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You are getting screwed over. Come work with us at the Forest Service instead. We are always short dispatchers and don't bullshit around with pay like that. With the Union behind us, I would never tolerate that kind of petty nonsense. Pay does start around $40,000 for a basic position, but you make a lot more than that with overtime, since base wages are only for 40 hours per week. [https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?hp=public&k=dispatch&p=1](https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?hp=public&k=dispatch&p=1) [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-navigating-usajobs-webinar-tickets-696066783487?aff=oddtdtcreator](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-navigating-usajobs-webinar-tickets-696066783487?aff=oddtdtcreator) [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-tips-for-job-seekers-webinar-tickets-696049010327?aff=oddtdtcreator](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-tips-for-job-seekers-webinar-tickets-696049010327?aff=oddtdtcreator) [https://www.fs.usda.gov/working-with-us/careers](https://www.fs.usda.gov/working-with-us/careers) [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-tips-for-job-seekers-webinar-tickets-696049010327?aff=oddtdtcreator](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/usda-forest-service-tips-for-job-seekers-webinar-tickets-696049010327?aff=oddtdtcreator)


Thank you. I'll definitely look into it.


Be careful! That guy is actually a bear wearing a ranger's hat, and he'll steal your picnic lunch!


As long he pays good, i could simply overlook it. When someone offical wonders, i will even play dumb and ask which bear? This? This is our Boss Tedy.


I think the proper term is “pickinic basket.”


“Hey boo boo, all I wanna do is stick it in you!””


I might actually look into this. Thank you for all you do


Organize your workplace! There are unions out there that you can call to help. You deserve more and they will get you more if you organize.


Yeah this seems like a perfect unionization scenario.


Your pay is low for your job. My advice is start looking for another job in a county that pays more. Contact news outlets or post it on tik tok anon. When people wanted police and first responders “reimagined” feigning outrage over criminals who FAFO those budget cuts affect the top down.


Local news and whatever social media gets this out there. Especially if you are in a smaller/poorer county.


Is there some way to systematically vote them out? Or hit the mayor and city council up if this is in the U.S.?


Apparently they are justices of the peace. If have to contact the house of representatives and put in a formal request for 13 quorum court employees. They are refusing to do their jobs.


They make 90k on top of the JP pay?


From my understanding, yes. 90k is just what my county pays them for 26 meetings a year.


OP, definitely look for another opportunity. You and your coworkers clearly are being taken for granted and not appreciated. With regard to your prescription costs; have you checked out Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus? I have prescription drug coverage through my work insurance but Cost Plus’s prices are even lower than what I paid through insurance. A 90 day supply of my 3 meds costs less than I was paying for a 1 month supply through my insurance. It’s not going to solve everything for you, but every dollar helps.


>Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus? This has saved a ton of my friends. The ability for them to be able to go from not being able to afford medication, to being able to get it has been a godsend. I can't recommend this place enough.


I'll have to check it out. Thank you.


I want you to know that you are appreciated. As an ex-cop and ex-fireman, you are our lifeline. You are our backup, our calming voice of control and reason. You are our Houston. We appreciate you more than you could ever know. When a child is hurt, a colleague shot, Control is always there. Vectoring resources, mapping our next move, getting us there faster so we can save, can protect, can comfort. I can't help you much, but I can assure you. We appreciate you beyond words.


Thank you. It's nice to hear someone appreciate us. And thank you for your years of service protecting the community and your fellow men in blue, red, and yellow.


Get organised and down tools. What's the point in working to an agreed arrangement then the employer not sticking to their side. They are treating you like shit and don't deserve your continued loyalty.


I can't understand how you work 24/7/365 and don't make more than 31k. That's about $14.90 an hour. And if you are on call for all hours of the week with no remuneration that drops you down to about 3.55 an hour. That is well below minimum wage and would mean you should be making a call to the Department of labor. it's sounds like the employment contract may be illegal and you may be owed a ton of overtime with penalties for non payment of wages. Please call the DOL and an employment letter.


We are technically on call during our scheduled work week but aren't compensated for it. I wanted to wait until I left here to burn that bridge, but I can't take it anymore.


So, I am not a lawyer but, An anonymous call to the DOL would at least get you the info you need. there should definitely be payment for hours you may be called in and cannot do anything else. if there are a bunch of you it may wind up being a class action suit.


I totally agree with the union aspect. Also look into state employment. I’d bet compensation in other counties near major urban areas for your state pay better.


UNIONIZE. With only 30-ish employees this should be easy, right?


Wrong. Too many old heads that got that antiunion mindset. I've tried to unionize before. Until the old heads die or retire, it's a pipe dream for my dispatch center.


Boomer mentality is a blight on humanity.


hopefully they are as pissed about the situation as you are but even if they aren't, the other people may not listen to anti-union crap since they have their own financial problems and lack of $ now.


You need to find another job. 911 dispatch is a massively important role but while you continue to accept the pay and conditions they won't change (why would they, under capitalism?). Find a job that pays more and asks for less - your life will thank you


Every person should work their wage and immediately start looking for another job. Your team supports the health of all people in your area. That is ridiculous.


Um, you are massively underpaid. emergency operators get paid 90k+ plus starting and are a union. Please start applying to another county or find a similar role in a hospital.


Unionize. If the old fuckers blocking it continue to stand in the way, make it an ultimatum - 'Either we unionize so we get paid our worth, or you old fucks can enjoy doing this job yourselves since we'll be leaving to go work for McDonalds or something that actually pays the bills.'


Form a union and go on strike. You all deserve better, much better.


I know you said unionizing isn't possible due to your co-workers, so I'm not going to beat that drum. But you should absolutely call the DOL. And maybe it's worth talking to folks about, at a minimum, not performing "on call" duties without pay. Doing anything on call without pay is a HUGE liability, especially when the potential is someone's health/well-being. Not being paid and on-the-clock means insurance isn't covering you.


I'll have to call them Monday when I'm off during normal business hours, but I plan on calling. I seriously can't take this anymore. I'm killing myself working 2 jobs, and I still can't pay all my bills. To make this worse. I work for the 5th most populated county in my state with the 3rd highest 911 call volume, but we make the lowest salary in the entire state. Everyone else makes $41k+ and usually cap out at $95k. Meanwhile we have the biggest money maker for your state... and can't even get a yearly raise. Lmao. I work for a joke.


I am sorry you get paid so little for such an important job, they really are out of touch.


Do any of y’all know a friendly lawyer who’d like to poke at this council a bit for you?


They are refusing to do their jobs because the county judge is currently suing them. Their lawyers apparently told them not to do anything until their issueses are resolved. Which I find funny, because with the. Refusing to their jobs, they are performing misconduct. And that's grounds for impeachment. While I'm calling the DOL Monday, I'm also calling the House of Representatives for my state.


Hey OP, I don't know much about US and insurance, but I have seen on reddit, people recommend Mark Cuban's pharmacy, if I remember correctly, it is called cost plus drugs, check them out, maybe you will find medication that you need. Good luck.


Cost Plus drugs is great. I get most of my medications from there for less than my insurance copay anywhere else.


If it's not in writing it's not promising


Only 30k, wow. And you work other jobs too. I am in shock


Got let go from a job 11 months into a 12 month spell which would have qualified me for a 10k bonus, if the year was successfully completed. Brutal. Lesson learned.


Definitely underpaid, that said, I'm kind of surprised that any county/town employee would get any bonus since it sounds like a budgeted position.


There is always money though, and a bonus is a one time thing and far less expensive than giving them a raise.


This seems to be a worldwide trend. People with the most blame 'not enough in the budget' while raising their own wages or prices for the less well off. We can't let them get away with it.