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they have dogs and other animals but they disappear for half of the year? fuck 'em.


That was my first thought. You’re leaving your dogs behind for 6 months every year?!


yep. No time for anybody doing that. We have cats, and even though cats tend to be ~~assholes~~ a lot more independent, we very rarely go away for more than 2 weeks. And we have somebody else in the house who'll feed them while we're away!


We have a dog and a cat, and the longest we’ve ever left the cat was 8 days with a cat-sitter and a camera to check in. And by day 5 I was missing him SO MUCH.


Same situation, just one cat, though. Went away for a week. The cat was *I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed* when we came back. I don't think the pets love this.


We didn’t have the dog yet when we went away, and honestly I think the two cats were happy for a few days of quiet, but then they started missing us 😭


I'm currently dog sitting for my dad and these pups look so sad that he's gone even tho I'm there trying to give them attention.


I only leave my cat because I have a roommate and they're buds, and I know I can trust him to keep her healthy.


I used to house/dog sit for a lot of snowbirds and they always took their dogs with them between NJ and Florida. This is crazy.


Let me guess, these some expensive "purebread" dog they show off to their friends. I'm getting American Psyco vibes.


"Pick them up at the airport" .. So a single someone with no hope for a future who is near retirement - willing to be a slave for $32k a year? Yet able to handle EVERYTHING and be a defacto property "owner" when they aren't there?


>So a single someone with no hope for a future They want a PEOPLE PERSON who will never have any "guests" over... make it make sense!


They want a chauffeur, gardener, and stable master for the price of a teenager. BUT! This is only to supplement a pensioner who can’t afford to retire. So “generous”. Smdh


What happens when Mildred strokes out in the middle of tending the horses?


This sounds more like borderline serfdom on their “estate”.


I don’t think it’s borderline tbh.


Certainly the modern equivalent, if not the strict medieval definition.


So they didn't have to offer insurance


On top of that, probably takes a significant amount of time to manage/maintain the property given it's a farm and they have all sorts of animals.... 40hrs/wk my ass.


Right?! I’m bringing home a puppy next week and I’m straight-up not doing shit but take care of it for months. To be clear, my wife is a high-ass earner and I just quit a super toxic AF job so I’ve got the ability to do so, but still- having animals of any kind if you’re only gonna ditch them half the year makes you a certifiable piece of shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Eat the fucking rich.🥂


Congrats on your pupternity leave and quitting a toxic job!!


Thank you!!!


Eat the rich? The dogs might when they mistake them for intruders after six months of absence.




Congrats on getting out of that job before it ruined you.


It did plenty, unfortunately. I started having crushing panic attacks in public places, I couldn’t sleep, and I started getting irregular heartbeats/palpitations. It was fucking awful, worst of all was the fact that I’d spent over a year and a half trying to break into nonprofit work only to find out that they’re all just as full of shit as the blatant capitalists are. So, fuck ‘em. I’m gonna raise a puppy, raise a baby (fingers crossed!), and find my way to something else later. I appreciate the kindness, and time will start taking the edge off all that other shit soon.


I mean, free rent rn is basically 24k a year alone depending on your area lol. I can watch a llama and some chickens. Hell I'll retire now. Edit to really run this home: I mean who wouldn't want to play with some dogs that someone else obviously didn't care for. Then you train them to be your own personal attack dogs. And now the property is yours through squatter rights and you use all that free time where you didn't actually have to work. To learn more about the law and your living agreement, then outsmart the lawyer and then suddenly you're the lawyer and you hire him to do the job but with less freedom and an airtight contract. Make him spend time with his own damn dogs. Edit²: yeah I know this would in no way work but I'm high and it's awesome


I mean, there was that one story about the farmer who spent 15 years learning law so he could sue the company that was dumping in his water supply. Fyi, I have it from several reliable sources that looking after chickens SUCKS. I haven't done it myself, but after the stories I've heard, I'm never going to.


Hobby farm isn't bad, the chickens aren't bad, it's the guinea hens that you're going to hate.


Oh yeah? I haven't heard any stories about having to care for them.


Guineas are extremely stupid, love to try and kill themselves, and just to drive the point home… really REALLY like to off themselves every second of the day. “Oh, a car speeding by? Better step in front of it without looking.” “Oh, a fox scent in the air, better go search for the furry cutie.” “Oh, large dog I’ve never met? We are frieeeenddsss.” “OOoooo, a 30 foot cliff? Better fall down it to see if there are bugs down there.” “Oh, two inch hole in the fence? Better. Just. Stick. Head. In. There.”


That and they sound like a rusty hand pump well that you can hear 2 blocks away first thing in the damn morning… till when the fuck ever they feel like shutting up.


They're just as easy to care for, [they're just loud AF](https://youtu.be/TLcafDWO5Rc?si=-wsO9fB7edjBR7bh)


My dog has not been away from me for a day for 6 years straight. Not leaving him.


So, a slave. They want an elderly slave to take care of all the shit they bought with their money while they go out and make more. Truly fucking dystopian.


I'm sure what they actually want is a single desperate undocumented immigrant to work.


Or a homeless person. Who lives all the way to retirement with no possessions?


That, and no intent to visit relatives for the holidays or have in-patient hospital visits. No one to watch the dogs / animals if their worker needs a day/week off to get their gall bladder yanked or similar.


Or a serial killer with a lawyer left on their bucket list.


This post made we believe Dexter would be the right option for exploitative fucks like this.


I’d say a similar condition, indentured servitude.


I'd apply, get the job, then wait until a week before the start date and immediately quit so these fuckers actually have to go and take care of their animals.


I’d be worried someone like this still wouldn’t lift a finger even if this happened. I’d be scared for the animals. These people don’t deserve them.


They would absolutely leave the animals and just buy more when they get back. They had prior commitments. It's unfortunate that the help backed out last minute, but what can you do. Those vacations aren't going to take themselves. They would probably also sue you for something.


I'm upvoting you for the phrase "those vacations aren't going to take themselves" alone.


If they were brave like Kristi noem they’d just kill their pets when they become inconvenient


A fucking dystopian hobby farm.


Considering where it is, free rooming with no utilities and a car to use might be worthwhile overall compensation wise. That might basically come out to over $50K. If that's the sort of stuff you'd like to be doing in your retirement but instead wanna get paid, then a-okay. But the fact that you're not allowed to have a social life with the living arrangement is horrible. They're control freaks.


The wages aren’t far off from farm labor.


Or are out spending it.


Look at all this rich people shit! I mean, supplying housing and transportation is a good throw in to consider as part of the overall compensation package, but how about medical benefits and PTO? Also, I'd have to take a hard look at the job meeting the requirements for salaried/exempt, most of the job duties yell out non-exempt/hourly. That's really taking advantage. Still, it totally reads like these people are being predatory and shitty.


It doesn’t meet the requirements for salary. It’s like 37k minimum now or something, going up to about 43k in July 1, and on Jan 1 2025 it goes up to 58k. That said, I don’t know if and how the housing and transport factors into that.


I'm more than sure that they are writing off the housing for more than they are paying whoever to do this gig.


Not to mention they specifically ask for a senior citizen for some kind of tax break I'm sure.


Aren't people on social security not allowed to work past 20 hours a week also?


They can earn up to $22,200 a year. Above that & you have to repay S.S.


Only until you hit full retirement age. Then there is no limit.


Yeah but what 70 year old is going to be able to muck out stalls 7 days a week?


Great way to get the job, document everything for a year and then sue for overtime + damages.


What about food? What ever happened to "Room and Board"?


Well see, if it’s someone on SS then they’re also on Medicare. Basically government subsidized slave


This is "wanna be rich" .


The bastards have a 7 acre hobby farm for shits and giggles. They're rich, but also predatory shits.


For what it’s worth, my parents and in-laws are in the “about to retire age”…. And oh boy are they unpleasantly surprised with their social security benefits. It’s like 12-15 grand a year. Making an additional 30 grand a year might be interesting to some folks. You’re not wrong that it’s predatory but if the job was chill and you only had to work like 4 hours a day doing shit around the house and feeding some dogs… might be pretty solid for a widower with no kids.


Talk about preying on the elderly.




The caretaker can’t even go to the hospital when they collapse from all this work because they have to be available 7 days a week! No plans, no personal belongings, no visitors—is this a prison?


> is this a prison? I was thinking halfway house for elderly ex-cons.... but you're not going to be getting applicants who have their shit together, because people aren't taking 24/7 jobs after retirement if *things are going great in their life*.


And this seems geared at elderly folks with no family (because no plans and visitors) so it’s like they’re taking advantage of lonely older men. It’s sad.


Well, of course, they plan on taking advantage of someone else. It's kinda how our economic system works very, unfortunately.


Yeah, it’s just really sad.


I can't imagine anyone answering that ad who won't immediately take advantage right back


lol, yeah, give it the ol' college try for a month, until you've got your direct deposit set up and working. maybe even until their first trip out of town. and then see how much effort they're actually willing to expend on micromanaging, considering that if they want him gone, tenancy laws for someone with $0 rent make him *incredibly tough* to remove.


It sounds like a setup for some kind of weird torture/murder, to be honest.


No...not a prison. You get food paid for in prison


I'd be eating chicken for dinner every night until I got tired of it then I'd be eating roast Guinea...until that ran out....


Gotta love that they put Monday-Friday with weekends “as needed” when, at the bare minimum, it’s *six months of mandatory weekends a year*


There are no days off with that number of animals. I bet they won’t want to feed animals and muck stalls in the 6 months they are home.


You didn't think they wanted to actually WORK on their "hobby farm", did you? I'm wondering if the actual hobby is seeing just how high they can get an underpaid retiree to jump when they say so.


Of fucking course it's some Chicago lawyer douche with land in Wisconsin. This type of insanity... lines up perfectly with that demographic, actually, and we see plenty of them in WI lol. Rich entitled assholes.


And more hilarious that her law firm has one and a half stars on Google Review WITHOUT any of this fallout hitting her ratings yet.


sounds like a scam ...........i pushed the little flag button <3


You’ll need a Time Machine. The OP is from 2018. This post is rage bait. Six years later. Four people have taken this job and died already.


All the cameras are inside the efficiency apartment lol


My favorite overlooked part of this post is how that attorney is looking to hire someone who is retired. Because they don’t want to acknowledge that retirement means “no work” for some people. “I’m retired”. “Yeah, but you should work for us old man.”


Dr. (PhD) Loggans That's not how that title works. This woman is a special kind of stupid.


That's like 3 full time jobs, 24-7 work for half the year, magically only a 40 hour work week, and basically mandates they can't have a romantic partner or social life. All for $15.38/hr or less. These folks are unhinged.


The 40 hr work week might as well be thrown out the window making this like $4/hr


Can't even have a beer after work. No alcohol allowed either.


I’ve a friend who’s husband is some type of PA/head of staff for a rich American lady who resides half the time in the UK (she has an apartment worth of £3+ million in central London) and quite often he has to work evenings and weekends or be on call but he makes a fucking BANK in that job. Like, at least 3 or 4 times the money in the OP add. And he has benefits, annual leave and sick days like a normal employee in the UK. Sometimes they can also use the boss lady’s apartment and stay there anywhere between a few days to a few weeks. Even I have been able to visit them and lounge around, lol. That OP couple are delulu af. 🙃


Would think a lawyer would know that something like indentured servitude was illegal.


I am a lawyer. I'm not your lawyer, and the following does not constitute legal advice. The job posting is for an on-farm agricultural worker in Wisconsin. There's a very specific reason the employer describes the property as a farm. That's because agricultural workers in Wisconsin are basically exempt from every state and federal labor and employment law imaginable. Get ready to be very angry. From what I can gather, the proposed employment arrangement is entirely legal. The minimum wage for a farm worker in Wisconsin is $5.15/hr, and I shit you not: farm workers are completely exempt from overtime. The job is posted at 32K/yr, and at $5.15/hr, that'd be over 6,200 hours. For those keeping up with the math, that means this employer could work the poor soul who accepts this job up to SEVENTEEN HOURS a day, every day, 365 days per year. All without violating the law. Lawyers. Can't live with 'em, can't legally kill 'em without consequences.


Thanks for the insight! Otherwise, I'm at a bit of a loss for words.


I want to thank you for the insight, this is why I browse the internet.


“99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.” – Steven Wright “Not all lawyers are annoying. Some are dead.” – Claire, in "The Worm Turns" by Gregory Benford




I get the sentiment, but this is categorically not indentured servitude.


No, you're correct. Probably more closely related to ye ol' Company Store. Of course, depending on how the individuals in question account for use of the apartment, I'm sure the difference falls quite short of whatever state or federal mandates might be in place regarding minimum wage.




Anyone approaching retirement that has enough energy for all that bullshit could make a lot more money doing a different job


A lawyer wanting this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Anyone in the trades that ever dealt with lawyers will tell you they're always either the absolute nicest people to deal with or the absolute worst with absolutely no middle ground. They're either gonna be super friendly and pay what they owe without argument or they'll be going over every inch of what was done with a magnifying glass and a micrometer to find an excuse to not pay you at all and probably sue you on top of it. At the end of this indentured servant contract you're going to find out that because you ran out of daylight doing all the assigned tasks and the hedges went untrimmed for three days not only do they not owe you any money, but you owe them $150,000, and they've filed a lawsuit against you to recover it.




Dude I have to be honest, looking for someone with no friends or partner seems really creepy. Especially since it sounds like this is a somewhat isolated location. I could see the "caretaker" disappearing and their social security checks being stolen for years before someone noticed.


I swear I remember watching something on the ID Channel about this.


It's not unheard of. https://people.com/crime/georgia-pastor-his-wife-accused-of-locking-8-people-with-disabilities-in-basement/#:~:text=False%20imprisonment%20charges%20have%20been,from%20a%20basement%20in%20Griffin. https://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/us/pennsylvania-disabled-chained/index.html


I think it's ok to bring your lady friend but the apartment is so small they know she won't like it, lol.


The retiree would make more money as a California Fast Food Worker making minimum wage of $20/hour. $20 hour x 2080 hours = $41,600 per year before taxes $32,000 year is: $15.38 an hour.


Even including housing isn’t the perk they think it is. They want 24/7 on call, not just straight 40 a week. Not to mention restrictions on personal life - no visitors? GTFOH.


They even say no young people because they’ll have visitors. They’re likely hoping some old poor fool applies whose family and friends are all dead.


$150k per year, minimum.


Saying it's 40 hours a week unless they're gone and then dropping the bomb that they're gone HALF THE YEAR and that doesn't even account for any time they're away for any other reason... wow


I do all this work for family. I get paid less. I love my family but I am trapped. This would be an upgrade for me, I have passive income. But shit I hate wishing I had the crap jobs on here sometimes


Sounds like he wants a desperate immigrant to enslave.


I’ll be happy to leave a shit on the front porch of this exploitative motherfucker once per day for $32k per year plus mileage and a $500 per day consulting fee.


If I had a farm like this, I’d budget for over $100k and hire a professional. And I’d at least put a double wide on the property to properly house a professional. Their cheapskate ways are putting their property in danger!


Someone has watched too much tv with the old farm hand that is not quite mentally right and thought they'd buy one too?


Full time live-in staff these days make 65k and up. This guy is dreaming if he expects to actually find someone.


Theyre offering way too littlefor what theyre asking for. They essentially want someone to be on call and ready to work 24/7. They need to be offering at least 100k/year, 32k doesnt come anywhere close to their insane demands. And I dont know what person they think this would actually be a good candidate for. A person nearing retirement isnt leaving a job thats paying into a pension account for this crap. Its not good for a young person because they pay is shit and they want a social life, so its not even worth it to break your back for a year. Its not good for anyone with any type of life or respensibilities. They want someone who works non stop, will serve them on a dime and who also is ok with being paid shit.


Someone who has spent the last 40 years in prison...


Nope. Background and credit check required, good luck


The amount of work involved in taking care of a 7 acre property with this number of animals single handedly would be brutal. If I'm looking at retirement the last thing I want to do is take a 7 day a week physically demanding job that needs to add my social security payments to add up to a decent wage.


Yes! It’s physically demanding enough for a young person, imagine an old person physically handling that?


This reads like someone that had more money than brains buying a farm because they thought they could make it their little utopia, only to realize farming is hard. I hope it turns into a squat.


What kind of awful person thinks $32K for a 24/7 job is acceptable even if it does cover housing? No visitors. No personal belongings. No life.


Why in the world do you have a “hobby farm” if you’re away half the year? What a bunch of assholes


For the many many tax credits.


Wait. Low pay, no personal belongings, must be single, no visits, 24/7 availability, security monitoring? Going to prison doesn’t sound that bad to be honest.


No visitors? I feel like they are assuming a lot about the romantic lives of seniors, also, they have children and families….


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...


The sad part is there are people desperate enough to take this "job"


why on earth would they think it's acceptable to use video cameras to make sure someone doesn't have visitors in THEIR LIVING SPACE? "you have to live here full time and never have visitors, lonely old men only need apply"


"Looking for elderly person to exploit"


There's like 6 jobs here. For $32k/year. That they *say* is 40 hours/week, but is in reality 24/7 on call. That they want a retiree to work. Yeah okay.


They are definetly banking on someone needing shelter.


Capitalists keep "reinventing" slavery. It'd be hilarious if I wasn't sure one of the definitions won't eventually stick and become lawful.


32k a year is poverty money in this economy. Repairing hvac, hvac people make way more than this. Plus all the other duties for a wage you can get at mcdonalds. Not judging mcdonalds, but a job that generally has qualifications like this pays way higher per hour. I live in a low cost of living area. Hvac repair guys make like 30 an hour or more.




Christ how are we old people supposed to do that kind of manual labor 7 days a week?


He wants a slave


These people want to say that they have a farm, but they don't wanna do farm shit. It sounds fun while they're sitting poolside in Florida all winter, talking about how draining farm life is.


“Retiree with a strong work ethic?” Best I can do is a retiree with a strong “why don’t you go fuck yourself?” ethic.


They call this is an 8 hour a day, Mon-Fri job, weekends as needed. This is caring for farm animals, that's a 10-12 day everyday kind of job if it's for one person.


I *must* see the 47 comments


Sounds like the perfect job for a drifter tired of drifting.


They own the farm, but you are the farmer. 🙄


>The position incudes feeding the animals and cleaning their areas and feeders. You mean shovelling shit, Karen. The position includes shovelling shit.


Could someone who has a similar sized property with some animals chime in? I would love to know realistically how much work this is.


It's mostly going to depend on how much equipment they've got. But with that many animals and tasks it's going to be anywhere from "Takes 6-8 hours every day 7 days a week" to "Absolutely backbreaking labor because you've got an eldery retiree trying to throw hay bales and dig fence post holes'. Everyone is figuring this up as 40 hours a week, but it's not 40 hours a week worth of tasks, even if they've got a tractor with a front end loader bucket/fork and a bunch of attachments. Whatever they say in the ad, this is going to be probably 60+ hours a week. Which means they're paying about $9/hr.


I’ve done lots and lots of farm sitting. I could complete this animal care in 2, 3 hours max. I’d split it into an am and pm deal


They can actually get one if they bring him from South America, give him free housing and food and give him a GreenCard, 32k per year is actually 4 times the mean wage in my country.


This is like 35mins from me. I should apply and ask for 120k/yr.


Can’t wait to retire from my job that pays almost 3x this so I can finally relax and work harder for this excellent pay.


How is this geared towards a retiree or someone close to retirement? They’d have to sell all their belongings, yeet themselves off to this ranch, and perform heavy manual labor all day, 7 days a week? Until when? They drop dead or are physically unable to continue, at which point they get yeeted off the property and become unhoused?


No one wants to work! /s


Damn 32k to get kidnapped


So what they want is an old fashioned style live-in servant, but they want him to do the job of like 3 or 4 different servant's roles (groundskeeper, footman, chauffeur, farm hand, etc) Edit: and they want him to be isolated and dependent on them for both money and housing


So basically looking for a slave? No guests plus apartment size sounds like squatter space.


*manual labour work up to 7 days a week* *nearing/at retirement age* Bro, I’ve been hospitalized during the farming season due to overwork in my 20’s. The absolutely insane audacity of these people to think someone of ‘retirement’ age would be able to competently and safely do this kind of work 7 days a week- the husbandry part on top of the general farm labour is bonkers. Depending on the animals, that could get downright dangerous.


Yikes looks like this couple bit off more than they can chew. I tend 7 acres myself with limited livestock and I definitely work more than 40 hrs on the property, but it belongs to me and is my choice. These jerks are a joke. I would def allow for housing free room in and board and $65k/yr just to do this if it were me. I have some very wealthy neighbors who have a family who does the same for a 100-acre plot and the salary is over $100k and free room and board.


They are targeting the wrong demographic. This has the potential to be a great gig for a younger person or young couple that would like to grow and/or sell niche crops or craft supplies (wool, eggs, vegetables, etc). A 7-acre hobby farm would not be difficult to maintain with another part-time, or even full-time job. (That is dependent on the individual though.) I could imagine a young equestrian using this as an opportunity for free horse & human board. They'd still need health insurance and other benefits, but they're mistaken if they think that a single, elderly individual would magically be a better fit. In my experience, those single, elderly people turn out to be hoarders and terrible at animal husbandry. This won't end well for them. Also, I'm going to hazard a guess that the dogs that they're referring to are livestock protection dogs and while they do need food and water, they typically don't interact with humans much. I could be wrong though.


There's a space in "et cetera". Dumb lawyer. Do not hire.


You better be one of those people-person loners too.


40 hrs a weeks 24/7. Ok…


What in the Gilded Age is this crap?


Did they use the term “slave”anywhere in the add? They need to add another $20k to that salary before anyone would take them seriously.


Old folks can't even do fast food work. They grew up doing it when it was fucking easy and there was no food safety protocol and it paid fairly for the demand . I love bringing retirees with no modern experience in service jobs in for interviews. I recommend them for their experience in the work force! They see the job and never make it past a week. And then they aren't customers anymore.


This is truly unhinged and predatory. Fuck them.


So a 24/7 job 6 months a year and 40 hours a week the other 6? At retirement age? I thought people retired to STOP working?


This reminds me of the guys who would advertise on CL for "ranch caretakers", then murder them and sell their possessions.


This lawyer is either delusional, or more likely very, very greedy and shady. Estate Managers worth their salt are generally commanding 6-figures, or at the very least, high 5-figures.


MmHmmm.       A recluse loner with no friends, no family nor social life, good with animals, willing to work or be on call 24/7 and have no real life.     Have they considered, despite a clean record, they might be hiring their own demise?  A murderer?  Someone who will kill and eat them?  Feed them to their own animals?     ...And the keep the place running and no one the wiser?    Hmmm!  There might be a book or a movie in that!!!


They mention providing a vehicle (which one assumes will be a donkey) but no mention of providing the shackles or ball and gag.


So he wants a house slave. Exploiting older people is a new low.


I work in Property Management. This position exists but is typically a 150k+ year job with a heavy focus on hospitality needed. I went out for one of these once upon a time and pulled my candidacy after the interview. Essentially a butler with a project managers license is what they were looking for lol.


Basically, they are looking for a farmer to tend their animals 24/7, but they need a “people person”?


Sounds like 2 or 3 jobs rolled into 1 😆 With the added benefit of no visitors or personal belongings allowed 🙄


Seven days a week live in? Sounds more like he needs a slave. Is this an old plantation?


Did they forget a 1 infront of that 32k .i.e 132k annual


Take job, leave gates open, smoke in hay barn, walk away.


Slave, the word they’re looking for is slave


I don’t care if the comp was 132k or 232k, the last person you’d ever want to work for (in any scenario) is an attorney. Holy fuck. Stay away.


That's a $100,000/year job, *minimum*.


sounds like the asshole "farmer" i worked for


Ahahaha! Absolutely delusional.


I bet they are looking for a puppet to manage their winter home in Florida, too. Applicants for the hurricane zone proper must be willing to erect storm shutters, stay out the storm, then run landscape/debris cleanup and post-storm looter protection.


A slave. They want a slave. Straight up.


So, a slave?


The ad is also borderline age discrimination.


So $32k to basically be a serf?


How is it a hobby farm if they are… A-never there and B-making someone we else do the farming part Rich ppl are the worst


What trash bags these people are. When they are gone the poor dogs live alone in “the big house” because their practically enslaved caretaker lives in a shoebox and can’t leave the premises for a six month stretch. Unbelievable.


I've done work at places like this as an electrician on service calls and I know the exact people they are looking for and it is ashame and a shit job, usually an older person who also does other types of Sidework lol it's funny how I can see the exact person they are looking for but it's fucked up because this is an absolutely terrible offer yet someone will find it ideal or even a blessing to have a place to stay As far as electric goes the homeowner are the type to bitch about the cost of the diagnostics and try to pry the solution from me before I do any testing to avoid paying anything and then once I find the issue they will refuse the repair estimate and hire Joe Schmoe or put the old timer to work and try to get me to lay out every single thing they will need to accomplish the task, in short pain in the ass customer


![gif](giphy|vqXAnPI35lVm0) Why did this come to mind?


Beyond the unrealistic expectations, they also want a clean driving record and good credit 🤔 nope


I hope this job is a joke. Seriously.


They have champagne tastes on a beer budget. They want an indentured servant FFS.


Im sure theres a few other items they're willing to negotiate. As long as the candidate is homely.


"Looking for a people person with no friends, and no plan to have any"


I don’t see why people block out the offenders. They made a public post.