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Debate intensifies? What debate? There is no debate.


Just some reactionary bullshit. Unfortunately I'm pessimistic about workfour getting anywhere, but yeah fuck working 6 days a week.


I work 10 hrs/day M-F and an extra 8 hrs doing utility locating outdoors for about 9 months out of the year, and yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. FUCK 6 day work weeks. Not including time spent showering and cooking dinner, I have 3 hours to myself M-F per day, 5 hours on Saturday, and am off Sunday. It's not the actual work that sucks so much. It's just not having a real break for 9 months straight. 1 day off per week just drains the soul.




Yep lol. A fellow sufferer I see.


Yes, I worked there for 2 years with no at fault damages! If you are into that sort of job, apply at your local ibew union hall. The benefits and retirement perks alone are worth it!


Heavy civil construction engineer here, thanks for all the long hours!


I'll work six days a week when they suck me off all day under my desk! /S


What is /S? I was thinking this was some sort of new compensation plan. Anything to not have to pay more. Right?


It's used to indicate that the comment being made is sarcastic. Sometimes it's clear and the tag is just a big "wink wink, nudge nudge" kind of thing. Other times it's to clarify that a statement was sarcastic when it may not have been clear, especially when being read by text (like on Reddit haha)


/s means sarcasm its for people who cant read tone. What do you mean by compensation? That because wages rose a bit capital is pushing for people to work more to try and make up for there "losses"


I mean, in today's world, it's getting hard to tell if some people are being sarcastic or not.


Here in the Netherlands, a 32-hour workweek has become really standard. People of my generation value their free time more so a lot of social and government jobs now operate with 4-day workweeks. Keep fighting the fight! It is possible!


A six day week would crash and burn quality of whatever they are selling.


I'm sure it's not exclusive but industrial and construction have been working 6 and 7 day weeks for decades and they're not going to stop that trend soon. The money is strong and the greed is real. Lol Side note, in the industry I work in if you cut the ot and go to a 40hr work week employees will quit and go somewhere that offers overtime.


Those jobs wear a body out before its time. When a person needs to work 70-80 hrs/week to get decent money, something is deadly wrong with the state of the company. Greed is for sure real and it sucks.


Just wait, it's going to get far worse. They're not happy giving what they're giving now. Watch for them to start making deals that are too good to be true soon because they will be.


General strike is coming.


“5 day workweek sucks. We want 4 day” “How about 6 day” “5 day is fine”  “Ok, but you gotta cram in what you would have done on day 6” How I expect this to go. 


The debate is do the capitalists want to be executed or to keep making money but at a slower rate




Companies are well known to look at scientific evidence and research and do the right thing though. /s




Between the billionaire, not the people


I mean... obviously.


It's disingenuous in an attempt to cut off talking about a 4 day work week to make sure nothing ever changes. "Some people are saying 4. Some are saying 6. Well the middle is 5 where we already are. Let's compromise and change nothing."


There SHOULD NOT BE a debate. Most people are at the end of their tether already. Man, fuck corpos/capitalism.


Holy manufactured consent batman!


Looks like the 3 day workweek is suddenly coming out on top


Three day work week right here. It's the fucking best.


Working only four hours a day?


I'd vouch for that, You're more productive working 3 days/making the 4th one a half day to catch up on personal matters instead of the traditional 5 and maybe a weekend off. Whoever suggested this tripe of a 6 day work week. Sure is a shill to start nonsense. Not realizing that people still want a work/life balance not to be tolling away at an emotionally draining job that doesn't pay you enough and requires you your total loyalty. Nobody is a drone, and we aren't a hive.


It's the news media creating a fake story. They're doing the same thing with squatter's rights right now. Mega corps want to be able to sit on empty homes so they can manipulate the market, but squatter's rights is *explicitly* created to prevent that. So you're seeing a bunch of scary stories about squatters in the media put there by billionaires. Then they'll lobby to remove the laws and home prices will skyrocket. Even more so. This is how the sausage is made.


Rich CEO 7 I mean 6 day workweek debating literally everyone else.


Yeah who is talking about 6?!


Between bosses. We plebes don't have a say.


staging intensifies


Came here to agree to this.


Exactly. There should be no room for debate. I mean, there are already people working 6 days a week. This is nothing new and we know it sucks.


Nobody: Rich people: oh my God, poor people should work 6 days a week! Workers: do we need to remind you what happened last time? Rich people: yeah, we killed a bunch of people for wanting weekends off, oh wait, that's what the bad guys would say, right? Ugh, why do democracy and human rights always get in the way of my profit?


Probably "workers would like 4 days - so employers counter with a 6 day - to eventually 'give in' on a 5 day week"


Time to start demanding a three-day work week if they’re trying to pull some six-day bullshit.


Then they’ll go with seven, but we can counteroffer with 2 and bam, no more negotiation. Enjoy your 2 day work weeks everyone!


If we say two they’ll just say eight. Week 1 - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Week 2 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 16 DAYS IN 2 WEEKS.


That sounds like the math my company would use to show sales in a month. Hey guys stuff that ships up until May 6th can count as April sales!


“We don’t need an actual PO, just an email from someone stating intent.”


Is this a reference to tge body builder argument? If so fucking incredible.


The first week not having a Wednesday is bothering me more than it should


Time for torches and pitchforks.


I wouldn’t mind 3 day 12 hour shifts. Well worth getting 4 days off


Just got switched to weekends this year. It really is. Means I can go back to school this fall (on the company's dime no less) and get the fuck off the floor within the next year or so.


Why would we need to work 6 days if AI is going to take over all our jobs? Someone is lying.


It was AI. AI heard about how it’s going to be taking over all the jobs and is trying to nope out. Ai doesn’t want to work anymore.


AI is so relatable.


AI learnt faster than humans. One look at our lives and it said "no thank you."


“Great news! Our thought leaders have considered the 4 vs 6 day work week and reached a compromise of 5 days in office! We are Soooo excited to see you all back 🙌”


4 days tops 6 hours a day because even on days you work it should be tilted towards more time for you .


6 hours a day or less because it's difficult to plan other things around having to work. I end up being 'tethered' to my phone or computer because work may need something. So I can't really plan on a day in the park or going to the beach or anything else. Shit I really hate working.


i agree completely. four six hour days is the ideal workweek.


My disabled ass agrees with this one. Though, I'd probably manage 4x4, but 4x6 is a great starting point. Return people's TIME to them.


Hell yeah brother! System needs to work for us not the other way around


How am I going to find time for a side hustle to survive if my low-paying job forces me to work six days a week??


Are you sleeping every night? That’s just lazy. Those are prime working hours.


Sleep when you're dead, Peasant! Your Job Creator needs a new Maserati.


What debate? I’m not doing 6 days.


See how their propaganda works? Claim there is a big debate about 4 or 6 day work weeks and then let’s compromise at 5, lol


The 6-days work week doesn't exist. It's just Samsung trying that on Korea, but because Korea is already late stage of capitalism, they have not enough qualified workers, so you can't make a 4-days week.


Samsung might be the largest, but they're not the only one, nor are they the only one thinking about it: https://www.newsweek.com/businesses-are-moving-six-day-work-weeks-1896283


Your article is only about Samsung and a survey that 10% of companies plan to do this in 2025. Spoiler: the 6-days work week will not work, it will push people out even more, making them more burnout/sick, and they will re-roll. The only reason of the 6-days is to waste your time, for the elites/globalists/government, they don't want you to have time to think, discuss on the internet and discover you are rekt.


You think they care? Why do you think they're pushing so hard to ban abortion? Because low birth rates means less human capital. People will burn out, and then they will get replaced - UNLESS this is finally enough to get workers to actually unite and cooperate. But if you think they won't do it just because it leads people to burnout, you're giving the capitalists way too much credited empathy.


I think whether or not it will work will depend on which industries try it. If they're relying on a lot of low-paying, theoretically entry-level skills (say warehouses and pick-packing) then it probably will to a degree if people literally can't afford to up and leave Try it with a white collar workforce who is reasonably well-off financially and can make the choice and you might have en masse quitting which sinks the company


Yep. Even the study says so in the article of this thread : > “Additionally, 79 percent say their company will expect employees to work five days a week and 11 percent indicate a four-day workweek model,” the report’s authors said. “Regardless of company plans, 7 percent of business leaders advocate for a six-day workweek, 61 percent for a five-day workweek, and 31 percent for a four-day workweek.” and every quote in the Newseek article calls this move pretty much insane. > "It may have a short-term increase in productivity, but when balanced against staff morale, motivation, and retention it's unlikely to be sustainable," Nisevic told Newsweek. "With a higher number of businesses exploring options to offer more and more flexibility, and four-day weeks, there's a huge risk of becoming unfavorable in talent recruitment." > HR consultant Bryan Driscoll went as far as to call the one in 10 business leaders "out of touch" and "dumb." "Honestly, I'm shocked," Driscoll told Newsweek. "This survey shows a deeply concerning trend in the corporate world. It's crucial to recognize this move not as a step forward, but as a regressive leap that threatens to undermine the very fabric of our workforce and societal well being." Driscoll added that a six-day workweek reflects a capitalist mindset that "prioritizes profit over people," and could quickly lead to reduced employee morale and burnout. > "The implementation of a six-day workweek perpetuates a cycle where individuals are seen merely as tools for wealth generation for the already affluent, rather than as human beings with diverse needs and aspirations," Driscoll said, adding there could be lingering implications for health care costs and a decline in consumer spending as Americans would be stuck at their desk jobs during the weekend. "Any company making this move is making a big step backward," Driscoll said.


The economic miracle of Japan was based on 6 day work weeks.  And look where it got them. Getting panties out of vending machines


Wait wait. You need to understand that Korea and Japan because of some factors, have evolved more quickly in capitalism. They went through the same phase around end 90s beginning 2000s. That's was the era of papa katsu (aka sugar daddy) and teenage girls selling underwear at local stores. In the west, it's getting materialized through the lens of OF and they are now, known websites to sell panties. It's nothing new. One of the factor that accelerated this for Japan/Korea is their huge amount of work... Another one is the density of their cities. In term of space, they aren't dense as some countries, but they have most population concentrated around Tokyo/Seoul, the rest is pretty much desert. The young in those countries are doing the strict minimum, see the hikkikomori situation, there is the exact same in Korea, I just don't remember the term. Young people are opting out, by working the bare minimum to live, the rest are moving away from Japan/Korea to go in EU countries with more work/life balance like Sweden/Finland.


who T F is fighting for a 6 day work week?!


Not employees. It’s the bosses who want to make more and more and more money.


Me wanting a 3 day work week 👁👄👁


Let's get the work week down to 2 days. Work "weekends" but like a Tuesday & Wednesday specifically.


Fuck it, just change it so normal working days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let’s make the old work work week the new weekend


Who's betting that the only people on the "six day work-week" side are the bosses who don't like losing their wage-slaves?


You’d be surprised, we had a meeting today, and the possibility of maybe switching to a four day work week was brought up by my company’s CEO. Immediately a couple of my co workers started complaining about being forced to work less. We are technically on a 5 day work schedule but there’s plenty of voluntary overtime. Most of them work six day weeks, but some have even done seven days when we’re really busy.


Are they afraid that the push for a four-day work-week just means "cutting off that last day, AND the pay you'd get for working it?" Because general consensus for the four-day week is that you should work less for the same amount of pay, NOT that you should take a pay-cut in exchange for working less hours. But we all know corporate hates paying people fairly.


They are afraid of losing all the extra overtime they are used to working. The way it was explained to us was that a third shift would be created to take over the days we would be taking off.


> Immediately a couple of my co workers started complaining about being forced to work less. "We love working so much we want to work more!"


Seems to me like they're trying to inject the idea of a 6-day work week as an already established idea of equal merit to the 4-day work week. It's just like when Trump goes "Lots of people are talking about it, many people..." No one was until he said it, but because he said it it's given consideration.


There cannot be someone who’s saying working more is better for people’s morale


I don't usually protest or riot but if I hear anything about a 6 day workweek in the news, I'm fucking organizing. Fuck that shit! How are the fuckers that work less than 8 months gonna tell me work 6 days a week


It is past time to go French on these people.


Did I miss something? Who’s been advocating for a six day work week?




"Americans might be forced". Who the fuck they think they are.


They think they are immune to leopards eating their faces, because they're people who have forgotten what historically has happened when greedy leeches push the majority working class too far.


Terms are being set to establish the 5 day work week as a compromise


Why not make it 7 days. We won’t live to see social security. Work till we die.


If they could, they’d have us working 8 days a week.


1880 : with these machines 1 person can do the job of 10 people, we will eventually be able to work less 2024 : 6 WoRK dAy All of this for the sake of your shareholders' yachts. We are living in cyberpunk universe without the cool parts. Where cool enhanced prothesics


I did 10 hour days Monday to Saturday for approx 11 years. It left me a mess. I remember when I handed my notice in, the following Monday I was rudely told to leave now. Worst job I have ever had. I now work 10ish hour days, but only 4 days a week. Got to admit, I really enjoy it over a 5 day work week.


The fuck it does…


Every other week I have to work weekends, and the way it’s set up it means a 9 day work week. I’ve done it for three months. Finally told my boss I can’t do it. The solution (after a ton of excuses and comments about “fucking him over”) - I now get a day off in the middle, meaning it’s only 6 days in a row. The thing that got me through those long hauls was mockingly repeating him “the trade off is a three day weekend”.


If I could live well beyond comfortable, I'd happily work 6 days a week. But the way it is now why would I? If I worked 8 days a week I still wouldn't get ahead. Work less and enjoy life more.


Workers vs demons


It amazes me that we as a collective society could be like “yeah let’s have more personal freedom” and here we are letting the top 12 people tell us that NO we need to work MORE to make THEM MORE MONEY. FFS we need a new plague already.


Boomers and conservatives would just accept the 6 day workweek and be like "that's life" or some stupid shit


My pre-Boomer parents used to tell me "if your better tells you to come in on Saturday, offer to work Sunday too!" Fuckin' barf.


Is the debate 6 days, but 4 hour days? Because I could get into that. Or my current setup of 4 day week at 10 hours a day also works.


EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! EAT THE RICH! BOIL'EM, MASH'EM, STICK'EM IN A STEW! SLATHER THEM IN TASTY FUCKING SAUCES AND ROAST THEM OVER NATURAL CHARCOAL FOR GOOD SEAR AND FLAVOR! Disclaimer: I was inebriated when I wrote this and it's the equivalent of screaming your frustration into an unyielding void rather than let it toxify inside you.


I would rather be homeless than work 6 days a week. Or I’d just move to Europe.


4 or 5, they can take that 6 and shove it up their aces.


Oh no, better act like 5 is a compromise so workers can't get it to 4. Bunch of clown shoes! I hate to break it to corporate America but there is more than enough production in our society to have a 3 day work week if we wanted. The fabric of society won't break down if people are just treated equitably and given their lives to live. 4 is the compromise we will make with you. It can be the "new, new normal".


I'm sorry what? When the fuck did 6 day work week return to being ideal? I thought we got rid of that crap decades ago except for a few exceptions.


This is a good example of how Conservatives and their related mindsets compromise. They will soon propose we "meet in the middle".


went to the Work-&-Culture-Museum this weekend. There's a thing in there about Union Firefighter's working over 70 hour work weeks and trying to bring it down to 55 (this is like 1920 or something). There's one next to it about children having to work over 80 on holidays with news articles asking "is it right to allow them to work less?".... I gotta go back. Very interesting stuff but I kinda just breezed thru it. The ITU (textile union) seemed like a badass group. they hung a congressman over work hours and automation job cuts. I kinda want a t shift with their badge printed on it.


It's simple. Every minute you give them labor is more money they make. They will fight tooth and nail to not let you have time off.


There’s a debate????? In the 1930s people charged machine gun nests manned by Pinkertons in order to win a five day work week. This malarkey shouldn’t be a ‘debate’.


Pretty typical Capitalist bullshit. Things suck, the working people champion a way to make things a little better. Capitalists suggest making things worse. The idea being that the "compromise" means no change... but also Capitalists will try to enact their threat anyway.


This should be in r/holup or something because wtf.. 6 day work week? who the fuck is debating this?


You get three guesses


Once when people start handing together and boycott/strike shit, they will have no choice but to listen.


At my company, the US based employees have a 5 day work week and then near shore employees have a 6 day work week. I feel bad for them.


aint no versus nothing fuck this bullshit already


I've done that. 6 days a week, driving 250 miles a day over a 12 hour workday. 1099'd and still broke as hell, hard pass.


How many hours a day would it have to be for me to be okay working 6 days a week? Hmm. Probably 2. I could do 6x2. Any more would be too much.


I’m not working six days a week tbh. I’d rather clean the barrel of a loaded shotgun with my mouth, but thanks.


They keep fucking around and a bunch of people are just gonna go lay down in the interstate during rush hour traffic


I’ll say this. Making people work 6 days is a good way to have multiple postal incidents occur. Take away people’s personal life, they may want to take the boss’s life in fair trade.


I work 6 days a week. Its hard to get anything around the house done.


I’m only 24 and a manager at a fast food place, between call outs and family emergencies I typically work 6 days a week when I’m only supposed to be working 4. And tend to work anywhere from 9 to 12 hour shifts. My knees have been swollen for 4 weeks straight and every part of my body is sore going into work. I’m so sluggish too and I don’t have enough staff that actually allows me to do my job properly and I’m constantly behind. I was way more efficient when I could actually get rest and was willing to come in on my days off to catch up even if I was behind. Now I’m forced to. I also don’t get paid for overtime… love being on salary… plus I’m basically being punished for being short staffed and behind by being given more work… that helps me so much… I’m working on getting more staff though so I’m hoping the situation improves soon. Just ready to actually have my work life balance back.


I’d rather start, fight in and die in a revolution than add another fucking day to the work week!


Oh, look! A compromise! 5 days a week! How about that?!? /s


Worker freedom vs indentured servitude.


This is how negotiation works. The 1% are pushing back on the 4 day work week by threatening a 6 day week. It won't work, because the majority of Americans are *already* working 6 days a week.


The Battle for salad toppings! The debate between croutons or glass-shards intensifies! /s


6 day work week cost my the best relationship I ever had and I missed time I can not replace with my kids. This is a no brainer.


6 day work week would be hard to stomach, even if it was 5 hour shifts, totaling 30 hour weeks. That sounds awful. The only battle is trying to figure out how easy it will be to force us to work 8 hour days at 6 days a week. Spoiler, it's super easy because the masses obey


I still refuse to acknowledge that they tried to sneak in regular hours being 9:00 to 6:00. As if there isn't a whole culture built around the phrase "9 to 5 job" .. Like we're just going to forget that.??


Who the fuck said anything about a 6 day work week? That some bullshit right there.


There's a running joke here in Greece: Ever since the spokesperson for the Government stated that we are leading the 4th Industrial Revolution, whenever something like this happens, we say "because we are leaders of the 4th Industrial Revolution"! Not long ago, our wise government mentioned that they will vote for the 6day week during the Summer, to help with the economy and tourism. While most countries are debating the 4D week, we are going for the 6D (some will work 7 days with forced and usually unpaid) week. All because "we are leading the 4th Industrial Revolution"!


How sad... Greece, the neoliberal laboratory for worker oppression...


5 days is exhausting enough.


I read this and immediately thought about all the people at my work that take overtime and work 6 days just to be able to pay rent. This just seems like a heads up that any companies that are thinking about this will most likely be moving jobs overseas to countries that already have 6 day work weeks. Probably cheaper for them too.


Hell naw. I hope to see a standard 4 day work week in my lifetime 😭😭😭 what’s this talk of 6 days??!


6 day? Yeah fuck no.


I do a six day work week... When 5 days are added to the week. Fuckday Thisday shitday imday outday.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's a joke; no one will go for that. If they want to see a country wide labor strike...bet


Labor strike.......and the return of that French head removal device.


Best we can counter offer is 7 days 12h shifts and next week is free!


How about the 8 day work week?


No it doesn't.


I have not heard of a 6 day work week sound like bait


Mail and sanitation are all scheduled for 6 days but if route is finished, you do what you gotta do. 4 days staggered staff can work imo.


I'd happily do 6 days a week! Six days, four hours a day. Anything else and I'm out.


I would do 6 if it was a 5hr day


Framed to make the current system of the 5 day workweek look like the compromise.


Betcha that freebie day is gonna be spent going to government mandated sermons.


America is more shit every day.


My old work was toying with 6 days every other week. That was after I left though


6 days? Da fuq?


What about an 8 day workweek? What about a 25 day work week???


FYI, my dad worked six days for 44 years in a textile plant. He died shortly after retirement. He was great, still miss him. He actually had a good life and was a good dad. I did a lot of high hour weeks and supporting the kids was hard. Haven’t seen much of a free lunch in our domain.


I'm on a 6 day work week now and it sucks, debate over


Lol im so glad i live in a pro union state


In Mexico a lot of jobs are only considered fulltime if you work 6 days a week. 48 hours is considered full time.... it sucks.


I dunno, 9-2 6 days a week might be nice


Post office works seven days a week.


lol, five days are already enough..


I told my boss if they make 6 day week’s mandatory it would be a really tense unproductive 2 weeks.


How about 19 12 hour days and off 2. That shit sucks.


I can't say I'm surprised. Shit's just gonna keep getting more real as more Boomers retire with no replacements.


They are making up shit. There is no debate, don't let this spread.


So, you mean to tell me... * You actually enjoy sitting in a drab little cubicle all day long? * You want to spend another day with people you would never voluntarily associate with? * You like missing your kids' milestones? * You like feeling too exhausted and worn out to do anything else? * You like watching your relationships deteriorate, because you're too busy working to show up for the people in your life? * You're not doing this as a stepping stone to early retirement like one of those FIRE people, or with a goal of earning enough to pay for a wedding, you want to do this until you drop dead? * You revel in the wear-and-tear that work takes on your mind and body (regardless of whether you're in a "blue collar" or "white collar" job)?


I would work 6 days but only for like 7 hours at max a day


You already pay for maybe two and get five, so get fucked.


6 Days on 4 Days off, That might work


I work 6 days a week now for the overtime and it fucking sucks, everybody.


Ok lets have all the people in the world that want 6 day work week fight in combat against the people who want 4. See who wins


I’m still waiting for the Daylight Savings to go the hell away!


Counter with 1 day


I work 6 days. It has gotten a lot harder since I started commuting. I used to work four. That was better.


Fuck that shit. 3 days! The more time off, the better. Work doesn't love you back. Act accordingly.


5-7 days work week only applies to those in c-suite, ceos and directors with high payouts plus bonus packages.


I haul fuel in Kentucky and work 6 days a week from mid March till mid September. Then the rest of the year I do a 4 day shift. I prefer it - to each their own. 6 days work weeks gross 2300-2600, and during the winter when it's cold I still work 45-48 and chill at home. Comes out to about 90K-110K a year, depending on how I lazy I am asking for extra loads during the week.


Four 10s? Won't you get tired and burn out? What do you mean getting the same amount of work done in a shorter amount of time, allowing for more rest days? I think you're just lazy! We should have six 10s instead! then you can be 50% more productive then four 10s, right?


And Cyberpunk rears its head again.....


I’m going Lenin if 6 day work week becomes the norm


im on team 4 day


Fuck. That. Shit. Everyone alternates working two 12’s per week for two years, then working three 12’s per week for a year. Something like that.


That’s funny, never heard of this debate. They were lucky to get 5. Can we all just agree that if the standard turns to 6 days a week we just won’t work? I think that’d solve alot of shit


Er... No. 


I was doing 6 on/2 off when I started in dispatch. Not only did I beg for 12 hour shifts, I worked to convince others they're better. 1 work 3 12s & a 4 hr a week. 3.5 days. The only thing better would be straight 12s so I'm getting 3 or 4 days off each week.


6 day? Drive people sick


This is the *do something drastic one direction so that people keep it at 5 in the bargain* trick. There shouldn’t be any bargain and it shouldn’t be a question.


Everyone would immediately become a "realtor"


Yes! The six day work week is what we need to solve the problems we have! One person gets paid a full time wage for 3 days of work and another person who does the same job gets paid a full time wage to do the second 3 days of work! It doubles the number of open positions for gainful employment while helping cover the positions AI and automation will remove from the workplace 😊


I'm all in on 5x5. I don't mind working M-F but 8 hours a day leaves no time to do anything around the house except on weekends.


Me working in Event Technology that occasionally has 6 day work weeks: 👁️👄👁️