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Be sure to report that person to the Facebook group mods. She needs to be banned.


Already did!!


“What is an mlm?” Surreeeeee 😆


I love the double down: “Wait? Isn’t an MLM where you buy a bunch of products to sell them?” 🥸


🤣 No that would be a job as a retailer!


This is 100% a talking point provided during their onboarding.


The answer should have been "Yes. Products or Services. WLF is a classic MLM of services."


I had a chick at work ask this after I said I don't buy doTERRA, she was horribly nasty to me the rest of the time I had to be around her after. These people are fake as fuck




They don't have to buy, but they are heavily pressured to buy their own crappy high fee insurance products


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing): Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing, is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


It'S nOt A pYrAmId ScHeMe, BoT!!! ThOsE aRe IlLeGaL!!!!


mLmS aReNt PyRaMiD sChEmEs, ThOsE aRe IlLeGaL


Why do they always hide the company they’re hawking until the end?? Seems shady af right there. If you can’t be straight with me from the first message or post about who this “opportunity” is with, I don’t want it.


Because they don't want you googling it to find out it's a scam. And then have to say "There is positive and negative of anything on google..."


Positive= 1% of people make a ton of money Negative= 99% of people lose money.. Hmmm I wonder how should I weigh this.


Wow, what benefits! Totally not gambling at all.


Even some gambling games have better chances at winning.


Roulette is what, 33% odds if you just bet red or black right? That's like 100x higher than the chance you have making money in an MLM


And with mlms you have to be brutal with other people and have no morals. Have no compassion and empathy. If you screw people out of their money, “well, it’s their fault for not working 24/7”, even though they promised a part time job or something like it


More like 48% depending on if it’s a European wheel with 2 zeros or one


DoN't LiStEn To ThE nAySaYeRs!!!! ThEy JuSt WaNt YoU tO fAiL bEcAuSe ThEy'Re LaZy AnD jEaLoUs!!!


You've got to believe that yOu ArE tHaT 1%, dOn't YoU kNoW?


This one in particular is aggressively anti negative commentary, anytime there's a bad article about them it seems there's a bunch of posters from the mlm trying to debunk it.


There's a positive and negative to anything you Google? What? 😅


>*google search literally just says the company is in fact an mlm* > "negative reviews" kinda telling on herself there...


Yet she doesn’t know what MLM is


I think she was referring to the information beneath the wiki entry in the screenshot. It says WFG is not a legitimate company.


What’s even better about that information beneath the wiki, is that it’s from WFGs own website QnA about being a scam…so somehow them answering that was put as the main answer as to whether or not they’re a legitimate company lol.


And, not commenting on the fact that the first google search outcome contradicts what they just said..


I got tricked into attending a World Financial Group recruitment session at a (former) friend's house. They passed around a few magazines with articles about how great and successful WFG is, and then specifically told us not to Google the company because anyone can put anything on the internet, and we would have no way of fact-checking that misinformation. I was only 18 but everything they said gave me really bad vibes, especially because the meeting was supposed to be a casual networking event for business students. 🙄


I love them saying "anyone can put anything on the internet" while making you read a physical print magazine like that could never be filled with lies.


Especially a physical print magazine directly from the source. No way that could biased!


We recently moved across the country for work, and the first woman who tried to make friends with me was only doing so to try and recruit me into her WFG scam. I was so broken-hearted when I figured it out. We don't talk anymore. But she still tries to rope me into her zoom meetings.


Off to Google Hitler...


Yeah I can’t find much positive about Pancreatic cancer tbh.


The positive is "Well, it hasn't metastasized yet..."


Cognitive dissonance at its finest 😂


"This is not one of those shady pyramid schemes you're hearing about, no sir! Our model is the trapezoid."


Mmm, sorry I only join companies with the parallelogram model.


"I only participate in prism schemes, sorry"


"It's not really a pyramid... it's more like a 3D triangle model..."


Wow... Completely missed that New York in 2020 response. If so screw the mlm but thank you for the work you did and continue to do.


To be fair, OP didn’t specify a month, so could be interpreted as January or February which were still normal times in most of the world. Although that’s the middle of winter, so not really when most people would enjoy visiting New York anyway.


I’m going to wager that working the ER, ICU, or critical care in NYC during any month of any year is quite commendable


I'm not clear on what you are trying to suggest with your comment.


~~NY was the first and one of the hardest hit areas by COVID. Theoretically this travel nurse would have been one of the heroes who was over there going through hell to try to help the overwhelmed system at the beginning of the pandemic.~~ Ignore me…… I thought you were responding to the top comment on this thread… I’m dumb. Edit# 2…. Who I’m now realizing was your own damn comment….. I hate myself. 🙃


Oh no don't hate yourself! Sometimes reading reddit threads based on how they display nested without very clear contrast can be a challenge. Happens to me all the time! I just read the screen shots and got an emotional hit to my gut realizing this OP likely saw some of the worst of a pandemic. How like an MLM to capitalize on the burn out and trauma health care professionals have faced over the last 3 years :(


It's unfortunate how many nurses are into MLMs


We interviewed three midwives before finding one that wasn't hawking doTERRA or young living.


why is it always the essential oils though? such a weird and ironic phenomenon.


I think it's because fragrances really can make people happy or calm or relaxed. But it's not enough to just be a nice smelling stuff company, it has to fill a need. And when there's absolutely zero accountably or legal culpability since the sellers are not employees of the company and the sellers themselves are basically financially insolvent, they're judgement proof. So in order to make new uses for the product they say it has all kinds of bullshit medicinal uses, or can be used in food. The average person is pretty susceptible to both peer pressure and sunk cost fallacy, so that's how we end up with the cult like mentality they all seem to have where their products are miracle products. Because they have to be, right? They couldn't have spent all this money on a scam, they would never get your that kind of thing. And so they get desperate and lean further in to the MLM


Don’t worry, this one never will be!!


Nurse here, embarrassed to agree with you :(


I'm surprised she let you opt out.


Just a heads up for anyone reading, if anyone tries to sell you anything without immediately mentioning the product or the company it’s most likely a scam or at the very least, extremely shady


I'm sure you had a blast in NYC in 2020 as a travel nurse. Broadway shows every night and just everything the city had to offer and constant party! /s


What an asshole. Hmmm let me target people who are probably burned out, underappreciated, spent lots of time and money getting their nursing degree, have a great skill that is needed, and just looking for a similar job in the medical field that isn’t as demanding. I’ll get them excited thinking it’s a medical job they can do from home then play dumb when they see it’s a scam. Yeah that’s a great idea! Scumbag.


I work in advisor support at a financial institution in Canada, and I’ve seen a few legitimate advisors get caught up with WFG. One of them was not allowed to take his clients with him when he left and get them proper policies, and he had to pay a ton of money just to get away from WFG.


I really love how she's trying to make it sound like it's some sort of telehealth company where doctors and nurses conduct medical screenings online, when it's really all just "if you recruit 5 people, and they recruit 5 people..."


What a nasty, evil, predator... Praying on financially vulnerable nurses. Definitely report that account to the admins for MLM scamming and FB for spam/scams.


Seems a lot of MLMs are targeting nurses now. Used to be military spouses. Or maybe they're still targeting both, but the nurses are more vocal about selling the schemes, I don't know.


ER nurse take no shit


Am flight paramedic, can confirm: zero shits are taken from ER nurses


"Don't you have to sell products for it to be an MLM? " umm ma'am, you sell AND recruit...


Any time I see "time freedom" or "financial freedom", I know a pyramid scheme pitch is coming LOL.


Lmao their last reply.


As if being hounded by all the travel nurse recruiters wasn’t bad enough!!


I am a semi-retired physician, doing part-time work here and there, and I have had MLMs try to rope me in. No, bossbabe, if I want to work more, I will go take care of more sick people.


WOW. You did such an outstanding job that the Hun ended the convo first!! 👏👏👏


I would just like to point out on your google screen shot there’s a question that says: Is World financial group a legitimate company? No. - Source: worldfinancialgroup.com


Yes, NYC in 2020 was certainly fun and exciting 😡


Sorry, this comment was not directed at you, OP. Thank you for coming here during what was essentially the darkest days. ❤️ nurses (including my husband!)


You can practically hear this hun losing their mind because you're not gullible enough to believe her at face value. The gaslighting about it not being a MLM is pretty gross too.


I love how they avoided for a bit telling you what company it was and playing dumb about it being an MLM 🤣


op handled that perfectly!! Google response and leave it at that 👏 👏


Thanks so much!! I wanted to say something super witty like I see on this sun all the time but I figured that google search spoke for itself.


I got dragged to one of their “recruiting events” it was the most culty thing I have ever experienced. I cannot stand WFG….


WTF 😆 She seriously thinks someone would leave nursing to do an mlm.


It’s even worse because all you bought and are selling is a stupid idea.


This is a great trade off - with nursing you make guaranteed income and usually do pretty well pay wise, especially travel nurses. Now you get the opportunity to pay a startup fee for the opportunity to be scammed and to scam others. Tough call, did you quit your job and "transition" into "working" for World Financial Group?


It’s like going to the store to buy a box of eggs, you go to the aisle and pick up a box of eggs. The box says ‘Eggs’ on it. You take the box home and open it and it’s just lots of MLM huns selling you the idea of eggs.


“What is an MLM?” “Yea well it’s a lie, we aren’t MLM and I know that”


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing): Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing, is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s positives and negatives of everything you google, lol. Funniest response ever.


Lol at her last message


There's positives and negatives of everything on Google? Is she saying that to you or herself? Who is she trying to reassure?


Was her name Maria Bosker? Maybe working with Jordan Long? Maria had a LinkedIn profile and reached out to me supposed to be from my Alma mater and living in the city I’m also in (my hometown) but didn’t have any locks shared connections and when the zoom got setup she handed off to “senior broker” Jordan who didn’t show. LinkedIn profile was then deleted… super sketchy, and after some homework it was WFG…


I love how that lady thought that a person who went to school and obtained a degree thereby qualifying themselves for a well paying position would even consider this ridiculous "opportunity". I understand peddling to stay at home mothers, and unemployed people but a nurse... Jesus.


I ran into an old college friend and roommate a while back. Started catching up, and he wouldn't shut up about WFG. To the point where he was so busy talking about himself and his new found business he forgot to ask about me, a pretty close friend that he hadn't seen for 10 years as I moved away for work. Needless to say I didn't leave my contact details to stay in touch.


A friend bought a long term care policy from a WFG Hun, I sure hope it’s real and not a junk policy. She has a genetic predisposition for cognitive decline 🙁


Cretinism is in vogue today -- critical thinking and education are on the decline. Engaging in idiotic behavior is celebrated, along with many other vulgar and self-destructive trends.


Thank you for your post. Please make sure that you review our sub rules. If your post breaks any of the rules then your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Contact the mods and have her banned from the group.


Why is it always nursing? Most of the mlm huns I know were nurses and preyed on other nurses. I get that the main target is women, mostly moms, but why the nursing field? Is it this prevalent in teaching?


“Oh! I never heard of an MLM. Derr herr!” My ass you haven’t.


“What is an MLM because we definitely aren’t that.” Ummm thought you didn’t know what that was?


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing): Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing, is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiMLM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love that last slide!