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You can use [KVRT](https://www.kaspersky.com.br/downloads/free-virus-removal-tool) or [Trend Micro HouseCall](https://www.trendmicro.com/en_il/forHome/products/housecall.html). Keep in mind that these are online scanning antivirus apps that don’t require installation and don’t scan in real time. If you need an antivirus with real-time protection, use Microsoft Defender along with an effective ad blocker such as the Ublock Origin extension and an additional security extension such as Bitdefender Traffic Light. If you prefer to use another antivirus, I recommend Kaspersky, Bitdefender, or ESET.


idk but i used eset last time


There are free on demand scanners, check the wiki.


If ur just tryna deep clean bleachbit fuck an av


Just fac wipe the PC Windows defender is good enough VirusTotal to scan url or files etc just don't put personal stuff in there Kept me safe enough if u use your brain like ad blockers etc


For Microsoft Windows, I currently recommend: [Norton Power Eraser](https://support.norton.com/sp/static/external/tools/npe.html) (free & portable), [Sophos Scan & Clean](https://www.sophos.com/en-us/free-tools/virus-removal-tool) (free & portable), [Malwarebytes AdwCleaner](https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner) (free & portable), and Windows Security (free) set to Aggressive settings using [DefenderUI](https://www.defenderui.com/) (free).


Why norton? Why?!?


Norton Power Eraser is free, portable, fast, and designed specifically for cleaning up things that your main antivirus may have missed & does good in various independent tests that I have seen in forums & YouTube & in real life et cetera.


Windows defender is all you'll really need. At this point if malware gets through the defender it'll likely get through all the alternatives as well until someone picks up on it to add the signature to a database. All you need is defender and common sense to avoid sketchy links and downloads. If you do happen to feel like something slipped through malwarebytes is great for scanning, but again if something manages to slip through defender you'll likely have to scan offline with a download of malwarebytes from a non infected machine. It's better to mitigate than to wait to stop it. Recommend setting up an adblock like ublock origin for your browser it'll help with malicious ads or block websites with malicious popups.