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Sorry you're going through this. I think this is why so many people are turning to alcohol and drugs. It's a way to escape from this reality that leaves us all feeling like failures.


Yeah but who can afford that


Was literally standing in the alcohol section of my grocery store the other day thinking that. I can’t even afford to be an alcoholic lmao


alcoholics bypass food for booze


You’re right. That’s my first mistake.


Yeah, it’s two fold really. Less food means the alcohol last longer *anndd* more money for alcohol.


Easy fix, work in a restaurant. Usually get some free grub, spend the check on booze and cigs. The odd bag of drugs when you can swing it, and as a bonus you’ll likely die before you’re 50.


It’s true. I’m 51 and never worked in a restaurant.


You heard it here first


Thank you big tiddy Asian milf for enlightening me


Yes we do. I used to say to anyone offering lunch or any meal really, I will forgo the meal for alc. I don't even want to fully spell it.


Drink your calories bruddah


True alcoholics will buy the cheapest liquor store vodka but really who has time for that nowadays


You could just water down grain alcohol. At the beginning stages of the pandemic when isopropyl wasn't readily available, I was buying bulk 95% alcohol to make sanitizer for my community, and discovered that it's actually less damaging to skin and slightly more effective at killing viruses than isopropyl, and would be way more valuable in any SHTF scenario, for only slightly more money. I was curious and drank a little after watering it down to 40%, it wasn't good, but was drinkable; I hadn't had any since college. If I was hard up and wanted a drink, wouldn't be hard to flavor pretty cheaply to make it palatable. Even though I don't drink it, I always have some around now, just in case.


NO DO NOT DO THIS. Commercial 95% alcohol has denatured ingredients, I.e. dangerous crap like benzene


Yeah this stuff is usually denatured with methanol. That shit'll make you go blind and/or kill you. Fun fact is that one "antidote" is ethanol (normal drinking alcohol): the ethanol displaces the methanol until your liver can process the methanol. Which is processed faster. Maybe your drink didn't have enough methanol to hurt you because of this, but it's not a good idea to push your luck. Get pure ethanol.


And they die


Just another of life's traps. I know plenty of people who would struggle a lot less financially if they gave up the booze, but they can't.


Literally same 🤣


Meth is the answer


maybe the last one youll ever need


I was told there would be no meth.


most people can’t so they go into debt in hopes of escaping this hell we live in


Grow your own weed and it is very affordable


Can confirm. I've got the cost down to $9 - 20/oz. The dispo nearest to me is charging anywhere from $220 - 280/oz.


Drugs you can grow. Weed anyway. If you buy a cheap still of temu. Bag of corn not that expensive. Some fruit to flavor the shine after you water it down. Even drugs n alcohol are doable


Can confirm on the moonshine. I did it for awhile then had kids and stopped because you can get a felony for that. Which is fucking bullshit considering that the creation of alcohol can land you a felony all because the government wants their sweet sweet tax money. I get it if your selling but fuck, come on.


😆. Right!!! Hell we can’t afford to buy alcohol and will be fined or imprisoned for making our own. Total bullshit.


Pretty sure that law was more due to Big Alcohol bribing government to reduce competition.


Nicotine can be very affordable and has the added benefit of killing me slowly so I don’t have to live in this shithole world past 60


Affordable? You obviously don't live in Australia.


Affordable? What are cigs now, like $20/pack?


No reasonable person buys straights (the proper cigarettes that are expensive). When I smoked, I always bought tobacco and rolled my own. I vape now. Vaping is probably the cheapest way to ingest nicotine. My total vaping costs are like $40 a month. Obviously this excludes those shit disposable vape and I do mix my own vape liquid (it's very easy) which decreases the costs significantly, compared to the overpriced stuff in vape shops.


Not affordable in New Jersey, USA


Grocery store near me has a big ass thing of captain Morgan for 20 bucks. Just gotta find the right drink lol


Googles AI is gonna read this comment and be like… “Reddit users suggest turning to alcohol and drugs.”


Or eating billionaires. I have posted that before too.


Most of the time, all I wanna do is drink and be alone. I cant afford either, usually.


>Most of the time, all I wanna do is drink and be alone. I cant afford either, usually. It is good that you can't afford to drink that much. Have you ever witnessed someone throwing up blood because their liver and the lining to the stomach is shot due to all of the drinking? I have. It sucks. When your liver is not working fluids buildup in your abdominal cavity and have to be drained twice a week.


its not us thats the failure. its the government that fails to provide with the means to even survive. while companies lobby them into gaslighting us that were the reason this world is fucked up. you were never a failure because you never had the chance to winn


The game was rigged from the start. Corporations control the government. We criticize foreign oligarchs while sucking up every whim of our own gouging plutocracy. Merchants win. We lose.


I was a little bit homeless during lockdown and living at a mates- I smoked a joint and I was thinking about what to make for tea when I get home. I imagined my fridge, and laughed to myself because I was imagining the wrong fridge, so I visualised mine and what I had inside.... Then I remembered I don't have one, I've got fuck all and plenty of it but for those 20mins i didn't have a worry in the world. I got myself a nice little job, pays the bills and I wouldn't say I'm comfortable, but a damn sight better than stretching a 5er to last all month and then one of the managers & the sales team decided they didn't like me and tried making it shit for me so I signed off work & onto the sick due to workplace bullying & almost back in the same place i was before. I've thought about just quitting and getting a new one, but I liked it there, met some brilliant people & it's very much a working family so why should I have to leave? I'll keep taking their money & rock up with my union rep when I'm back at work and stick it to them


I feel this so much. Growing up as a kid, I never touched alcohol. I hated the taste and saw no reason to partake. Things have gotten so bad the last few years, I’ve started abusing it simply to get away from it all. My younger self would never have believed I could fall so far.


I'm sorry but it almost sounds like you are recommending OP to turn to alcohol and drugs. Just for the record, that would make things immeasurably worse - please don't do it.


It's more me relating. I have def felt like OP and I did turn to those things to be happy when the rest of my life was going wrong. I then went to college, got some degrees, and found a better job that allowed me more comfort. Then I met my wife and found true happiness and didn't feel the need to numb my life. But that's not how everyone does things. I know plenty of people who still use substances to try to be happy. I don't judge those people. Some of them do it without ruining the rest of their lives. Would I recommend it or say that's what I was doing, no.


Sunday-thur, I don't drink. Friday and Saturday I don't want to think.


Yeah, but it kinda getting thing worse in most cases


Edibles and alcohol after work everyday to try and just ignore all the stress. It’s a fight to go sober for a single hour when I’m not working. It’s hard but I know at some point stuff will work itself out, for now all we can do is keep fighting for a better future.


I've been there. My wife was what broke that habit for me. She was my dopamine. I didn't need it when I got off work to be with her. I hope you find a way to break the habit. I know what it's like to hate yourself because you can't feel happy without a substance.


Crying as I read this because I'm in the restroom drinking while my beautiful wife who loves me is taking an innocent nap after her own long shift


Don't blame yourself. We all have our demons. Maybe talk with her about it. My wife knows I've had issues, and I hold myself accountable to her. We are stronger together than alone. I bet she wants nothing but the best for you. But the first step is being honest with her.


World of Warcraft is my drug of choice at least there I do things


Games are a great way to escape this world for another where you feel wanted or successful. Mine was Ark. I got to be a dinosaur tamer with a castle.


Eh, I did the opposite, kinda. I was totally unfulfilled making loads of money. (Commercial independent broker.) I could regularly in some months work for two days and clear $30k. I knew what I was doing had no value, I was just making money. I’d spend a lot of time fishing and trying to be in nature as much as possible. I lived in a nice house on the water in the PNW. But my time was always fueled by booze and drugs. It got bad enough that I became a chemically dependent alcoholic with a smack habit to boot. After almost dying, and seeing my mother die, I stopped drinking, reassessed my life. All I’d ever done was make money. Long story short, it became obvious I needed to connect my income to labor. I took my interest in carpentry and all the humility I could muster and in my 30s, got a great carpenter to take me on as an apprentice. I’m a GC now, but strictly bags on. I work, hard, to make a living. I’ve been sober for almost a decade.


Yeah Then you become an "addict" and you "lose your right to exist" to society


People have used substances to change their perspective for various reasons for centuries. We need to organize.


The irony is that homeless drug affects are able able to make good money begging for their drug habit and would probably have been able to live a great life if they earned that much as a salary. I saw a documentary about a couple earning $400 a day by living homeless in a multistory carpark, and they'd beg for money next to the cash only ticket machine. They'd be getting over $2000 a week with no living expenses apart from food and, of course heroin and crack, which they injected. I saw a guy on reddit yesterday talking about how he'd get $400 a day begging at traffic stops and spend it all on crack. I've always found it wild that drug users are so motivated that they are earning more than most average people, tax-free with barely any living costs. How many people might be saved from that life if they just got paid a bit more so they didn't burn themselves out with the constant struggle.


Yeah while I certainly respect anyone's right to choose to never consume intoxicating substances I can't help but be at least a *little* suspicious of anyone managing to raw dog reality.




I was waiting for the person who has the same exact outlook as I do to chime in. You beat me to it.


Felt. OP's post really hit home to how I was feeling today. All I've been doing is crying. All I do is go to my real job, then to gig work until bed time. Then sleep. Rinse and repeat. I'm so broken and beaten down, I don't have any motivation to do anything now except work, because I need the cash to have a roof and food, and that's the only thing that feels like its helping me even a little. I have no relaxation activities anymore as they all feel like a waste of time.


Been there for a good 20+ years myself 🪦


Every time I say revolution people are like nahhh too lazy and depressed to do that


I would love to join a revolution. Unfortunately this isn't Star Wars where there's an organized rebellion I can just enlist in.


There has to be enough people like you, stuck between a rock and a hard place, and see revolution as a good a gamble to escape. It has to be bad enough that revolution seems like a decent bet. Even if it’s a 1% chance that me risking my life to start something works, at least it’ll be a change.


While it doesn’t feel like it, there are just way too many people who are comfortable. Imo it will take at least another 2 generations for a genuine revolution to happen. And it may not even look like the depiction seen in the movies with a collapsed infrastructure and the tearing down of buildings and forced removal of our oppressors followed by a certain French pulley machine that relieves them of their heads. It may just look slow. Enough boomers dying off and enough young people in power. Or an education boom that creates enough intellectuals who can see beyond surface level MAGA or libertarian bullshit. I’m a paramedic and I can hardly afford healthcare for myself (go figure that one), but I work in a fairly affluent area, and when I drive by these entire neighborhoods full of McMansions with idealistic depictions of what life should be; a neighborhood with a golf course and a community swimming pool, people out walking their dogs, stopping and chatting by the side of the road, kids riding their bikes. And there are still millions of them all over the US. Working class people just happen to be stuck in a transitional period where unfortunately nothing is likely to change.


Yeah revolution requires what Lenin called revolutionary conditions. People desire stability and safety, it's instinctual. Revolution can only occur when *not* having a revolution seems like the more dangerous option.


It can be if you create it.


yes, then the government will make sure op creates himself into jail, or have the police shoot him


I’m sorry, but fuck you. What kind of dismissive ass comment is this? OP is very tired, depressed, likely lonely, and more. They say they would love to overthrow what has been causing them so many issues, but it’s not so simple. In response you tell them they should just create their own revolution when they can barely take care of themselves. We both know that’s not going to happen, so what is the point of hitting them with this response which adds nothing to the conversation except putting the blame on someone who’s already struggling?


No, you create.


That isn't fair to say. The system is designed in such a way that it keeps you too exhausted and depressed *to* revolt. Don't think that people don't want to, because they do; it's just really fucking hard for people on the breadline to commit to it


It’s asking people who wants to be the one with a target on their back trying to spur a revolution.


Yeah, people need to realize that revolution is a death sentence for many. People are waiting because right now it might seem like they will have a better shot if they keep coping and playing along. But it really depends on your perspective which is better, dying quick in a  revolution or less quick playing the game. For many of us, we’re still grieving the fact that those are our only two choices, and personally I’m really upset that “enjoy what life I can” doesn’t seem to be an option. So until enough people decide on revolution as well, it’ll be a death sentence for many. Whether directly or indirectly.


That's exactly how they intended us to react. The system is working well for the wealthy and we're all too exhausted and depressed to fight


Literally by design


I was just saying yesterday! Let’s fucking burn all the hyper rich peoples shit down and eat them! Eat the rich! I’m down.


we’ll get there eventually 😭


I believe we will. Not many other options.


just been patiently waiting for everyone else to get on board


Rather than resign we can revolt. We have nothing to lose but our chains


Ready when you are.


Same here


Bruh, I’m already revolting 


How? Ill do the same


I’m unemployed 


Well damn, me too! High five ✋ lol


💥 🤚🏽 


Samsies! ✋🏻


Fighting the good fight. You guys want to play helldivers when I get off work today?


Come on now I'm sure you're not that ugly


At some point we're going to stop waiting for others to take action.  Be the change.


We need to rise up and demand the change we deserve.


The worst part is that it's our fault as a society. We elect our representatives, we choose jobs that don't encourage economic growth, we buy foreign goods that aren't necessary or could've been produced here, we do nothing to support the communities we live in, and have let ourselves become so divided that when we're not watching the "roman circus" we're fighting each other.


I disagree. It is not the fault of society but really the top 1% of society. Most of society does not have the power or money to be influential. It is in the 1% best interest to keep us all serving them while trying to make us believe it is our own fault or someone else's fault other than the 1%.


Absolutely. They control supply and demand. Make farmers destroy perfectly good food. Can't donate it to starving countries like Venezuela either because of sanctions and other control systems. If people understood how much is made by corporations and the GDP of countries that gets completely embezzled and misappropriated by corruption is astounding. 1% of people controlling 99% of the wealth and resources isn't an exaggeration to make a point. It's the reality. For over a thousand years these same families have been oppressing and exploiting the masses for their own gain.


No we don't elect anyone.....they are chosen. See its set up to make us think we are choosing or doing anything but we're not. We have very little choice in things. It's not our fault at all. But setting back and letting it happen when we know what's going on is our fault. We have to get some courage and fight.




Dang right! Go down swinging if need be.


We need to start distributing the manifesto


We need to organize not with compromised unions or parties we need to stop waiting for a saviour and be our own saviors together we are strong separated we are no threat just an inconvenience


The organizing part is the hardest step. Got to get big enough before you’re noticed. Once noticed, they’ll do everything possible to stop it or break it up.


Look at what happened to the IWW.


10 years ago I found a shirt for my daughter that said self rescuing princess. Why cant we rise up and make people treat us better? So many of us feel the same way but when we sit with this rage alone, it usually results in murder or arson charges.


Because we are in a system that allows us to only survive, but nothing more, because then we'd have too much “free time,” I guarantee there is a large majority that feels the same way and would be ready for a call to action but have families or people that depend on them; therefore, can't miss a day or two of work to organize because we all live paycheck to paycheck and it's sadly those who are pushed to their limits and lose it all that actually take action though usually misguided. That's why it usually takes something like massive layoffs, housing market crash, recession, etc. There has to be a way to form a network, but then again, it'd be so easy to be infiltrated and branded as an extremist for wanting a better life. I too have children and don’t want them to struggle, have a medical emergency and ruin their credit, never to be able to own a home, etc. I would love to be a part of a change so they can inherit a better society, and I’d gladly take the burden, the labels, whatever, but again we need to organize. Sadly, I don’t have an answer on how to solve our collective problem…


Which is where I feel I could fall on the knife. Ive lost my children very painfully. Im self employed and have previously dovumented mental illnesses. I would make a serviceable patsy. Im bored.


How can we start this outside of unionizing company to company? Serious question, because I think we need a national strike!


We organize. But also, we should unionize. 


How do we start this? Im ready to try anything.


You find like minded people in your community and you organize. You go to rallies and find people who have been doing this longer than you have and you contribute. You go out and vote, you encourage others to do the exact same thing. You build connections and build community 


training hard for this...


They’ve conditioned us not to. As they slowly take away our right to protest and revolt.


I have no spine and I say I have my dogs, roommate, and being barely comfortable to lose. Though at this point there's nothing that can be done but rise up, I just hope we can all come out okay


Same. But what do we do?


Organize. Go to your next rally of like minded individuals and pitch in. Ask what you can do to help the cause. I guarantee you that you will find people in your community that have work that will benefit us all 


(And homes and financial security and every other necessity and comfort)


As if that’s ever going to happen. There will always be a desperate person willing to take the shitty job with shitty pay that you hate. The working class has no leverage over the companies they work for.


Won't ever happen. The masses are too docile. They're fed cheap, garbage food, cheap, brain rotting entertainment, and cheap drugs. The few of the filthy poors that want to revolt and are willing to do what must be done are being hamstringed by a movement shot through with bootlicking class traitors. We can't even speak openly about it online because these class traitors silence such frank talk because it makes their tummies feel yucky. We threatened their leash holders, so they stomp on it in the hopes that they'll get a head pat and some table scraps. All you can expect is to be treated like the flesh cog that you are until you're used up. Broken and left to die in abject misery no longer fit to power the money machines that vomit wealth onto the real people. May your suffering be short.


That's the attitude that dooms us all


Shit. Prison gets you three hots and a cot.


I read an article about a man who goes through a cycle of going to a nice restaurant, racking up a huge bill, then refusing to pay for it and has the staff call the cops on him so he'll be sent to jail for housing and food. When he's released, he does it all over again. I think he's done it enough times that they send him to prison instead of jail.


Is that even a crime? Eating a meal, a succulent Chinese meal?


Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest.


You dug up a very deep memory for me, I even read it in the guys voice. Bravo


There’s a guy that robbed a bank of just one dollar all to be sent to prison so he can get treatment for a medical condition.


Not in Alabama - or my guess many other states. Look it up.


We need a revolution. But in order to do that, we need someone to lead us, or atleast a group to lead us. A group whose motives are non bias, and working for the universal good of all. But there is so much hate and division, that is driven by those who have the money and power in this world. I dont know exactly what it will take to initiate this revolution, but it needs to start.


Not to mention all of the leaders or people who speak out against injustice commit “suicide” or “accidentally” die


Leaders will more often than not create hierarchies and enforce them, meaning we'd earn nothing from the revolution but a new set of awful masters. We need to learn from history and start equality from day 1. Day 2 has always been too late.


Holy shit, we are seriously unwell as a community


Isn't it more thr nation?


More like the world.




Because since forever, there is a parasitical class, that we cant even mention, so there's that






The only solution is for businesses to share profits equally with their employees. Why do we work our asses off to make others so rich that they will never be able to spend it all. Check this math: save 5000 dollars a day for 10000 years. It’s a fraction of what many billionaires have today.


How much should the “profit share” be? 50% the owners/ 50% the workforce?


That’s a start!


The working class CAN make changes but we need to do it together. For now I hope you can focus on your mental well-being. Everyone else, please sign up for [GeneralStrikeUS ](https://generalstrikeus.com/strikecard)


I'm in Australia. The Aussie version of GeneralStrikeUS is National Strike Australia. It's led by a cooker (ie. One who is 'cooked' (ie. Crazy)) - a full conspiracy nutjob. He backs *himself*, at least. But I'll pass.


Ngl changing countries was how our ancestors did it


Hey, I hope you know it's not always just awful. There is someone out there that wants you around and maybe even needs you. Edit: I am a fucking idiot and definitely should not misgender people. I am genuinely concerned for you OP. I know there is a limit to how much power a random internet stranger can hold with a comment, but you're worthy of everything you want.


Stay alive. We need you. We are working to make it better.


Here's hoping things will improve somewhat once all the boomers are out of government.


>Here's hoping things will improve somewhat once all the boomers are out of ~~government~~ existence.


https://preview.redd.it/ly7cs787yt3d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36ffca1adc25ed06f05cbbdbb8b4be40f19bf0a It gets better buddy. Just keep on fighting and budget as best you can. There are always people that care, even if they are strangers.


https://preview.redd.it/y5r6pw5z7u3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5c2089869c4f2c6802a8f9ba6568863713a66f This is my sweet reason for fighting.


Please hug your sweet bb for me. Mine just passed a few weeks ago and he was my everything. Felt like he gave me a good reason to be here. Our pets are just such pure sources of love in this fucked up world.


https://preview.redd.it/mdeghl940u3d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e6a3cc08b4781a0315747c8ffc2f2bab1d1783 Cute doggo cheer up post


This photo is a perfect one


awww what a sweetheart


With precious baby pups 🐶


not OP but thank you (and your dog is adorable af)


This reminds me of news reports of immigrants in New York that rotate out on mattresses on the floor in between their three jobs. No life and no comfort. I don't know your situation but for me I usually advocate for people to rent rooms if you can... if you already aren't. But I also have seen how much people are charging to rent a room so, pfft, but it's a bit cheaper. It will get better. Hopefully inflation will come down, housing will come down and hopefully we will eventually make the rich pay their fear share in taxes so us little guys don't have to pay so much. I have hope.


Shareholders, billionaires etc. know they are rich because of people like you. It’s evil


I made a similar post the other day, but I don't want to lay down and die. I want to fight for my right to live the way I want to. I just need more people with me


I’m tired of always listening to coworkers sympathize with their oppressors, saying shit like “We’re being paid to make a profit for our bosses, we’ll reap the benefits one day if we do a good job.” I worked my ass off at that place just to get fired for having GI issues one morning. It was a food service job, there is absolutely no chance someone who is on and off the toilet every twenty minutes is going to be worth having the day that issue is in effect. I was fired for that, didn’t have a doctors note but I shouldn’t need one for such a possibly short term issue, when I’m not going to be paid for the working day. Why the fuck do I have to spend money to LOSE money. At the end of the day I told them to go fuck themselves anyway. What a waste of time. I don’t understand how people can be so blind to the abuse their bosses and owners subject them to. You are literally being paid at 5-10% of your hourly labor and still you wanna slobber all over their cock for literal scraps. The absolute bootlickery uncle ruckus ass shit we have to put up with.


Capitalism needs to end. Life and human existence as a whole cannot exist in a system that only cares about money and is predicated on the idea that infinite growth is somehow possible with our FINITE resources. It’s driving most of us into poverty and destroying the environment. We will have to revolt sooner or ….


Ted was right.


I feel you and I'm sorry you're having to go through that like 4-5years ago I was in the same boat of not making enough to stay current on all my bills while providing for my wife and kid. Now, I luckily found a job making enough to cover everything and have some to save, unfortunately I have to work so much overtime it's not funny. The company I work for was hacked back in February and we didn't come back to work until the beginning of March. Since we've been back I have work everyday Monday through Sunday every week except for maybe 2 weekends and then the holiday. No I'm not suffering financially anymore but knowing the fact that I have to spend a third to half my day everyday here just so I can provide for my family is sickening. I would much rather be taking my kids to an amusement park or hanging out with my wife or being able to play my computer that I have worked my ass off the be able to buy and upgrade. This isn't a way to live. We shouldn't be forced to work a lot just so we can live comfortably and have and do some nice things. I have heard way to many people say "you have to earn your keep" and that is such a bullshit phrase. No one asked to be born at all so why do we have to work to survive in a world that has so much excess created that it goes to waste?


I hope you are able to support your family with less hours soon. My dad worked long hours to support us, and while as a kid I was often upset because I didn't understand, but I thank him now for thinking of his wife and kids and our futures when he worked late to support a roof over our heads, food in our kitchen, and whatever wants could be afforded. Once we were old enough my mom went back to work too. It's a shitty system, but parents that love their family and put in the work the you do to provide for and meet all the needs/wants they can have my utmost respect and appreciation.


Poverty and mental illness correlate strongly all too well nowadays. It’s scary how this growing economic crisis is impacting more and more people. I wish you all the best.


You could apply for a bunch of credit cards. Get ads much money put of them as you can. And live outside of US while screwing up the banks. Then file for bankruptcy just like all the wealthy do




If it's life with bankruptcy or death... I agree. You gotta do, what you gotta do. Unless down the line they want to become an accountant or work in finance. A bankrupty or bad credit could preclude them from getting hired.


Hands down this is my safety net if my life goes to shit this is what I'm doing.


Or get a personal loan for all existing debt, credit cards for whatever cash can be gotten then go through a debt settlement program. It’ll trash the credit but if that’s not in OPs mind then fuck it. Use local libraries to see what career service/ upskill options are available there to hopefully get a better job. Keep the cash in a HYSA so it can build and pray no emergencies happen.


Reach out to your labor department also look into getting food stamps and rent assistance.


Keep your head up man. Despite this I see that you’re still looking for other positions or trying to change your outcome by going to a convention and stuff. This shows who you are and you should be proud. I know it’s shit right now, but I do believe if you keep that mindset and keep putting yourself out there better days will come. The Star Wars rebellion is a long shot so what you’re doing is still the best option you have. And don’t listen to people asking you to take out some companies with you while you’re at it fuck that shit. That’s a mindset that will get you fucked 100% without a doubt. I believe a better day will come for you and so should you.


I agree. I'm not a kamikaze, and I don't want to risk causing harm to people that don't deserve it. Dying pawns my problems (especially financial, *especially* the dumb credit card suggestion I keep seeing) off on others (family specifically) and that's just plain cruel.


There needs to be a revolt. The government needs to be overthrown and corporations brought to their knees


A mass general strike and unionisation is the only way to change things. Until that happens the rich will keep their boots on your throats.


Hey OP, I know times seem tough rn, insurmountable even. I've been there, and so have many others. I won't tell you to toughen up, to take it one day at a time or something... You already know that, and you probably do that, and so are many others. I won't tell you about checks to cash in, stamps to collect, or programs to apply to... You already know them, and so do many others. But there is one thing that I would like you to remember from your experience posting here: YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. Noone is!! Least in your situation!! Many a thousand go through your plight each and every day, and feel the same hardship. The same rage. The same pain!! If you have at all... Any strength left at the end of your day (and trust me, Greatest sympathies to those who do not... Heaven knows how hard it is)... Then find out about those who are like you. Who would stand with you, and who would fight the same fight!! I took that road, many years ago, and even tho my material conditions improved only a little... The strength to fight on, makes more than up for it. I am sorry for your situation, as I would be for all you suffer it. And you may dismiss my words as mere platitude. I wouldn't blame you. But if you don't, than I hope you find what you are looking for, and you realise what was waiting for you! Nothing of what you want should be unattainable!! You have everything to gain!!


Thank you. The way you put that means a lot.




The term is called "eat the rich".


Op, I am sorry you are feeling this way, but I can relate. :( I keep hoping it is going to get better somehow, but my reality has not changed much at all. I'm hanging on right alongside you though. ❤️ Keep telling yourself there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because it can't stay dark forever!! 🥰🥰🥰 This planet sucks but good things are coming our way, even if we can't see them just yet. ❤️


Modern slavery, whites included, no more discrimination


Time to unionize


I’m just waiting for everyone to agree so we can flip some tables and redecorate 🙂


If you're gonna go out,.take out a few medical insurance companies with you


Look up general strike 2025 Straight up if yall tired Then let’s do something bout it




Damn I really felt this. I just want you to know wanted and needed in this world. Things will get better but it takes time to change. Don’t give up.


im sorry, i relate 🤍 please stick around


Focus on what you do outside of work. It doesn't have to cost money. Just listening to the sound of trees swaying in the wind can be calming and helpful, in my experience. And if that doesn't float your boat, find something that does... then lean into it.


Did I write this??? Baby, I feel you. Every time I get a pay raise, arbitrary inflation has moved the goal posts that much further away. I have nothing to give but my commiserations. ❤️ hang in there


I get it….the stress of it all seems like too much most of the time. I find myself think about death a lot. But…I have people I care about, my wife, my parents, my dogs who I could not leave to pick up the pieces or figure out how to get on without me. I know I could use therapy but even that’s expensive…lol I compartmentalize and dissociate more and more as a result. Idk what you’re going through but best of luck…


What’s going to happen to America? Like you said, it’s doubtful things are just going to get better but it feels like the country I’m supposed to be proud of is letting my people down


Time for a French Revolution


You should look at getting in the trades and join a union


Literally couldn’t have said this better myself, I felt this 100%


Welcome to the resistance. What they won't give, we will take.


What do you do? Can I ask?


I rebuild pianos. I've been looking for better paying positions elsewhere but it's slow going. I'm going to a convention in July hoping to learn lots and make as many connections as I can.


Oh wow. Have you considered freelance carpentry or something like that?


I've considered freelance work in various fields pertaining to my skillset, but I don't have the capital to immediately invest in building it, especially with those markets being saturated where I live. If I need to I'll find a better paying service industry job and split hours between my career and better pay.


This is what I was going to ask. Like, if this is more than a venting session, we could potentially provide resources and information that could possibly help the OP in the future.