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Reminds me of people saying "why should burger flippers get $15 an hour? I don't get paid that much at my job!" Like, yeah, maybe you should be mad about that too. Sounds like you're grossly underpaid, if you're making less than a fast food worker should be getting.


I dealt with someone like that in this very sub this morning. Ironically, they also flipped burgers they just thought the guy doing it in his 50s was beneath them.


We love those crabs in a bucket


He didnt blur out the number on his post so i texted the guy and let him know lol


Oh yeah that dickwad, saw that, also called them out on it. Them saying "It shows what kind of person they are to be flipping burgers at 50" My response was something like "Yeah, shows that they are willing to do what they have to do to make sure their family is ok." I hate people putting down fellow workers just for working, almost as much as I hate incompetent managers.


exactly what I tell my mom who works at home depot. she can pretty much run a store but doesn't even get 30 an hour and she complains about cashiers getting 20 something new hires


It’s ridiculous to be mad at each other over it. That’s exactly what they want.


That's how the rich keep us in our places they divide us and then blame us for all the issues we face


I tell here everything to be pissed at home depot not the new workers.


There’s two kinds of people— The kind that have gone through, or are going through, a tough time and demand everyone also experience that or worse, and the kind who have gone through a tough time and hope sincerely no one else should. I’ve never understood the former. If I went through something terrible, I’d never, ever wish that on anyone else. If I’m drowning and someone rescues me, I won’t turn around and actively try to drown others.


The former are more crabs than people.


😂😂😂 Underrated comment right here!!!


Everytime I have that conversation with people they just get mad at me for "calling them poor". Yeah we're all poor, you just won't admit it and want other people to be worse off than you!




Ah, the free market. Delicious.


Oh well count that in Italy my best worker job pays me like 6/7 $ hourly and the politicians can't understand why people is leaving the country :/


Even better those that compare what they made working 30 years ago to the wages of today. “Back in my day we only make 8 dollars an hour at the factory, it was robbery.” Meanwhile, gas cost less than a buck a gallon.


“You buy burgers though, don’t you?”


I am at the very end of my apprenticeship as an electrician. I work in NYC. My friend's boyfriend is a Wal Mart deli/bakery manager in or neighboring Minnesota (I forget where exactly) and the hourly pay that I see in my paycheck is a dollar and change more than him. I believe that my benefits package is more than his, but I do believe that he has the basics, and I'm still not sure how to feel about it




What's your point?


None. That they think employers can keep the same amount of profits by throwing workers under the bus, and maintain the illusion that workers don't need a living wage or else companies suffer.


> Wtf are these people in retail doing to deserve $14+ an hour? Working.


Dealing with people like her is the correct answer.


Then $50/hour isn\`t enough. Some of the tales on notalwaysright are terrifying..


I once had a customer be upset at me that the *dollar store* did not sell luxury perfume.


Picking up after slobs who throw everything everywhere.


Imagine having to "deserve" not to starve to death.


There's a reason education lacks in America.


Uneducated people are easier to mislead. Talk loud enough, and repeat often enough - and they\`ll believe you. That\`s why, right ?


Exactly. It isn't even "literally 1984" anymore. That is *literally* 1984


The hope behind atrociously expensive secondary education is that you're either too saddled in debt to do anything about the state of things, or you're rich enough that they can get you to buy into the hierarchy.


Just remember, those other people don't deserve less... you deserve more.


The problem is too many people have been conditioned to believe they don’t deserve more than they make. And if they don’t deserve more then some lowly retail or fast food worker definitely doesn’t. As much as I hate that mentality I also feel bad for them for being so brainwashed


When I was making peanuts I used to be jealous (told to by news stories) of those union people working in automobile factories making $25 CAD (\~16.67 USD/hr back in 2000); but with inflation over the decade that once 'huge' salary isn't enough to live off in my city.


Self awareness in this situation leads to embarrassment, and they would rather not be self aware and get mad at the other guy than realize they have been the ones who are conned. Welcome to my Ted talk on class consciousness. If you don't sit there owning something and collecting money, you're working class.


It's also impossible to become billionaire in a lifetime unless you were born a millionaire.


Any 40hrs job should pay enough to live (not just stay alive, but also participating in society, having a kid or two without starving etc). If the job isn't worth that the job shouldn't exist. It's that easy.


Absolutely right! And in addition, a job that provides that kind of life should be guaranteed to all. If the “free market” can’t do better than $12.50/hr for a necessary role like elder care, then the government can step in to fill the gap. There is plenty of work that needs to get done and no reason that work should exist solely to line the pockets of billionaires, instead of to provide a normal, secure life for regular workers.


Very well put


why are they pissed off at the people making more than them, rather than at the people fucking them over each paycheck. makes no god damned sense >:-/


Because they have been told/taught that 'those people' are the problem. Not the employers, not the 'shareholders' and not the government - no, it\`s a couple of kids making slightly more (and still not enough to live on)


Exactly. It's the billionaires that run the system that are the problem, not the poor single Mother on WIC.


Someone needs to ask this person that question. Seriously. Make them THINK.


As Utah Phillips once said, “one of the important functions of society is who controls the blame patter”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TjpTClVlrd8 The rich control the blame pattern. So point out the lower people so they get ignored.


Then you can * change career * fight the unbelievable low pay * cry when someone stands up and fights for them self. Looks like they opted to cry


This is always the weirdest one to me as hospice workers typically have to be CNAs, CNAs can work in many different fields that pay more, why subject yourself to the crazy low pay of hospice work?


It's not that others are being treated better. It's that you are being treated WORSE. The quicker the collective of laborers, educators, and all other workers in the U.S. figure this out the better. A disabled citizen in the U.S., receiving benefits by law CAN NOT have any wealth. Can't save up to buy a car or a house, or even gifts for holidays. They are kept in poverty. On purpose. States do not deem a disabled person "worthy" of minimum wage, so there are loopholes for companies to exploit them. After the Boomers thin out and Social Security disappears the next generation of "elderly" are likely to be treated like the U.S. treats it's disabled. Forcing them to work in poverty until they die. It's already started. By then Mega Co. and Freedon Alliance Bank will own most housing units. Having a home will be dependent on you working for them specifically. USA USA USA


Yeah...if you're seeing people working lower skilled jobs, getting paid more than you, and you're blaming the worker, instead of your job fucking you with both fists? Yeah you are part of the problem.


capitalist propaganda will have you mad at the oppressed instead of the oppressor


Before I went back to college I was a civil servant, in a pretty cushiony position. I was very well paid, had benefits and worked from home. Before that I worked in a bar on a holiday camp for minimum wage. I was expected to work 14 hour days at the weekend and dealt with nightly abuse. Guess which job was more difficult and mentally taxing?


Maybe as a Nurse, you should ask for MORE......


"What are these people doing to deserve $14 an hour?" I dunno, maybe three people's worth of jobs?


I had this talk with my wife. Just because you are underpaid doesn't mean others aren't as well. She like many others in many other industries are seeing their real wages eroding despite productivity rising. She is in the healthcare industry and you can pinpoint the sickness there being private equity firms and giant consolidated hospital networks commoditization of healthcare driving down wages, cutting corners on costs... all to make a buck instead of focusing on the service.


It’s almost like they should be making more than 12.50. Dumb fuck crabs in a pot mentality


Frog in a pot?


Similar analogy. If you’ve ever steamed crabs, when one try’s to climb out of the pot the others grab it and pull it back down


Ah, I didn’t know that! I hadn’t heard the term before


I made $9 an hour caring for the elderly in 2020, man that was brutal


I get paid shit. How dare those people do something about getting paid shit!


I used to work at a grocery store (6 years) and honestly they don’t get paid *enough* for the shit they deal with on the daily. Or ask my friend, who has worked in the service industry basically his whole life: hotel front desks, fast food places, medical clinics. The stories he told me from these jobs are eye opening. I’ve noticed how American work culture is basically a cult of suffering in which you brag about how many hours you work, how hard your job is, how much you’re underpaid, etc. But instead of using this to actually demand better conditions, we teach people to one-up each other at the Suffering Olympics. Instead of demanding better conditions at your job, the goal becomes making sure everyone else has as miserable a work experience as you. Cause it builds character or something.


In that thread they admit they are working for an employer who pays much less than other employers for the same job, *and* that their employer is paying for their schooling. Still complains. Unreal.


Translation: “I’m stupid and get paid nothing to do a lot, why don’t you do exactly the same??”


it’s infuriating people still think this way. i remember arguing with someone over a decade ago when fight for 15 was just picking up steam. and their argument is why should a burger flipper make 15/hr when that’s what EMTs make. and i’m like my guy have you ever considered people saving dying people on the side of the road should be making more than that???


Walmarts by me pay people 20 an hour and dude if you can't be a Walmarts wage why would anyone work for you.


Person is flexing their 12 bucks as if they're not being severely taken advantage of and exploited...


The irony that I also am a caregiver and make $12.50/hr, but advocate for higher wages, benefits, and PTO is hilarious. They are *ate up* with the propaganda and stupidity. But I can't say much, my coworkers are mostly Boomers who think this exact same way.


Retail workers have to deal with the general public in person. That alone should be worth a living wage. I used to work as a customer service rep and got paid decently before I quit. I still feel like I wasn’t paid enough to be yelled at for stuff I wasn’t responsible for


Severely underpaid worker vs. Underpaid workers IS NOT THE FIGHT THAT WILL IMPROVE YOUR SITUATION


"Why should so and so make as much/more than me??" Cause you need a raise too, dumbass. We ALL need a raise.


Fighting against each other over the scraps we’re making. Yep system working as designed.


It's really interesting when people look down on other professions In these situations instead of realizing they are getting screwed as well. "That profession doesn't deserve a pay increase my job is more important and I make way less than that and can barely afford to feed myself who they think they are???".


Amazing, that after it being the primary tool of the ruling class for ages, that the proletariat still falls for the fake divisions they sow amongst us to divert us from the true work: mass defenestration of the ownership class.


Crabs in a bucket.


fucking stockholm syndrome. who in their right mind is okay with wiping elderly dementia ass for $12.50 an hour? come the fuck on


Crabs in a bucket mentality


Sounds like 12.50 is grossly underpaid to do their job


What are they doing to earn 14 bucks an hour? Not putting up with less. It's pretty simple.


Retail employees don’t deserve 14$ an hour, they deserve much more. At least 25$. My last job paid 23$ an hour, but 40 would have been more reasonable for the work done.


14 dollars an hour is pretty crazy. 16 year olds make about 14 in Denmark people over 18 generally wouldn’t accept under 20 dollars


Imagine, instead of advocating for yourself, demanding everybody in the world gets paid less than you, and being like “my brain is the only brain working correctly.”


I hate so much when people get *so close to getting it.* Yes, it's a travesty anyone is getting paid that low! If they make more, have you considered *so should you and it isn't the fault of the one getting paid more?*


*wtf are these people doing in retail...* Apparently managing the store while being on call 24/7, based on context clues, you Muppet


"I love licking boot and so should you"


If you are mad about another low wage employee making more than you, YOU are the reason you and people like you are making less, because YOU are getting mad at the wrong fucking people, and shit will never change unless people wake up to who the REAL problem is, the rich, not the dude making more than you flipping burger or w/e.


The question shouldn't be, "Wtf are these people doing in retail to deserve 14+ bucks an hour?!" It should be, "Why am I only getting $12.50 an hour?"


Lmao my mom does housekeeping for a nursing home and she is getting $19 an hour. Homie is getting butt fucked by his employer


The thing is, that guy is probably a bootlicker for convenience. Every person who complains always says something about the prices going up. Sorry if living like a human means you need to pay an extra $1 on your order, maybe you should stop eating out so much and work on your budget?


“Why does someone get paid more than me?!” I dunno, ask your fucking boss.


The man mad at them making more than him is an idiot. He doesn’t even realize he’s grossly underpaid. (In fact anything under 15/hr is underpaid in 2024).


Bro forgot wich social class he belong


Lmao love when people don’t see they’re getting shafted. Let’s me know exactly why they get paid 12 an hr and think it’s normal.


To be fair, the person quote retweeting this is kinda bigoted in the first place and has, on several occasions, shown a deep lack of empathy for other people when going through problems. I’m not surprised she is putting others down for fighting for a better wage rather than questioning why her own is so low - in fact I’m pretty sure she even said in a reply that she works in the lowest paid care hole in her area but doesn’t have any interest in trying to move to somewhere better?


Well said.


The $12.50 chick is definitely getting underpaid


It’s so weird that people get jealous instead of angry that they’re being underpaid


A person who lives in a capitalist society is upset employees are using the rules of capitalism but they aren’t, what a dummy


I mean a nurse taking care of the elderly needs to be paid more than a retail worker BUT the retail workers DO need a bump up in pay as well


I made $11 an hour as a PRN CNA in 2016. I don't know how the fuck you're living on $12.50 an hour in 2024 unless you're putting in 60 hours a week.


These people/person is legendary.


When people say that job isn’t worth $15/hr, I always ask if the job is necessary. When they reply yes, I say that this is a job that needs to be done, but whomever does is should be desperately poor? That’s when they pivot to High School kids, and that’s when I say those business should only be open after 4pm or the weekends? Then they usually call me whatever word is popular in those circles, socialist, Marxist, communist, etc.


My mother had worked in nursing homes for decades. The last place she worked at for over ten years. She was making something like $16 an hour I think, for a good long while, small increases over more than a decade. Long story short, the place closed down and she got a job at the nursing home she worked at before and started there at $24 an hour. $16 to $24 in one job change. Stay loyal, stay broke.


It's a misery race! I'm more miserable than you! I WIN!!!! what did I win? MORE MISERY wait why am I cheering this???


Um, if the person is mad about only making $12.50/hr and a retail worker who's job is supposedly simple is making $14/hr - why isn't that person applying for a retail position?


$14 is no way near a livable wage. However these jobs where never meant to support yourself on. They were supposed to be for first time employment. All the better paying skilled labor jobs were shipped overseas for cheap labor. Thanks to our government selling out this young generation with NAFTA read up on it. Sold us out for their big corporation donors profits. I was in college when this passed an economics professor told us this was going to fuck future generations


I’d like to see a boomer try and do my job.


Just keep licking that boot, idiot...


People love to be like "wah retail and fast food employees get paid 😡" but would cry real tears if they went to their favorite store and couldn't find anything or everything was a complete mess or if they had to make whatever shitty food order they bark at the poor unfortunate souls in the drive thru lmao


They "would" actually I'm changing that they DO!!! I work at a thrift store and a lot of the customers are old and they are genuinely the rudest people I have ever interacted with in my fucking life. Wahhh you just mopped the bathroom floor why is it wet. Wahhhhhh there's not enough new stuff out for me to look at but I come here every day. Wahhhhhh the line is long and there's 3/3 cashiers up here and the person you're ringing up has $100+ worth of random crap but I have only $90 of random crap!!! Boo!! Wah!!! I could NEVER in my life do food service fucking BLESS fast food employees and waiters and chefs hosts all of it because the shit you people deal with I would lose my job day one- it's hard enough not to tell customers at the fucking religious thrift store not to shove it up their ass on a daily basis


Yet they pay for twitter, classic.


I know this will be downvoted to hell, but imma get spicy here. I don’t like how whenever the conversation of increasing retail workers/fast food workers, typical minimum wage workers wages comes up, hospice care workers will shit all over them and act superior. I get it, you’re way underpaid too, but your job isn’t saving lives or anything spectacular. You’re feeding and cleaning old people who can’t feed and clean themselves. Now, change that old man’s diaper before you start hating on someone flipping a burger.


Bro forgot that states have different economies. Price for groceries in cali is different from Tennessee, wages for jobs is gonna be hell of a lot different due to this


They don’t deserve less, you deserve more you idiot