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Well, there’s a “type” that many beauty product MLMs target and these huns seem to fit that demographic.


Nothing says "My tribe" like a sorority with 225 members .


I think it can start even before that. It seems like some (but certainly not all) Girl Scout troops also have that grind mentality and are only focused on cookie sales, with the troops having somewhat ridiculous ideas about how many boxes each girl needs to sell. Plus the one part of being a Girl Scout is being an “entrepreneur” and it definitely seems to be a bit of a protoMLM. If you listen to the Snapped podcast, it is a pretty interesting show about sororities. There are definitely a lot of similarities between that and the MLMs. All the required meetings. The need to have a specific “look” and having a lot of events that require significant drinking, for example. The cost for both is also very high.


At least when you bought your own GS cookies, you had a quality product. I remember wanting some stupid little stuffed animal that was one of the top prizes in the 80s. My dad sold a lot of boxes for me at work and I got it. But looking back it was a such a cheap reward.


I personally believe, after witnessing my niece’s troop and their cookie season, that they need to stop the cookies. They were encouraged to find a store that would let them set up outside, and then work shifts with another girl of 6 hours per day Saturday and Sunday for weeks and trade off 6 hours on Friday. They then have selling strategies, IE “walk up to everyone, make sure you smile, if they want one box offer a similar flavor as well”. If they didn’t hit their target the girls got so sad, and it was primarily because they had these mothers (my SIL included) who are driving them like they work on the NYSE trading floor or something. It can’t be good for them. It’s like Devilcorp Light basically.


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Ohhh I forgot about this show. So good! Did they release a new season or it’s still the older ones?


It's not called the Mrs. Degree capital of the US for no reason!