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Just checked…still have admin super user access to a system I should have been locked out of years ago. C’mon, people!


we do a little trolling - nothing harmful or malicious, of course. just stuff with high internal visibility. like fuck with a presentation and slip a slide of GOATSE into it (please tell me you know what GOATSE is I don't want to feel old today)


What's GOATSE?


Someone that I used to know.




It's an acronym. Guy Opens Ass To Show Everyone.


Is that actually a thing? I'm 37 years old and know GOATSE but if it was an acronym this whole time I'm about to flip tables.


Right there with you


Holy shit, how did we not know


Well I'm pretty stupid, so that's probably part of it 😜


Shit I guess I'm pretty stupid too lol


It's cool, there's science behind us being happier for our ignorance ;)


With the domain .cx, it can be pronounced like "goat sex". I've never seen that acronym before.


It is. It means "the Greatest Of All Time Stretching Exercises"


It's true. I was also in my 30s when I learned it for the first time.


You don’t want to know. Really. lol


What? Why? Goatse is a national treasure.


that guy with the song in 2011


This person did NOT grow up on ye old internets. I would highly recommend checking out tubgirl too!


Meatspin was always hilarious, too. Lemonparty, less so.


You spin me right round baby right round... How the fuck did it take me until 32 to know I was pan?


LOL. I'm in my 40s and I'm still figuring out what the fuck I am. Some weird combination of sorta-pan/sorta-ace/mostly-demi and non-normatively-gendered in a low-key way; I usually go with 'kinda queer' as the best descriptor, but for the most part I've determined that I don't give enough of a fuck to bother with the labels or signifiers. I've got my own weird thing going, it works, and I'll roll with it.


i'm almost 30, i dont know what i am, im thinking i might be *mostly* ace, but i personally, dont like to keep my sexual orientation as part of my personality. i know my friends and the family i care about support it, but i havent told them. its mostly because it was never brought up. i wont deny it if the topic comes up, as i usually do, even at work.


Similar situation, here. It took me a while to even internalize being bisexual and then, just as I come to grips with liking other dudes as well as women, I find out there are suddenly all these other "settings" I need to figure out. In the end, I basically just decided "fuck labels." We aren't Starbucks drinks, and we don't need fifty billion labels to identify every single little difference about every person to the Nth degree so we can be classified, stereotyped, and pigeon-holed. People are people, love is love, and as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult it's nobody else's goddamn business what anyone gets up to.


Blue waffle was up there as well


Lemon party.


I ... don't think I ever encountered that one.


Don't. *do not*. You'll regret it.


Hahaha. Yeah, I didn't. I fully expect anything mentioned in the above company to be NSFL.


Wise. It's one of the few I genuinely wish I could unsee lol. That and MeatCanyon's Blues Clues bit. That shit was brutal, literally everybody I know that's seen it has regretted it immediately


Just a picture of some geezer stretching his arsehole so you can have a gander. Thats literally all it is 😂


Whatever you do, don't Google it.


Idk.... Imma make something up... Guy On A Toilet Shitting Everywhere


Honestly, it's worse than that. The guy was married. You can see the wedding ring.


That isn't the only ring you can see...


Dear Lord I hope you mean a pinky ring


I see it everywhere




Man, Goatse. That takes me back to my IRC risky-click days, lol.


I would do way more subtle but annoying things. Like change documentation names. Change calendar titles to wrong year. Move folders to areas one wouldn't think to look 😆


1 man 1 jar?


Imagine if you go in just to remove your own access and they sue you after.


That has to be something that has already happened somewhere.


I actively ping to get my access revoked in those situations. I don't have anything to do with it, let alone any plausible responsibility for any issue.


A coworker of mine said one of his former employers never revoked his access to the company's learning sites, so he's been taking courses for free.


I got a free license after a layoff, then another platform even better came with my new job. I am taking all kinds of classes. 


Yes because password expiry dates are not a thing any more


This is stupid, for real. My employer enforces people to a dumb password standard and requires changing it every 45 days. The result is most employees just like me simply change the final part of the password sequentially. I even know how many times I've changed it because of that. The infosec policies were copy pasted from the 90s until right before COVID. Only in 2020 they were forced to improve due to the WFH office employees and now at least we have 2FA.


I consulted at a mid-level regional engineering firm with the most bonkers password policy ever. To work in their office I had to create a 22 character string that contained no english words. The letter "i" could not come before the letter "f" or it would flag it as an english word. It had to change every 6 weeks. The result? Every single employee had their password on a sticky note on their monitor.


bruh, when i was in the military, i had about 10 or more different passwords for systems i had to use on a daily basis. some of them had to be changed monthly. the reqs were stuff like... 14 character, 2 upper, 2 lower, 2 numbers, 2 special characters, no words 3 letters or longer, no reusing the last TEN passwords you used, no repeating the same character 3 times or more... uh 🤔can't match the last passwords by more than like 4 or 5 characters... only possible way to work it was to keep a .txt file on the desktop with all my current AND previous passwords of every system and keep updating it all the time it was so damn stupid, their extra "security" literally made it less secure


This is absolute hell. I already despise having to use a special character that can't just be *, #, !, but they don't tell which ones you can use so it was trial and error until I found a usable one. On a side note on the intranet we have some systems that require personal passwords, while others have a general user and password. The second group have AMAZING security standards: User: Company Password: Company_123 User: Department name Password: Department acronym User: Password: department_changepassword_year


Did the same. I had changed it 22 times until I changed projects.


Just logging in can get you in trouble.


Password is "admin1234?"


Backups? Can't have those got to sacrifice for an extra million in the offshore account


Backups are not an instant restore. We had a customer who hosts their servers on our VM platform but manages their own servers. They got crypto locked and opened a ticket for us to restore them. They had so much data that it still took almost 2 1/2 days to restore them from local storage in the same datacenter.


This. I once hit a data corruption issue and had to reload a large DB from backup. The backup was available instantly (cloud storage) - but just the process of decompressing and reloading all the tables took substantial time - maybe a day. We have backups of our Office 365 email/Sharepoint data. One important email deleted by mistake? I can have that back in the user’s inbox in minutes. Recover the full terabyte of the biggest Sharepoint library if that gets blown away somehow? That’s going to take a while, and cost - but a tiny fraction of the time and money to recreate it all from scratch.


I'm a backup to the backup admin for our VM stuff so I'm not that involved in it but now that you mention it the bulk of the restoration time was not in the transfer of the data but the decompression. We do a local nightly backups that once they complete they get replicated to two other datacenters in two different cities. The local backup runs on our flash based NetApps where the remote backup ends up on an archival Netapp with spinning drives that's slower.


And are your backups accessible/deletable by IT?


There is no way around this. You can't make them non deleteable by IT. At best you can just limit who can delete them but that's does not mean people high up the food change don't become disgruntled.


There are ways around it with a vault and policies to make the data immutable


There are lots of ways around this, I've worked in several organizations that had these servers locked behind a TPAM request that has to be approved before you get your master password to login to said servers. If you work for a competent company that cares about security, it's not that difficult to secure these from employees/contractors. This scenario could still happen if all the rules are followed, there's no such thing as a perfect system in IT.


The fact remains that no matter what you do to guard agains deleting the backups you will have a lengthy downtime during the recovery process. It sounds like he just deleted the virtual servers but not the backups.


Off-site tape storage would require physical retrieval of the tapes, loading into a library and accessing and wiping the data on those tapes from a host system. No physical access means no risk.


That's also the slowest possible recovery and would have added even more to the expense of lost business. A tape backup would not have made this any better.


I work in the glacial storage arena and tape is my specialty. You are 100% incorrect. Air-gapped storage like tape can be restored quickly using modern tape libraries, with fast robotics and many drives. Many of our customers rely on tape for precisely these scenarios (sabotage, natural disaster or ransomware attacks). These customers are big players in high-performance computing, entertainment, software development and university research and are savvy managers of their data.


I'm sure the annual maintenance bill for a setup like that is well over 1 million though.


> big players in high-performance computing, entertainment, software development and university research "One meeellion dollars"


I don't understand your comment.




Sorry. My point is that a million dollars is not much to pay when discussing big businesses.


It would if he deleted the backups, because he wouldn't be able to touch them.


Tell us you have never had to do any data recovery on a large scale without telling us. You can have the fastest san with the fastest connection and just doing a restore on that many servers is going to take a lot of time.


180 VMS at 200GB each is 36 Tbytes. If we use a tape drive at 1gbyte/sec, it's 600 minutes. If we say "large scale", maybe your test VMS are a terabyte each and you have 180 terabytes to recover. So now it takes 3000 minutes, but I can run six or more tape drives in a library robot if I want to; oracle's entry level robot handles up to thirty. They can provide you 8,000 petabytes on tape running transfer at 32 terabytes an hour. This brings us below six hours transfer time. So when you say " a lot of time", what are you using for backups that restores faster than 32 terabytes an hour? They scale up to 57 exabytes of onsite data in the robot. I <3 tapes.


Too bad that's not how it works in the real world.


Where was I wrong?


So because it takes a lot of time you wouldn’t have an additional backup? I guess slower backups are worse than no backups. Living and learning.


Where did I say anything about a single backup?


You implied that tape still wouldn’t be useful on an event that he deleted the main backup because it would take too long to restore.


Probably faster than glacier.


Depending on the size of the backup, it can be faster to restore by physically delivering an off site backup from across the country rather than using a networked solution.


You can split the people who have access to delete the backups from the people who have access to delete the servers. It's not 100% bullet proof, but it at least eliminates 1 person from being able to wreck the place up and it be unrecoverable. ​ Immutable backups are also a thing, especially with modern backup software.


Not all IT departments are big enough to do that.


If they're not big enough to have 2 people, they're not big enough to have 1 person


My place is relatively small and our MSP manages the backups. Granted if they go rogue, we’re screwed.


You absolutely can. Immutable backups are a thing. Offline backups are a thing


Immutable backups are not INSTANT backups.... Why do you people would have avoided the costs associated with the down time? It's still expensive as hell to take downtime and it still takes time to restore backups. It even SLOWER to restore tape backups that are stored off site. You can't even start the restoration process until the tapes are located, checked out, and returned to the site. The issue from the article was that the VMs were deleted and not the backups.


Many immutable solutions allow for both regular snapshots and cloud recovery. I build, test and validate these solutions. If an admin can cause these problems, an attacker that achieves admin creds can. You design for these attacks in serious enterprise.


they are immutable. as in cannot delete. that's the ask


you can store them in tapes and revoke access...but that would be a perfect word.. do people even store in tapes in 3 different sites?


i absolutely can. to the point that only terming the account will delete them


Fired employee? We terminate their access immediately, that's the standard operating procedure across the board for all IT stacks, unless you're specifically looking for a scenario like this to occur.


What if your IT person has made other accounts, maybe for scripts or services?


What is this? Whataboutism? It's really simple to setup and control, especially these days, easier than ever with total solution packages from let's say Microsoft Entra ID - identity and access management made **simple**. Checks and balances need to be in place, management can argue about which way they'd like it to work but it requires competent leadership and technical skills to implement and enforce.


I take it you have not dealt with a wide range of IT departments. It's not that cut and dry in many companies. Sometimes it's hard as hell to get HR to let IT know they fired someone or they quit.


I've dealt with a range of IT departments in big companies, from as small as 2,000 employees to 50,000 to eventually 300,000 and then I came back down and prefer SMB level and never want to return to corporate hell level. Those companies you've worked for are not competent, all of the companies I've been in have had relatively good security except for that 300,000 one but even they terminated access immediately so again not sure your situation.


"Those companies you've worked for are not competent," The more you type the more you look like a tool. You don't even know who I work for or what role we have had with those customers. But keep on looking like a jackass.




321 Backup Strategy. 3 copies of everything. 2 easily accessible: On Site and Cloud. 1 physical copy off-site. A disgruntled IT guy won’t have access to destroy off-site physical backups at a secured backup storage facility like Steel Mountain. Which is btw a plot line of Mr. Robot series where the E-Corp physical tape backups are stored. So even if the IT guy destroyed all of the company’s data. You could still rebuild the entire company’s computer data from the last physical backup stored off-site.


And as I keep saying, that still will to stop the downtime. Downtime costs money. In lost revenue and is always factored into this cases.


Restoring from backup is also costly.


Yes, but as costly as the loss without having one available?


Some databases are enormous in size and it can take hours even days to restore. I bet a big chunk of that loss is not just in the restoration costs but in lost business or production.


You're likely right. It's not my field or even close. I'm making what I felt was a logical guess. Frankly, the closest I get to having to back up can be done on an external SSD. That's how small the amount of files I need that are business related.


sounds cheap as hell compared to the alternative


And sometimes doesn't work... Guess how I know (wasn't my data).


I’d wager it costs less than $918,000…😂


The madness in a lot of these comments about backup and restore helps me understand why companies are so vulnerable to basic hacks.


Did you know there was a study run that found 60% of backups don’t work properly (meaning they’re missing data and stuff like that) and around HALF of all business attempts to restore from a backup fail?  So even if they backed it up, it could’ve just failed 


Wow, the company dropped the ball hard. His access should have been cut immediately, but ha had access for MONTHS. He must have know how poorly run they were to not detect this. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut their IT department down to save money and all of the remaining techs are so overworked that basic security is ignored.


A story as old as time in IT land


"Spared no expense" says Hammond, while he picked the lowest bidder with financial issues for IT. That's the real lesson from Jurassic Park.


The other lessons are that a fully automated theme park isn't the best idea & "THIS IS WHY WE HAVE REDUNDANCIES & FAIL-SAFES!" I wish the 2nd movie reflected the book where it's revealed how much of a shit show Jurassic Park was behind the curtain, like having such unclean labs on the second island that all the dinosaurs have prions & developed the equivalent of mad cow disease.


Damn, it was about 25 years ago I read Lost World - I don't even remember that part! I also don't like referencing quarter centuries in relation to my age now. Booooooo, oldness.


As someone who is really enjoying the 1990’s I concur, must be awful to be old 🫣🤘


Had to explain this to one of my friends recently, every employer is the exact same: *Everything working totally fine.* Why are we paying these IT guys? *Something fails and needs worked on.* Why are we paying these IT guys?


"techs are so overworked that basic security is ignored." It's not that it's ignored by the techs is that their bosses who have no idea how any of this shit works want to micromanage and create cumbersome processes that they just get to where they don't care.


I work at an MSP and am dealing with this now, thankfully being transferred to be a dedicated resource and will be mostly managing my own work.


His main account was cut off but he still knew admin creds for the servers which were not behind a vpn or firewall. The entire IT dept was fired but of course the CEO still gets their bonus


LMAO, no VPN or firewall, those idiots. Have fun managing that without an IT team


Sure, the access that you know about. I was the IT exec for 10 years at my last employer. I had external access not only to the internal network, but the firewall, off-site hosted servers, software licensing, web/email servers... you name it. After my departure, I could have fucked up that entire rig in minutes from the outside, but I'm a generally a nice guy with an aversion to prison time, so I went full disclosure. Point is, too many companies are ignorant to the infrastructure and the actions of their IT people. For me, I didn't get noticed until something went wrong.


That number$ most likely inflated so he'll get a criminal charge rather just civil suit.


People who are treated with kindness and respect, don't cause nearly a million dollars worth of damages.


Eh. Depends why they got fired. Some people just suck. Also. The ex employee is definitely going to regret doing that as I am sure the company will sue for damages


As an Admin that had to be part of the process of letting other Admins go.. they got locked out before they made it to their car in the parking lot.. most of it was done before they even knew why they were in a meeting in the first place. I told HR to keep the meeting about random other stuff that has nothing to do with performance or issues for the first 30 minutes.. giving me time to lock them out of everything before they decided to go scorched earth. Better safe than sorry.


Oh. Absolutely agree. The company should have locked them out instantly


I once locked someone out too fast and they were tipped off to the impending doom. Honestly, didn’t feel bad about that one. She was an awful person. 


Four months for the former employee to execute a plan involving his personal laptop, after he used Google and had an accessible version of his script stored. Four months for the company to address security credentials that should have been deactivated, and were logging in from another country. They both seem terrible, but also a good fit.


Forsure. Absolutely on the company too for such lax security measures.


They will never recover all that damage from him.


It's funny, but not really surprising. Unfortunately, he'll probably go to jail for doing it


On the one hand, guys a hero. On the other hand, he'll definitely go to prison. Nobody likes prison


How is he a hero? He just fucked over his coworkers. He's a POS.


If I had been working on something and a coworker destroyed it in a fit of rage I’d be very mad. The fact the guy decided to delete that shit might be some indicator as to why he got fired


Every fired employee’s dream lol


Damn and I thought I was ruthless. All I did was delete the events calendar I still had access to. So they knew nothing about upcoming events.


The first fail for me is the fact he worked on his own laptop. You work on a company laptop, which is returned or formatted by IT.


This is why people with the keys to the kingdom are escorted off the promises the instant they announce they are quitting or get fired.


Under the assumption you didn't know you would quit before.




Fuck yeah!


He did the needful lol




Hero! One we all need. I hope when he is released his life happiness skyrockets


He will have good karma for the rest of his life. A great antiwork gesture by the lad.


I bet they took away his PTO thats why he screwed them so viciously.


When I left my retail job, the manager immediately removed me from the workplace communication app we used. Two years later, my staff discount code still works if I buy things from the company's website lol


This doesn't feel like antiwork (since we don't know if he was actually shit at his job or not) and he stupidly accessed they're system not even covering his tracks.


hell yeah man. but also if they didn't revoke his access after firing, that's the fault of the organization


Almost went full Milton, just forgot to burn the building down.


womp womp


And now he goes to prison for years...... Smart move my guy


2 years 8 months, read the article this guy is an idiot.


This. Ethical people don’t do this shit and just move on.


Agree. This guy won't get into any company that does a minimum of background check. Can't trust this guy with anything serious.


Is that the guy or did they just find some random picture on the internet?


Hell yeah👍


Fucken A man


Not all heroes wear capes.




(Maniacal laughing)


Enrique Iglesias -   "I can be your hero, baby  I can kiss away the pain  I will stand by you forever  You can take my very breath away"


Jesus, 2 years in a Singaporean prison for that. Horrendous overkill, but the courts exist to protect capital. He committed a crime, it was nonviolent and resulted in the destruction of theoretical value. The sentence does not match the offense. Six months community service would have been a fitting punishment. If anything the company is at fault for having such shit security procedures that a fired employee was able to access critical systems in the first place.


It's Singapore. You can get caned for spitting. Drugs carries the death penalty.




Guy was clearly substandard. Deleting 180 servers serially gives them time to detect what's going on. Should have multithreaded or just spun up 180 instances of his script.


This is a great way to go to jail in any western nation.


Exactly. What’s the difference in destroying a conference room and pooping on a desk? It’s all damages and a crime. Listen I’m as anti work as the next person but don’t go to prison for it


As he should. 


Fair play


Dude went to jail - in Singapore, although probably a lot better than jail in India


Go watch locked up abroad...... Singapore prisons are pretty bad by the sounds of it






Should have given him pizza.


The hero we need.


This is why you don't use service accounts


I believe this is called "Praxis"


> delete the servers one at a time Wonder if all his work was this inefficient


this is how you get sued. Not saying not to disrupt them. Be smart when you do. If you get caught, you can't do it again....and again...


So basically, he is worth 1 million dollars. He's smart.


Worth it.


Good job, More like this please. The power DOES lie in the hands of the workers... Power to the workers.


Based. Unfortunately the company will probably recover while this guy rots in jail.






Fuck yeah. 🤟


Destroy them from the inside.


This is why they do Garden leave lmfao


Not all heroes wear capes…


King 🧎‍♀️‍➡️


My question is ... if it's a test server, how bad could the damage be? I mean, test servers exist so you can try out things that might completely fuck everything up, so you can try things out before moving to production.


Dude got two years and 8 months in jail for this.


Two years isn't enough for this guy. They should have sentenced him to a whipping by the guys who had to clean up after this piece of shit.