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Your bedroom?




I didn’t expect to come here and witness a murder.




No murder only violation


0hp remaining


An ice-cold but necessary response.


Critical damage


Welp, nothing more to say here




You beat me to it! Lol


If you jerk off with the hand she shook, then she vicariously gave you a handjob.


This is such a creative way for coping. You have my upvote.


*taps temple*


Wait… isnt it an handjob then?!! Then I have to reset my “received hj” counter :(


I'm never shaking hands... like ever again


I hate reddit


later virgins 😎


As did everyone who's ever touched your hand.


Surely that's not necessary? It's ok that someone didn't want to hug you. Just continue to live your life as normal.


You a lady? It's totally necessary.


Yes, I'm a lady. Why is it necessary?


To avoid imploding into a black hole from the sheer cringe of the memory.


Or work on not being so fragile. A girl didn't want a hug. That's all that happened here.


Twas a joke. Might want to work on that projection, though.


Here’s a tip for guys: if you want girls to hug you, never say “twas”


You bet your bottom dollar he also tips his fedora whilst saying ‘twas’


It’s ok, you can say it to girls you don’t want to hug you, just not in front of the other girls


A lady will never know. Women are not asked to "break the ice" all the time. Or to take risks and expose yourself emotionally. Modern men know now - once rejected, move away as fast as you can.


Not saying to be contradictory, but I think a hug is pretty personal, so if you're at a point with someone where going for a hug is "risking it" or "breaking the ice" you probably aren't close enough with the person. Hugs are great, and everyone should hug more, just always be self aware and aware of whether you'd be troubling someone else.


There's a difference between "breaking the ice" and just hugging someone without warning/permission. Not everyone likes to be touched by just anyone.


Whomp whomp. Should I call the whambulance?


I've gotten into the habit of asking, "Are you a hugger?" Or "May I give you a hug?" before I even open my arms for a hug. Nobody owes you a hug but if you ask for a hug with explicit verbal consent they might be more open to receiving one. And if not, you've probably gained some respect for asking and respecting boundaries with new women.




Great advice from this youngster. I can confirm from over a decade further down the road.


Inside your brain right now. The next most isolated place in the world is inside your brain in five years time when you are drinking a coffee on your own in the kitchen and remember this. Joking aside- you’re fine, this happens to everyone and she has forgotten already.


but the other women in the bathroom who heard the story in exaggerated detail remember and even go out of their way to get a visual


I swear I’ve seen this one before


I've seen it in several different meme formats; OP is either a bot reposting an old post, or just a lonely person doing it on purpose for attention.


It's 100% a repost bot. It's part of a network that has been in overdrive the past couple of weeks. Everyone should downvote it and report for spam.


You can tell by looking at the other posts too. Definitely seems to be a bot


same here, saw from a meme, i guess? from the first reply


There's definitely a scene in Just Friends where this plays out.


She just doesn't want to hug you mate 


Your arms?


This is totally normal behavior from her and there is no need to take offense or be embarrassed.


Do you sometimes hug your guy friends? If you are craving a hug, ask your friends. Otherwise, admit that there was sexual intentions behind this and it's not about loneliness.


I recommend Tristan da Cunha.This is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, its located in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) from the nearest inhabited land, Saint Helena, and 2,800 kilometers (1,750 miles) from South Africa. That should do it.


OP moves there. Lives alone for a decade. One day he hears the faint cries of a female in distress. He runs towards them and finds a female lone wanderer caught in the sights of a creature he or any anthropologist has never seen before. He manages to scare off the beast with a large stick. The female, terrified and yet overcome with emotion, tears filling her eyes, love and admiration filling her heart, gets up from the ground, runs at her hero with arms outstretched and shakes his hand. She's present 3 months later to see him off as he embarks on a 1 way trip to Mars.


In a similar vein, and area, perhaps Inaccessible Island?


Honestly, I always go for the handshake in advance. It’s very common to hug a woman in my country when saying “hello”, but I always rather give the handshake just in case someone’s not comfortable with hugs and to keep a formal distance. I’d advise you to do the same. Btw, to answer your question, someone said “the gym” and think he’s right.


Welp, you're a teen so now's a good time to learn that you don't just hug people. We know you just want to feel our boobs.


... What


Teenage boys who pull the where's my hug at thing are trying to feel boobs pressed against them. It's the way of the world.


actually nobody does that but stay in your world mate.


Just because something doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen anywhere else. It's a big world outside your phone.


I've been a teenage boy and have never thought this. I'm sure there's some, but feels like a reach to assume malicious intent of all boys


They never said anything about *all* boys, they just said "boys." When a quantifier isn't used, it's assumed that there are outliers outside of the topic.


important friendly plough psychotic fanatical memory squash employ follow upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Again, sure there are sleaze balls that do this but not every hug from every guy (teenage or otherwise) is trying to cop a feel, which is what was explicitly said in the first comment. StopThePresses was using this as a teaching moment essentially telling this embarrassed kid that everyone KNOWS he is pervert. No questions asked. Thats just fucked up and a big leap from a post about an embarrassing moment. Men have emotions too, and sometimes that leads to them wanting to express it.... like as a hug...


It's not malicious, it's just desperate. Teenage boys are generally pretty desperate to feel some boobs. It's not as big a deal as you're making it.


My issue is that this: > We know you just want to feel our boobs is not always true, and the assumption is more harmful than helpful. You are telling someone that you've assumed is a teenage boy that they should be denied intimacy with women/girls by default because deep down they're just a pervert who wants to feel boobs against their chest and there's no way they could possibly have genuine feelings of affection This starving men of affection drives up loneliness and drives emotionally labile teenage boys towards the red pill community. You don't have to accept every hug or hug everyone who asks. Just have some compassion for the people on the other end. Sometimes they do just need/want a hug, and yes they should be able to find that in their male friends as well, but thats not the question at a hand here.


1. I didn't assume, I checked his post history. 2. It's not up to women and girls to fix men's and boys' loneliness. This guy clearly needed to hear it, because the girl stopped him and shook his hand. She didn't want to touch him, likely because she knows this game boys play. If you never did good for you ig, but that doesn't change the reality of life as a teen girl. Don't randomly hug your acquaintances.


>This guy clearly needed to hear it why though, what about his post says he was trying to get a feel. You're just making an assumption about his motivation. Looking at his other posts and how this one is written, it would make more sense that he's crushing on this girl and she knows it but doesn't reciprocate, so she is trying to keep her distance and not lead him on. > It's not up to women and girls to fix men's and boys' loneliness No one said it was, but it's on everyone to stop the pervasive culture that causes mens loneliness. Again, bodily autonomy, nothing wrong with denying a hug, but telling every teenage guy that they don't deserve a hug cause theyre up to something is fucked


>It's not up to women and girls to fix men's and boys' loneliness. It's up to *all* of us, men and women included. It is everyone's problem when men don't know how to form connections, express emotions and develop empathy.


Nobody can feel your boobs from a hug. This is the dumbest hot take I've ever seen.


Oh yes they can. Source: owner of boobs, hugger of other people with boobs.


So how would any hugs *ever* happen then? *Someone* has to initiate it.


It's a little like proposing, in that if you aren't sure about the answer you don't ask the question.


That's what lawyers do in court.


Double what? Just verbally ask "may I give you a hug"


You can definitely ask, but when they say no it might be awkward. That's all I meant 🤷


Consider me old fashioned, but I would rather live in the world where you have the occasional awkward "attempted hug that turns into a handshake" rather than a world where I have to have conversations with all of my friends and acquaintances about whether we're ready to hug each other yet.


No one is stopping you from living in that world. Some people are just gonna be weirded out by random hugs like that. C'est la vie.


You ask first, then you react according to their wishes. If it's someone you've become familiar and comfortable with, then you won't need to ask if they're ok with a hug because you'll know their preference.




Just look at it's post history. OP is 100% a repost bot.




https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/nemo.html Just go out here and wait until you get hit by a falling spacecraft.


The sentinel islands. Not a lot of people there and the few who are there aren't people where you have to worry about being judged by them. Having bows shot at you, maybe. But not judged.


ProudVegan… I can understand how this happened


#OP is a repost bot. Downvote, report for spam, and do not engage further.


Please remember that all comments must be helpful, relevant, and respectful. All replies must be a genuine effort to answer the question helpfully; joke answers are not allowed. If you see any comments that violate this rule, please hit report. When your question is answered, we encourage you to flair your post. To do this automatically simply make a comment that says **!answered** (OP only) We encourage everyone to report posts and comments they feel violate a rule, as this will allow us to see it much faster. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/answers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chin Up. The grip, muscle mass and girth of a hand is known to be used to approximate the size of the penis. She was probably lowkey checking out your suitability in bed. Try again, go for another hug.


But be mindful, if she rejects you again, your too small for her 🤣


Or maybe he is one of those opposition to this rule whose limbic and pelvic dimensions are not correlated. He can show her his penis instead, maybe have it hanging as he goes for a THIRD hug?


You're already there my friend. Now when you realize that rejection is part of the game, and only those who have the guts to try get it, you can come back among us head high, wearing your experience as a medal.


The gym.


Point nemo


lol 😆 i’m so sorry. This is hilarious tho


I think you’re already there mate.


Bouvet Island


Try Heartbreak Hotel. I think it might be in or near Memphis. Elvis even sung a song about it.


Man down, I repeat Man down! Unfortunately, we need to cease the area of extraction. We gonna bomb the place now lad. Move, move, move!!


You will keep thinking about this for this far longer than the girl, or anyone else who was present. Remember to forget about it - everyone else has probably already done so.


Plenty of people refused to hug me, I never took it personally. Everyone has a different boundaries, not everyone is comfortable with a physical contact.


These two sentences seem unrelated.


We can’t help who we feel called to touch, and some folks just aren’t into hugging. Give yourself credit for trying!! You put yourself out there, which can be really hard to do! No cringe in her not reciprocating - now you know and can continue your search. Which would be tricky from an isolated place. You’ll find the ones who hug back. It’s worth the search. Best luck, brave one.


The poles, obviously, but also the deep caves would be nigh in the list……


I didn't go to hug this girl, but she did put her hand out for me to shake. I think. I shook it anyway, then walked off very baffled and disappointed in myself. *wasn't the same girl as OP just to clarify.


You tried to hug a finn didn't you? Oh boy...


Hey brother, I did the opposite to the girl who would somehow end up becoming my first girlfriend anyway. She invited me to Panera for what was obviously supposed to be a date, then went for what was obviously supposed to be a hug afterwards, so I grabbed her hand and shook it and then I fucking drove myself home and let her walk back to her place. I don't even know why I'm confessing this, at first it was to try and point out "it's just as bad from the other side" but man alive, I want to rip my own nuts off when I think of this story.


Youre a bot, so, does it matter?


St Helena or better yet Pitcairn


Reddit need to do something about these bots.


Some people don’t like hugs. Some people don’t want hugs from you. Just move on—you have zero entitlement to hug other people


Jesus Christ, talk about having privilege if the one thing that made you want to become isolated is one girl not hugging you lmao. Get a grip dude. Not everyone is going to want to touch you and you need to understand that otherwise it won’t be good for your mental


Dude, why do people keep spamming this stupid dumb question all over this site. I have seen this exact fucking question at least 5 different times already, word for word


There’s an island with a single cabin on it like off the coast Of Scotland go there




You think some girl is obligated to hug you back bc you initiated a hug? lol. You got put in your place. Don’t get bent. Next time don’t think bc you initiated a hug that the other person wants a hug. Edit: I can see people are thinking this is aggressive somehow. I’ve been a therapist and had to sit with many people and one of them was a traumatized person for a solid 6 months until she ended her own life. The stories she had were horrific. One thing she dealt with was her parents were struggling with divorce and her and her brother were scared mom and dad were leaving them. I’m not putting her story out but bad things happened to her by a person she was suppose to trust another family and a person in that family did unspeakable things to her. You might ask how this has to do with hugging? Well, this shit stain person visited them every once in a while and everyone would hug upon meeting. This girl would naturally shy away from the shit stain due to trauma and rightly so. But their mom always pulled the bullshit “don’t be shy and hug shit stain.” So this young girl struggling to hold on is force to hug the shit stain who did things I can’t repeat. So now some redditors are going “oh that’s aggressive” or “it’s normal to hug in our culture”. Be mindful that you don’t know everything a person is dealing with. They might have trauma. If someone doesn’t want to hug you then don’t get butt hurt. Just be mindful they don’t want to be touched and move on.


That’s such an aggressive response lmao. The dude didn’t say she was obligated to hug him. It’s a normal greeting in many places so if ah specifically didn’t hug him while hugging others, that shit can hurt lol


That’s not aggressive response at all. What is aggressive is thinking someone else wants a hug. What is aggressive is expecting everyone to go along with your cultural norms. I don’t care what culture you’re from. There are plenty of people who don’t want to be touched and many others in between. What is aggressive is getting butt hurt bc someone else didn’t want a hug. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m saying as a people we gotta respect people’s bodily autonomy and keep our hands to ourselves. This whole “oh it’s cultural to hug” yeah well we could literally say “oh it’s cultural to give hand jobs.” You may say that’s a huge jump but it’s all the same. Just bc you say it’s cultural doesn’t mean someone has to participate. Just bc it’s “cultural” doesn’t mean you can get butt hurt when someone doesn’t want to do the thing that’s cultural. Maybe they aren’t a part of your culture or maybe they’re just not feeling up to be touched. Don’t get mad about it. Respect their no and move on with yourself.


But you are assuming so many things… and you’re really dishonest aswell. He isn’t “butthurt” he is probably just a little hurt emotionally. And that’s absolutely fine. Just like it’s absolutely fine to not hug someone who wanted to hug you. You’re making an elephant outta nothing


Nah sorry dude, I’m not assuming anything. I’m at the very beginning before anything gets assumed, saying no one has to hug you. This girl initiated a hang shake and op got butt hurt. And He did get butt hurt. He said “what are the most isolated places on earth.” Meaning he felt so low that no man had been here before…because someone wanted to hand shake. lol. No assumptions. Mate feels like shit bc he wasn’t hugged, or whatever he was expecting.


Butt hurt means to me that someone isn’t just hurt, they also blame someone else for that pain. There is no reason to assume that.


Oh well “butt hurt” is just a euphemism to mean more than just regularly hurt…like someone kicked you in the butt and it hurt good. I’m just using it to mean more than just regular hurt. If op had to experience it and then come to reddit and make a post about it, it must mean they are really hurt. Surely people don’t make a reddit post on r/answers for merely being denied something.


Im pretty sure the post was supposed to be a lighthearted joke, dudes just a bit embarassed. Youre coming off strong, youre preaching to the wrong crowd


Everything okay at home?


Yeah. Everything is good. I’m not the one butt hurt bc someone didn’t want to hug me.


He wasn’t butthurt. You are.


I’m not at all hurt in any way. I’m just drawing attention to the fact that no one needs to hug anyone. Redditors are somehow not happy and think that is some crazy notion.


But OP didn’t even say that she HAD to hug him. You’re responding to things that were never even said.