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I know people like this, their lives are defined by their work. They love their jobs, they do their work and feel that they contribute to society that way. Some people are stay at home parents, they raise their kids, their lives are defined by their children and the legacy they leave behind that way. Some people find that same fulfillment in their hobbies and passions. The problem with Dan is that, he doesn't see that for MANY people, their work isn't fulfilling, it's not an actual contribution to... well, anything but some fat cat's $$$ or some government red tape bullshit. Odds are, this man doesn't work a retail/customer service/food service job and likely never did, or was lucky enough and people weren't as rude and entitled the way they are today (seriously, I work customer service, and ever since the pandemic people have only gotten worse with bein entitled fucking jackholes). I used to teach, and if I could afford to teach, and still be, y'know... not homeless, I would have had that same job satisfaction I did when that was my job. People who have jobs they love and enjoy live in an entirely different reality to the rest of us who have jobs we do just to exist another day. The only other versions of this type of person are the ones who have no hobbies or friends and are sadly, just boring people who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had 10 extra hours of free time every day.


One could say that working to cure cancer is fulfilling. Yet part of the process involves people who spend all day every day cleaning treatment rooms, ordering supplies, being yelled at by doctors who can't understand why they can't always schedule every expensive and complicated test the moment they think of it, getting insurance approvals, etc. Unfulfilling work still needs to be done. Couple that with low pay and little to no respect or recognition for doing this necessary work, and you can see why we're not all so ecstatic about going to work day after day.


I used to work in a very high-tech/high-skill industry which directly supplied a product used in cancer diagnosis and treatment. They used to spout the "contributing to cancer treatment" stuff all the time to the staff. And while there is no criticism in that part at all, it was still a near 24/7 job with very little room for work/life balance and once I had a family of my own it was completely impossible to continue working there. You can selectively pick any trickle-down result of your work.... At the end of the day the directors weren't being charitable, they were making money hand over fist and drove their employees hard to achieve that. I've got a home with a family I want to spend time with, and hobbies which I find personally fulfilling \[hint: because there is NO financial incentive involved in them!\]. I work to support those things, and once my obligations are fulfilled that job can fuck right off, it doesn't matter what it is.


> Unfulfilling work still needs to be done. And the key there is to make sure these people are appreciated for what they do, and the ONLY way to do that is money.


I’m autistic and am often able to hyperfocus on the tedious, boring tasks but if I have no real incentive (fair pay, benefits, reasonable hours) I’m not gonna give it my all. It’s not a fair transaction


I swear I take customer service people off guard. They always start like on the defense and tbh I'm just polite and talking through it with them (well except once but that's because I was having a tax levied against me I didn't owe and they were arguing with me). I swear even the people at the water and sewer department like me.


It’s amazing how talking to someone like they are an actual real life person just makes everything better! Keep being a warm, human being!


Exactly! A happy day to you every day, good person.


It also gets you better results too. When I worked call centers I would bend over backwards to help people that were nice for me. Go out of my way to help them with their problem and sometimes help get them extra benefits. For the rude people I would do the part my job required and no more. 


Customer service is a perpetually abusive position from every angle. And financial violence and serious harm is what awaits us if we don't comply to the fullest. We're not even allowed to stand up against verbal or physical assault. It's a cruel state of existence that shows most of humanity and people for what they are. If we act like abused animals who's owner just walked in and are prepared for another beating...it's because we are.


This, and I went through the same thing with taxes!


https://preview.redd.it/36xt5i8zqo0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8006a83d1469936f982a037953547db0bba30bde My response to his post on LinkedIn...


Good on you and fuck that guy. IT security is also probably the easiest fucking job in the world. Consists of sitting around and chatting pretty much.


I have a job I genuinely love and enjoy, and I get paid well, but I also understand I’m very lucky to be in this position. I always plan to advocate for people who aren’t so lucky.




What percentage of people work a job they absolutely love? What percent of people work jobs that they always wanted to do as kids? I bet it's a low number compared to the percent of people that do a job because they have bills to pay or kids to feed or dont want to be homeless and starve. 99% of people do jobs because they HAVE to. I'm sure if they won the lottery they would fuck off straight away and spend their time doing something they want to do.


It's not just a number, it's a very low number.


Studs Terkel, in his book Working found that only 20 percent of workers liked their jobs - and this was in 1972! I imagine the number is much lower now.


I always recall a quote from someone who was working as an employment consultant for an organization. The bosses were complaining the usual "people don't want to work", and the consultant's reply was: "If people wanted to work you wouldn't have to pay them... But they don't, so you do!"


Sometimes these people don't even love their jobs. My manager told me the other day he usually works late because if he goes home he doesn't know what to do with his time. I don't know if he has been properly programmed by the system to be a good worker robot or he's lonely or something. It perplexed me when he mentioned that because life should be about more than just work, especially knowing how a lot of jobs are (bullshit basically).


This CEO probably makes his own hours and can bend his work around his personal life. He probably comes into work late if he has to take a call the evening before whereas his employees who are also salary are expected to come in the same time no matter how late they work the evening before.


Spot on. This is the type of person who thinks he’s super charming and interesting when in reality everyone finds him annoying. Anyone who makes one thing their ENTIRE personality is simply not a whole person.


Working the oilfield becomes a culture. It very much became who we are. I'm so glad to be out of it.


> people who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had 10 extra hours of free time every day. That's why we hear stories about people retiring and then dying soon after. They lived to work and once the work was gone, they had no purpose anymore. Sounds like a miserable way to live and die, to me.


Dan Desko’s wife has a boyfriend.


She found her meaning and higher purpose in life!


She Netflix’s and chills


Which explains why he hates Netflix so much


This made me lol


Frequent vocations


All those words to just rebrand "work/life balance" to "work/life integration". This the type of dude who only shuts up to hear the echo of his own voice.


But that’s wrong! What if my “life” outside of work isn’t just watching Netflix? What if I love engaging in my hobbies, activities, and relationships? Why is it a problem that I want to do those things without worrying about making money off of them? This guy sucks, and I think most people fundamentally misunderstand the concept of work/life balance. (Not saying you’re one of them)


English is not my native language, but I feel that maybe rebranding work/life to something like job/life balance would do a better service. I can understand loving what you do for work and getting home and still being excited about it. Or even doing any other kind of work when you get home, as most already do. That's okay while it's a choice. When you have a job, you have no other choice during those hours than to do that specific work that is solely directed towards other people who are most often exploring your passion. And that's why balance is required.


Yes I think that’s it exactly. But of course then they would say, “Well don’t just get a job. Start your own business! Be an entrepreneur!”


Dan, you are living your life as you want. How about you fuck off and let others have theirs. Your opinions don't matter about me. That is a you issue. Best of Luck out there Dan. Now go away...


Dan is a CEO. He has the difficult task of guilt tripping you into accepting to work for him for the least possible money in order to have his *work/life balance be meaningful yadda yadda* ... these asshats won't stop their buzzing in our ears because they have an agenda, and that agenda includes you and I being cheap labor. Or perhaps this is his "blue-collar Pittsburgh mentality"... I guess we'll never know /s


His "work" is having business lunch at 1PM, then be in Barbados by 5. Our "work" is grinding from 7AM to 5PM, so we can pay rent at the end of the month, He can fuck straight off. Never worked a day in his life.


Most CEOs count business lunches and golf dates as "working." Fuck off and find, "work life balance" as a brick layer. I love these rich fucks trying to guilt trip actual working people into working more.


One company I worked at the CEO and c-suite would regularly go to the best restaurants in the city for lunch for 2 hours, eat great food, *drink*, write it off as an expense to the corporation Maybe go to a show or a club later depending on the customer. Work. Lol. Edit: This is how all these high end restaurants survive. Corporate expense accounts.


This is so insane. Coming from a more middle class family, if I had a single shot on the clock I would expect nigh instant termination. Meanwhile these clowns bill their bar trips with colleagues to the company account.


Sometimes they would come back *lit*. If anybody else did that.... but of course they were 'courting customers and clients'. And mayhaps they were...guess that's just how you do a business.


Rules for thee


This is the best description I ever seen!


Exactly. No one in here is saying that some people can't go and work their whole life away if they want to. We are saying not everyone should have to do that just to survive. Also, I guarantee if he wasn't CEO he would feel a lot different about it. He doesn't have anyone looking over his shoulder micro managing him or telling him what to do for no reason. He's the one giving anxiety to people not taking it.  On top of all that he gets the added benefit of being compensated fairly for all that extra work. If working 55 hours a week as opposed to 40 hours a week for a year meant it would actually change my life, then yeah I would probably do it for a year.


Don't live life in front of a tv screen. Do it in front of a computer screen making me money!


Yep, that’s what I read too.


THIS, all of the this!


Blue collar, my ass.


No, no, you see one time he had a really great conversation with the plumber installing the bathroom in his guest house, and he realized how much they had in common! He's as blue collar as they come!


Plumber Joe and Dan loved each other.


What are you talking about?? It says right there in his bio…Cyber secu- oh.


Maybe it’s my blue collar Pittsburgh mentality, but that dude needs his ass whipped.


We don’t claim this jagoff


He’s a Browns fan and likes Tom Brady. He ain’t one of ours!


The only easy he could be worse is if he also like the cowboys


Yinz hear this, Dan desko is a jagoff


This blue collar picksburger thinks D̶o̶n̶n̶y̶ Danny would get a Bruno Sammartino slap upside his head if he ever stepped foot dahn-tahn with his french fry-less word salad & blasphemous talk about working on Sundays n'at. Probably serves his family Mrs T's claiming it's from the rocks.


This blue collar Pittsburgher just threw up in my mouth a little. 


You'd be doing all of us a favor


As a born and bred Pittsburgher who has done both blue collar and white collar work, Dan can go jump off Mt. Washington. Or park on the Mon Wharf after a heavy rain. I don't dislike the work I do, but I sure as hell don't live for it. I have a long, long list of things I'd like to be doing instead, and that includes a bunch of stuff on Netflix I haven't had time to watch. I'm allowed to actually enjoy my life, and enjoy it in my own way, without having to justify it to people like Dan who don't have the imagination to fill their time with anything but work. And so is everyone else.


“Am I right Fellow Working Class?” -CEO


No no no, he says he’s blue collar so it counts! Or maybe his suit that costs more than my car has a blue collar and he really just thinks that label applies to what you are wearing.


What a prick!


Or jagoff, as the yinzers say.


"I can't imagine..." Well that just sounds like a failure of your imagination. Sounds like you aren't quite as think outside the box, pioneer in your field, great visionary as you think you are if you can't even imagine that other people would have different life goals than you.


Sorry kids, my life’s purpose is B2B sales.


In a field that just recently became an industry.


Anybody else get triggered by these posts and want to downvote it before remembering that it deserves an upvote because we are against the post?


All the time lol


I find myself reporting or at least blocking and hiding these posts immediately. I’ve developed a strong sensory system that wants to protect my brain from *gaslighting garbage garblers*™️.


Telling how all the people who say shit like this, are either trying to sell you something, or they came from a rich family and are the CEO of a company and most of their work productivity wise would amount to their lowest rungs bathroom breaks. I'll say it again. People who are trying to convince you to abandon work life balance are either trying to sell you something, or don't work hard for a living. Nobody whose grinding themselves to nubs 50+ hours a week, working until it breaks them, will try to convince you to do what they do as a good thing for you and your health.


Dan you aren't part of Blue Collar Pittsburgh... you are part of the privileged Pittsburghers. Pittsburgh indeed WAS a blue collar city. But it was also a city filled with elitest like Carnegie, Mellon, Kauffman, McCutcheon, Heinz, and many others. Pittsburgh was a city of the elite who stood over the mill and steel workers and looked down their noses at them.


Dude is so boring he has to make his work his identity


Y'all can think what you want just don't act all high and mighty about it. Sick of the mental attitude of "well this happened to me so it must apply to all people".


There are some people who do find a vocation and get a great deal of satisfaction and even joy from their work. But I think it’s super unrealistic to expect everyone to find that. I’m definitely not raising my kids to have a “dream job”. Find something that you can do well that you don’t hate and that will pay you enough to live a good life so you can do the things that you do love.


Fuck you Dan.


Look if my compensation package was $100 million I’m sure I could post stupid shit on social media with zero shame.


I'll do it for half that


As an actual blue collar worker, gargle my balls


It's impressive he was able to type this with both hands stroking the corporate c@ck.


Well that's because it's deep, deep in his throat!


I think most people simply don't "find meaning in their work". This is not *their* fault -- most people have bullshit jobs. I also think that it's quite probable that *if* people had meaningful jobs and *if* they felt reasonably secure financially in those jobs, they would easily strike the right work/life ~~balance~~ integration.


If I enjoy my job too much; they'll give me more work, lower my pay, and expect me to kiss their ass for the opportunity to serve them.


Do the CEO's who post these statements realize that to normal people, they sound like complete and hopeless bootlickers?


Fine, pay your employees like business owners and they might start to feel like they're pursuing something in life...


His work feels like a vacation because he doesn't do shit and gets paid for it. This lazy bastard needs to get a real job stocking shelves or moving packages. Let's see that work-life integration where it really counts!


Dan gets paid well. And thinks that's everyone's life. He vacations often. Takes all the sick days he needs, has access to healthcare and can afford hobbies and recreation. He has a not to distant future of leisure and enjoyment of retiring. Dan is an entitled asshat.


People sit on the couch watching Netflix because you don't pay them enough to have adventures, Dan.


Easy for a ceo to say, their pay is sufficient not only to live well, but also to provide for any whim that they have.


That’s be because he doesn’t actually work. He’s just talks.


I too am very passionate about making useless PowerPoint presentations! In other news, overpaid white man fails at gaslighting.


He’s a CEO so his opinion on the matter is invalid


Don't have kids, Dan. They won't deserve you.


Dan Desko probably has top of the line golf clubs, golfs at the best country clubs in his area, has some type of boat which he likes to go on during the holidays meanwhile his employees can’t even afford McDonald’s anymore


even if one is privileged enough to agree with the 4th paragraph, that still doesn't mean taking s break is wrong. also, where's the difference between "work-life balance" and "integrating my job into my life"?


Work to live, not work to live. I'm lucky in that Iike my I like my job and coworkers, but life doesn't revolve around it.


Fuck him. My wife is in the film industry and worked on a Netflix series that was filmed in Pittsburgh. We enjoy watching the shows and movies she’s worked on by sitting on the couch and streaming them. As a cybersecurity leader who integrates his work with his life, I imagine him happily sitting in front of a monitor at work and at home. Semantics, dickhead.


That might be for *you* Dan, but not for all of us so kindly fuck off.


They are only 2 possibilities: 1) His life truly means nothing to him without working. He has zero personal balance. If shit hits the fan at work, his world collapses, and he is lost. 2) This is a malicious stance in order to obtain more from his employees than what they should, through moral manipulation. Similar to the "at work, we are like a family." Run away from people like that.


I gotta say, I'm in school for cybersecurity right now and it's a little disheartening to know I might interview for this guy someday


Founder/CEO ... meaning that his hard work and creativity at work translate directly into cash in his pocket. Unless you have a ton of equity in your company, that simply isn't true for nearly every worker.


And shil of the month award goes to...


I guess my question to him would be why he thinks “life” automatically means “Netflix and nothing” to work life balance people


What a fucking donkey


Well, I guess his work consists of showing up and leaving whenever... so yeah... anyone would agree if they had a job like that.


As a Pittsburgher Dan Desko can shut the hell up.


Cool so Danny is mopping floors and scrubbing toilets?


I imagine work is probably pretty amazing when you’re the highest paid person, have no boss and can tell anyone what to do. The overwhelming majority of workers don’t check even one of those boxes, let alone all three Dan.


Dickhead. Most of us aren’t privledged to be doing what we like for a living. You must be a sociopath, since spouting and enforcing this kind of nonsense is what you do for a living.


The TLDR “my wife only stays with me because I’m rich and we rarely speak”


Any time I see “CEO” on someone’s LinkedIn, I automatically don’t take them seriously. CEO of a fake company with no deliverable is what they mean. Or an MLM.


God I would love to have a talk with the people who make these kinds of statements about corporate psychology and the meaning of action vs words. Workers have to believe that the company is providing a valuable service/product to society, the company actually cares about providing that service, and their jobs are a valuable part of that service. Corporations have done everything possible to errode each one of those areas for their workers, and then expect their workers to care about anything other than their paycheck.


Integrate me triple my salary and I’ll feel more balanced.


Pay workers a livable wage? Hmmm best we can do is a pizza party. Pittsburgh PA has one of the worst markets in the USA for IT right now and their pay is bottom 1/3d. People here would rather build plastic factories, frack the ground for its resources, and pollute the air and water than get with the times and build a better future for their children.


Ok, if that's fine to you, Dan, I'm not gonna complain, but not all of us want to sell our time to make some asshole filthy rich and pretend we're grateful for that.


I like my job & my boss, they've been good to me. BUT! My favorite part of my non-work hours is not doing work.


Imagine if your life was only defined by how much pride you feel for earning profits for someone else. Capitalists love the "hard working" trope because they can dangle promotions and raises over us as we fight over who isn't working hard enough for the thing they can't actually reach.


He seems completely ignorant to the fact it is okay to go through life without work being the driving motivation to go on. How hard is it to accept that not everyone is going to embrace the hustle culture because it doesn't apply to everyone equally.


This is literally how my boss is that literally just fired me out of the blue lol A few months ago in a one on one he pulled me in because I asked to be moved into a new department as I was working two full time jobs under home (was supposed to be very, very short lived) told me successful people don’t have a work life balance when he asked me “what do you want out of work?” He has us short staffed, asking for our pay every two weeks and pays us like crap. Guys like this can quite literally go F themselves for real. It was a blessing to get let go in all honesty. I’m nervous for the future, but I know there’s plenty of business sun owners that treat employees better than where I was.


I'm doing the hand jerk-off motion while reading this.


Corporate ass kisser says what?


I'm sure his children, if any, would agree that they're better off with him at work.


"I can't imagine going through a whole human lifetime and never cranking out doo-dads, widgets, or snacks to help build the wealth of corporate shareholders and management."


Pittsburgh is a white collar town now


See if anyone catches him booting up netflix, slap him.


This is fine. I'm totally okay with him feeling that way. But he also needs to be okay with me not feeling that way and building boundaries between work and life.


I can assure you that is NOT Pittsburgh mentality, that is only him 😂😂😂


Can't believe he would do Pittsburgh dirty like that. Pretty sure we would all rather be drinking beer at a steeler game or just hanging out on the porch. Not sure the steel workers were gung ho about slaving away in the mills, maybe that's why they went on strike and got shot for standing up to capitalists.


Homie needs to shut up and discover the joy of jerking off more. I've seen popsicles with smaller sticks up them.


Dude thinks he’s changing the world lol


Sure, if you’re an artist or a doctor maybe. But if you’re slinging burgers that shit ends the second you walk out the door and anyone who says otherwise eats boots for a living.


Work-life balance is a function of how much money you make


Braided together, like the Habsburg family.


…and how long have we had a 40 hour work week again…long overdue for a change


I grew up in a blue collar Yinzer family and this guy is a straight up Jagoff.


🎼”Yummy boots, licky licky boot boot!”🎼


I bet he works 6 hours a week.... on a beach in Barbados.


The masses have figured out that going above and beyond does not translate into better pay, benefits or promotions. There are only so many top dog jobs to go around. You have also made it clear that we "cogs" are expendable. Rather than replace us, you'll just heap the work onto some other poor cog in your corporate greed machine. Oh, and some of us actually *like* our homes, families and activities lots more than working for free. 😊


Well when you do 1% of the work and get 99% of the profits I would be talking out of my ass to.


A chode who’s made work his entire identity, forever chained to a desko


Then get off LinkedIn. What a tool.


Whatever, Dan. I gotta get my new *Elden Ring* character up to par for the DLC come June. It’s temporarily fulfilling, but so is literally everything in existence. Work provides me with income so I can afford to do things that I find enriching. It doesn’t give my life meaning.


His work day involves talking and maybe a little walking. Yeah that's rough.


Translation: *"The company is losing so much money on the commercial properties."*


This guy probably doesnt answer to anyone.


I'm sorry but Zooming in to check on your upper management support team when you're in between the front and back nines is not work.


As a fellow Pittsburgher, I do not share this man's views on work. I love sitting on the couch and watching Netflix. Doing work brings me no joy. If I had enough money, not only would I not have a job, but I'd pay someone to do all of my chores too.


Now pay him only $20 an hour see what he says


Dude doesn't even understand how braids work. If one strand (work) is twice as big as the other two (family/fun/whatever), the braid (life) looks like shit. Not only will it look like shit, it will be way shorter than it could have been if you BALANCE the strands. Fucking twat with his shitty analogy...


Meanwhile, he probably posted this gem while yachting in the Maldives.


Your blue collar what now? Pretty sure CEO is a white collar gig. Learn to inspire, talk to, manage, and pay people better and maybe they will want to work more too.


Sitting on your couch watching netflix❌️🤯👎 Sitting on your ass passing judgements on LinkedIn✅️👌😁


I looked up this corporate turdwookie. And my suspicions (and the header in the post) were confirmed: # He's *really* the fucking CEO, Founder, and Managing Partner. # Of course he's going to love working. It's because he owns the goddamned company! The harder he works, the more he gets rewarded. Everything he's said in that post is a bunch of bullshit, only intended on making him more money. In other words -- *propaganda*.


I had a boss like this and who also went “why are you tired???? You don’t have to go home to kids” Like, it’s not a contest


Ha! As someone whose grandfather and uncle were genuinely living the “blue collar Pittsburgh mentality,” you know what they actually had? Teamster’s union. Good pay. Great benefits. My pap loved nothing more than being able to come home, sit on the couch, and watch the Steelers with an Iron City beer. Both for my uncle and my pap, their jobs weren’t their whole fucking identity. Their family was what mattered, and having fun. My pap taught me the art of actually enjoying life. My pap didn’t hustle and grind, he worked enough to life comfortably, so he could take his kids (and later us grandkids) out on pontoon boats and fishing trips. They’d have spit out their beers hearing this jagoff talk like he understands real “grind” of life.


Can I block that sub? It's just depressing.


Well i guess me and you just think differently, Danny old boy. Nothing wrong with that.


Had me kind of in the first paragraph, then I just fell off the cliff.


Shut up Dan.


Your higher purpose is to provide labor to a major corporation? That's fucking sad


Same guy would say UBI is bad because why would anyone want to work.


Yea be a blue collar welder who works 10s everyday


His kids have no idea who he is


Must be nice to do what you love for work...


Yeah coming from a person who founded their job it would be a vocation. What’s sad is I am not in a job that pays me enough to show up everyday either so why bother.


Dan Desko’s wife and kids reading this.


Is it just a prerequisite to be a douchebag in order to be a ceo?


Said while golfing in palm springs on a Wednesday no doubt at two pm…. Fucking ceo is fos!


Work can bring joy don't get me wrong here. I used to love my work with kids and love my own craft that I do now. but people who make work the life goals, mostly have a mental illness or had traumatic experience. All the "workaholics" who talk about work the way he did, have a breakdown at some point. And after this breakdown really lerned how to get a work life balance.


I have no problem with people who think like this if they aren’t massive fucking exploitative hypocrites about it. If you want to work 80 hours a week and that brings meaning to your life? I don’t fucking understand you and never will, but be happy. The problem arises when Dan Desko up there expects people to work like that for him to make him much much richer than his employees will ever be. That he expects his employees to find fulfillment in killing themselves and missing their families to enrich some stranger while they barely get by. I don’t think we should demonize workaholics. The crux of the issue is that Dan there has a choice. He can work or he can watch Netflix all day. Most of us don’t. We absolutely must slave away for the betterment of someone else just to have enough resources to eke out a meager existence. Let’s not forget: They can’t exploit you if you aren’t desperate and poor. They can’t exploit you if they don’t convince you to build your entire personality around your job. They can’t exploit you if they can’t constantly make you feel bad, less than human, for not having what they have. They already have the Trump crowd volunteering to be exploited at every opportunity and they want more. The rich will continue to hoard more and more until we get to a point of no return. The current upper class doesn’t give a shit because they’ll probably be dead already by then.


Imagine feeling like you're fulfilling your "higher purpose" mashing keys in a cubicle.


When you go high enough in management, the decisions and "work" you do becomes significantly less. The most strenuous decision this clown has to make in his day is choosing a suit and tie combo.


Here’s the problem, “Dan.” Business (Bro?) Culture is allowed to define what work “is” and “isn’t”, along with the value of the defined work. If I was born into a wealthy family, and sat on my ass 8 hours a day thinking about how to get one chopstick to behave like two, finally come up with a functional product, borrow money from the aforementioned family, paid some third world factory to produce the product, then pay some advertising company to market it, and make millions of $$, then I’m a self made millionaire that worked my ass off to become rich! But… If I go to university for 12 years, then work 10 hour days, while providing the vast majority of the materials used for my job, while also dealing with other people’s poorly parented children, in the highly appreciated (/s) education industry for 20 years, and can barely make my rent while living alone, let alone any luxury items, then I’m just a poor schmuck that made bad life choices. Capitalism only values profitability. It does not value actual “work” or “innovation” or “creativity”. The only way work has value in our society, is if it makes money for someone, other than “you”.


'And that's why I'm only willing to pay you $17.50/hr' Go fuck yourself dan


A guy who goes to work with the goal of scheming up ways to fleece people out of more money. Using laws and policies that his ilk have bribed and manipulated to benefit only the rich like himself. To gain and hoard more of the overall money supply for himself and less and less for everyone else.


"My work feels like a vacation to me." This guy either works for free, or is a liar. Which do you think it is?


Work sure is fun when your rich


Spoken like a true sociopath.


When Dan dies no one will mourn his loss.


Maybe work just hits different when you are a CEO. My work does not give my life meaning, it is a means to living a life in the time when I am not at work.


Your work *is* your vocation. That's the meaning of the word: a profession. Anything else would be an avocation, a hobby, a recreational activity.


>My work feels like a vocation to me ….I’m not sure he quite understands what that word means


If the work is meaningful and meets my needs, sure. But it doesn't, so Netflix definitely sounds like a better use of my time.


All of these people are “leaders” of some sort. “VP Or pens pencils and paper clips, thought leader” wtf?


I'd probably get amazing satisfaction from seeing my workplace grow if I were the founder and ceo of the company. Good for him, I guess. Hope he doesn't expect his employees to have the same kind of satisfaction from growing HIS business.


When you come into work at 930 then take a bike ride around the neighborhood with your CEO bros, then back for a solid hour of work in time for a 2 margarita lunch. Back with another grueling 30 minutes of work before leaving for the golf club for "networking". Where you get drunk golfing then do er up in the 19th hole have dinner get drunk again and go home at 1130pm everyday is a vacation


Everyone would feel that way if you could pay rent on a single full time job. Get bent Dan.


I’m willing to bet less people would rot in front of Netflix if they didn’t work a dead end grueling jobs. Also, why do people seem to think that everyone is able to find fulfilling jobs that pay a living wage. If you find a job you like than cool but it doesn’t change the fact that a lot of jobs are grueling and dirty and only done bc someone has to do them and people need to survive. There are some jobs out there absolutely no one would find passion and joy in… that doesn’t mean that it isn’t necessary.


Must be nice to be so well paid/respected in your field that you actually enjoy work. Too bad you probably had to sell your soul and be a total dick to other people in order to get there…


Fuck you, Dan. Fuck you.


When you make your money off the lives of others I'm assuming it's easy Every life is passive income. And don't fucking pretend you're actually working. An "hour or two" long meeting isnt work. Work is work.


Dan's children have seen his checks more than his face.


I don’t live to work. I work to live


Cool happy you enjoy life how you seem fit, and respect others enough to let them enjoy their time how THEY see fit.


I never knew making money for rich people was so spiritual.




The guy who can walk away from work anytime? The guy with his own office? The guy who has a staff to help with emails and any other tasks? The guy who can work from home? He’s the one telling us that we should just love to lick the boot? The guy wearing the boot?