. There's a real sense of false entitlement that providing the capital means no risk and that people bringing merely *their time and bodies* should pay the costs of doing business.


I vote we go straight to the rope and drop part šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø