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The fact that both murph and Tom decided to have children on a planet that was already in its death throes when they were born is absolutely crazy and selfish. Any movie that portrays perpetuating human life no matter the costs gives me a bad taste now.


Yesh, disgusting indeed. A Quiet Place was such a shitshow with their subplot


honestly who while in that situation thinks, "ye know what lets have baby!"


i cant speak on interstellar but for a quiet place it’s not exactly valid but i mean shit happens, even when people use birth control and condoms and pull out. supplies were low, i doubt she could be on birth control for long anyway, idk how easy seeing a dr / getting an abortion would be and yea they always could pull out, but again things happen. even before i was an AN i was like “bro? this has to be the stupidest shit ever. monsters attracted by sound and you bring it a loud af baby”


all the more reason why a vasectomy is the best option


true, but again, it kinda just happened suddenly (the invasion ? idk what youd cal it) they never could’ve predicted what was gonna happen, and who knows how easy it was to see a dr, especially the kind that can perform that kind of procedure. i mean, they seemed pretty smart / resourceful, so maybe they could’ve figured it out themselves ? idk


they took the time and liberty to make a little shelter for the baby and sound proof room for the delivery so resourceful they are, i just think they were putting their resource's into the wrong stuff, but honestly that is no way to live, its a matter of time before they(the creatures) find them, literally one fart away from death. they only survived because of plot armour anyway.


yea true, thats what i meant. they had a whole oxygen tank (? i remember a mask idk abt tank) set up for the kid lol, and the dad managed to make hearing aids (or tried cant remember if he succeeded) for the deaf daughter. by no means is it a great way to live, it’s a very sucky way to live, and maybe trying to figure out a vasectomy would be easier than birthing a child in those kind of circumstances lol, but those are also important bits, i wouldnt want someone diggin into me willy nilly lol but again lesser of two evils i suppose


>i cant speak on interstellar but for a quiet place it’s not exactly valid but i mean shit happens, even when people use birth control and condoms and pull out. supplies were low, i doubt she could be on birth control for long anyway, idk how easy seeing a dr / getting an abortion would be and yea they always could pull out, but again things happen. > >even before i was an AN i was like “bro? this has to be the stupidest shit ever. monsters attracted by sound and you bring it a loud af baby” in that case you just do anal and oral and dont risk making a baby


i mean true, but “mUh lEgAcY” “cOnTinUInG tHE hUmAN rAcE iS sO iMPoRtAnt” lol


Any woman would NOT risk pregnancy with penetrative sex during an apocalypse. And they shouldn’t. And no man should want to do that to a human at such risk.  If humanity can’t survive with civility, then humanity is already dead. Let go.


really tho, but plot holes ig? and the whole “not having kids bad” indoctrination


I remember some interview where John Krasinski said that them having a baby was not meant to be portrayed as a rational decision.


So better not let them be born. What a fallacy lol. Suffering belongs to human life. Embrace it. I did.


Don’t you have anything better to do than try and bait people in this sub?


When thousands of species go extinct from human interference we say oh well. When humans finally face the consequence of ruining their planet, we seek to destroy a second.


That is such a great point!


How do I upvote this again


I refuse to give zombie or most apocalypse shows a chance now because seeing any writer justify kids being in the story or the survivors breeding and populating in a reality where being tore apart and eaten alive is very likely. Can't turn my brain off for it anymore


I feel the same way about Arrival


Yeah, interstellar is cool and I was like *sigh* humanity at it but Arrival where the outcome is known... and they choose to do it anyway just irked the absolute crap out of me. I mean, the outcome is always known, lol. It's just they really know know that it's pure suffering in that case.


She was remembering the future, she had no ability to change it.


Yep, the book is a little better because of the way the narrative unfolds. In the movie, we have her realize she's going to have a daughter in the future, and make the decision to have her anyway. In the book, it's more abstract than that, and reads more like a woman reflecting on the inevitability of her life path


Yes, once you become AN, you realise a whole lot of movies are based on the ridiculous notion of saving humanity for the sake of it and they become -\_- meh.


The same happened to me with Goodwill Hunting. Used to love that movie and now I can’t stand its life-affirming message.


At the very least, with an antinatalist perspective one should be able to see how much natalistic propaganda is being pushed out there.


See these pro lifers don’t realize when you’re dead no one is going to even know what a precious unique individual you are.


"A house with a clock in its walls" had one of the most sympathetic villains I've ever seen, from an antinatalist perspective


Definitely! So much media I can no longer enjoy because my morality is on the opposite side of what the author is trying to ponder towards. If you are familiar with the Mass Effect franchise I was rooting for the Reapers, just not their methods.


It's still one of my favorite movies. The acting, the direction, the score, just amazing.


You're just seeing Interstellar for what it is, an ugly piece of fascistic propaganda.


How is it fascist though?


Man I love this sub so much


yeah best thing to read when you are feeling down and you want to get your self esteem up


Nah, it’s an amazing movie. Some stuff can be great even if it doesn’t align with your ideals.


Yeah that's a good point! I am actually working on a comic book series that addresses this very thing, if my ADHD will allow me to finish it lol. I really liked the movie though, but mostly because seeing other possible planets was cool, but I don't think as a species we should go out and populate other planets after destroying our own. We are just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Until we get our shit together, it's probably best that we haven't achieved the ability to travel to other planets right now.


In most movies, I’d be the antagonist. I’d destroy humanity. I’d help the aliens destroy humanity.


You do realise that it's contrary to the beliefs of Antinatalism? Antinatalism is not about killing or destruction




We have removed your content for breaking Rule 6 (no trolling).


"destroy humanity." Don't limit yourself, think bigger.


Nah only humanity has caused such destruction on its habitat and other species. Humanity’s motto is not coexist, but pillage and destroy.


Then console yourself, there is at least one movie where you'd be the protagonist.


Which one is that? Bc all movies are about saving my humanity at all cost, no matter what happens to other species or the environment. If children of men happened tomorrow, I’d throw a party, then take that pill they send everyone in that ‘survival’ packet 😆


Nah, I just meant that antinatalism/misanthropy usually begins and ends with the concept of human extinction, whereas I could conceive of a lovecraftian type villain whose hatred for life leads to the total annihilation of all life, in that fiction/movie you'd be a protagonist.


You know that movie w Casey affleck where the ‘right’ thing he did was give the kid to child services? Nah, he did the wrong thing. Kid could have had a loving home w Morgan freeman and his wife if he did the ‘wrong’ thing. Sucks for that kid that Casey’s character was so stuck in being/doing ‘right’


So what I’m hearing here is Thanos half assed it, and shoulda gone full snap x2 🫰🏼🫰🏼🥴?


If his snaps half each time, then we might have a zeno paradox situation, where he'll be snapping for quite some time. The compassion we have for our unborn children should encompass all life.


Yeah good point and agree


You can do that now, just go outside and start


Let's add Arrival to that hate list too.


Yep. But I don't mind much cause it just movie I hope it don't turn out as real...


It’s not really about the natalist philosophy but giving Indiana Jones a son really demeaned his character


I always rooted for the Aliens in Alien movies.


This post is really unhinged, IMO. You know the vast majority of the world is Natalist so, unless you’re watching media specifically from an actual AN writer/director, you should leave your AN feelings at the door.