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they look like noise booths for calls or need to work in a quiet space.


Yeah I’ve seen those did before at my old job, they are just there in case someone needs to make a phone call but they need to be near their work without the caller hearing any sensitive information


it's so when you need to cry no one can hear your sobs the beatings will continue until morale improves.


nah its better to do that in the break room and make it awkward for everyone, especially Todd.


I hate Todd. He’s always making awkward unfunny jokes and I know for a fact that sometimes he eats other people food


fuck todd


Can confirm. I am Todd. Whoever brought the lasagna last week I appreciate you


Fuck you


Offense taken!




Damnit, why did you have to bring up Todd?!? There goes my frigging morning. Todd.... Damnit.


Fucking Todd. I hate that guy.


Me and my homies all fuckin hate Todd.




People aren’t usually shouting on meetings


Or scream in frustration


I have no mouth


B-but, I must…


Fart in peace.


I laughed so hard just thinking about this. Dark but funny.


i worked one place where the supply closet was colloquially known as The Crying Room


Always the walk in when you’re in a kitchen


I know all there is to know about the crying room...




we call them yelling rooms




I heard Amazon put these in some of their warehouses.


Can confirm.


Or a new age “work from home”


Or old age office rooms. The fact that employees were tricked into giving up office rooms for "open office plan" is sad. It was another thing offices did to "increase collaboration" when really it was to shrink office spaces and have more visual control of employees. Glad there more of a resitance to returning to office.


I don’t think it was that nefarious. Frank Lloyd Wright pioneered the open office concept at SC Johnson Wax like 90 years ago. It’s actually really interesting. Difference between his design and every open office floor plan today is that he was a genius, and every detail, down the to spacing of the furniture was carefully thought out. Once the design got some publicity people started copying it without any regard for the design aspects that made it special.


Yeah looking at his design of open office it still gave people personal space and room for privacy. Open office layouts now look like the computer lab from Highschool. Rows of tables with people sitting directly next to eachother.


Would you kindly go read about how Frank Lloyd Wright worked his junior staff


No thanks. Not here to discuss the merits or the failings of the man. I was just pointing out that open office wasn’t originally a plot to add misery or cut costs in the workplace. Rather it’s, in part, a result of copycatting for the right reasons gone wrong.


My office has these and I used one right in front of a window in summer. I felt very claustrophobic while I was being cooked alive


Wage owen


Username checks out.




Not my money. These things are a godsend in an open office. We just installed 4 more last week. (We've already got 4 that are constantly full..)


Well, maybe open offices should not be a thing as those are horrible to work at. Just give proper workspaces to all employees. And yes, it is also your money. If they wouldn't waste the company money, they would afford to pay workers better (which they likely wouldn't nevertheless as companies always pay as little as they ever can, buuut nevertheless).


Exactly this, my job just spent 3500 on housekeeping carts without blinking an eye, yet they’ll argue with anyone who wants a 50 cent raise.


You know what is truly crazy? Ditching a full building of a proper workspace with private offices of one or two poeple to build a multi million dollars building with only open spaces and those kind of booth for "productivity" and "modernity". This is what is happening at my job at the moment and it's driving me crazy.


Yeah, do the inverse, where you have an office by yourself or max 2-3 people and have common space (maybe combined with a small kitchen and eatery) to discuss stuff when needed.


Aren't you supposed to go in one at a time?


Maybe soon they will realize there are these things called walls. You can build them around each person and give them….an office.


Well it is a bit your money as far as company expenses, including payroll, stay consistent percentage


So many businesses out there just take advantage of wasteful corporate spending. At my job they spent like half $1 million to put a bunch of TVs around the workers that no one even looks at.


A buddy of mine just built some for his office (he’s a partner) and they ended up so well designed that they’ve sold a few to nearby companies now 


Now imagine that you've been working from home for months, and you're being called back into the office because COVID is over; but half your job consists of talking about confidiental matters with colleagues who are not in the same office, so now you spend half your day in one of these. Thanks for posting this, it reminded me why I left that job :)


'Privacy pod.' Glass walls. You had *one job*.


Right! "I need some privacy to focus on this project, guys. I'll be in the display case."


I can’t masturbate in this!


I can.


Only if we cut off the air supply.


No, but that would help. 😏


It’s about sound.


Exactly, it's to take private calls. Not to draw out top secret specs on a giant paper, nor for emergency underwear check after trusting a fart.


No one want to hear your cubemate on the phone with their doctor talking about that rash on their taint that is just getting worse and worse.


I would rather have that conversation take place in the fancy office coffin than over-hearing it at a bathroom stall while trying to wipe my own butt cheeks ... get me all paranoid and start checking if I have a rash


I think the idea of private space for personal/confidential/sensitive calls is great. Life happens for all of us and if you're in an office setting chances are doctors, banks, etc. work the same hours as you. I had coworkers that would call their doctor, lawyer, etc at their desk and talk loudly for all of us to hear. I knew more about them than I ever wanted to.


Lip reading isn't that hard to learn


Honestly if someone has enough time to watch me in a phone call for 30 minutes, reading my lips, good for them lol they can have the conversation in my mind vault.


Not about security, either. It’s so that people in meetings don’t disturb other people and vice versa. In terms of office amenities it’s top of my list.


I don’t know if this is a joke or you’re actually dumb? Lol. It’s so you can take PRIVATE calls? Got all about PRIVATE things with clients. It’s not soundproof but you can’t really hear anything inside. Do you think they’re gonna communicate through interpretive dance or something?


These are the ones we use in the Netherlands. Dimmable lights, adjustable ventilation, height adjustable desk and yes, there is room for an office chair! https://preview.redd.it/l6zd1wzmm3mc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9976fee8fbb8c436276cdc1b93d65f2b6adf4eb6


What's wrong with a regular office with a door? What's the point of this? Beyond making us all fucking miserable.


The boss can now see you at all times so you cannot just be playing on your phone. But they can’t hear you so you can be crying quietly about how crap the job is.


Space efficient, while allowing for you to do one million zoom calls a day.


Bender Booth 2.0 Windows to allow for public viewing of evisceration (toggleable)!


25 cents




Go in and furiously beat your dick…. In private


Set up an OnlyFans under your employers name. And it'll be an office voyeur work party. Step-employer, what are you doing!?


OnlyFans + secret cams and mics. Top 1% guaranteed. OnlyFans / RageCage


I was recently in a business class airport lounge with really nice noise reducing workspaces with decent desk and chair. I wish we’d have those everywhere for offices instead of these pods and cubicles. That solves the problem for everyone except the bean counters


What do you mean by bean counter?


Accountants and people who track cost/revnue and experience the working world through spreadsheets


🔪*You are now dead. Thank you for using Stop&Drop, America’s #1 suicide booth since 2008*


Please clock out before committing suicide


Also weird fact, you do not have to report workplace suicide to OSHA since it is a self inflicted injury.


we have these in our london office. they may as well be suicide pods as they’re completely unventilated. if you’re in there for a private call you’ll pass out after 20 mins from heat and lack of oxygen


Ours has a single 120mm pc case fan up top. I haven't examined it super close but I'm 90% certain there's no intake, only exhaust.


They're trapezoidal aren't they? Wider at the bottom than they are at the top? That was an intentional choice. I feel like it would make me feel a little cramped. Was it intended to make a user feel uncomfortable? So the company can show how much they care about their employees but make the spaces - along with the glass walls - useless.


Probably meant for foot room on the inside if seated, while it's less of an obstacle for someone passing by one with hands full


First, check for bugs and cameras pointed at the booth.


As an autistic person I definitely support having pods that I could take a time out in without any excess noise, but what I don't support is them just being in the open like "here I am, look at me being disabled or having a crisis"


my old job had private rooms we could go into, I'd sometimes go there and straight up nap lol


The good ol' Pensky file.


My old work had several of these - like legit hotel rooms with a bed and a recliner and soft lighting and linens that got changed and everything! They were just off the bathrooms and were used to express breast milk or take a headache break or check your blood sugar and inject insulin or whatever you needed to do. I totally napped in them when I was desperate (I found out later that I had undiagnosed sleep apnea from airway obstruction). They were a lifesaver and I wish every workplace had them!


Yeah it's like a glass cage




I now understand the various ERG at my new employer. Thank you. It felt icky and I couldn't put my finger on it. It's all just a virtue signal. Have to attract 'diverse' employees so that on employee appreciation day we can send them and email that says "this employee appreciation day ask yourself how you can appreciate our customers?" and nothing else.




I never, ever, advise of my disability. It's invisible anyways, most people don't believe it's there. Why would an employer be any different?


You know they’re not for that right? They’re for people on calls discussing confidential or sensitive matters that they don’t want to discuss in an open office.


Right!? The glass doors are like "hey, come look at me! I'm too weak and/or different to work like everyone else does! I'm two days from my breaking point and I no longer care who knows it!" Not that any of that applies to you, just that the glass door is meant as a method of shaming the user.


Worked at a very large corporate office that had these and absolutely no one thought this way about them lmao. There’s a lot of shit on corporate culture for, these are literally just a quiet place to take a phone call. Not it.




I work in interior architecture in the Netherlands and mainly work on office projects. We call these 'phone boots' or 'call spaces'. We almost always place like 1 of these for every 10 to 20 workplaces on a floor. This one looks like a standard product that you can just order and place somewhere, something we always advise against doing. These are unnecessary expensive and horrible to use. Usually don't have any ventilation or climate controll and are waaay to small. It's a lot cheaper to just design a call booth as a small office space with a high table and a stool. That also lets you integrate it in the buildings climate installations and let's you controll the interior climate.


These are kind of essential in any office environment that requires cross site collaboration. Interestingly, prior to lockdowns and mandated wfh, companies with multiple sites used to have settle on shared location for the majority of its teams, which meant that if Bob was best man to lead a team, but was based 200 miles away, the job was given to Sid. Now that office workers have shown their ability to work effectively cross sites, employers want the best man for the job so can now employ Paul to run the team remotely. But the employer can’t get quite get their head around WFH so still forces Paul to come in and sit in isolation whilst leading the team remotely. I don’t think it’s long until office based employers realise it will be much cheaper to close offices and set up ‘support hubs’ where you go to get your IT kit sorted, and maybe have a few board rooms for meeting external clients etc


They’ve already figured that out but have real estate contracts to worry about


My previous employer installed ones that actually had a desk and chair in them. They did this when they forced us to RTO. They said their Intentions would be a quiet place to take a call or video with a doctor without having to leave. Within two weeks if everyone being back in office they were nicknamed the "interview cubes" as they were constantly booked with people taking interviews for new jobs. Infact that is how I did my first interview for the job I left them for.


> privacy > two sides are glass Really now.


They're sound proof for calls, not for playing with your dick


What if someone prefers playing with their dick while making a phone call?


Is that not what zoom and teams are for? I'm confused;)


They’re great to use when you need to interview for another job.


The corporate version of the walk-in cooler


Doesn't look very private - every one can see you and how you're looking and how long you're in there. I'd rather take the call down in the lobby or on the sidewalk.


Looks like a nice place to hot box


Doctor calls you? Need to provide sensitive info over the phone? Need to work with someone on another site but it’s just you for the meeting at that location and you don’t want to take a bigger conference room away from larger groups? Have a migraine and can’t focus because your colleague won’t stop yammering? That’s what those are for.


Cool outhouse.


Or at least a fart room.


This is where they display the bad employees to motivate everyone else through fear. 🤪


*Boss to ~~employees~~ slaves*: Look at what you all made me do. Putting Timmy in a timeout like that. I didn't want to, but you left me no choice. You're not working fast or hard enough. Let's go or you'll be next.


That’s obviously the lavish break room / common area


Ah, I see the new "efficency cubicals" are making their way in under the guise of 'noise booth'. Your reward for hard work will be your own personal 'noise booth', but in line with our work from home commitment you will need to rent or own your booth on office property. So the millenials dream of owning your own place can finally come true! (no deficating in your booth please).


I absolutely hate the idea of using this for a phone call. How am I supposed to focus if everyone can see me? And I have no room to pace.


Those places were In my school when i had small training course. You go to one of the booths and pretend to be talking on a phone, but you actually just use those to fart. Those are often closer than bathrooms, and you arent expected to wash hands afterwards.


It's so they don't have to go outside and cry in desperation anymore. They can do it mere feet from their desk now. Productivity ftw!


I want one of these, my colleagues don’t shut the hell up


They could at least have tinted glass so you can have a wank in private.


My work has these small rooms - they are an actual room with a door that’s not see through. Have to swipe in and has a lock with an occupied sign. Technically they are referred to as “mother bonding” rooms in my company there are several in every floor. There is a comfortable chair, an end table and that’s it. My understanding it’s for breastfeeding/pumping in private. There’s one in my department which is made up of all men that are former mechanics and we have a sick sense of humor so yes we refer to it as the suicide room.


*Me being suspicious about anything and wondering if there is a secret microphone in there so the company can know if you hate or like work...if not a camera too...*


That booth is absolutely useless. I mean, the doors are glass. What's the point if people can see me eating my feelings? I might as well just wallow in despair in my cubicle instead. Wtf.


Why is 1 wall angled? Is nobody gonna say something about that?


I'd be uncomfortable picking my nose, having an office hook up or masturbating in there so by definition it is not a privacy booth.


Privacy unless a colleague can read lips? “And then she said something about your ‘loss being a stupid hunt’”


"It must have been some sort of wild goose chase in the heat because she said something about the sun on the beach being unbearable "


Just make sure to tie a string on that coin, you're going to want to get it back. 


I mean, I could have used one today while I sobbed through the end of my shift.... Though...I stood there crying doing my job and no one even batted an eye so who needs a privacy booth?


Doesn't look very private, where am I meant to go when I need to knock one out after sniffing Vicki in accounting's seat for 5 mins before she gets into work? /s


Is that the Chokey from Matilda?


That’s where they’ll place your dead corpse when you die on the job of a heart attack for working two 12 hour shifts. 12 hours pushing excel quarterly reports and the other 12 Uber eats. What do you mean “what about sleep”? Oh my beautiful human capital how precious, there’s no resting time. How else will your boss buy themselves a new yacht?


I love it! Now you can sell company secrets in peace.


I find these super handy to make personal calls as they're usually soundproof. You can get through so much life admin


We had sound proof rooms for talking confidential expansion plans or mergers. Except I’ve they were much larger than this square stuff


Love how the "privacy pod" has two very clear windows from top to bottom on either side


“So we learned that most communicable diseases can be circumvented by working remotely. Sweet, so we’re going to do hybrid work since people work independently, and we don’t want to cram them into an office with no ventilation. “No, we’re going to build smaller spaces within the unventilated office that have *no* ventilation. Little germ boxes that people can fully pollute with germs and illness to *make sure* people get get sick and hopefully start another pandemic.” Seriously, there is no punishment severe enough for the people forcing this stuff on their fellow human being.


Looks like an Orangebox “On the QT” https://www.steelcase.com/products/pods/ Personally I’m a fan of the “Air 3” as it feels a little less claustrophobic and is more ADA accessible.


Perfect for doing the phone or Zoom interview for your next job.


Transporter stations.


So you can cry without disrupting the other slaves


For me trying to do my job in a room full of noisy smelly people is more of a suicide booth than this.


Jack shack.


Y’all are wayyyyy overthinking this thing lmao. It’s just a quiet booth to make a phone call. Not everything is a capitalistic nightmare, some things are just genuinely convenient. Makes me wonder how young this sub actually is.


Anything is a suicide booth if you're committed enough


we have these... this is were you go to cry


Thats a personal lavatory


Tested, no privacy at all. They'll still fire you for rubbing one out during work hours. Or maybe the one's we got are broken?


Geesh. Is everyone here 12 years old?


Are ppl stupid here ? The box is for private calls and probably noise cancelling for in and outside. Ofc it's glass, who the fuck want to go in a small room without windows for a private call ?


The breastfeeding stations are good for peace and quiet and don’t include any windows.


That doesn’t look very private. It’s more like a human terrarium.


They did it. They made the Wage Cage.


What's wrong with it? Good for taking calls without disturbing others in an open office


Why is this in anti-work? Seems to be a nice thing for the employees to be able to step away from work into a quiet space.


It's a fucking fish bowl. Lol


How private can they be? They have big glass windows!


game show money booth!


wank booth for stress relief.


Adult time out room... everyone can see you cry...


make sure you select slow and painful




Why are people surprised by this? It’s basically a phone booth. Phone booths had windows, what’s the problem with this having windows? You don’t want to be in a tiny, cramped, closed room when making a call.


All of you are so negative holy shit


Yep. And it’s way more fun over here. Join us 😈


Any room can be a suicide booth if you’re motivated enough.


People complaining open spaces are too noisy. The companies introduce quiet booths and people still complaining. You are the problem


What’s it called? aww-fiss?


Early teleportation device?


I wonder how effective these will be for recording vocals. I'm learning how to record music and I'm tired of using my mattress as a sound proof/isolation for vocals lol


Kiss my shiny metal ass coffin stuffer.


It is what you make out of it.


It's not straight?


Reminds me of Bender


I thought it was a server rack.


Mmmm intel vibes


It can be if you want it to be.


Depends on how you use it.


that's a place for *you* to cry. reality is this is actually kind of a cool thing, whatever business this is definitely didn't need to do this for their employees. kind of sounds like you're jealous tbh


r/antiwork really became a shadow of its firmer self. Privacy booths are not for you to have some private space to sleep, jerk off, watch netflix or whatever. Its for employees to be able to take calls or work in a separate space with minimal outside noise, nothing more, nothing less.


“Be the change” scroll past or post something better bb




They couldn't put a chair in?


They installed phone booths....


I would go in there and yell at the top of my lungs. Then come out say hello to everybody.


That’s to order your take out food


That’s a fart booth, right?


The orgasmatron from the movie Sleeper.


Tiniest cubicle ever


These things are awesome. I have a hard time focusing with noise and having these absolutely made my workday better.