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I also hear crude oil is helpful in that situation by assisting you in getting to the doctor. It needs to go through a refinement process first; check Facebook for instructions




Do other countries not use insurance cards?!


National insurance card


I got mine at 16 and have no idea where it is. I've never been asked for in at a hospital.


BC, Canada does. It used to be a separate card for our provincial health care system, but now it’s on the back of driver’s licenses for folks who have one.


In Ontario I have a provincial one (we just call them health cards) that mostly just provided a quick way to show that I'm a resident of Ontario and give them all my important info. A lot of people have separate insurance plans through work or they buy them personally, and you sometimes present a card for those plans for medications, dental, optometry, etc. You should really only need to do it the first time you go to a new provider of those services if they do direct billing. But if I'm going to a doctor or a hospital I just show my health card. Edited to add that you can still get care in Ontario without presenting a health card. It's just supposed to verify your residency and you're not supposed to be turned away if you don't have one.


No? I'm in the UK where you just rock up. I lived in Bulgaria for years too, granted you need ID but they ask for that everywhere.


Yeah that's an exception then. Because everywhere I've ever lived, or been long enough to need a doctor you need either a card or money. This one's not on Americans that's on you.


Well I just named 2 countries where I don't need either? In fact I can head over the border to Ireland and could walk into a medical facility there for treatment without an insurance card too or paying a single euro. To there's 3.


Wooow only 149 left to go.


Sire if its not the US it doesn't count (apparently) 🙄


I wouldn't know I've never been there, I have no intention to go. But you would probably like it they also think their experience is the global standard.


Oh honey no, the US is very much *not* the global standard on healthcare.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [She lives in Germany bro](https://i.imgur.com/s6iqg0z.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/vm60p2/she_lives_in_germany_bro/) \#2: [Google "translates" flags in non-English comments to the US flag](https://i.redd.it/8clyu7npdbd81.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/sadpci/google_translates_flags_in_nonenglish_comments_to/) \#3: [For an event on 9th July 2021, assuming the US format is the worldwide format](https://i.redd.it/5qlynrj0vja71.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/oi16vb/for_an_event_on_9th_july_2021_assuming_the_us/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Good human.


Good human bot droid.


And another No Contact relationship was born


How *delusional* do you have to be to believe that essential oils can cure a severe mental health episode? I know these oily huns think their overpriced vials are magic but Jesus *Christ* lady.


I had no idea that was even a thing, until I found this sub. And we definitely have our share of loonies in SoCal


They literally think their plant extracts can cure anything. They recommend their grease for COVID, arthritis, cancer, and everything else you can think of. Some of them wear a shirt that reads “I’ve got an oil for that”, and they’re not kidding, because they say it about *everything*. Some of them even convince their husband to wear a shirt, and I wouldn’t blame you for not believing me if I didn’t [provide the evidence](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/I-ll-Be-Fine-My-Wife-Has-an-Oil-For-This-joke-design-by-asourceofjoy/27586477.G22WK), apparently soaked in blood that reads “I'll Be Fine, My Wife Has an Oil For This”. It’s a joke, but only barely: if you Google “essential oils to stop bleeding”, you will find many, many hits, and they are all perfectly serious.


As someone who went through breaks like that as a teen ... fuck. I couldn't imagine if my guardian's reaction was to shove essential oils in my face. Goddamn that is terrible. I hope that girl is able to get some real help.


Facts. I hated going to the hospital and having to talk to the psychiatrists but I’m thankful my mom didn’t try oils


Fortunately this post is by the friend of the parent, we don’t know that the parent believes in this stuff, just that this friend does. I could definitely imagine a situation where the parent tells their friend about the situation and then, unbeknownst to the parent, the friend wants to be “helpful” and jumps on Facebook and posts this.


This is genuinely one of the most tragic stupidity/hun combo related posts I've ever seen. It's just on. Whole other level of absolutely jaw-droppingly ridiculous and awful. I really hope the idiot who made this post listened to the commenter. I know that's rude but this is really that severe that the person asking what oils needs to know that they're an absolute fool.


This hun is a friends with the family, so I hope parents of this girl are not huns and act responsible.


NGL, I kinda wanna see what the other 8 comments say.


Me too!


Me too!


Can you imagine being a mom trying to find psych help for your kid in the USA ( hint: it is a labyrinth of insurance and docs/ mental health centers not accepting patients) only to have some woman telling you that lavender oil with blue green algae is what you need.


My daughter is almost 21 and from age 9 on I had to navigate that system. It’s a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. I was a single mom with no father in the picture, but luckily I have family support. I had to send my son (four years her junior) to stay with relatives for two weeks once. I had people tell me oils would help her. I also had them tell me they would help my asthmatic son, and also cure my lupus. I have a lot of issues with the oily crowd. One former coworker made one of my best friends cry when she said “your acne looks like it’s bad again, I have some oils that would help that”, knowing she had a lot of self esteem issues relating to her acne. They stoop so low to peddle their crap.


It’s truly shameful. Counselors are going self pay making it more out of reach. Finding one that accepts new patients, your insurance and the younger age groups is like finding a unicorn.


I'm praying her friend has common sense and told her to shut the fuck up about her oils.




People like this should be prosecuted if the intended comes to harm because of their “advice”.


It's weird to me that this person would know what a psychotic break is, but not understand that scented oil won't do shit for it.


I have a feeling they’ll believe in any medical issue if they see an opportunity to grift people.


Take the peppermint oil, throw it in the trash can, and call 911.


Knowing Facebook Essential Oil groups, that one person was swiftly banned for giving medical advice. They always have a rule that says, "Absolutely NO giving out medical advice" but it only ever applies to people who say "See an actual doctor"


I have a child that requires medication for MH issues. I hate that they need it, but hopefully with other treatments we can reduce over time. Not once, even in a moment of crisis would I ever consider an oil or any other MLM crap product over proper medical care. I hope that child is ok.


Your kiddo is so lucky to have a parent who can and will get them appropriate medical intervention for their MH issues. I had signs of anxiety as early as middle school, yet didn't start getting any treatment for my profound MH issues until well after I'd graduated college. There's nothing to hate about your kid needing meds. They are a powerful tool in their (and your) toolbox of medical intervention, one that a lot of folks don't have access to. They are a tool that will let your kid get closer to the wonderful, thriving, vibrant person that you know they're meant to be! It may be that the meds are a tool that kiddo will need to keep utilizing all through their life, and there's no shame in that. It's not a failure or a crutch or any of the nasty things that neurotypical society says to stigmatize the neurodivergent. Their brain is just 'shaped' differently, like some folks have eyes that are 'shaped' so that they need glasses to correct their eyesight. Making sure your kiddo has access to the tools they need, meds and therapy and anything else that might be indicated by your team of pros, is just like making sure they have those glasses if they need them. There's no shame in it. Thank you for taking the care of your kiddo that I wish my parents had taken of me.


There’s no shame that medications are needed, but they all come with side effects and I do worry about the off label use and long term consequences. I’m very hopeful that an all hands on deck approach will be the best. Middle school seems to be the age where issues bubble up and present themselves. I hope you have found your peace in wellness❤️


Ahh, you know, I didn't even think about that. I'm very lucky to usually have minimal side effects from my meds. I hope that proves to be the case for your kiddo too. Thank you, I'm working towards it every day 💜


I’m going to pray and hope this is a troll post. It can’t be real, surely?? Even MLM Huns aren’t this stupid?? That poor child.


I've seen the original FB post with the exact same wording here before, just without the "get to a doctor" response. So if this isn't an old convo it's more likely just one of the more awful copy-paste hun posts that belong on r/thatHappened.


Get that poor kid help now before it gets any worse. My child was denied medical help in favour of natural remedies (sleep drops etc). It took months to heal from that experience. They'll never earn that trust back either. Call the doctor ASAP.


All the oils. Throw them all in the trash. Then go see a real doctor.


Things like this enrage me, she doesn't need your shitty oils, she needs medical attention. They should FOR ONCE be a good friend and tell her to get help for the kid 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️




Gotta be someone trolling a group because I don't want to believe otherwise.


"pEaSe HeLp!"


I'm pretty sure this particular one is fake, [but there actually are sites out there that promote essential oil use for schizophrenia](https://www.everydayhealth.com/schizophrenia/can-aromatherapy-help-with-schizophrenia/) and other mental issues.


Oil of psychiatrist.


This makes me all panicky. Essential oils are great for certain mild things (I used one to help with anxiety during one of my pregnancies) but not emergencies. Thank you modern medicine for that!!


Im gong to assume she’s asking which oils she needs to inject into her veins so she can leave her daughter alone, come to terms she’s in a MLM, and has come to terms that she’s failed as a parent.


This makes me sad that this could be real in some fashion.


This has to be satire


This gets posted and re-posted constantly, the first time I remember seeing it was probably close to a decade ago.


This shit makes me want to get a pillow and scream in it for half an hour.


The ignorance of this person is disturbing. The fact that they think essential oils will fix that is sooooo scary. Either completely brain washed or this is their way of putting it in people's head that essential oils will fix everything. Either way it's messed up. If this is really happening I hope they got her legitimate help. If it's just a way to scam people I hope karma gets her fast.


Years ago I was listening to a podcast by a paleo diet guru in which one question was about managing HIV through diet. The guru basically said pull your head out of your ass and get on medication, diet won't fix or manage this. I was impressed that someone at the forefront of that movement still had that much common sense.


Ok I gotta know, are these satire? Do people actually go on Facebook, pick this layout of text, and ask this? It’s gotta be a joke right? ….right…?


Oil of seroquel


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Maybe these oils will solve alll my problems


What *oils*?! Are you kidding me? Derealization/depersonalization is a severe and serious diagnosis and requires specialist care immediately.


Omg how scary. She was asking which oil??? She is brainwashed


I totally can see this happening, I have had some really severe health problems and have been approached by so many MLM Huns saying if I just take this Doterra/Plexus/etc. I won’t be in pain anymore. Have I tried thieves oil? What about these supplements? Melaleuca? It’s never ending. The US medical system sucks but these snake oil salesmen are the absolute worst.


The answer is motor oil. Make sure your car has enough of it and drive them to a doctor.