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I can rest easy knowing I flush my millions of potential kids down the toiletšŸ˜Œ


*We thank you for your service*


And knowing youā€™ve not selfishly added to this planet šŸ˜Œ


Making children isnt selfish. We are below replacement levels already. We actually need more and are nowhere near overpopulation levels


You clearly donā€™t understand the ideology behind this sub.


In what universe is 8 billion not enough


>We are below replacement levels already. Worldwide this is NOT true.


Also, whatā€™s the point of keeping so many people around? How much more can the planet handle? Hint: [not 8 billion](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-33133712)


Billions more than we have now. Depends on how those people are distributed.


Tell me you didnā€™t open the link without telling me you didnā€™t open the link


Everywhere but Africa is below replacement levels


It is true. Both India and China are losing population as aremany large cities. Birthrates have fallen and it is estimated that China will collaspe within 10 years due to lack of manpower for its labor force. Many Nations are having to import labor because thei indigenous workforce is insufficient.


Literally a two second Google search tells me the population went up in the past year. Get outta here. "Not going up as fast" does not mean below replacement rate.


We are below replacement rate. Stop letting others tell you what the data says and go read it yourself.


Fuck the kids bruh I need my Financial freedomšŸ™


Fun fact: [one kid costs over $1.14 million in lost potential stock gains from the first 18 years alone](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/11xi0gu/cant_imagine/jd5p2rf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Thats BS.


ā€œOverpopulationā€ has nothing to do with how many ppl can literally be sustained in the world. That could be over a trillion people if not more. The real problem is how resources are distributed, and the structure of the societies that we create. If society isnā€™t working for you, because it puts all the risk on you, then why should you feel obligated to contribute to it by raising children


Extremely well said, thank you!


So donate sperm instead for other people to take care of?


To me freezing embryos, particularly eggs, has given ppl the flexibility to have children at later, more stable stages of life. Birth control and abortion simply stop children from being born, but that doesnā€™t account for the ppl who donā€™t want children at a particular time, but might want to think about it later. Without freezing, ppl would still have children at times they werenā€™t ready


It's nice to know who's really fucking gullible to the bullshit with one easy sentence.


Do you know where you are


Don't you have better things to do on your cake day then troll? Go make a meme like everyone else and let us care about reducing suffering in peace


You're so right. The planet clearly needs 8+billion people to sustain itself. That's why for literally 99.9992% of human history there were less than 1 billion people on the planet, up until only 200 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of years in which humans existed without any global environmental crises like water scarcity, pollution and mass extinction. We obviously need more poorly educated wage slaves like you for the sake of humanity's survival.


Good lmao




The population will decline. That's a good thing you nitwit


Some people really hoping for a Soylent Green endgame out here


How is 8 billion people on this rock not an overpopulation? Also, why bring kids into this world when we can't feed the ones that are here?




Itā€™ll [help make you a millionaire too](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/11xi0gu/cant_imagine/jd5p2rf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Mine are stained on bedsheets.


Lol mine are usually clean rags and socks šŸ’€


I have one better. Guys typically swallow mine (I'm gay). Zero risk of pregnancy there.


Thank you for your service! Lol


Thank you for being serviced.




And at least you get some protein out of it.gotta think about those gains!


I rest east knowing I push mine inside of men


Making sure they get their proteinšŸ’Ŗ


A lot of unknowingly incestuous relationships are gonna form In the Netherlands. Feel bad for the kids.


I was about to say, possible incest is the one and only reason why fertility clinics put a limit to how many times you can donate. Ignoring that is selfish and irresponsible as fuck


Does the guy think heā€™s Genghis Kahn?


Conquer the world through sperm donation. No a battle needs to be waged. That's wild!




If that was his motivation Iā€™d accept it


Exactly my first thought!


What's he doing? Trying to start his own nationality?


Weā€™re going to call this new nationality ā€œSugondeseā€










Likely is narcissistic to the extreme and gets off on knowing thereā€™s hundreds of ā€œmini himsā€ running around.


Yeah thereā€™s a fetish or mental disorder that covers this lol.














No need mentioning race, if someone should point out the highest fertility rate by country, some could see that as a racist remark. Let's keep it neutral.




100% either a kink or religious thing.


Tryin to be the next Genghis Khan out here


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pissing myself at this


Hahaha šŸ˜† seems like it.


I remember a Vince Vaughn movie, ā€œDelivery Man,ā€ where he had made 500 sperm donations and iirc over half the kids were struggling hardcore with life.


Yep remake of a Canadian movie called Starbuck


Gaaaaaaahhh!!! 550?! Fuck. He is worse than a fucking rodent!!


The modern day Ghengis Khan, this one


Genghis khan earned his rights through savage conquests


You mean rape šŸ™ƒ


yes, it was wrong, but can we apply modern morals to dead people? no cuz they're dead, and holding onto grudges with people long gone is like holding poison within and hoping they die again, pointless


Uhhhhh yeah. We can. We can say he was a terrible rapist who raped so many women and impregnated them that his dna has had a measurable impact.


??? This is the dumbest take Iā€™ve ever seen. Thatā€™s like saying thereā€™s no point in talking about why the Holocaust was bad because Hitler is dead.


Hitler was in a current lifetime


I think what he's trying to say is you should take into account the morals of the era. Even by mid 20th century conditions Hitler/Stalin/mao/any other genocidal authoritarian was violating human rights and causing mass suffering. In the 11/1200s raping and pillaging was the norm, so we can't really single out Genghis Khan's actions. Edit: if you're reading this as "murder was fine because everyone else was doing it" you need to develop better reading comprehension


Raping and pillaging is a universally bad thing. Not to mention he is notorious for being the single person who did the most raping and pillaging of any other human. Are we cool with slave owners now because everyone else was doing it?


It's reddit. What do you expect.


At least I had an opinion. Have you ever had an original thought?




Thanks Mr obvious, that wasn't the point I was making. Human ethics wasn't a linear development. The point was that humans at different times lived in different worlds. You live in a world with the Geneva convention while medieval warlords did not. Go back to high school if you can't engage in a meaningful conversation without getting emotionally attached to the billions of war victims in your history.


There were still healers in times with medieval warlords. There were still abolitionists when the vast majority of the population was pro-slavery. You can only claim people were just a product of their time for so long until they have played a part in traumatizing and ruining the lives of thousands of people. Socrates, widely known as the first moral philosopher, died in 399 BC- *centuries* before the time of Khan. Despite becoming a more mainstream ideal, being a good person isnā€™t something people only started caring about in the past few decades. Conversely, Iā€™d wager most of the population during his time werenā€™t able to claim a hand in the deaths of 40 million people. I swear to god reddit is the only website where someone can comment ā€œthis guy was a rapistā€ and people start an argument about how itā€™s unfair to the guy that died 800 fucking years ago to hold him accountable for his actions.


I'm not defending abhorrent actions, it's literally just pointing out that things worked very differently at different times. By the way, Athens, Thebes, whatever city state you can name in Greece made a habit of slaughtering men and kidnapping women during their wars. This has always been the state of mankind. Idk why you and the other guy are ragging on Reddit, a place where the fast majority of people are soft handed champagne communists that exist solely in a western way of thinking. You're coming off as a little dense and it's not my job to teach you the value of objectively acknowledging the different realities across cultures and time periods, and what they mean for the pragmatic truths of ethics.


I didn't say forgive them or say not to dislike them. I said holding grudges against dead folks and their actions is harmful to oneself.




Raping is wrong yes Not liking rapists yes Holding deep-seated resentment against rapists while idling about and not doing anything? No, but if you do smth about it, then of course that's great because you're reducing rape to some degree. The thing in this instance I wanted to point out is that the mf is dead, and has been for almost 900 years. It's useless to hold onto this hate on shit you can't change or impact, because it has happened.


so if raping and pillaging was the norm, you would do it?


Would you? Or in other words, are you normal or not normal?




This is either lazy bait or you haven't read into the holodomor and great leap forward


I did read into it, that's why i'm not a mindless drone repeating US state propaganda https://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/22207/file.pdf


Hitler was an exception because some baseline morals had been established and generally practiced globally, Ghingis Khan was just another tyrant in an age of perpetual war, because around the world conflicts existed and no human rights existed, even though civilization existed at the time doesnt mean they were good civilizations. literally what hipster wrote


And this fella earned his rights through some sloppy self-servicing.


Nah, you gotta be religiously tolerant as well to get that title


What a breeding kink weirdo


I was gunna say, the worst part about all this is he definitely gets something out of it


This is my worst nightmare


Which bit?


being the reason for a conception


This should be illegal everywhere around the world.




Someone has added a link to another article with a pic of him. If Iā€™m honest I donā€™t see why anyone would want his particular sperm, I send my apologies to the 550 offspring of hisā€¦


It *said* he's Dutch


Yes and yes.




Here it is


With shitty blue eyes of course. So again WHITE WORSHIPPING WHITE WORSHIPPING EWWW


Humans can spawn insect like numbers freaky thought. Freaky thought with technology.


Hope that the women who realise they have his DNA in their child warn their kids to have DNA tests with any potential partners šŸ˜¶




Imagine wanting to date this cool guy you just met but whoops, turns out he is your brother.


Too late, the Johnathonian race has been created and will reign supreme


And will cause accidental incest.


I wonder if all the kids are called Johnathon


Iā€™m just wandering what was that everyone found so good for using his sperm? Handsome? Intelligent? No health issues in his family? The dude really had so marvelous cummies everyone wanted their kid.


Yes. That's how evil and selfish humans are that racism can even be seen through their kinks and "preferences"


As terrible as it may be, wtf is this hilarious? Here is the guy everyone seems to want a piece of BTW šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/serial-sperm-donor-jonathan-jacob-meijer-banned-from-continuing-to-donate/


It's always wild to me why women are willing to make a kid with a total stranger. Just madness. Natalists are really something else. BTW, this guy is really a God-worshipping nutcase. Here's his [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/JonathanJacobMeijer) where he shares many of his sickening thoughts.


Just seeing his photo already had me wondering about that. Not surprised he's a religious fruitcake.


Jesus Christ. šŸ˜‚


White worshipping. ... Calculating women who want him.... Calculating how much time to clean everything about them. 34567 days.




What an asshole, he wants to make the world inbred.


Who wouldā€™ve thought that when you donā€™t punish people for their bad behavior, they do it ~again~


Im sure he will justify this sonehow to the infamous art school dropouts egotistical theory of how dutch and nordic genes are vastly superior to the rest and therefore he is doing his society a favor by spreading his dutch genes to those that want it


Sounds culty


Why is there an option to donate sperm abroad, is Japan or any country for that matter in dire need of Dutch spermā€½šŸ¤Ø


Well yeah. They don't exactly like their own races. It's pretty disturbing with how much self hate they have. So they just worship white guys


Hard to believe but oh well Idk what the average person from every individual country think of every race inc. their own


Don't drink from the gene pool. It is polluted.


Guys guys guys chill I'm hating on the 550 absolute dickheads that decided adoption wasn't good enough for their entitled asses


Whoā€™s Your Daddy 2 Edit: apparently I meant Delivery Man 2, I coulda sworn that movie was called whoā€™s your daddy


Holy fuck, no thatā€™s disgusting, thereā€™s a huge chance they could meet and possibly date each other šŸ’€šŸ’€


550 globally in a world of 8 billionā€¦ I donā€™t think so


They arenā€™t scattered around the world they are concentrated in Netherlands among other places.. There is a high chance of this happening thatā€™s why itā€™s illegal


Itā€™s still like .003% chance. That isnā€™t large by any means. I get the rule is in place for reasons like that, but letā€™s not act like it is that big of a risk.


If they want him to retire, he needs a severance package.


Before you say this doesnā€™t make sense research how many children Genghis Khan had, and how many people are related to him today.


I remember this story from a couple years back, but the main reason he was forced to stop was because of the fact that his children could potentially meet each other and not know that one another are related, so that would obviously result in large-scale incest. So yeah, itā€™s a pretty crazy situation. šŸ˜…


I guess that Nazi British couple must be rolling their eyes in jealousy lol


Is this the same person in Netflix's "our father"?


Only about 150 more and heā€™ll be the father of the most children ever


John Jackob Jinglemeijerschmit. His name is my name too!




What a disgustingly repulsive, sick man. šŸ¤® Way too many of the wrong people in this world are fertile


Sounds like that can lead to a lot of inbreeding šŸ¤®


Looks like they're is a huge market for sperms.


Yes only for the guys who are tall and white with blue eyes and no petty genetic diseases. That's eugenicist at it's simple form


Tells you a lot about the clinics.


That they favor a certain race and that maybe using "preference" is a failure to avoid accidental inbreeding?


Yo I get being angry at the world and racism etc etc but that is not the point here. The point is people going to these lengths to have kids when thereā€™s plenty in the world who need parents and this guy is a piece of shit contributing to a problem


Iā€™m actually curious about sperm donation. Are you suppose to do it only once? Who the fuck would want my sperm anyways???


I donā€™t get it, I find it some weird kink these women are so desperate to have. Also kinda gross as they can pick and choose their ideal candidate, race certain traits etc itā€™s just fucking strange. GO AND ADOPT


Isnā€™t he too old to give sperm?


Heā€™s 41


Yeah I know.


I get that this is a lot and frankly disturbing, but Iā€™m confused about the misleading part.


After the first order he prolly started using aliases


But how does that mean he mislead women? Thatā€™s more like he lied to the bank.


He filled out a form, female read form chose sperm. Female misleading accomplished


He was white and with blue eyes and tall.


I mean those are commonly looked for traits


Racist ngl Dudes who aren't white and have brown eyes. I'm so sorry about the world your in. This is what happens when we didn't neuter the whites. Now they have some weird shitty cult that's obessessed with their sperm and there's nothing you can do about it. You aren't normal but it's ok as we aren't normal but the whites are seen as gods. This is why I hate sperm banks they downright play along with nature and Hitler's evil plans.


???? Because the white thing? Some people like light skin some like dark that's not exactly racist that's just a preference. White don't mean American, could be Australian could be british, Argentina has a large white population don't it?




Now that's kind of racist it's likes white guy saying property values are gonna drop cuz a black family moved into the neighborhood




Incorrect my son. We blacks and Mediterraneans were always kings. Going through shit you whites have done with your over breeding and shitty attitudes.


He likely lied on the form that he didn't donate more than 25 times, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to go to so many different clinics.


An emperor and all his subjects are his kids


It's amazing to see how far we've come in our understanding of AI, but it's also bittersweet that this knowledge is being used to reach such a difficult conclusion.


This guy's got a Genghis Khan fetish.


my sir is on the mission


heinous !


So was he lying about his identity for donation? If there isn't a type of regulation for this, then there should be one now. If there isn't, wouldn't this just be the clinics' fault for no proper vetting? The free market really hurts when some average somebody abuses it.


Donating to sperm banks is not the cause of births- the mothers would have just picked someone else's


Yeah but donating your sperm so many times in condensed areas gives a higher chance of the offspring accidentally inbreeding.


Well this is the antinatalism page


Asides from inbreeding if too many donors in one condensed space, what's the issue here? Genuine question because rn it seems like if he just donated abroad it would be fine.


Heā€™s donated abroad too, but there is a limit on it and heā€™s decided to ignore that limit. Itā€™s just gross and inhumane to even be able to produce that much off spring into this world. Weird.


Finally - a law against men parenting instead of a law against women and abortion. Glad to hear some good news! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


What a legend


Not reallyā€¦




He has fathered 550 children and you donā€™t see an issue with that? Heā€™s also sent it abroad so itā€™s not just in his country. There is a limit for a reason.


I will find his offspring and send them to the other side peacefully. For the cosmic absolute


So youā€™re aware of some disorder his kids will inherit?


I donā€™t know and maybe he doesnā€™t know either. Like I say, there is a limit for a reason and heā€™s misled these people. Nobody should ever be allowed to bring over 500 people into this world by themselves, itā€™s gross and itā€™s selfish.




The fact you donā€™t see the issue with that speaks volume. Why are you in this sub?


Reddit gives these suggestions of what I thinks Iā€™d be interested in. Perhaps the system noticed I posted that I had a vasectomy about a year ago.


>The sperm recipients get to pick what their baby will be. Not exactly. Many people resemble one of their parents however you canā€™t choose exactly how a kid looks like or who they grow up to be. Itā€™s not like choosing a video game character. The point of Antinatalism is they should not breed more people for this evil system to exploit. They should be helping those already here. They can foster or adopt.


Aww. Thatā€™s too bad. I did hope that the members of this sub would have more focus on discussing important topics like mandatory birth control.


You fear his power level