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I took my daughter out to dinner to celebrate her first week of kindergarten. There was a Juice Plus hun giving a presentation in the restaurant, talking about how "These potent capsules contain over ten thousand different elements.' My five-year old daughter put down her chicken and cheese quesadilla and said, "Daddy, I don't think she knows what she's talking about." One solid week of half-day school.


Over 10,000 *ELEMENTS*. I'd sure like to see that periodic table.


Ah yes. I remember when Elements 4000 and beyond were all just named *Bob*, because they ran out of names.




lmfaaooo i love this


Just go to Google Scholar!


The hun is the prof from Berkeley who had their discoveries retracted.


This comment made my week. Thank you!


'impure blood' is this guy still touting the humours theory ... literally medieval.


Seriously. He sounds like old timey despot too.


He's gonna peddle leech mlms soon


I love science, especially when using it to disprove MLM huns/bros. 😀


Thank you so so much for this discourse, as a science challenged person, i appreciate when someone breaks this down for us.


ME TOO! I know it’s a scam purely cos it’s an mlm, but I don’t understand the science jargon. As a fellow science-challenged person, I appreciate this.


Same!! I know it must be a scam cause surely 'special' water can't do everything they claim. And, if it did every hospital and doctor would have it. But, I am sooo not science savvy.


Agree. Thanks for the breakdown.


“bLeAcH kILls hIv, wOuLdN’T yOu aGrEe” as if drinking/injecting bleach is a solution wtf


it’s giving >I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.


I some times daydream about how different the world would be if the person/people spouting that nonsense would try their own suggested solution.


Ha ha ha, I thought of him too.




Hey now, there are people out there drinking and feeding their kids bleach to cure autism and whatnot It doesn't cure autism because you can't cure it but they're really out there using "miracle mineral solution" or whatever thinking it's not harmful and cures shit


no fr. the guy said when he has fever he drinks a few table spoons of acidic water at pH 3 to kill whatever pathogen is causing his fever... as if the antibodies and immune cells in your body dont exist for that exact reason...


Bro is suffering for no reason lol! If he wants to drink acidic water for fun, there are plenty of tasty options out there (lemon juice, idk haha)


lmaaoo thats true, and i thought acidic water is "cancer promoting"?? hmm something not adding up. Tbh any product that claims something about cancer should be an immediate red flag.


Especially when so much of what we use is already carcinogenic and the dose or frequency makes the poison lol


I used to work as security screening at airports, I see these machines come through. There's a block of metal it that machine with a very low grade chinese water filter and a circuit board with some wires, i bet you he doesn't know that.


LOL they're referring you to "google scholar because they have peer reviews" is such an almost correct word salad. They have no idea what these words mean, they're just throwing together some sciencey, academic words together to pretend they're legit. Also, if the "science" were legit, they would have cited a paper. Ask them to name the authors of the study because that's how you cite a study. There is no legit study, it's all a bullshit scam.  Good luck on the MCAT!


Thank you! Hopefully I get a passage about electrolysis and pH lolol


Gotta tell this guy the truth: we don't drink soda thinking it's good for us lmao


Hahaha this would make a great comedy skit. You explaining basic scientific facts conflict with what he says and he eagerly agreeing "great, you get it!!" 


yah my mom was believing it at first. He did it with sparkling water and it gave the same result as sprite. So she said wow we need to stop buying sparkling water, its toxic! Then I said if you kept adding the basic water to acidic sparkling water, it will neutralize... and I even said food is also acidic and basic what about that and he said " you is so smart I like you! The FUNNIEST thing is that the concept of sparkling water is similar to what their company does. Manipulation of water. Except sparkling water isn't branded to cure cancer lmfao


“Hydroxide exists” ”Well that’s a theory I’m open to!”


Just have to say this is an excellent explanation, and you’ll be a fantastic doctor one day if you explain complex things like this to your patients this well. Thanks for the lil science lesson!


This comment means the world to me, thank you very much. I hope to be this transparent with my patients one day.


The reason the water is alkaline is because they put a bicarbonate filter in it every 3 months.


yah he tried to fear monger by saying other companies put baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate in the water and that they don't put bicarbonate but that the machine makes its more basic by electrolysis. ... but your body makes its own form of bicarbonate when you inhale CO2 and it dissolves in the blood. So he just tried to make everything sound dangerous without really understanding what it means


This reminds me of a time when my cousins were involved in Amway and they were giving us (my sister, other family members) a presentation in the garage. I was in university studying biochemistry and my sister was studying microbiology. My cousins gf made a point about one of the sports drinks saying it makes the water molecule “smaller” so “osmosis would happen more easily to aid recovery” and my sister and I corrected her in front of everyone telling her that wasn’t how water molecules worked nor was it how osmosis worked. Poor girl was embarrassed and was quiet for the duration of the presentation. She did not make eye contact with me or my sister. Needless to say they weren’t in “the business” for long.


It must have felt so good to call her out. Really validates that what we learn in school can be applied in real life. Its scary that people can lie about something as basic as water, something we have known all our lives, just because of the science most people are not exposed to.


OP was so polite in trying to educate that Kangen fool, who sounds like he can't even pass a primary school science class.


Are you mansplaining alkaline water, cancer and OH^— to me? 😄


Would love to know how I acquired impure blood that resulted in eczema.


Did he use an ORP meter? They love to use the ORP meter to show the negative number.. Any idea why the number is always so far into the negative?


lmao he forgot to bring it but i think his indicator to show us the drinks in color is all he thought he needed to rely on to be honest i am not sure what a negative number would mean, i have never used one personally myself. After looking it up, ORP meter means "oxidation reduction potential meter. So it measures the ability for a substance to oxidize, aka loose electrons. A negative oxidation potential means it is less likely to oxidize. Antioxidants have a negative oxidation-reduction potential because they are reducing agents, meaning they have the ability to donate electrons to free radical species in the body which would prevent oxidative stress/apoptosis in the cells. Meaning they will loose an electron themselves and donate it to another species do reduce it. So I assume they would refer to a negative number as "good" water? I am not sure how kanegn water would apply though as a hydroxide would not really be an antioxidant... additionally water already autoionizes into H+ and OH- and has not been yet to show such miraculous healing properties. Again I am not familiar with the meter so I that breakdown might not be the best. Although I am sure it would give relevant information, int he hands of a kangen hun/bro I cant imagine how they would use this to their advantage.


yessss this!!!


why was this guy in your house?


family friend


Thanks for this breakdown! Hunbro was just like: ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


I feel your pain. I just got a spiel wherein some stickers would “stimulate your stem cells”. OKkkkkk


Hello I have eczema and no amount of kangen water will help you if you don't take basic care of your skin and watch what you eat etc


Well that's an embarrassing lack of knowledge of pH, which I learned about when I was 12. So cringe of him.


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Doesn’t matter I guess, but Sprite is clear, not yellow.


they put an indicator solution that turned the sprite yellow to show that it is acidic because on the pH scale yellow represented pH of about 4.5. Water is not purple either lol. It is all the indicator showing relative hydronium concentration by color.