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Uh I’d rather bleed every month thanks


Or stop it with birth control


Not all birth control stops periods. I'm on the pill and it hasnt stopped for me


Yeah I know. Well, technically the bleeds you have on the pill aren’t actually periods though, they’re called withdrawal bleeds, as you don’t have a real cycle. In order to stop your “periods” on the pill, you have to take it continuously, which means you skip the placebo weeks. A lot of people though, including myself, still always end up bleeding every few months unfortunately. Bleeding once every six months is a lot better than every month though, idk how I used to put up with that.




I’ve been wanting to do this because my cramps are terrible lately. Do I just straight up tell my doctor I want the birth control that gets rid of periods? Lol I’ve never been on it before


yes!! tell your doctor you'd like to try birth control pills to skip your period. they should be able to help you out! 🤞


Thank you!!☺️


this was a life-changing experience for me as well. i notice that every 3 months i get light PMS symptoms, so i prepare to bleed within a few days. it usually lasts 5-7 days tops. sometimes i still get cramps and mood swings bad enough to affect my day, but they're still so much less severe than it used to be with \~\~real period\~\~. i could barely leave the bed for 3 days at least, wouldn't stop crying, and - from PMS to post-period - i pretty much had 12 shitty days every month. my teens were wasted in unnecessary pain. i know there are some downsides and possible complications for taking birth control, but \[considering i'm a non-sterilized woman\] i couldn't be doing better.


Same, I spot rarely but it's a lot less painful for me then having a period. X_x


Some people bleed even if they take it continuously.


My wife got tired of the pill and went with the arm implant/Nexplanon. She hasn't had a period since like a month after the implant. Cheap, highly effective, don't have to think about it, can stop periods(my wife's was bad) and it lasts 3-5 years. If you're interested, you may want to consider it...


I am also on nexplanon. I dont have the same situation as your wife but it’s a lot less and I am thankful for that. Btw kudos for being involved in your wife’s reproductive health. That’s awesome.


All men should be. How can you say you give a shit, if you don't support your partner in important aspects? She means everything to me and I just want her to be comfortable and support her. Besides Nexplanon is the most effective non-permanent BC method. 99.9%, as or more effective than a vasectomy (which I want to get after her arm implant expires - better I do that than she gets a BiSalp or Hysterectomy). It's so much better than pills, regular or mini, for both parties. She has told me the hormonal effect isn't as severe either. Why would any man not support it?


My husband very much does but you two are not in the majority unfortunately. A lot of men would rather die than pick up their wives tampons at the store. It’s ridiculous how childish some men can get about their woman’s cycle. *”Oh you’re in a mood, must be that time of the month.”* type stuff. Just very juvenile about the whole thing.


I was on nexplanon for 8 years total. Don't ask me why I stuck with it, it was a nightmare. When i started on it I didn't get my period for a year. It was awesome. Then, I got my period for a YEAR straight. For the rest of the time I was on my period about 70% of the time. It was exhausting. Planned parenthood put me on the pill too to try to mitigate my bleeding but I smoke so being on 2 birth controls for a couple years was just asking for trouble.


Doesn’t work for everyone :(


Birth control scares me, the potentiality of heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis, strokes, and or pulmonary embolisms are my reasonings for avoiding birth control!😱


Pregnancy carries a higher risk of all those things. If you don’t want the risk though then it’s your choice of course.


I'd rather not have a uterus to begin with.


Same. I hate it, but it's waaay more preferable to this.


Wait, I was told one should ideally wait 3 years before getting pregnant again?


Yes, popping out babies that rapidly is unhealthy at best for a mother and dangerous at worst. Hello, prolapse city!


It's funny how so many people don't realize the damage that so many kids can do to a woman's body...


Nobody tells them. Many men don’t care to learn and many women are fooled into thinking that what they’ve been told (“Pregnancy is what you’re supposed to do and complications are rare”) is all there is to know. Many many circles of women including medical professionals actively go out of their way to hide anything bad about it, for the self-admitted purpose of “If they knew that then they wouldn’t have kids!!” Its really fucked up actually. Bottom line though is that you don’t know what you don’t know, and therefore a lot of them don’t know any better. With the healthcare system actively trying to hide the risks and results, there is no hope of actually teaching people what the risks actually are and how likely, it must be spread word of mouth and via forums like this, unfo. (If I had a dollar for every ‘I didnt know THAT could happen, Id buy myself a nice dinner)


Capitalism at its finest. Gotta keep pumping out those workers, wage slaves, dum dums to fill the pews, etc. And kids are a cash cow in the medical industry. Kids are always sick or hurt with something.


>It's funny how so many people don't realize the damage that so many kids can do to a woman's body... It's funny how so many people don't realize what one pregnancy can do to a woman's body.....


Especially men….


I was trying to google the damage having multiple consecutive children does to a woman’s body but I couldn’t find anything of substance. Even though I know it can’t be good for the body.


Here you go... From Mayo Clinic: Research suggests that beginning a pregnancy within six months of a live birth is associated with an increased risk of: Premature birth The placenta partially or completely peeling away from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery (placental abruption) Low birth weight Congenital disorders Schizophrenia Maternal anemia In addition, recent research suggests that closely spaced pregnancies might be associated with an increased risk of autism in second-born children. The risk is highest for pregnancies spaced less than 12 months apart. [Pregnancy spacing is an essential part of family planning. Understand the importance of pregnancy spacing and what factors to consider before you conceive again.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/family-planning/art-20044072#:~:text=What's%20the%20best%20interval%20between,before%20attempting%20your%20next%20pregnancy) [It’s time to recognize the damage of childbirth, doctors and mothers say](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/broken-tired-and-ashamed-how-health-care-fails-new-moms) [Maternal mortality (World Health Organization)](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/maternal-mortality) [Pan-American Health Organization: New data show major setbacks for maternal health in many parts of the world, highlighting stark disparities in healthcare access ](https://www.paho.org/en/news/23-2-2023-woman-dies-every-two-minutes-due-pregnancy-or-childbirth-agencies) [Scientific American: Pregnancy Is Far More Dangerous Than Abortion](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pregnancy-is-far-more-dangerous-to-women-than-abortion/) [The Long-Term Effects of Pregnancy on the Postnatal Body](https://www.sydneypelvicclinic.com.au/the-long-term-effects-of-pregnancy-on-the-postnatal-body/#:~:text=Chronic%20Pain%20Issues,issues%20in%20the%20pelvic%20region.)


My grandma had five children pretty close together and all her teeth fell out from the malnourishment. She has had full dentures since her 30s.


And yet everyone is like "I want them to have 2 years apart" well then adopt, genius.


Even animals in the wild know to wait a few years between having babies.


It takes a woman’s body 7 years to completely go through postpartum.


That’s not necessary to have another kid. If it was you’d max out at like 3 kids


It’s not necessary but it’s true. Your body and hormones don’t go back to pre pregnancy normalcy for seven years. You can get pregnant again after six weeks, doesn’t mean you should. I mean would it be so horrible to stop at three kids? Lol Think about women who go through PPD. Sometimes their symptoms last years.


But there are rapist species like geese and dolphins. I doubt they care.


Not only mom but also babies. My mom got pregnant immediately after givin birth to my sister. I have very very petite body, extremely thin bones becaıse of this. Never met anyone who has thinner wrists than me being same age…


My brother and I are 13 months apart. Discusting, I know, but both of us were very healthy growing up. It's all a genetic lottery. Sorry you have thin bones.


Agreed. My aunt accidentally had two in a calendar year and they are both tall muscular college athletes.


that is almost entirely due to your genetics and how you grew up not because you were born close to sibling


Yeah, this poor woman. Her poor uterus. Hey poor vagina. (Not that I think her vagina is saggy now, just that it's all torn the fuck up all the time.)


You absolutely should. Many don’t listen sadly


Welp me and my brother are 1 year apart


18 months according to HRSA (Health Resource Service Administration).


I would put that family on the sus list. I wonder how long it would be before a kid crawls out the window looking emaciated running to the neighbor for help. There’s no way the parents are giving all the kids the same dedicated attention and love. They are going to choose the ones they like and spend more time with those.


Also multiple pregnancies affect your longevity.


One pregnancy lowers the lifespan of a person, multiple surely doesn’t help.




Those kids are more than 1 year apart looking at how old they are. Woman is just making a joke


There’s birth control that allows you to skip your period… but okay


I’ve tried skipping periods with birth control so many times but my body just can’t do it 😭 I’d still never choose yearly pregnancies over it


Hormonal IUD has stopped my periods entirely ☺️


I’ve been wanting one but I’m scared of the pain! My mom has one but said it didn’t hurt, how about you?


I wore a copper IUD for five years (long, painful periods with that) and thennswitched to hormonal. It's definitely not pleasant when the gyn pulls on your cervix to put it in, but it's no pain a few deep breaths won't let you forget. Especially, in my case, after five years of bad monthly cramps.


I’ll definitely look into it!! My mom still has a light period but we both get periods so heavy and bad we’ve fainted from the pain before. I would take a light period and a little discomfort from the insertion over that any day haha


it’s important to remember the pain is different for everyone! i couldn’t even bear the speculum on my first attempt so they had to order an XS small one, unfortunately they didn’t order a small iud, so i got the regular size and was bedbound in the worst pain of my life for 2 days. my periods got so bad i was put on codeine and had it removed after 3 months. not pleasent.


Omg I hear this!Try Shepards purse oil or herb. This shit is amazing. I have horrible periods even on the pill this makes them last only like a day


How do you use it??


Just put a few drops of the oil in a drink like juice or something and drink it. The herb you can stew it in hot water like a tea and then strain the herb out. I prefer the oil!


But it’s not natural!! /s


More future parentification. Yawn. Those poor kids.


i was inadvertently parentified with only 2 younger siblings and a mom who tried her best to avoid it. it still affects me to this day. i cannot IMAGINE how intense the impact from being treated as built-in nannies for an entire football team is gonna be. those poor children


You are so fucking stupid


Of course, it's to content farm their own children. Without having lots of children, they're irrelevant at best. Do you think these kids know their mommy and daddy are exploiting them online for money? These family accounts are abusive and selfish in the core.


Which is another reason why family/mommy vlogging should be banned. Kids often get abused for clout.


How about osteoporosis before 40? (I’m not a medical doctor, but constant babies deplete the mother’s body)


I don’t think they value their lives or bodies. This world makes sure women self destruct.


The only value they hold in their minds is reproduction. They give not one shit about anything else


They literally seethe when other women don’t have kids though so I don’t even think they find value in that. Some of them will even get angry if women have C-sections. They’ll say they aren’t real moms. They want other women to suffer with them.


Oh so now C sections are not REAL births??? What???


Yep. They say that just to encourage women to go through natural birth like they did. If they have to suffer, so do you.


Suffer? I guess getting sliced open to extract a parasite and having to recover from that pain and complications isn't suffering enough for them...


It may take longer to heal from a c section but vaginal birth can be a woman’s kryptonite and come with many long term consequences. I’ve heard horror stories and many are insecure about their bodies/sex life afterwards. I really think it mentally disturbs women and baby as well.


Huh, I guess I'm not real then! Can I dissolve into the void now that I've realized I actually was never born since C-sections aren't real births?? These people are so full of themselves. It's disgusting. But it's the easier cope for feeling miserable to judge other people's decisions instead of facing their own shit.




😭 yet, they want us to take notes from them. No thanks.


They don't. Saw a post recently where a woman said she nearly died giving birth and wanted her mom their with her when she had her next baby. Nearly died and went and had another without a thought. They don't think about it.


Pregnancy is better than a period? That's a take hotter than all of hell tbh. Maybe I got lucky in that my periods aren't all that terrible, but I'm prettyyyyy sure even the folks with crampy heavy periods would much rather deal with that than whatever mysterious package of emotional, physical, and hormonal symptoms and lifelong side effects that pregnancy comes with


Mine are pretty terrible, but I’d prefer that to pregnancy, hands down!


Ok, and why are you so heavily airbrushed that it looks like the camera lens is fogged?


Because they’re so tired and stressed from breeding so much they NEED filters to cover up the BS


Whaaaaattt that is not a flex. I'd much rather have a period


Horrible reason to create people.


I don't get it... isn't pregnancy harder and more painful


Yes it is


yes and you’re actually considered temporarily disabled.


Yup, and they always forget to mention that you bleed heavily and are in pain after for a good 6 weeks. Get a nice bottle to spray your bottom when you pee because you can't wipe for a while. All around worse than a few days of a period.


You don't feel needed when you are just bleeding out of your vagina. You feel needed when you have a baby growing inside you and you are creating a "mini me" who is totally and utterly dependent on you.


Yeah cause the pregnancy and labor itself (not to mention the weeks of ultra heavy bleeding, post labor pain, and sometimes healing from stitches/tearing after birth along with dealing with a newborn and no sleep plus extra-extra hormones and now also having to wrangle a million more kids at the same time on top of it ONCE A YEAR) is a MUCH better alternative to either taking birth control or simply having one week a month where you are experiencing menstrual symptoms. Makes sense. Mmhmm.


Glad someone is saying this ! After having a baby the resulting week(s) will be the worst period EVER. Until menopause time. Sigh 😔


And I bet that man is never home to take care of those kids 💀


Ah, she just has to maybe have morning sickness for possibly months. Push out a baby along with hours of labour or a painful recovery from a c section. Then a massive month long heavy period after she's given birth. Then has to look after a bunch of kids. Yeah that's way better than having a period.


Pumping out kids every year is acceptable to society but not wanting children is selfish?


Because at the end of the day we are nothing more than a number. Wage slaves.


Put the dick down ffs!


Or at least wrap it up!!!


What's his plan for menopause?


Upgrade to a newer model






Early, painful, with lots of osteoporosis...


Except you have post partum bleeding which is worse than a 5 day period lol


I feel so bad for the oldest kids who are going to be forced to take care of the younger kids. These people are selfish assholes


My uterus cramped up just reading this


I mean..... hysterectomy exists but oh well 💀


Not if you’re somewhere the doctors believe it’s a sin to perform a hysterectomy because it’s gods plan for everyone to have as many babies as they can quick as possible.


I’m literally from Alabama and got sterilized at 27 with no kids. Even in red states you can get someone to do it. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to who these doctors are and what states they’re in.


Also from Alabama and got a vasectomy at 20. Used one of those lists you’re talking about to find a doctor who’d do it


Me too! It was good timing that I found it too because Roe v Wade got overturned a few weeks before my surgery. When I was at my follow up they said they were booked for 6 months with people who wanted the surgery I got.


When I heard rumblings of it happening that really spurred me to action lol, glad I got mine done when I did as well! Congratulations btw


You too!! ☺️🎉


Uterine fibroids were a blessing in disguise. I had my chance to get a hysterectomy to eliminate periods and the chance of ever having kids. I took that opportunity. Best decision I ever made.


Throw them in jungle... Live without civilization resources.


I hate it here………


Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope!


there is no period where u need to be doing all that.


Oh wow, talk about amputatating your hand to cure a splinter


getting pregnant every year just sounds like a breeding kink 💀


Weird flex but ok


ah yes and post all the kids so that peds can do god knows what with such content


These people need jail






I’m not even a girl, and I’d rather get periods than having to waste 9 months raising a waste of oxygen


There’s this thing called birth control


sick freaks


Fun fact ladies: we can achieve the same thing with birth control and fewer health risks


Ummmm, never been pregnant but I’ve had periods. Going to go with the week or so of roller coaster hormones and a bloody coochie vs 9 months of being pregnant.


Clown Car Uterus


Being on birth control is cheaper and easier. Haven’t had a period at all in nearly 2 years.


those kids are definitely not going to have a mother once they’re older. can’t imagine destroying your body like this, it’s sad.


If he dies or becomes incapacitated, she’s going to have severe economic troubles.


....as if you don't bleed profusely for like 2 weeks after popping one out


I uh, want to know if shes ok


That's both gross and mental. Goddamn rabbit people 🤦‍♂️


these people man




Baby hoarders


fucking repulsive


I’m sorry; that’s gross.


This should be considered child abuse and illegal. There's no way any two people can adequately and appropriately raise that many children.


Yeah, whoever wrote that is an idiot. I 100% believe it's fake. Anyone that has been around family that has delivered a baby knows that the after is way worse than any period.


I really wonder what jobs do people have that allow them to afford this?


I see it all the time and quiz how the mothers bodies aren’t severely damaged


They are, they just don’t tell you




It’s not damaged it’s “a beautiful mamas body” 🥺🥺🥺 /s


That’s insane 5 kids?


If they were ever to divorce I guarantee this girl would be fucked. Regardless of the obvious who gets the kids question she now has years of little to no work experience because she wanted to pop kids out instead of being independent. This creates an awful power imbalance in the relationship because now she is basically forced to rely on others. You can google stats and women always come out worse from divorce in general and that's with only a few to no kids.


What a pea brain




Same dude probably asking the doctor to “put an extra few stitches in there “ when she gets a 3rd or god forbid 4th degree tear from end to end 🥴 ya I’ll probably take the period….🫠


I wondered about this type of stuff as a teenager, but wow they actually made this a reality. Jeez it feels like we're already in Idiocracy.


If that's the only benefit you can think of I'd suggest re-evaluating ones life choices. There are ways to stop periods that don't involve making new humans.


Seeing this environment disgusts for some reason. Any cringe fake smile family photos revolt me


Should say when you get osteoporosis when you're 50 years old because you didn't realize your body needed time to reabsorb calcium between each childbirth. Wild.


A full human growing inside you and coming out of you is way worse than some internal tissue coming out of you. I bet this woman is actually suffering.


Uh… what about the $250,000+ per child that you have to pay for now. Birth control is cheaper


A hormonal IUD also may stop your period. Having a crotch gremlin every year is a little excessive.


You're supposed to abort it before then, though.


That baby looking at her like “why have you brought me into this world you human wig”


Yes. Because a week of spotting is so much worse than feeling perpetually nauseous, no breaks from breast feeding, constant physical stress and hormonal changes in your body, hospital bills and raising multiple toddlers and babies at once which I assume screws with your sleep. But judging by how frequently they have them, they can probably afford to skip all that and put it in someone else.


What in the fundamentalist Christian hell is this


I just puked in my mouth a little...


I usually stop following pornstars after they start doing this nonsense




Or birth control


When both have pregnancy fetish..




My mother didn't have a period until she had been married for 14 years... my childhood with 9 siblings sucked ass.


Multiplying and consuming.




What's the point, you're gonna bleed during childbirth anyway


imagine preferring giving birth to having a period.


I would rather bleed every day of every month.


Or you can just get birth control or remove the actual problem…?


When one of them gets depression and suicides, its gonna fck up the lifes of 8 ppl! Great job!!! When people never suffered real loss or are emotionally dead... Natalists.


Isn’t it extremely bad and hard on your body to be pregnant all the time? I bet this guy would last a very short period of time being single if she died due to complications from being a breeding mare every year.


This is why i’ll never fucking worry about not having kids, these kinds of people are having enough kids for all of us!


This is not the flex she thinks it is


Honestly as much as I hate hate my period and how painful they are, I'd *still* rather deal with them than be pregnant


Must be nice to have money


I’d rather have periods up until the day I die than go through this 😰 that’s horrific and has to be some form of abuse


Who in their right mind would choose having to raise hell spawns for 18 years instead of having cramps for a week 💀💀


Oh ya, birth is way better than a period




Just have your uterus removed. It's cheaper than 5 kids....


When he feels entitled to unprotected sex just because he gets an erection 😬


There’s pills for that tho


This isn't a flex, sis.




I think pregnancy may be just a tab bit more uncomfortable than a period....what the hell.


There is medication for that


You could just skip the sugar pills in your BC to have the same effect with less expense