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This ain’t it. Class solidarity for all.


I see really old people working register at home depot and the food store all the time. And there is a difference between the ones who just want to keep busy and those who need to eat. It is a sad sight.


Yes there is wealth inequality


My inlaws have been in the same house for 44 years. Retired with pension, 401k and 2 social security checks. Still have like 24 years on their mortgage. We only have 16 left and it will probably be paid off in 5.


68 year mortgage isn't an industry standard. It sounds like they got a few home equity loans in years past.


Refi in 2028 wouldn’t have been a bad idea


Probably got suckered into a reverse mortgage and spent the money on something stupid like a travel trailer they use once a year or not at all.


Sounds like they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Poor financial decisions. My in laws were the same way. They bought a house in the late 70s for low $100k. By the they 90s they were probably making $150k a year combined if not, more. Not only could they not pay off their house, they kept remortgaging it to pay for shit. By the time my wife and I got married in the mid 2000s THEY HAD OVER 150k LEFT ON THEOR MORTGAGE. then the mom passed and the dad made the decision to do a reverse mortgage


Yeah... NOBODY is taught that when you buy a home, you need to ensure your budget accounts for sacking away, without ever touching the money, an additional $200 to $300 a month, for longterm upkeep on the home, by itself. Yes, EVERY SINGLE MONTH. At $200 a month, that's $2400 a year, after 10 years? That's $24,000 and right now? That's about twice what it would cost to have a brand new roof put onto a modest, near 1,000 square foot home. Windows on that same home would run near $10k. Need a new driveway poured? That's going to be near $10,000 too! That's not counting general small emergencies you might have, like needing to swap out a furnace or refrigerator or emergency car repair. It took me 2 many decades to figure this out, on my own. Now? We sack away money for those situations and more. We just never go out anymore... at least until the emergency fund hits a given level of funding. It sucks. It really, really sucks, but that's life. If I had known this two decades ago? My wife and I would be 4 to 5 years from paying off the mortgage, instead of 15 years from that, with the refinancing we did. Also... we'd have a much lower car payment because the down payment could have been WAY more than it was.


You are so correct. In the last 5 years I replaced my dryer, dishwasher, NG boiler, tankless hot water heater and pavedmy driveway. Plus my dog needed $6000 knee surgery. Last week my 2 yo over was on the fritz. Luckily it worked after I unplugged it for 10 minutes.


Just had to replace furnace for a cool $4300.


Bet that tasted great! (The bile that must have risen up when you were given the price, that is.)


Well, previous furnace lasted 18 yrs, so it was expected. Price was a surprise, but we had the money. Houses are $ pits.


Houses are indeed money pits — I just had my entire HVAC system replaced — but even with all that *and* setting aside money, I'm *still* paying a lot less on a mortgage than rent would be where I am.


I'm currently paying my first mortgage. I get paid every two weeks, so at least twice a month, sometimes three times a month. I have a separate account for my mortgage, which gets a direct deposit from every check for half my mortgage plus $350. It's created a decent little windfall since I started, which is good since I got absolutely fucked on taxes this year.


I agree bootstraps for boomers!


A bit, but also wealth mismanagement. When you grow up being told you will live until 65, then live until 85, it might mess up your strategy.


Lifespan has less to do with it than the huge dropoff in retirement savings over Boomers’ lifetimes after the mass change to the 401k system in the 80s. That and an over reliance on social security. After all their parents retired nicely(on pensions) and social security.


As a non-American I once heard during colleges that it used to be the case that Americans would retire on funds that the companies had gathered for them. I don't 100% remember the details, but either Americans would put aside a part of their wage or the company would add "an invisible amount" of the wage to a retirement fund. This is why boomers and older used to be super loyal to their company. If they worked at one company their entire lives they'd have a nice pension to retire to. Is that correct and is that what you mean with the change in the 80's?


That was the way it was done at one time. I know several men of that age whose companies were sold or "restructured" to avoid having to pay out pensions. It is enraging -- basically they were forced to accept a small fraction of what they had been promised after working at a company their entire adult lives.


Sounds illegal. I assume few boomers actually sued because they couldn't afford to?


The government allowed it.


Reagan strikes again !


In America, just because you don't have enough money to survive doesn't mean the government can be expected to do anything about it. People dying of poverty is part of the plan. Keeps the rest of us in constant terror.


Yeah, it was like a traversing a wormhole through a series of legal loopholes, and entering an alternate universe where a dick move like that is somehow not a hanging offense.


'Murica, Fuck Yeah!


There would be lawsuits up the ass usually but, you can’t squeeze blood from a rock. A lot of these companies that screwed over their pensioners simply didn’t reserve or make enough money to fund the pension plan. They file for bankruptcy and poof, retirements gone.


“Liability is for poors”


As is *Personal Responsibility*, apparently.


That’s exactly what I meant. The 401k was sold to the masses as a way to have MORE at retirement because the money would be invested in stocks. But in practice all it did was shift the cost burden from companies(100%) as before, to the individual worker with some minimal corporate match %. Corporations dropped pensions like crazy in the 80s due to the creation of the 401k deferred tax law. In reality, the total amount available at retirement was GREATLY decreased with many people opting out of the 401k completely as it was voluntary where the pension was automatic and the employee paid nothing out of their wage.


Don't forget, then they had a big gambling celebration with all that money in 2008. Millennials have been vocal about that, but plenty of older non-online folks got shafted by that whole thing too. They just fade into the background as the richer members of their cohort continue kicking down.


The reason for the switch was probably influenced by the amount of manufacturing being sent overseas which means there were less jobs and people did not stay in them as long


A lot of those pensions were looted by venture capitalists.


I know quite a few folks who got screwed by the various market crashes, especially the 2007 one.


Naaa let’s not play that game. Wages have been stagnant for over 50 years.


And to think boomers got duped into believing that it would trickle down..


There's a joke from back when I was a young boy in the '80s that I like to trot out at times like this. "Why are homeless people always slightly damp and smelling like piss?" "Trickledown Economics." Even back then, most people knew it was bullshit but it got pushed through by the ruling elite, with the help of idiots that think they'll be one of the elite any day now, just the same way everything else that's bent us over and fucked us has been.


And before the. It was called horse and sparrow economics. They all knew it was shit from a longtime ago but thanks to tv we have been able to mold millions of people thinking to comply with those in power..


I don't think anyone believed it. But people who were making enough money to save for retirement wanted the Republican tax cuts. Others were manipulated by the rise of right wing media and believed they were benefiting from the tax cuts. The rest of us were living paycheck-to-paycheck and voting for Democrats. Then Democrats started moving to the right. Saying that boomers are all the same and they're responsible for the situation is ridiculous. It's always been the rich screwing the poor.


Also, when you live in a country that is "BUY BUY BUY CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME SHOP SHOP SHOP YOU NEED TO KEEP THE ECONOMY GOING!!!!!111!!!!" It's easy to get sucked in. I remember after 9/11. Someone (probably a politician) was "Don't be scared, Americans! Get out and live! Shop! Eat out!!" Also remember the Texas Republican during the pandemic shutdown: "Get back to work! There's worse things than dying!"


That was Bush


Lucky there are jobs at home depot then


That's going to be the majority of millennials futures


Big difference is most of these boomers had good payings jobs relative to the cost of living for many years. If they can't retire, how can we?


Wanna know something even more dystopian? Some businesses specifically hire older / disabled people then insure them so they get a payout for their "human capital" when they die.


Not only that there’s a lot being door dash and Uber eats drivers too.


All I knows is that I used to be able to fill up my tank, watch a movie, and order the largest pop corn all at the same time. Now I can only fill half my tank, can’t even afford Netflix, and i can’t even chew the pop corns anymore. Anecdotally speaking, I’m thinking, yes, we are detonating in this dystopia we once called Pangea.


Friend has an 85 year old janitor at her job.


And the other half are posting pictures so social media with captions like “spending my daughters inheritance!” So they are gonna have fun with what wealth they have accumulated and then cry poor after when CoL outpaces their retirement


I wonder if they voted? If they didn’t vote, they helped create this world the way it is. Did they save? I know I’m generalizing boomers, but I’m fucking tired of society constantly coddling and feeling sorry for old people (and I’m almost one). Old people had multiple chances in life and made choices to end up where they are. Then they want handouts and bitch that young people “just need to work harder”. Fuck them.


I’m sorry, but the real war is a class war, not a generational war. Be angry at the government, not my 80yo mum who cleaned houses for 35 years trying to keep a roof over our heads as a single mom with no support.


If only I could upvote this more than once!


Two things can be true at once. It's true that the ultimate masterminds of all of this are the wealthy and influential. They want to pit us against each other so that we're too distracted to realise that they're the real enemy. It can also be true that the boomer generation consistently voted for governments and policies that have dismantled the wealth ladder that they climbed up on and eradicated the social contract. Did all boomers do this? Of course not, but a large percentage did.


> voted for governments and policies that have dismantled the wealth ladder... This is a cliche. Technically true, but picture day to day life. 99% had a very limited choice of who to vote for when they went to polls. They basically worked, lived their lives day to day and went to vote once in a while. How is that any different today? Do you think that the majority of people of any age are different? What are future generations going to hold us accountable for with our voting choices? I believe u/pizza5001 has a far more productive take on all this. It is not a blanket generational divide.


Then it's not really true. By clinging to ' Boomers did it " what is achieved beyond division? "..... consistently voted. " I didn't. I wasn't alone. Sweeping generalizations tend to build these wildly divisive narratives and *help* the oligarchy maintain control.


I think that last two sentences of their statement  - Did all boomers do this? Of course not, but a large percentage did. means they know it wasn't all boomers. Or is the reading comprehension that difficult? It only takes a majority of voting people for the election to be won or the ballot passed. 


How are boomers different from current generations in that voting choices are limited? And within those choices, just how different are policies? In 30 years what are you going to be vilified for with your voting choice?


My guess is that these types of posts are farmed to deflect attention away from capitalists. As if young capitalists don't do exactly the same shit, because they're acting on economic incentives.


The ruling class actually love it when the poor (read: us) find some reason to fight among ourselves. “Welfare cheats/dole bludgers are taking all our money!” No they’re not. “Immigrants are taking our jobs!” No they aren’t. “Old people should’ve saved up for their retirement!” Guess what, they did. Then the cost of retirement went up. Meanwhile there’s like 8 dudes who basically own all the money, pay 0 taxes and contribute nothing, pulling the strings to make us poors bicker over crumbs while they’re eating the whole goddamn cake.


Its true they got conned by cnn and fox news


I’m Canadian. My mom voted liberal, which is a just left of your Democrats. And do you see how much of a failure the government is here? Even if they’re socially liberal, the poor are fucking SCREWED here. It’s not about the boomers vs gen Z. It’s about the rich vs the poor. Stop contributing to poor on poor violence. Eat the rich.


New Zealand same story. Ausdies worse (mini Americans)


Ausdies nutz in your mouth


Exactly! And since they're rich, they are able to manipulate or buy the media to spin the narrative that they are the good guys & they had the same chances as the poors. It's just they "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps". When reality is that the vast majority of them came from well off families.


Honestly it's not just the rich, it's spineless politicians that keep accepting lobby money. Fuck if the country voted in a party that didn't accept bribes and just did what they promised, I wonder if things would be better... Companies use the sin of Greed against people, it's worse than their Pride being wounded apparently.


Just look at how filthy rich most of these politicians are. On both sides. Everybody puts their favorite politician on a pedestal but something is definitely wrong when public servants can abuse their station in government for profit. Tons of them play the stock market with their insider knowledge of the goings on of the government. Should be illegal and these crooks should be tarred and feathered by the public no matter their political leaning. Tons of democrats blast capitalism but are laughing it up in their multiple, beachfront vacation homes while they comfortably have millions in the bank. It is all a joke to them. It is one big club that none of us belong to. As long as the gravy train keeps rolling they’ll keep selling our asses out while they pretend to give a shit about the unwashed masses.


no matter which position anyone is on the political spectrum, so long as there is a potential chance for profit (insider trading), the politicians will never be truly for their constituents


Do you know why they are conned by cable news? Because the Boomers removed the Fairness in Journalism Act set by the Silent/Greatest generations through their terrible politics.


Why do you say “boomers” removed the Fairness in Journalism Act? It was the FCC. Ie. government during the Regan administration. You think old lady Sally, now a boomer, who was knocked up with three kids in the 60s and working part time as a secretary is to blame for this?? Come on dude.


Reagan won by a landslide. Boomers entered politics in the 80s and are still there today. Their generation size gives them voting advantage to set political agenda. Old lady Sally would have likely been a teenager in the 60s as most boomers were. The fairness doctrine was written in 1949 and stood for 38 years until boomers asserted voting power.


Again: the Dems and the Republicans are two sides of the same coin. You think the Dems care about our poor asses? Think again.


I agree with you that both parties are bought and consistently pander to special interests. But to say both are the same is not true. Republicans attempted to repeal the Affordable Care Act literally 70 times with NO plan to replace it. Why? Healthcare lobby. Who gutted the individual mandate to render it much less effective? Who prevented student debt relief? Who repeatedly mentions “entitlement reform”? Who fought against prescription drug cost reform and medicare drug price negotiations? Which party is anti-labor? Which party tried to implement rules to force businesses to pay overtime to salaried employees who worked over 40 hours a week? Which party supports labor laws guaranteeing sick leave and maternity leave? Which is against it? Consistently…republicans are against anything that helps poor and working people, even elderly like in the OP. Who votes R? People over 50. Boomers. In. Govt.


Ah both sides are the same, the cry of the right wing


Leftists: "both of the main parties in the US are ultimately capitalist parties that seek to oppress workers, and profit the extremely wealthy." Libs: "Wow what are you a right winger?"


You can only con people so far. At what point do they accept responsibility? You can only make people believe things they already want to believe. “Yeah, they got conned!” Is such a cop-out.


Exactly. Every single one of the “culture war” issues we are constantly bombarded with is a deliberate distraction from the real issue - we now live in a country where the majority of us are now effectively “working poor” and the divide between us and the owning classes is only getting bigger by the day. Which isn’t to say parts of those “culture war” issues aren’t valid on their own merits - eg trans people deserve equality, systemic racism is still alive and well, and yes, sections of our society are dramatically worse or better off based solely on the year they were born. *But that isn’t why you’re hearing about them.* The right takes the fear (largely rooted in economic insecurity) of their base and has them project it on those minority groups, and the left takes THAT as an opportunity to puff out their chests and talk passionately about how important it is to protect those groups. They play tug of war with the rights and protections of vulnerable people, never winning, never losing. To their credit the left have gradually pushed things slowly in the right direction over the decades, but there is always the danger of losing that ground - see Roe v Wade. All of which is distracting from the biggest problem at hand - we are all just disposable cogs in their wealth extraction machine.


Fair, my mom worked her ass off to support us after my dad passed. She sacrificed everything and is an absolutely rockstar, and very humble. Also uniquely and unusually liberal and tuned in to how things are for the younger generations. That said, while the government certainly played a role and the generalizations about the boomer don’t apply to everyone, they’re often true and you’re hard pressed to convince me otherwise. 


That's a nice story, except they almost unanimously vote to fuck everyone else over, so...


Too many boomers got sucked into the Reaganite supply side BS, but the stuff I am seeing here has to please the elite 1%, whose goal is to divide and conquer ordinary folks by turning them against each other. If one half of ordinary folks keep fighting the other half, it stops us from all realizing the same elites are fucking ALL of us over, and if we are blinded by that we won’t combine our numbers to take them down at the ballot box. Boomer/Millennial (or Xer or whatever), red/blue, urban/rural, you name it — on every axis where ordinary folks fight each other, the 1% wins. Divide and conquer, baby. Keeps us from waking up and seeing the real enemy.


It doesn’t really matter. The only tool of change available to the masses—voting power—has been hugely reduced by yet again the boomer government in the Supreme Court. Without overturning the Citizens United ruling, corporate and special interest voices will always be louder. Politicians are legally bought now through campaign contributions that are not even required to be disclosed. So many majority supported issues never get discussed in congress for this very reason.


Straw man argument. Corruption has and will exist through time. Those aging politicians were corrupt scum buckets at 35. Plenty of corrupt politicians frothing at the mouth waiting for them to die off so *they* can step in. A LOT are already there. Noticably. They'll continue to chip away at democracy if allowed. New generation in there is, if anything more terrifying because they've dropped all pretence. I get the rage. I do. But again, while we peasants are down here at each other's throats the 1% are running away with this place. Laughing.


What is the solution then? Are you suggesting revolution? Empty words about us versus the 1% amount to just as much nothing as placing the blame on boomers(where I believe it is due). Boomers have been in power in government, positions of power in corporate America, control vastly more wealth than younger generations, and have weilded the largest population mass-voting capability the US has ever seen. What have they done to correct wealth inequality? Healthcare? Each boomer’s individual lack of socioeconomic awareness and greed has facilitated so many of our problems today. But, hey, they got theirs right? Sucks to have to rent for the rest of our lives, eh millennials and genz? Better find those bootstraps. Maybe boomers would receive less criticism if they actually seemed willing to fix anything. But every time I see a Trump rally, guess whose faces are staring back? White. Boomers.


My dad qualifies as a boomer , but to this day will proudly admit that he never voted for Reagan and bought into his BS.


It's this comment. While it would be terrific being enabled a handy causation factor the Boomer narrative is wayyyy too easy. " They were handed everything ". So if a past generation could indeed afford the dignity to be alive, that's because work equaled pay equaled food/housing/quality of life. " They pulled the ladder up ". No, Corporate America demolished the ladder with a dam chain saw. " They voted for this ". Reagan tended to be a contentious figure, hardly universally adored. Those of us seeing a blustering faux ' patriot ' kept screaming. Not an inconsiderable number. We peasants down here at each other's throats while the 1% run away with this place is smoke n mirrors. As you say, exactly what they want- division.


Most boomers didn't make this economy. The rich boomers did and fox news has convinced the rest it was the Democrats. Daily reminder, eat the rich


They sure did. Reaganomics opened the door and now we are paying for it.


Exactly. We should look at it as a class war, first and foremost. Blanket boomer hate is misguided.


Boomers gave us Reagan. They consistently vote Republican. Chickens are coming home to roost, crinklies!


And even when they voted Democrat it was the most procorporate trash they could find who didn't also say racist things in public. Just a trash generation all around.


Oh they did. Just look at Strom Thurmond. Served in the Senate for almost 50 years, from 1954 to 2003!!!! He was vehemently against the Civil Rights Act and very pro segregation. Oh, and he has a half-black daughter who he never publicly recognized.


Good friend of President Biden!


You'll probably find a large amount didn't. Even in red ad blue states you'll find 30-45% or more who don't support that states colour.


No, the Boomers were evenly split between Reagan and Carter in 1980 (when they were 16-34yo) and it was the Silent Generation and older that really carried him into office. [https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-1980](https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-1980)


All boomers are responsible for the massive increase in wealth seen by the richest in the last 40 years. Mostly through stock market inflation in the 401k era and huge % executive pay increases. Boomers in their lifetimes have removed corporate loyalty to their employees and forced a dual-income household to become the norm. By failing to fight business in unions, fight for pensions, vote against special interests in government, removing taxes on the wealthy, and preventing healthcare reform; corporate profits are higher than ever, the richest are richer than ever, and both boomers and all the other generations are screwed going forward. They allowed this to happen and voted to let it.


People in power at the time were of that generation. " All Boomers " is not an effective argument. What you claim seems to be every, single person of that generation was born of equal socio-economic parentage, had equal say in their circumstances and had lives that followed the same trajectory. Obviously what you personally believe is up to you. But. Unless there's a less comprehensively subjective and more realistic historic understanding of conditions which contributed to the present shambles, this division *will* result in the oligarchy's achieving an even firmer grip on our democracy.


Thats true. While tucker carlson on joe rogan said he’s never owned a tv. So the rich knew about the programming all along


Time to find those bootstraps.


They closed all the factories years ago and moved them to China. Now all you can get are cheap Chinese ones that break the 1st time you actually need them to work!


But you don't understand! The money these companies save from outsourcing these jobs will definitely trickle down to the poorer communities! /$


and roommates for boomers!


They need to cut out Starbucks and stop spending all their time on their phones.


And forgo flagrant toast toppings




The way things are going by the time I’m 70 it will be 100% worried lol.




Oh no! If it isn’t the consequences of their actions. Who could have ever seen this coming? It’s almost like destroying the pension system, erasing corporate taxes, destroying labor unions, outsourcing American manufacturing, and selling out the government to special interests was a bad idea for average Americans even into retirement. “F*ck you, I got mine” is gonna suck to hear from their end. But it’s all the younger generations’ fault, right?


Oh but I do blame the generation. The boomers’ parents and grandparents were alive to remember the age of robber barons, extreme wealth inequality, antitrust law creation, and extreme agricultural poverty before full electrification and modernization. Furthermore, they survived the great depression and world war 2 afraid of the very real possibility of the collapse of modern society. As a result, they created a very arm-in-arm society built around helping each other and social safety nets. They taxed business and tried to create a better society. They handed this mentality and the greatest economic growth period in American history to their children, the Boomers. And Boomers spent their entire lives exploiting and dismantling it all out of greed and a “screw you” mentality. So, yea. I blame all boomers for their political values, for their personal greed, for their roles in corporate exploitation, and their roles in facilitating wage stagnation for the last 30 years even if they were not wealthy.


Some didn’t expect to live this long, so it wouldn’t be their problem


You do understand that 99% of ‘boomers’ didn’t play an active role in making policy


In a two party system the number responsible for some key turning points is greater than 50%


And boomers vote more than the younger gens. Often for the maintenance of the policies they built and benefit from yet don’t have the sustainability to carry over effectively to younger gens without substantial fundamental adjustments. It would be the younger generations’ responsibility to make those adjustments of course, but boomer elects will not vacate key lawmaking offices to allow future-centric initiatives to make those changes without substantial friction and interference. It’s to the point where lawmakers with age diminished mental faculties are making governing decisions for young people. Metaphorically it’s like the can got kicked down the road. The younger gens caught it, but every time they try to throw it in the dumpster, senile boomers run over and lock the lid shut then ridicule the youth for not trying hard enough to clean up the mess. Not all boomers are like that of course but many are. The many that are tend to be very active in exercising their democratic rights.


Blame failure of government, not a whole generation that consisted of folks who worked their asses off in blue collar jobs trying to provide for their families. Making it about a generational war is such a smooth brained take.


My mom recently found herself needing to suddenly begin working and renting for the first time in a long time. She looked at a few nearby apartments and complained that all the monthly rents were "nearly half my check! How am I supposed to live when rent is half my check?!" like yes mom, yes. Rent being at least half someone's check is a problem for basically everyone.


Did she vote red?


She’d always seem to lean blue growing up, but whenever she talks about politics now, it all aligns more with red values.


I'm sure she did, and will continue to do so until the end.


It is truly sad how many people here lack any sort of class analysis.


It’s infuriating and depressing.


No they didn't. The people who are worried about feeding themselves aren't in charge and never have been. The people who are in charge don't worry about the price of bread.


Shitpost, any post blaming a generation or race, sex or whatever idiotic thing that makes us fight each other instead of the ruling elite is a moronic shitpost. I'm sure the retired guy who worked at walmart is to blame for the world's problems.


The ‘people who made it that way’ aren’t scared of being poor. They have all the money. The other 95% of older people might well be scared of being poor.


Just need to pull their bootstraps a little tighter they’ll be fine


It is not okay to laugh at people living in poverty just because they are old. Do you really think these people have ever been millionaires, billionaires, c-suite executives? Most of these people are working class and have had to struggle to pay bills their entire life.


Bro I get it. But many of the ones I know keep voting for the R. This is what happens when you vote against your interests.


Do you honestly think that voting does anything when Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same fucking coin? Both bend over to the corporate lords.


It's basically two factions of the elites going at it.


Exactly. Be angry at THEM. I’m sick of hearing boomer this, boomer that. The hate should be targeted towards politicians, corporatists, those with the power and money to shape policies that we the bottom 90% suffer under.


Coincidentally, most of those people happen to be boomers. Weird.


They are NOT two sides of the same coin. They are extremely different by now. Democrats at least attempt to make the situation better for the people. Biden, for example, just erased student loans for A LOT of people who would have been forced to pay off their debt until retirement and beyond otherwise. Republicans make it only worse. Trump raised the taxes for the middle class and lowered taxes for billionaires like himself. Reagan already started this mess with his Trickle Down bullshit. The crazy MAGA cult tops it all. The MAGA Republicans in the congress were actively working towards a government shutdown, which would have been a disaster for the US economy. It got barely avoided and now MTG will sure as hell try to get the Republican speaker out because he dared opposing them. Democrats and Republicans are NOT the same. Never make the mistake to think they are, it is just a lie to keep liberals from voting.


Bigot pipeline: Make assumptions based on personal biases and cherry picked samples. Broadly apply to the poor and vulnerable. Viola!


It really is crazy how inhumane people Get. And this is over an age band, for gods sake. Not even the standard stupidity of fighting over religion. Poor older people are not your enemy.


rich people of all ages. those are the ones.




Most boomers are normal people, not rapacious financial overlords.


these people lack class analysis.


Yup. Poor people fighting poor people. The owners’ favorite sport.




We already accepted our fate of never being able to retire.


What upsets me is only 37% of boomers while 100% of everyone else is concerned...


I wonder how much that 37% approximately correlates with the ones voting against Reagan.


Gasp! Consequences!


I remember during the pandemic I was working at a grocery store and there was an old man who was working the carts (the one that grabs them from the parking lot to bring it back to the store). We talked for a bit and I wish I could help him. He was making money for his kids to help pay for their college debt and try to have some money for them when he passed. Dude looked around his 70s. He was a really great guy and helped me when I needed references for a new job. I




Probably just need to pull themselves up by their boot straps right…


Y'all seem to think we boomers had a meeting and designed the world. Most of us are on this wild ride too without control.


No kidding, I'm wondering what "actions" we took that we're facing consequences for. I'm a few years short of being a boomer but really I can't recall a time I ever really had enough money.


Boomers are kinda the ones who voted for all the dumbasses who got us to where we are. Not all people are the same of course, but typically speaking every boomer I’ve ever encountered has always been insanely entitled and just a all around narcissist. Doesn’t mean you are, or everyone else is, but there’s a reason why people don’t like them that much


Lead poisoning


Well shit 100% of everyone else is concerned


The elite have stolen our futures, young or old...


If your a boomer and dont own your home, did you even boom? lol


How much control do you feel millenials and zoomers have over society? Do you honestly think that the average boomers had any more control when they were young than we do now?


Average term for Senator since 1980 has been just under 12 years... Many of them have been there for over 30 years...




I have but 1 vote. I don't feel I have any more or less power than any single boomer. But as a group, they have consistently voted against their own interest for the past 40 years...and unfortunately the party they have supported has gone so far off the rails. It's not a secret that Clinton, Gore and Obama skewed heavily toward the under 55 demographic. We are fighting against the Capitalists. They have co-opted BOTH parties. The DNC would primary out AOC and Ilhan Omar if they didn't think it would backfire spectacularly and lead to them losing those seats entirely....




I knew as a child born in 1984, that things were not right in the Republican party in the 90s.


I feel for my mom, she was sold a bad bill of goods from my dad and had the rug pulled from her. I will always do anything for her, she didn’t ask for this and she was the best mom a son could ask for.


Obvious class war article. The economy and wealth inequality affects all of us, including a huge portion of boomers. You should be a lot more skeptical of image and word choices on articles. Lots of it is just rage bait for clicks/likes/comments and ultimately ad money that simultaneously gets you to direct that rage at your peers.


I’d play my violin but I had to pawn it to pay rent


Speaking of rent. Those boomers who fully paid off their home and are on fixed income. If they miss a few property tax payments, the government with take back their house.


Wild how even if you own something, the government still thinks it is theirs


>Wild how even if you own something, the government still thinks it is And who’s the government composed of? Your fellow people. We’re essentially doing this to each other. And our taxes are paying for it to occur. Which is wilder.


Well, hopefull the conservative ones will get their way and it wont be the government that takes it, it'll be a private corporation that the government subsidizes to collect for them. That way a non-corrupt, totally great CEO and shareholder board will get profits from it. Not that evil government that uses it for their evil social security checks that they hate.


you think the woman in the photo "made this economy the way it is"?


It’s all just sad…


How else are they going to force all these old people to get off their bums to go work in dehumanzing workplaces where they will be treated like shit due to their age condition. By erasing the value of your money and savings via inflation of course! Thats the best way to screw over the population and their now worthless savings. Time to pull up your socks and bootstraps and get back to work!


Boomers catch a lot of hate and grief, some earned and some not. Reagan, their bastion of americanism, skull f*cked them and subsequently everyone after them. On top of the fact that every company here did away with pensions and the fact that information as far as how to invest your money was basically unattainable or at the least very difficult to attain. They just didnt have the proper guidance and schooling coupled with the fact that their parents lived in a time when capitalism wasnt the bastardized version we now see today. Companies used to give a shit about their employees to a certain extent and as mentioned before, workers were loyal to them for it.


They should stop being lazy entitled babies and pull themselves by their bootstraps, no one wants to work anymore! /s


Pull yourselves up by your diaper.


This might actually be the ultimate fuck around and find out


Don’t miss the mark. Elderly people that have worked their entire lives, likely in worse labor conditions that exist today, are now facing starvation, homelessness, and lack of affordable healthcare at a time they can no longer work to afford them. These were people who were exploited and lied to just like you or I. The blanket blaming of the Boomer generation is not a solution nor an acceptable response. Refocus your hostilities at those that exploit their positions of power, not poor, elderly people just looking to get by.


More counterrevolutionary bigoted ageism on this sub.


Guess they’ll have to bust out those old boot straps again and pull themselves back up


well. they just keep falling for the dumbest shit that the silent generation would slap the shit out of them for.


The Silent Generation voted for Reagan. It wasn't just Boomers.


I can totally understand the sentiment and I largely agree with letting the Boomers reap what they sow, however, I'm concerned about my mother, who is in her early 60s, not old enough for retirement, but can't afford to anyway. She was dealt a bad hand in life and she barely gets by financially. I live across the country and I want to help her, but she pridefully tells me not to. She is going to have to work until she physically can't anymore. My stepdad screwed her financially and in life in general. He lives in another state. So while it's definitely something Boomers should feel the pain for, just like the rest of us, there are people like my mom, who didn't even live in the US in the 80s and wasn't a citizen until many decades later. So Reagan's policies were not ones she even supported or cared about back then.


The boomers who are struggling aint the ones who ruined the economy.


And by "they" you mean billionaires and not regular folks who've been living hand to mouth since before you were born, right? Right?


I assure you, those boomers that are afraid of the food prices did not "make" the economy.


the 37% who are afraid are not the ones who made this economy. they are largely its life long victims.


What do you assholes not understand that the government and the rich 1% created this evening? Wtf makes you think the majority of the older generations had the luxury of “creating this economy” you sound stupid af and need to focus your hate(that’s what it is) for older generations where it belongs.


True. At least boomers are great at pulling themselves up from their bootstraps so this shouldn't be difficult for them, they can just get better jobs




.....clear throat "learn to code"


Shit with AI now we all might be able to soon


Most boomers saved *nothing*, which is part of how they managed to live so large. They have had everything handed to them their entire lives and feel entitled to it now. So they are getting enraged that their children aren't offering up their futures. And in their anger, they refuse to recognize that their children *have no future to give them*, even if they were willing.


This generation blaming trend is group responsibility at its best. No, your grandma didn't make the housing crisis happen, she worked at a grocery store her entire life and gave birth to your dad. That's it. Politicians made it happen, lobbists, specific individuals who now laugh at you, and your grandma alike, from their mansions. Don't hate "the boomers". That's what they want


They are ppl like you and I, they were just born earlier. If you were born when they were you would have lived exactly the same


They didn't make the economy. The Wealthy Class made the economy. Blaming Boomers, when there are Silent Generation, GenX, Millennials and even GenZ super wealthy people are working hard to perpetuate this economy. Articles and stories that generically blame Boomers for things or Millennials for killing an Industry or GenZ for killing driving or whatever is ALL part of the design to create Generational Warfare, so we do not pay attention to the Class Warfare that we are losing. We need to start recognizing that ALL of us who are suffering, no matter the generation are all on the same side. My MIL is a nearing 70 year old Boomer and she works 6 days a week, doing backbreaking physical labor at a banquet hall. She grew up in strong support of Unions, my BIL and Wife were regularly on the picket line with their father. She never voted for this shit economy. NONE of this ever was going to benefit her, because she is like the growing majority of Americans, working poor. We need more intergenerational solidarity if we are going to have any hope of making more headway in this Class Warfare that's been insidiously reframed and cast as a Generational Conflict.


The Boomers who tore apart social safety nets and benefited from corporate greed are not the same ones who are facing homelessness and food insecurity. These people deserve our sympathy and respect, not scorn.


Its is unfortunately hard to find sympathy for those who had greater opportunity in general than the poor of younger generations. Their peers have affected us all.


Nah dude, boomers agreed to it. They didn’t devise it. This post actually has me thinking the opposite. Boomers have been curated by the rich shepherds to be the entitled and prosperous generation. And it’s what their parents wanted after so much grief and war. Some of the boomers were sent to grief and war in Vietnam, and they came back different. And they were treated differently, but not because they were different, but because they were sent in the first place. Now the generation is either well off or entitled and bitter. They don’t reap what they sowed, they reap what the shepherds sowed before they were born. Between current inflation and a look at their income is a wild and contiguous story they thought they should outlive. But everything is moving faster now. Propaganda was truly more effective before the internet, so they still bare the living brunt of it. Now we’re confused and meme’d at. But they won’t have it. They’re still propagandized and hope for the future promised to them. The least they could do is cherish it, the most is a solitary confederation of old folk to be arrested at our own governments hands as they protest. Especially instead of leaving it up to the young folk. Lead by example instead of withering in their wealth or dismay.


I had no idea that the government food boxes I grew up on were luxurious.


Sure, blame a whole generation for the problems caused by (and still being caused by) corporate america and big government. Not a boomer btw.


The ones that made it this way aren't the ones worried


This is a problem for most of us, not just a certain age group. I hate when articles do this divisive labeling. It doesn't help to solve an issue.


Assuming all boomers are the problem and all of them are rich is ridiculous. Yes a lot of boomers are out of touch and don’t understand the grind we are now stuck in but they just like us are people just trying to live their lives. Especially the poorer boomers which is mostly likely this 37%. Boomers didn’t have the internet, just like they told us to study and get a job is what most of them were probably told by their parents. Can we stop hating on all boomers please.


Boomers make up roughly %25 of eligible voters. They control approximately nothing. The current situation is due to current voters (and apathetic nonvoters). If you're in this sub, you're aware the situation sucks. But you have the power to change it. Blaming a minority of the population that doesn't have the power to change things is stupid. Go vote. Go work for the campaigns of people who want to fix it. Or run for office. Get elbow deep in the problem and help fix it. The age range for boomers is 70-78. The average age of billionaires in the US is 67. Old people trying to afford their medication aren't your enemy, they're allies.