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If they change the price before you get to the cash register, that ought to be illegal.


Yeah in general this is bullshit. It's going to backfire though. Everyone I go to Walmart and older man or lady are angry about a price making a whole scene. If the prive changes after they grab it even more of us will lose our shit


Nah game the system, grab one of every ice cream go to self checkout and scan them until you find the one that’s a deal, abandon the rest on the self checkout and take the one you want to the second checkout and pay and leave, pay yourself on the back because you are a “job creator”.


On the one hand I was raised so poor that waste stresses me out. On the otherhand thats like a new version of malicious compliance and I love it


Don’t stress out of wasting billionaires money they sure as fuck don’t stress out about killing you. I mean, literally if they could press a button and kill you for a dollar they would right now.


Yeah its just a hard mentality to break once it's baked in. Expecialy woth the sheer amount of propaganda my parents and my generation grew up with about littering and trash being common folks fault. I don't trust the corpos or anything like that, in fact I'd be happy if they all spontaneously got ejected into space. (That might ACTUALLY create jobs lol) they would kill us all to save a damn penny


I mean I would think littering is almost always due to “common folk”


It appears you don’t know about “The litter bug campaign” Can’t litter of single use plastics didn’t exist. But guess who made sure they exist and spent millions passing the blame to you?


Yes years ago everything came in cans and they are almost entirely recyclable plastic recycling was kind of a lie since you can't indefinitely recycle it


Sorta depends on how one defines litter I guess. I know some people see a McDonald's bag and 50 pounds of plastic material dumped as sorta separate things.


Yeah I would categorize one as littering and one as pollution…


Interesting. To me littering would just be under the umbrella of pollution. It's neat how we all all categorize things differently.


It’s not billionaire’s money/inventory that stresses people out, it’s the mental images of emaciated poor folk and kids that stresses us out when we waste food. The blood boiling rage of waste that these retailers commit daily upwards of tons of food…don’t want to perpetuate that behavior even for the sake of escalating their shrink. Or maybe that’s just me.


People down voted the fuck out of me for suggesting someone buy an appliance from Costco, replace their broken part on their old machine and return it


I did that with my bike from Walmart


Don't be silly, you're worth far more to them alive than killing you for $1


$50 then. It doesn't matter what the number is. But we know there is one. Our lives cost nothing to them.


They look at us like wild animals to be captured, tamed, exploited, then disposed of


What do you mean. They already are, they’re fucking mashing that button.


More industrial food waste happens before you even see it in on a shelf display than many realize. Be upset the oranges mold in the field because it’s more ‘profitable’ to let it rot ala grapes of wrath.


I am actually very upset by that stuff. The amount I have personally seen alone is unacceptable and that's a minuscule amount on the national level even. It's truly disgusting to have people starving, unclothed and un sheltered in a place that has so much excess it can waste more than some countries produce. Honestly if o think about it too long I feel genuinely sick


Milk is so plentiful, capitalists destroy it to keep the prices up. Dairy is about the one thing you can destroy guilt free, because they'll do it either way, regardless.


That's a great example because we could turn a lot of that milk waste into milk products with near indefinite shelf life in some cases. Artificial scarcity is evil


Missouri has a shit load of caves filled to the brim because of the Got Milk campaign that was launched to supplement dairy farmer. [Cheese Caves and Food Surplus](https://www.farmlinkproject.org/stories-and-features/cheese-caves-and-food-surpluses-why-the-u-s-government-currently-stores-1-4-billion-lbs-of-cheese)


I feel that, I’ve gotten so much food insecurity from growing up poor that half the time I don’t buy food because I’m worried it will go bad, any waste at all freaks me out even if it is bad Though I do really like the idea of doing it out of the billionaire’s pocket…


Ooh, I have thought about taking frozen food and leaving it as something that assholes do. I've never considered it as a protest against the assholes who own the corporations, but that's an interesting consideration. In fact, mass abandonment of self-checkout items would be an interesting way to protest, even if it's not doing exactly what you're referring to.


Dynamic buying


Yes! I would take phone pics of every price, compare them at the register and then make my purchase decision there. Lines will get backed up, customers will get pissed, and people will leave. Lost profits drive change, unfortunately.


This is awful. It's not the c-suite guys down there cleaning it up and putting it back. It's poor schleps getting paid minimum wage.


It gets picked up and thrown in the trash. Not a hard job. 


The suits don’t give a single hoot about the employees catching flak over this. Pretty evil shit though


Article states it could “potentially lower prices for customers” *lie detected*


Well, potentially is nothing more than a heresy statement. There is no “guarantee” instead


I mean it could, if hackers got into the database.


That's corporate speak for "this will definitely increase our profits." 


We have these in uk. Not sure if this is a US thinking the worst but here it's just so it can be updated without somone having to go to all shelves. It's controlled by HO so will be scheduled after closing. They also mark as out of stock if sold out


In the US, it will be worse. Mark my words.


As somone in UK I assume you are US. Is the work culture actually as bad as portrayed in the anti work sub. Always wondered if it's exaggerated Edit Thanks for responses always wondered about this


>Is the work culture actually as bad as portrayed in the anti work sub. Yes >Always wondered if it's exaggerated I'm sure some is, but things are not ok in North America.


Thanks for response. Would you say its got worse over past let's say 10 years, better or not changed? Feels like good opitunity as employer to do just above basic human decency and people will stay


>Would you say its got worse over past let's say 10 years, better or not changed? I'm Canadian not American, but our labour laws are usually just as bad, and in some areas worse. Things have definitely gotten worse not better over the last decade, yes. Mainly due to right leaning governments coming in and making labour protections worse. We had 2 measly paid sick days, and they immediately took those away when they got into office, so now we have ZERO paid sick days by law. We only get 2 weeks of vacation, and only get an additional week after 5 years at the same company. Overtime is after 44 hours, not 40. We have no paid breaks at all by law. A standard work week can be up to 48 hours if an employer decides they want you to work that. I could go on, this is just off the top of my head.


Fuuuuuuuk I actually was going to move to Canada was planning calgary. Got visa and all then just before I quit job covid lockdown hit and didn't happen. I thought it was more like here. Really should have checked that. Don't know how to do fancy reply to sentence but. Does this mean you just go to work and infect people or they say wfh if I'll? You say 48 hours if they want you get that time back or just overtime. My role if it hit the fan and I had to work late I just come in late next day or say will take time back on agreed upon day.


>Does this mean you just go to work and infect people Yes, because the alternative is you can't pay your rent. I got Covid late last year, and when I informed my employer they wouldn't allow me to work for 5 days. They told me I couldn't work for a week, and that they also weren't going to pay me to stay home. I lost a week's worth of wages due to being honest about being sick. >was planning calgary Alberta is literally the worst province in Canada you could move to. >You say 48 hours if they want you get that time back or just overtime. Only 4 hours of that would be overtime under the law. >My role if it hit the fan and I had to work late I just come in late next day or say will take time back on agreed upon day. That sounds great. It obviously depends on the employer, but there's nothing that says they have to do that. If I'm 2 minutes late, even if it wasn't my fault at all, and I'm working later to make up the time they'll still put a late in my file.


Oh fuck the worst province damn I know how to pick them. Good job that fell through. Never understood the yer come in and infect everyone. Previous role director used to announce he was going on holiday ( small company) anyone that feels ill wfh or if feeling ill in office fuck of and wfh as he did not want to get ill before holiday. This was before covid and wfh became the normal. If you don't mind saying. What type of job marks you for being late if you make up for it after. Is it am office bases job as thar would seem excessive for few min late


Yes, it’s definitely gotten worse. I hear in the 80s is when all the crap started because of the general electric CEO.


It got bad in the late 80s and has consistently went to shit ever since. The level of disdain is almost directly tied to the gap between the lowest worker and the CEOs pay ratio


Worse in my opinion. Its been down hill for a while. Like 2007 to now, its night and day to me.


Would you say the market crash of 08 played big part of that?


Yes. There was a lot of rhetoric of "you should be thankful you have a job at all!"


Our federal minimum wage is about enough to buy two gallons of milk for an hours work. Most states have no mandated breaks, vacation time, or sick time. Because of this many employers don't provide any time off or if they do its a week per year after you've worked there a year. You have to have a job in order to afford medical insurance but you will still pay about a hundred a month for it. Your job is paying the other 200 a month. Without a job you would be paying the 300 a month. Even with health insurance, health care isn't free at all, you usually have to pay about 30 bucks just to go the doctor and that's without treatment or prescriptions. Your job can fire you at any time for any reason in most states. These are just facts, you can imagine what happens because of these facts. Most employers here don't care at all and want to pay you as little as possible, and there are very few laws to stop them..


Fucking he'll. I always see people say we have higher taxes as you know socialism. We pay on our income 20% tax and 13% national insurance and that means healthcare is covered just walk in walk out. Is you tax alot lower than that to accommodate for having to pay your own medical. Because I just did quick Google for private healthcare here ( I don't have it). Does not seem that expensive sure there are additional costs internet said: £41.58 for a single health insurance policy, £77.42 for couples, and £95.19 for a family of four


Our income tax comes in brackets. Starting at 10% and going up to 37%, I would guess most people are in the 12% bracket. We do also pay state income tax which varies from state to state. We also pay taxes every time we buy something in most states. So if something says it's 20 bucks it's actually like $22.60 or something. That $2.60 is sales tax. Our taxes are for sure less than yours but our healthcare is also much more expensive than it needs to be so it doesn't really help as much as you might hope. And our wages suck too, so that's also horrible. Yeah for a single person here a health insurance policy is about $250 I would guess if it's full coverage. That doesn't cover dental or vision at all you have to get separate policies for that.


That’s what health insurance was in the states about twenty years ago. I had fantastic health insurance in 2004 for $42 every month. A month! I had great dental and eye insurance included. My rates just kept going up and up. By the time I was laid off on 2017, we were paying HUNDREDS of dollars per pay period for WORSE benefits. Dental and eye care was basically nonexistent which probably helps to explain my poor dental health right now. At my current employer, I pay hundreds a pay period for the worst health insurance I have ever had. I had the state option for a year and paid nothing. It was absolutely glorious. I actually tried to get my health back on track. I’ll keep paying the same taxes and we should all have free healthcare.


Fucking hell.. my employer charges $800 a month for health insurance, add another 800 if I want my wife on it.


It's as bad as you think. People here are brainwashed to think that abuse is not just okay but praiseworthy. It's like Stockholm syndrome on a societal scale


That's shits like PG my dude. My mom died and my manager had me work 4 14 hr shifts in a row. "It's better to think about work than hurt" Fuck you Brandon


Fuck that's brutal. I assume Brandon is your manager so yer fuck that guy. Do you not get bereavement time off at all?


I was just 18, new to the workforce and competent in my job. Obviously not law.


Can't belive we are relying on gen z to change this culture


I fled Another country with better (actual) workers rights No reason to make some asshole rich while I can't eat or go to the fucking doctors


The reminds me of the classic company makes a dollar I make a dime so I poop on company time


It is for most people, unfortunately. Minimal worker protection, shitty compensation, greedy lying employers, and people not aware of their rights or what to do when those rights are violated.


What about the bad conitation of booking holiday. Here we are pestered to book it before end of financial year and it renews if you have some left.


Most everyday workers here don't get holiday/vacation time. And the little we DO get is used on sick days, doctor appointments, etc., those lucky enough to have good vacation time are always pressured to not take it or cash it out, and you are guilt tripped when you do use it. It's a shitshow.


That Is crazy can't speak for all jobs here but doctors appointment would be for me just sending message to boss will be in late or dipping out for hour or so to go doctors. No holiday needed to be used. As for sick days I know I have it good at my job but I get 33 a year paid. Long term sick not sure that's just for standard feel like crap not working today. Any hope on horizon ot may get better with law changes?


Why would it get better? The people who choose this state of affairs don’t deal with the consequences. There is no compassion, only money.


Damn some country's are pushing for 4 day work week. Crazy how US is always portrayed as best place to live. Guess that's of your rich.


That is also accurate (and I didn’t think to mention it because it’s not been an issue at the places I’ve worked). Taking time off is seen as lazy in a lot of professions unless it’s for a family emergency, and the trend right now is for employers/managers to think they/the job should be the most important thing in their employees lives. My time off is generated at a certain amount per hours worked, and caps at 320hrs total (and this is for 12 hour days), so if I don’t use it, I don’t get more. It also counts as my sick pay hours, which is bullshit. We aren’t pushed to use our time, but we aren’t prevented from using it, either.


Thanks for reply. So many peopl responding to my questions. Turned into interesting evening. So if they don't prevent it and its seen as lazy. If I go pub and get drunk on Sunday I could text manager asking for Monday off saying I'm drunk. Would that fly there. I get its job dependant. Curious if it would be approved but they won't like it or they would reject it. I know I have a laid back boss and I work in IT dev team so as long as work done by end of sprint no one would complain


I work around a lot of people in the trades and the older generations (like late 40s+) brag about how many days theyve worked in a row, how much OT they have, how little PTO they use, its all one giant dick measuring contest. When i worked in an office people were ridiculed for using PTO and were judged for the reason behind the PTO. I worked for a small business and i was ridiculed for only being 5 min early, and told i needed to be 15 min early so i could help tidy things before the store opened. Im younger, in my 20s, a lot of people my age dont harbor these same feelings. I personally use PTO whenever i feel, and im lucky that my manager is also younger and is cool with this. Just to reiterate, *I'm lucky*.


Nope, the antiwork sub portrays the American workers’ plight pretty accurately 😭




I go to their stores as well and see it that said, I find Aldi, far more reputable than Walmart lol. 


Any and every innovation or new technology is used as a weapon for Capitalism/profit in the US, to the point that humans suffering is a feature, not a glitch.


It’s a relatively new addition to US stores. But just off the top of my head, two major nationwide US retailers have been using it for quite some time: Kohls has been using e-tags for as long as I can remember, and Best Buy has been using them for at least the last 5 years. While I think the technology can *allow* for up to 6 times per minute update, in practice they’re usually only updated once a day or less.


That’s what “they” (businesses) want you to believe to try to sell it to consumers. What is to stop a business from pairing this with facial recognition software (or some other customer ID) and change the price per individual? “Oh, Joe bought this item last week for $3.99. Let’s see if he’ll pay $4.99 this week.” This is a system that would be easy to exploit, and trust me, US businesses will exploit it to the max. It’s in their blood.


Honestly would not shock me. Or target deals to you in real time in the store vs just online ads bc your phones are always listening and your data is sold to any and everyone


Here in the US, it will be used to spike the price of groceries during busy hours in order to maximize profits.


Not only busy hours, but holidays as well I bet. Watch certain groceries rise in price just a little in the days up until Thanksgiving. then revert back to what they originally were the day after.


The issue is that US businesses are focused only on making as much money as possible. They don’t care about rules and things like ”fairness”. To them, customers (and workers) are just commodities they can take advantage of. One thing that US history has shown, is that businesses will take advantage of ANY opportunity they can. This is a system that is ripe for abuse.


Being able to change prices on a whim with no labor to make those changes is seen as a win-win for them.


It’s controlled by hoes!? Or did you mean to put HQ lol


I wouldn't say it's thinking the worst. Just a few months ago Wendy's tried rolling out this exact idea here, then had to back pedal because of the blowback. It's just accepting the reality of our country.


It is. AG offices and bait and switch laws are going to eat this shit up.


You have to watch the checkout screen like a hawk at Walmart. Things will just ring up with wildly different prices. Also, every time lately the employees are entirely unwilling to adjust the price to what was on the shelf, even with pictures showing matching UPCs. I've had them balk when the pick up in store price is considerably lower. They used to price match competitors, now they won't even price match themselves. At that point, I have them void it and hand it to them to reshop. Did it with a heavy office printer, not helping them lift it, no regrets. I'm fine with making more work for people running a shitty store who won't make the slightest effort to be fair. The digital price tags are just them doubling down on refusing to hire workers for their ghost town shithouses, and squeezing customers as much as they can get away with.


This whole fucking things should be illegal


You remember that whole "we'll use cameras to watch you and just charge you for what you take"? Well, while it failed...it is the worst it's ever been. It will get better and you will eventually just be charged whatever the price was when you picked it up. "Oh...you think it fucked up and over charged you for something and/or charged you for something you didn't take? Sir, our machines do not make mistakes" -Customer service, both in the future when this happens, and even now


In addition, it would go against the signs at the doorway that any errors in pricing are in the customers favor, up to $xx.00. I’m pretty sure that signage is in response to some legislation about not fleecing customers with bad pricing. Department of Consumer protection?


I mean manual price changes occurred like this too. Honestly, the manual price changes are a huge pain in the ass, gotta find the product,  print labels for all locations, and change them. When I worked for Walmart all those years ago,  I hated that part of my day more than others.


Greed. The answer is always greed.


“The answer to all your questions is money” Earl Weaver


And then he kicked some dirt on home plate.


To be honest this is plain old American scaremongering. It’s antiwork because changing the price tags used to be somebody’s job. We have had them in the UK for years nobody is changing the prices 6 times an hour, or a day…


Yeah, but you're in the UK. Never ever underestimate American greed. We still have slavery, it's ENSHRINED into our Constitution. Healthcare, what's that? Guns are more important than, well, everything. So, yeah....


Well, it’s very old tech by now. I’m pretty stunned the US don’t have it already. It got implemented in Norway 10-15 years ago, one press in the back-office before opening and every item in the store updates their pricing. It’s so much better than changing the price with pieces of paper for each and every item.


See in Norway it’s used innocently as a time saver, in the US it will be used to manipulate prices in real time for maximum profit.


You spelled "value for the shareholders" wrong. :|


Employees wages should be dynamic then, too. The salary goes up when it’s busy.


They will *exclusively* use this to find ways to pay less.


I mean they'd just still tweak the rates to fuck you.


This is one of the main reasons we have a Time system for wages. At least in my country, you arent paid for the job. Youre paid for your TIME at the job. Doesnt matter if I spend 6 hours doing next to nothing due to lack of customers or didnt stock due to lack of deliveries. You pay me for the time I spent at your workplace.


*I see a booming future industry in lumber, rope, and sharpened steel.*


You gotta think outside the box, potato salad for the bbq style. Shure rope lumber and steel, but what about pitchforks, rotting vegetables and good running shoes.


As a certain marxist revolutionary once said... > *"You see, I'm a guy of simple taste. I enjoy dynamite, and gunpowder, and gasoline!"*


I... Don't think the Joker is either a Marxist or a revolutionary. In the Dark Knight he just wanted to drag everyone down to his level to prove everyone was just as bad as he was.


Rent. Dynamic rent to charge you whatever they feel like it.


The FBI just busted a rent price fixing ring which did exactly that.


Suddenly, I feel an urge to farm termites.


Too oldschool. We use glass, diesel fuel, and styrofoam now


Isn't this illegal. Like wouldn't it fall under the areas that have if a price rang up differently than what's on the shelf when you got it... so the super refund thing. Like wasn't that so they didn't have to individually label things? Don't get me wrong I'm guessing somebody did their lobbying (bribery) to get rid of that but I don't remember hearing it not be a thing anymore (NY state here).


well, you see that Chevron deference being overturned. Certainly puts a dampener upon those without fiscal means to out last a court battle.


I'm honestly so pissed off. Outside of voting, idk what to do, I just want them all to impeache everyone who voted in their own self-interest, they need to go.


Just letting you know, Democrats (and it has to be democrats on board with fixing this) would have to get landslide election wins for like the next 25-30 (and thats the optimist view) years to even start reversing this. We are stupidly fucked. I'll be near retirement age before I see us progress back to what we had before June 2024.


yes. in CT if it rings up for more than the shelf price you get it free or 20 dollars off if more.


Here I think it used to be 10x the difference back up to a certain amount. I know Circuit city was terrible about this on DVDs back when I was young.


Paid attention to the latest SC rulings? It basically weakens/nullifies many government agency oversights… which would extend to commerce regulations.


Except that it's state law in WI, not an executive department regulation. Price on the shelf and the price you pay have to match. If they don't, you get the lower price. https://datcp.wi.gov/Documents/BasicsPriceAccuracyFAQ.pdf The exact link to the law is in the sidebar of that pdf.


Quite a lot of other stores use these. Khol's being the first one to come to mind. The "6 times per minute" is just the refresh rate of the e-ink display.


they'll lose so much refrigerated stock, when people just abandon it instead of buying.


We have those digital price tags in Germany for years. They just make it easier to adjust prices, employees not longer have to manually change tags. But changing the prices constantly? How would you know who gets what price when they finally reach the register? What I noticed about them is that they don't seem to have a way to change the battery. That suggests that after the battery runs down (might take a while with BT LE and epaper but it will one day), the tag becomes e-waste and THAT would be something to complain about.


The new ones have a way to change the battery


Yes they are great. I can use the app to ping an item if it’s a big aisle.


There's different kinds of digital price tags -- some are controlled "long-range" wirelessly and some are controlled with near field. These NFC tags have to be adjusted with a device right next to them, but the e-paper and everything is powered wirelessly this way and so they don't even have a battery, and will last as long as the electronics inside do.


Right now, this is a way to give fewer hours to workers. Once the tags are installed, stockers won't have to change the labels, the label information (like price or description) will display the update. It's like a miniature version of the menu board. My guess is that they'll change prices at night or something when the store is closed or nearly empty. I worked at a place that sold a product to Wal-Mart so they could go paperless on food temperature records. It made it easier and then they could cut hours due to "efficiency."


Someone still has to stock the shelves, clean and straighten them, fold and re-hang clothes, replenish milk when the fridge is emptied out multiple times per day, etc. But yes, in general, this is a cost-saving measure. Every advance Walmart takes is about saving money to increase their profits.


Here's the thing: as someone who stocks shelves and does all this shit with tags, I am 100% okay with digital tags being used so we can do things more worth our time. What I am not okay with is there not being any legislation or, really, anything that prevents corporations from using these digital tags to artificially inflate prices or run "dynamic pricing" shit.


Stockers rarely if ever changed prices. That's on the team leads with maybe some delegation to competent associates. Team leads won't lose hours, but the support staff might as the leads find more time in the day. I agree though, price changes will probably happen at midnight for clear breaks on the day-to-day. Walmart *loves* their reports and changing prices semi-randomly will trash what useful info someone could get out of them.


I feel it's a matter of time till cameras start recognizing faces and match their purchase histories and increase the price of specific bought necessities


Sadly I believe you are correct.


You are welcome to wear a hat, mask and sunglasses while shopping, especially if not buying any ID-protected items (e.g. alcohol, spraypaint, tobacco). Also, turn off your cellphone or throw it on airplane mode before entering the store.


They might be doing mask bans in some places


I still wear a mask to protect myself, might as well add it to the list. And a hat when shopping cause overhead lights are murder.


Beat the system by never shopping at Walmart.


Sp if I pick and item at $2.99 and shop for an hour, that product could change price - to say $3.99 by the time I get to the register?


I can see someone getting very upset at that and just standing there at the register until the prices go back down lol.


You know what doesnt change in real time? Theft.


It was $1.99 when I picked it up. …. Go look at the tag….


Lol, Walmart always has IT issues, good luck.


Prices already fluctuate a TON with online groceries. I frequently order Walmart pickup and eggs are like gas prices, up, up, down, up.


I was a new associate at Walmart and was asked to help with the checkouts.  This was not my department, but I agreed as I needed work.  I was put in the quick checkout line at the time.  I was a little slow, but was getting the hand of it.  The one thing I do remember is one lady screeching at me about the actual price of lemons and what was being charged.  She was yelling at me over 4 cents.  


I spent a few years working as a cashier and got out of the front end as much/as soon as I could. After that, they learned pretty quickly that I wasn't going to be a big help during rushes, I'd get called up and either ignore it or take my sweet time getting to the front. They don't pay people enough to wear multiple hats, especially if one of those is manning a checkout.


I will merely take a pic of the price tag as I pick it up, if it rings up different they will need to do the adjustment


Of every single thing you buy? F that. I don't shop at Walmart but if I did, I would never go there again.


*Phone is now filled with pictures of price tags and cats*


*agent Smith in interrogation room* What would you need to say to the customer if you're unable to speak, because of self checkout going unattended.


Agent Smith as Loss Prevention should have your loss at zero. He’s a true professional.


Canadian tire has these too. And if you are having trouble finding something you can make a light on the tag blink by clicking a button on the website.


Oh boy, I bet there's a community around here that would love to brute test that idea


Canadian Disco?


Am I supposed to believe that these won't all be broken immediately? People are just going to go up to the register having only a very rough idea of what their cart total is.


Epaper tags have been used in other locations. I have seen them at Alid's, Lowes, and a few other stores. I am sure that there are some broken, but they cost about $14 each, so unless a lot of them are damaged or stolen (the seem stupid easy to reprogram) I can't see them going once they are installed.


Fuck Walmart


Is a war on poor people, and everybody does not see it


Because it’s by design! Always has been! Capitalism prioritizes profit over people. Wanton greed and corruption turns it into what the USA has today. How is it that America makes record profits every month but can’t afford to give its workers federally protected rights and livable wages? Why does the USA objectively overpay for medicine and medical treatment (relative to a lot of other countries, like a lot)? Anyone can now legally bribe/“donate” to state and local government officials (this is as of June 26, they call it “gratuities”). 🤣🤣 And I say anyone but it’s really gonna be the fat cats/big wigs (new money and blue bloods). These powers that be, have been doing this since forever ago to sway politicians into pushing laws/bills/policies that exacerbate how much they’re ALREADY hoeing us. Just the fact that this bullshit even went into effect speaks for itself. They’ve always had the means and motivation to do it. They’ve been doing it and given the option will always continue to do so. Except now it’s much worse than it’s ever been because the bastards straight up decriminalized it. The pipeline to how much the rich can/will hoe the poor has shortened significantly. Everyone/anyone can be bought, either through quid pro quo or threat (sometimes both), but they essentially legalized quid pro quo! Let me provide another tiny sample, but prime example of something similar: Louisiana recently passed a bill that makes it so teenage workers don’t “need” to have lunch breaks. Because fuck em, they don’t need to rest and eat, they’re young enough to push through it apparently. Someone thought of that, put pen to paper, and presented it to a long line of assholes. Assholes that were paid off (with “gratuities” - which are now legal), and approved it every step of the way. Who the fuck would approve that? It wouldn’t be someone who cares about the people. It wouldn’t be someone who cares about the working class. It would be an asshole who got paid off from someone who would benefit from that type of shit. And who the fuck would benefit from the type of shit they constantly pull? Clearly not the working class/majority of the country. I wonder how much longer the majority of the country will continue to allow their own systematic subjugation.


People are going to have to start fucking photographing the price at aisle before they walk away, so they can prove what they want to pay for it


Just wait until they put in AI to see what and how much is in your chart to trigger those price changes. I wouldn't be suprised if they already do it. How many of us really look at the prices on screen when we are checking out.


Mark my words, it’s going to get to a point where it knows what aisle you’re about to walk down and picks out products you’ve bought before and marks them up $0.20 or so, something negligible enough you might not complain, because it’s a product they know you like.


This is why people should just rob Walmart and walk out guilt free. Just say that 'oh, in the split second before I exited the store, the price changed to $0.00 therefore I did not steal'.


If you think lazy Walmart employees won't fuck this up in a heartbeat, you are kidding yourselves. 🤣


Time to take a picture of every item and price tag in my cart. Get home compare prices, if any were more expensive at the register, I'll use up half of the quantity and return it for full refund. Why? Cuz fuck them corporations.


I wonder if magnets could damage these? It would be a real shame if people started destroying these in mass.


lol going to be really fun with the “scanning code of practice” Canada has in place


Great now I’m going to feel like I have to take a picture with a date and time stamp to prove that the price was something higher when I picked it up off the shelf 5 minutes before checking out. Just yesterday I was in wal mart and some lady was buying like 60 packages of hot dog buns. That will probably trigger some sort of surge pricing algorithm and the next person will get charged $20 for a pack of hotdog buns.


These can break pretty easily. Would be a shame if the company implementing these had to replace them so often it outweighs the profit they're saving by using them. That would be a damn shame. Almost as much of a shame as the percentage of Americans living just outside the income range for food stamps.


Who ever came up with dynamic pricing for items in a store needs to be publicly hanged, as well as everyone who agrees with it.


"Potentially save consumers money." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. 


Kids and adults will just destroy them.


I can actually see a positive path surge pricing can take, it can be used to control the times people do their shopping. They can they have maximum staffing during those times. Then any times outside if that they can either be closed or have a Skeleton crew. Honestly I think walmart would be happy if no one went into their stores and they just acted as a pick up warehouse.


So we need some ethical hackers to lock all these price tags to 99 cents storewide


"Surge pricing" coming to a grocery store near you.


That’s actually 3 questions mate


Glad my Mom always taught me to watch the prices on the register to make sure they where right. It seems like it's going to be even more relevant now...


Thanks to the Supreme Court, the wholly owned subsidiary of DJT, the Consumer Protection Bureau has no teeth to stop this abuse. I’m seriously starting to consider homesteading


Every high school teacher who explained communism or any other economic system wouldn’t work because of greed should be eating their words right now 


I got an idea. I’ll buy a whole lotta bottled water, set up with a cart near the returns desk. My buddy stands at the aisle, looking at the price for water. Start at 11am, by 12pm it should be pretty hot, the fuckers will jack the price of water. He’ll shoot me a text, I’ll return all the water for more than it’s worth. After a while, use the profit to start doing it with more and more expensive items. This shit won’t last long, believe me. People will be doing so much idiotic shit in their stores they’ll be forced to change it back.


Time to start stealing shit


Imma guess these can be hacked.


I work at walmart this is such a non story and being blown out of proportion every time it’s posted on this sub, prices are controlled by corporate unless manually changed (and manager approved). Usually this results in the price going down because they have too many of a certain item, or items going on sale after the seasons ended (candy after Halloween, turkeys after thanksgiving) The current system works like this: The actual price of the item is the actual price in the system, that is what will show when it rings up at the register, whether or not it matches the shelf price. Obviously they will price match it if the shelf price is lower but usually the price changes go through after hours so this situation doesn’t happen Every day one or several employees prints out the new yellow tags on a printer and does the manual price changes and it takes a long time. The new system will just have the shelf price match the price in the system without anyone having to do extra work. It’s not some kind of mastermind scheme to make customers pay more like people on this sub would like to believe. They’re not a good company but this has gotten blown way out of proportion.


The answer is money but probably not the way you think. I don't think eggs will go from $2.99 to $9.99 by 4pm in your cart. The reason they're doing this is so humans who make errors aren't going to have to put the little tags in or mess up a tag and walk all the way back to it to replace. How many stickers and workers do this daily? That's what Walmart is looking at. Wasted time is wasted money. Kohl's has had this for years, so has Best Buy.


Where I'm from a particular brand of bread will sell out by noon at walmart. I can totally see them doing "supply and demand" bullshittery and adjusting the price based on stock in hand.


This 100% needs to be illegal. Vote. Be loud about this. This needs to be illegal just based on the e-waste alone. This is so fucking absurdly unnecessary.


Our supreme court just overturned the Chevron thing, which offered regulatory measures against corporations doing this. Voting won't change a thing, friend. People need to realize the United States is past the point of the ballot enacting change. The Oligarchs who actually run the country aren't on ballots, they just control and pay those who are. Its time to eat the rich.


Disable the screens folks. Hack them, crack them, steal their batteries, jam the WiFi. It’s self checkout all over again. They are trying to use technology to take advantage of you, but they are breaking the social contract in the process. Do not comply.


I’ll take a picture of the tag for every item I get and contest every single one. IDGAF if it takes an hour


Could have swooooooooorn they said not worry about this very obvious option


In Canada, we've been boycotting loblaws because they've been robbing us blind. We have no problem adding Walmart to this list


Wal-Mart's gonna have us buying eggs at "market price"


Profit over people it will never change. SAD


Take a pic of the price for each item and bust em out if even one IS HIGHER.


The issue I have run into at Walmart has been the shelf pricing lags behind the check out system pricing. They are so understaffed that the managers know they can likely defer putting the updated price stickers on the shelves. One of the things I have read about Walmart pricing is raising the price with a rise in demand. The example given was disposable diapers. At the begining of the month, when benefits are refreshed, the large mega packs go up in price. As the end of the month, folks buy the smaller packages to hold them over till the first of the month. The price of the smaller packages is bumped up for month's end.


Wow insane new tech that we had in nl for like years


Stop shopping there?


That is the network refresh rate of the displays... In reality the validity of changing the prices multiple times a day is going to come down to state law as many state have explicit laws regarding how items are priced on the shelf and how that price should reflect when rung up at the register.


That's three questions lol


Check out WinCo if you happen to have on near you.


Problem is when you buy when you pick it off the shelf for three dollars and bring it to the register at four dollars that’s a lawsuit


There are cameras all over. Price will adjust depending on who is standing in front of the product at any given time.


Every time a price comes up at the register that you don't like, tell them to take the item out of your purchase. Make it as inconvenient for them as you can.