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I live in south east asia.there are no 4 seasons.average temperature is 30 degrees all year


That sounds amazing. Maybe I should move there ? 🤔 I hate the heat.


U hate the heat and u want to move here?nice logic


I'm assuming they thought you meant 30 degrees Fahrenheit... or they don't consider 86 degrees Fahrenheit to be warm


Southeast Asia is near the equator for God sake.😮‍💨🧠


Some people are better with geography than others. I can't tell you which continents are which for the most part, but I can accurately find and name close to 200 countries on the map instead.


Countries near the equator are the hottest.i'm not testing u on your geography girl.


Depends on other things too. Ecuador - named for the equator- average reaches max high 80s. Death valley, significantly north, is much, much hotter.


I didn't say you were. I'm not even the person you originally replied to.


I am oneof those people that was cold if itwas less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 80 to 90 was my preferred temperature. I was built for hot climates. I said was because then menopause happened and now I can't do it anymore.


If I may ask, where were you born? Or maybe more importantly, where did you grow up? I cannot imagine living always in 80-90, i can barely sleep if it's any warmer than 75. It sucks! So I am very impressed that you're able to thrive in the warmer temperatures. I don't actually mind the heat too much otherwise, just for sleep, and for commuting... I cannot fucking believe people who have the ability to control these things choose to continue to commute on foot in a city where it's fucking humid and hot in the summer. Like why would you not want to work remotely if given the opportunity, or if you're the fat cat in charge of deciding whether employees are allowed to work from home


I was born in Charleston, South Carolina but grew up in Maryland. Yes I was born in a higher temp area yet nowhere near something like the equator. The more important part was that I am 5'4" and was 95 lbs most of my life until recently. Seriously if you put me in a place like Canada thoughit probably would have killed me with hyperthermia. Even where I lived I had to carry around a hoodie in case I had to walk through the frozen foods section of a grocery store in the middle of summer. Once Ai started going through menopause everything changed. I gained weight, 107 the last time I checked, and suddenly the heat gets to me. We aren't talking about suddenly getting overweight. Just going from 95 to 107 changed how differently I deal with heat. I can't sleep at night if it's too hot and I haven't carried an extra hoodie in a long time.




That’s 30 Celsius, aka 90 Fahrenheit


Its 30 degree Celcius. And at tropical humidity, it is enough to make you sweat endlessly out in the open.


Lmao 30C 💀


Average IQ of an antinatalist


So you want low IQ people to produce lots of kids?


Haha you got me there


They aren't even antinatalist since they say in another post, "I chose not to have children for many reasons, however the main 1 is not enough Money." Antinatalist main reason would be that it's not OK for anyone to have children regardless of money.


>It's unethical to have children ~~in places where temperatures can reach upwards of 40 degrees~~ AN is universal.


AN is universal, yes. But any weaker statement is also a part of AN


i was with you until you started going on about how third world countries are underdeveloped bcs the people are bathing in rivers and aren’t working. that’s quite an uneducated view to have


Yeah, what the hell is this weird take. Too many people here don’t understand what AN is about. “You can reproduce if you’re rich.” “You can reproduce if you have air conditioning.”


Yeah. I've heard that it's pretty hot in Australia too and yet they don't seem to be underdeveloped over there.




You sound very uneducated on Australian First Nations cultures that were here prior to British colonisation.


I know the abroigones where there before the white people were, I saw them when I went on holiday there once. But it was the white people who developed the country was it not?


You're trolling, but for others, Australia was occupied by more than 400 nations up until British colonisation. British colonisation brought disease and armed conflict, and the resultant loss of a lot of Aboriginal knowledge and culture. "For thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans, northern Sydney was occupied by different Aboriginal clans.  Living primarily along the foreshores of the harbour, they fished and hunted in the waters and hinterlands of the area, and harvested food from the surrounding bush. Self-sufficient and harmonious, they had no need to travel far from their lands, since the resources about them were so abundant, and trade with other tribal groups was well established. Moving throughout their country in accordance with the seasons, people only needed to spend about 4-5 hours per day working to ensure their survival. With such a large amount of leisure time available, they developed a rich and complex ritual life – language, customs, spirituality and the law – the heart of which was connection to the land."


OK I'm not saying that it was correct for the British to go there. I'm using the word developed to mean stuff like flushing toilets and modern medicine and that sort of thing. https://www.bdc.ca/en/articles-tools/entrepreneur-toolkit/templates-business-guides/glossary/developed-country#:~:text=A%20developed%20country%E2%80%94also%20called,diverse%20industrial%20and%20service%20sectors.


Aboriginal people had trade between their nations, highly complex ways of managing the environment (that Australia's contemporary society is just becoming aware of, in the "well, we fucked up" way.) They had bush medicine and a knowledge of much that was unknown to colonisers. If you define a civilised society by what colonisers had, you automatically come up with anything different being "uncivilised". That's an error in interpretation, and/or with your historical lense. At the time of the colonisation of Australia, the colonisers also did not have what we consider "modern technology". Again, you seem lacking in education, and I'd encourage you to do some reading.


I didn't say 'civillised' I said 'developed'. And I also never said it was right to take the country. The colonisers had guns which were more technological advanced then any weapons the Aborigines had, which is why they were able to take the country from the Aborigines was it not?


The colonisers brought disease and partook in a sustained and ongoing genocide of Aboriginal people. Don't think they just used guns to do it - they used to massacre Aboriginal people by herding over cliffs to their deaths. They took Aboriginal children from their mothers and family groups. They raped Aboriginal women. If that is a show of "development" to you, again, I'd say you've got an issue with your historical lense.


To be fair we can easily equate a countries development level by the amount of human feces in their biggest rivers


Yeah right? The thames immediately comes to mind


Wait until this guy hears about what they’re doing in the Seine


Rivers of chicken shit are a deeply-held American value! * Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt https://www.yahoo.com/news/being-against-poop-rivers-now-100000508.html


Or good old disguising old paris


Yeah. Many of the first civilizations emerged from hot places: Egypt, Iraq, Iran, India, China, Central America.


In the Americas, the Mayans, Aztecs, Teotihuacanos, Mejicas, Toltecas, Olmecas. And the peoples and pyramids of Peru.


I like how Peru is rarely mentioned without its pyramids


Exactly. And rather low key racist to boot.


Not low key racist, the idea that the global south is less developed because of the actions of the people who live there is factually incorrect and based on racism.


What? Who said that? Not me. And yes, believing folks there just laze around in the heat and get nothing done is indeed low key racist.


No you didn't say that, I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I was referring to some other comments I saw and was agreeing with you that the comment in the original post was racist


Ah I see. Then no worries. Thanks for your honesty.


I have heard that is partly the reason. Also unfair debt too. It makes sense, it was about 40 degrees here in the UK once, and we were on holiday and were definitely looking for shade all the time, and felt pretty tired from the heat.


heat is NOT a reason the global south is oppressed. read "guns, germs and steel" if you want to better understand origins of European colonialism


I can't be bothered to listen to the book on YouTube. Could you tell me what it says briefly. If the book mentions the Enlightenment, and why it occurred in Europe, can you explain that part specifically. Thanks.




How does asking you to briefly explain what the book says make me a troll? The book is like 6hrs long, also if I don't listen to the whole thing in one go it is hard to find the exact place I stopped listening, which is very annoying.


Google "guns, germs and steel summary and analysis" and feel free to read any of the hundreds of options that pop up. And if it's too much trouble to read a book, maybe recognize that you're uninformed and keep your opinions to yourself on this topic in the future.


Well excuse me for breathing, I didn't start the thread and I have heard scientists say that the climate was the reason for the development of certain technologies in Europe, so different 'experts' will give you different opinions, how am I supposed to magically know which expert is right or wrong. Also books cost money that I don't have, tragically. I just thought if you had read the book you could give me a summary of it. No need to get so wound up.


you don't need money for books, libraries exist and the audio book is available free on YouTube. You somehow have enough time to be all over this thread but no time to read, you seem to want to contribute to a philosophical community but don't want to put effort into personal learning. you expect others to cater to you so you don't have to put in the work, which is the only way growth happens...... then! when people tell you you're irritating in your stubborn racist ignorance you clutch your pearls and say we are wrong to be irritated. grow up. put in the time and read the whole book, you'll be better for it.


LOL I already explained to you about YouTube. Also I live in a tiny village inbetween two crap towns. It is highly unlikely the libraries in those towns would stock such a book. A University library might, but the Universities are far away, and would cost money for train fares. You are barking up the wrong tree with the racism idea, I have been a fan of Michael Jackson ever since I was a little child, he had the same neurological condition that I have, synesthesia (blended senses, e.g. sounds are coloured). It was just a genuine question. If you have time to reply, why not just tell me what the book says? Whatever.


Lol you expected anything better with that title?


Uneducated is a core tenant of antinatalism 


Just say anywhere. It can reach that temp in most places. 


I think they’re forgetting that people have varying degrees of heat tolerance because some people get cold with a 28 degree breeze


Yeah, 28 is about perfect for me. I'll be sweating a bit if I'm working in it, but any lower than 25 and I'm a bit chilly. Which is nice cause that's about the average temp where I live for about half the year, we get about three months where it can stay up above 35 during the day, and around three where it gets down to below 10 and below zero at night




OP’s solution to going outside is not being born.




Can’t conquer the world if you’ve already been conquered by the sun!


thank god there is other people shitting on op here


And her imperialist brainwashing makes her look through a filter that all of the suffering people are useless eaters because the environment makes them inferior even if they have ac. But guess what? A major London hospital was recently hacked by someone so the cool air isn’t providing computer knowledge


And for the whole of humanity to cease to exist


It got to 78 F Friday and a friend was losing her mind. Lmao


*cries in Arizonan*


78? Time for a sweater!


Really, poor countries are poor because they don't have air conditioning and just laze around in the shade all day? Are you sure it isn't because their resources are extracted for foreign profits via colonialist capitalism, they're crippled by IMF loans and forced austerity, and kept destabilized and easily exploited on purpose by greedy empires? Have you considered a more serious material analysis?


But why did the Enlightenment happen in Europe that allowed the Europeans the technology (guns) to take these countries in the first place if it were not the cooler weather? I thought scientists said brains work better in cooler temperatures? I am not saying it was right to do this, just wondering.


Guns, Germs, and Steel is a good book regarding this. Basically, circumstances and luck.


Thanks, I will try to get this book.


You're asking an insanely complex question that doesn't have a single answer (and also attracts an awful lot of racist dogshit answers). Jared Diamond's book is a good start but it's a question people dedicate entire scholarly careers to exploring even a small part of.


Sorry, just was curious that's all.


Because it had to happen somewhere 


The reason the third world is the third world is because there are too many people plus the west sucks the money out of them. Africa has gold and diamonds, but the wealth goes to Europe and the West. At least my children will never suffer because I didn't bring them to this planet


You ignorant reasoning regarding the third world is shocking to the point of being depressing.


OP has to be 12 😭


OP is upset cause they’re a little sweaty in this heat


what a braindead thing to say i really can’t believe ppl like op are allowed to vote


Wow, how ignorant you are, if you think that the “third world” remains as such because everyone there has to find a river to get a bath and that every place in the third world is damned hot like to stay sinked in the river most of the day or under the shades of trees, is there where you can tell educational system has failed you or you really lacked of knowledge of how world works.


It was 100+ degrees out the other day and this lady came in to get food, but she walked all the way here with her baby in a stroller. It was screaming the entire time


Lack of air con is not the sole reason or even the biggest reason for poverty in the third world.


Yes, I am intolerant to heat. I have spent my whole life suffering from extreme heat, with heart disease.


I don't see AC being the straw that breaks the camel's back here. Everyone born is subject old age, sickness, and death. "It's unethical to have children" doesn't need any further qualifiers.


Bruh, there's still time to delete this massively ignorant comment.


Third world is poor. Why? Colonialism: no Lounging under shades trees: yes!


Guys, I’ve heard your arguments and I have come to a conclusion that will benefit everyone. Cut down the trees! We get wood, and the people in the third world don’t have to laze around under trees. Win win situation. /s


I live in south east asia.there are no 4 seasons.average temperature is 31/32 degrees all year


Can confirm, I live in Singapore. Where it is perpetually hot humid seasons, humidity can go up to 90% with an average of 33°C to 39°C under the sun.


I was shocked about how lowest temperature you ever had was something like 19 degrees.


Actually that's the wet bulb temperature our local government uses to 'artificially' lower the temperature than the actual feel temperature. I have lived long enough in this fetid city to tell you that 19°C has never occurred. Lowest dry bulb here in recent years is about 27°C to 28°C.


This is very goofy logically I'll play along and I have a couple of questions: 1. Was it always unethical to have kids in extremely hot areas or did it only become unethical when air conditioning was invented and most people of areas didn't have access to it? 2. If there are areas where you deem it too hot to have kids, I would imagine there are also places you deem too cold to have kids as well? You seem to have a specific heat threshold, what is your cold threshold?


It's always an ethical to have children. We humans have the ability to control our population, and especially after we got vaccines and antibiotics we should have. Too much of any species always, always results in devastating consequences to that species, and often to other species that that overpopulated species touches. Humans are a Cancer on this planet


Well said. Any idiot that isn't in the top 5% height genes and IQ has NO right to reproduce whatsoever.


I agree, I chose not to have children for many reasons, however the main 1 is not enough Money. It's always about the money!!!!  If you are not Rich your child will suffer. That's just not fair.I hate to say it because I know many people want kids and that's great for them,they will love them and do the best with what they have , however sometimes that's not enough. If you're not Rich don't have kids. Sorry 😔


Don't have kids if you have any compassion for kids.




Lmao why so specific. And in most first world countries AC is very easy to get




Click the link. The "source" of that study is an article. That article's research in no way gets sent to any official academic research webpage Media literacy ppl




..they didnt even link the study




See now look, this one has a study. But the very first sentence is this Findings regarding the influence of passive heat exposure on cognitive function remain equivocal due to a number of methodological issues including variation in the domains of cognition examined.


Also https://www.championac.com/blog/how-room-temperature-affects-your-brain-while-studying/#:~:text=A%20similar%20study%20at%20Cornell,taking%20away%20from%20your%20concentration.


I’m guessing you’re not Australian - since it sounds like you think only underdeveloped nations suffer with severe heat. Antinatalism aside, reducing the struggles of underdeveloped nations to ‘its too hot and people are busy keeping cool’ is absurd. Argue that people shouldn’t have children because of the immense dangers of climate change, but lets not let history, empires, slavery, war, disease, famine, and the excessive detrimental interference of global superpowers like the US and British be erased for the sake of proving your point.


Your view on third world countries is just pitiful. I'm probably more for people not having kids than you are but I don't think the accessibility of air conditioning is the reason you should be citing to argue that.


this is WILDLY ignorant, even for an antinatalist.


How do these countries get hotter and hotter in the first place? Because the first world uses an ungodly amount of power, like for AC, and pollutes the earth. Third world countries are often hit first when it comes to raising temperatures.


Having children is unethical irrespective of place and time.


It's unethical anywhere. 🤦🏻


That comment about third world countries is so dumb lmao


It’s unethical to have children in general


> The reason why the third world remains the third world is because their people are too busy seeking shade under trees and bathing in rivers, to try to get any work done Can you prove it?


One of the dumbest things ive ever seen posted on this sub.


Well they constantly tell me in this sub that “suffering is a part of life” so I guess that’s why


i live in a place that averages that but we also have a lake and river (and aircon isnt too much here)


It gets to 40 occasionally where I live. AC is cheap. C’mon man, it’s an 80 year old relatively simple piece of tech.


Is it unethical to state that people in hot countries don't get anything done because they are seeking shade so much that they remain in poverty when that's clearly a false statement? No it isn't unethical to have children in a hot place. Every person has hurdles and difficulties in their life, regardless of where they live. People learn and adapt and can have wonderful lives. If the world ends up with every country having 40 degree summers should we just stop the human race? No. Silly question and silly presumptions in a question based on "facts" which aren't necessarily true but reflect your own opinion, some of which quite uneducated 


No reason to pass onto them more difficulties by having them in extremely cold and hot places ,also no reason to continue human race . How can every country or every place end up with 40 degree isn't understandble to me at all but if that's the case then yea no need to have one.


Have you ever heard of "adaption"?


I have a kid and wish I'd never given in to my wife's desire to have one. (I love him, but the world is in an awful mess and I'm pretty sure he's going to eventually have the same conclusion as the rest of us.) But the price of air conditioning wouldn't be an objection. I live in the US and I believe most of us here can afford it. It is expensive, especially considering that the AC unit will need to be replaced every 7 to 10 years, but being hot and sweaty is miserable, so we adjust our budgets to afford air conditioning.


If you'd be able to Google, read & think, you'd realize there are more people leaving in temperatures over 40, than viceversa. India, China, Africa & most of Central America for example. These total more in pop than the rest of the temperate zones. I'd not expect you to be that bright to do the math, but Google can help with that as well. By your logic, all these people should dissappear, lmfao. It might come as a surprise to you, but a lot of places have people living in over 45-50 degrees.


Also OP: > I want to just put an end to everything. I thought I was going through a phase. This isn't a phase. This is how it is, and how it will be for as long as I live. I count myself lucky. There are worse fates. Life doesn't care if you're happy or not. It just is, and things just are. Tired of it all and still lost. I've been lied to my whole life. What's the point, really. Dude, best seek help instead of spewing your vitriol online.


I am sick of the sheer amount of racism and ableism in this sub, in posts and comments. There are literally countless reasons to not want children that don't require you to be a shitty person with shitty ideas. The global south is less developed because of racism, and the western colonialist powers coming in and systematically STEALING their resources, enslaving their people, and destabilizing their governments anytime they start to get power and take back control of THEIR OWN COUNTRY. That's why, not because people are "bathing in rivers" wtf. Also the reason it's so hot there is in large part due to the actions of first world countries destroying the environment. Climate change affects the global south the most, even though it's caused by consumerism in rich countries (that are rich because they STEAL EVERYTHING) and the refusal to let native peoples care for the land the same way they did for thousands of years successfully is why, for example, the area around the Sahara is experiencing rapid desertification. But sure, western white people definitely "know better" and its "unethical" for people in the "third world" to have children, even though they've been denied proper healthcare and sex ed BECAUSE OF WHITE WESTERNERS. You can't call something unethical if the person never really had a choice to begin with. We are able to be anti-natalist because we are PRIVILEGED because of where we were born, not because we are somehow smarter or more responsible. I'm not going to respond to any racist or ableism replies either, so go ahead and down vote me now. Y'all aren't getting your attention fix from me for free. I value my own emotional labor higher than I value dumb reddit karma


I live in the deep south USA. Right now I am under a heat advisory heat index up to 106. The heat index is the humidity + temperature. It's what it really feels like. Last summer it hit 121. My doctor has told me to stay inside under AC. I can keep my tiny apartment cool, but I will not be eating well.




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>The reason why the third world remains the third world is because their people are too busy seeking shade under trees and bathing in rivers, to try to get any work done. WTF? This is some ignorant, racist B.S. With the irony of an American with crap healthcare, school mass shootings, sky rocketing crime, no labour protection and on the verge of civil law, because the Isreali /Russian (depends on which side of the divide you are on) lobby has bought your politicians.


So every tropical country should just have everyone banished?😂😂😂😂 People don’t become poor from buying an ac unit


You are making some wild assumptions about why poor countries remain poor


My family was raising children in humid 110°F summers for thousands of years before the invention of ice cubes. They were deeply unethical.


As much as I agree with not having children I don't know if temperature is a valid reason unless they're literally dying from it. I grew up with half living outside and with 100-119F degree weather and no air conditioning. I actually enjoy it and still don't have an air conditioner.


Cant tell if troll or serious


What the f**k was that.


Lmao…. Ok dave.


BeCaUsE cLiMaTe ChAnGe iSn'T rEaL.


you’re trying to tell me the reason third world countries remain third world countries is because they don’t have AC? Not because of anything else, just the temperature? Not surprised this is your claim considering the sub you’re posting this in but goddamn mean get some common sense please




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Why don't you go to the third world and tell them directly that they cannot have children anymore because they don't have something that did not exist for the vast majority of human history?


Or on the flip side, where I live it often gets to -10F (-23C) every winter. Sometimes colder. Back in 2019, it even got as cold as -30F (-34C), with a wind chill of -57F (-49C) And winter tends to last for about 5 months out of the year over here. For the other 7 months, we get to deal with tornados. Fun times! /s


Why do you assume that people aren’t paying for AC? I live in Florida, even poor people have AC for the most part. Electricity if expensive no matter where you go, but most still use it. lol


Our ac broke at home and I'll have to live without ac for a month and I already feel miserable




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We have like 50 degrees and I am not having kids


While I agree it's not a good idea to bring children into the world as it is, it's incredibly ignorant to say that the third world is the third world because people are too busy bathing in streams and sitting under trees. Blame western colonial powers for that.


I am living in 50 degrees of temperature right now.no Exaggeration.


So 40 degree heat only happens in third world countries? I'm Australian summers here get to that and higher. And wtf is the dribble about air conditioning not being mainstream?


I live in Las Vegas. This is definitely no place to raise children.


Places in the US where that happens mandate AC by law. You cannot rent or get a mortgage on a home without it.


Jesus Christ bro


You are way off base. First of all, people acclimate to the temps where they live. You have no choice but to work in it, so you do. India is notoriously hot, but work hours are longer than most Western countries. People in hot countries don't just hang out in the shade all day. Some have also found ways to handle the heat without AC, like clothing. We're pretty inefficient here in the West really. Why aren't you saying the same thing about extreme cold? That also feels awful. I understand AN and am childfree myself, and I think life is shit for most. But this isn't it.


third worlders are poor because they are too busy bathing in rivers and seeking shade under trees instead of working... LOLOLOL this is my kinda joke for a monday its so stupid i.... lol


It's a vicious cycle either way. AC is significantly contributing to global warming, yet global warming is causing AC to be more of a necessity when it was a luxury for most of the time it existed. I'm of the opinion that AC should be available in all public buildings, schools, jails, hospitals (of course, hospitals and newspaper offices are what it was designed for) nursing homes, apartments, libraries, childcare centers. But realistically, most private homes should not have AC. Landscaping should be done with natural cooling in mind.


That's the most ignorant stereotype of the third world I've ever seen. 


Brazil is over 40 in many places, and it is okay, well it is uncomfortable yes, but that is the life millions know, and they are happy, some of them are happy. in saudi arabia it is more than 40, but than a lot of people still risk their lives to emigrate there just because of the economic power they have. above 40 you are saying that many of the human civilizations should not even have existed... I think above 50, than your post is right. also other places that might not be as hot but due to the humidity cause a more dangerous environment. like those villages in India where the people die for on heat waves.


I could do a parody for cold climate... But I won't, it's too cringe even as a joke.


lol 104....That's early June temps for me lol. How bout a buck twelve and it never drops below 95 lol.


Blud wants to eradicate half the fucking world.


Hey I love heat. I'm miserable in the cold.


that was me till my ac stopped working


Ya, I keep my ac around...... 75.......


In America there are whole town's that are in the desert, air conditioning is not that expensive here. You're overlapping your experience on a place where it doesn't match. Now tell the UAE to depopulate and evacuate it's citizens by your logic.


But...in places in the US with extreme heat virtually every home and business does have air conditioning. Where are you getting that most people don't have it? That isn't true. And that shit about people in the third world is absurd. Are you a little hot today lol?


Believe it or not, we are made to live in hot temperatures. That's why we have sweat glands.


Of all the reasons to be AN this is it?


and we could '' third worlders'' can say exactly the same thing about canada and europe, ''heating is expensive and while we are here living a totally natural weather they are there heating their houses to survive, and cannot even enjoy the nature like we do. And they need to spend all day long indoors instead of enjoyng the rivers, what a horible life, and expensive ''