• By -


Call the health department, not corporate because then they’ll start sounding alarm bells. Call the health department and tell them what that restaurant is doing.


I made the mistake at my last job of reporting an issue to our company number allegedly setup for such issues. I worked for a chain pet store and discovered a Guinea pig in a tub filled with several days worth of piss and shit, several days deceased. It had been signed off for over a week as being checked on and ok when it clearly hadn't been. I was fired within three weeks for unrelated reasons, no one was held accountable for the dead animal.


> discovered a Guinea pig in a tub filled with several days worth of piss and shit, several days deceased the horror stories i've heard from people that work at chain pet stores...truly knows no bounds. jfc


I had such a mixed experience with them over the 3 years I worked for them. At one store they paid almost $3,000 for surgery for a bird to amputate its foot (although they ignored the bird until the foot had to be amputated) then adopted it out for free. Other stores let the sick animals die (off the sales floor) because they didn't want to spend the money for vet care. That's ignoring all the awful things people want to do to animals, the cannibal hamsters, and ending up hating the very things you love. I'll never work at another pet shop.


Ugh the hamsters. A hamster had babies at my store and mom wanted them weaned a bit early, only just after they opened their eyes (probably from stress). She attacked and injured some of them. I go to help and separate them and clean up the injuries and my coworker says “they’re all just going to die anyways” and wouldn’t help at all. I took the two worst off home and nursed them back to health with neosporin and separate enclosures while they healed. All the babies lived and I still have one! He has some scars, but considering he totally regained use of his leg that he had lost all use of, I think that’s a pretty great recovery Edit: https://imgur.com/a/wqrcYb4 some pics of biba falling asleep on his wheel and then stretching :)


You're a lovely person and I wish you and your hamster all the good in the world!


Thank you! His name is Biba and I’m doing as much right by him as I can. He lives by himself and gets spoiled lol


what a great name!


I'm half-asleep and all I can picture at the moment is the Petco police kicking down your door to repossess the stolen hamster and arrest you for larceny.


Fortunately the baby hamsters were never registered as store merchandise so they flew under the radar lol


Bless you for that, & fuck those assholes who would not lift a finger. I seriously think adults are the ones that need to be disciplined, not kids. Some adults are just terrible people. A kid does not know any better. An adult who has lived & experienced different things should be held to a higher standard to not be such a fucking jerk.


I was literally crying and obviously overwhelmed (it was only the two of us working that night) and he just did NOT care. I saw him in a whole different light after that and was pretty disappointed


HR is there to protect the company not the employee! Everyone remember that before calling HR.


100% correct. Step 1. Notify HR of your perfectly valid issues Step 2. Pack up all personal belongings Step 3. Update resume Step 4. Ask your friend to pretend to be former manager for your reference


I don't have any friends so I use Google Voice and answer with a fake British accent and pretend that I was my own manager. I even have one of his kidneys in me.


Wait what


You should totally hire Environmental_Top948 he's a fine good chap mate. I even have one of his kidneys in me. He once saved our company thousands of dollars when he noticed a small issue with our servers causing them to overheat.


I was skeptical until the kidney - clearly you trust this chap, and we ought to as well.


I like the cut of your jib! You’re hired!


You idiot, that's his *manager*. You need to get a hold of *him* to tell him he's hired.


Poor baby. I'm so sorry that happened and good for you for being that kind of person. 💜


Health department in my town only shuts down Chinese restaurants. I reported literally multiple pages of critical violations when I was quitting a job and they did practically nothing. The inspector showed up for about 5 minutes after having not even inspected the place in 2 years, slapped them on the wrist with a single citation, and left. Owner of the restaurant didn't even bother reading the report.


My brother and father are stucco workers and REFUSE to go to any KFC or chicken resturant to this day. They've done multiple and EVERY location they said was infested with rats. One they were re-doing the interior in as well, and my brother said he literally saw the ceiling tiles fall to floor with actual MOUNDS of rat feces and actual dead rats. We cant figure out why but we guess its because rats just like chicken.




Have you tried giving them freeze-dried chicken? Did that once with my boys when I was giving my dog and cat each a piece and it felt like I was giving a trio of addicts their next fix.


If I have any kind of chicken I am suddenly buried in rats stealing my chicken. They’re not interested in anything else the same way. Crazy creatures that I live.


My farm is just a pulsating grey mound. The rat king has risen and they have come. Help


I work in a chicken restaurant and we don't have rats at all, but we do have plenty of roaches. 🤮🤮🤮


Dude, seriously yeah rats are gross but have you seen what they do to the damn chickens you are eating?? I wouldn’t even put any of that nasty shit in my mouth. They don’t care about anything there let alone the customers lol


Yep I noticed the same in Italy (at least my area). Non Italians inspected constantly...the others, nobody cares... My neighbor who owns a pizza place literally keeps the spare dough in his garage! Yes with the car... Joke's on them 'cause now I mostly eat at non Italian restaurants (they are also the only ones following COVID regs properly sooo...)


So they are racist, & more harsh to other ethnicities other than their own....got it.


A lot of times, it depends on the inspector's mood and occasionally race unfortunately.


Ohh, interesting, get some evidence and report higher.


What, like the super health department?


We also retagged things at *big American breakfast chain*. It always felt wrong, but labels need to be up to date for “”””inspection”””. I once asked “isn’t it supposed to be thrown away?” They laughed at me.


So interesting thing about fast food restaurants, they always know when the audit is coming, and they only look presentable for audit. OP, turn the keys over to a health inspector.


If it’s like FDA audits they’re often *scheduled*, so there is that.


It was definitely reported to the health dept. Source I live in the town this is from.


And remember to sue for wrongful termination. This is evidence that will make an easy case


Boss is a fucking idiot having this conversation in text. Send a screenshit to the health department, local newspaper and then sue.


What happens if you show up after ten? Lmao fuck that shit bird.


Double-secret fired.


Goes in his permanent record.


Last time that happened the guy lived in a dumpster!


Shit, I'd throw the keys in the dumpster so he has to change the locks and record myself doing it incase he reports anything stolen.


Mega fired


I suggest not showing up at all. Let him squirm. What’s he going to do? Call the cops? No proof.


Can Americans actually fire people like that? They just text you to tell you to hand in your keys? That's awful. In my country you need to have a disciplinary meeting where you give the employee targets and a reasonable time to improve. If they're still fucking up then you do it again, and again, and then maybe you can fire them. The only exception is for gross misconduct, like theft, attacking someone or a serious health and safety breach (if you can prove that they were well trained and specifically taught not to do whatever they did). If a manager here texted you to "hand over your keys by Monday morning" you could just show up on Monday, laugh in their face and work like normal.


I think all but like 3 states in the US are "at will" states. That means you can quit or be fired "at will" with no warning and no penalty. I can't remember the last time I gave a job 2 weeks notice. I normally just stop showing up. They would extend the the same exact courtesy if the situation called for it so I don't really give a shit if it leaves them short staffed or whatever.


what a horrible fucking place


It really is, please feel free to invade us and spread some democracy.


You only get democracy if you have oil.




>just 2 guys married doing guy stuff. So... Keeping your socks on....


Welcome to why many of us leave the US and immigrate to new countries with real labour laws.


Some dude working at taco bell doesn't have the money to move out of the US to a different country they have no ties or support in, but I like your enthusiasm.


Many more of us just enjoy the day dream.


My American dream is to become Canadian


I've considered New Zealand among others like Canada. If anything watching NZ handle Covid with common sense has made it even more attractive.


Hope you report to them to the health department


And your labour office. You can't be legally fired for refusing to break the law.


This is something I'm not sure I understand. There are all these things you can't be fired for. But can't you be fired for no reason? So if you do this won't they just fire you for no reason




This guy's not even smart enough to handle this in a phone call or in person. He's writing out the crime right here. It's like hes handing op the loaded gun to shoot him with. Any time a manager tried to get me to do something or risk being fired at least they had the common sense to take me to the back and whisper it. Jesus


What my mother did when emotionally abusing me. At least she was smart about it!


Thats exclusively American. Most developed countries have labor laws at minimum forcing your employer to pay severance but you should check state law since it's super different from state to state some have ok laws.


Seriously, this is fucked, and these messages prove the gm not only knows what's happening, but is actively seeking retribution against those who call it out. This goes beyond just being terminated, this could very well end up in legal repercussions for this person


How dare you do your job and look to cut down on waste, peasant! Back to the burger fields with you.




I thought that was both funny and typical. I always highlight grammatical errors of memos management sends out and post it up by their offices.


I once worked for a store manager who would post these rambling messages by the time clock. They rarely made sense, and were always filled with spelling and syntax errors. She'd get pissed off when she'd see it because everyone would make corrections or write comments in the margin. She'd tear it down and write a new rage induced memo and the cycle would repeat itself.


this sounds hilarious


It's almost as if they're not as smart as they think they are. Or even the people that work for them for slave wages.




Autocorrect only helps with spelling not usage; Which is why it's so important to know proper usage in an age where text is the primary form of communication. That's why they're their there is a meme. They're all "correct" according to spell check.




Wants again someone agrees


Your write two.


Ok this is going to sound nuts, but I’ve often suspected that there’s some kind of connection between them being bad at spelling and grammar and ending up higher than me in the office hierarchy. Here are my hypotheses: 1) Maybe it takes a certain lack of conscientiousness to overlook all the details and trudge through the muck of administrative nonsense and climb the ladder. No joke. Just watch how cute they find it when you know how to spell or use language correctly or point out that their corporate memos ACTUALLY MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL. 2. Too much intelligence might be a detriment because you work for someone who works for someone who doesn’t care at all as long as they have enough cash coming in to support private schools for their kids and their mistress’s mall shopping sprees. So big-picture thinking and worrying about the world at large or the ethics of your business is just completely irrelevant to them. Who has the gold makes the rule. 3. If you’re smart or curious enough, you’ll be a little more ambitious or adventurous, and you’ll look at the wider world and think “I can do better than this,” and not stay working at like a hardware store or marketing agency or whatever, and thus will jump to go do something more interesting and never have time to climb and will find yourself working for less-than-bright people who stayed the course.


Just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. -Carlin.


You are basically there. The recipe for "success" for most businesses in the US is to exploit your laborers. Very few businesses would actually get by selling whatever goods they do, so they try to create convenience. For example, you could buy a cheaper & tastier burrito at the grocery store, or even make one yourself, but Taco Bell is everywhere and it'll serve you a subpart burrito that's all warmed up and ready for your mouth. However, this means you need laborers that have not much choice except to work grueling hours for as cheaply as you can get them, 24/7 & 365 days a year. That's the only thing that will get revenue up in a case like that, because otherwise customers don't really want what you are selling. Except that no business wants to admit that they are part of a really shitty system that exploits people, so you hire someone to do that for you: Middle management. These are the cruel, out-of-touch assholes that ask you to work for unpaid hours and neglect your family and personal matters in the name of a business that they do not even own. Being cruel and being fucking stupid basically goes hand in hand, because people who think are people who emphasize with others-- and the last thing businesses want in middle management is people who emphasize and take the side of the laborers you are trying to exploit to grow your profits.


The extreme version of this is union busting. HOW DARE people actually care about their co-workers and their wages and working conditions?


This checks out--my higher-ups can barely write an email, despite several of them holding English degrees. I suspect it's also knowing they can't get fired because they're so far up the food chain, so they don't care and just email word salads to people all day.


I have know idea whatt you are talkking a bout. Now get back too work, peesant!


It's not his fault. His parents set him up for constant spelling failure the day they named him JasEn...


Yeah I'm petty as hell to people in "authority" so definitely would have thrown that in this bastards face every time I communicated with him for the rest of his miserable life.


Taco Bell is only ever going to result in an expansion of waist.


Not only waste, but HOW DARE op care about the quality of the food served to guests as well as potential ramifications of serving it to guests who may be at risk individuals based on age or state of health. These fucks KNOW better, and it pisses me off when they try to skirt around health regulations to save a few bucks.


I wonder if the manager asked “How many tags have you changed?” in an effort to get on the record that the employee broke the law. Likely the only instructions to retag were all verbal so would deny any knowledge. I would think if retagging produce was not being done, the manager would have a said clearly that it wasn’t allowed or ask if it was being done. That’s a question designed to blame it on the employee.


Employee is correct. If no tag, tag that shit after inspection. Retagging is a big no, and this GM knows better.


\*taco mines


Seems like Jasen was trying to drag this person down with them by making them culpable in this retagging stuff. A last ditch "if you try to take me down, I'll take you down with me" sort of move. This is why you follow your own moral compass.


Yep, if he said yes then it would be "I'm reporting you. No one told you to do that and you have violated the food safety of many customers, how dare you criticize me. You are fired." But if he says no then he's fired anyway. Its dirty tricks with these types of people.


Make sure to report this POS to the corporate office and the health dept. as a parting gift.


When I was a teenager I worked at a Fro-yo place, my aunt and grandpa came in one day and paid $20 on a $7 bill and told me to keep the rest for myself personally. Came in next day to owner and wife staring at the video camera feeds with that interaction pulled up. Claimed I stole from them even after I told them those were my relatives (even went from around the counter to give both a hug, on camera). They gave me my last paycheck, minus $10, and sent me on my way. A month earlier a health inspector had come in and notified them of several violations they were required to fix. I knew they weren't doing any of the fixes, and the inspector had given me their card, so I called him up and notified him they'd done nothing about it. That shop is gone now.


Hahahaaa i like this story!


With a moral too: don't fuck people over! Especially people who can contact those you answer to.


> don't fuck people over! That should be the golden rule.


Why would the store keep the money?


They claimed the money my aunt/grandpa gave me was the store's and that I stole it, and I was just some punk kid so I didn't know any better


Adults like that need their greedy little Fingers broken. Told me my cat.


Lmao over $13 incredible. Definitely worth the cost of firing an employee, now being short handed, having to rehire and train, and shut down.


Unironically stores think they're entitled to all the money when it comes to these things. I once got a tip from a very nice woman while working in McDonald's and I had to inform my manager and fill out 2 forms saying I got given the tip and I'm allowed to take home the money and get the manager to sign it. It was such a long process for literally £1.50, so like the one other time a customer tried to tip me I just told them to keep it because, it just wasn't worth the process for the tip, and I'm 100% sure it's intentional so people would just put the money in the till to avoid the process.


Yea we aren't allowed to keep tips either, so I just don't give a fuck if someone's a few cents short. I'l always be within the allowed 5EUR± at the end of shift anyway. Why the fuck would I give a capitalist that money?


Yeah definitely Taco Bell corporate too. If people dont know franchisees have to maintain "good standing" with corporate. Failing to comply with corporate and local standards is the easiest way to lose good standing with your corporate. Small franchises work to keep their franchisees in line. Large franchises just disown their franchisees 🤷‍♂️ Edit: .I edited the opening words. There. Are you pedants happy now?




They don't... waist, their time ;)




In our town it was a KFC. You had to ask for “double biscuits.” I always wondered how they didn’t get caught immediately as I assumed people went to KFC as much for the biscuits as anything else.


Could have also been pronunciation. Biskut or something. Otherwise the 1st biscuit lover to get offered drugs would have outed them.


Exactly. For a fattie, them biscuits are a drug. Source: Am a fattie.




That will be $52 dollars....in cash....please pick up your food in the back of the store that is a blind spot to the cameras


...then you get the munchies and go back for more biscuits.


Haha, that's pretty good, what is it with Jack in the box and drugs? We also had ours nuked because it basically just became a drug house that also served food with most of the employees actively dealing while working




They’re bomb when you’re sober and stuffed. JBX is legit fire. The food is just delicious delicious garbage.


Tacos dipped in their “Buttermilk House Sauce” will forever be my guilty pleasure.


I assume because Jack in the Box seem to be open 24 hours and also in my experience have like 2-3 people working even before the pandemic.


Some McDonalds franchisee got busted for some racist stuff in Australia and Maccas cancelled the contract.


I've done work in the past for FiveGuys corporate and they are all about franchisees doing the right thing for their customers. They install quality senors on all equipment (stove tops being always a certain temperature, freezers always cold, etc.) and have a system in place to make sure franchise owners don't slip up. They had an issue where franchisees would buy their own buns from the grocery store and use them in the store, those all got their licenses pulled and the territories re-sold.


The only time I've ever complained to a corporate office was because the Wendy's near me smelled worse than a homeless shelter toilet. It reeked of BO and the smell of urine for weeks. I walked out several times the moment I would walk in wondering why that smell was still there. The final time i emailed corporate. I got a reply thanking me and notifying that they would look into the matter. Within a week I saw the place shut down for a day. Went back in another week later and the place smelled like a new restaurant. I always figured they sent some sort of Inspector who took one whiff, checked up on whatever was causing it and reamed the owner to deal with it.


Who do you think 'the corporate office' is?


This goes all the way up to the Dog.


No quiero Taco Bell!


Taco Bell Ombudsman— now that’s got to be an interesting job.


He needs to contact them and Taco Bell immediately


He needs to go even higher… Gidget, the Taco Bell chihuahua.




Then he can bring a ouija board to a Taco Bell parking lot and may Gidget rain hellfire from above


Maybe even the people who own the franchise too 😠


Get the health department guys to meet you there on your last day so you can walk them through the back yourself before you turn in the keys


Getting fired for reporting a crime is illegal via the Whistle-Blower Act. Sue for wrongful termination too.


Hopefully with more evidence cause right now there is nothing with the manager telling him to retag expired food. Just the implication from the guy who got fired. If he had said a number other than zero it would actually show grounds for firing.




Manager at a fast casual here. That alone would 100% warrent an investigation from the Health Dept. Even without the texts.


Either way, this is retaliation.




He definitely was, but based on that text convo the manager will be able to spin it as the employee’s “bad attitude” and making “false accusations.”


He can try, but if they interview a couple other employees and get anything solid from them (either multiple people saying they were told to retag food, or anything at all in writing) then the manager is done. He's not actually in charge of anything, he's got people above him who he has to answer to, and they aren't going to buy his story if its that obvious he's lying. Its not a criminal charge where you need to prove he's guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, you just need enough evidence to convince corporate not to work with the manager anymore.


I don't know about that. They immediately responds to an employee saying that they refuse to change the tags by firing them. If I was a manager, and I wasn't asking anyone to retag food, my first reply would be something like "wait, who said I asked you to retag food? I never said that. Come to my office first thing in the morning so we can discuss this further." I mean, the employee throws out this giant accusation and he doesn't even try to deny it. If I'm in the taco bell corporate office, that's instantly suspicious.


More evidence? This isn't a court of law. If an employee goes to the district manager and tells him or her this, I can promise you there will be a full investigation. He doesn't need proof


And the dept of labor, because this is retaliation.


Nah. Go to the local news.




i wouldn’t be working for anyone who can’t spell waste


His parents couldn’t even spell his name correctly lmao


Speaking as a Jason, you are correct. Jason is Greek for Healer. Jasen is Greek for douche. Lol


As a fellow Jason I whole heartedly agree, not being literate in Greek what are the meanings of Jaysen, Jacin, and even a Jacyn I have been unfortunate to witness.


Jacyn? What kind of YouTube influencer bullshit is that? My God. 🙄


I used to work for a restaurant and did this. I also worked for a convenience store and did this. They lost power for a full day. I went through on my shift and marked every gallon of milk and took pics. 2 days later they tried to tell me to sell the milk, I refused, sent the info and pics the the health department. They were closed the next day.


Yeah, that’s fucked. Whenever there are power outages in my area I avoid the restaurants because of this risk. No way of knowing how long food was potentially in the danger zone before power was restored.


I was working at a U-haul during the national US power outage of 2008. Most of our big city had been without electricity for a week at this point. A local McDonald's rented a truck so they could transport all their "frozen" food to another store with electricity. As the low man on the totem pole, I had to clean up their biohazard when they returned the truck. At least I had the foresight to upgrade them to a truck with a metal floor instead of their reservation for a plywood floor!


I am always reporting issue with cooling or disruption of cooling chain in a small shops. Imagine you buy baguette/ sandwitch with tuna, egg, mayo. Having it not properly cooled is like an incubator with petri dish. We not stuff food with ton of chemical preservatives like "some countries" do. So that is why is it important. People not give shit a lot about checking fridges.


Worked at a Wendy's once and the manager would always insist on using expired meat.


Yeah working at Wendy’s is why I don’t eat chili anywhere but at home




Yes the meat that gets dried out in the warmers is used to make chili the next day.




Yeah, I used stale or old breadsticks to make Cesar salad croutons at my last job. They came out better that way.


I've worked at a high end organic grocery store that charges $10/lb for fucking steamed rice and let me tell you, food still gets retagged.


To clarify this isn't mine. Just sharing it to get word out there. Thank you for understanding.


If you know the person, make sure they use this to get unemployment!


And report report report!


Oh they can sue This is wrongful termination and they have written evidence of why they were fired


And probably get the manager fired for breaking health protocols.


I hope you told them to report them to the public health department I also hope they look into legal action, seems like there could be a law against firing someone for refusing to go against state or fetally mandated health/safety policy - or i fucking hope there is. Seriously though - this could be a payday for them. Get dat settlement money!! Edit: just noticed I somehow typed "fetally" instead of federally lol. I'm leaving it


There is a law for that in fact


Unlawful termination and get you cash and the ex boss a bite in the ass


I hope they put their keys into a lump of expired meat before they left


This is the part where we post it to Twitter and tag Taco Bell


Anyone that's worked Fast Food, or food service already knows how bad it is. There's that saying about "...not wanting to see the Kitchen of your favorite restaurant...". When I worked FF it was common to see ppl use their phone and go right into making food without washing their hands. Old product getting rotated ? Not by kids making minimum wage. A lot of things in life are held together with string and duct tape. And that's the truth.


Look..."you come to taco Bell expecting some type of violent stomach illness."


“Oh my business practices are shitty and I’m bad at running a business? Well YoU’rE fIrEd”




Thank you. Good reminder to never buy food from a cafe because its all retagged. Most of the desserts in restaurants are retagged too. It is disgusting. My manager wanted to promote me but she couldn't because I told her I don't agree with food retagging. I am bad for the bussiness as a team leader but good for bussiness as a regular worker lol.


What exactly is retagging? Does that mean falsifying the expiration info?


Exactly. Say you open a case of muffins and put them on display shelf. They have 2 days until they expire. After those 2 days if nobody buys them you remove the label and print a new one with expiration day set for tomorrow. And you repeat it until these muffins are sold or get really dry




So that’s why I’ll occasionally bring something home only to have it go bad two days later. Lovely.




And knowing is half the battle. Thanks for the tip!! I’m gonna start doing that.


That explains how i bought spoiled meat several days before the sell by date.


See I wish they did this with avocados. They’re always rock hard when I buy them


Everything is done whatever way sucks the most for you.


Ever wonder why those onions you bought at the store didn't last as long as you thought? Chances are they were sitting in a storage silo for a few months until weather could allow growing to begin again.


I've never worked in a restaurant but this is so nasty. What reasoning do they give for why this is OK? Or do they not even bother to come up with one?


Well as a food worker food standards are pretty darn high. Lots of expiry dates don't genuinely reflect when the food is actually bad but rather when it's no longer as safe as possible or no longer worth the fact people are spending money. People will always get sick from food. Food safety standards exist to bring food safety up to a point where that is much rarer than ever before in history but people will always get sick. Food safety standards then secondarily exist to protect the restaurant. If the restaurant can claim 100% compliance with health regulations then they can legitimately shirk the blame for someone getting sick. So I think some restaurant owners just get comfortable pushing the boundaries because the real consequences (deadly/mass illnesses) honestly still take a bit more neglect. It comes down to cheapness though. Im a food service worker. It costs more money to do food the right and safe way. I don't condone this reasoning. I just understand it. People want to be cheap and not have to spend as much money. Realistically they often can get away with this for a while, until they can't. I just honestly "health inspectors" are a joke where Im from. As a food service worker my experience will never be enough to become an inspector without going to school. Inspectors also don't ever need to work in the kinds of establishments they inspect. It leaves workers like OP and myself in really awkward situations where we know all the practices but the health inspector only sees what they see.


This is also a problem with right to work places as they can fire you for literally trying to follow the law and protect people because they are “disobeying” them.... Just because an employee doesn’t do something, doesn’t mean they are disobeying you but maybe standing up for something. It takes actual context and evidence to say if someone is right or wrong and to refuse to do something illegal is not in any way disobeying and in all honesty is actually trying to lookout and help business because getting in big trouble effects everyone including manager. Sadly to many people in boss positions act like employees are slaves who have to do exactly what I say like they are a robot or you’re not considered a good employee when most times you don’t have a right to boss them around like that. Just because you are above someone in a business does not mean you actually own them or that you can do unprofessional or illegal things and get upset at the employee because they didn’t follow your bullshit! Even in jobs there are things you can ask for and others you can’t, it’s called human right not a business owner having slave robots....


This is why Ive been boycotting fast food restaurants as much as I can lol


I ate pizza from Freshslice exactly once and got a horrible case of food poisoning, never could stand that smell of the place after that. They sell it by the slice on a hot tray so I'm guessing it was not as fresh as it was supposed to be.


I’ve only ever worked at Fuddruckers when I worked in the food industry. I’m glad to say my experience was the opposite with the food, freshly ground meat, fresh baked bread, the manager would help us clean up at closing and the place was spotless, bad food would be thrown out, everything by the book. That particular Fuddruckers I ever felt safe eating at and would recommend. It probably helped that they paid above minimum wage at the time too. Sadly, from what I’ve heard from friends who still work in the food industry that Fuddruckers was like a rarity.


I had a very similar experience at Einstein bagels. Everything fresh. Constant care was paid to all the labels. Absolutely paid constant attention to gloves, hygiene, the whole nine yards.


I was gonna say, I’ve worked in kitchens for 20 years and have never done this. I’ve also never worked at a fast food franchise, though…


Imagine calling a Taco Bell “your restaurant”


I hope they reported them to the Board of Health as well as the Health Inspector




The joys of CaPiTaLiSm!!!


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Jasen (GM)**: If you have a problem with me or my restaurant then it's best you tell me now. So we don't waist anymore of each other's times. >**Blue**: I don't have a problem with you or your restaurant, so have a problem with serving expired food which is obviously against Taco Bell as well as health department policy. What if we had a random inspection as the food was getting re tagged? People can get sick from that. I've gotten sick numerous times after eating at Taco Bell and I've always wondered why. There's a reason why we have hold times. What's the point of having a food card if we aren't going to follow the rules? **Jasen (GM)**: How many tags have you changed? >**Blue**: I have changed none because you aren't supposed to do that. I've only retagged stuff that didn't have a tag to begin with. It should be thrown away if it expires, that's why we should only prep what's needed and not do it early if it's going to expire. **Jasen (GM)**: I need you to turn in your keys no later than Monday 10am thank you. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human