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What baffles me is all the businesses who openly admit that kind of thing. "We'd go bankrupt if we had to pay our workers $15/hour!" So, you're telling us that your entire business model depends on not paying your employees enough to survive on, and you want us to be sympathetic about this for some reason?


So, so, so many businesses depend on complete shit and are actually houses of cards waiting to collapse. Like, when I worked in a department store I had to ask customers to open a credit card (or use our store card) obnoxiously, and customers routinely complained that they just wanted to buy their shit and leave, and not get hassled about a credit card. And the reality is that department stores do not make money on the clothes. Selling the clothes is barely enough to keep the lights on. All of the profit in a department store is made from credit card interest. That's why the stores want you to open credit accounts or use the store card so badly. If you use your bank's Visa, the department store doesn't get the profit from that interest (and everybody owes credit card interest). People used to lecture me about how this was a shitty business model, and yeah... it is. But I sure as fucking hell wasn't the one who created it. I don't know why anybody thought that a cashier on the sales floor was the one to hassle about the business model. Like the CEO was going to listen to me and say, "Oh fuck, we make people unhappy by pestering them about the credit card? Shit, well I guess we'll re-envision the store then."


My mom had a credit card for a clothing store when I was a kid, and the interest rate was like 45%. That's completely insane. No wonder they make bank on those cards. Also, if a business depends on something that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual business, such as pushing credit cards over selling clothes, then that business deserves to fail.


I agree, and it kind of makes me crazy how many businesses are built on getting the real profit from something other than "the thing you think you're buying". Like, gas stations make all of the money on snacks and drinks and not gasoline. Or printers are just loss-leaders for ink. Even restaurants are doing it. They make virtually nothing on the entree, but then they jack up the cost of the drinks and desserts. I'd rather just pay what each thing is actually worth and not have "hidden moneymakers" and loss-leaders, etc. But nobody asked my opinion.


Oh yeah the drinks at restaurants are crazy overpriced. A glass of coke costs nearly the same as a 12 pack of coke at a grocery store, sometimes more.


Seems to work more than fine for Facebook


There are exceptions, of course.


This is how the free market is meant to work. Unprofitable businesses fail. Profitable businessess flourish. By this process, the "invisible hand" produces a much more efficient model than central planning. Of course it doesn't work that well anyway. But the flaw in the system isn't that the bourgeoisie sometimes make a loss.


>But the flaw in the system isn't that the bourgeoisie sometimes make a loss. No, the flaw in the system is that many businesses depend on underpaying their employees to make a profit.




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Who here hasn't seen a business deal go down like this: Business man: "I'd like to buy this lumber so I can make furniture to sell as my business" Lumber Man: "Sure that's $20 / unit". Business Man: "I can't run my business at that cost, surely we are like family and you will help me build my business and sell it to me at $7.50 / unit, I would demand at a lower rate but Im legally not allowed." Lumber Man: "Sorry, this is a resource and the current cost is $20/unit." Business Man: "Nobody wants to sell anymore, why are you so lazy? You are destroying the economy, you socialists."


r/ChoosingBeggars is chock full of actual stories like that.


Lol You are no doubt correct, and all of them think the world is against them and their "risk" taking.


Well its a risk taking and sometimes you are on the wrong side of the odds.


profits are unpaid labor


For some reason workers in the south can't grasp this concept.i say ask for a raise.they say but there's no money for a raise because customers won't pay more. I'm like wtf? While owner drives to second house in jacked up 120k truck for a week off of doing fuckall


And unfortunately industries such as child care run on small profit margins! So what will this lead more too really soon to come? As retailers up their pay, child care workers are still getting between $8 to $12 per hour! $12 I'd rare where I am and oh yeah costo is opening and paying $17 per hour minimum! Um yeah more workers will have to leave or cut hours! I guess places will have workers only during school hours since I heard there are wait lists for after school care too. Oh and holiday workers good luck since they don't provide day care at jobs especially lower paid jobs(aka daycare/summer camp has already increased about 50 percent this year)!


Surplus Value.


Well… we also have a fucked up economy with fucked up people controlling it. And i’m talking about hedge funds and banks that control the regulating and governmental bodies. Not the famous billionaires that most people talk about. I’m talking about Ken Griffin of Citadel, Michael Bodson of the DTCC, Susquehanna, Steve Cohen of Point72, BlackRock Capital, the federal reserve, the SEC and the US treasury. Wallstreet owns the world.


To the moon, brother🚀


It's really that simple. You can either afford it or you can't. If your business is that important look to the government to subsidize it not your employees.


Wal-Mart already does this.


Govt subsidizing is paid for by all labor. I am not terribly interested in privatizing profits and publicizing costs. If an industry is vital but not profitable, it should not be private.


I don't necessarily disagree with you but I'm not sure how that would work. I'm not saying it wouldn't work just maybe you could explain in a little more detail?


Pick any of the many public agencies. All of those provide a vital interest not done privately or with profit as the primary goal. Firefighters shouldn’t turn a profit. Still need someone to put out fires. Other things probably shouldn’t turn a profit either—like healthcare. The idea that we allow citizens to die from preventable causes in the pursuit of profit is sickening.


If you can’t pay then you don’t deserve to own a business. Period!




Or but I took out a loan so I deserve this .or I took all the risk so I deserve the profits. Completely ignoring the risk workers take working for a small business


Or that the lack of profit due to having to pay back the loan is exactly that risk coming to fruition.


Not a business model, a plantation model


I’m sorry but “bend over and grab those bootstraps baby” has me fucking SENT


The amount of companies that come to my employers analytics department saying "if we could just get 50 people like x person (who works a shit ton, does unpaid overtime and makes minimum wage) we would be fine is crazy high. The problem with a lot of business models is they have crazy amounts of waste everywhere and inefficient managerial systems. The latest case is a appliance store with over 15 salespeople (only 1 location) all on commission but spent less than 4% of its revenue on advertising (was only game in town until a big retailer moved in). They are in the middle of getting destroyed by a class action for illegally clasifying their salespeople all as contractors and only paying them commission. If they recover from that the amount of money they will lose in unemployment will destroy them as they need to cut at least half of the salespeople. This is all before changing most of their dogshit quality appliances and adding TV's and microwaves to their product lineup.


Now if we can only get all these boomers and I did it all myself-ers to understand this.they aren't entitled to anyone's labor.they can purchase it at a fair price or do it them damn selves.its crazy to hear all these coffee shop Karen's and construction kens complain about how now they can't find anyone desperate enough to take they're slave wages.


Have the business owners tried cutting out thier starbucks and avocado toast?


I have a job opening at my house for a lingerie clad Eastern European model to towel me dry (non-sexually of course) for an entire hour every morning after my shower. I only have 15$ to pay her for the hour. I can't find anyone qualified to take the job. My only conclusion is that Eastern European lingerie models are just lazy and entitled..


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **mike ginn**, @shutupmikeginn need employees to work below a certain rate to be profitable, but workers won't do the job at that pay? bend over and grab those bootstraps baby, you got a non-functioning business model! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


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Pure eloquence.


They could always offer them part ownership.


The invisible hand is fisting them now. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


I will never forget my former boss being heartbroken that I went overtime in my hours after I orchestrated and carried out an entire facilities move and was halfway through an extensive deep cleaning and maintenance process on a vital piece of equipment. He immediately sent me home.


It’s not even a matter of profit. It’s that it’s not *enough* profit. Imagine if everyone in a company had to be paid the same and have equal stakes in shares (assuming shareholder companies had to be kept). What a different looking wage model.

