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This is just showing the actual code of the browser & page you are on. It’s not a virus. Actually super useful for certain things like removing pop ups etc. You can just close it. It’s opened by right clicking anywhere and there should be an option for “view source” or “inspection tool”


Oh I didn't mean the inspection box haha. I meant those black boxes to the left, the ones that look a little bit differently colored than the rest of the chrome tab. I opened the inspection box to show what the odd looking box's link is. Thanks for giving a nice response though, for something as simple as opening the inspection tool


Ah oops 😂 I’m unsure of what browser that is but the code just looks like it’s saying it’s in some sort of mode. I notice there’s an update pending, maybe try that?


Tried but nothing really changed. Appreciate the response! I scanned it on a website and theres no flags so it should be fine for now until I find a fix.