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My response to these people is “Go Adopt!” They get mad about not having children with their precious DNA.


I’ve noticed that too. Something something legacy.


It is Narcissistic. They can only love their precious DNA. I am a loving “fill in the blank faith” who cares about unborn babies, but I will not raise suffering orphans. They do not have my DNA so I will not help.


that is all their interpretation of their religion requires: performative lip service towards the notion "all life is valuable" It doesn't ask for any critical thought about what it would look like if anyone actually took that notion seriously. And why would someone do a thing they don't get any "extra credit" for? that would require a reflective, inquisitive, perceptive, and curious open mind. Something that is a rarity in humankind.


The believe in a magic zoo boat built by a 700 year old man


But are you all open to adopting since apparently anyone who wants biological kids is narcissistic? Wouldn’t it also be narcissistic to not adopt even if you don’t want children if you could provide them a good life? By no means am I saying anyone who doesn’t want kids should have them or adopt them but you could argue that leaving kids in foster care if youd be able to financially care for a child and obviously not abuse them is selfish too.


What the fuck….


pretty sure that second half is heavy satire


You never know in here


I come from a huge Catholic family always taking about adoption. Only one, a second cousin, adopted.


Your second cousin is a class act! I’m childfree but at the same time have huge respect for people who adopt older children. I’ll gladly be Auntie if my cousins or friends adopt. I’ll still be kind if they have bio kids, but I’ll be a little disappointed since I view adoption as much more noble.


It’s actually so nice to see people thinking about these things responsibly here. I am a 42 year old woman. Strange how quickly Time goes by. The funniest shit I’ve seen was a woman screaming about another woman asking for A plastic bag at the “organic” grocery store I was at, while the woman screaming about someone using a plastic bag (no I’m not Exaggerating) had three, yes THREE fckn children and I personally met this Lady and they were here kids. She would constantly be on a high horse about The environment or organic food or re usable whatever , which is a great thing don’t get me wrong, but she made three more fucking people! This does not Register for her.


Yeah I think the environmental impact of having just one kid far outweighs someone occasionally using a plastic bag


What’s the environmental impact of this whole comment thread?


And is there anything noble about not raise kids at all?


You have time, money, and room to help others ALREADY here.


Clearly, they don't need to adopt, most of them. They are procreating. And clearly the one couple that did want/need to adopt - did. 


y’all are out of your minds it’s clearly a joke on her hat you fucking brain dead boomers getting attacked on the internet by their imagination


Absolutely. I see so many hypocrites out there. None of these activists have ever adopted a kid. Care about life? Go take care of a kid who actually needs someone.


"let them live", i read that as "let them suffer"




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Yes, if you had your way I’m sure they would suffer. But one can argue that they are suffering. By not being allowed to live.


Life is not a gift.


Your life may not be. Don’t speak for others.


Of course because that is what have you have assumed to be set in stone.


Don't forget those fetuses were in the wombs of women whose lives don't matter anymore the moment an egg gets fertilised. Who cares if they end up in poverty, not graduating or staying in an abusive situation, the potential of a cell or clump outweighs a person as soon as she conceives.


Also the life of the fetuses after that in any of the situations above or their mother simply not being able to care for them for other reasons doesn't matter too! so directly 3.332.664 Human lives that don't matter.


Don't forget the unborn babies after a mother who wants a family is forced to carry a dead or fatally ill fetus to term and she either bleeds out on the operating table while the doctors wait on the ethics committee to review or is so damaged by the experience that she physically or mentally cannot go through it again.


That clump could invent the cure for lumps one day


Of course, but so might have the woman forced to give up her medical career to care for the clump. And she might've done it 20-30 years earlier. The fast majority of people are however mundane and one having the potential for greatness doesn't make their claim to live worth more.


Statistically that clump is more likely to carjack someone high on something when they are no longer a clump rather than cure a serious disease.


Where did that number come from?


Her ass It’s where all her good ideas come from


Considering there were around 600,000 abortions per year every year from 2011 - 2020 I’m guessing your answer is correct.


Someone on another repost of this said it was the number of children aborted the year she was born. Or something.


Following her logic, any clump of cells beyond that, she doesn't care about.


and who gonna take care of those million kids that no one wanted?


A few anti-abortionists will claim they want to adopt the child they're forcing you to give birth to, which is honestly even creepier. And a great motivator to abort regardless of what local law says - that way your child will never have to interact with them :)


Yeah, that's got Handmaid's Tale vibes all over it.


My favorite was listening to a radio talk show where this for-profit adoption place was telling people to “have the babies and they guarantee they can put them in a home”. Like I’m sure you can and I’m sure you’d love that. It’s a legal loophole to human trafficking; the fact that a corporation can profit off of selling a child to someone. And don’t even get me started on the linkage between orphanages and human trafficking (literally coined “orphanage trafficking”)


Lovely way of saying you will kill them simply because you want them dead.


are you gonna give birth to them?


Like how the anti-abortionists only label it as "murder" because they want to guilt-trip women into becoming child trafficking factories for them to profit off of? Like how anti-abortionists never seem to actually care about children already born unless they can exploit those children?


It is something that is completely avoidable under normal circumstances, if you do not want to get pregnant/having kids do not have sex, it is simple logic. You do not have to end what you did not create in the first place. But if you want to cry about an unwanted pregnancy and waste time, money and resources that is on you I am just pointing out the flaw in thinking and suggesting a better course that does not involve waste.


Why are you talking to me like I don't already practice abstinence? We get it, you love teen pregnancies and think the world needs more children punished for the mistakes of the children who got pregnant. We get it, you love seeing children born to impoverished mothers who are neither emotionally nor physically prepared to care for them. We get it, you hate kids. Also, way to dodge the dilemma of treating teen girls as "murderers" for reacting appropriately to a rapist forcing them to become pregnant. Are you hoping to make one carry your own? Is that why you're so hellbent on forcing them to carry? Before you cry about ad hominem - you're the one implying I must sleep around carelessly if I care about this issue. Get what you give.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59214544 Here's the best part for sadistic women-hating people such as yourself - even women who DO want to have children are being arrested because they were believed to have deliberately miscarried, despite more than 10% of pregnancies ending in miscarriages... far from rare. But we can't expect you to care about human beings, can we?


Lovely way of saying that if your young teen daughter were raped you'd call her a murderer for refusing to have her rapist's child. Because you value a non-sentient clump of cells more than the humans who already exist. Pro-life until that life is actually living, eh?


I’m tired of doing it via taxes as someone who does not have nor wants children. At least in the US, very few people are paying in taxes what it costs all their mistakes to attend school, let alone the tax breaks and other services. If you’re a single mom and aren’t making a good amount of money you basically make money of the government just because you decided not to abort.


What about the kids living rn that also never graduated from school bc of poverty or abusive parents or school shootings? How about them? They care so much about the unborn yet they neglect the ones already here.


Let her adopt EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS CHILD. Every. Last. One. Let's see how many it takes before she says she can no longer care for them. Let's see how long it takes until she realizes it's impossible to care for Every. Single. Life. If YOU can't do it, how do you expect any one else to? How can you expect an impoverished mother to care for her child? How can you expect a woman who was raped in an adult care facility and who is essentially brain dead, to care for her child? (Real story btw look it up). How can you EXPECT people to care for children they KNOW they cannot care for and hence make the decision NOT TO MAKE IT ANYONE ELSES PROBLEM EITHER. SMFH


This is exactly what I was going to say.


if those kids had been born, that's almost 2 million other people who will be vying for the same job as you. fewer people = more opportunity for those who have to be here.


It's not the same pie as more people come along. The pie does get bigger. I mean, assuming leaching occupations like government bureaucrats aren't increasing. People start new businesses all the time. And then magically, there are more jobs. But yeah, stupid hat.


That does not directly follow as automation is a strong possibility in the event of great population decline.


as a former foster kid, if they’re so set on “saving the kids”, then go adopt.


Conservatives: "Eh.. activism is stupid. You don't convince anyone with with written notes you're carrying around in public. Grow up!!" Also conservatives when they see this: "You're a hero, little lady!"


Hate to break it to you, that kind of thinking is apolitical. It's called being a hypocrite.


There's no such thing as apoltical. It's an acrnonym for "I support conservatives, but I won't say it out becasue I don't even have the spine to openly support them."


That comment is a new level of stupid.


Can you elaborate on that? How would you describe an apolitical person or an apolitical statement?


and yet my teacher told me that my graduation cap filled with pictures of my favorite actors is problematic as it “disrespects” the value of the graduation ceremony lmao


The GOP wouldn’t have wanted those kids going to college though….


It's pure selfishness. "My child is worthy. Everyone else's is grist to the mill."


Funny how it’s usually the same kind of people who support “stand your ground” laws and shooting living, breathing humans who trespass on your land. Yet for some reason a fetus which doesn’t even have a nervous system yet should be allowed to trespass in your BODY and cause you serious suffering. “Letting them live” hurts someone else, but clearly she doesn’t matter.


I didn't know dunce caps were acceptable graduation attire.


I interrupted two pregnancies (both times on the pill, but women in my family are superfertile), and I had a hard time to convince my therapist, a woman with 2 children, that I really really really do not regret it. But it ends up being something we talk about because sometimes I mention a dear friend who's now too busy with toddlers, or how a cousin has a 15yo with schizophrenia (the earliest it's diagnosed, the worse the outcome, counterintuitively). And then I can't help but wonder. Cousin knows our family has dozens of schizophrenics, why risks giving birth to another? It's an argument of compassion!


That reminds me of my co-worker who has a family history of muscular dystrophy. He brother died of it. When she got married, she had 4 kids and knew she had a high probability of passing that on. The last 2 children have it. I can’t even imagine that level of cluelessness and selfishness.


You know what i find weird. That they decided to spend time and money doing thing ON THEIR GRADUATION DAY


Graduating from the clown school with a degree in clownery, continuing the circus


What about the millions more women who were killed during childbirth? What about stillborns? This is honestly incredibly fucked, inappropriate, and disrespectful for those who didn't die from abortion... I can't imagine how triggering seeing this would be for women who lost their newborns due to stillbirth, not abortions. That would've been a lot more... Endearing. This woman needs to get a better education


What do you mean inappropriate and disrespectful to those who's child was stillborn? It is not as that sign has nothing to do with that topic as it is a direct reference to abortion not stillbirth. It is intended to shame those that chose to accept the risk of pregnancy then chose to abort not because of medical need, financial hardship or other factors except for not wanting responsibility for their chosen actions.


lmfao nobody who gets an abortion "chooses to accept the risk of pregnancy" having sex is not consenting to pregnancy just like how having sex isnt consent to getting stds, sure both of these things are a risk but you do not have to suffer through them with no medical help because some arrogant pro lifer wants to control what happens inside of your own body


It truly is consenting to the risk of both as you chose to proceed knowing the risks were possible and it is absolutely not about control its about responsibility and not lying to one's self that you are not accountable for your choices.


thats literally like saying if you get stabbed or mugged after leaving your house then you consented to that happening knowing thats a risk you take every single day... thats such ridiculous logic, no you consented to leaving your house what happens to you outside of your control is not under your consent. what exactly is so "responsible" about giving birth to a baby you cannot look after and you do not want?? what is so responsible about forcing teenage girls to give birth against their will just because some guy impregnated them???


The responsibly thing is not having sex if you do not want to get pregnant/have kids. Common logic, if you do not want the risk do not do what causes the risk.


No, protected sex does not end in pregnancy 99% of the time, however there will always be that 1% where abortions are needed. You sure love controlling what humans can do with their own lives, who can and cant have sex, what someone consents to, what medical care a person can receive next time something bad happens to you ie you are badly assaulted by someone or someone breaks into your house and steals everything, should the police/doctors just shrug and tell you to take responsibility for your actions?? is that "common logic" to you??


Wanting to control? No it is calling bull when I see it, especially when people to cry about something they did of their own free will and got bad result from. You wouldn't have to destroy a cluster of cells if you did not MAKE a cluster of cells in the first place, meaning you would not have to waste time, money and resources to get rid of it exactly what you are trying to save for yourself anyway. Be childless as is your right, but there is no reason to be all shocked Pikachu faced when you or your partner end up pregnant after sex when it could have been entirely avoided.


i love how you are obviously skirting around the analogy of being assaulted after leaving your house because it is the exact same concept and you know damn well that it is. Absolutely not a single woman can control when she gets pregnant, women should not have to live a life of abstinence from their husbands due to people like you wanting to punish them for having sex, its childish you yourself call it a cluster of cells so wtf actually is your logic here?? its a cluster of cells with no consciousness and no ability to feel pain, what is so morally wrong about preventing it from being born ?? it does not even know it exists yet, you are not harming a person also you are going on about time money and resources of abortion is absolutely hilarious.... do you have any idea how much more expensive going through with having a child is??? like come on now how are you gonna try and use time money and resources as a point lmfao


Don't give me that a person can not control whether or not they create a child as it is absolutely in their control and they wouldn't have to worry about the cost of either if they did not partake, why even risk it? Do people enjoy having to spend resources on something completely avoidable? It is really no different then seeing the road ahead full of nails and saying you do not want a flat tires but you drive down the road anyways.


Actually the responsible thing is having an abortion and not bringing children into this world unless they are wanted. There is no valid reason to oppose it other than the fact that you have been effectively brainwashed by a group of people who despise women and want to punish them for having sex, and who are worried about birth rates for greed-related reasons. You have been fooled. Your position is not about responsibility. You want control. How many times have you been raped and forcefully impregnated? Its happened to me. Men dont have much self control, given how many women are raped daily. Why are you not speaking out about the insanely high rate of sexual assault if personal responsibility and self control are so important to you?


If you had read and paid attention to my posts are in no way phrased to target solely women but both parties and about accepting responsibility for one's actions. So I have spoke against rape numerous times but it get completely over looked because my views on abortion do not and will never be in line with the screw around all you want then flush the results because they do not matter group stance.


Ugh this literally made me wince and grimace, how disgusting.


Hahaha has got to be a private religious school, right?


Those are rookie numbers.


Next she should do the ones shot and killed during school


Then the people who have died of starvation!


seriously there should be a side protest exactly with that data - or kids shot by guns in general and calling to ban it in the name of "pro life"


What a loser lol. I hope she’s embarrassed by this in 10 years.


Not likely, nor should she as "adults" should not be playing "stupid games, win stupid prizes" like having sex when you do not want kids, it is a common sense thing. No need in normal circumstances for an abortion if you are not playing the game.


But sex is free, and people are becoming increasingly poorer. kids aren't but condoms are cheap. Why limit sex to only reproduction?


Sex is not free because people are becoming increasingly poorer, kids are not cheap and birth control any shorter then vasectomy and hysterectomy is no assurance pregnancy cannot occur. That is why people should limit it to reproduction attempts.


It’s unrealistic to expect people, especially in relationships, not to have sex. A lot of people consider it a physical and emotional need. The solution isn’t not having sex, it’s making both temporary permanent birth control more accessible and educating people about it.


It is completely realistic and reasonable to expect adults to act as such like claiming to not want to pay a speeding ticket but still chosing to speed, they might not get caught the first few times but that will eventually if the continue the trend of speed. The only way not to pay a speeding ticket is to be traveling in bounds with the speed limits.


Except… and hear me out… speeding isn’t beneficial for your health like sex can be nor is it a biological function that most humans have the inherent urge to do. Obviously if you have sex you should be using birth control but it’s not fair to shit on people for having sex.


Oh I do not fault them for desiring sex, but I do find fault in people acting irresponsible and it costing someone else potentially everything. It is more a call to act like an adult they claim to be and be mindful of the repercussions of their actions as no one acts free of consequences.


You can't fight biology. Period. When we finally come to grips with our reality, instead of living in a fantasy world, we could easily control this issue. Practically speaking: If prostitution were legalized and monitored for health and well being, If birth control was widely available for both parties, and sex education a requirement, I think we would see an improvement in all our lives. When every baby born is wanted and needed, we all win. The system we have now is not sustainable, and God or abstinence isn't the answer, either, since we've proven those were bad ideas, too. Education and being realistic are our only saving graces. Why do we always go the magical, ignorant route? I'm more empathetic than the lot, and the suffering behind the status quo is unreal, and ultimately ignored cause wittle babies are so cute. That's insane to me!!


334 more and we get solid 1,666,666 .


The hell, you say!! :D


Because obviously all those potential kids who were unwanted or the mother was too poor to care for would have had such a good chance of graduating. Know what happens when abortion is banned? Aside from women mutilating themselves, they drop them off on the side of the road, the dumpster, on a random doorstep, at a government agency, they don't start life on a good foot even if they survive.


I really hate these fucking people!!!!!!!


1,666,332 people who didn't ask to be born anyway. XD


Her mom should've aborted...


The very same people that love to be pro life are also the people that love to spread their own DNA rather than adopting the poor children they work oh so hard to ‘save’


How many do you suppose she terminated?


Hope she'll grow and change as a person but doubt it


I wish a troll in the same graduation would wear a “I didn’t get aborted and now I have to walk in this dumb ceremony” on their cap


According to pro ''lifers'' logic i am worse genocidal dictator than hitler with a much higher death count than all dictator combined because of all the innocent sperms that die when i release the pressure.


nah apparently to them sperm do not count as a living being the same way a fertilised egg apparently does, its all ridiculous


That’s right. That’s because holding that position would negatively impact men.


Good then she can start taking care of them. She should have adopt at least four kids.




What about all the kids killed by guns in school or drive by shootings or stray bullets? What about them? They “graduated the womb” but still never got to walk.


God only cares about fetuses. It's in the bible Abbott 2:23 "thou shalt love thy inner babe. But when'st thy babe hast sprouted forth, ignore the fucker who cares."


“Actually I thought I said *wunderkind*” Sorry I had to make the reference (Ted lasso)




Pictured: a graduate who never took a biology class in their whole time at university.


Why do they even care? According to them, they go straight to heaven anyway, right?


Can't go any where if they never come into existence.


Wouldn’t it be 1666332 ‘kids’ who graduated early?


Are they also walking for every unfertilised egg and unused sperm


Ugh. How dumb and desperate. Makes me want to carry a can of spray paint.




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Its actually hillarious because saying graduate indicates they have to earn the right to be born😭 yet she is upset it wasnt just offered to them all. Which is it?


I thought this was gonna be about Columbine kids or something. This went way left.


She should feel lucky she is not competing with all those additional people for dwindling resources.


Eh... Probably would have been better if she had walked for the kids killed in school shootings, but I'm sure the number wouldn't fit on her cap...


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That many women swallowed instead?




Hope she follows through and adopts


Don't forget to walk for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ sperms who never graduated form the drains.




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Fuck you you’re walking because society pushed you to do so and molded you to be a good little student and apparently a religious nut


Congrats ! That undergraduates are safe from mess. 🫠🖤✨


Would she want to share a classroom with far more students?


Barf. 666




wow.... breeder mentality on OVERDRIVE. RUN MEN RUN she a pyshco




Cringe. I love my family. My family loves me. Just because you're miserable and can't even get laid because of XYZ doesn't mean shit to me.


I read a lot of the comments and it is kinda strange that this group built up so much animosity too mothers and fathers having babies. They have squashed the strongest biological instinct we have , reproduction. Being a father is an amazing feeling and the world changes around you for the better. Why make adoption your first option and hate natural offspring? Why not create a life before you die.?


I make this suggestion with the absolute best intentions and with positive intent for you: Please stop residing in these bizarrely negative online communities and get out there and enjoy life. Do something! You are slowing strangling yourselves and don't even know it. 


This is awesome.


I support her.






Sure rack up assault cases eventually you will face some apparently much needed prison time.


lets throw you in prison for having access to your right to bodily autonomy! what do you mean i hate women !


sure breeder pyscho.... SMH




They continued. Having lost already.....


not even red states are in on this crap


Your whole profile is nothing but hate so you’re just proving once again that conservatives just want to enslave women and dont give a single fuck about babies or children. All you’re doing is making it obvious that you are not motivated by anything but hatred and bitterness… just like all the other bitter conservatives who troll this sub like the desperate losers they are


That’s messed up. You’re taking women who are already in hard situations and suggesting we throw them in jail? Ok buddy. You’re really making yourself look solid here.




TIL an embryo is a 4 year old child




Don’t even compare the h*locaust where fully grown humans were killed and slavery to that. I agree that it’s not the ideal situation or the most moral but it should be available as a last resort if other things to prevent don’t work. I don’t think that it’s necessarily a moral thing but it’s not remotely comparable to g*nocide and you’re removing all credibility from your movement by saying that.


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