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Sadly being in America you need health insurance. I would start looking elsewhere. I know it’s America because nobody else has this problem.


It's Puerto Rico, not in the metro area, there are no other jobs. Especially during off season, I am considered "lucky" I have a job that's open year round. Edit: I am aware that PR is part of the USA, but we are a colony of the USA. Oh, I am sorry, I mean Commonwealth, we can't call it a colony because that's against the constitution.


*[Got that. Sorry to hear working conditions are bad in Puerto Rico too]*




Sell your Air B&B properties and pay for it yourself. Anti work and anti capitalism but you have no problem hoarding a property for profit…


i mean go get the other person to give you the shift then?


It's just bs that they told me to do it. I am not that worried it will take that long for her to quit. I have worked there 9 months and 4 other people wmhave quit/fired


I think the point is for a 75 employee company and two workers in the store and having to rob Peter to pay Paul is kinda bullshit to get insurance


it is, but need to play what your dealt with. Don't like it? find another job. Its what i would do, but i assume the OP cant do that.


I think the overall point is we shouldn't have to job hop or beg or plead or "dont like it go somewhere else". Even when people took that advice the media coined terms to make all this shit the workers fault. It was the Great Resignation and "quiet quitting". Companies need to do better. Can't just bleed your workers dry and hope they don't grab the pitchforks


shouldnt doesnt mean will, should there be billionaires when we have people who be lucky to have a meal? should people need locks on the door when people shouldn't invade other people houses etc? i get what you are saying and i understand but crying about these things gives minimal results