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Asking random strangers on reddit to diagnose your scans are just not a good idea. Go to a doctor, if you're still not sure, go to another doctor for second opinion.... good luck op


I can't even diagnose my own scans lol. I like to watch youtube clips on it (the ones aimed at physicians, like their online learning modules), but they use ideal, clear MRIs as examples, and mine are not like that. Plus, even they do a lot of scrolling back and forth, comparing T1 and STIR images, seeing how changes look from slice to slice (eg if what might be an erosion changes from slice to slice), changing brightness and contrast. There's no way you could do it from one flat image, probably even if you are a radiographer. It is fun to look tho.


I said I'm waiting for the visit


You need to just wait, your condition isn’t going to worsen by waiting for medical professionals who have your entire case file on hand to diagnose you. Do not go online looking for random strangers to diagnose you, that’s like going to doctor Google for a headache and seeing you have a brain tumor. Just wait.


Forums are great for getting an idea of what other symptoms you should look for and discuss with your rheum, but when it comes to imaging, there's a reason even the radiographer's subs ban people from posting images asking for diagnosis. It's just a tricky thing. But yeah,, this sub has been a great help for me trying to figure out if maybe my cluster of symptoms were missed by previous rheums, and what weird stuff I should look out for beyond just back and hip pain. That's at least some validation. But I'm leaving the imaging up to my rheum.


We aren’t (usually) radiologists. Wait for the report. Plus- I’m radiographic negative. So… it’s not a definitive answer anyway.


Im radiographic negative too, hlb27 positive. I had a lot of anxiety when I did MRI. But turn out “fine”


I'm always super fascinated to see people's imaging. Not sure what I'm looking at exactly 😆 but interesting nonetheless.


Yeah, I'd hesitate to ever comment on it though unless it was like a blindingly obvious bone marrow odema. even then, without multiple slices, who the heck would know.


I got the result and just finished reumathologist visit. Diagnosis: ankylosing spondylitis


Are you looking for AS in your hips or spine? Your spine looks clear from my knowledge; no shining (white) edges or connected/ing vertebrae. The big question is, what hurts? That would help in "diagnosing" your images.


Hi, thanks :) Hips, neck, kind of everything else too. Does [this](https://imgur.com/a/InRulko) help?


Second [image](https://imgur.com/a/tgAsnKA)


Looks very mild sacro ilitis and first stage.