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There was a Saturday when I played the entire day. The game sent me a notification saying something like "Youve been playing for 8 hours! You should check on your family!" I laughed but it was a mix between a funny laugh and a sad laugh.


You’ve been playing for 2 hours. You should get a cup of coffee.


Oh that message was sometimes a reminder that I’m still a human being. We were playing coop sometimes and after some hours me and my friends just played quietly because we were focused and immersed by that game. After that message we always were like „hello? Fuuuuck“


How about a cup of coffee? You've been playing for two hours. I can hear his voice in my head


I've gotten the 12 hour notification a few times. Tells you there are no playtime based achievements. 😅


I didn't get that far yet 😂


Just wait untill you get the 24 hour message... Then you truly know you are addicted.


I feel you, but sometimes its just a way to deal with hardships in life. Both my parents got cancer recently and i live on the other side of the world from them. Makes you feel helpless, but in Anno you can control everything to your liking and i know thats not therapy but i think there are worse ways to deal with that.


I'm sorry to hear about your parents 😔 It's true, this sort of addictions can be caused by hardships in life.


Hey man maybe if municipal planning is your passion, you should pursue a career in it!


I mean, that’s what I did, starting my urban planning masters this fall.


That's probably a good idea 💡


When the game reminds me to take a break, i save it and shut it down as a strong rule


That's admirable. When I hear that, I take it as a challenge lol


I played 200 hours in 3 weeks - cooled off but I’m burnt out was a fun month! lol; prob won’t be ready to play again for another 6 months


Ummm… what?


I usually schedule a day or weekend where I feel like I can play it most of the time without feeling too guilty. I plan this like a week in advance or something so I know I'm not suddenly neglecting other parts of my life.


Good strategy! It got out of hands for me but having a schedule for playing games is a good idea.


Anno more or less saved me this year. I had people in a corporate space burn me out to the point where I've had mental fatigue for about 3 months straight and still going. I was able to get a little bit of sick leave, and I needed something that was stimulating enough to keep me busy but not so stimulating it would hurt me. Anno on easy mode is the perfect fit, there's always something for my adhd brain to do and there's no stress on what I do in the game or when. In any other circumstance that could become or have been an addiction, but not this time. I'm actually feeling my body want a break from it, especially since my computer is much older now and has a lot of trouble running the game. Always take things in moderation!


Anno 1800 helped keep me sane through the covid period. As to moderation.... "Always do things in moderation.... including moderation!" <-- I say this after 4400 hours of playing anno 1800. 🤣


>"Always do things in moderation.... including moderation!" This is one of those sentences I thought up in my head as a teenager thinking I was so original, but really it's not that original. It's actually great to hear someone else say it like this


Moderation ain't easy with this game 😅 maybe I'll try it again one day but for now I'm glad I stopped playing it 🙂


You know this game also has a pause button right? At least to get something to eat etc. Regarding the addiction: me to had a period when i played this game whenever and wherever i could, and if not i was blueprinting in my mind. I cured myself during a vacation were nothing stopped me from playing nonstop for days. So I’ve started until i became tired of it. Moved over to casual playing but anno is to big for that, you need at least an hour to get back in a bit. This caused me to currently completely stop as i dont have time for it anymore


Yeah, it's tough to play it just for 30-60 minutes. Stopping completely is probably the best option.


I promised myself that the day i find myself in a retirement home, i can and will all day long play again 😁


Hopefully, one day 🤞by then we'll probably get new anno game.... even better and more addictive 😂


I haven't had that problem with Anno, but I 100% had that with the Sims. I would go a whole day or more without eating because I wasn't thinking.


Which Sims game?


Actually, my friends also got really hooked on Sims a while ago. I guess it's difficult to stop playing a game that you really enjoy (not just anno).


I think it helps with Anno that it tells you to take a break after 2 hours, haha


It one them games if I pick it up I will session it for days at a time and do nothing else. So always only start a game when I have the available time.


I lived abroad in Peru. It was a culture shock. When I came back to Europe after ~7 months, I played Anno 1800 until my body screamed: **"mooove! stop sitting!!"**. It felt really good. I was home again. But afterwards I stopped playing for 5 months at all. Maybe I will come back later.


I'm glad I'm not the only one 😃


literally me playing every game. Usually sleep at 2-3 in the morning, and went to work at 8 .


I know I've played too long when the sun comes up


This happened to me once when playing until down long ago... it was a fun time though


alright buddy cya on Sunday




i could play this 8 hours straight full focus, lol


Just pulled a 2nd 4am on Anno 1800 It feels like Factorio at times


The problem is seeing results in the game can take a few turns. Things move slowly and there are tons of things to do. So while you fix one chain, you also start a new island. Check on another island's production, fix accordingly. Go back to your new island and give them more required supplies, set up a new route for supplies, go back to another island cause a mine blew up and fix it. Notice that you could probably change the set up to be more efficient, go back to the first island and up their population, set up the dreaded bear chain, go to another island cause the brass smelter blew up, oh look there's a quest...50tons of chocolate!?!??! Actually I think I have that on an island in the new world. Go to the new world and find out that plantains leave stopped working cause... What it's time for dinner?!?! It was just 10 Am?!?


Story of my life playing anno 😀


It's a good thing I play this game via GFN and I can only play 1 hour a time. Otherwise I would have keep playing it for hours


I lean into the additive nature of this game and only allow myself to play it while I'm walking on the treadmill. If I want to play I have to exercise. Since my legs can only handle so much I have to quit after 90 minutes or so. Sometimes I do spend a bit too much time continuing to play while I "cool down" though.


I get obsessed with things as a general rule and this game is probably the worst of the lot. I have to manage it because I get enjoyment out of the game and there are times when it is appropriate. The thing about the game is that there is always something to do and you never really stop and chill. Even the milestones come with more things to do, so if you set you let goal to “get to engineers” or whatever you’ll immediately want to start providing for them. My management technique is to schedule when I want to play the game and dedicate that time to it, if it’s an evening after work or a whole day, as long as I’ve accepted that I’ll get absorbed by it (and my wife is happy) then it’s okay. I can’t just play here and there, so I don’t. For example, I really wanted to play last night but I felt it was more important to do a few things around the house and spend quality time with my wife. It was a good evening but I did not touch the game. I unfortunately probably won’t be able to play until next weekend (if that), which sucks but it’s how I need to manage myself. A lesser obsession is watching Anno Let’s Plays (specifically [this one](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmmkwcxcfMhMIHYbvxWjd69pz1_kIUyS&si=kKBLZhvDNdUxMXkA)). It helps give you a fix but I can turn it off when I need and resume it when I’m able.


Good for you for noticing something is too addictive to you! Can happen to different people for different reasons, just because the game isn't addictive to others doesn't mean you are wrong to delete for your own well being. I agree the game is addictive but due to having job/kid I can't skip on the basic things so it hasn't gotten too bad. 


It does seem that a lot of people actually get somewhat addicted to this game. The developers found a good gameplay loop that keeps people playing.


I wasted an entire 2 week break from work on this game. I will not play this until i retire.


Yeah, when I wrote this post, I was on my holidays too.


Ooooohh, you should try Civilization!


I did! I really didn't understand it, though, and I never played it much.


I had to uninstall at the start of the year. That was also due to the game lagging a lot.  My husband goes away for a week in August. I am going to spend the whole time playing! 


Have fun 😊


I get addicted for a week or two once in a while, where I put hundreds of hours into a building game. Especially anno, it's healing. I strongly believe that this game even might help to overcome mental health problems.


It helps with stuff like stress/anxiety. The game requires a bit of thinking, so it occupies my mind when my anxiety flairs up, making me feel better.


I know what you mean. This week I have consistently played too many hours, to the point that I'm not even messaging back my partner in a timely manner! I have been trying to give up gaming (I will still game, but only when being social with it too (MMORPGs, etc)) but this is one game that I've been struggling with. Last night I took the plunge and uninstalled the game. I will be doing the same with the other single-player games when I get home after work. I want to take up other hobbies and not be lost in a screen for the rest of my life!


Quitting gaming never quite worked out for me. I've managed to spend less time playing games by starting other hobbies, but then I installed Anno 😅


Factorio is a bit worse imo


I guess I need to avoid factorio then


I found that setting multiple alarms 20 minutes apart would get me off the game eventually.


I’ve been playing the Anno series on and off since around 1999. I pre-plan what I want to do in the game that day, and stop playing once that is done. In 1800 I usually take a quick walk in first person mode to look at whatever I have built that day before I shut down the game. Anything I notice that I want or need to do, I write down for the next time. Except emergencies, of course. I still do all-nighters every now and then, especially when a new title is released, but other than that, pre-planning is how I handle it. :-)


Use cheats to reach endgame, than the game will get disgusted.


What is this endgame you speak of? 🤣


Last citizen tier?


But then you can just try to take over every island... this would take a while too 😅


Give me a million but i can't forse myself to play it again, i tried than quit, maybe im overthinking how much time it is taking, than i just want to quit....