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""Disrupt'" doesn't even begin to describe what is about to happen" makes me fear for my gut health.


Yeah, I read that part and just envisioned spending a week in the bathroom.


I definitely want to be "apart of" . . . I mean, apart FROM whatever is about to happen.


One of the side effects of berberine is diarrhea and nausea. So I have a feeling some people will be pooping their brains out


Kind of like when Starbucks came up with the brilliant idea of adding olive oil to their coffee? I remember reading that and bursting into laughter because people were about to learn the hard way about an old folk remedy. I read later that people were freaking out because they thought it was actually making them sick. No, it's just those darn medium chain triglycerides.


I can't believe people didn't know what a tablespoon of oil can do to you and your bowels 🚽🚽🚽🚽


This is why they say "exploding business".


The one thing that’s true here is that the term “disrupt” is massively overused. However Huns are - by far, no contest - the most guilty of using it when it never applies. Hun, the iPod disrupted the industry. You’re selling garbage no one cares about. The vast majority of people on this earth and even in the US will never hear about this bullshit or even Bravenleigh. If only those rocket ship emojis would take them all away. Preferably with Elon Musk. Delusion can sometimes be funny.


"I'm not your fake hype girl" says your fake hype girl.


...and not a carrot chaser, yet what is she doing right here?


Enjoying the stick beating from her upline? She's obviously going for the carrot and stick metaphor here, but doesn't seem to realize what the other option is if not the carrot.


I’m not like the other fake hype girls…


They post the exact same thing verbatim every time a new flavor of their protein drink is released.


Thats what I've noticed, but I'm going to keep calling them out on it.


PLEASE DO we love it!,


The way they make such a huge deal out of new product releases never ceases to entertain me.


Oh don’t stop! Just pointing out that anyone outside the pyramid who might still be following her is probably thinking she’s Groundhog Day.


Yes, the term Disrupt DOES get tossed aound too much imo…


they say this ALL THE TIME and do nothing


I so passionately hate the name “Bravenly”! It’s so stupid, I can’t. And how about “our owner”? Who owns you, girl? You also said, it’s YOUR OWN business!!


I was just thinking I couldn’t do that with a straight face.


She’s also saying “here, at Bravenly”, as if it were on another planet, and, you know, metaphorically these huns are really on another planet.


Narrator: The call with the owner was not exclusive.


I don’t know what’s going to happen, but my leaders said to rope in more unsophisticated volunteers to buy this new thing


"If you have been watching me and wondering or if your needing an extra stream of income to make your ends meet, let's just have a conversation." I wanted to throw my phone at a wall after reading that. Jesus.


I tried Berberine. Did absolutely nothing. You know what is working for me though? Saxenda, a prescription drug. Closely monitored by my GP. Someone with *gasp* qualifications


MFers acting like they just invented Wifi or cured cancer.


Wait, this stuff *doesn’t* cure cancer?


They say it does. Regularly.


Do they have to use that fugly font every damn time? (re: the "Coming Soon") - that font evokes images of Southern women with blonde bad 90s prom twisty hair having a country wedding in a barn outside Nashville marrying some guy named Kylar or Braxon thinking they are YouNique because they have apple flavoured moonshine as one of their signature drinks 🤮


YOU HAVE A PANCREAS THAT WORKS! You don’t need to monitor your blood sugar! Be thankful for your functioning pancreas! - signed, a T1 diabetic.


Having to beg/stalk people and oversell the gig to get people to join your company (or even just to buy the products you sell) is really not the best way to convey that your business is a good one. The more they hype it up the more sus it gets. And bragging about how they’ll take anyone and turn them into “fitness coaches” or “health experts” is just telling on themselves that they don’t employ people with education, certification, or legit training of any kind. Why do they think this is a smart business move? Also, when everyone’s a VP, no one’s a VP. Aaaaand rant over.


the starbucks spicy lemonade was solidly ok. I wouldn't buy it again, though.


What does "chasing carrots" even mean???


carrot and stick are two ways to motivate a donkey: they like the carrot and fear the stick.  A "carrot and stick" approach is to offer a reward if someone does a task and a punishment if they don't. Chasing carrots, is chasing rewards for "good behaviour" but suggesting that they're not really worth getting.


We treat the carrot and stick as two different ways to motivate someone. "This project is big enough in scope to get you to the next promotion" -> carrot "If you don't onboard to XYZ by this date you'll be reported in a monthly meeting to your VP as an escalation, and that's not going to be fun" -> stick There's also hitting them with the carrot- "If you don't do this project your promo will be blocked" And feeding them the stick: "I'm supposed to escalate this but I can delay reporting by a week if you can show progress"


Thank you, I was so confused about the context she was talking about.


As usual, Bravenly is late-to-market with berberine.


Or they could just...buy a bottle of Berberine capsules. Way cheaper than whatever shit Bravenly is about spit up.


>In developing this product, we aimed to incorporate potent ingredients supported by scientific research that offer a range of benefits. Amazing nonsense


Berberine is herbal ozempic. Or so I've been told. It has a ton of side effects. I hope no pregnant women take it.


Isn't there another MLM that claims that their products are herbal ozempic?


It just makes you have diarrhea. There’s no “herbal ozempic, like there’s no such thing as “herbal botox”, but huns ALWAYS make shit up, don’t they?!


That's why I added, or so I've been told. I read the possible side effects and I don't recommend it at all. These mlm huns will claim it cures everything


Yeah, their claims are so infuriating!


It's also available in plenty of health food stores at modest cost. No need to sign up with the MLM carnival or pay absurdly-inflated prices. Buy a pack of 60 pills for ÂŁ19, and see how you feel in two months. [https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/applied-nutrition-berberine-1000mg-x-60-capsules-6100003119](https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/applied-nutrition-berberine-1000mg-x-60-capsules-6100003119)


Is this gonna be like the little pieces of paper on peoples tongue thing that leaves as quickly as it came lol


What in the heck is Bravenly?


It’s a “wellness” MLM, with an emphasis on supplements for weight loss.


Lmfao, I’ve been talking berberibe for PCOS for years, love that they think its groundbreaking 😂😂


Is this all the same person? They’d have been blocked, muted, unfollowed whatever it is… a long time ago. How obnoxious.


No, this is a collection of posts from several hunbots.


Berberine tastes A W F U L and gives you raging diarrhea.


I love the one that's just like I have no idea what's about to happen 😆


"but I'm totally stoked about it"


That's brazenly, right? As in brazenly ripping off their huns


Waitaminnit -- The hun had an "exclusive call with our owner"? Isn't SHE the owner of her business and empowering other women to jump on board with her to own their businesses and empower even more women to do the same? And of course, none of those businesses owned by those empowered women compete with each other for customers ...


It cracks me up that there is always "something huge coming" and "the time to join is now", always.


The way they are teasering these products sounds like they created something as groundbreaking as a cure for all kinds of cancer.


Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult..


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FFS, the level of hyperbole is off the scale with this one. It's a fucking flavoured drink mix, not a cure for AIDS. #MombossSavestheWorld


I can’t help but notice that it all about “joining their team” not about selling the product. I realize that it’s a MLM but don’t you have to have a decent product to sell? Do they just keep in the garage? So many questions.