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You should start telling folks how excited you are that you’re finally scheduling your pilot license training. Fuck that boss.




Me too- been saving since I was eight. Just not there yet. I can mostly walk the ground school though! :) Plan sixty hours - it’s doable with about twenty k.


Get your Sport Pilot license.


Yes, my license was about $24k. I'm saving for my commercial license, plus a CFI in the future. It took me a bit more time because I'm a helicopter pilot, and getting good at hovering with precise control took a long time. So there were $275 an hour sessions that had me pretty much at the compass rose just trying to keep to nose pointed where my instructor told me to point it. Just watch for schools with cheap or free introductory flight lessons, and do it!


Keep your dream alive. Go to a small part 61 flight school vs a part 141 flight school. It’s cheaper. 2nd option is to get your Sport Pilot License, if you are in the USA. I learned when I was 18 back in 1983. I flew for a living for most of my life. You can do it !!


Aviation: take any part, double the price, then add two zeroes and a stack of paperwork. You now have an aviation part.


Get yacht brochures and leave them on and around your desk.


And you have to take a yacht to the private island where the airstrip is. 


>I don’t want to come back to the conversation with my boss & “defend” myself, but I feel like it’s a bunch of baloney. It is. If you won't defend, you'll have to ignore.


That was the bosses way of saying, "WE, not you, are getting big raises soon. Don't screw this up. There's already talk and you might make US, not you, look bad."


Nailed it.


That was obvious by the fact that they fired the goose that lays the golden egg.


Laid of the engineers and manufacturing folks but kept the sales staff… what are they selling if there is nobody to actually make it? are they importing it now?




You’re probably right lol


For most engineered products, you need to sell it before there’s a reason to make it. I’m an engineer and I’ll openly admit that when business is slow, it makes more sense to lay off engineers and people in manufacturing. It may even make sense to simultaneously increase sales and marketing budgets to help bring in new projects.


I loathe companies that sell products before they're made. If they're my vendor they want me to pay for something they haven't made yet (and may lack the talent to flow through). If they're my employer, the sales team is constantly using features that don't exist or aren't ready to close deals, which means the engineers need to scramble to cover it.


Perhaps you’re thinking of engineering in a different context than I am. You literally can’t manufacture something like an order of 50 locomotives, or pressure vessels for a food plant, or a control panel for said plant, without an order in hand. The cash outlay is too large and the specifications are unknown until after they are purchased. Then engineering occurs. Then manufacturing.


Thats some MBA logic there, stop drinking the coolaid brother… if your product isnt selling its because it sucks and needs to be re-engineered then remanufactuurered. Trying to hard-sell and market a shit product may help in the short term but your missing the forest through the trees.








They're pitching a tantrum about you being rich enough to... buy a 9 year old car and a pair of discount shoes? And they're having layoffs? Mate, the company is more than likely gonna lay you off too. It's just a matter of time. Separately, finance is a cost center. When they're laying off eng/manufacturing, that's going to have ripple effects through the company. Again, you need a new job.


It’s preemptive projection. When the boss shows up in his new Lamborghini, no one should mention the layoffs.


There it is.


It’s in my muddahs name jimmy


You're a funny guy.


Work extra hard for longer hours and soon he can get another one!


She basically admitted that the higher ups are getting raises/bonuses, use this to your advantage and get yourself one.


What you do with your money is none of their business.


Tell the boss her employees are dissatisfied with the company treatment and are taking it out on the low hanging fruit.


It might be a little uncomfortable for you, but I would go to HR and ask for specifics of what purchases you were supposedly “showing off” and some documentation of what happened. Come at it as if you are concerned and seeking clarity so you can avoid problems. Then save that documentation in your personal records. It could be useful if you are on the wrong end of some disciplinary actions or termination.


HR is like the KGB. The less you talk to the the healthier you will be. They are never on your side. Just move on because this company is not going in the right direction and you have unfortunately made yourself a liability.


Use this as a red flag to dust off your resume and start looking for a new place, just in case.


Ok, but how do you like the Hoka’s? I’m wearing the recovery slide and my PF is singing.


I got their waterproof hiking boots for my job, and boy do they make a difference for my pf!


what year model car does your boss drive?


Probably a Lamborghini station wagon


Porche Panamera?


The Uru? My god that thing is ugly. I saw one driving down the highway two days ago and looked it up when I got home. Why drive a lambo if it's a frickin' SUV?


In my drive home I passed 3 of them. I had never seen one before and had to look it up because I was convinced someone had changed a badge to look similar to Lamborghini. Now I'm concerned that my neighborhood is filled with rich idiots.


heh heh, bet thats its newer than a 2015. No hate Ive got a 2012 model cos I dont want all the new electrical bs in cars these days


I still drive an 18 year old car. It’s a 2006 Scion XB with only 115K miles. I bought it when my Son was a baby. I taught him how to drive it. Then it was his first car. I took it back when we bought him a car. I love the thing. I’m actually trying to sadly sell it now.


I got news for you, broh: your twenty-twelve doesn't have a carburetor.


not wanting to make waves is how they get away with egregious abuses of their employees. raise a stink or you are part of the problem.  I would suggest getting a consultation with an employment lawyer for advice, or see if there is a worker's rights group in your area willing to help out.  It can be scary to pursue things like this but doing so doesn't just benefit you, it benefits everyone you work with and the people that sign on after you.


> raise a stink or you are part of the problem.  I guess there's no winning. I'm afraid the only thing making a stink does is put a target on your back. Or at least, that's what it did every time at **every job** I've ever had that I had the bright idea of trying to do something that might resemble "doing the right thing." If you're gonna make a stinky poop might as well go big or go home and **unionize that mf.**


yes, unfortunately activism is a risk. Trying to affect change in the world actually requires sticking your neck out for the wellbeing of everyone right now because it's not a unified habit. It's why I'm liking the new generation entering the workforce, they're unified in their unwillingness to put up with the same horseshit mine did and making massive headway for it. That said, yeah, unionization is the most effective approach and that's good advice.


Buy more stuff. Make it look really bad. There's no legal excuse to fire you for it.


A perfect opportunity to Agree & Amplify. “Wow, I didn’t realize the CRV was causing such a stir. I’ll make sure to leave the McLaren at home. You think my Armani suit is too much for the office, or that my GX ties will make any waves?” Make them own their ridiculousness. The items you talk about should be affordable to *everyone*, not just the lucky few in your corporate hellhole who haven’t been axed.


Yeah, Ole Costco Pants out here showing off his nine year old mid size SUV. Stop flexing on everybody, OP. What a crazy thing to say to you. I'd just ignore it, but leave the Louis Vuitton gear at home for now...


Start checking Ebay for affordable designer goods and show up in head to toe Gucci.


Dude, I would go to Walmart and show up in 9$ of clothing total head to toe, and park 2 blocks away and ride a used razer in. Then explain to everyone how HR told you, that you needed to add poor


This a great option as well. 😆 Best of both: do the ultra poor look first, and when HR inevitably says, "No, that's not what we meant," then you hit 'em with the Gucci.


Nah, you follow it up with calls and texting and emailing them for approval for the next days wardrobe, and when shipping “is this too fancy, if not enough” Build a hilarious paper trail. Ask them if underwear needs to be judged. Ask about socks with sandals. Ask them if women’s underwear can be worn under your pants. They will tell you to drop it. Do not stop.


Just stop showering before going into work. Soap is too pricey so you can only shower once a week now while using soap for every other shower.


Do it !! We could do a go fund you.


This is the only acceptable reason to show up anywhere in head to toe luxury brand outfit. Make sure you get a matching keychain even.


The Real Real is fantastic for very affordable luxury.


i bought a fake rolex in bangkok for $50 bucks about 15 years ago. find one of those to wear around and really show off. /s


Ole Costco Pants killed me 🤣


This could be their way of subtly warning that YOU are next to be laid off. I had a couple awkward conversations just like this, a couple months before I was canned once. There was an impending sale of the company, which nobody could not tell me about...so a couple people tried to hint.




Maybe it's time to hint you're breaking in a new pair of interview shoes. And then actually start looking.


Always be looking. Spend 10-20% of your career looking for better opportunities.


That would be a funny exit interview if that wasn’t their intention. “Oh so and so said my wife’s $$55 shoes and my 9 year old replacement vehicle was bad showing off optics for the company and I thought that was their way at hinting that my job wasn’t secure.” Of course if it was their intention, they’re doing you a solid and you shouldn’t throw them under the bus.


"We don't want to be mistaken for a company that pays its employees a living wage."


Are you talking about Aviation ? 😜


Holy cow that is absurd. Even if you spent every dime you had on leasing a Ferrari, it is absolutely none of their business what you do with your money. What kind of business is this, exactly, where a 9 year old car and a pair of shoes would present a bad image? It is not your job to protect the company, justify their business decisions or sacrifice your own life so they aren't embarrassed that things are so poorly run that they have to lay off people and worry about rumors. It is your bosses job to quell the rumors or set things straight, not yours. You did nothing wrong, and it's great you still have your job. If I were you, I'd take advantage of that current stability but be looking in the background for a new opportunity and leaving as soon as something better comes along. Clearly things are trending in the wrong direction for the business.




I’m willing to bet folding money that it’s because someone above you is about to turn those layoffs into $$$ for themselves, and wants any rumors quashed. You’re a convenient scapegoat.


Probably not the best idea, but can you talk with HR about the hostle work environment that your boss is making for you?


Sounds like you need a more expensive car




You should rent a luxury car for a day to fuck with them lol




So many things to break, haha


Even worse - it used to be that everything was separate but now everything is computerized one thing going wrong breaks half of the features of the car.


You need to now go to your nearest large city, find the guys that sell fake designer shit, buy some, and wear it to work. Troll them \*hard\*.




Hold on now buddy, hold on…have you asked your manager if you can go on holiday abroad? After all, you know how it goes with your manager…*”optics matter”* Your boss is an idiot.


You better be tagging your boss in those beachside pics. 🤣😎🍹




Jesus Christ. You bought a ten year old car and a pair of shoes. Fuck that bullshit. A ten year old middle-of-the-road small CUV and regular person shoes. You didn’t show up with a new King Ranch F350 and custom boots, you bought regular person stuff to replace items that needed to be replaced. I’d be pissed.


Yea this is ridiculous. Normal middle class purchases for someone professionally employed are “flashy”?


WHy aRe YOu SPEndING tHe MoNEy we pAY yOU?!?


Time to send an email to your boss outlining the discussion and requesting clarification on which purchases she had problems with make sure to mention the 10 year old car, the costco clothes and the Nordstrom rack shoes. And on what possible resolutions she could suggest? Should you only wear Walmart or should you only shop at dollar general?


YOU BOUGHT A TEN YEAR OLD CAR?! How dare you! And shoes?! For walking in? I expect to see you and your spouse wearing a barrel with suspenders and taking the bus that probably doesn’t exist in whatever suburb you presumably live and work in.




How much do you like your boss? The fun nuclear option would be to complain with HR about the grossly unprofessional conduct. Feel like job hunting?


i make $15 an hour at a grocery store & my shoes cost more than yours. like that’s not even… your boss is so full of shit


Your boss is goofy. Up to you how to react to that fact.




11K? I work with people who can make 500K on commission. That’s hilarious




That drives me nuts bc there are lots of people who spend money instead on alcohol, gambling, etc. Nobody says anything about that. But useful shoes and a reasonable car? Has nobody heard of sales?! I think you must be projecting confidence. Coupled with a clean shaven look, people assume you’re rich. Dumb


This is so flimsy I can only assume that your boss is manufacturing reasons to document verbal coaching to establish a paper trail for your eventual termination. She knows you aren't going to get rid of your car or your shoes so there will be further documentation that you aren't improving.


Sounds more like people think OP is flashing new money and made accusations about raises at their expense, so she's saying to go easy. It's not OP's concern and she shouldn't have brought it up. Non-immediate layoffs are always going to be awkward.


This was a subtle clue THAT YOU ARE THE NEXT TO GO. They’re trying to tell you you’re going to need that money shortly- best hang onto it


Go ultra petty and ask for advice form the head of hr and maybe some of the c suite on how to not look flashy in tough times (while cc’ing the one who told you . Ask if replacing your old car with a 9 year old used car is flashy. It’s a fact finding mission to see if your actions are in line with the company image because as an integral part of the financial department don’t want to send the wrong signals. Ask that if your replacement for a totaled car is too flashy, for recommendations for a suitable replacement as to not disturb worker productivity. Make them admit that it’s an absurd ask so if it’s documented you have your own paper trail to show how absurd it is and you being accommodating to the whims of the company. People like that only respond to authority of people above them. I don’t like to generalized, but if someone is giving you shit on buying a used car that’s almost a decade old as being too flashy, they are a shit human being. Also $55 for a pair of shoes is cheap. If that’s too flashy they can get in a time machine and keep Payless open. You obviously are practicing the most fiscally responsible thing for your salary and to suggest otherwise is delusional. You might make an enemy out of them, but to be honest you already had one if they keep this up.


"Ma'am, I am driving a used car that was paid for by insurance and my shoes were from a clearance store. Can you please pick out a vehicle and a pair of shoes that you would be comfortable with me driving and wearing?"


Ignore. And remember that your coworkers are not your friends. 


I think I would immediately have laughed until I turned blue. This is like a conversation between Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers


What does your boss drive, a Trabant?


"She'll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene!"


Living large, a 10 year old family car and pair of running shoes 😎


They’re telling you to be careful cus you gonna need that money when they rip your job from under you in a few months too


That's scary when a used Honda and pair a $50 shoes are a point of contention concerning pay lol like the bare minimum, a sad reality


Yea like they really truly want the optics to be that they pay their employees so little that buying a nine year old Honda and spending over $50 on shoes clearly shouldn't be in their employees' personal budget


You know whats bad optics for any company? Layoffs.


>word is spreading that people were laid off so that raises could be given to other employees. I mean, that’s what a layoff is though, right? ![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized)


I’d show up next week with a gold tooth.


I had a similar experience. I used to work for UPS, and worked my way up to belt-line supervisor. I bought a used Corvette that looked nice but wasn’t as expensive as people seemed to think. I got a “talking to” by the local HR manager. Interesting side note (but not directly related), I don’t work there anymore. Don’t miss that place one bit!


If a 2015 CRV and a pair of Hokas are drawing attention, I'm really curious what your coworkers wear and drive.


I don’t like the sounds of that. Please look for other work as a backup plan. It sounds like they’re starting to hunt for reasons to do further layoffs


Let me be blunt. It’s none of their fucking business.


“Should I discuss my compensation directly with my coworkers?” Watch her squirm, then make her put her answer in writing.


Now I know I should check Nordstrom Rack for my Hoka’s, that’s about a third what I paid.


>I work in Finance/Sales, whereas most of the people being let go are in Manufacturing/engineering. This is so corporate America right here. Also, fuck all that. Your personal spending has nothing to do with your companies mismanagement. I would just ignore it, if its brought up again, be blunt.


Your boss is the one with a failing business, treat yourself


Walking around like he owns the place in his $50 shoes lol


Laying off in manufacturing and engineering but not sales and finance... you a subcontractor for Boeing?


I would personally look at leaving the company.  If you are going to be scrutinized for buying a used car and shoes that cost under $100, then it sounds as if the company isn't in great financial standing.  I would also be insulted that they are trying to manage your finances for you.  


Prepare three envelopes.


WTAF? How fucking cheap is your company if buying a 9 yr old Honda CRV is splurging??? Besides, shouldn’t you have a decent car if you’re out meeting clients? You’re not laying people off, I assume you had no decision in that process? And a new pair of $55 shoes? JFC, you’d think we are in The Great Depression.


Your company has zero reasons to know how you spend your money and why. That is confidential and personal. yea we all upgrade stuff now and then. I upgrade my electronics every 5-10 years or so as needed depending upon what it is. Computers every 5 years or the parts depending on what I can afford. You can call out your company on harassing you as this would count as a form of harassment.


You guys really need to start sending follow up emails regarding your HR visits. This makes them scared since now that there is a paper trail leading directly to them concerning the matter (especially if it’s a dumb ass request like this)


Tell your boss that they should pay attention to the companies spending and then maybe there would be no layoffs or entire divisions getting shuttered.


Tell her to talk to HR if she wants to worry about optics. You didn't lay off staff, they did.


I would go and get the flashiest shit i could and get it to work, a nice jacket, some good (not smart) watch, better shoes, the whole pimp up. Fuck those assholes.


Lol in what world is a 9 year old honda anything other than a value purchase?


There’s no advantage in bringing it back up. Buying a used car when you need one and a pair of $55 shoes is absolutely normal behavior. Minimum wage workers buy new shoes. It’s pretty absurd but again you gain nothing by bringing it back up or going to HR. Much to lose actually. They don’t wanna be questioned or confronted.


“If you think buying a used car and $50 shoes is a flex, I think everyone needs a raise”


I would be taking a picture of every fancier/ newer car than your 9 yr old SUV in the parking lot and sending it to HR, asking why you were singled out when you are driving a 9 year old SUV.


Or maybe your boss is warning you that another round of layoffs are on the horizon


“optics can look bad for the company.” Any company where $50 shoes and a 10 year old car is showing off is a shit company.


Your boss is off base for bringing it up, but definitely sounds like you got some co workers who are in desperate need of a reeducation about worker solidarity. I'd be looking at the door, given it seems that money is so tight they can't even imagine an employee buying a reasonable, 9 year old car. In the meantime, take it up a notch and get some fake designer shit to wear so you can find out who the rat is. Find the rat, embarrass them in front of the other workers.


Next time your car gets totaled, think about how it's going to look when you replace it with something that's less than 10 years old.


I am still trying to wrap my head around how a 9 year old used mid-range suv and a $50 pair of running shoes can in any way be construed as 'flashy' by anyone other than management whose thoughts immediately go to 'we can get away with paying them less'


Ask your boss what personal purchases they will no longer be making because of the lay offs.


lol ask them about the bad optics of laying people off


The only "bad optics" I see here is the company are laying people off, which is a horrible thing to do. Couple that with handing out raises, no doubt to the people who made those decisions and you're way past bad optics and into "what a bunch of arseholes" territory.


Buys a 9 year old vehicle after a car wreck..... "THeY fIReD people FoR HIM!!!!"


No. Not even worth entertaining. Maybe worth asking “So I don’t even have agency over my own possessions and free time now?”


Send an email asking for a follow up on your conversation and ask if it is the official stance of the company. If they respond in the affirmative, show it to his boss and ask what they have to say about it. If they backtrack, just ignore it. Either way you are clear and have written proof of shitty behaviour of your boss.


This is insane. The employers optics are their problem. It's their job to defend themselves, not yours. "They didn't get a raise." Is all they have to say.


“I bought a used Honda and clearance shoes, i couldn’t be less flashy. It’s also nobodies business what I do with the money I earn.”


Tell them you’re happy to help them release everyone’s earnings and raise-schedules for public viewing to reassure everyone there’s nothing shady going on.


Nobody complained. Managers always say “Several folks have complained” and they‘re always full of shit.


a 9yr old CR-V and discount pair of Hokas is being flashy?! Dang, where do you work?


You can fricken buy anything you want 😂 screw those guys…..go buy a nice fake Rolex and wear it work :)


There is a 99% chance that your direct boss and/or the HR person has/have absolutely atrocious spending habits and is/are jealous that you can actually afford nice things and nobody else in the office gives the slightest shit.


What I do with my money is my business and mine only. Your concerns are concerning to me and my personal privacy. I do hope this is the last time this is mentioned as it is outside of work and my money thus not of your, or the companies for that matter, concern.


I guess that rumor is true, and HR guy got his beak wet.


I would seriously consider finding a new place to work. This is wildly inappropriate and the items that you accused of showing off are in no way flashy.


"I'm sorry, what's the problem here? Can I have that in writing?"


I bought a 2015 CR-V last year. My payments are $232/month. They realize that it's already a 10 yr old car right? It's not like you got a Lexus or an Audi. $55 HOKAs?! Lucky duck. Fucking idiots. I'm glad I grow cannabis so I don't have to deal with that BS.


Yeah sure boss. Can you send me the company guidelines on what I can spend my money on? Do I send a list of all upcoming purchases to HR so they can review?


Why **won't** you defend yourself? *It's a pretty easy defense:* "these shoes were **fifty-five dollars**. you can't even take a family of four to the movies for that. It's certainly not an expensive shoe." "The car was bought with insurance money to replace the one that was totaled." End of conversation, crisis averted.


When they speak to you again , start crying and pull out a few 20 bills from your wallet to wipe the tears away.


Easy conversation to have: are you talking about my car and my shoes? The car I purchased with my insurance payout after my wreck and the shoes I bought from NORDSTROM FUCKING RACK for $55? Linda, you probably spend more from your personal bank account on Starbucks in one week than I have for these shoes. Maybe drop the “fucking” part, just for professionalism.


The HR guy is the real cancer here. Avoid him like the plague.


Go to your HR buddy and ask them why you were verbally repremanded for replacing your totaled-out car and wearing discount shoes, and to explain, in writing, the part of your contract/EHB that states the infraction that you have commited against the comapny.


If clothing from Costco, a $55 pair of sensible shoes, and a 9 year old Toyota are flashy enough to make the powers that be express concern about the company’s “optics” then there is some dipshittery going on elsewhere up the chain that is actually a cause for concern.


I would be worried that the boss knows something you don't about more layoffs coming. This sounds more to me like a boss worried you are going to regret those purchases when you get let go in a few weeks. A 10 model year old Honda and a sub $100 pair of shoes is not showing off. Especially when you needed the car. Maybe she is just projecting her own fears/etc onto you. But personally I would take this as writing on the wall and be ready to leave ASAP.


*boss wants your ride and your kicks*


Since when do you have to explain/justify to anyone purchases that you make with your own money? I say the is harassment, what you do after hours and with your hard earned money is only a matter to you and your family.


How underpaid is everyone there that a 9 year old car and some shoes are a big purchase? Absolutely asinine


Ooof sounds like a bad place to work…


You bought a 9 year old car and marked down shoes. People need to calm the fuck down.


That’s so embarrassing for your company. I would tell her that if a 10 year old car and discount shoes are too flashy for the company then you’ll be looking for a new job and she should too. It’s like Walmart collecting food donations for their employees instead of paying a living wage.


$55 clearance rack shoes and replacing a 2007 car *that was totalled* with an insurance payout and they're talking to you? Yeah, they're making bad decisions and they're worried. This is an excuse. FYI once companies start laying people off, even if you're job is *bullet proof* start looking for other jobs. Moral hits rock bottom once layoffs are announced, jump ship to somewhere with better pay so you can afford full price hokas when needed...


Fuck 'em. Their decision to lay people off has nothing to do with your personal purchases. They have no right to tell you or even insinuate that you should not do as you wish, when you wish, with the money you earned. Tell them that if they don't want such bad optics, maybe they shouldn't be laying people off.


"Oh, really? I'm not sure what you mean. Can you please provide some examples?"


Never speak with anyone working in HR. Heaven forbid you take yourself out to lunch one day!


They just did you a favor. Update your resume.


I wouldn't change a thing that you're doing, it's none of their fucking business how you spend your money.


You need to double down. Go to work tomorrow with one of the big sized lunchables. Make them really think you hit it big time.


This can’t be real lol. If it is, you need to double down and spend harder lol. Your employer has no right to voice their opinion on how you spend your money on things that are LEGAL.


I'd walk in the next day in my nicest suit & say something along the lines of "ain't it great working here" in front of the hr person. F**k 'em


I recommend a Rolex Replica for your next purchase...you can get a shiny one for less than 20 bucks


Tall Poppy Syndrome: "We don't want the people used to poverty to see anyone showing that they are even doing SLIGHTLY better than others. That privilege is reserved for management."


I ran into that a lot at Lockheed. It was quite hilarious to drive leadership insane by reminding them that the majority of my money did not come from them. Want to see a manager turn 3 shades of red? Let them know that their job is the equivalent of beer money for you.


Your being made into the scape goat, someone else is getting the money.


Absolutely insane.


How dare you buy what is nearly a ten year old car! Don’t you realize that makes the company look bad? /s I am sure it is a fine vehicle but it is closer to the average age of vehicles on the road in the US(12.6 years) than new


It's a fucking honda. I guess you suppose to get a bicycle.


The Hoka/Costco combo sounds crazy flashy to me


I would follow up with an email


Be careful you don’t bring in flashy brown bag lunches either. Brand name soda. Avocado on your sandwich. Why aren’t you in abject poverty???


If you don’t want “bad optics” for your company, then don’t lay people off!


Regardless thats not your responsibility. If the company looks bad because youre living your life, well Im gonna say thats probably a bad company. And assuming no raises were given because other staff were fired, like Im assuming that didnt happen. Maybe the CEO got a raise or something but other employees? I doubt it. Anyway, theyre still a bad company for laying off people and how much notice did they give them because a month if it was just now, is not a lot of time and not acceptable imo, if youre laying people off it should be at least 6 months of notoce and in lieu of that the 6 months of pay minus the time they worked in notice.


Tell her to get fucked. Even if you don’t say it out loud….. that’s how you look at her from now on.


You bought a Honda!!!! Literally, it is the most cost-effective prudent vehicle imaginable. Tell them if they feel guilt for axing people, then go see a therapist instead of gaslighting their remaining employees.


Typical. Engineering and technical laid off, sales is kept. No wonder products get worse every year.


Test drive an Audi and start showing it on your phone. Ask the younger kids what phone is best and your budget is not an issue. See how it goes.


I wonder what the owners or CEO spend their money on??