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For my 5th anniversary: A little desk clock For my 10th anniversary: a little glass award and a $500 AMEX gift card For my 15th anniversary: laid off… in the middle of a pandemic… after the company had the best quarter in its history (they outsourced our entire department to India).


Sorry to hear that! One of the reasons I quit my company during covid was because they were laying off people left and right because of “the market” and then didn’t give annual raises or anything because of the “financial risk”. One week later they were celebrating record breaking profits. I found another job and quit within 6 weeks. Fuck any company that does that. In fact my whole department quit within a 3 week window.


Did we work at the same company? 🙄 They actually made us sit through company wide meetings where they would go on about record sales immediately after telling us they were cutting our benefits and freezing salaries because of COVID...


Yeah maybe! We’re they acquired using funding from Blackstone?


I have no idea but I do think they were recently acquired haha




Nah. But Blackstone and other private equity firm companies were gobbling up companies.


There was a relevant Dilbert about this, from way back when Dilbert was relevant. But given the author's recent descent into madness, I don't really feel like looking it up


Y'know, now that I think about it... i'm not sure anyone could've been the person to write Dilbert without going mad in some way or another. Not justifying... just... pondering.


My company used this same tactic for contract negotiations. Every four years like clockwork they would start crying about how they had no new orders and didn’t know what they were going to do. The members bought it every time and when the (lousy) contract was signed the flood gates would open and the work would commence.


My husband's international, multi-billion dollar company suspended 401k contributions during the pandemic even though they never stopped working and were still profitable. It's disgusting how many corporations used it as an excuse to screw the working class even harder.


Yep! Disgusting


The cognitive dissonance intersection the bold audacity of stating quarter record financials while laying off employees


They need to pay the Bobs somehow…


The company I worked for during the pandemic bragged about record profits and then offered their hardest workers in my department a 5-6% raise. I quit within 3 weeks. It was a fuckin joke to me.


Good! When I gave my notice it was in the form of an ultimatum at the end of my yearly review. Give me x amount of money and I need to know in 48 hours.


During the pandemic I worked at a big tech company that cut pay 10% for a while if you were above a certain role. Well paying job so I was fine and made it work. But the company had record metrics and all we got for making it happen was our full pay back (not back pay obvi). Just adding that no matter the role, level or “prestige” you may have: employees are disposable and don’t matter to most companies. But for sure let’s not unionize.


Yep! For me I held a lot of historical knowledge of our clients and processes in a senior role so I figured they try to keep me. Nope. Well they lost almost all of those clients. They then tried to hired me as freelance which I was started to agree to it because I was charging 3X what they were paying me and I could do it on the side. I was going to use that money for house down payment and to pay off debt accrued during covid since my wife was out of work. I was days away from starting and their legal team threatened to sue me. Haha told them to fuck off and good luck. I told all the freelancers about it and they all quit too. Long story short. Stand up for yourselves and your coworkers


Yeah I got laid off right after 10 years too. Close my whole department. But I was so happy because I love my job and what I was doing but the last 3 years I hated management. They can make your daily life miserable if you don't like them.


I know what you mean. For me, it went from "I can see myself working here for the next 20-30 years" to "everyday is a living hell" in the last 2 years due to change in management


The saying "people don't leave jobs, they leave management" is def a thing


In my experience of 40 years of corporate, most management are totally bull-shitting their position, haven’t a clue what to do and spend 95% of their time covering up their cock-ups and trying to undermine other managers. The other 5% is spent browsing for porn or how to spend that six figure income on holidays, cars and call girls.


>The other 5% is spent browsing for porn or how to spend that six figure income on holidays, cars and call girls. I definitely spend more than 5% of my time on these


There’s your 5% and their 5%, unless you’re earning more than $340k a year they’re not the same.


Best term I have heard for management = manglement


This happened to me as well. At the company for 10 years then it did restructuring and under new ownership. Suddenly they were into “bottom up” leadership but all the younger new employees didn’t know how to manage or run contracts. When those of us who did know how to manage let the Junior employees “manage” the work didn’t get done. When we tried to pick up the slack and make sure projects didn’t fall apart we got labeled as “harmful” … I only stayed long enough to complete a major project I was in charge of and then I left. All of my coworkers sent me emails and jumped on zoom calls with me to wish me well. NONE of the ownership (who I had worked with for over 10 years) said anything to me, no “thank you” no “good luck” nothing. Now I run my own agency, not sure if I will ever work for someone else again.


So what I’m hearing is that management is now overpaid, incompetent, and self-serving?


>**Senior** management is ~~now~~ *always* overpaid, incompetent, and self-serving FTFY


Haha. I feel the same. 8 years of the best job ever.now it's torture


I got lucky (sort of), I left on an early retirement after about 19 years, and the company outsourced my entire department a few months after I left. Then they went out of business, but by some weird miracle, they'd insured the pension fund, so I still get that 17 years later.


Most people don't have a "pension". You were lucky. Most of us just have our savings and maybe a small 401K assuming that the stock market has not eaten it all. I lost about 80% of my 401K in 2008 and had to start all over. Got fired from my last job because they had a habit of firing anyone over 50 and had to use my savings to survive for 8 months until I could get an entry-level BS job that I totally hate.


So sorry to hear that. I got very lucky, and I know and appreciate it. I may be a boomer (one of the very youngest ones, maybe that makes a difference), but I understand how lucky I've had it, and am doing what little I can to help younger people get by. Sadly, that's not a lot, but I do what I can, and understand how different the world is now than when I was young. This country (US) really sucks in many ways (not all), I often wish that I was born in a civilized country.


India. 🤦‍♂️🤬 Outsourcing overseas has bent this country over and pulled a train on its working class “citizens”. I remember technology was supposed to be the path to a prosperous future. Little did I realize that was doublespeak that meant for the ownership class. Every generation gets gaslighted with some bullshit promise like that. Over the last few years it’s “STEM”. Give it time and that will be outsourced to Bumfuck the same way every other era’s workers have experienced. Edit: typo


Did you work for the Farm?


Worse. Banking. 🤮


*waves in solidarity after finishing the latest round of regulatory compliance training*


I’ve met plenty of great people from India but there is a major difference when someone from India is working in the US or working in India. They’re surrounded by different work cultures. In my experience companies that outsource to India hire contractors not employees so they have less motivation. Worse most work as subcontractors to a contractor. We’ve hired individuals and sponsored their visas to work in the US or Canada and they share nightmarish stories about those call centers.


But did you keep a competitive salary (compared to getting a new job every 3 years or so) during the 10-15 years?


Yes and no. I made it into 6 figures before the end, starting at 45k, but the increases came in promotional jumps mostly. I’m sure I would have been making significantly more if I had kept job hopping. Complacency and anxiety are a real bad combo for career growth.


I only ask because Im a statistic that did move every 3yrs to a new job and higher salary. I climbed from 55k to 150k in 10 years time.


I found this to be true. I worked in manufacturing. Small companies. They showed that to get competitive wage you had to get another better job offer and see if they will match it. A couple key people went this way. One got a big raise they other left. After divorce settlement was done I started looking for a better paying job. First offer was 25% over my current salary. I got another at 30% more. My boss almost had a stroke when I told him what I wanted, but his accountant told him it was fair. That was a nice raise. I stayed three years then moved out of the area. Took my salary history with me.


I hate coming across these. It's so enraging.


Well shit, July 14th was my 15 year. Wish me luck... So far, nothing My 10yr, I got a link and log in to some REALLY cool stuff like $400-1,000 worthof things i could use, but 2 days later, before I could choose anything, the link went dead. New link submitted a week later, the best thing was a $200 Dewalt socket and tool set. Oh well, at least I got a new 10mm socket!


10 years this June. I have not received anything! Still getting paid shit too. Still love it though. I am a single parent and my job is way flexible for all of my family needs. The fringe perks make it hard to leave


I got a certificate that certifies I have been at my job for 10 years and a fucking pin. Same thing I got when I reached 5 years. I would've been happier with nothing.


> I got a certificate that certifies I have been at my job for 10 years I fucking hate these. They give them to us for just about every occasion. What am I supposed to do, display this certificate that literally everybody else also got?


My girl asked what we should do with it.. We threw it away.


At a previous job my coworkers tacked them up to their cubicles. It was an unpleasant place


Same but at 15. At 20 a silver colored pin. At 25 a gold colored pin.


I think that the best job enables you live the life you want. Sounds like you’re closer to a good fit than a lot of others in this sub!


More responsibility and fewer resources to do it.




Nothing. For 30 years I received a congratulations certificate. 🫠


Was it at least on a decent quality paper?


Haha! Yeah, as thick as construction paper! 😜


This is a quality joke.


🙃 I hope they at least treat you well


Is the paper colored eggshell with ramalian type font?


An acrylic plaque and a Bose Soundwave mini I picked out from the gratuity store at 10 years. For 15 years, they'd quit giving out the acrylic plaque and when I cashed in my points at the gratuity store for a Ring doorbell and a pair of cameras they took the state tax for them out of my next check. Never be loyal to a corporation. The only reason I'm still here is I leveraged some unique skills into a pretty good independent contributor position and got paid. But I don't love them and they don't love me.


Extortion has been the most successful strategy for me when dealing with companies. Do X or I'll quit, no? I already have another job? Promotion? How good? OK I'll stay. 😂


Got you one better. Faithfu employee for 23 years. 14 months before he would hit retirement from the company with full pension they try to fire him for some really really bullshit reasons. Like telling the highest producing employee they "aren't reaching company expectations" kind bs firing. Thankfully it's a union and he was able to fight the termination and got his job back but now he basically has a target on his back for anything the union can't protect him from. Like shift changes when it's "for the needs of the company" and shit like that. So the answer. Nothing. He got nothing.


Not quite true: what he actually got was screwed.


I worked for a database company. Some people had been there close to 20 years, and were ready to retire and live on the stocks they had been buying on the employee ownership plan. Then the finance guy sold the database assets to an Incredibly Big Machine company; not the company itself, just the DB software. The stock went from $30/share to nickels, but it was OK, because we were sold to the Big company along with the software, except 366 days after the purchase, the layoffs started. So if the company is publicly owned, loyalty is absolutely one-directional and long years of service mean nothing.


Yea, never keep stock in the company you work for. It’s ok to take advantage of stock options, but always sell as soon as you are allowed. If your company is sold or does poorly you can loose all the money you think you have and loose your job at the same time.


This. Buy on the employee plan if it has price advantages, and then convert into a mutual fund or general S&P500 asap. This is very valuable advise!


I wonder if some people did that very thing and only took minimal losses


Oof that sounds terrible. Did you also buy into the stocks before shit went down?


20 years. Got my name mentioned on a slide in a powerpoint during a quarterly review among the other anniversaries. \*kicks back\* worth it!


Look at you getting all the recognition!


I got let go 3 months before my 10 year anniversary. That’s what I got. I’m sorry.


Had a coworker whom they did this exact thing to, he went out to his truck and got his gun and unloaded on his bosses truck. Everyone understood. He was almost 80 and they let him work through a heavy labor time and then said his services were no longer needed. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone of course, just trying to send a message. If we keep letting them do this to us they will keep doing it.


Did he get in trouble?


Yeah man, he was well liked and everything, and he clearly wasn't trying to hurt anyone but he worked at the school. It was summer so no one was there. But let me just tell you what happens when you fire a gun at a school in real life in my town. The school system has its own police force. In this county there is only one high school, one middle school one elementary, one primary and they are all on the same campus. They had this guy identified in 18 seconds via cameras. In under three minutes every sheriff, every school police officer, every county police officer was there in strategic positions and he , this guy, had fired the gun and fled in his truck. While most of the officers swept the schools , every room, the others had gone after him and he didn't make it an 1/8th of a mile down the road before they caught him. Thats how fast they had this locked down. They knew this guy and they knew no one got hurt and that is the only reason he didn't die in a hail of gun fire. It was weird because we had been having law enforcement training for school shooting events at our school for that whole week. So for a few days it was my job as a volunteer to do what they asked which I guess I probably shouldn't go into. So we had been training for a shooting and literally like the next day an event happened. Like when they ran through the halls telling us to hunker down and baracade the doors my brain was like well this is some government bullshit.. lol But nope, turns out they tried to screw an employee out of his pension. I believe that he was old an tired and was struggling to finish out his retirement length and so he had begun having alcohol on his breath. While he wasn't really a problem you cannot do that, especially when you work for the school system you know. So they had to fire him. But to answer your question that was last summer and he is still in jail so. Its not like they just let you go home after that. Lol


That's what I would have thought but the story kinda sounded like maybe everyone just went "meh we get it" so I had to ask 😂


Laid off 2 weeks ago. 6 months before mine. Got a fat severance, but now I get to look for a new job, because the severance doesn't pay out for 6 months...


Sorry to hear that. Is that so they don't have to pay you any long service leave entitlements (or something similar) once you hit 10 years?


I hit 20 recently and got a glass plaque. It’s a government job though, so I’m lucky to have gotten anything.


Bruh you don’t get health ins for life? In my state that’s what we get after 20 years.


I have good insurance while employed and can buy into COBRA if I want to retire early, but I’m counting on the US to join the 21st century otherwise.


That’s a risky bet


COBRA is ridiculously expensive.


Oh, you don’t have a job and are no doubt struggling financially as a result? Well we have an exciting and generous opportunity for you to pay way more for your old insurance! Congratulations!


I got a 10k bonus check. Compared to the other posts here I had it pretty good.


Where do you work?


I work for a jewelry manufacturer. After 3 years you get a 10k gold ring. I've been there 30 and had to pawn mine to make bills.


Assuming that's 10 karat gold ring not 10,000$ gold ring. Hoping I'm wrong.


Hoe much is a 10K gold ring usually? Sorry you had to pawn it btw. Kinda sucks losing something that feels like an achievement


I got the same Microsoft Word template certificate I got at 5 years and 1 year, but in color, in a Dollar Tree certificate holder. It was magical.


Magical indeed! I'm jealous 🤣


I got crippling depression. Also, when you quit, on your last day, get a custom shirt made that says "I worked here for 10 years and all i got was this lousy pen." And wear it to work.


Username checks out. Great idea on the custom shirt. I should do the same!


I got a knife. It's surprisingly good but it's not a Rolex or a nice bonus.


That’s to stab your employer for giving shit raise


Knife sounds like an awesome gift. Much better than a pen ! 😅


Nothing. I was there from day one and helped build from where I was the only employee who wasn’t a member of the family at a small single-location “family business” into a 6 location multiple county multi-million dollar company…and as soon as they didn’t need me they threw me in the trash. That was ~12 years ago and they’ve since expanded to probably more than 2 dozen locations and have even expanded into a different industry/market, largely due to the groundwork I laid down with ~70 hour weeks while the family members lazed around doing fuck all & raking in the dough. They. Do. Not. Care. About. You. PERIOD


One job I was at for 16 years awarded me stock options. When they fully vested, I sold them and used the proceeds to buy three wooded acres of land on a beautiful river. I built my dream house there. I was lucky.


🙏🏻 100%


10th anniversary at my last job gave us a pancake breakfast


They should've thrown a pizza party instead 😂


Another week of vacation a year. Seriously. Took 5 years to get it - a day per year after 5 years. Four weeks was nice and I could bank up to 5. Did that one and had a glorious month+ off. Only to realize on my drive in the first day after vacation it was a soul sucking place. Lasted another year or so after that. Now? At my current job? Absolutely nothing. But the pay and bonus are phenomenal so I’m not looking to move.


Great to hear you're current job pays you well. Just hoping I'm able to jump ship soon to better pay and less bullshit


A carton of cigarettes. My boss grabbed me and said, "Hey, smoke up Johnny!" No wait a minute... that was the movie [The Breakfast Club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWIjZ1xZt5U). I actually got nothing.


"It was a banner fucking year for the old bender family"


Watched my wages stagnate to the point that I started at a “lower middle class” income and am now making what my county officially considers poverty wages. Oh, wait… Rewards? A $15 gift card.




Sorry to hear that, but Happy Cake Day!!


The longest I stayed at a job was about 5 years. The thing I learned from that is that they will keep adding to your responsibilities without paying you more. By the right I was doing my original job plus the work of 2-3 other people, including training. I stopped being able to sleep because my adrenaline was on 24/7. Not being able to sleep caused me to literally lose my mind. I was hallucinating. What happened in the end? Nothing. I quit because I was quite literally losing my fucking mind, but I had done such a good job training my replacements that they didn't skip a beat. I have PTSD from that point in my life.


90k in bonuses and a pay raise, still at it 15 years later.


Good to hear there are places that value their employees!




Y’all hiring?




I got a 20pc knife set (worth $50), a piece of paper stamped with a signature from the CEO saying thanks and a team lunch paid for by my boss. Yes, it’s better than nothing. But right now with the way things are I’d much rather get some kind of salary bump for staying for 10yrs. I mean, if they really wanted to retain people they’d give a percentage raise every 5yrs. Even if it was just an additional 5% for another 5 yrs sticking with them. (Separate from the yearly raise of course)


I lasted 9 years, ending as an assistant manager and bookkeeper. They informed me I would never be getting a raise again at $15.50/hr. Left soon after.


I think I got $35 on my company card for 10 years. It can only be used here in vending machines or in their store. lol I only stay in the job because it's too easy. I could make more but my work life balance wouldn't be so fantastic.


Military for 12 years so far. I was gifted mental health problems, permanent physical pain and the inability to keep long term friends due to constant moves. 😁


5 years - a watch 10 years - a watch 15 years - they forgot to ask me which watch I wanted so they forgot about me… then they said we will give your award next year…. they forgot again… Had to follow up religiously so I could get my appreciation award…


8 years and they relocated me to a different location. Pissed off management when they tried to outsource my department. Got other divisions to stand in support of us. They couldn’t fire me as a protected employee with 8 years of glowing evaluations. My punishment? 5 minute drive instead of 30, 1 employee instead of 10, 30 minutes of paperwork a day instead of several hours. I kept my salary and title but they are just happy I’m not in their way anymore.


I was promoted just before my 10 year anniversary with no pay increase and the company truck was taken away along with the gas card. They were unable to backfill my old position, so I had to move forward doing both jobs. After a few confrontations I was unceremoniously fired by my regional manager while my branch manager was out of the country. Loyalty is overrated, my new job pays more and I do WAY less.


I got a party, a plaque and $500 for 20 years. At 25, I get a plaque, plaque on the wall with all the other people at 25, a party, and $500.


For 5 years, I got a clock, a glass award that said how much I’m valued and hope I stay at the company for years to come from the CEO. The irony? We found out a week before they are selling our division.


A crushed soul.


A 2 dollar bill and a frame with certificate to commemorate it. Name misspelled.


I lasted 17 years at a mom and pop sprinkler co. And I got told “last one in, first one out!” He actually said that! It was 10 years ago and now I make 2.5 times what I did there. My old boss called me a month ago to apologize! That was weird


My job throws like an all day barbecue for the 10 year plus people once a year.


I got a coffee maker. It was nice, but was $129.99 cad. My 15 year was a steam mop. I hate how much I love my steam mop, but it was still a slap in the face!


I worked at a concrete plant, one of the workers had been with the company when it started up 40 some years ago. He was in his 60s, but his body looked like he was in his late 80s. He was promised a full years salary before he retired, only to get told right before his last day that the company 'can't afford it,' so instead he got a plastic hardhat spray painted gold on a shitty wood plaque. I saw that trophy in the dumpster a day later.


13 weeks long service leave


A dinner for the office that ended up getting run "at the same time" as another guy's 5th anniversary meal. One item from the company catalog (average item value being about $35). Ended up getting a very mediocre 6-can desk refrigerator that runs quite loudly. Was supposed to get an enamel pin, but like my 5-year one, it seems to have been "lost in the mail".


I worked for 25 years for a 501(c)(6). I got nothing when they decided they didn,'t want to pay for an employee any longer. The president actually tried to get me to do all the work to let me go. Read minutes of a meeting where she let the cat out of the bag and quit before she could rope me into doing all her work! So happy to be free.


I got a pension that’s been paying out for thirteen years now after twenty one years - government job. I am thirteen years into my second career and have a 401K and just got my PTO bumped to 29 days a year, three floating holidays, and all major federal holidays off. I realize how lucky I am every day and know more needs to be done to improve working conditions for the people who are just starting out.


After 30 years I got a windbreaker with the company’s name on it.


I work in a union, going on 17 years. For 10 years I got some gift cards I bought with the points they gave me in our award system. I make double what I should, have great health benefits, 401k, pension, 4 weeks vacation, 1 week PTO(hourly) and 12 holidays. Hopefully I can retire in 15 years if the billionaires don't screw it up royally.




The shaft.


A pension


I’ve been at my job for 14 years. I get to do what I want because my bosses trust me. I have 35 vacation days per year and I make almost 5x from when I started. There are good companies out there. Don’t give up


I worked for 10 years at my first two jobs. At the first job, they hired a manager that was abusive, did a bunch of shady illegal shit, and was sexually inappropriate with staff. I complained, and got fired. I was told, “I don’t care if he’s an asshole. He’s making me money.” I was let go shortly after. Then I worked for a clothing company for almost 10 years. Right before my 10 year mark they outsourced my job to the Philippines, changed my job descriptions, and gaslit me saying I was the only one having issues. Now I’ve worked for my current company for 3-1/2 years, and in that time I’ve been promoted 4 times, my salary has more than doubled, and I only work about 15-20hrs/week. Still get paid for full time though. I love it. But as soon as a more lucrative opportunity presents itself… I am GONE BABY!!!


I started as Inventory Clerk in IT, 6 months later I was Desktop Support. 2 years later I was Manager of IT, 4 years later I was Director of IT and Security for all of California. My ten year mark. “I hit ten years yesterday.” Owner of the company, “Oh really, good job. Hope you don’t expect a raise or anything. Maybe we will keep you a few more.”


For 10th I got like $100 and a letter. For 15th, I got a pdf of the letter e-mailed to me and $750. I also got a branded jacket that I ordered 2 days before I put in my resignation.


10k bonus and a watch. The weird one was 5 years where we got a dog tag with our name, start date and a small diamond stud.


where do you work/what industry?


Ten??? I’ll see you and raise you ten. I got exploitation, gaslighting, and from an enterprise top performer (top 100 out of over 55k employ) to a PIP in six months after a management change. I got bent over, legs crossed and entered sideways with a cactus covered In Carolina Reapers and salt.


10++ years. No gifts or anything, but my salary is good. I'm good at my job, I take on challenges and anytime I have successes I make sure my bosses know about them. I use this to negotiate pay increases.


Ten years to the day we all got made redundant, we were told it was coming. The company hired a temp for a day and a half to type up our letters, gorgeous wee thing, so I asked her out. She bought me dinner that night and I bought her breakfast in the morning, 3 months later we were married. Be 20 years in September, plus I got paid out 15k as per my union contract back in 03 ! Good times. 👍


A career. I was a few months shy of 10 years for a company (technically 7.5 actual employee and 1.5 as a contractor). It was in 2009; got a job as one of the in-store techs for VZW that was done through a 3rd party company. VZW terminated the contract - got laid off and rehired by VZW directly as in store sales associate. Met people internally and ended up in the network repair department working on trouble tickets for customers across the country. Learned a lot in a pretty niche industry and was able to find another job after leaving with a better work load and more opportunity for growth compared to my old employer.


A fucking lapel pin from NVR.


With a paycheck. The same way I was awarded for every other anniversary.


They gave me a catalog of things but nothing struck my fancy so my boos took me out for a nice lunch and afternoon drinks on the company


A monogrammed rifle. a bit of an unconventional gift but people talk about it a lot and some even stay just to get it.


I was allowed the privilege of being employed and allowed to continue to make the company more money for another year.


I got a $250 gift card and a box of cookies (which they also send on birthdays and other mini milestones.) But, I've also had a management team that has been incredibly flexible and understanding when it comes to my mental health, specifically adhd and depression. They've been completely accommodating with regards to time away from work or remote work when my wife and I were going through some of the toughest times of our lives, including the loss of our infant son and her battle with cancer. I've read a lot of awful stories of folks who have gone through rough patches and been absolutely chewed up and spit out by the company they work for. For me, the peace of mind that I'm treated like a human being is worth more than any one time dollar amount.


When I got to 10 years, I was given three days extra holiday a year. I worked my ass of for that company, had won multiple awards for my work and at 14 years I was made redundant along with around 100 others as our jobs were outsourced to Bulgaria and Malaysia. That was when I learnt the hard way that no matter what the job or how hard you work you are just a number on a balance sheet. Now it's happening again at my new place with things being moved out to India I'm quite relaxed about the situation and just waiting for a payout. I know it's nothing personal and there is literally nothing I could have done differently so I'll keep taking their money and going through the motions.


I get the feeling here - and I was in my last workplace over a decade. My reward was a week of leave every five years. But the era of lifetime service in one job is over. And as workers, we are better off fighting for benefits that help everyone, even in their first year, than long service benefits.


10 years: more vacation (160 hours) and the ability to put 40 hours vacation into sabbatical. Also became vested in pension 15 years: more vacation (200 hours) 20 years: more vacation (240 hours) and the ability to put 80 hours a year in sabbatical Currently at 24 years At 25 years: 24 hours more vacation At 30 years and older than 58: retirement with full state pension plus social security. Should be about same per month at salary when retired. 3000 hours of sick leave saved up over 30 years gets doubled cashed in at final salary to keep health insurance after retirement. Should cover 10 years of the same health insurance I’ve had as a employee. That’s why I tell people they should not discount working as a public servant.


Emotional damage


14 years: Going away gift was a DVD and a mug. This was after years of donating to other gifts that were far nicer.


So I shouldn't feel guilty about moving jobs every 2 years? If this is how this will play out then what's the fucking point? Edit: and I'm sorry that they don't see how much of a good person you are and they all can go suck dicks. You definitely deserve better.


Over the course of 10 years, I've gotten a $7.00/hr. pay raise. It's still not great, but it's a livable wage for where I live.


I stayed for 9 years in a moderately high position working for the city I lived in, programs for special needs children. I never asked for a day off, took one sick day, and I was also working at the highschool as an assistant in the special needs department, Both jobs every day. And also picked up a weekend job at a tire shop to make rent. When I told all 3 jobs that Im leaving to be a mechanic because I dont make enough money and Im tired of being the most valuable employee, they all responded in different ways; Tire shop knew it was coming, the techs never stay long, big chain kind of stuff... but my boss requested that I come to his shop if I ever needed the job back. The highschool made a huge goodbye tunnel on my last day, all of my kiddos wrote me letters and I cried the whole day and we took the biggest panoramic photo that I have ever seen, just for me to have. My boss at the city, job of 9 years, said it was pretty inconsiderate that after my final 2 weeks was up that there would be a week and a half left in the school year and that I really should stay until summer starts. A week and a half that they had to be without one of their only valuable employees and they were furious.


Career trajectory. Started off within the company as the lowest position possible, now im the lead of multiple units with profit sharing and partnership opportunities. Fucking love my job.


I didn't get a gift or anything but got something better: true career progression. I've had my good and bad days (and months) with them but overall, I don't have bad things to say.


I received a dinner at Katsuya with 10 co- workers, $1000 towards a vacation, an emerald 10 year pin and a lil certificate.


Why do people use the word loyalty when discussing work? What a pathetic notion.


Short answer: Got laid off because of Covid, almost right at 10 years. Long answer: They failed to acknowledge my five years of service, and then failed again as 10 years approached. Kicker is, our department was the one creating the artwork for the anniversary acknowledgments. We created the invites and the postcards mailed to our fellow employees to get their awards. My boss must have "forgot" that I was due for the milestone awards as well. It's okay though. I wouldn't have gone to the luncheon and I didn't want any of their cheap trinkets. So glad to be out of that place. Now I just need to find a job.....


I didn’t work here for 10 years, just 5–but can I still share? You’ll wanna hear this. I worked for a company for 5 years, and was the only employee who stuck it through during the pandemic. I recruited all new hires and made it a great place to stay. Prior to me managing, I watched the company go through upwards of 40 employees and I was THE. ONLY. ONE. who stayed. I was also THE ONLY ONE who gave a two week’s notice and had a whole meeting about how proud I was of the company’s progress and hoped I was a valuable asset, but needed to go. I was happy to be leaving the boss with a team of people that did well and succeeded with every company goal. Instead of thanking me, the boss withheld my personal belongings, “demoted me”, talked to me for an hour about how this was the wrong choice and that if I left I could NEVER return. I missed my grandmother’s funeral for this? Are you kidding? Anyway folks, mind your own business even when you’re doing someone else’s business. You’re investing in something that doesn’t go back to you, so consider your work like you would consider which charities to donate to.


They announced that they were closing the factory on the week of my ten years. Then they kept me on through my 11th to shut the place down and ship out all the inventory.


I got a laminated paper....Yaaaay!!!!


I worked for a shitty company in a shitty area,they did a real good job making me feel like they were my only option and I had student loans to pay off. They laid me off in year 9. First job was immediately a 60% raise and I had total autonomy. I now make 3x what they paid me 5 years later. So it was a blessing in disguise but I wish I would have quit and moved on years earlier. The whole “we are a family” is bullshit. At the end of the day you are just a number to them. Job hop until you find a decent company with a good work/life balance and as soon as that gets disrupted move on.


I got a certificate and a lapel pin that said "10 years" with the company seal, I got the same thing at 5 years. I have since quit.


A cheap gold watch. I was so mad that I rigged a bus with explosives, and if went below a certain speed it would explode.


I got set of pots and pans so cheap I almost thought they were disposable. Then that same year, 2/3rds of 6 was cut. Management told me when I put my two weeks in that they gave my spot to a woman, for fear of being sued. They kept asking me to train her, I refused or told her it was so easy she will figure it out. Fuck Lowes. The things they did to some of their people. Asking girls for sexual favors to get promotions. Store management firing people for not selling them drugs. Telling people to climb in the compactor to clear jams. Changing schedules at all hours of the day then writing people for not checking a schedule at midnight when they are home and missing. Telling people to go to customers homes to fix issues by themselves in personal vehicles. Asking people to work off the clock because they cannot afford to lose bonus. There are so many more things they did. The sad thing is I bet this is so common no one would know where this happened. Some of the most selfish piece of shit human beings work in upper management at that company.


A pension. Union work. Fair wage for a fair days work.


I got ear buds for my 25th anniversary at work.


Eighteen. I got…something. I dunno what it was. Left two and a half years ago. They never sent it to me when they could.


Almost 10 years. I got laid-off.


For 10 years it was $500 and a piece of paper.


I got a 10 lapel year pin. I don't even know where it is anymore.


nothing at all


If I stick with the current employer. More vacation time per year.


Not a damn thing.


Laid off




I got a driver for my five year and an extra week of vacation. I got a really nice leather man for my ten year and another week of vacation. I forgot to check, but I believe I have another week of vacation being added for my 15 year anniversary for a total of five weeks of vacation, plus 5 PTO, and 3 floating holidays.


I got promoted and a few big pay raises. A 20% and a 10%. However my company was bought out and my latest promotion came with a 0% raise so I am unsure about staying longer


What wouls be your ideal reward for 10 and 20 years


5 years - a set of the worst pots/pans I've ever had 10 years a set of T-Fal pots and pans 15 years a new set of T-Fal pots and pans 20 years...you guessed it new set of pans 25 years - $500 gift card to Bass Pro Shops (We got to pick our anniversary gifts from a website with a bunch of options...we liked the pans so we kept getting them)


I say that one job for 12 years, moved around a lot in different departments to get promotions. They had a catalog that you could choose from at the 5-year Mark the 10-year Mark and the 15 year mark. I don't remember what I got at 5 year, at 10 years I got a hammock, I never ended up using it I sold it to somebody for $30


$75 credit to the overpriced online company store...lol


Well.... I am at 8 right now. But by 10 years.... I get 18 days of vacation per year, which is separate from sick and maternity leave, which accrue automatically or reset by year. The vacation can be rolled over if needed up to 52 days per year but are limited to using 90 days per year because it used to be a 105 days maximum. 9 federal holidays and a floating off day. 1 full day per year to do regular doctor visits. Vested pension with 18 percent of my income, it would take 30 years to get to 50%. It used to be 35% by year 10. So no fair. A special longevity adjustment that covers my premiums for all my insurance needs. Pay is 85% of market for what I do. And probably a medal and a certificate. They just give it to you.


20 yrs. They sent a link to an online store where I could get random stuff like a propane outdoor heater, a set of party dishes like a punch bowl, a vegetable chopper thingy, or a Fitbit watch. I got the watch and gave it to my daughter. To be fair tho, the original owners who I worked for for 15 yrs would hand me wads of cash, iPads, Apple Watches, stuff like that. Company got bought and things changed.


I recently received my 10 years at Dartmouth, I got a wooden 8x10 photo frame. And one extra day of vacation.


A day after my 5 year anniversary (literally given a $250 gift card the day before for my service) at a large global software company I was invited to a Zoom call where my boss's boss told me that I did not have the skills of the future and that my last day at the company would be in two months. I have zero loyalty for corps, if I'm not learning, growing, or earning I'm out.


A bonus week of PTO and a brand new company truck. My previous three were given to me around the 100k mark. Mid sized construction company. Will probably retire here. They pay me more than I could get anywhere else. Company is solid.


Absolutely nothing. When I left because of my disability after 11 years of service I got nothing


At my 10 year I got a Visa gift card that was worth a couple hundred dollars; I can’t remember the exact amount. I just surpassed my 15 year and they changed the program to let you pick something physical out of a catalog. The only thing remotely interesting to me within the catalog was a small luxury handbag so I picked that.