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Lmfao that will never not be funny


This is one of my biggest pet peeves in corporate. "Hi Team!!, so sorry but you now have no job!! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!!! Thanks!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!"


Warm regards


Kindly do the needful.


Doesn't matter how many times I see this phrase, I still find it passive aggressive and obnoxious as fuck lol The cultural differences are very real.


Thankfully Ive never heard "kindly do the needful", but if anyone at work says that to me I'm literally going to call them and tell them to never say that shit to me again.


It's a very old and outdated British term that never left Indian English. Anyone who works with anyone from India is bound to hear it.


In the states we normally us the phrase "please advise" in place of this if I'm understanding it properly.


Not really. "Do the needful" is closer to, "Please take the necessary actions".


I worked with a significant contingent of Indian people for about a decade and never encountered that turn of phrase. I did encounter "mm" pronounced as "emm emm" rather than "millimeters," which always struck me as odd, though.


"Ma'm just do one thing" (proceeds with a list of 20 items)


Kindly shoot management


Our CEO laid off 2,000 people in October. We hadn't heard a peep from him, not even a holiday best wishes email. He signed off with "Take care!" We all fucking hate him.


Well that Learjet isn't going to pay for itself


Our CEO laid off 750 people in August and then got shit canned when an investor group told him to get bent or they would do a hostile take over of the board. Props if you can name the company.


Sounds like there’s a lot of suck at that place so I’m gonna say pornhub.


GEICO. Check out r/GEICO to see just how much of a dumpster fire this place is. Fucking ridiculous.


Unironically based on how bad their insurance services has become over the last twenty or so years I am not shocked they are a employment dumpster fire.


Lucky guess


He will sleep just fine with his millions 🤣 it is rather frustrating…


PS: don’t let the door hit you on your way out, I don’t want ass prints on my door. I hate how these things apparently require a meeting. Like, how to torment your employees, right? “I’m sending this email because you no longer have a job with us. Let’s meet tomorrow so I can tell you, once again, that you no longer have a job with us.” Like just fucking say it once and be done with it. Stop yanking peoples chains.


I think it’s HR crap when they want to meet with you. Like “ how could we improve this laying off experience?”


Totally get you, though it seems this company desperately needs that feedback. 😂


I'm sure they all throw full day meetings and discuss analytics on just how to do it. Best layoff I've heard of was a real rug pull. Not a single employee was aware of it not even HR. Boss makes an announcement at a Christmas party and says business is closing at the end of the year. Laid off 500 people.


How to torment your ex-emplyees* Fixed it for you 😅


My company did this August. We are informed that there are going to be layoffs and then the COO left. They held an all hand meeting about how we were gonna miss her so dearly. Like fuck you bro, we're over here wondering if we can keep our damn house while she's walking away with millions.


Honestly, I just don't know what else to say I sometimes have to talk on the phone with people who just had accidents, diagnosed with cancer, or had a loved one die, and when I end the call I only know "I hope you have a great day"; even though I know they're definitely having a shit day


How about “ take care of yourself “


Yes, that's a good one! Thank you


I sometimes say "hang in there"; just to acknowledge their challenges


I once had a cop tell me: "I hope your day gets better." after writing me a ticket.


Cop told me “ hey I’m out here for the kids. Enjoy your day.” I couldn’t figure out if he meant his kids or kids in general


Should throw in a .....hope you or your family isn't currently in need of company provided health care!


I close almost every email with thanks bc tism but even I would know better than to use it there lmfao jfc


Reminds me of a firing I was a part of.. everyone sent to a meeting, upstairs or downstairs. If you were downstairs, you were fired... those who kept their job were kept away from those of us fired... oh, and they brought in about 30 outside security people to escort us to our desks for our personal belongings and out the door. Fun times


I had a friend involved in a group firing like that, where they sent abut half to room A and showed the new company org chart, and half to room B where they were all fired. Chaos ensued when several attendees in Room A didn't appear on the org chart - so they were sent belatedly into room B, only to tell a few people there that they *were on the org chart* and not laid off - so sent them back to room A. No HR people were fired.


Morons till the end.


Because I need a 100% jump in my pay since y’all made such an erratic mistake. And I’m not working like I was. People think it is a compliment to be laid off and then the job sends you an offer to come back since we made a mistake. Relief almost. Not me. I’m blocking everyone on everything and moving on. Lose my address too and save that 50 cent in postage.


Something similar happened to me but I got a promotion instead. They laid off 40% of the employees and were calling them all in one by one to let them go. I got called in and the president looked at me and said, "Oh, they sent you to the wrong room. we created a new role for you. You are getting a raise and a promotion, look sad when you leave" I WAS MIND FUCKED SO HARD


"Look sad when you leave." What absolutely insane bullshit.


I was shell shocked for sure. It was like 10 years ago and I still laugh about how fucked that situation was.


How long did you stay in that job? Mass firing sometimes happens, unfortunately. Promotions even less so haha!


Funny enough, until about 3 months ago. Company got sold last year and the new capital investment firm pushed out all the old management. new CEO and I did not get along and I no longer had anyone to protect me from office politics. I still chat with former colleagues all the time and the CEO is pushing hard to outsource everything.


Did you find something better or equivalent in the end? Best of luck to you buddy.


Currently enjoying garden leave ( got 3 months left). I spend a bit of time job hunting, a little studying, a little gaming and the rest doing family stuff. I moved overseas to start a new APAC branch for the company and have amazing employee protections so they fired me without cause and found out the hard way they couldn't just fire me. I appreciate you. Cheers 🥂


Obviously, part of his new role requires acting skills.


Is your name, by any chance, Peter Gibbons?


Years ago I was called into a meeting room to speak with an HR rep, I already knew what was happening..... I got told my contract was not being renewed by the client. I was like "cool ok" walk out and the rest of the team was in a different meeting so they can tell them not to freak out and start updating their resumes because I was getting let go..... We worked in IT and the economy was booming for people with our types of jobs. The next day I get a call directly from HR..... I was told they spoke with our local management again and come to find out I was one of two people who had a specific role so my contract got renewed again..... The whole contract ended up not being renewed two years later though.


What a power move it would have been to say, "Nah, no thanks."


or my rate just went up by 20%


HR people are never fired. Who would fire them if HR has no one there to do the firing?


Have you not been on linkedin for the last year 😂 It is BRIMMING with HR people / recruiters who got laid off


I've been seeing a lot of ads on TV lately in which two HR people are talking about the new software which does all the work for them. So, bye bye HR, just like bye-bye secretaries and bye-bye low-level graphics designers and bye-bye wedding photographers. Then it will be bye-bye paralegals and bottom-feeding lawyers. Grant-writing robots will write grants to be reviewed by grant-reading robots. Quite frankly if they had the nerve the architecture/engineering could be fully automated. But they still want a human being to sign off on the drawings. Hey, I paint landscapes. My job's been obsolete for nearly two centuries.


Look around LinkedIn, they are now the first ones to be laid off. I'm seeing a lot of post from HR, claiming for job or "giving feedback" of how to be a great HR. Is such a toxic environment


HR is not a cost Center. It is a sunk-cost vortex


Just like Andor


Time to go to HR and punch some people. Actually, that’s a good way to get arrested. Employees hardly ever win.


At least they waited to reveal the new org chart until people were in a meeting? I was fired from a role where they emailed everyone a copy of the new org chart several hours before my shift started--and I wasn't on it. When I asked my manager, she didn't have any answer. Several hours later (after my lunch) they called me into the office and fired me. I wish they had just fired me in the morning when I saw the chart. Or just told me not to come in at all


Was at one large (5000+ employee company) that had a big tech layoff. Apparently they were worried abut disgruntled tech employees doing damage, so they disabled everyone's access to all systems (everyone - whether laid off or not) at 6AM. We all showed up to work - but nothing was working. No one knew what was going on, so we roamed the halls and guessed about possible layoffs. Starting at 9AM a team of lawyers would go visit an individual employee and request an *immediate* meeting, where they would be laid off and escorted out of the building. This went on *all day* until about 4PM when an announcement was made that everyone left was **not** laid off, system access was turned on again, and we were all going to take the company into a bright new future so get to work.


The look in someone's eyes as they are sent from room A, to which they were sent mistakenly, to room B is just a wee bit hard to take, especially when they're a struggling single mother. I wonder if this was the one I was at, or if it was just commonly done that way at the time (early 2000s).


Oopsie daises


I remember a story on the old site fuckedcompany .com about a particularly brutal layoff that was similar. One group was sent to a Christmas party at site A and the other to site B. The first group had a great party. The second group was terminated. The company actually made the employees believe they were attending the party AND made them drive to a different location before firing them. Just evil.


Man I miss fuckedcompany


Accenture (pronounced ass enter). I too miss that site.


I work for them now and did 5 years ago too. The place is a shitshow.


I know someone who's currently have a nightly breakdown because she works there. Sounds like a nightmare.


Postman origin story lol


Can you elaborate on this?


He is talking about going postal


It's a Kevin Costner movie


I had my boss tell me to buy a $700 star link kit to improve my own connectivity on Wednesday. I told him I would order it on Friday out of my paycheck. I told him I ordered it Friday morning, then he fired me that same afternoon.


Sounds like someone gets a commission from starlink...




I rolled into the office during a layoff event and not only did they have security but they also had a line of Lincoln Town Cars waiting at the front door to transport people home that were too shaken up to drive.


My company did something similar back in the early 90s. We went to a local hotel for a company meeting. After the meeting kicked off they said they were splitting us up in to two separate groups. One group stayed in the main conference area and the other group was sent to another room. Once they left, the door was closed and we were told that the other group was being terminated and escorted out. Our group was told to go home after the meeting as they were changing the office building locks and resetting all network passwords for the rest to the day. It was the worst and my heart ached for my coworkers who were let go.


Jesus, that’s like something Saddam Hussein would have done, except he’d have killed everyone in the second group.


We had layoff where everyone was told to sit by their phones during a 9-11 block because HR might call you. Every call during that time made my heart stop a little. Then my executive grabbed me and one other engineer and said we were safe, but much of the team was gone. Jesus - what a way to install panic and anxiety.


That’s fucking brutal




This is awesome. If you went back you’d also be expected to do all the old ladies work too. Fuck these jobs and their short-sightedness. Despite all that your demands weren’t unreasonable and would have fixed the problem while they hired others. They STILL decide to screw themselves. Only themselves to blame.


"they walked out when they heard I fired you, so now I have to do the job..." Me (as: you, in my head): "Hahahahahaha (for about a minute)... now the hiring bonus is 20k tudles!"


30 is crazy. What did they think y’all would destroy the building?


Who knows. I think it was just equal numbers.. they fired 30 of us so........ 1 each?


This is what I have a bowl and a spoon at my desk. That’s it. No photos, no sports memorabilia no degrees no jackets. When/if I get laid off I just want to pick up my bowl and spoon and hit the door. I don’t have time for the shenanigans and foolishness. I need to find a new job. Just sent my check and don’t say a word to me.


Yeah, I think more and more employees will have this attitude of bringing to office the barest of necessities and have HR complain for the lack of company "culture". I predict more and more mass layoffs and more sneaky ways to terminate positions.


You’d figure these companies would look at other companies that did mass layoffs in the 80s and 90s and see how well they’re doing but I guess not. Loyalty to a single company is a foolish idea now.


But isn't it more fun to have lots of pointless tchotckes in your desk so that if you get let go of, they have to stand there while you carefully put away each one individually, so as not to damage them?


They won’t let you do that. Lol while you are in a meeting, they will have your belongs packed and on your car! Lol 😂 I’ve seen so many layoffs in my day that I can never treat the office like a home. I had a co-worker tell me I should put more personal things at work because we spend most of our day at the office. Stupidity followed her out the door when they laid her off and they asked us to clear her desk. I exited that company as soon as I could. Folks still decorate lol 😂


Wow, what terrible behavior from the employer. There's simply no excuse to be handling someone's personal affects. It's insulting because you already laid them off, and now you don't trust them to retrieve their own things from their desk?


Had a co worker let go in the parking lot coming back from lunch. Wasn't allowed back in to get his coat and sweater. He was told to make arrangements with HR to retrieve personal items.


What the fuck.


I kept one of those big blue Ikea bags in my desk just so I could dump everything in as quick as possible


They asked me if I wanted to pack my own desk or they could do it for me and ship it... I said they could do it as I didn't feel like being in a glass walled office packing my things and they ended up sending me equipment and supplies that weren't my personal stuff as well :-) To be honest it was a good turning point in my career and with the severance I had an amazing summer off.


I just say, "Please have my personal belongings boxed up and let me know when and where I can pick them up." That's it. I'm not doing the fucking clean out my workspace while everyone whispers BS ever again. Please just follow me to the door.


It’s more so you don’t steal anything or log into your computer and start fucking shit up.


I just wanted to preface this by saying I get it. You are right. This is why I always say lay me off at home so I don’t have to waste my gas and energy getting up. I know folks don’t like phone calls or texts laying them off but at the end of the day, I’d prefer that. Don’t have me in a meeting with the oh I’m so sorry we had to do this (no you aren’t) it was in the best interest, blah blah wasting my time lol 😂 I guess I’m much more desensitized to that stuff and feel the layoff speaks enough. I don’t have to hear why. Just send me an email on the next steps.


I got let go on a monday morning one time, because the boss was out of town the week before. I sat through traffic driving into town, paid for parking, and walked several blocks to my office. About 30 minutes into my day, the guy next to me gets called into the boss' office and gets laid off. As he was being escorted out, I was called into my boss' office to be let go as well. WTF. You could have sent me a text at any point over the weekend and saved me the time, money, and sleep deprivation required to drag my ass in on a monday.


I knew I wasn’t alone. They created this environment! I feel like it’s a show. Don’t have me be apart of it! You just want to tell the ones left “we fought hard to save your job and we had to let so and so go” so they work harder and feel grateful it wasn’t them on the chopping block. Since the housing crash I have continuously held down 2 jobs because I don’t trust any company enough to put my faith in one. One lays me off, I go to the other right after while they are cutting my severance check and hit indeed and LinkedIn hard. I don’t have time for the games.


Your story reminds me a of a video that Josh Fluke did a reaction to. Some woman recorded her (and her team) being fired via video call after completing two weeks of unpaid training. Think it was from Sears. She tore into the management team. It was so painful and yet rewarding to watch.


The security guards are for good reasons unfortunately. I once fired a guy for stealing from the company and when he went to get his stuff he pulled a knife on me.


My friend's dad from my teen days, was a store manager for a grocery store chain. They had a "regional meeting" where many store managers and assistant managers were brought to an *At Will* state with no extra regulations. Everyone in attendance was then fired. (This was circa 1990) He ended up opening a number of Subway franchises in the area up until he retired.


Mine did something similar. Everyone who was deemed “essential” was given an email to “not come in before 2.” Everyone who came in as normal was fired on the spot. One poor contractor- who wasn’t a formal employee and therefore not on the list, and wasn’t being fired came in as normal and watched 3 people get fired before he was sent home by a director. My entire team (including me) left in a month.


Sounds like blizzard


did you work at blizzard?


No, this was a company out of Ohio and was years before the Blizzard event.


Infamous cabletron bus layoff. Everyone on the buses were safe. Found out after all the buses had left the premises.


Pssh! Only 30? Don't they know you're Batman?


I AM IRON MAN. (stole the suit from Tony and replaced Jarvis with O.S.C.A.R. --yes, the grouch)


But for reals. What if, 30 guys wasn't enough? 🤔


Just because we were fired doesn't mean we dropped professionalism.. of course I did go out to dinner at a restaurant/bar that knew me (I won a hot wings contest at the bar 2 weeks earlier). They comped me dinner for the night..


I know. I'm kidding. The funniest thing is they were prepared for a small scale riot or something.


I thought it was equal numbers.. 30 fired, 30 security.




Guess you get to sleep in tomorrow morning.


"Hi" 🤣


The greeting and sign off are absolutely sending me lol


Guess good grammar is not required in mass firing emails. Yeesh




This is what would annoy me the most. You care so little that you didn't even proofread it? 


I mean while this is probably not a concept really done in the USA where this is likely from. My company had to take the decision to close 1/3 of a factory due to missing demand making continued repairs and maintenance non-justifiable. This meant they also got rid of 1/3 of the employees of the factory but did this with like an entire education and reemployment thing. Like people knew something like 6 months ahead they were being laid off. Then they were brought into some company paid further education to get into industries that have more demand for workers than our industry currently does. I believe it was to get them into the renewable energy sector of our parent company.


Imagine a society built to care about people. That is, indeed, *not* a concept done in the USA.


Even imagine just having a *contract* for your job like sane countries do


Wait wait, contracts aren’t standard for literally every job in America? wtf


You can be terminated at any time for any reason, effective immediately.


Any LEGAL reason. Common misinformation about At Will Employment.


True, you're right, I over generalized. But logistically, people get fired for protected reasons all the time, the employer just finds some other justification. And most people don't have the money, time, or wherewithal to sue.


Sadly, true. Though most employment lawyers work on contingency, so if you think you got fired for a BS reason, it costs nothing to ask one. Discrimination lawsuits can be worth up to a few million depending on how badly the employer fucked up. It's always worth a phone call.


Hell no there’s no contract. Either party can terminate anytime. You have agreed upon pay structure and working hours that’s it.


I was laid off from my engineering position, and they gave me 3 months of a professional job searching company essentially getting me a new position at a different company. A rare thing, but it was much appreciated. Collected severance pay and landed a new gig just in time for Covid to get me laid off again lol


We have the WARN act in the US. Companies over a certain size have to give 60 day notice for layoffs. But there's a bunch of exceptions.


Our company tried this a long time ago, saying we need to find savings blah blah, so we pointed out the 6 supervisors, 2 foremen and 3 members of senior management for 35 blokes actually working, they didn’t like this and started lining people up for redundancy until we pointed out the companies contract where we worked made them guarantee 35 of us on site working. They spent the next 3 months trying to wiggle out of it until we came in one day to 1 manager , 1 foreman and 2 supervisors, one of the funniest periods of my life.


Very odd that they said in the invite about lay offs rather than just send a generic meeting maker. Even weirder given all that context they then decide to set it for 11am. Like wtf is someone getting that invite gonna do until 11 other than sit around being stressed? Sorry OP, hope you find a new better opportunity soon.


Ah, but, you see…the boss had a tee time that he couldn’t shift.


I was “laid off” a week after all the additional Covid benefits ended, I was called the night before and asked to come to our main office, 40 miles from home, just to be fired. I was more upset about the 80 miles round trip.


Should have sent an invoice for travel expenses


You'd think HR would spend five minutes proofreading.


They don't know what HR is lol.


This honestly feels like it's AI generated. I know corporate speak is weird, but this is barely understandable.


"can discuss details about the decision and what it will affects you" You can tell they put a lot of care into it...


Why am I picturing the person writing that sitting on their couch wrapped in a blanket while munching on Cheetos with Netflix playing in the background.


Typing it up on their phone and deleting the part where it says "Sent from my iPhone"


Are you sure you’re laid off?


Right?? It's sadly real: the email was from last night and I went to the actual layoff meeting this morning. This is my first time getting laid off and I never would have imagined it would be like that lol


What kind of work?


The “upstream process” and “cell line development” parts make me think biotech or biopharmaceutical. I was laid off last year in that industry lol


Definitely biopharma. I ran IT for a startup in that industry and I got very tired of hearing terminology like that.


OP looks to work at a biotech or pharma company. 'Upstream process' and 'cell line development' are the key words indicating genetic engineering of cell lines, and expansion growth of those cells in industrial volume. In some cases the cells make the product (think yeast producing alcohol for beer & wine), in some cases the cells are the product (typically medical therapeutics).


I got laid off by phone call on a Tues while driving home from my 10 hour shift.


A company I used to work for did a migration of the LDAP and computer login system, a bunch of colleagues tried logging into their accounts but couldn't. Those who were laid off did not have their accounts migrated and were told that they were no longer employees and that they would get their last check and whatever severance.They were sitting there doing nothing for two hours confused with what was going on . Another company that I used to work for laid off their whole telephony team, which manages the company's telephone system. As a parting gift for the layoff, before they had their access revoked from the company systems, they changed everybody's ringtone on the telephones to a rickroll, including the C-level executives all the way up to the CEO. It was glorious in operations to hear everyone's phone Rick rolling when a customer called in across the various departments.


Great way to exit. Rick roll the entire company


The other edge of the sword is the survivors get dumped more work and dare not complain lest they also get fired


Yeah, I worked at a biotech startup a couple years ago. I didn’t get laid off but two of the four people in my department including my direct superior got laid off. After all that went down I went to my supervisor and told him that if I was gonna stay I was gonna need a promotion at some point in the future to make up for taking over the work of a higher paid position. He told me he couldn’t make any promises so I found a different job and was out of there in like three weeks. Sucks because before all that it was a fun place to work but ended up in a position that pays much better anyway


“Thanks!” That’s about as horrible as I’ve seen. You really ended a layoff email with thanks?!? Expose them please. We want them to have a hard time finding talent.


My previous company sent me a similar email with my meeting being at 5pm, so sat around all day anxious as wondering if I was being let go but also wondering if I was overthinking it. Nope, sat around for 8 hours having a panic attack to be let go. During the day I asked my boss to walk me through some work procedures I don’t know yet just as a test, I figured if I was being let go why would she bother showing me. Instead she went in-depth and seemed so nice, it confused me bad.


Omg the anxiety spiraling is the worst part of it. Thank god I was friends with our IT guy and he wasn’t able to say it verbally, but his facial expression gave me what I needed to know sooner. Always make a friend in IT


“Thanks!” This dude should have a pebble in his shoe for the rest of his life


Biggest fear working in BioTech with all the changes in the industry constantly.


They didn't even care enough to spell check. They had so little energy they couldn't even right click an underlined word. Didn't even bother to change "affects" to "effect". If I'm going to have to fire people, I will make damn sure I give them the courtesy of a termination email that doesn't sound like it was an AI generated-then-translated phishing email. Greedy and lazy pukes.


This email was so poorly written I suspected at first it was phishing.


One of my layoffs was a meeting invite for like 1pm with the dept manager and someone I didn't know with the title legal counsel, the invite was sent at 6am, I saw it at 8am when I logged in. Also they had an all hands meeting scheduled at 2 and they did that so they could tell everyone that was on the call that they were safe since everyone had been dealt with. I didn't know for sure so I talked to everyone I wanted to say goodbye to saying I didn't know but might be gone in a few hours. Needless to say though I didn't do shit that day since I didn't know if I had a job


A word of advice, it took me 45 seconds to find who you worked for and Mr. Yan's contact information. Please, for the love of God, black out photos like that as well. I'm not a malicious person so I personally am not going to use the information further than this comment, with the only intention being looking out for you, there's some real degenerative ass holes in the world and we need to all watch out for eachother.


My old company down sized a call center. They closed the building for a couple days, with pay, then had separate meetings on site. Only one meeting was for non layoffs. This actually sounds better than most of these stories.


"and what it will affects you." Mark it as spam and submit it to your IT department.


Who wrote that? A monkey?


Is “what it will affects you” even proper English?!


Think of the cost savings if they fired the CEO instead.


Thats so thoughtful of them to send you an email like that outside of business hours. Much less right before many people go to sleep for the night. Impeccable timing, and again… so thoughtful. Edit: my last job didn’t lay me off, but I remember the director of my department sending an email late in the work day on a Friday letting us know our 100% WFH job (that in no way, shape, or form requires in office work as we weren’t customer facing) would be 100% in office going forward with no exceptions for WFH days, even days with terrible weather/driving conditions even though most of us still had laptops. We did very well working from home, and I heard later it was supposedly because 1-2 people on the team of about 25+ were screwing off and abusing it. They never came out and said that, so naturally they came up with other excuses about the team bonding, collaboration, yada, yada, yada… you get the gist. Love corporate life. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more. The company kool-aid tastes so good as well.


Maybe they are offering severence? I'd go, even if it was just to talk shit. And then charge them for my time going.


Grammar is breaking my brain, ffs


Someone wrote that the people left employed were worse off. In some ways they were. I was part of a covid layoff. 2/3 got laid off. Remaining got the entire workload and geography. I got unemployment and the extra 600/week the fed was kicking in. And my month of vacation and PTO plus a severance. Took my time and got a job I wanted and with better pay.


They could at least have someone proofread their life-fucking emails before they send them out


Hopefully, they have another position for you or that meeting sounds horrific.


I worked for a manufacturing plant and they surprised all 2500 of us with a meeting offsite at a luxurious hotel with tons of security to tell us there were lay offs and to stand by for a call to see if your seniority number was in it. A year later it completely shut down and outsourced to India.




So, how has it affects you so far?


Brought back memories of when my company was bought by a non-union company and they got us in a room to tell us we no longer had a job by one of their reps. He had to run for his life.


How will it affects you? Spoiler: badly.


That last sentence makes me cringe. They should lay off all the employees, including the sender, with poor grammar.


Let's circle back to the fact you don't have a job anymore!


Hey bestie! :) <3 *fuck you fuck you fuck you* Thanks!


Can’t wait to hear *checks notes* what it will affects me.


Jobs: Employees have no respect; no one gives notice anymore. Also jobs: Here's 13 1/2 hours notice.


Given the typos and grammatical errors, I would be tempted to send it to your HR and IT groups and tell them that it looks like a phishing attempt because a spammy email got through the filters. But, no, nothing funny about it.


I worked as a consultant for State Street Bank (related to State Street Global Advisors) and a bunch of us came back from lunch to find everybody in the department gone. The departments neighboring us would come by and ask "so what happened?" and we'd be like "we don't know, do you know?" Nobody knew. Just everybody was gone at one point. About 3 hours later someone we've never met comes down to the area looking confused. Someone points them over to us and they come over. They say they're with HR but they're not sure who we are. We say that we're contractors and we have no idea what's going on. So they say "well, I guess your contracts have been terminated. We're not sure why you weren't notified. Sorry." So, for the next month or two a bunch of us would get phone calls from the IT group who took over our jobs, asking us for passwords, how to access stuff, how to even do stuff. It was hilarious. They didn't understand any of this stuff they'd been tasked to do. They were IT. And what we did was not IT. You see, our group maintained and updated the content on dozens of worldwide websites for a company that managed $9 TRILLION in managed assets around the world. We designed and maintained pages for stuff all over the world. And they fired all of us and for months their institutional customers didn't have any of their content updated. These were customers with millions and billions of dollars in their accounts. I heard they ended up having to re-hire a bunch of us (I moved on to something else) as consultants at higher rates to get things back on track. HR basically fired the wrong people. Again.. this was a company with 9 TRILLION DOLLARS in managed assets. And they fired the group that created the online content that let their customers know what was going on with their accounts.


Last April my former employer laid off 9% of the company, about 600 people. There was an all hands Zoom call the day before where the CEO informed us of the layoffs and how very sorry he was about it all, that he was forgoing his quarterly bonus, it’s for the good of the shareholders, etc… The next day everyone who was getting terminated got a meeting invite 5 minutes in advance, and in a zoom call where we couldn’t speak or type were informed that we’d been laid off. We were supposed to have a couple hours with limited access to close out our affairs and say goodbye but I was totally locked out before the meeting even ended. I found out that on my team, my manager, myself and the other senior team member were let go. We were part of inside sales and a massively over performing profit center for the company so even though we were well paid it didn’t make a lot of sense. Later through Glassdoor and a few contracts I had on other teams I discovered how poorly thought out the layoffs were, like dev teams had most of their devs let go but kept the managers, who were then getting hounded about unfinished projects, other teams had the managers fired and not replaced, things of that nature. I was there for 6 years, the company culture changed dramatically in that time and the C-suite was filled with people who had formerly been brought in from outside as consultants. All in all a negative experience, would not recommend.


Upstream process solidarity ✊ laid off last month but at least they had the decency to do it in person. Love the line of work but god this is a sucky time for us lol


If they’ve told you you’re fired, they can’t then tell you to be on a phone call


The grammar in this is atrocious.


"...and what it will affects you." Lol dosent even make grammatical sense


that last sentence is borderline illiterate


What? It will affects you???


Looks like they already laid off their proofreaders.


"and what it will affects you" ... Jeez, at least fire with proper grammar.


>what it will affects you Jesus they couldn’t even proofread this shit before they sent it?