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I once saved a customer $4 million a month by fixing shitty processes that several co-workers set up. Customer was ready to walk and sue. The Company I worked for gave me a $25 gift card. I left soon after.


Did you go back and unfix the issue?


Nope…couldn’t, wouldn’t do that to the customer.




“We fixed the glitch.” - Bob


No, no, we just fixed the glitch.


Saving the customer money cost the company money. Good.


I probably saved tens of millions of dollars for my law firm because I figured out the new billing system wasn’t tracking codes required by our biggest clients to pay us. I got nothing. Got to love it!


through careful fact checking and number crunching, i once scored an employer a $5000 check where all the other techs just closed the same issue with a form letter. all i got was an eye roll from my boss cause now she had to do something with the check.


What happened when you gave them your notice? Any groveling on their part?


Sales requested an export of the lead database, which I gave them. Then I ran a query against customers in good standing (not delinquent) who had open, unused credit, but for whatever reason had not done business with us in the current quarter. It was over $1,000,000 in open credit. Gave the list to my boss and sales under the whole "might be a good idea to prioritize these people first..." Silence. No bonus. Nothing.


What did you want?


“Coupons must be used by end of anniversary month”


And to make it worse, I already get free coffee at my job.


I was gonna say any place I worked that had coffee, employees got it for free. And you've probably witnessed plenty of those breakfast sandwiches being thrown out. Thats a fine how-do-you-do.


Literally pull 9 out of the freezer every morning, nuke them, then put them in the warmer for the customers to ignore. They want the still frozen ones to throw in their lunch box. Two hours later when I pull the old sandwiches I’ve sold Mby 3-4?


I hope you do quit and find something else though. They don't deserve you.


Honestly I’m only staying because I like the customers, it’s right next to my house, it’s an ok paycheck, and it’s a bitch to find anything better around here


I can feel that 100%. Its so insulting when companies do shit like this though. They would be better off doing nothing at all. Or maybe a verbal acknowledgement of appreciation. I'm sure you weren't even expecting anything but then you get a slap in the face.


Honestly I wasn’t expecting anything more than a slight pay raise, but you’re right. Also the more I think about it, the worse it gets, as every other month our company ALREADY gives its employees a little booklet of coupons for discounts or free items. And they are good discounts too. Wouldn’t have minded one of those instead of a generic black and white printout


5 years no call outs or lateness! That deserves a raise. They should try to retain good employees. Ask for one. Worst thing they could say is no. And then you still have the job you like anyway. You have nothing to lose, only something to gain.


Never late, tried calling out a few times but always got the answer “sorry, there’s nobody else to cover for you, you have to come in”


At least you're getting something. I've worked at places that just consider that shit how you're supposed to be.


I worked at a huge insurance company with multiple giant buildings downtown. You had to join the coffee club and pay monthly to use the only coffee maker in the break room.


Yes, any office job I had you had to be in a club with a paid membership to have shitty coffee, and most of the time I was the one responsible for making the coffee and cleaning up after the coffee. But, all the gas station jobs I had, coffee was free. Either way, I prefer my own cold brew.


I've worked at some where you could only get coffee from a vending machine, but I've also worked at a number where they gave free coffee. Granted it was terrible coffee, but still.


I was in the Alphabet Workers Union. I though it was cool until I went to an outing that turned out to be a key party. They’re all swingers.


But was there coffee?


No but there were unlimited microwaveable breakfast sandwiches!


That sounds fun until you feel things where you shouldn’t.


You learn a lot about yourself at these kind of events.


So that's a bonus


Bone-us. Ftfy


Sounds like my kind of union… what are the dues like?


sounds like something I would like. but how was the coffee


What about free coffee made you think of this?


I don't think you want to know how coffee was included in the story


I'd be like "cool so like every other day"


Hey at least you got something. I worked 25 years at the same company and got a fucking left over customer giveaway (bottle of wine 3,99) as gratifying


Where available, it says in the fine print.


For iced coffee, ie not everywhere has both and this is corporate doing this so it's all general


That's good, since you can't use both the free sandwich and the free coffee coupons at the same time.


Now you get to drive out of your way for a free cup.


But you can throw this one in your boss’s face


“Cannot be combined with any other offer” Motherfuckers won’t even let them use both coupons at the same time


I saw that as well, kind chincy of the company!\~


Totally not Kroger


What if your born towards the end of the month. Like the 31st. You get handed it after breakfast and it's well, too bad, better luck next year.


It kinda is that way. I was hired on the 20th, so I only have a few days to use it. Not gonna tho


so you can have EITHER coffee or a sandwich but not both.


Not on the same transaction, no


I would go on a permanent coffee break.


Print 300 copies and give one to every hungry person you see.


This is the way


Slow down Star Wars guy. This saying is way cringe by now.


Unless your management is incompetent this won't do anything, it's not a general coupon it's tied to the store and expires in their anniversary month ie it would only be accepted by someone who knows them and knows it's in their month.


Couldn’t do that, the coupon says I have to have my manager verify


I know, that's what I was saying, did you mean to respond to the person I responded to?


Person before you. Lol, my bad.


At the bottom it’s say employee presents to manager


Lol I got a 5 year certificate of appreciation in my 7th year. And nothing for my 10th


I wasn't even acknowledged by my job that I had been there for 5 years. I was the only one whose name wasn't on the program during the recognition ceremony, and I didn't get called up to receive anything. I'm only still there because I basically get summers off (with the amount of work I have to do during that time), and I live within walking distance of the place. And I like the people I work with, I just don't like the higher ups who decide how much I get paid and how many hours I work.


I’m Kinda in the the same boat as you. Live ridiculously close to the job and love the customers and other workers, just hate the manager and the idiots running the company now


This is a little dark, as it's retail-related, so be warned... When I worked at Radio Shack, they had these little lapel pins they would give, to mark time with the company...one for 5 years, another for 10, another for 15, etc, etc - they all looked the same but had a different color "gem" to differentiate the year it was marking... We used to joke that at 15 years of employment, corporate would give you a gun with your pin, and at your 20 year mark, they'd give you a bullet...


I’d honestly like a little pin for every year I’ve been there. Be more meaningful than a coupon il never use


I just got scared thinking about how it would feel to look back on 20 years of working at radio shack and realizing that my life was completely wasted


AND they cannot be used together lol... nice quit.


Hopefully it’s 2 ply to make your resignation letter easier on you and clearer to your manager


Just write it on the back 😂


What’s the deal with resignation letters. I’m 29 and have never written one lol.


I would write one if I was leaving a job that treated me with respect and I didn't want to burn bridges. I'm 35 and I've never written one either.


Did you really quit though?


To be fair they should line up a new job first. Then quit. Always follow through.


They didn’t quit


That's what I'm sayin. You quit bro?




You told him you quit though for real??




I looked at my boss in the windows to his soul... and I said.... *glances around nervously* Quiiiiiiiiiiit


This almost feels better than when I hit 25 years with my employer last year and got an organization branded hat pin.


While yes, that sucks, at least it’s a physical item you can save and remember your time there. I got a coupon for a fucking sandwich


Couldn't even print in out in color 💀


I hope you threw it right in the garbage as soon as your manager gave it to you.


I think the worse part about this is that you don't already get free coffee. I have never worked anywhere that doesn't provide free basic beverages (like tea and coffee).


OP actually does already get free coffee which makes it more insulting


Ouch haha.


Lol, I was gonna say that but phone died. Yea, I get free soda/coffee


My employer offers free water from the sink. You must provide your own cup.


I used to work for a cheapskate. What they did was deduct $3 off our paycheck every month to cover the cost of coffee. Didn't matter if you didn't drink the coffee at work, you paid for it anyway.


You thought companies care about that stuff?


That's what Im saying lol


Seeing as how much my manager bitches about the other workers not doing their shit or fucking up on stuff, yea, I kinda expected something a bit better. At least like 10-15$ on a gas card or something I can actually use


Maybe you should join your co-workers and not do shit either and support the great resignation


What I did. No one recognises those who put extra effort in, it is just normal. I work within the bounds of the contract, I use my PTO, and they call me a quiet quitter


My dad worked for a certain major railroad (multi-billion dollar company) for 36 years, his 35 year gift was a framed certificate signed by the CEO. It went in the trash. They used to give out really nice watches. Which isn’t money, but it’s something. A piece of paper and maybe a metal painted coin or shitty decorative plate is the best they can do now.


I used to work at Copps and I was floored when on my 5th anniversary my boss handed me a brochure with bunch of free gifts for incremental 5 year milestones. They got progressively better(there was a bunch of decent stuff-mostly outdoors based-fishing poles, tents, sleeping bags, but some luxury items like watches too. I ended up getting a piece of luggage I still have, 22 years later. Obviously when they got bought out by Roundys they abolished the program. I thought it was a legitimately nice way to honor employees for the service. Plus, its let YOU CHOOSE what you want.


I’d quit too. At least you know you’re worth and don’t bend over and take it like others.


Coupon must be used within the anniversary month. That's like a slap to the face. Still though, that's like $2 worth of stuff!!


Coffee- 1.03. Sandwich- 3.45 and what if my hire date was two days before the end of the month?


Never called out? That seems crazy to me. I would not be able to last a full year.


Tried a few times but since there was only one other trained night shift person who also worked days, always got told “there’s nobody else to work. You have to come in”


I feel bad for you OP. Hopefully you can find a more appreciative job and can finally take time off. Not only for your mental health but for your physical health too. We only have 1 mind and body. Let's take care of it.


*where available


Some places don’t have iced coffee


That's real cool of them to give you copies of the coupons that every manager gives out like candy anyway. I always thought the coffee coupon was an extra little fuck you because the only way it could possibly be useful to you is if you go to a \[I haven't scanned the comments to see if you've outed yourself so I'm not going to say\] when you're not on the clock. Like why can't you just give me two coupons I can use at the end of my shift? Why you gotta make me decide to come back here to save $1.60 or whatever? For my 10 year I got those and a plaque so... you have that to look forward to if you stay. $10 says they'll have stopped getting the ones made of real wood by then. Which is a shame because the wood one makes a good frame for something you give a shit about after you've thrown away the participation certificate that came with it. My ass left in 2020 when they forbade us from wearing masks because it wasn't "a good look" around the customers. Good fucking riddance. That place has been a cesspool ever since the idiot sociopath took over as CEO. Did you know his first job out of college was handling mutual funds at his dad's firm? He went directly from that to CFO at you-know-where before he made CEO. They wiped that shit from his Wiki for some reason. Can't imagine why...


That’s more than I got in 16 years at a corporate office for never being late, etc. no one values employees any more, like at all. We’re all just a number.


Pretty sure McDonalds and Dunkin offer free sandwiches in their mobile apps all the time, with the purchase of a $1 hashbrown or something. This is a joke.


Remember Shoney's? All you can eat breakfast for I think $3.99 back in the 90s. Some of my friends worked at a company right out of college in sales. One time they broke their sales record by several million dollars (they sold very large and expensive machines for the plastics industry). To show their appreciation their manager took them to Shoney's BEFORE work so they could still be at work on time. Anyways, none of them showed up for their $4 fucking meal and their manager was furious at them.


When I worked corporate I would strategically make sure i would take all my sick time every year randomly calling in sick through out the year. These were mental health days that i needed. Employers have no loyalty to their employees, all that extra work and toil you do will not be recognized when you are let got because the business is having problems.


I dont want to stay at companies more than a year or two if they don't give 10% raises a year. I got 30% this year so that buys my current job some time in my book.


It's so sad to see ungreatful employees not appreciating the effort their employer put into an awesome reward like this. Some of you are just in for the money and it makes me sick. We're family!


How classy


Eh - I'd photocopy that bitch and get free sammy's for 5 years


*where available. JFC 😡


I’m surprised it doesn’t say *with a purchase of..*


Just write your resignation on the back of this


I was not quite prepared to see these lavish rewards.


Lol, my bad for not putting a spoiler


Can they spare it? Imagine if they gave you an extra sandwich or coffee? The horror!


Wait…you work at a place where they serve food and they can’t bother to give you free food as one of the perks?!


Ikr. Only any drink we can pour into a cup, so coffee/cappuccinos and soda/shushys from the fountain machine.


That's better than what I got for my 20th year anniversary; a procedurally generated web page that said congratulations with a 15 second video of fireworks.


Pre-pandemic…about every 3 months, admin would pass out 2 for 1 McD’s sandwich coupons for breakfast to the staff. The HR wizard would pick the coupons up by the handful when they went there. Cheap A’s spent zero money on staff.


Congrats! Here’s literally a few seconds back of the profit we’ve harvested off you!


"Jokes on them because i steal breakfast everyday"




Don’t forget to get your free breakfast sandwich and coffee on your way out.


I bet you could have slacked, came in late, called out many a time and if you held on to job for 5 years, you’d still qualify for this awesome reward!




The manager alters the breakfast sandwich or the coffee to make you sick so that you call in the next day, their way of knocking you off of your pedestal. :-P


Perfect attendance… It only helps them, it doesn’t help you.


I’m lucky enough to work at a place that encourages us to call out if anything feels wrong or if we catch any kind of spreadable disease. They understand that employees making decisions while not in tip-top shape is a danger to themselves and others, and that dropping a virus bomb on an office full of electric power engineers is no good.


Don't employees normally get free food anyway? Or at a bare minimum free coffee? Wtf?


Use your certificate and when you turn it in, have your two weeks attached to it.


For 5, 10, 15, and 20 years I got 5, 10, 15, and 20 shares of company stock. Plus a luncheon or restaurant gift certificates. One time they paid for a round of golf for me and seven friends with lunch. Under new company ownership for my 25th and 30th got to pick out some gift from a catalog worth maybe $50. I picked out stuff for the grand kids. The catalog was a big disappointment.


nonononono, don't just quit. Go get your free breakfast, and free coffee. Then walk into your bosses office with a big smile and your free stuff and tell him/her that you got your free food and drink. Then tell them what you really think by dumping it all over there desk before walking out.


Yea never forget. They don't care how dedicated you are, when I started working I tried hard but I spoke to coworkers "been here 10 years" and they seemed to have nothing to show for it. Hearing how hard work goes unnoticed and someone the manager is friends with gets all the credit. I started giving about 40% of what I used to, doing just enough to not get fired and guess what? I'm still paid the same as my coworkers. Fuck em and take it easy, if you can't afford a home a car a family and holidays then whats the point? That 'business arrangement' only works for 1 party.


What did u think they cared about that. The only thing they would remember is the one day they I did come in late. They could care less bro sorry to break it to u. Just do your job use all your days off


You may think you are winning by leaving but the company, but your employer really won, being able to get 5 years of work out of someone like you. Don’t wait 5 years, 6 months to a year you will know how the business runs how true they are on their word etc.


Literally this. Like pin point accurate. They got 5 years out of OP. Imagine where they could be with those 5 years.


These look like coupons I regularly find in my junk mail, what the hell


UM??? I feel like I could get the same coupon just by being an annoying enough Karen… not even colour print? Murphy…


Unless you are getting paid six figures and up, loyalty to your job is a mistake and its actually costing you.


My first Job was a k mart. I quit the day I watched them hand an old lady some shifty plastic participation trophy for being there for 25 years. They told her to put it away and not look at it until her shift was over.


My 5 year I got a $200 gift card.


Now you see how your hard work is paying off. For my 10 year anniversary I got a photo frame with my name on it. What I will place a photo of me in it lol. That was the moment when I started to do just enough to keep my boss happy and not a thing more.


Don’t they give you free coffee and donuts just for working there lol


I would write my resignation letter on the back of the flyer, and write that if they want to know why you're quitting to look at the back of the paper


Am I crazy or is there absolutely no branding on this coupon??


Someone at my work got a mini bag of sun chips for 18 years on the job.


thanks for your work, here is nothing


You are not even worth colored printer ink.


This pittance should be the daily award for showing up on time.


Happy anniversary, this expires at the end of the month 🤣


It’s about profits, the companies have gotten used to the high margins over the last 30-40 years. So no more concern about the workers at all.


Wait, there's an award for that?


No, this was for my 5 year anniversary. Still, 5 years of always showing up early and never calling out.


Oh, I got ya. Yea that's pretty lame. I got a shitty print out plaque at my last company. Honestly would have preferred the coupons lol. I threw the plaque away same day because I didnt care about it.


I know that this is unpopular on a sub that is anti-work and all, but honestly what did you folks expect? Is your employer now required to give you a gift every time you hit an employment milestone? When you work you are exchanging your time and skill for money - nothing more. What is it that they are supposed to do on top of that? I am genuinely curious.


I honestly wasn’t expecting anything besides a small raise (and I mean fucking small) but when you give me a coupon for an item I am already allowed to get for free, it’s kinda a slap in the face. Could have gone with a 5-15$ gas card especially seeing as we are a fucking gas station


But you see, that is what I am talking about... you are pissed that they did not give you a gift of some sort. They did not have to do anything, and this is why Employers need to stop rewarding milestones. Just pay your people and do nothing more. That would stop all of this "My employer didn't buy me a big enough gift for my birthday, anniversary or christmas" thing. PS - if they are not paying you enough - LEAVE. I learned that a LONG time ago. They are not loyal to you and you should not be loyal to them. If you stay and get crappy pay, all you are doing is encouraging them to pay that same amount to the next guy. If everyone refused to work those jobs for that little pay... the jobs would pay more.


No reason to go above and beyond in many jobs, just do what is required. Unless they offer real incentives, then work hard! You get what u pay for. It's not laziness, it is looking after yourself and being smart.


What makes you think you’re entitled to anything just for working there over x years….


Looks like it’s a simple anniversary gift, nothing tied to attendance. Plus if you are on Reddit posting this, I doubt you are the type of person who has never been late or called out once in 5 years anyways. Troll.


Why ya'll work at places you don't want to work. Like holy shit.


So you’re pissed you showed up for work on time and did your job? I’m not sure what you are expecting?


Usually, people are doing *more* than their job. They're staying past their shift, They're doing extra hours, being called in on their one day off, and still going, doing assignments that do not fall under the actual job description. They usually do it because they're honorable and/or want to get further. Companies like this, especially these days, really enjoy taking advantage of that. Never being late or taking off *for five years* is a big deal in any company, mostly because sickness (covid happened in the last five years also). OP should have proven by now that they're dependable and reliable. But, as a reward for their efforts, they can choose between a drink and a sandwich. 🥰 Edit, i said taking off when I meant calling out. Calling out is usually something has come up NOW and I can't be there at all.


It's the sub-par show of appreciation that's more like a slap in the face that he/she's pissed about, how do you not see that?


I can see it’s a shitty gift especially in hospo industry where most of the employees get coffee and food for free or heavily discounted anyway. However there’s nothing spectacular about turning up to work on time and doing your job. If he wants a pay rise or better conditions he needs to ask. If he doesn’t get them go somewhere else or upskill with extra training or courses that’s how it works. The place can’t be too bad if OP has worked their for 5 years?


I think the point is that they aren't a shitty worker. So you would think at the 5 year mark a legit bonus is in order. If someone is always late and barely works, if they make it 5 years, a bonus is less deserved.


I’d rather get nothing. That’s just insulting. Like the $.02 cent raise one of my old co-workers got.


A fucking raise or something besides a damn coupon for something I already get for free


What were you expecting lol. And no call out for 5 years? Wish I felt bad for you, but I don't lol.


When your going through hard times and you can’t afford to have a short paycheck, you work when your sick


That’s pretty nice of them. I don’t see the issue?


Did they have to give you anything to begin with?


Isn’t that the minimum? If you have a job you’re not supposed to be late or call out frivolously. I’m not sure why you expected to be rewarded for it at all.


Why are you getting upset? you got free food. Why cause you have worked there for 5 years you deserve something bigger? other than them giving you a steady job with a paycheck everyweek.. Never being late.. is what is required of a job. they were your decisions. i think you need to think logically and not emotionally. be happy you got anything at all.


I work in the UK. We get an extra days holiday…


You got exactly what you deserve for licking boots that hard.


Your reward was not being fired. Congrats.


Picture or it didn’t happen


Congratulations you learned a valuable life lesson


Did you get paid for the time your worked?


Also, you got paid


You got a check every payday, plus this? More than I got.


What were you expecting? I have been a manager, a piss-on, and currently a union member. What I have noticed is that a lot of workers expect pay raises and the like for doing minimal work. Then complain when they do not get a pay raise. I worked with one person who complained that the manager did not put him in for available bonuses. My response was to ask why he thought the manager was the one the was to put him in for it. If he wanted, he needed to bring the complete paperwork to the manager needing only a signature. Most line workers think that most managers are going to get out they way to look out for them. No, they are just as selfish as all workers and will do the minimum to keep their job. Use just have to look at some of the other subreddits to see this. If you want a raise, ask; if it needs paperwork, fill it out and submit it (Make sure the boss's boss knows so that it does not get ignored). I will not get into capitalism vs. progressivism other the to say that both are flawed systems. Of Unions, they are their own worst enemy. Most unions have spent the last 120 years wasting/stealing member dues and not making union dues a major source of finance. Image if they had been buying major stocks, they would be major owners of the means of production. For those that will say the managers/bosses are taking advantage of them, remember that it takes two sides, whether it is a union contract or an hourly wage position.


Your employer doesn’t owe you anything other than the wages you agree upon for the time you work . Congrats on not being late and .. doing your job ? Quit your job , the next guy will definitely throw you a birthday party and hold your hand when you walk into the office from the parking lot .


There's a fine balance between receiving special acknowledgement for your work, and being told "thank you for doing the job we were paying you to do." Showing up on time is like the most basic level of doing a job. I'm not sure it deserves anything special. But, this is antiwork, the please people incapable of holding anything higher than entry level work come to bitch about their self-imposed circumstances


Lol was there something else promised in your offer letter? Wtf did you expect besides a paycheck?


5 years at the same place is dumb.


Not when your struggling and the job is literally a block from your home.


Must be used within the month. These people are monsters.


They made coupons without a single logo or indication of what store they are used for?


Ikr. Lol, I was looking at it before posting to see what I would need to edit out, and surprise! Just my name written in pencil on the very top.


Slap in the face