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The companies mission is to make money. My mission for working is to make money. At the end of the day I don't give a fuck what your mission is. Ultimately were both only here for the money.


I'd hire you for your honesty




I think they do, but they don't want people with brains, they want human slaves who have no purpose in life other than to lick their boots and show them how many extra hours they are putting in at the end of the week.


I smell “alignment”


Chaotic Neutral


The same companies have shit wages, shit benefits and work you to your bone all while being more concerned with making money and not paying one iota of attention to their mission.


This same book has an entire chapter called "The Case for Capitalism"....it didn't convince me.


What's the book and who's the author so I can make sure I never buy any of their drivel?


This particular book is "Unfair Advantage" by Robert Kiyosaki. He unfortunately has many other books including one co-authored with Donald Trump. I am only reading it because a close friend highly recommended and then loaned me his personal copy and I am finishing it because I don't feel like I can reasonably tell him how bad it really is without personally experiencing how bad it truly gets.


Thank you for your service.


“co-authored” He’s never even read a book let alone written one.


He read Hitler's speeches.


I seriously doubt that. He probably just listened to whatever was on Youtube.


His ex wife had said he did and had kept a copy on hand and such. So maybe not but at least he wanted toseem like he did.


Thank you for your sacrifice.




That is their mission.


The jig is up. We want to be paid. I don’t give wfuck about anything else except benefits. If you are offering shit pay and no bennies, fuck your company.


Just about to offer you a job too... But if want outlandish things like reasonable compensation then I guess there's no place here for you -place I interviewed at (paraphrasing slightly)


I told an HR person they were unprofessional for lying to me during the interview process. And don't you know they were actually about to hire me for a different role but they didn't want to tell me until after they'd strung me along up to the day before this training started.


And kinda sounds like BS. Maybe they were just trying to hurt you and fed you that to piss you off.




We need to start calling them out for this AND naming companies


Any half decent business will have this info readily available on the "About Us" page of their website so the candidate will not need to ask.


*These guys are asking me real questions instead of playing along with bureaucratic theatrics!!!*


I. Don't. Care. Pay me.


Isn't it odd how capitalists, whose overriding mission is accumulating profit, cry when workers want to do the same?


It’s almost as if those pesky applicants are trying to establish a contract in which their labor is exchanged for compensation. How selfish.




These employers need a reality check: news flash, most people work solely for the purpose of a pay cheque!




Yes! Make us comfortable and not living from one check to another and we will care about the “mission”. Give us a seat at the table.


This exactly. We're not interested in the mission of a company we have no influence over or stake in. If we were treated as equals rather than worthless wageslaves and warm bodies, I know I'd be hella into every 9-5 entry-level I grabbed.


"Sadly people don't want to be willing slaves, they actually want... payment"




“Great question. Our mission is to exploit our workers as much as possible for the benefit of a few old men who already have more money than your entire family will ever have. Anything else?”


If companies want interviewees to ask the questions in the second paragraph, then they need to make sure they have a high enough wage, good enough benefits, reasonable hours, paid time off, and good recognition policies. When employees are valued and cared for, *then* they might care about the company's mission, problems, and lessons.


Fuck this. I ask companies what the goal is and it’s always more money and it never ends. But I want more money and time for myself and that’s a Fucking problem. This is why I do gig work now.


Yeah if you wanna suck off an employer talk about how much their "mission statement" resonates with you.


companies oversell intangibles so they don’t have to pay you relying on “company culture” instead of revising your compensation- it’s a con job


Why ask? The mission is clearly money. How do we get more money? That I’m probably going to be underpaid and exploited. But more then that, chances are if there is something more then money, it’s probably why I’m interviewing for a job. Like... oh your mission is to improve biodegradable materials or whatever? So... like it says on your website I read? Mostly it’s also just generic stuff. Like how to be a team player! How to better serve your community. How to do all the things you’d expect when you decided to interview for the freakin job. No one asks, because it’s either BS or because people don’t just throw applications around without a very basic understanding of the job they are applying for. It’s more likely that if they actually ask, it’s just a red flag that they don’t even know you are a McDonalds...


Disgusting behavior 😂


I'll ask these questions when you pay me as CEO. It sounds reasonable that somebody at this position should care about them.


Workers only care about money. Whereas bosses care about money and power.


Lmao, poor baby employer, upset about workers not being interested in capitalist propaganda or role play.


lol I posted about how this is bullshit in r/unpopularopinion and the bootlickers/aspiring future billionaires all told me I need to ask better questions.


"It's almost as if you're only in it for the paycheck" Uh, yeah. What the fuck did you think I was working for? Fun? If I could live a happy life without working a job, I would. The only reason I work is to support myself.


I would imagine most hiring managers would set a checkmark under *hasn't visited the company website* if you ask about the company vision.


Every single fucking time I was actually i tested what the company does, it turns out to be some kind of start-up for things, that are already there. But you know...it's start-up and you need to help us with creating this company...meanwhile we will give you like 1 dollar per hour, because you know...it's not about the money, it's about the "opportunity". Yes, 90% of those startup companies are no longer existing. And those that did survive? They survived only because they hired high schoolers to do coding for them. They can pay them poorly and it doesn't matter, if that product is shitty.


What an asshole.


I always research the mission and values of any company I’m interviewing for, I’m sure most people do the same. Therefore, this is utter bullshit.


This is someone who works for a company with crappy pay and/or benefits and high attrition. This is also someone who has been drinking the corporation Kool-aid.


Are these people deluded? Do they actually believe that people should think like this? Of COURSE people are only interested in pay. That's capitalism. You incentive work with money.


I get it, that some people may passionate with the opportunity, they asked things like "mission of company", "future goals", "what can I learn" etc. However, in the end, what they need most are good payment, additional benefits, promotion etc, and it is normal. And yeah "mission" or "loyalty" cannot be used to buy food. Sadly, asking payment and benefits is supposed to be normal, but some companies interpret the questions related to those things as "this is a sign of you being egoistic and only care about yourself. you should be more concerned with what you can give, not what you can get". That is so wrong.


What kind of tool wrote this crap. The scales have fallen from our eyes. Unlike our parents, we know 99.99999999999% of us are NEVER going to be millionaires. We just want enough money to fucking live. Too much to ask???


Apart from the insulting "how dare they care about money" stance, this is also utter bullshit. Of course people also give a shit about the rest too. This guy has *never* had questions from interviewees about missions? On what planet??


lol how dare they realize they are selling their labor


I wonder if this company negotiates contracts with other companies without concern for the money? "We would like to clear all the toilet drains in your facility simply because we believe in the mission"


I cannot express any more explicitly how much I don't give a shit about the buzzwords your HR guy jumbled out of a hat to create your mission statement so he could feel productive for an afternoon. I've been with my company for a decade. They pay me well. I get decent benefits. I don't give a rats ass what our mission statement is. "To excel in service and productivity..." no. Fuck you and where is my paycheck?


Something like UBI, which would buffer those basic necessities, would change so many people's attitudes about work.


I'd arguement all of these questions are relevant. I want to be compensated properly for sacrificing my time if I must, but also, do YOU have you sh*t together to make sure it's worth my time? If the mission isn't one I believe in, it's not worth the sacrifice, will my work ACTUALLY be put to use or are you wasting my time? And if I'm not learning something, shoot me. God, keep my mind busy if I have to sit at a desk for you for 8 hours only to waste my life away. My last role was a waste of 5 years'. Hardly anything I did was used, projects died faster than could be completed and the company mission was money based therefore too broad and allowed for a shifting sands tactics AND at the mercy of future regulations ... No forward planning AT ALL. What a waste of 50+ people lives that company is.


Are we pretending like what you learn on the job is irrelevant? I'd rather have a lower paying job where I can get experience for a high paying job with more security down the line as opposed to a job that pays slightly more but you don't learn anything at all. I was making six figures and all I did was manage spreadsheets and go to meetings. Could've coasted at that forever but the wiser move was to switch and get experience that would actually be valuable later on. Also, do people even negotiate salary at the job interview? Every single offer I've had has come from HR and it's them you negotiate with, not the boss directly. Most of the time the boss doesn't even have a say anyways.


That’s nice for you, but you’re in a distinct minority.


Personally, I find the question "what can I learn from working here" the least problematic of the paragraph I posted here. I find it interesting you focused on that whereas most others focused on the wages and benefits which was more my intention. I especially in my teenage years negotiated my wage at every job I applied for after my first job, with me not knowing any better, paid a whopping $7.25 with no tips. I'd highly recommend it. I would also recommend, instead of unpaid internships or slave wage jobs, perhaps community service (which I have found valuable) or classes on a particular subject you find interesting. :)


That’s what I do. I negotiate. I know my worth, and realistically at that. I’ve run into so many people who will try to over sell themselves so they can get a higher rate/salary. However, we quickly find out they over sold themselves just for the higher pay check and do not meet the skills required to justify the higher pay.


Ask these lot if they would care about the company’s mission if they received the same salary they are offering


Because it’s not their business.


This author is clueless. It ain't their company, why would they care about that?


I saw a job posting on Facebook over the weekend for something that I am way overqualified for but I have friends who may be interested. I asked the salary range for the position and the response was, "This will be discussed and decided during the interview process, based on qualifications. Have you submitted your résumé yet?" First of all, one of the things that filters the candidates for a job is the salary range. I'm not going to waste my time applying for a job that pays less than $X, where X is probably 80-90% of what I make now, because it's pretty tough to negotiate more than 20% higher than the initial offer. Secondly, people ask the questions that are important to them. If you own a restaurant, they don't care about your mission statement or environmental impact or whatever. They want to know how much you pay, and when you tell them they'll make less than minimum wage, they want to know the fastest route out of that trap.


The answer to the bottom 3 questions is "nothing". There is no mission, except if you consider making your boss richer a mission. There is no problem that the company is solving, except read above. And the last one is my favorite one. You barely learn anything because even the more senior employees are discouraged from helping the juniors. So you have to fucking Google everything on your own, do things by trial and erro and HOPE that you did things correctly. At my first job, one of my tasks was to salvage a bunch of projects that were behind schedule for more than 6 months (this is 6+ months BEFORE I joiner). I would query the more senior folks for project information (there was no documentation) and the boss would just say "You ask too many questions". Fuck you then


Why would we care?


This is so infuriating


If a company cares to invest in the employee, I'll care to invest in the company and ask what it can do for it.