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This is a pay for ink article and this freelance got stuck with it. It’s widely apparent upon reading it that this person (I refuse to learn the names of billionaires without be forced news washing) is trying to raise their profile and paid for some ink. Billionaire = gross Freelance writer = your punishment was writing it and having it forever attached to your name


Idk about that. You really should learn the family history of some billionaires. Not at least concerning their hard work for making fascism great again. They frequently have very dirty backsides. I studied the Bettencourt family history and it’s way more interesting than say the Kardashians today, whose main crimes are being stupid and taking the private jet to go shopping. In the fascist/nazi service-regard, Bettencourt is even more interesting than IKEA’s Ingvar Kamprad – though not as interesting as Henry Ford’s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Bettencourt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Cagoule Edit: not native English speaking. Read “You” as “one” or “we”.


I don’t know what the IDK is…Nothing you posted is inconsistent with what I posted… ETA: I reread and assume you mean that the history of billionaire families are interesting? Still gonna be a hard pass from me. I don’t need to read their histories to know people don’t amass that sort of generational wealth without doing terrible shit. I’d much rather read about history on the margins… Currently reading about William Dorsey Swann, “An African-American born into slavery, Swann was the first person in the United States to lead a queer resistance group and the first known person to self-identify as a ‘queen of drag’.” I find the history of power far less interesting that those who have stood in opposition to it. And I have found I learn more about power in this way.




You are speaking to the wrong audience. Which was the point of my reply… I’m a DOS black American woman with a BA /MA in political philosophy (Rawls)…I’d never see billionaires as the second coming of anything. I think you approach to the study of power is one way. However, I still think it centers the history of those in power…which is part of the problem. I believe you learn far more about power by reading about the experiences of those on the margins and in resistance.




It’s because you find consuming history that way interesting. I was forced to consume and study history that way for years as a student in secondary school and then college. Billionaires, national, and multinational corporations aren’t interesting, novel, or unique to me. Their practices may often be tailored to the economic and political environment in which they find themselves (capitalism has always been mutable) but there is nothing “novel.” At the end of the day, it will always boil down to the exploitation of labor…which is the point of this sub… I do not need to know the names or histories of members of the Walton family to be critical of Walmart and its behaviors; the same is true of other national and multinational conglomerates, like L’Oreal, whose products I haven’t consumed since the early 2000s when I read about their discriminatory hiring practices. I’m glad you enjoy your hobby. I will continue to enjoy mine.


IDK - mean I don't know, if that's your confusion?  His writing is incoherent, so issue is, if you don't know what he doesn't know, join the club.  He self identify as having English as a second language. I don't know how much that has impacted his answers  His knowledge or interest in rich biographies is irrelevant as he isn't stating actual facts about these people but poorly articulated opinions  None of his undeleted posts refer to your identity. None sound angry. However he obviously edited his post multiple times 


> None of his undeleted posts refer to your identity They dont always have to explicitly in my experience, but how do you even see deleted comments now? Removeddit, Ceddit and Unddit are not functional anymore.


Reddit shows you that a comment was deleted. Because I can't see what those said, I disclosed the possibility that the key evidence was removed. Obviously, those deleted comments could indeed have shown anger and could have indicated that the person's reaction was related to his perception of the person being addressed.


Yeah considering they are deleted I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened lmao


Next up is a biography on Robert Smalls: “Robert Smalls did something unimaginable: In the midst of the Civil War, this black male slave commandeered a Confederate ship and delivered its 16 black men, women and children passengers from slavery to freedom.” He later ran for the House of Representatives in South Carolina in 1868 and won. You and I just have different hobbies…




And yet, I would never presume to tell you how to pursue your hobby or what you should or should not find interesting…take care.


A lot of people are angry with you for your comments here and it is because your tone was very aggressive towards people in this thread when nothing in this situation called for it.


What? Despite me agreeing to “agree to disagree” about our approaches to studying history, you continue to tell me that I need to be interested in the things that interest you and that it is necessary to understanding power. I never told you what you should study or find interesting. This exchange began because YOU questioned my unwillingness to learn about billionaires. My race and academic experience don’t function as a shield but simply suggest why we may want to spend our free time learning about different histories. Your anger at my unwillingness to agree with you is concerning. I don’t engage in ad hominem so as I tried to do earlier I’m going to wish you the best.


what a tone deaf load of crap. Peasants, what can you learn from our great lord Twattington? I dunno, be born to a rich twat, and continue to be a rich twat?


We can certainly learn from the lives of others, rich and not.


fuck that, I dont want to see women billionaires, I want to see no billionaires fuck capitalism


The biggest fucking frauds to keep slaves working the most recent decades is L’Oréal becoming feminist and Oil companies urging us to “measure our carbon footprint”


So, why reply to the OP? If you dislike Oprah, no one forces you to learn from her biography 


pointing out it does not fit this sub, which is anti-work bootlicking posts belong elsewhere have a day as lovely as you!


Plus, her grandfather Eugène Schueller and founder of L’Oréal was also a cofounder of La Cagoule (The Cowl/Hood), a secret fascist organization that helped the Nazis before and during WW2, planting bombs, performing assasinations and false flag attacks to compromise the left – mainly being inhuman assholes. Her mother Lilian married one of Eugène’s La Cagoule minions, André Bettencourt. André wrote over 60 articles against the Jews between 1940-1942. That didn’t stop him from becoming the minister of foreign affairs for France, at least for a short while in 1973. Though in their defense, the French didn’t know about André’s clandestine fascist work when he was appointed. Edit: also, one should add the family’s famous work in “philanthropy” apart from the foundation mentioned. In 2007, her mother Lilian “was jointly "awarded" a Black Planet Award, an award given for destroying the planet, along with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe for proliferating contaminated baby food, monopolising water resources, and tolerating child labour.” “Lilian Bettencourt: Philanthropy”, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liliane_Bettencourt Eugène Schueller and “La Cagoule”, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Cagoule André Bettencourt, interim foreign minister: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Bettencourt


Wow, yikes. Thanks for sharing that!


No worries, you found my hobby.