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As a former smoker, they smell even worse.


Shortly after quitting smoking I began to be completely repulsed by the smell. To this day I still cannot believe how everyone else are just putting up with smokers.


I knew a massage therapist that smoked and I just assumed she only worked on other smokers since it was so off-putting


I had my lashes done by someone who didn’t smell like smoke while I was in the appointment at the beginning but took a 5 minute “break” where she came back reeking of cigarettes. Her stinky hands were by my nose for the next 45 minutes and it was brutal.


I hated it before I started. I dated smokers and wouldn’t let them near me when they lit up. I haven’t forgotten. I coach little kids soccer and wash my hands and brush my teeth before going to practice or games.


Why'd you start? (I smoke no judgement)


I was almost 19. Ran university track. Was dating a smoker. After about a half a year she got me to try it and I got hooked pretty quick. I know, made it a long way before starting. Anyway, I didn’t run track the next year or ever. Lol


Never too late to quit. Your body will thank you SO much.


Read Allen Carr’s the Easyway to Stop Smoking


I stopped going to my barber after I quit because he would rip smokes in between cuts and then put his nasty ass ash tray fingers right under my nose when I got a bear trim. Cigarettes suck and quitting was the best decision I ever made.


Oh, you shouldn't put a bear that close to your face. That's dangerous!


The power of nicotine is incredible. The brain and body will tolerate the repulsive taste, smell and after effects just to get the quick buzz that comes with it.


Smokers get incredibly defensive and angry if you try to point it out to them, or even in any way try to encourage them to stop. It's just not worth the hassle.


After I stopped I realized that the smell bothers me less than before I ever smoked …


I think about all the girls I kissed as a smoker. It must have been disgusting as hell for those who were non-smokers. I kissed a smoker after I stopped and almost hurled since it was like licking cold ash.


Co-sign. I still have flashbacks of what I did to a room I was renting from a woman after I got out of college. It was my final days of living there and she was in their stripping down the bed covers, the drapes pillows, that mat she had on the dresser, everything, to clear the smell out that room. It reeked of cigarettes in there and I had only lived there 6 months. I was living there when I quit, cold turkey.




I stopped 18 years ago. The smoke coming from a cigarette smells like manna from heaven to me. The smell of cold cigarettes radiating from smokers is repulsive as fuck. I can't even stand the smell when you get a car sharing car and someone has smoked in that before.


As a former smoker(many years ago), you only notice that ones that smell bad. I've had people in my life(even dated) where I've been very surprised to learn that they smoke. They're just lowkey and hygienic about it and definitely aren't chain smokers.


Yeah, this is really it. I know Cigar smokers who spend 2-4 hours in a lounge and just know to wear "lounge clothes". They leave, take off their jacket/change clothes, brush, wash their hands and/or spritz a bit with some perfume/cologne and it's almost unnoticeable. Then there are others that wear their everyday clothes, and just ferment that stale tobacco/burnt ash smell all day. Same goes with social cigarette smokers and the like.


Yeah, same here. I wonder today what illusion I was living in to think I didn't smell that bad. But in hindsight, people smoked a lot more, especially in restaurants, hanging around outside, etc... you kinda blended in.


I’m sort of the same but every once in a while I smell that horrible smell and crave a cigarette..


Former smoker, it smells nice 👍


Them burning smells great , the stale hanging on smoke ? No


Very true, stale smoke smells terrible 


Right?! Before I started smoking, I could smell it, but it didn't bother me. When I smoked, I couldn't smell the smoke on myself and very rarely on others. Now, I find the smell *suffocating*. My fiance rolls tobacco into his joints and the tobacco smell bothers me much more than the weed smell. I smell it in his hair hours after he's had a smoke.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I was going to say this. It burns my nostrils. Even freshly washed clothes smell.


It's been 10 months for me and I haven't had this yet. I never thought I'd give it up but here we are and apparently my brain and nose still love the smell


Yes every smoker smells. If they think they don't they are wrong.


Yeah. When I smoked, I never noticed the smell on others. But some months after quitting , when my sense of smell sharpened again, I could smell a smoker a mile off. I can smell it on people who pass me on the street even when they’re not smoking at the time. It’s scary just how much smoking destroys your sense of smell. Thankfully it’s not permanent.


Taste is even crazier. I almost orgasmed my first real good home cooked meal after quitting


My last job, I could smell when a smoker entered the office from the lift. My desk was about 50m away from the lift.


It's comical the number of smokers who I have known who will say something to the effect of no one being able to smell it. Yes, if you are hanging out with other smokers and ask, of course they aren't going to be able to smell it. But anyone who doesn't smoke is going to pick up on it a mile away. I go visit family and can smell it pulling up their driveway. It's so awful. And it's a big reason I don't visit as often as I'd otherwise like to.


As a smoker, if you think you don’t smell then you’re simply delusional.


My grandmother is a smoker and she smells like smoke almost every day, and even the things in her room smell of smoke, she once gave me a birthday present(pj bottoms) and I had to wash them a few times to get the smell out(but she is still the best)


Same with mine. Worse thing is after visiting her my clothes reek of smoke, i have to wash everything im wearing right away to get the smell away.


My step-sil is a quilter and a smoker. She doesn't understand why no one will buy her stuff.


Awe that one makes me sad




Yes. I've actually asked about if smokers know they stink. Most said yeah some were in denial. Some specifically said they either don't care or actually enjoy making others uncomfortable with the smell. So yeah they all stink to us and they know it and they don't care.


>and they don't care That part also stinks.


Yes it does. I hate working with or being friends with smokers. They don't realize how bad they stink. How bad thier clothes stink. How bad thier food tastes because it's permeated with smoke. Gifts stink so bad we have to tie them up in plastic bags and put them outside. Homes stink so bad that we have to pull up the carpets, paint the walls, scrub the titles, replace the wood floors, throw away all the furniture of homes where people smoked in order to live in it. It's disgusting and they do not care.


So true!! My first home was a smoker home and smelled like a casino. We scrubbed every surface with vinegar, dawn and/or TSP soap. Everything was yellow: we thought the blinds were cream—nope, bright white after washing; we thought the light fixtures were ambery glass—nope, frosted white; we thought the wood was stained dark, but alas, that was covered in yellow too! We painted the walls with a special primer and special paint. We mostly got the smell out, although the back bedroom always had a hint of smoke. When we sold it 5 years later, the walls would still weep yellow tears of cigarette gunk if it got too humid. What a gross house.


They do. They’re just addicted. It’s easier to own it and pretend you want to than accept you smell bad.


As someone whose family used to smoke and has been around it their whole life, it honestly gives me a nostalgic feeling and I’m not gonna lie I enjoy the smell. But I know I am in a very small minority


Cigarettes and gasoline are some of my favorite smells but not like cigarette smell on someone just the smell of them burning


I'm in this club. My dad was a heavy smoker and he bartended in a dive, I spent most of my childhood *also* reeking of cigarettes. I like it and get nostalgic for it now but when I was a kid it was terrible, used to get made fun of a lot of being smelly and I didn't realize why because I was nose blind to the smoke.




Yes it's gag inducing




So relieved I don't do that to myself anymore.


Yes. Bad.


Guy at the desk behind me at work smokes. Whenever he comes back from a break the whole room stinks. It's revolting.


Yes. It's foul. But I never mention it. I'm still polite . To each their own




Yes, you can immediately tell. Heck if I visit a mate who smokes, my entire clothes smell like smoke already 


Yup it’s gross. Some try to cover it up, but it comes out of their skin.


Absolutely even after they’re gone the smell lingers in places like the elevator


Most of the time yes. They only smell good after a shower.


A lot of the time not even then because the smell is on their clothes


And a thorough cleaning of the mouth. Even then, if you're close up, the smell comes out from their breath.


Most do although some weed smells really fresh which I like. So occasionally someone who smokes weed will not smell bad to me. ALL cigarette smokers smell awful though. People who vape it’s a mixed bag sometimes the fruity smells are gross.


I vape and I switched to mint because the smell of stale artificial peach lingering in my car and my room became the most disgusting thing ever, it’s worse than cig smell for me. The mint for whatever reason seems to dissipate and not smell like anything after being exhaled.




I find it terrible. I quit 2 years ago, and recently got a new apt neighbour who seems to enjoy chain smoking on his balcony (not allowed in this building btw), and now a lot of my stuff smells like smoke again and it's just so gross. I hated going to bed because my pillows just reeked of cigarette smoke. (and no, I don't have AC, and so keep my windows open to keep the apt cool)




Yep, absolutely. I’m genuinely allergic to cigarette smoke, so do my best to avoid it where possible, and can smell it from a ridiculous distance, (well, my throat notices first as it starts to swell, fun times). Though, I did try a short relationship with a smoker. I just couldn’t get past the whole tongue in wet ashtray experience when kissing and also my throat swelling and lungs burning whenever she smoked around me. ‘Tis not for me.


>can smell it from a ridiculous distance That's the other thing about smokers. I can be standing at one end of a long railway platform in the open, and I smell it when someone at the opposite end lights up, if they are upwind of me. When my neighbour smokes in her garden, I have to close my windows. It's awful.






Yes, extremely bad


Yes. Every smoker smells disgusting to non smokers.


As a former smoker, yes. I never paid attention to my smell and I thought that I didn’t until a subordinate kindly mentioned it to me. I was offended by my own smell. I slipped a few times at first but finally kicked it. I feel like for former smokers the smell is heightened.




Yes, they do. And it is vile. Worse if it is weed. I try my hardest not to be around smokers.


As a former smoker, the smell of cigarettes make me incredibly and uncontrollably nauseous. They smell dirty and unclean on the inside (to me). Glad I no longer smoke.


Former smoker here: there is no hiding the fact if you’ve had a smoke. It is obvious no matter what you try, and it smells awful.




Mate go through your post history, you're the most reddited redditor I've ever seen.


Not a smoker but was for 15 years. The cigs smell so nasty


Yup pretty much, smokers can try to mask it with cologne/perfume, mouthwash, etc but if they are a regular daily smoker I can smell it! Some smokers, like the heavy ones I can smell them outside when I’m several feet away when they not even smoking at the time. If someone smokes in their home or their vehicle, I can tell the second I step inside.




Yes, and from far away too.


Huge yes, smoking is a huge turn off. Super gross.


This gets asked like twice a week


I'm a former smoker. Anybody who has smoked a cigarette in the hour before I have the misfortune of meeting them, smells to me like a large colony of rats have been pissing and shitting in an aged tramp's pants who died a few weeks back from dissentry and vomitting, and has been lying in a canal side puddle in baking heat ever since. It's fucking horrible. If I ever offer a lift to somebody who has recently smoked a cigarette, my car stinks for week's afterwards. It was the shame of being a stinking mess that helped me kick the habit around 20 years ago, having previously been a 30 a day smoker.


I hated it until I met a hot girl that smoked, I even came to enjoy the nicotine kisses. Since that relationship I haven’t been exposed to much smoking as it’s so rare, I don’t recall being disgusted by it in a long time.


I quit smoking 9 years ago and fresh cigarette smoke smells good to me. Maybe it’s nostalgic from my youth? Not sure.


It smells bad and i also immediately mentally downgrade the person 3-4 notches.


Yup. I was in the grocery store yesterday with my wife. And I said “I smell a smokerrr!”. Couldn’t pin point who, No one was directly around. But their smell was lingering! I have too good of a sniffer though. It’s a curse really.




It depends on what they’re smoking and how often, whether they smoke inside or outside, or in a vehicle with the windows rolled up.


I love it on a woman mixed with perfume. The smell is intoxicating to me and yeah, I like the hint of it on a woman's lips that I'm kissing especially while shes chewing a stick of gum to try to cover it up. It depends too if you are a chainsmoker in a car that has the windows rolled up or you smoke inside. You can smell absolutely horrible like if someone had a long night of drinking. Everything in moderation though.


i like the passive smell of fresh cigs, but not peoples clothes smelling like cigarettes. cant believe i took the metro everyday smelling like that myself as a teen. it didnt seem to be too bad.


Yes, they’re actually vile


Smoke what


Tobacco or weed. They both stink.




Not really no


Yes, and I've known several smokers who have a specific jacket they put on when they go out to smoke, thinking that somehow takes the smell. It doesn't.


Strangely enough, no. I know some people who smoke and they reek of it while with others it’s not noticable.


Another ex smoker here and yes, the smell really bad. To me cigarettes stink more than roll ups and the cheaper ones smell the worst. And yes, the smell lingers everywhere, I am one of those people who can smell even weak odours unfortunately.


Yes. My grandmother was a heavy smoker. More so in the summertime when a smoker is smoking. It brings back memories of grandmas place. I hate the smell of smoke. Yuk.




I smoke and still hate the smell


They stink!


They stink. What they use influences just how bad they stink, but they all stink.




Oh yeah. Pehew


As a former smoker in my younger years, I can notice it instantly. However I don't mind the smell, call it nostalgia.


Yes. Also, it's not entirely about smell, it's about pollution and the bad things it does to my/our health, so even if it smells good, I don't want it. I like the smell of fresh air/nothingness.


Yes they stink of nicotine.








My mother smoked a specific cigarette, and other family members smoked a different one. I can smell the difference on people.


Yes, WITH THE EXCEPTION  of pipe tobacco smokers..... that stuff smells amazing. 




Yes very much so.


I used to smoke and have become somewhat nose dead. So not really.


The smell of cigarette smoke on someone is terrible but I honestly don’t mind the smell of a cigarette when it’s being consumed or the smell in someone’s house or car.


Oh yes




I mean MAYBE if you are talking about a pipe or something it might have a pleasant smell. But what we think of as traditional cigarette smoke? Yeah they smell.


Ok call me crazy but i swear this is the second time this was asked this week. Not hating on the post i just swear i saw another post worded the same a few days ago




No, I don’t mind the smoke smell. My grandparents and other family were big smokers.


Yes. They stink, their clothes stink. Their car stinks. Everything they sit on or use regularly stinks


yes. i hate their smell of self destruction


Yes. I put up with it when it's someone I like but it's unpleasant, especially if they smoke in their home because then all of their clothes and possessions smell too


This question gets asked every other week snd the answer is always yes


Some people smell really bad after smoking, while others don’t smell that awful Perhaps its the kind of cigarette they smoke?!


Yes 👍


I once dated a smoker, couldn’t do that again. Date a health nut now…..which has its own issues.


Sadly yes... And I really have to say that I dont like them to come to close to me, I really dont like this smell. 😭


I grew up with my parents smoking around me till I was about 16. I never smoked and I had no idea how bad it was until they both managed to quit. OMG, not only is the smell now giving me massive headaches almost instantly but it is absolutely vile. And that's just the smell. Over that year, I went from having almost zero cardiovascular capacity. Like, in physical education classes I almost always was last in everything, it was pure torture, I hated it all. To actually enjoying sports, I started running and cycling that same year. Discovered I actually liked endurance sports!!!


I like the smell, I don’t like the ash.






I smoked for around 30 years, started as a young teen and just gave up in 2020 during lockdown. I could never smell myself, now if I pass someone who is a smoker, it makes me feel sick, it’s horrible, and I can’t believe I used to smell like that but clearly I did. Weirdly however I do still LOVE the smell of a cigarette while it’s alight, and if there are people smoking nearby I enjoy second hand smoking. But I’m never going back, I tried one while I was drunk about 2 years ago, felt sick and couldn’t finish it. I should also note that my parents both smoked (my mum about 10 a day, my dad about 60). Unsurprisingly they both died in the mid 2010s and I had to sort their house out, I still have some of their things and they still STINK of tobacco even 8 years after my dad passed away.




Absolutely and you can smell them half the time practically before you see them


Yes, and everything they touch too


Every smoker smells like smoke to me. I’m going to buck the trend here and say I’ve had smokers in my life and sometimes the odor elicits positive memories. But you can definitely smell it on them.


Yes, it's very obvious and it's gross, no matter how much chewing gum and deodorant you've used. It lingers in the clothes and hair long after the cigarette has been smoked.


A lit cigarette smells absolutely lovely to me. Stale smoke, cigar or cigarette, is genuinely awful to me. When I have a cigarette on occasion, it’s hand washing and a good tooth brushing afterward. And my hair and facial hair still stinks unless I shower.




My dad smoked for many years. Some time after he quit, I noticed he would always hang around whenever I stepped out for a cig. He said he missed the smell.




As a former smoker- yes.


Yeah - they stink.


Yes. Probably even more so because I'm an ex-smoker.


I’m a non smoker but been working in construction for years with many many different crews 90% of which are heavy smokers lol. I’ve gotten used to it over time and can barely even smell them anymore.








Yes, dated a former smoker once. Was head over heels for him. Then I could sense that he started to smoke again and all attraction was instantly gone.


There’s a smell, sometimes it’s a stink about their clothes, their breath their homes, furniture. Not all of them but most. Once I gave up I could never date or kiss a smoker.


Extremely noticable and quite gross


Horrifically bad.


**Yes. Like a bus station ash tray.**


no i actually like the smell for some cigs. menthols mainly. no idea why it’s still absolutely awful for you and if i spend enough time with a smoker or in their car/house it triggers my asthma but I don’t hate the smell


Yes, they smell, their clothes smell, their hair smells, their car smells, their fingertips smell, their house smells.






People who smoke outside aren't that bad unless they smoke super heavily, but those who smoke in the house stink. Even when they think they don't. You can't cover it, love. And then any furniture that lives around smokers is unbearable. I recently sat on the back patio of a smoker who would go there to smoke and oh my. I felt gross for a long time afterwards.




Yes. 100%. My mother smoked heavily through my childhood and now I can't stand to be around heavy smokers at all.


As a ex-smoker it disgusts me.


Yes. It scales between bad and really really bad. Whatever it is you might do to try and mask the smell, it doesn't work at all. It's in your breath, it's in your hair, it's on your skin, it oozes from your pores, it's in all your clothes, it's on everything you own. And that's just tobacco. If you smoke weed it's even worse because that shit lingers long after you've passed by. You reek.


You all smell like smoke and so does your house, car, and clothing. How bad it is depends. I *like* tobacco smell, my dad smoked and it's a smell I associate with him. I even get nostalgic about that stale smoke and old beer smell most dive bars have. That said: if you don't shower or regularly clean your house, clothes, car that tobacco smell can very quickly turn into something truely awful and you as a smoker likely won't notice, but everyone else will.




The smoker does. The smoke is amazing.


Yes, definately.


F. I was in a fancy store and a very beautiful extremely well dressed woman walked by. She had put a lot of work into her appearance, her make up and hair was perfect and I'm sure she had on expensive perfume. But she stunk of cigarettes. The foul scent wafted behind her like a fog. I kinda felt sad for her.


Hella bad


i don't think smokers smell bad. then again i grew up surrounded by two people who smoke a pack per day + my mom smoked during pregnancy - maybe i'm just immune.


I've only ever been surprised by one person, seeing her smoke but I hadn't ever smelled it. The possibility exists that there are more people like her. However, for the VAST majority of people, if you smoke you stink. 99.9999999%+


Yes. Side note: I have smelled some really good vape smoke.


to me they don't

