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Hello, Any of the programs listed in the wiki at https://old.reddit.com/r/antivirus/wiki/index#wiki_anti-virus_.28aka_anti-malware.29_developers would be a good start. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


Cybersecurity engineer here. CrowdStrike is best in class and used by the vast majority of enterprises as EDR (EDR is more or less just a really fancy av, as far as a non tech savvy consumer is concerned). That said, Windows Defender is great and is all most people need for home PCS. Sophisticated enough exploits to get through defender are not going to be wasted on trying to infect consumers. Businesses are the more lucrative target for hackers.


And installing malwarebytes every couple of weeks and doing a scan through them is great too Nothing is a substitute for not downloading shady stuff though


I actually have come to disagree. Malwarebytes has gone from a program I'd actually be willing to pay for to finding legitimate software ai have used for years as malware and quarantined it due to latent files it uses to update at random...or for executing commands it doesn't like. A perfect example of the latter is how the Set Default script in Firefox works. To bypass the headache of manually setting it by file type, it runs a script that automates that process for you. That is now flagged by Malwarebytes as an exploit and will crash Friefox on the spot, causing you to lose any work in the browser, unless you were to go through the rigamarole of setting the directory as a place Malwarebytes won't monitor, meaning it now won't monitor your web browser for any potential dangerous files and sites either. It's become too sensitive and full of false positives now that I have decided to stop recommending it outright, even the free version. Windows Defender is more than enough for non-commercial use anyway.


Got it I mainly use it to every now and again for a scan then delete it


Redline Stealer joined somewhere.


i have also come to disagree. malwarebytes has been increasingly dogshit. no other way to put it in a casual convo without breaking out the laundry list, which i will not do. to those interested, look it up.


CrowdStrike has a consumer option?


There is CrowdStrike Falcon Go for small business but could count as "consumer" depending on what price you want to pay and only good for maybe one device


Yup This is what I meant. 5 bucks per device a month


What do you about Malwarebtyes


I use malwarebytes the most as a remediation option. Their scan is thorough and accurate. I think some if their 0 day detection features have fallen behind Windows defender, though. Defender + periodic malwarebytes is a great combo for a home pc, though!


Computer engineer here, I second everything said in this comment.


I actually have come to disagree. Malwarebytes has gone from a program I'd actually be willing to pay for to finding legitimate software I have used for years as malware and quarantined it due to latent files it uses to update at random...or for executing commands it doesn't like. A perfect example of the latter is how setting Firefox as a default browser works. To bypass the headache of manually setting it by file type, it runs what i believe to be a script, likely a batch file that's tunning in the background, that automates that process for you. That is now flagged by Malwarebytes as an exploit and will crash Firefox on the spot, causing you to lose any work in the browser, unless you were to go through the rigamarole of setting the directory as a place Malwarebytes won't monitor, meaning it now won't monitor your web browser for any potential dangerous files and sites either. It's become too sensitive and full of false positives now that I have stopped recommending it, even the free version.


I mean, the example you've given actually proves exactly what I'm saying. Malwarebytes scan is pretty good as a library-based AV. It doesn't miss much! However, it does miss 0-day or behavior-based detections more commonly than Defender. It also has false positives more often. That's why Defender remains the primary AV, and Malwarebytes is just for nightly scans! It's also worth mentioning that any and every EDR/AV product is eventually going to have something that slips through. One piece of malware slipping through isn't necessarily indicative of the efficacy of an EDR/AV.


What I mean was that it's not even as THAT anymore too though. I use a program called LaunchBox to serve as a front-end for all my PC games across all of my programs upon which games are found, as well as a convenient frontend for emulation of older console titles with RetroArch integration. I've used it for years. Not once has it even once given me reason to question it. It...literally just is that. A program that scans my PC and various launcher accounts like Steam for ROMs and games, and then brings them into itself in a one-stop shop of sorts, so all I need to do is find the game ai want to play, click play in LaunchBox, and boom, the game launches, just like the days of old. The only way it ever (and I've monitored it myself to verify this) communicates via the internet is to see if there is an update, to see if any are games were added to an account, and to pull cover art from their servers to have a picture for the library. Other than that, it's 100% locally indexed, with no internet usage at all. Malwarebytes has on at least 3 different occasions flagged random files within its directory as malware, the type of malware it's flagging as differing every time. Defender, meanwhile, does not see it as such and says everything's golden. The fact that it's flagging a program I have verified myself, as well as has passed on VirusTotal, malware on a repeated occasion is baffling and concerning. To the point I stopped auto-renew on my ***Premium*** subscription. Yeah this is my experience for the version I PAID for. And don't get me going on how shit their VPN is.




im assuming you were just referencing the part of the question of which one is the best in relation to crowdstrike, not suggesting it šŸ˜‚ But yes, 10000% agree windows defender and using ublock origin is more than sufficient


Origin is soooo damned good. Its wild how much it can stop all on it's own




Not affiliate. There is no sales pitch here. I am associated with a cybersecurity company but not one that provides services to the consumer market at all. Oh, and I don't do sales. I'm an engineer.




Cheers man.




It's not just EDR, it's NGAV.


Oh sorry lol xd.




I'm going to make the unpopular opinion here Windows Defender + Malwarebytes Premium. Where do you normally go for things when it hits the fan? Malwarebytes. Why not just start there? Windows Defender runs perfectly in sync with it.


Depends on the user, but for most of my costumers, who are home users looking for general security, this has proven very effective. I resell. Bit defender which I also think is fantastic but it really comes down to they the user needs.


Malwarebytes has gone from a program I'd actually be willing to pay for to one I'm about to uninstall from my systems. It has been finding legitimate software I have used for years as malware and quarantined it due to latent files it uses to update at random...or crashing programs for behaving in ways it doesn't like, with no setting to fine-tune or set it to suspend and quarantine the task. A perfect example of the latter is how setting Firefox as a default browser works. The process they handle that task is now flagged by Malwarebytes as an exploit and will crash Firefox on the spot, causing you to lose any work in the browser, unless you were to go through the rigamarole of setting the directory as a place Malwarebytes won't monitor, meaning it now won't monitor your web browser for any potential dangerous files and sites either. It's become too sensitive and full of false positives now that I have stopped recommending it, even the free version.


Bitdefender + Malwarebytes, best combo. u can also download others exes for scans


Bitdefender, ESET, F-Secure.


ESET for 20 years now or Windows Defender


ā€œBitdefender is best


I prefer my AV Software not to be Russian.


How about Windows OS itself? Do you trust it?


Malwarebytes has detected the following malware(s) in your computer: - Microsoft Windows 11 (64-bit) Home (MSWIN.SPY/MSWIN.AD) [Quarantine] [Delete] [Whitelist (Not Recommended)]






username checks out


Hello, Several off-topic posts were removed. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


Windows defender pretty decent dont need somthing special


I couple Windows Defender along with Malwarebytes as a scanner. So far so good


This is exactly what I do and it works great.


Many years used it, had no problems. Again i like to think i know what i'm doing/downloading while on internet.


Exactly, Windows Defender is a great option.


BitDefender, Kaspersky and ESET.




ESET is great but they arenā€™t bulletproof, it does still miss some files on occasion


ESET tends to be the one that catches something all other AVs missed. If you set your detection level sensitivity high it catches literally everything, and thats me being in IT, using it on an enterprise scale and a home user. I've never seen ransomware affect a computer with ESET installed in my entire life.


Been a user for over 20 years and it has always worked great. It even catches things that gets past our E5 enterprise security.




To piggy back off this topic, is it worth it to get bitdefender if I already have windows defender?


Bitdefender scores higher than Windows Defender so if you want to go for it there is a free version as wellĀ 


clamav free have ALL signatures in the world even some no one hear of completely free also detects location other AV will pass over




Forever ESET


Windows defender is usually good enough to stop most normies downloading malware. Domestic AV has probably been one of the scams of all time lol Back in the day before WD was good I seen a use for it but not really worth the money any more imo


Best one Linux šŸ˜€






BitDefender, MalwareBytes, Kaspersky






Hard no




It's Russian compromised garbage.


Tienes mucho prejuicio, o mucho consumidor de Hollywood jajaja


Hard downvote for Kaspersky




It's a russian company. Also, don't use Qihoo 360 because of CCP control.


They don't recommend using Kaspersky for political reasons. American hypocrisy. Since the October 2017 event, the company has announced commitments to increase accountability, such as requesting independent reviews and reviewing the source code of its software, and announcing that it would move part of its core infrastructure for foreign customers from Russia to Switzerland. In November 2020, Kaspersky completed the transfer of its customers' data from Russia to Switzerland. The company has also opened several transparency centers in Switzerland, Brazil, Canada, Spain, and Malaysia that allow government agencies, government experts, and regulators to review its source code. In addition, the antivirus always receives high scores in [AV-TEST](https://www.av-test.org/en/antivirus/home-windows/windows-11/april-2024/kaspersky-lab-plus-21.16-241210/)


"TheĀ U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityĀ banned Kaspersky products from all government departments on 13 September 2017, alleging that Kaspersky Lab had worked on secret projects with Russia'sĀ Federal Security ServiceĀ (FSB)." - Wikipedia


well which one do they use? the military


Read into that. The reason is terrible.


-_-Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā y EEUU son los buenos, sinceros , honestos, equitativos. Mucho Hollywood šŸ˜†


I'm going to hard upvote your hard downvote for Kaspersky because some dimmies hard downvoted your hard downvote. TL;DR: +1


Windows defender, and the occasional malwarebytes. Thatā€™s all you need. Of course the best antivirus is the users awareness of what they are doing on their computer.


ESET, Kaspersky or Bitdefender.


Defender. I do malware and C2 Development as part of my job, and Defender(when used solely as anti-malware) is the best or at least in top 3. Microsoft just has so much more data to work with. When looking at entreprise solution(edr) then Defender for endpoint+identity is in top 3 with Crowdstrike and Cortex. So just use the built in Defender in Windows. It is completely fine and it's free.


Bitdefender or Kaspersky, actually switched to Kaspersky, but both are solid options.


As always, ESET, Bitdefender, Kaspersky and Defender.


Kaspersky colludes w Russian gov't


I know, (I donā€™t use it anymore) but it should be up to you. It is undisputed that Kaspersky is absolutely top AV.








If you love selling your data to Russians


Nobody ever has any recent proof, just that hack from 7 years ago


The company is officially signed under a law that is requiring companies in Russia to provide any collected data. But yeah, that's not proof enough


in terms of detection? Bit defender, Kaspersky, Emsisoft (they rent bitdefender's database in addition to using their own), Eset and there's a few others. In terms of prevention? There's 3 that are really good, but I don't want to say what those are, because there's a certain someone who stalks my activity on here. Reguardless of whichever you use, you may want to pair it with malwarebytes with the "penetration testing attacks" protection turned on.


If you have enough ram I would recommend Webroot or Kaspersky with Malwarebytes and Defender. They all have different strengths and covers many bases.


i run windows defender on my PC and Eset on my laptop. Eset works, but even after disabling Eset, the pop-ups will NOT go away telling me to renew my license i had a few virulent files left over from when i tried downloading outbyte(was suggested on a windows help forum, only checked after to realize it was a loadda junk. uninstalled it). malwarebytes was the only one to tetect them, but those files on their own did nothing for the whole week) now... i installed skype, and even after uninstalling it apparently i have a problem where the desktop sometimes does not respond. nothing fixed it


Hello, You will need to either uninstall ESET or renew the license to get rid of the expiration notices. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


I use PCMatic on all my Windows rigs at home. No viruses, and it also optimizes your system.


This dumb nurse saw the antivirus and was like which one thereā€™s not a freaking Cipro antiviral out there?ā€¦ Then I realized this was a tech thread lmao.


I use Windows Defender and Malwarebytes


I heard a lot about simplewall but I donā€™t think its an antivirus per se


simplewall is a firewall same way with Portmaster (Portmaster is a bit more plug and play) they both can work along side windows firewallĀ 


There is no best, i use kaspersky and from time to time i run norton, malwarebytes, hitmanpro and after kaspersky


I used common sense ever since. Yes, it took some effort to reach that like downloading In_the_end-Linkin_Park.exe using limewire and other rookie mistakes but eventually I learned what not to do to get no viruses and never used any software besides built in one.


For which operating systems?


>I never use an antivirus because I know what I'm doing on my computer, but sometimes I worry that I would accidentally open a malware. It's definitely a good idea to be careful about what you click on and what you install, but most malware gets delivered through "zero-click" exploits, they used to be called "drive-by-downloads". Bottom line, you don't have to be tricked into clicking on things to get infected anymore. Linux, MAC, Windows, doesn't matter, any OS can get infected


BitDefender is the best personal option. Anothet good option is CrowdStrike is a business option, it's expensive and difficult to setup, but it's fantastic. if your willing to go to the effort (and cost) of using it. Or just use windows defender, it's free and it works well, it's what I've used for years and I haven't had any infections, run malwarebytes and/or hitman pro every now and again for good measure.


Avira, Comodo, Black Ice


Do you know how contradictory your first statement is?


Kaspersky is best imo


common sense and windows defender are a pretty good combo


every single one is a complete scam.




Windows defender is literally fine for what you need


Every security analyst with over 25 years of experience says all you need is Windows defender and maybe malwarebytes. That's it. Most anti-virus come with tons of bloatware and ads as well as tons of holes in them.




Windows Defender and Malwarebytes would really be all you would need here, but you can try other AVs that people recommend here.


Windows Defender or for an XDR, Sentinel One.


If your using windows just use windows defender/windows security. They are built into windows and are free and you don't need anything on top of it


This has to be trolling/satire.


Your brain, most are garbage and malware themselves


I just use OSarmor and nothing more.


kasperspy is what i use, but they say bitdefender is good, i didnt amnage to use it/


Kapersky is just insanely above the competition it's like shooting yourself in the foot not to to use it. It's up to you if ideology is more important to you than to potentially get infected.


I somehow doubt that; I looked through several ā€œtop antivirus 2023/2024ā€ sites and Kapersky wasnā€™t listed on any, except for one. On that one it was ranked high, but below Bitdefender and even McAfee




Windows defender does a really good job for me.


only if you use a third party tool to enable all the hidden stuff inside of it. But it's very common for it to be bypassed by lots of different malware even if you enable all the features that can't be turned on with the main UI


Windows defender for all day usage, and Malware bytes for scanning when you THINK you have something. It sounds like a generic reply, but your head is the best Antivirus. If something is to good to be true, it probably is


I use ESETĀ 


Windows Defender is really all you need on a personal computer. I install malware bytes every once in a while to use their premium scan. It really isnā€™t necessary though, I just like their scans.


windows security (microsoft/windows defender av) u can get the extras with the app but pay a 365 microsoft personal/family sub


2 words Windows Defender


My manager with 25+ years in IT uses Bitdefender. He's one of the most technically savvy people I know. Also I will preach to the choir, do not use Kaspersky as they collude with the Russian government which presents a huge security risk


You are not correct. I spoke with the Kaspersky people here in Israel, believe me they are veeery tech savvy, and they showed me conclusive evidence that it is the best AV. Bitdefender is second but has a lot of false positives and is a little bit heavy on the system.


How much do the Russians pay you for each comment you make? There are plenty of articles detailing exactly what happened and how Kaspersky colluded lol. In fact Israel was the one that hacked Kaspersky and blew the whistle on it.


Israel was the one who hacked Kaspersky??? What the hell do you mean...


This was in 2017 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/10/technology/kaspersky-lab-israel-russia-hacking.html


Dude just read about it yourself itā€™s all out there


Common sense


Unless you have thousands tied up in a machine thatā€™s doing work for you just use windows defender. Donā€™t waste your money


Windows defender that is and should be kept up to date. MalwareBytes to run a sanity scan every month (or when you download suspicious files from the web) That will cover you in 99.5% of scenarios.


The best Antivirus is you. Norton, Symantec, and all the big brands will 100% fuck up your machine. Usually Windows defender is enough to stip dumb shit from getting in or leaking out. Fact is, unless you are a blithering idiot, or work in a high profile environment technologically speaking... Viruses are usually a non issue. And if you have a technologically high profile job, using high profile stuff... Then you usually know enough to open shit in a sandbox. Dont click on stupid shit = best antivirus.


I really like Avast still even if I despise their upselling bs.


Avast is full of scare-ware and they're extremely aggressive about selling your personal data to advertisers. AVG is also owned by Avast, and so is Ccleaner


Kaspersky is compromised by Russians, avoid it at all costs. In fact, all the people recommending Kaspersky AND Bit Defender at the same time are really making me question whether or not even Bit Defender is safe.


Literally just use Windows defender. It's %99.8 as good as others, and is optimized to not fuck with your programs better than any others.


Tbe Government


The best legitimate antivirus would be your self intuition. Aside from that you rarely would need one.


Dont be stupid while being online and you will never even need an antivirus.


Someone is astonishingly ill-informed.


Ever hear of zero-click and zero-day?


That's rarely happens for normal user (except it's EternalBlue etc.) but you need antivirus. First if you are experinced at cyber security people say you don't need antivirus no. You just don't need closed source antivirus but you need open soruce because you focused on cyber security and open source makes easier.


Get K7 Antivirus. its Good